Flesherton Advance, 27 May 1936, p. 5

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THE FtESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 27, 1936 * » -*"iil 3- .^i^ is:* m * * I .'I » «, •• » ♦ â- â€¢Â» ~* • » ':;4 '',V LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS PRICEVILLE CENTRE LINE We are soi-ry to report the illness of Mr. John McNevin, who was taken to Markdale Hospital recently. iMr. Gilbert Little lost one of his horses one night last week. The animal dropped dead during the night. Mrs. Florence Lyons visited with her sister, Mrs. Simmons of Drayton on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. Bert Morton who was married on Saturday to Miss Hilda Gordon of Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ei-win and Dor- othy of Toronto and Mrs. Margaret Little motored up on Saturday, Mrs. Little who has spent the winter in Toronto intends staying at her home here for the summer. Miss Gertrude Little attended a FEVERSHAM CEYLON s Miss Dorothy Robinson of Toronto spent the week end and holiday at her parental home here. Mr. Thomas Perigo and son Ken and Mr. and Mrs. Ross> Perigo, Toron- to were week end visitors with the former's sister, Mrs. H. Alexander, here. Dr. and Mrs. Dunsmore, Mr. Bi-uce Colquette, Mr. and Mrs. Eu- gene Colquette of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette, Alan and Betty Colquette of Owen Sound were visitors at the former's parental homes here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Forsythe and children spent the week end and hol- music recital at the home of her iday with Mr. and Mrs. Eby here. teacher. Miss Ha Fell, near Dundalk on Saturday night. We were pleased to see Mrs. Lewis Sheardown home and able to be at church on Sunday. Miss Eveyln Little spent Sunday at her home here, Evelyn has been suf- fering with .sore eyes for the last two â- weeks, we hope they will soon be al- right again. Miss Jack Thompson, south line, has been quite sick lately, and Master Robbie has been ill with pleurisy. He has been out of school for the last two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Humphrey of Norwood are spending a few days With her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Russell and Other friends in this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey were married on Wed- nesday. Miss Florence Tuohy has gone to her home in Meaford for some time. Delbert Magee spent Sunday with Garfield Lyons. ROCK MILLS Miss Loreen English visited over the week end and holiday with rela- tives at Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Newell and fam- ily of Durham were holiday visitors with the former's, brother, Mr. Chas Newwell. Mr. Chas. Wilkinson of Duncan vis- ited recently at the home of his sister Mrs. E. Russell. Mr. D. E. Ritchie spent the week end in Toronto The Baptist Ladies aid held their May meeting at the home of Mrs Thos. Fisher. Flesherton, Wednesday afternoon of lost week. Mrs. Badgerow .spent with her daughter a few days r, u „ - --" '^'â- s- Stanley Campbell and Mrs. C. Boyce of En- te'ftia. Mrs. Thos. iMisses Edith Chas. Newell Betts and daughters, and Mabel and Mrs. attended the grand mothers meeting of the Eugenia W. A. on Thursday afternoon of last week and enjoyed the fine program put on by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft and Glen visited over the holiday with rela- 1^ ** Hamilton and Bartonville. Mr. and Mrs. Melville McMaster of Toronto were visitors over the holidav with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Biddlecolme and daughters of Woodstock were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hewgill and fam- ily of TSiornbury spent the holiday with Mrs. Hewgill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Short here . Mr. Robt. Burk, Mr. E. Hamlin, Mrs. William Hamlin and Mrs. Gillespie of Toronto were visitors with the form- er's brother, Mr. George Burk here^ over the week end. Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owen Sound visited with her sister, Mrs. George Burke here on Saturday. Mrs. M. Nicholl visited friends in Toronto recently. A goodly number of people assem- led here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kerton extending sympathy to them in the loss of their baby, who passed away after a short illness, on Wednesday at the G. and M. hospital, Collingwood. The funeral went to .Maxwell cemetery, where the babe was laid beside its twin, who passed away some few months ago, the baby was 7 months old. Mrs. M. Nicholl spent a day with friends in Dundalk last week. Mrs. Springgay and daughters, Doris and Shiriey, Mrs. Harold Os- borne and Donno, and Mr. Russell Hawton were visitors over the week end with friends in Hamilton and St. Catherines. The Rev. Mr. Wilson, evangelist of Kings.ton will hold revival services in the Gospel Walker's church here com- mencing next Sunday and continuing through the following' week. Evan- galist Wilson has been here before and wa.s well received. The Fevorsham Y.P.S. held theii last meeting for the summer months Wednesday, May 13, and were visited by Eugenia, Hatherton and Providence societies. The Eugenia group put /on the program with Rev. Mr. Bu.sh- ell acting as their president. Mrs. Thus. Martin, Missionary convenor, took chay.e of the interesting discus- sion period, which was followed by a couple of readings and some singinjg, after this the Feversham society pro- vided a social hour of contests and served lunch. We are indeed grateful to the visiting societies, who helped make our evening an en.ioyable one also to the Eugenia people, who so ably presented a splendid program. The Governar General missed the Woodbine races this year, and a good many other folks who guessed wrong as to the results will probably wish they had too. Magistrate: "What did the defend- ant look like when you arrested him?" Constable: "Well, sir, he had a sort of a pinched look." SALT The time TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1936 :;; ,THE PLACE FLESHERTON STATION Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson of Brigh- ton spent the holiday wth Mr. and Mra. John Gibson. Mrs. J. B. Cummins of Oshawa ac- companied by her mother, Mrs. Mac- Donald, visited friends here. The latter will remain for the summer months. Miss Agnes Masphail, M.P. was home for several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hodgson of Grand Valley spent the holiday with their cousin, Mrs. Anna McMillan. Callers over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod were, Mrs. P. Thibaudeau, Gordon and Edna, and Snowden McLeod all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacDonald of Weston, Mr. Jackson Stewart of Lauriston, Mr. and Mrs. John Thibaudeau of Mark- dale. Mr. George Melrose, Miss Martha Fuller of Toronto, and Mr. Bill Fuller and friends of Cookstown called on friends on Sunday. Mr. Stan Hunt of Toronto visited at his home here over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair and son Donald, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Cairns and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Collinson and family were in Owen Sound on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. MacDonald, Miss Isabel MacDonald and Miss Bessie Cairns of Weston spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown and babe, Mr. and Mrs. Stan White and daughter Edna, visited with their mother, Mrs. W. White. Mr. Tom Fletcher is visiting around Ceylon. Mrs. Duncan Muir of Port Arthur is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mac- Fadden. Miss Catherine Cairns of .Toronto spent the week end at her home here. Mrs. H. M. Coleman of Owen Sound f is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Collinson. Mrs. Fred Marshall "spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. Laverne Piper left on Monday to assume his new duties at Mark- dale. Mr. Gordon Stuart visited at Brace- bridge last week. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart wei-e: Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, Miss Irene Stewart of Toronto and Mr. Jackson Stewart of Lauriston. Mrs. P. Thibaudeau, son Gordon and (laughter. Edna, were callers on Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart over the hol- iday. At the regular meeting of Carnation L.O.B.A . 54.5, the Past Mistress' Jew- ol was presented to Mrs. W. Turney in recognition of her sei'vices as Worthy Mistress of the lodge for two years. Miii. Turney thanked the members for their expression of appreciation. The presentation was made by Mrs. T. J. Fisher, who was the last member to receive the Jewel. The Women's Institute held their May meeting and election of officers at Mrs. Geo. Snell's, Thursday even- ing. T^ie meeting was opened in form by the president, Mrs. Snell. The Roll Call was answered by "How I met my husband." The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report for the year's work was very gratifying. It was decided to hold a social even- ing at Mrs. Snell's at which the draw would be made for the quilt. Mrs. Sinclair presided for the el- ection of officers which resulted as follows. Pres. â€" Miss Dora Stewart. Vice Pres. â€" Mi-s. A. Sinclair. Sec. â€" Mrs. J. F. Collinson: Treas. â€" Mrs. Geo. Mathewson. Auditors â€" Mrs. F. Cairns Mrs, A. Sinclair. The funeral of the late Mr. John Williamson, well and favourably known throughout the community, was held on Thursday, when a large turn out of son-owing neighbors and loving friends gathered together to pay the last tribute of respect. The sei-vice was held in her residence, by the Rev. J. W. Johnston and at the graveside. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blake- ston, brother-in-law, of Stratford Mi-s. Mary Williamson of N. Y. State and other relatives were in at- tendance from a distance. Mrs. J. C. Harrison lately from the hospital in Durham, is successfully recovering, we are glad to state, and able to superintend gardening opera- tions. The Rev. Mr. Wright of Walters Falls, of a pleasant and sociable na- ture, took the service here on Sunday, a large congregation was in attend- ance. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDougall and little boy. Lyle, of Holstein, visited her parents here Sunday, and took Mrs. Ramage home with them for a brief visit. Messrs. Allan A. McLean and bro- ther, Innis, leave this Wednesday for Victoria B. C. on a visit to their many relatives there, and on the way. A pleasant trip and happy reunion is wished for them. Mr. Alex. McLean, teacher in man- ual training, Toronto, journeyed up north to have a look over the sum- mer school surroundings, preparatory to engaging during the summer months in his profession there. .Mi-s. John McFarlane accompanied him there for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McLean: Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Shantz and little daughter, Ann Lynne. after .spending his hvo weeks holidays with her parents, returned to Toronto this Monday. Miss .Alma McLean, nurse at Mim- ico Hospital, paid a visit to her moth- er and three brothers here on Empire (lay. returning the next. Rev. Mr. McLaughlin of Woodford is annocnced for May .31st at the ser- vices in St. Colutnba United church. Mr. Gorrie McTaggart of Toronto is now having his holiday here among his friends, and is looking well. Mi-s. Bessie Ritchie was hostess t. St. Columba W. M. S. and W. A. at their May meeting, last Wednesday li.m. Mrs. .Johnston presided and led in the worship service. Mrs. MacKin- non gave a talk on Temperance, from a social standpoint. Miss L. Mather read a letter from our missionary. Miss K. Rutherford. Reports of the animal meeting of Grey Presbyterial W. M. S. were given. Mrs. A. Muir took charge of the study period on "Tie New Africa," and included read- ings by several ladies. Plans for preparing the missionary bale were made. Miss Edith .James led in dis- cussing future activities for the W. A. Tea was served and a social time was ' spent. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Meads. Beginning next Sunday. May 31st,! St. Columba Sunday School will meet at 10 a.m. for the summer months. Pricevillp Police Ti-ustees have pass- ed a By-Law prohibiting all meat ped- lars selling meat in the village of Priceville without a license. MAXWELL On Sunday evening. Rev. Mr. Bush- ell pi-eached a very approprate ser- mon, as it was the 24th of May, he took for his subject, "Queens." Miss Mary Findley of Toronto spent the week end with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. McAi-thur. Miss Meidie Buckingham is hom« for the summer vacation from College of Education, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald and daughter of Toronto spent the week end with -Mrs. MacDonald's aunt, Mrs. Henry Wright. Sony to report Mrs. E. Bucking- ham aick with the flu. Mr. and Mi-s. Andrew Moi-rison and family of new Toronto were week end visitors in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. D. Woods of Stratford spent the week end with Mrs. Fred Spofford and Tollie. Mr. and .Mre. John Pallister of Claremont and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Brown and daughter Eileen of Toron- to visited on Sunday with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Binnington and cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and family. MissMary Findlay spent the week end with her pai-ents here. Mr. and Mra. Lome Atkinson of Rock Mills called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Binnington one evening last week. The Maxwell base ball team will play Mclntyre on Tuesday evening. Singhampton will play at Maxwell on Thursday evening. Mr. Ed. Binnington lost a very valuable cow on Monday of this week dying from inflammation of the bowels. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their many kind ex- pressions of sympathy in the death of our husband and father, John William- son. â€" Mrs. Williamson and family SWINTON PARK (Intended for Last Week) Again the weather is warm and looking like rain, which would revive all outside after the frost of last week. Lots of noise in the Park this Mon- day morning. Flood's are buzzing wood, Delbert Haw with tractor, tear- ing up the earth at six o'clock this morning on the Campbell farm, Jim Hardy digging post holes, J. Aldcom turning the washing machine, and above all this racket, we distinctly hear wedding bells, south and west of us. When Walter Black got married on the second of May, he started something that may need looking into, as it is early in leap year yet, should the young ladies be too persistent. Oswald Dingwall, teacher in the Park has his car along this week, so he can call on someone in the evening. Next Sunday, Rev. Wm. Mcintosh of Dundalk will conduct ser\'ices in Swinton Park at 3 p.m. Very sad was the message received by Mrs. George Black last week, tell- ing of the death of her sister, Sarah, wife of the late Thomas Ferris at Ox- bow, Saskatchewan, who died on May 4th in her 75th year. Mrs. Ferris was Sarah Haw, youngest daughter of the late William Haw of Swinton Park and sister of Mrs. Black, .Albert, John and George Haw of Swinton Park. A few of the old Folk will recall many happy hours spent in the company of Sally Haw at school, in girlhood, and in early married life. She was a great lover of all outside, birds and animals, always cheerful and kindly. About 35 years ago the family went west to Saskatchewan. Fount," followed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. John Nichol then presided over the W. H. meeting, after singing prayer and repeating the creed, Mrs. John Nichol gave a splendid reading on Mother's Day. Mrs. J. A. Nichol also had the topic on Mother's Day, both readings were thoroughly en- joyed, Mrs. Donald Campbell put on a contest and the prizes won were: Miss Mary McEachern and Mrs. W. J. Hincks. It was decided to have a congregational picnic on June 23rd in Mr. Colin MoLean's bush. .A delightful lunch was served by Miss. -May Stewart and Mrs. W. J. Hincks The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs D. Campbell. Mrs. Ray McLean and little daugh- ter have returned home from Flesher- ton, I The present school term in j tario will close on June 26th year. On- this Miss Agnes Macphail's selection of the ten handsomest members of the House of Commons wasn't restric- ed to any one party. 'Hie same would probably hold true if intelligence were used as the measuring stick. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. Stanley Smith of Feversham has started to truck logs for the Dur- ham Furniture Co. to Rock Mills. Mr. Arthur Idle spent the holiday at Clarksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith and Miss Jean Smith of Toronto were callers on Sunday at J. H. Thompson's. Mr. Cripps of .Acton was a visitor with his sister, Mrs. Morris Welsh last week. Congratulations to Miss Hilda Gor- don of 12th line and Mr. Bert Morton of Portlaw who were married last week. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Chard and Mabel Were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc.Mullen and family. Miss Beniice Harbottle of Flesher- ton spent the holiday with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. W'ln. Harbottle. Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson and Mr. Thompson .Allen visited the last of the week with the latter's sister-in- law, Mrs. Wm. .Allen at Sunnidale, who is critically ill. Mr. E. McCuHoch, Mrs. Ida Cam- eron of Toronto. Mrs. B. Walters of Ravenna. Mr. and Mrs. McCulloch and family of Maxwell were holiday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc- Culloch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellis of Kim- berley were Sunday visitors with the latiter's parentis. Mr. and Mrs. S. Smart. and TORONTO LINE NORTH THE PRICE _: â-  :- Bring your own bags and buy: ' : Fine Bulk Salt at per. cwl 50c -< > "< ; White Blocks at each 30c ., . .','> Iodized Blocks at each 40c '. '> Fine Dairy Salt 50 lb. bags at each 40c Fine Salt in Barrels per barrel $1.85 Terms Cash of Course Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON Miss .Annie Richardson is visiting her brother, Robt. Richardson. Mr. Wm. Abercrombie of Barrie spent two weeks with his niece, Mrs. R. Richardson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell and two children of Dixie and Mrs. Wm. Jackson of New 1\)ronto spent the holiday with their uncle, Robt. Rich- ardson and family. Mrs. Robt. Richardson entertained on Tuesday evening in honor of her uncle, Mr. Wm. Abercrombie's eighty- third birthday. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Stewart were: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Perigoe, Mr. T. B. Perigee and son Kenneth. Mr. Ray Perigoe and Miss Elsie Alton and Mr. Delbert Per- ieoe of Toronto and Miss Mitchell of Miss Muriel Spicer and friend. Miss Lottie Whittaker of Toronto and Jack Whittaker, Dundalk, were week end visitors at Mrs. Spicer's. .VI r. Dave Hincks enjoyed a motor trip to Oshawa Friday and brought home a new Chevrolet car. Mr. Wm. McLeod also purchased a new Chev- rolet. Mrs. Wm. Burnett returned home from Hamilton feeling much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Dannie McLean, Mr and Mrs. Hector Ibbitson of Toronto, spent the week end at Mrs. .Archie McLean's. Miss Jean McLean and fi-iend ot Toronto, Mr. Gilvray McLean and friend of Kitchener and Tiverton, spent the week end at Mr. Hector McLean's. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McFarlane of Toronto spent the week end at. Mr Colin McLean's. Miss Sadie Oliver returned home after spending the winter months in Toronto. Miss Delia McPhail of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Brady Irwin and Mrs. Mc Meekin. Rev. Wm. Mcintosh occupied the pulpit Sunday in St. Andrew's church and Rev. N. McDonald preached in Dundalk. Mrs. Ed. Everist returned from To- ronto after spending the winter there. The W. M. S. and W. H. meeting was held Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. Henry Tucker with an attend ance of 21 ladies. Mrs. Sutherland Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Par^o and family of jTn'esided after the usual ooening ex- Toronto were holiday visitors with y['\ nnd Mrs. F. Mathewson. Mr, Ray Woods and familv of 'V'l.lffifil,^ visitad on Sunday at Mrs. T. T (»ver*s. ercises. Miss Mary McEachern gave â- in interesting reading, al.so, Mrs. '^oyce gave a reading. Considerable business was transacted and the meet- â- 'ig closed with hymn "Como thou SPECIAL NOTICE Ym ean now buy THE BEST BRANDS OF PREPARED HOUSE FAINT 75 per qallon Why take a chance on paint of doubtful quality when you can now obtain the undernoted top quality brands of white lead paint at this popular figure? Insist upon one of these famous time-tested brands for all your exterior painting. Any one of them will assure you a job of outstanding beauty, long paint life and economy front first to last. There is a store in your vicinity that can supply you. SherwinWuliams CANADA PAINT MARTIN-SENOUR .. i^ii^aii3A.,'it .A^^^M^id«^^

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