o l-l HANDS SWOLLEN WITH RHEUMATISM Wishes She Had Taken Kruschen Earlier If only she had taken Kruschen fchii at first, this woman might have â- Bved many dollars, and avoided W»eki of •uffering. She writes: â€" "I suffered greatly from rheuma- ttem for nearly 12 months. My kanda were' mollen, and I could not do my own work or get up the stairs without acute pain. I tried almost ev- •rythingr I was t«ld. At last 1 de- tloed to try Kruschen. 1 have used two bottles, and 1 am pleased to tell you I am now keWer, thanks to Kru- â- ^ten Salts. I shal never De without Ik, now 1 know its value. If I had taken it before, I am sure 1 should jMkve saved a lot of money." â€" (Mrs) I.B. A good deal of rheumatic pain and •welling is caused by too much uric Mid in the body. Two of the in- gradients of Kruschen Salts are 9«rticularly useful in dissolving ex- Mss uric acid deposits. Other in- rdients of these Salts assist Nature wash out these dissolved deposits through the natural channel-i. Saved by Paint â-² farm building put up In the ord- taary way with siding and left un- tainted win last about 20 years, but Ik* same building painted every five yaars will last about 60 years. In the •aae of the unpalnted building It the tfdlng Is replaced at the end of 20 TMrs the cost would be about the â- ame as it would have been to paint It every five years. This la not the wbole story, however, as the unpalnt- •d building at the end of 20 years will kave only about 15 per cent of its or- iginal value, whereas the painted Iwllding at the end of 50 years will kaTe about JO per cent of Its original value. This makes no allowance for tka great advantage of good appear- ance. "CURIOUS* Americans are curious people. ttey talk about starting an anti- ••Ise campaign just when a Presi- dential election is coming on. ALMOST CRIPPLED with KIDNEY TROUB LE Alsosleeplessness' constipation, liver complaint, and dizzy headaches. FRUIT-A-TIVES brought relief in very short time. Says Mrs. A. Aubry, Montreal, â€" "I ma troubled for years with liver •omplaint and dizzy headaches. I was constipated and almost crippled with kidney trouble. After taking Fruit-a- ttves for a very short time my health BTtatly improved. I highly recommend rniit-a-tives to anyone suffering as I did.',' Fruit-a-tives are the discovery of • famous Canadian doctor. They con- tain extracts of fruits and herbs. They dcanse all the elimination organs and tbeir tonic effects help bring new energy. UVE STOCK MARKETING â- hipping on the co-operative Plan has keen produotlv* of splendid results. â- •Ulnr on th« open market meani real Value for the owners. Get In touch with Writ*â€" Wireâ€" or Telepliont l^TBdhont 1143 THB VVXTZD FJ.B1CEXS' •o-OPsmATira coacpAinr, umites LITE STOCK COMMISSION PEPT. Valon Btoek Tsrdi, Wast Toronto financial; This service, giving th» latest re- ports on mining activities. Is appear- •Ing weekly In this paper. Little Long Lac Dlrectora of Little Long Lac Gold Mines have declared a dividend of lU cents per share, payable June 25th to shareholders of record June 10th. The ifsbursment, the second made by the company, will Involve a total ot J183,- 300 on the outstanding shares. While minor increases have been made in the mill at Little Long Lac Gold Mines, President Joseph Erring- ton told shareholders at the annual meeting that no decision (or a major Increase will be made until the para- llel zones and lower levels have been explored- Slashing on th« 1000-ft. le- vel showed coarse gold with muck samples returning 8.24 ozs. gold per toa Mine Manaker A. A. Barton stat- ed that the two lower levels looked better than any other two cut so tar. Drifting has not yet started here. Kirkland Lake Gold â€" Crozell Kirkland Kirkland Lake Gold Mining Co, has made an offer to purchase the Grozell Kirkland Gold Mines Ltd., on a ihare exchange basis. It Is propos- ed to exchange one share ot Kirkland Lake Gold Mining for each 10 shares of Grozell Kirkland. The latter com- pany's property adjoins Kirkland Lake on the south and development on the ground -was discontinued a few years ago following disappointing results from exploration. Should the offer of Kirkland Lake Gold Mining be accepted, exploration of the property will be resumed. Kirk- land Lake already owns a substantial share Interest in Grozell Kirkland- Hudson Bay Mining Directors of Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co., have declared a divi- dend ot 50 cents per share, payable in Canadian funds June 29th to the shareholders of record May 29th. Last year the company Inaugurated dividends with a 50 cent payment ha- ving been disbursed on August 31st, and a similar amount paid on Decem- ber 16th. Gunnar Gold Mines Current Indications are that ore at Gunnar Gold Mines will continue at depth, James Houstdh, Mine man- ager Informed shareholders at the recent annual meeting. A shearing approximately 30 feet wide had cut the shaft just above the 1,000-ft. le- vsl. On the hanging wall side quartz occurs over widths of 6 to 18 Inches, Is well mineralized with visible gold In many places. Samples have run from $17 to $37 per ton, he stated. On May ISth the company repaid $50- 000 of the $250,000 loan negotiated in December, 1935. Remaining payments are not due until 1937 and 19J8. Dir- ectors were re-elected. Lancour Mines Ltd. Louts Whitman, M.E , consulting engineer of Lancour Mines Ltd., ac- companied by Mr. Holbrooke, geolo- gist ot Sylvanlte Gold Mines, Is at present visiting the property adjoin- ing Pamour Porcupine Mines on the south where an inspection and check New Seed Potato Certified WARBA The new Warba potato Is without a doubt, the finest orlilnatlon of a century In the early potato class. It has been tried In many parts of United States and Canada and »U results have shown that It Is fully two weeks ahead and more productive than the well known early variety Irish Cobbler. Its shape Is roundish skin and flesh white, eyea about the same depth as those of the Cobbler variety, but pinkish In color. It oooka well. Is delicious and keeps very welL Our trial at Maodonold College last Summer, has con- vinced us that It will soon be the leading early variety of potato for our northern climate. While our stock lasts: s lbs 9 .76 10 n "0 30 Ita. 3.00 60 lbs *-80 100 lbs e-00 r. o. a. â- tm* 193« seed catalogue, the best ever put up In North America, free on request W. H. PERRON A CO., LIMITED Seedsmen and Nurserymen St. Lawrence Blvd., Montreal on results obtained in diamond dril- ling Is taking place. The company Is at present carrying ol an extensive programme of diamond drilling from which Interesting resultp have been secured. Nos. 1 and 2 holes are now complete, with hole No. 3 now being drilled. L. B. United Mines As a result of the imensive re- search work which has been carried out in connection with ore and con- centrates from the Centennial Mine, L. B. United Mines, Ltd., has reached the point where the complete process can now he carried out at the mine itself. The refinery addition to the mill has been completed and actual refinery production has been started. Mill progress reports show 1129 lbs ot Jig concentrates produced, along with 1,083 pounds of Blanket, 4,120 pounds of Flotation and 5,250 pounds ot Plat-O Table concentrates- Cuniptau Mines The greater part ot the new equip- ment has been delivered at the Tem- egaml property of Cuniptau Mines Ltd., and Is now being Installed, ac- cording to Northern reports. The buildings are being closed In with ma- chine foundations completed awaiting delivery of the balance of the equip- ment which Is now in transit to the property. The plant is scheduled to be In op- eration in June at an initial capacity ot 60 tons per day. Central Gold Mines A renewed campaign ot develop- ment Is planned for the Central Gold Mines property In Dasserat Township Quebec, which has recently been re- vived and arrangements have been completed to carry on extensive work. A crew of men have been engaged and are now on their way into the property to resume operations includ- ing dewatering of the shaft which was sunk on No. 3 vein in former opera- tions. It is understood that the com- pany plans to carry on diamond dril- ling to thoroughly explore the veins previously opened up. Central Gold Mines Is capitalized at S.OOO.OOU shares, and of the 1,600,000 shares Is- sued .approximately 900.000 are held in pool until November 1937. Golden Gate Mining Co. Golden Gate Mining Company has a crew of 8 men presently employed on the property located IV2 miles west ot Macassa Mines in the Kirkland Lake area opening up the workings and tuning up the mining plant in readi- ness for renewed development work. In addition the company has a crew engaged In surface exploration and al- ready a new vein carrying consider- able free gold has been opened up, ac- cording to S. A. Pain, M.E, In charge of operations. The mining plant will shortly be working at capacity. From the recent private offering which was oversubscribed officials of the company state that the treasury is amply financed to proceed with an aggressive development program. Duparquet Mining Co. Directors of Dubarquet Mining Co, have approved the sale of the com- pany's property In Duparquet Town- ship, Quebec, to Dumlco Gold Corp- oration tor 1,500,000 shares of the lat- ters stock. Shareholders approval will be asked at a special meeting to he held on May 27th next. Dumlco. It Is stated, has under consideration sev- eral offers to finance development of the property to production. Tel. Laae. 4191. Nugold Mining Corp. According to an official report Is- sued by Nugold Mining Corporation on the return ot the vice-president and general-manager from thg Blockhouse- Dome Mine In Nova Scotia, Increased depth operations havr- commenced with additional machine men having been engaged. The programme of de relopment for the next two months calls for sinking the main shaft to a Designed Sales Books for Cash and Charge Sales • The New "Burt*' Sales Book • Improved Non-smudge Carbon. • Improved Paper. • Improved Quality Throughout. Manufactured by the Originators of Sales Books For Price* and Complete Particulars Phone the Office of TliU Newspaper or Write The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto depth of 275 feet, drifting on upper le- vels and diamond drilling. Nugold controls four properties, in Porcupine, Nova Scotia, Tashota and .Vatachewan areas. Roche Lon^ Lac Roche Long Lac Mines, Ltd, has espatched a diamond-drill crew to lis property east of Okleud Mines In the Little Long Lac area to commence work. The company also owns a group ot claims west of Hard Rock and the MacLeod-Cockshutt devetopments. A surface programme is also scheduled to start on the company's holdings In the Horwood Lake area, Ample fin- ances are available for the summer's work. Afton Mines Official announcement is made that Afton Mines plans to fo'iii a new con- pany, In which It will hold an S5 ler cent Interest to devalop its Salcido River claims In the Little Long Lac area. In earlier work on the claims four veins were exposed on which some diamond drilling was dr,ne last Fall. The No 1 vein has beea traced for 700 feet. The No. 2 vein lies about 200 feet east of the No. 1. Th»> No. 4 vein was traced for 60 feet before the work on the property was stiut down for the winter. A 200 pound sample taken from the surface ot the ore showings to a depth of b;;: to nine inches ran .4 ozs- per ton. Afton plans to put down some deep drill holes and thoroughly explore the property at depth. Skookum Gold Mines Following the recommendation ot P. M. Passow, M.E., work on the pro- perty ot Skookum Gold Mines adjoin- ing Red Lake Gold Shore in the Red Lake area is being concentrated on Nos. 1 and 3 veins, according to of- tlcials. J. Smith, field manager, tn a wire to local officials reports that the No. 1 vein has been picked up across the lake with free gold in evidence. This'ls about 1,000 feet, from the one point where previous work was done on the vein, extending the length for 1,350 feet. No. 1 vein has been strip- ped and trenched for over 350 feet, with two pits sunk on the vein show- ing well mineralized rock- '==^::iX . yone 6Aa/nteeh^ CIGARETTE PAPERS ^Doyeir AliTOMATIC BOOKLET Ymir Yankee Girl Gold Mines Ymir Yankee Girl Gold Mines has completed plans for the resumption of sinking of the winze to the 1,500-ft. level and work will commence imme- diately the seasonable flow of water underground decreases sufficiently, according to officials. Underground development at the property Is report- ed to be progressing satisfactorily with latest figures showing broken ore reserves estimated at more than 10,000 tons which indicated ore has been calculated suffident to maintain the present mil! capacity of 150 tons per day for a period of nine yeare. The company is reported as meeting with success in the effort to reduce general operating costs. Horses in Demand Pawnee Kirkland Mines Officials of Pawnee Kirkland Mines state that while a deal is pending for further development if its property, and also that ot the adjoining King Kirkland Mines, no details can be given out as yet. It Is denied that the pending deal Is with Consolidated Smelters. Pawnee Kirkland Is one of the old operations In the Kirkland Lake area and a number ot years ago consider- able development work was carried out when a shaft was put down to a depth of 700 feet and several levels established and opened up. Every excess exhausts Itself. A few years ago there iras a general alarm that the horse was disappear- ing. There was an actual decrease in the number ot horses following the- Introduction- and- wide- use- of tractors, but the downward move- ment has been checked, and the num- ber of horses is increasing. There is most activity In the draft horse. Breeding studa are havlnc a lively de- mand, and good draft horses are at a premium. The light harness horse is rare because the horse and buggy days are over, but even the gaited saddle horse Is enjoying a growing popularity along with his more stur- dy hrother the draft horse. Teacher â€" Now, James, if your father can do a piece of work in one hour and your mother can do it in one hour, how long would It take them to do it together? James â€" It would take three hours â€" including the time they wasted arguing about it. SCOUTING Here ' There Everywhere A brother to every other Scout, tvithou: regard to race or creed -( The Bronze Cross, for "special hero- ism at extraordinary risk," was the first medal to he awarded a member of the Scoutes Catholiques of Que- bec, since the affiliation of that organization with the Boy Scouts Association. The medal was award- ed by His Excellency the Governor- General, Lord Tweedsmuir, Chief Scout for Canada, to Rover Squire Charles Maltais, 17, of the Rheaume Troop, of LaTuque, for the rescue of a baby brother when the Meltaii home was destroyed by fire on the night of April 4th last. After the older members of the family had escaped it was discovered that a baby was still hi the house. The building then was practically a furnace, but Rover Maltais plunged into the flames. Feeling his way, he found the child, and vtrith it in his arms, WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Yoall Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go Tlie ItTtr â- honld pout out two t>onnda of â- gpdd bfla Into year bowels d*ily. U this bil* ISDOtflowinsfreely. yonrfooddoesn'tdlaaiL It jnit dscaya in tbe bowsln. Gas bknts op yoaratomtch. Yoa^etconstjpBt«d. Harmfal polaoiui go into the body, and yoa feel sooc. â- oak mnd the world looks punlc AcMTttbowel movement doesn*tatw&yfl ff«t at the cause. You need Bometliingr that works on th« liver as well. It takes tboso trood, old -Cartar's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bilo flo\^nB freely and make you i«ttl "up and up". Harmioss and ervntle, tliey mmke the bilo How freely. They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by 1 1 Stubbornly refuse anything else. 2Ee. leaped from a window. Ha was very grravely burned about the head and body, and for a time little hope was held out for his recovery. He is still in the hospital at LaTuque. In order that no one, including travellers by plane, may fait to iden- tify their town, Scouta of Penticton, B.C., spelled out tbe name high on the side of Munson's Mountain in whitewashed stones. One thousand Boy Scouts in fifty counties of England, Scotland and Wales gathered at Windsor Castle for the Third National Scout Service, and were addressed by King Ed- ward. It was the first Scout func- tion attended by His Majesty since his accession to the throne. A fifteen year old French Boy Scout, Bernard Main de Bossiere, winner of a French Scout travel con- test which gave him a ten days' visit to North America, was interviewed before he sailed for home from Mont- real. One of the exciting experiences of his visit was the holding in his hands of large denomination bills to the amount of $200,000,000, at the United States Treasury in Washing- ton. He visited the White House, and viewed New York from the top of the Empire State Building in the company of ex-Governor Alfred H. Smith. "You can't distribute wealth hf grotesque and demagogue taxation-* you can only distribute poverty." Hugh S. Johnsen. Classified Advertising FBESH SEA SBAO RABBITS - .- RABB8TS Will pay highest market prices for live rabbits 5 lbs. and ovei for inunediate delivery. Write M. LEGRAND 4S0 Main St. Granby, Qtie. luue No. 22 â€" '36 i» "Scouting was abolished in Italy and Germany because Scouting helps a boy to think for himself,'' said Camp Chief J. S. Wilson, of the Gil- well Park Training Centre, near London, during a visit to Ottawa. "Dictators do not want people to think. The abolition of Scouting in Germany and Italy is not a setback for Scouting. It is a proof of the value of the training in developing initiative and character." r;IVE YOUR FRIE.N'DS V IWtt^ *^ treat. $2.00 gets 6 fresh .Shad pr^j- paid to Ontario, or 20 for »o.Oti. «ther (l8h on request. McCavour's Ftsh Markets, St. John, N.B. WXUKI^Y NEWSFAFEB ADVERTISEn WOULD PfRi'liftsa country weekly at reasonahle terras. Send particulars to Box i2. Room iiU 71 Adelaide St. W., Toro nto. BED BtrFFIOES .«»_ »^ â€" m QUALITY BEE SUPPLIES â€" HiVEB, Frames. Seotiona, Foundation, Honey Palls and Jars. Extractors, etc. Prompt shipment. Illustrated catalogue on r«. quest. We take beeswax In exchange for supplies. H. M. Clublne and Co., Dept. W.. Brantford. Ontario. aOHST'S HATTf BEAN pA.XADAS .VEW .N'AVY BEAN â€" . ^ "Gohn's Rainy River" ripens larthv north. White. Splendid cooker. Heavy ylelder. Frost resistant. International winner since 1932. Foundation stQCk, grade I. 50c per lb. (5 or more pouftda at 4J0 lb.) delivered. Albert C. Gohn, Emo, Ont., originator. W1.SH0 VVASIIO â€" CLEA.N'S EVERYTHING. Used dally every home. Harmless, econunueal. Free needle threader wiyx each package, beats all sales records. Gooi repeater. Good commission. Ei- ceptional proposition. Writ* quick, 9 \Vasl;o Bid.. Ale.xandrla, Ont. a26 BICYCLE and AUTO TISE BASGAUTB $10 UP. BICYCLES; $2 UP. AUCO- mobile tires. Free catalogue. Tra;isportation proyald. Peerless, 198 Dunda.s West, Torontu. SA1.ESI.ADIES WANTEO CALESI.ADIES. FAST SiJLI.I.NG C.\N- â- ^ adian magazine with liberal cum- mlssioti. Write to Knltrine and Home- craft. Department 7 Unity iiuilJlng, Montreal. Quebec. LEARN DIESEL ENGINEERING Prepare now for tiip many upiiurfci- nftles in this growing liKluslw. Diesel ha.s lncrea.-(ed lUiiO per cent, in the la.st 3 years. Start right now on our pasy budget plan. E.stablisiied 31 vearM. Write A. Swanston, National Schools, 57 Bloor West, Torento RHEUMATISM NEUBITIS and NEBVOBSNESS Try a FBEE SAMFIiE of HEP.HOL.\ â€" liuiuiri-.!.s t-.stlfy it Is a splendid blood purilier, and for Vrio Acid it has no equal. The soothing qualities ot this herbal beverage, prepared like ordinary tea, will give you steady relief without the use of drugs. Bend for Free Sample today. A. S. WABD a CO., D«Pt 0. 910 ConfederaUon Building. Montreal A Scoulcraft Show held under the auspices of the Peterborough, Ont., Rovor Crew brought out 177 entries from eight troops. The lnr^'cst classes were in woodworking, art and model airplanes. BEWARE, IN HOT WEATHER, OF STOMACH TROUBLES TRENCH'S STOMACH TABLETS whii'h are madu fi'oin the same formula used bv many leading specialists In England, stimulate normal digestive action, counteract acidity, purity the intestinal tract and keep the entire 8>stem in good working order. Order a bottle today. $1 60. postage paid. Send Money Order or cash. TRENCH'S REMEDIES LIMITED, (40 Years' Success) DEFT. A. 110 CHUSCH ST., TOSONTO Need Buiiding-Up? WHEN you feel out -of - sorts, when you've no appetite, or stom- ach gives trmible, with gas or dys- pepsia, try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. If you want to put â€" ..«x â€" on healthy ilesli â€" this is the tonic for vmi. Read what William more of :r6 f.rosvcnor Avi-. N.. Hamillon, Ont., said: "M one time I had nn appetite, lost weight and vitality, c:iiiglit cold easily, seemed to have one cold on top of another. I took Dr. ricrees Golden Medical Di.*covcry and tile tirist bottle helped me. It was not long iKtorc I had fully recovered and seemed to be stronger and better than ever." Buy now. New six, tabs. 50c., liiiuid JI.O». THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT ' Rub on â€" pain gone. Get the new large econ- omy size â€" Also avail- able in smaller, regular size. n