Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1936, p. 8

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Wednesday, Juno 3, 1936 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Flesherton Public School 4th â€" Ailcon Hopkins, Delmar Mc- Clean, Iva Brown, Alan Chappie, Ben Bellamy, Jack Loucks, Thelma Miller, Evelyn Leavell, Eldon Fisher, Alice Thompson. Oly McDonalii, Jack Hop- kina, Ruth Tuniey, Dorothy Patton, Dorothy Welton. Sr. 3rd â€" Fred Conking, Bernice Leavoll, Florence Newell and Joe Banks e<iual, Jim Thurston, Marjorie Thistlethwaita, Stewart McRae. Jr. 3rd â€" Jean Duncan and Diana Goldsborou(fh equal, Jean Loucks, Jean McTlavish. Doris Loucks, Mar- garet Thompson, Marjorie Newell, Bob Banks. Sr. 2nd â€" Arlene Taylor. Ruth Leavell, Ted McCracken, Ethel Taylor, Earle Thurston, Carman Loucks, Evi- 8on Wilson, Muroe Scott, Stanley Mc Clean, Elmer Clarke. SHINGLES Clears $3.45 per sq. 2nd Clears $2.95 per sq. Seconds $2.25 per sq. 1 5 square or more delivered at above prices. A. C. MUIR Ceylon Phone 38 r 3 Jr. 2nd â€" Ken Henry, Mary Banks, Edna Thompson, Martfaret Turney, Jack McDonald. 1st â€" Jean McCracken, Marjorie Brackenbury, Genevieve Milne, Gor- don Dungey, Helen Brown, Rob Meff- Kit. Sr. Pr. â€" iGeo. Potter, Edmund Thompson, Norman Dungey, Shirley Marriott, Geo. Megffitt. Jr. Pr. â€" Evelyn McTavish, Gordon Miller, Bob Turney. Ted Banks, Ruth Marriott, Billie Solomon, Elma Talbot, Eileen McClean. Margaret Meggitt. U. S. S. No. 15, Proton Sr. 4th â€" Verna Baker*. Harold Sims*, Ernie Barker*, Mae Corbett*, Joe Staitisby, Hilda Sims*, Kathleen Barker, Arelene Whyte*. Jr. 4th â€" Clarence White. Vern Corbett, Marjorie Bates, Jacqueline Sims, Laurie Sims. Jr. 3rd â€" Helen Pevey*, Fred Bat- chelor*, Irene White*, Jack Barker*, Zella Lyons, Emily Blake. Jr. 2nd â€" Marvelle White*, Ken. neth Bates*, Edith Blake, Margaret Blake. Sr. 1st â€" Margaret Mills*. Cecil Barker*, Herrietta Sims, Bert Bad- Kerow*. Vclma Sewell*. Jr. 1st â€" Marion Lyons*, Everette Lockhart, Marion Baker. Jr. Primer â€" Ruth Lyons*. * Denotes Perfect Attendance. â€"G. B. LITTLEJOHN, Teacher. Portlaw School Sr. 4th â€" Alice Shier, Mabel Blak- ey. Sr. 3rd â€" Bob Nicholls, Harold Phillips, Elda Pedlar. Jr. 3rd â€" Mary Nicholls, Stanley Taylor, Mabel Blackburn, George Boyce. Sr. 2nd â€" Jim Nicholls, Bob Blak- ey, Fred Shier. Jr. 2nd â€" Chester Plantt. Gladys Jamieson, Victor White, Donald Sheardown, Marjorie Jamieson, Don- ald Melejrum. Sr. 1st â€" Evelyn Shier, Gordon Nicholls. Jr. 1st â€" Doris Shier, D. A. Fisher, Herb Shier. Pr. â€" Gwendolyn White, Winnie Shier, Harvey Jamieson, Mary Nich- olls, Evelyn Fisher. â€" M. LITTLE, Teacher One good argument against nud- ism is that we see enough of some people a» it is. Tenders Wanted For Trucking Grave! Township of Osprey The price of coal has taken a drop, which strikes us as about the surest sign yet that summer is really at hand. SEALED TENDERS ONLY will bt^ received by the undersigned, marked (Tenders for bawling gravel) until Friday, June, 12th, 1936. Tenders are to state price per yard mile for delivering gravel to any place in the Township. Dated ut Feversham this 28th day of May, 1936. â€" C. N. LONG, Clerk. Local and Personal THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO..Ltd. CHAIN 8TORB8 Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Big June Shoe Sale MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES IN ALL GRADES AT FACTORY COST AND LESS. WE GARANTEE TO SAVE YOU FROM 12y2 TO 35 PER CENT ON YOUR SHOE PURCHASES. LADIES' WHITE SHOES 100 pairs, Ladies high grade, White Shoes in Straps, Pumps and Ties. All the latest styles from which to choose. Sizes i'A to 8. \'alues up to $3.95. June Special, per pair $1.88 Women's Every Day Work Shoes 500 pairs Women's Calf work Shoes, will give real wear. These Shoes arc sold regularly at $1.95 pair. June Special per pair 95c WOMEN'S SHOES AT $1.49 500 pairs \Vi)men's Shoes, â€" a clean up on our regular stock. In the lot yon will find Slrai).s, Oxfords and Pumps. The regular price $2.95 June Clearance! $1.49 Ladies Low Heel and Cuban Heel Shoe» All si7.es ^y2,U> ^ â€" ail regular stock, and good, makes in D and E widths Regular $2.50 to $2.95 value. June Special per pair $2.15 Ladies' High Grade Kid and Patent Leather Shoes liroken lots, but a real assortment from which to choose. Values to $3.50 i)r. June Special per pair $1.94 CHILD'S PATENT STRAP SHOES in sizes 2 to 6, a real buy for the money. June Special at per pair 65c Misses and Children's Strap Slippers at A Big Saving 100 pairs Misses' and Children's Strap Slippers â€" many different styles from which to choose. June Special .... $1.39 pr. WOMEN'S CANVAS SHOES AT $1.25 A good assortment of canvas shoes with solid rubber heels. June Special $1.25 pr. Men's Work Boots at Reduced Prices The price on work boots is increasing every day â€" Buy now and save money. 200 pairs Men's heavy work Boots with Panco Soles and also leather Soles. Guaranteed to give gfood satisfaction. June Special $2.19 pr. 200 pairs, Men's heavy work boots in Uris Calfâ€" a real boot for the price. June Special $2.89 pr. Men's Boys' Youths' Running Shoes at Low Prices. Made of Brown Sturdy Canvas with Rubber Soles. Men's, 6 to 11 95c Boy's, I to 5 85c Youth's, 11 to 13 75c Misses' and Children's Running Shoes at Factory Cost Sturdy Shoe for the Girls. Misses, 11 to 2 69c pr. Girl's 6 to 10^1 59c pr. CASH AND CARRYâ€" NO RETURNS No Service in Choosing 500 pairs miscellaneous Shoes, Wo- men's, Child's, in fact every thing to pick from on one table. June Special .... 25c pr. READY TO WEAR SPECIALS 200 Dresses in Silk Crepes â€" in short and long sleeves. Most all sizes. These dresses were made to sell at $2.95 to $3.- 50. The Styles are good. June Specials $1.59 each Special Table of Odd Lines in Sunuuer Coats and Dresses. 200 garments in all. The price is less than half the cost of Manufacturers. June Special 98c garment Grocery Specials for the next 2 weeks Kirk's Castile 1 cent Sale. 3 cakes for 15c 4 cakes for 16c New Valencia Oranges .. 29c and 39c doz. Choice Quality Corn 3 for 25c Choice Quality Figs 3 lbs. for 23c Clarke's Pork & Beans ZVz lb. size 10c ea. Toffic Square Sweet Biscuits 3 lb. for 25c Shortening, Jewel or Snowflake 2 lbs. for 25c Kcllngg's Corn Flakes 3 for 23c Choice Bananas per doz 23c 40 oz. Jar Orange Marmalade 22c Assorted Jelly Powders 3 for 14c Two in One White Liquid Shoe Polish.... 13c Good Brooms 5 string 27c ea. Robin Hood Flour 98s $2.89 bag Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling spent Tuesday in .Toronto. Mrs. C. F. Scott of Regina, Sask., is a guest at the parsonage this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McNally of Tor- onto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar of town. Miss Doris McRae of Toronto is holidaying with her mother, Mrs. A. McRae of town. , Miss Laura Boyd and niece, Janet Crossley, of Toronto, spent the week end at the former's home in town. Mrs. W. H. Wright and Mrs. D. Chamberlain of Toronto called on Mrs. John Wright on Saturday. Mrs. W. W. Trimble returned last week after spending the winter with her daughters in Michigan state. Mr. and Mrs. Royden McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. John Wickena spent the week end with the former's par- ents at Acton. Heavy rains on Monday and Tues- day brought the needed moisture for the ground, which was exceptioinally dry for the past week. The semi-annual meeting of East Grey County Orange Lodge will be held at Singhampton on Tuesday, the 9th day of June, 1936, at 8p.m. Rev. Wells of Parry Sound will oc- cupy the pulpit in St. John's United church on Sunday next, morning and evening: Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Long visited friends at Honey- wood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Devlin and sons John and wife and Gordon of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Casey Connor of Gait, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Stauffer. Misses Katherine Turney of Ham- ilton and Mis.ses Helen, Alice, Ruth and Evelyn Turney of Toronto were week end guests of their brother, Wm. Turney, wife and family. Mr. Almutt, Secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society, addressed the congregation in the United church on Sunday evening. The pa.stor. Rev. ; W. J. Scott was in hi.s pulpit. 'Mr. Thos. E. Little of Noranda, Que., was a vi.sitor over the week end with his father. Dr. A. E. Little. Mr. Little is a mining engineer in the Noranda gold mine. The Mt. Zion W. A. will hold an ice cream social on Tuesday, June 23. Maxwell W. L will present their play "No Men Admitted." Baseball. Ad- mission: 25 and 15 centp. The annual convention of the Art- emesia, Markdale and FleshertQn Rel- igious Education Council, will be held in Annesley Church, Markdale, on Thursday, June 18, with afternoon and evening mQftings. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and daugh- ter, Lois, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jacobs of Buffalo, N. Y., spent the weok end with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams, Mrs. Smith and Lois remain- ed for a fortnight's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ros.s Thibaudeau and two children of Detroit motored over on Saturday to spend a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson, and relatives at Mark- dale. A .social evening was held recently at the home of Mi-s. F. U. W. Hickling by the adult Bible class of St. John's United Church in honor of Mrs. Thorn, who is leaving shortly for her home at Barrie. A very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Caswell of Maple Creek, Sask., and daughter. Dr. Elizabeth Brunton, of Hamilton, vis- ited the first of the week with the former's brother, W. J. Caswell and Mi-s. Caswell, llhis is Mr. Ca«- well's first visit to Flesherton since he loft 54 years ago. The Group Tea held at the home of Mrs. Mitchell last Friday was quite a success. A contest was held, the answer of which had "son" or "sun" in the words, the prize which was a box of chocolates fell into the hands of Miss Johnston, who treated the members of the Group who had helped her to win. The house decorations wore Lillies of the Valley and apple blossoms. A very pleasant afternoon was spent. SPECIAL NOTICE ~ Yaa con nnHu buy THE BEST BRANDS OF PREPARED HOUSE PAINT I or ;^>^^74»,';,..t|;.' 7S per qoUaii Why take a chance on paint of doubtful quality when you can now obtain the undernoted top quality brands of white lead paint at this popular figure? Insist upon one of these famous time-tested brands for all your exterior painting. Any one of them will assure you a job of outstanding beauty, long paint life and economy from first to last. There is a store in your vicinity that caa supply you. . Sherwin-Williams canada paint MARTIN-SENOUR Small Advts. '.tL. -« L .•l a. .». -1. .>. . •l. j»- .* . -•- .». -â- - -». -*..>â€"•- -•- -*. .*- -*. Aâ€" *> ->.^*j ^t^.^,^^A^.^A^.^.^^^^^.^.-^.^^^.^..^^^.^.^A^^^..A,JL.^^^^ J^ J»- A FOR SALE â€" Heavy work horse.â€" Ed. Loucks, R. R. 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Seed Buckwheat, 60c bu.â€" Geo. Snell, R. R. 1. Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Scotch Shorthorn year- ling bull, "Village Girl" family.â€" H. L Graham, R. R. 4. Markdale. FOR SALE â€" A few bags of seed potatoes.^Jim E. Russell, Flesh- erton. R. R. 1. LOST â€" Female hound, light tan and white, medium size. â€" Luther Love Proton. FOR SALE â€" Heifer calf, Herford, one week old. â€" J. K. MacLeod, R. R. No. 1, Ceylon, Ont. FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE â€" For baby chicks, one hundred chick oil brooder stove. â€" Mrs. Chas. Moore, Proton Station, Ont. FOR SALE â€" One Good Mare; Mas- sy-Harris Mower; Renfrew Separ- ator and 2 Mellotte Separators. â€" Edgar Betts. FOR SALE â€" One team of year old purcheron colts, also a bull one year old.â€" Apply to A. F. Pedlar, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Com $1.26 cwt.. Mixed chop $1.00 cwt., Masaey Harris Mower |15.00.â€" A, C. M\iir, Ceylon, Phone 38 r 3. NOTICEl â€" Any person or persons who have any of the town ladders, please return at once to G. B. Welton, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Early Tomatoes, Cab- bage, Cauliflower, Annual plants, also perennials and rock plants. Special in fancy Iris, catalogrued from 35c to $2.00 apiece â€" 4 for $1.00.â€" Mrs. Earl McLeod, Ceylon, Ontario. FOR SALE OR RENT Good house and lot in Flesbertan with good bam and about two »erâ€" of land for sale or rent; drilled weQ; will sell at low price for quick sale; also brooder house 12 xl4 faet aiMl two electric incubators both 600 en capacity.â€" Apply to Earl or Roy Beat; R. R. 3, Priceville. FOR SALE OR RENT Property in Flesherton known aa the old livery stable for sale or rent.. â€"John Eckhardt, Priceville, R. R. 1^ HOG FOR SERVICE Rcfristered Berkshire hog, govanw. ment inspected. Terms |1.00 if paid> within 2 months, over that time $2.00, â€"Laurie Pedlar. HOC FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire nog, purebred _ government inspected; terms: ea4» 75c.; charged |1.0«. --WES. SMITH, Rock MU1«, BUSINGS GAUDS FOR SALE â€" White Leghorn eggs for hatching, from a good laying strain of hens. 25c per doz. â€" Archie McLean, phone Feversham, 1 r 33. Singhampton, R. R. 1 Teacher: "Is the word 'trousers' singular or plural?" Anthony: "Singular at the top and plural at the bottom, miss." A good memory test: Try to recall the things you were worrying about la.st week. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will sacrifice for $250.00 cash.â€" Thomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St, Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to # Evenings 7 to 8.S0 Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 09 WANTED â€" Cattle to pasture, on lots 14 and 16, con. 1 S.D.R., Art- emesia. Good grass piaee and well watered. â€" Wm. Meads, R. R. No. 3. Priceville. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT â€" loo acres of land, clay loam, consider- able plowing done; good barn and house; lot 16 and 17, near Flesher- ton Station. â€" Apply to Mrs. R. Stewart, Flesherton. DR. E. C. MURRAY L.D.S. Honour graduate uf Tmrono Ual- versity and Royal College of D«Btal Surgeons of Ontario. Office entrance at northwest of residence, Toronto Street, erton. Telephone, 20W. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; «J)ou; two acres of land on which is » largt bam with cement stabling and ganrage. Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Priceville. WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. All Ml«* conducted on Business principle* all partiee requiring work done on th« above lines will do well to call at tho Advance Office or write Wm. KalU ting. Eugenia, 'Phone 48 â€" 11 Prince Arthur Lodge No. SSS, A4| &A.M., meets in the Watvmal BkBL Flesherton, the seeonil Ttt«Mlty li each month. W.M., AJex. Csmsrcai Secretary, H. A. McC«aIey. â-  t 4 i I I

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