Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1936, p. 4

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Wednesday, June 10, 1936 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Youll Save MONEY on th ese USED CARS THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on CoUingwood Street, Flosherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1-kO; in U. S. A. f2. per year, when paid in advance |2.00. W. H. THURSTON, Editor. F. J. THURSTON, Associate Editor CEYLON /CHEVROLET/ BE WISE ... . buy safely! Our dependable used cars take the gamble out of used car buying. We have values ga- lore ... all the best known makes and models. In ad- dition to rock-bottom prices, we offer new, easy GMAC time payments. OUR HAJ'PY BENEDICT We have In Flesherton a budding poet who thus sets forth the joy he feels in this health resort: â€" Enough to eat, enough to wear. Health and conscience free from care, A place to curl in at night. And a friend or two to treat n»e white. A wife and kiddies waiting where The dear old radio enlivens the air. A little place where Love is king, WTiere sweet lips kiss and soft arms cling â€" Tliat's my Flesherton home; yes, My Flesherton home. EDITORIAL NOTES 1935 Ford V8 Touring Sedan with Built in Trunk. Only driven 11000 miles $675 1934 Chevrolet Master Coach, new Tires, good appearance, runs like new. $550 Many towns and villages will not be celebrating the King's birthday on .June 2;!rd, on account of its proxijn- ity to July 1st, Canada's National holiday. Each year in Canada we observe May 24th as a national hol- iday in honor of the birthday of Queen Victoria. This day could be set a- side, not only to commemorate the birthday of the good Queen, but also as the birthday of all the reigning British sovereigns whoever they may be. It would not show any disre- spect to any Monarch to have the hol- iday time so set. • • * Since we drew attention of the Artemesia Council, in our last issue, to the dilapidated condition of the road between the six Corners and the townline of Artemesia and Proton, we have received commendations for the article from residents of that locality. One farmer stated that there had not been a member of the Council elected from that section for a number of years and the road did not receive the attention to keep it fit for motor traffic. If the farm owners from that locality would present a petition to the Council it might have the need- ed effect of promoting action. To have a road fit to travel over to their nearest market is a right to which all famers are entitled. 1933 Chevrolet Special Coach, you will like this one. $475 1930 Durant Sedan, very small mileage, new tires. $300 1930 Ford Sport Roadster. $175 2â€"1932 long wheel base. Stake Trucks Each. $475 D. McTavish & Son Phone 9w Flesherton ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Fi'ed Marshall of Ceylon announce the engagement of their daughter, Stella Viola, to Mr. Howard Wilson Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott of Toronto. The marriage to take (dace the latter part of June. Rev. Mr. Wells, Parry Sound, had charge of the service here Sunday while Rev. Scott was in Parry Sound on exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nixon and son .Alex, accompanied by their nephew -Allan of Coleville, Sask., visited the end of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver motored to Hunts- ville, Sunday owing to the serious con- dition of Mrs. Thompson, Mbs. John Oliver's sister. Mr. and .Mi-s. Gordon Kirk and son Arntfield, Quebec, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Muir. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Sinclair had their young son "Donald", baptized, Thursday evening by Rev. Scott ot Flesherton. Messrs. J. Kennedy and Cooey mot- ored to Wiarton, Sunday. Miss Maggie Dow and Mr. William Dempster vi.sited friends in Orange- ville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair accompan- ied by Mrs. Knox spent Sunday at Holstein. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson and Mrs. Sims, Markdale were visitors Monday with Mrs. Harry Piper. .Mm. G. H. Holmes, Owen Sound, spent Monday with her sister. Mrs. .Anna McMillan. Mr. and Mr.«. Earl McLeod and babe motored to Oshawa for the week end. Mrs. A. C. Muir was in Owen ."Sound Sunday. Mr. J. C. McMulIen, Toronto, visited the first of the week at his home here. Messrs. J. Muir and J. F. Collinson were in Chatsworth, Friday attending the annual sale of shorthorn cattle. Miss Johnston, Flesherton, spent the week end with Miss Maggie Dow. Mrs. Fures, Mrs. Bailey Sr. and Mrs- Hugh Bailey, sShrigley. w!ere callers at Mrs. D. Macphail's on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McFayden spent Sunday with Mrs. Archie McLean at Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stewart, Miss May Stewart, and Mr. Dan Stewart attended the funeral of Mrs. Norman Ferguson, Erin, last week. Visitors Sunday with Mr, and Mrs J. McMullen were Mrs. Wilson Mc- MulIen, Mr. Maurice Wright, Miss Hazel Shunk, Toronto; Mrs. McMullen will remain for some time. Mr. and Mr.<!. Thos. Stewart's Sun- day visitors were Miss Vera McMas- ter and Mr. Norman loncion. Mr. W. McCartney, Collingwood, Mr. Chester Allen, Glenn Erin, Mr. Bruce Young, Brampton, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett. Mr. Gordon Stuart left Monday for Bracebridge. SEED TIME AND THEN THE H.ARVKST YOUR FULL HARVEST IS ASSURED When you ship your livestock to Dunn 81 Lev&ck Limited C-anada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Union Stock Yards, TORONTO It Always Pays to Ship Tham to Ub. HARDWARE PERENNIALS Lawn Mowcr.s, (irass Shears, Rakes. Sliovels, .spades, Ilufs, Woven Wire Fence, Staples, Roofing, Sheathing, Roof Coating. SCRl'KN DOOkS WlXnow SCRRRNS, SCKRI'N WlRlv Poiillry Ncttinj.; and Cluck Suii|)li('s. Massey-Harris Implements and Repairs. CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER. Paint, Varnish and l-'.iiaiiuds. Iiiuslics, Miiri'sco, Oil and 'Pur|)s. Prices right and prompt service. FRAr K W DUNCAN Phone 54 Flesherton, Ont. PROTON STATION .Mr. Charlie Hodgin, the new mail courier on the No. 2 route has pur- chased a building lot from Dever Bros., also the cottage in which he lives and will move his cottage there when it is ready for it. Mr. Robt. White of the village is quite ill again. Miss Gertrude Irish accompanied by her .sister. Miss Mabel Irish of Toioi>to, came home on Saturday. •Miss Gertrude has been under a doc- tor's care in Toronto for three months and is ordered to rest for some time yet. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNichol and daughter, Helen of Toronto were week end gu«Bts at Mr. Charles Lyons. A young Uev. Mr. Morrison of An- nan preac'hed a splendid sermon in the United ehureh on Sunday night in the absence of Mr. Pojnten who was in TI'oMiito for his ordination. We con- LfHatulate Rev. H. W. Pointen on hav- ing reached the climax of many years of serious efPort and wish for him u life of happy successful service in his chosen ealliner. Mr. Ed. Batchelor of Shrigley was lioine for the week end. CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON ALL YOUR PURCHASES AND YOU ARE AS SURED OF FRESH WHOLESOME EATS AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES. -^ . CASH SPECIALS fsh cloth Real Good BROOMS Reg. 39c at 33c MATCHES Family Size boxes for 23c Libby PORK & BEANS Lars'e jumbo size I for 19c 22c For Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, our turnover assures you of these being always fresh Toronto City Dairy Ice Cream Bricks and Bulk. SUGAR 10 lbs. for 49c with grocery or meat order Tiger SALMON Tall tins 23c MEATS Fresh. Cured and Cooked, at lowest possible prices. C. J. KENNEDY Phone i7 Flesherton We DeHver VANDELEUR The play "Safety First" which was put on by the young people's dra- matic society in the community shed on Wednesday evening. June 3rd, be- fore a large audience was a decided success. The play which was some- what of a humorous nature was well put on by the young people and was much enjoyed by all present. Those who took iMirt were: Miss Lillian Buchanan, Mrs. H. J. Thompson, Vio- let Fitzsiwmons, Jean Wyville, Ken Teeter, Reg. Hutton, Harold Hutton, John Boland and John Bowles. -Mr. H. J. Thompson had charge of the play. The proceeds will go in aid of the skating rink. The June meeting of the Ladies Aid which was held at the home of Mrs. F. R. Boland on Thursday after- noon of last week was largely attend- ed. The Roll call was answered by a verse on friendship. Mrs. H, I, Oraham gave a paper on "David and Jonathon," Arrangements were made to hold the annual community picnic on Saturday, June 27th, in the com- munity Park. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting by the hos- tess, assisted by Mrs. Geo. Shaw. Mr. J. I. Graham received last week a fine walking cane from Mr. Geo. McAllister of Redickville bear- ing the number 1661. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan were in Caledonia over the week end, attend- ing the funeral of a cousin, Mr. John Hanson. Our teacher, Mr. H. J. Thompson, ,as been re-engaged- for another year. Mrs. Catherine Davidson and friend. Muss Ro.<»s of Owen Sound are visiting with the Johnston, Davis and Buch- anan families. Rapid progress is being made on Mrs. S. J. Bowles' new home in the valley. Messrs. Bert Graham and Wes. Cooey have completed the brick work and the wood work is well under way. There was a good attendance at the Sunday school on Sunday. The attendance contest got under way. and red and blue buttons were distributed to the children, class at- tendance Rolls have been secured and each clats will choose a name to be announced next Sunday 'when l^e school meets at 10,45 a.m. Messrs. J. I. Graham and H. I. Graham attended the Shorthorn breed- ers sale at Chatsworth on Friday. ROCK MILLS Miss Iva English, who has been at- tending high school at Markdale came home last week and will spend a few holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. AI«x, English. Portlaw school children came over ami played a return game of soft ball with the school team here on Thursday evening, resulting in an- other victory for the Rock Mills team. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Newell visited the first of the week with Durham friends. Mr. Stuart Foster is preparing to open up a service station on Mr. Dick Clark's property and will handle Brit- ish American gas. We wish Stuart success in his new business. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher and son Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge, motored to Oakville Sat- urday and spent the week end with relatives there. The Rock Mills ladies soft ball team went over to Eugenia, Monday even- ing and played a game with the Eu- genia team, resulting in 31 â€" 26 in favor of Rock Mills, The young people intend putting on their play next week. More par- ticulars later, Mr. W. J. Chard intends enlarging his barn this summer and commenced tearing down the old structure this week. . MAXWELL frhe Woman's Association of the United church met at the home of Mrs. David Winters, with a good at- tendance. The president, Mrs. Bush- ell conducted the meeting. The roll call was answered by a verse contain- ing the word Joy. Preparations were completed for the strawberry festival on July 3rd. We welcome Mr, ftnd Mrs, Geo, Long and family to Maxwell, Mr, Long is opening a garage opposite the orange hall. We wish him every success. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Linley and family of Owen Sound, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Brodie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cameron and Miss Lorna Preston of Owen Sound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Priestly Sr. over the week end. Mr. Edgar of Egansville visited with Mr. Geo. Ross last week. Miss Jean Hineks of Priceville vis- ited over the week end with her friend. Miss Merlie Buchingham. Old Colonel: "Yes sir, when we were ambushed, we got out witho,ut losing a man, a hor.se, or a gun, or â€" " Voice: "A minute-" TORONTO LINE NORTH Mrs. (Dr.) Roszell and son, Murray, and Mr. W. Robertson of Caledonia Hpent a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Clarence Stafford and friend of Toronto spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Horton of Toronto were wek end visitors at A. Stewart's. Mis.s Bertha Ottewell of Proton was a caller in our burg i-tscently. Miss Velma Alcox of -Markdale spent .Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Alcox. Mrs. (Dr.) Roszell, Murray and Mr. Robertson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McFayden, near Raven- nsi Miss Marion Stafford of Toronto is spending a while at her parental home here. Miss Annie Richardson who spent the past month with her brother, has I gone to Toronto. I SUMMER Men's Wear Specialties I latch way Underwear - T'albrij^gan Combinations ]>all)ri,uxan Shirts and Drawers v^hirts and Shorts liatliitit;- vSuits Ikuhins 'Priinks Sport Belts Invisible Swspfnde'rs I.iS'ht W'eij^ht Hosiery Arm Ikmds -". Baseball Caps ..^ â-  Silk Neckweat Sweat Shirts ClipptY Shirts Sleeveless Pullovers Sport Trousers Flannel Trousers Straw Hats Biltniorc Felt Hats Canvas Footwear Sport O.xfords Neg:Hsee Shirts Khaki Trousers Rivetted Work Pants Sunlnier Caps :.. ' ' AU New Season's Merchandise, Spbcialy Priced. Ready-to-Wear Suits for Boys, Youths and Men CLOTHES OF QUALITY made and tailored to your individual measure. Fit and Satisfaction assured. A wonderful choice of new all wool tweeds and worsted suit- ings. Priced from $20» ^ F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, Ont. -r\" â- HP" -»t* t i b

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