Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1936, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTQN ADVANCE W^^dnesday, June 10, 1936 * * t LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS PRICEVILLE CENTRELINE Rev. Mr. Bushell haa delivered some wonderful sermons the past few veeka. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. "W. H. Little were: Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Gaudin and Murray of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Osland and three children of Dundalk, A large number from this com- munity attended the shower held at Eugenia for Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mor- ton on Friday nisrht. Rev. Mr. Bushell visited on this line •on Friday l»st. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Erwin and Dor- othy of Toronto and Miss Mabel Fawcett of Duncan visited with Mrs. Margaret Little over the week end. 'Mount Zion Sunday school picnic will be held on July first at the home of Mr. Hopes, Portlaw. Mr. Fred Plantt has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks. Mount Zion Sunday school has been well attended so far this summer, thee being an attendance of about 40 and every one taking an interest in the work. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps and family are moving to a farm near Priceville this week. Whe Mount Zion W. A. will meet at the home of Mrs. Dave Jamieson this Tuesday. Mrs. Hilliard and daughter and two children of Schomberg and Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Nevroiarket called on friends at Port Law and on this line on Sunday. Portlaw and Wareham school child- ren intend playing ball at Wareham on Thursday evening. SWINTON PARK VICTORIA CORNERS i> _____ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor and, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .A.cheson, visited' the latter's son. Ren and family of Cheltenham. Mr. Will Stinson of Port Rowan vis- ited his brother. Mr. A. Stinson and sister, Mrs. Jas. Best. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stinson. Ernie and Anne accomp- anied him to Acton to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coon. 'The ladies of the W. M. S. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Will Acheson and packed their annual bale on Thm-sday after- noon. Mi.ss Ina Acheson is with her sister, Mrs. Earl Walton. While Rev. Mr. Pointen was in Tor- onto, Sunday being ordained to the Ministry. Rev. Mr. Moneston preach- ed on this circuit. We wish Mr. Pointen many years of success in the Ministry. .This week, we are sorry to say, that little John Martin, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin, is critically ill, Dr. Martin of Dundalk, is in daily attendance, pneumonia is the trouble. We all hope for relief for the suffering child, also for the anxious parents. Mrs. George Black Senior, is also under the Doctor's care with heart trouble, at present. -Mr. and Mrs. NeilMcCannel, Proton Station, have erected a very suitable monument in memory of their daugh- ter and son, who so sadly crossed the Bar last summer, and are buried at Swinton Park. The work was done by Mr. Fleck of Shelburne. Rev. Mr. McDonald is away for a month's holidays, and his place is being taken each Sunday of the month by Rev. A. M. Boyle of Toronto, an elderly, but very able man. Everyone will enjoy and benefit by list,ening to him both in Bible class and church. The older people especially enjoyed meeting Mrs. Glendenning of Parry Sound, formely Edna Kinnell of Swin- ton, who was organist in the church here 3.5 years ago, and took her place at the same old organ on Sunday. She remarked that it was a good organ 3o years ago, but not now. We were also pleased to have Mrs. Mc- Intyre (nee Elsie Kinnell) of Dundalk with us on Sunday. Tlie matrimonial bug is working overtime in this locality and could you blame a teacher f<v getting married when the trustees are doing that same thing. .Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw, spent the week end at Bayfield. Mr. Noble Wilson and family are leaving our locality soon, they have purchased a home in Dundalk. George Haw went fishing in Black'» pond, Saturday, he hooked a big one and it got away with his hook and line. Marjorie McLeod R.N. ha« suffered much the last week from tooth trouble. (We have two good dentists in Flesherton). Visitors at Neil McLeod's are, a niece of Mr. McLeod's, and daughter, of Saskatchewan. Mrs. Dick Hardy and daughter Shirley are in Toronto for this week. We were pleased tp see in last week's Advance the item on the road from Proton townline to Six Corners. We used to walk over that road 60 years ago, it has not improved since. FEVERSHAM SPRNGHILL SCHOOL REPORT OThe Communion of The Lord's Sup per will be observed in the Presbyter- ian church, Sunday, June 14th at 7.30. Miss Dorothy Robinson of Toronto was at her home here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby visited with their son, James in Collingwood one day last week. Mr. Charles Hornbye of Collingwood visited with friends here for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colquette of Toronto were up in this village over the week end and are enthusiastic fishennen and take some nice catches from the Beaver river in this locality. They have spent several week ends here this spring. Mrs. R. S. MeGiiT haa returned home from Uxbridge where she visited with her sister for a month. Messrs. Gordon and Herb Dand of Long Branch spent Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette. Their mother Mrs. W. G. Dand who had been with her parents for a week, returned to her home at Long Branch with them on Sunday evening. Miss M. E. Heron came up from the city with Gordon Dand and is with her sister Mrs. Colquette who is im- arnving steadily. Mr. and Mrs. Walters of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. Chris Thomp- son here. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church will hold bheir regular meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Clifton here on June 17th. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Long were: Mr. Ross Long and wife and Miss Lillian Bryce of Tor- onto and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mont- gomery of Dundalk. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J Conn and family recently were: Mr Geo. Dictson and lady friend, Miss M. Hannah and Mr. Charles Weddgis- iill and Mr. D. Hearslam of Toronto. Mr. W. J. Conn is laid up with a bad attack of rheumatism, we hope for a speedy recovery. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell enjoyed a motor t£ip to Oshawa, Saturday. A number from here attended an- niversary sevices at Durham, Sunday. Mr. Lachie McKinnon spent the week end in Toronto. Messrs Donald Campbell and Wm. McBride have purchased new Chev. cars. Mr. Neil McQueen and sister, Plor At the service yesterday in St. Columba the question of extending a call to one of the three probationers was brought up at the close, resulting in the call to" Rev. Mr. Wright ol Walters Falls as their minister in place of Rev, J. W. Johnston, who re- signed. A force of men from Arthur village way are in our burg this morning ! *"*^^ "^ Stayner, Sadie of Barrie and tearing down the old McKinnon Hall j ^^'^- Morrison and Audrey form the and are making great progress. west, attended church Sunday morning We were indeed sorry that we were ! ^^^ visited with friends here, pot at home Friday, when our old time I Miss Anna McEachern has been re- friend, Will Clarke of Idaho, U. S., I engaged Top Cliffe for next year, called, accompanied by the genial Mr. I Mr. and .Mrs. Robt. Lawrence and Thurston of Flesherton. I -Mary, visited Sunday at Mr. Archie We so far transgressed yesterday in ' MacCuaig, and attended church leaving chuch, on a visit to our one service in the morning, time dear old chorister, and her hus- | Mrs. Meuser returned on Saturday band, Mr. Norval Brawley. Reeve of i to Owen Sound, after visiting her Lai Hospital, on June 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacDonald. a son. Smith called on his parson. It was obvious that something was on his mind. "Is it right for any person to profit by the mistakes of other people? he boldly asked. "Most certainly not," replied th« parson without hesitation. Smith brightened, "'Very well, then," he re- plied," perhaps you would like to re- turn that seven-and-sixpence I paid you for marrying me." township resident, near Tecumseh Bee ton. Our opinion of Canada is greatly improved by the visit, everything in its loveliest state of verdure and growth. Fine farms with not a stone to be seen for miles impressed me most. We were pointed out the house and farm of Mr. Hodge, he that killed his attackers some years ago. Then we saw the home of one of later note, (not just yet. but wait), the Hon. Mr. Rowe. fine residence and buildings, grain further advanced, fine catches of fall wheat and other grains. The trip was much enjoyed. We met with old time friends and a royal welcome was extended to all. The W. M. S. and Willing Helper's] meeting will be held on Tuesday, Junej Hint-ka. 16th. at the home of Mrs. Dan Camp- 1 .A. congregational picnic of St. An- [ bell. Topic, "What our aim in lifej drew's church will be held in Mr. I should be." by Mrs. Sutherland, i Colin H. .McLean's bush on Tuesdav, ! Lunch Com. -- Mrs. John Nichol Jr., June 23rd. the King's birthday, when Mrs. A. L. Hincks. everybody is cordially invited to at- j Mr. David Hincks and daughters, | tend. Bring your baskets. I Jean and Beth visited friends in Stay- ! Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Black and Helen, ' daughter, .Mrs. A. MacCuaig. Mrs. Leith and Margaret visited Saturday at the home of Hector Mc-^ Eachern. . Miss Jean Hincks is home from, Toronto University. Mr. Jack Shortreed and sister, .An- nie attended the funeral of their aunt, ' Mrs. Fair in Toronto, recently. I .Mr. and .Mrs. Findlay Shackleton of. -Arthur %'isited last week with friends j here. â-  Mrs. Wm. McLeod and daughter, Donalda, spent the week end in To- ' ronto. j Mrs. Kate McDonald returned home ' after vLsiting friends in Toronto. [ Mrs. Stephenson and Miss Ella ' Stephenson returned to Markdale. after spending a few days at Wm. ' N EWand REBUILT NEWHEADS>-OLD With the Oniy .Amer- ican-Made Bowl That is Guaranteed tn inUini to be . . Self-Balurtctng! See why this is the cheapest separator in the world . . why il costs less to operate than separators nand-hal- anced by patching solder inside the hood! Thou- :iands of users estimate Challenger's exclusive features alone are worth rnoi e ihan price at which other separators sell. This coupon oflcr rrpre- •<-nts ihc lowest pritr*ai whicb theae Separators tidve aold eimx the war If you have anukl Anker- HoUh . or cao get one . . make it like new by rrplnrtOG the old head wiih a -Vry uoe at about one-haU cost o/ J>w Dittnbuion or Branchet m Prtncrpal CUtet I O Exclusive 2 '.: ,;::;- -^rv- Chamber. 4 Hinged Gear Case. 5 3 Way Indica- tor. «R u L b e r Mounted Tank. And 6 ot hr r features found only on an Aaker-HoUh. WABKINCI I f i t I # n tan .\nkiT-H..Uh. It isn t M-lf b.iLaiic* i ng Don t be I ontti»r(l by mit- IcadlnK tcrnit as "9<;ll-vennTin«" kjr "»rlf-6tablU£' i ng, etc ' â-  Our catalog show! bow yuu can tell. I wish to express my thanks to my friends for their many acts of kind- ness shown to me during my recent illness at the Markdale Hospital. â€"VERDUN MCM.\STER 0.\T CROP 6th â€" Winnifred Pattison 62. 5th â€" Lucille Goetz 67, Roy Best 66, Lloyd Allen 64, Keith Parker 61, Eileen Pattison 57, Lorene Johnson U. St. 3rd â€" Bruce Beard 64. Jr. 3rd â€" Ruth Blackburn 67, Eu- gene Goetz 66, Edna Doupe 65 Grace Parker 61, Leone Johnson 55. 2nd â€" Eunice Allen and Berniee Johnson equal 63, Allister Pattison 63, Shirley Hindle 50. Elgin Waller 49. 1st â€" Gordon Waller 50. Primer â€" Eva Doupe, Jean Hindle, Elmer Best. Average attendance 19.97. â€"I. BROWN. Teacher. The oat crop in Ontario occupies a much larger area than any other cereal. Production for 1935 is es- timated at 2,376,700 acres, yielding 85.561, 000 bushels, which is an in- crease of 4,035, OOO over 1934. Quality was below average due to rapid ma- turity. The acreage of oats for the past five years has averaged con- siderably less than it was for the period 1920 to 1925, when a peak of over 3.000,000 acres was reached. The oat crop is one of the good reliable cereals asd the acreage for 1936 should be at least equal to that of 1935. Honey absorbs moisture from the air and loses aroma and flavour rap- idly. Therefore, says the Dominion .Apiarist, honey should not be left un- covered any longer than is necessary. ner. Saturday. Miss Dora Stewart of Ceylon, has been engaged to teach school at "Swamp College" to begin in Septem- ber. Betty and Shirley Hincks spent last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. jXngus McCannel, Proton. Rev. Mr. Boyle of Toronto, occupied the pulpit. Sunday, in St. -Andrew's Pi-esbyterian church and delivered a fine sermon. He will have charge of the four Sundays in June, while Rev. Norman MacDonald ,is on his hol- idays in Hamilton, Montreal and Que- bee. .A manager's meeting will be held Thursday evening in the church, June Uth. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and family, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Wto. Brown. Mrs. -AngUs McCannell of Proton, vis- ited recently at -A. L. Hinck's. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill, Fergus, vi.sited Sunday at Mr. H. R. McLean's. Mrs. Ramsdell returned first of the week to New York, after spending a time visiting' with her brother, Mr. Jno. Stothart. BORNâ€" In Toronto Victoria Memor- m ' a> fta rm nn aa ^.00 on the purch; "New Head" for >a This coupon during this ul«. wiQ be atcepied as tS.CK) on the purcha»e o* .1 Nfw Challenger Ankcr-HolLh or :ha*e d* Challenat-t Rebtlt or your old .^nker-Molth eitbet throushyour .Aaker-Hollhdc&lcr ot direct from uft. Nune P. O.. ...1 L. McCRACKEN, Flesherton MILLIONAIRE NIGHTS | IN MARKDALE I July Ist, 7th and 9th, 1636 | See Large Posters for Particulars X THE ONLY COMPLETE LOW-PRICED CAR Exports of Canadian cattle to the United States in 1936, up to April 30, totalled 75,826 head compared with 56.312 in the corresponding period of 1936. % Money Making Hints I Spray the Potatoes, Dip the Sheep, Put New Handles in | Forksy Rakes and Hoes ; ; We sell Cooper's Sheep Dip, Pure Paris Green, Arc- inate of Lime and Sudden Death Bug Killer. Fork Handles, Hoe Handles, Rake Handles, Shovel Handles. ;; NARVO PAL\'T. HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL. PAINT : : AND VARNISH BRUSHES '< \ Separator Oil, Machine Oil. Raw Oil, Turpentines and s " Cup Grease. , *â-  GROCERIES CLEAN, FRESH AND READY TO SELL. Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. I FLESHERTON | «v\ r? j^ST?*-- ^'^ W »JW^^»« W gWWW!.'^^>('^ A Single Ride Proves It^s Wiser to Buy CHEVROLET ONLY Chevrolet in the low price ckss offers you all the good things of motor- ing . . . proved by experience . . . and recognized by pubhc preference. Swerveless, perfected Hydrauhc Brakes! Streamlined Fisher Bodies with the protect- ing, solid steel Turret Top! Valve-in-Head, high compression engine that saves you money on running costs every mile and minute! Fisher No-Drait Ventilation to guard your health! Improved *Knee-Action ghding ride ! And Safety glass of the finest quality in every window! But â€" far better than words â€" step in behind the wheel and let your own actual driving test prove every claim we make. Payments to suit your purse on the General Motors Instalment Plan. *0/i Master De Luxe Models PRICED PROM '736 ^standard Sedes 2-|)ass. Coupe) Master Deluxe Models troinStS4 DHIvgrtd It fittiry. Oiliaiin. OnL 60TWimnllara,freiflit ttt nmiw iiki. GIVES YOU ALL SIX ... PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES . . TURRET TOP BODIES BY FISHER. . . »ALVE IN- HEAD ENGINE... FISHER NO-DRAFT VENTILATION . ..KNEE ACTION (on Master De Igie Models)... SAFETY GLASS THROUGHOUT C6% •â- ''â-  -K.. D. McTAVlSH & SON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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