Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1936, p. 8

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"^:^ Wednesday, June 10, 1936 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE HIGHER THE SMALLER A little girl, walking down the street with her father saw some work- men on a scaffold twenty storeys high, and she asked: "Father, what are those boys doing up there?" He rejilied that they were not boys, but men, who looked like boys because they were up so high. The little girl meditated for a mom- ent and looking into her father's face said solemnly: "They won't amount to much when they get to heaven, will they?" The que.'tion gave the father good ^food for thought. As we rise toward PORTLAW Quitf a number from around here and Wareham attended the shower for Bert Morion and bride at Eugenia on Rev. G. Service Called The Session of St. John's United Church, Flesherton. has extended an Friday evening.. All report a good unanimous call to Rev. Geo. R time. We all wish Bert and his bride every pro.sperity in their new homo at Novar. La.st Monday evening the young people met at the home of Mr. John Boyce and held a shower for their (laughter, Clara, (Mr.«. C. Londry). Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Woods of Toronto vi.sited a few days at the home of Wm. Taylor. Mr. and .<Irs. Watson of London were visitors at the homes of John heaven, self becomes smaller, untill j "aney and Samuel Sheardown. bye-and-bye, when we reach the j M'^^es Elda Marjorie Pedlar and height of heavenly character, self will Sadie Mc'Kee spent the week end with not count for anything. SHINGLES Clears $3.45 per sq. 2nd Clears $2.95 per tq. Seconds $2.25 per sq. 15 square or more delivered at above prices. A. C. MUIR Ceylon Phone 38 r 3 their cousin, Bernice Plantt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank North and (laughter, Betty, of Markdale spent Sunday at the home of F. Taylor. The Mount Zion Supday School will hold the annual picnic on July 1st in Mr. Jas. Hopps' grove. We are sorry to report that Mr. Fred Plantt is on the sick list. Mr. Bert and Miss Grace Hopps en- tertained a few of their friends on Tuesday evening before their removal to Priceville. Bert and Grace will be much missed in the neighborhood. Service of Kapuskasing to become the pastor of the church. Rev. Service did not occupy the local pulpit, but was highly recommended. He was interviewed while visiting at his home at Thornbury and was willing to come subject to the approval of conference, which i.s meeting in Toronto this week. Rev. Service follows Rev. W. Scott, who has occupied the pulpit in St. John's Church for the past seven years. ", 'r __ POLITE, EH 7 When a Chinaman doesn't care to have a visitor dine with him, he says, "Won't you stay with me please?" That is a hint to the visitor he's not wanted. Polite, eh? ., . Tenders Wanted For Trucking Gravel Township of Osprey Little Mary was going to a fancy dress party and could not decide what to wear. Then suddenly she had an idea. "May I go as a milkmaid?" "But you are too small, Mary!" "Oh, but I can go as a condensed milkmaid, can't I mother!" SEALED TENDERS ONLY will b» received by the undersigned, marked (Tenders for bawling gravel) until Friday, June, 12th, 1936. Tenders are to state price per yard mile for delivering gravel to any place in the Township. Dated at Feversham this 28th day of Mav, 19'36. /' - '^â-  â€" C. N. LONG, Clerk. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO..Ltd. rHAI^ STORES Markdale. Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Big June Shoe Sale MENS, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES IN ALL GRADES AT FACTORY COST AND LESS. WE GARANTEE TO SAVE YOU FROM 12y2 TO 35 PER CENT ON YOUR SHOE PURCHASES. LADIES' WHITE SHOES 100 pairs, Ladies high grade. White Shues in Straps, Pumps and Ties. All the latest styles fruni which to choose. Sizes 3K'i t*'» ^- Values np to $3.95. June Special, per pair $1.88 Women's Every Day Work Shoes Wunien"^ Call work Shoes, 5(XJ i)ans These Shues are 95c lean S2.95 $1.49 will give real wear. i ncsc sold regularly at $1.95 pair. June Special per pair WOMEN'S SHOES AT $1.49 5lX) pairs \\'()nKâ- ^'^ Shoes, â€" a ci up on our regular slock. In the lot you will find Straps, ().\lords and Tumps. The regular price . June Clearance Ladies Low Heel and Cuban Heel Shoes .Ml sizes 3^ to Sâ€" idl regular slock, and good, makes in D and I', widths Regular S2.50 to $2.95 value. June Special per pair ^^-^^ Ladies' High Grade Kid and Patent Leather Shoes Broken lots, but a real assorUnent from which to cIkm.sc. \alues to $3.50 pr. June Special per pair $1-9'* CHILD'S PATENT STRAP SHOES in sizes 2 to (\ a real buy for the nione>'. June Special at per pair 65c Misses and Children's Strap Slippers at A Big Saving 100 pairs Misses' and Children's Strap Slii)persâ€" many different _ styles from which to choose. June Special $1.39 pr. WOMEN'S CANVAS SHOES AT $1.25 A good assortment of cnnvas shoes with s(did rubber heels. June Special $1-25 pr. Men's Work Boots at Reduced Prices The i)rice on work boots is increa.sing every dayâ€" Buy now and save money. 200 pairs Men's heavy work Boots with Panco Soles and also leather Soles. Guaranfeed to give good satisfaction. June Special $2.19 pr. 200 pairs, Men's heavy work boots in Uris Calfâ€" a real boot for the price. June Special $2.89 pr. Men's Boys' Youths' Running Shoes at Low Prices. Made of Brown Sturdy Canvas with Rubber Soles. Men's, to 11 95c Boy's, 1 to 5 85c Youth's, II to 13 75c Misses' and Children's Running Shoes at Factory Cost Sturdy Shoe lor the (lirls. Misses, 11 to 2 69c pr. Girl's ') In 10!- 59c pr. CASH AND CARRYâ€" NO RETURNS No Service in Choosing 500 pairs miscellaneous Shoes, \Vo men's, Child's, in fact every thing to pick from on one table. June Special .... 25c pr. READY TO WEAR SPECIALS 200 Dres.ses in Silk Crepesâ€" in short and long sleeves. Most all .sizes. These dresses were made to sell at v$2.95 to $3.- 50. Pile Styles are good. June Specials $1.59 each Special Table of Odd Lines in Sununer Coats and Dresses. 200 garments in all. The price is less than h.ilf the cost of Manufactm-ers. June Special 98c garment Grocery Specials for the next 2 weeks Kirk'^ Castile 1 cent Sale. 3 cakes for 15c 4 cakes for 16c New Valencia ( )ranges .. 29c and 39c doa. Choice Qualilv Corn 3 for 25c Choice Qualitv Figs 3 lbs. for 23c Clarke's I'ork & Beans iVz lb. size 10c ea. Toffie Square Sweet Biscuits 3 lb. for 25c . Shortening, Jewel or Snowflake 2 lbs." for 25c Kellogg's Corn Makes 3 for 23c Choice Bananas per doz 23c 40 oz. Jar Orange Marmalade 22c Assorted Jelly Powders 3 for 14c Two in One White Liquid Shoe Polish.... 13c Good Brooms 5 string 27c ea. Robin Hood Flour 988 $2.89 bag WOOL! WOOL! Our prices tor for wool this week are: Cash ...., 17c Trade :...^.;:. l^c EUGENIA Miss Betty Paul of Lang, Sask. xptnt the wek end with Miss Ila Ma- i:ee. The Y. P. S. meeting has been changed from Wednesday evening to Friday evening, June 12th. The Feversham Y. P. S. intends to be present and put some items on the program. Mr.s. Martin, the missionary convenor of the local Y. P. S. has secured Miss Bertha Manar€y, miss- ionary, home on furlough from India, to give an address which we are sure will be quite interesting. The Eu genia people are requested to bring lunch for the occasion. The meeting will be held in the church here. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association will be held on Thur.-iday afternoon of this week June 11 in the basement of the church. All members please attend. Visitors welcome. On Friday evening of last week a party was held in the L. O. L. Hall here in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morton, wno were recently married. ELECTROCUTED IN TORONtO The friends and neighors of Mr. visitors among friends in the village, ship statutory levy is now raised from Mrs. Alf. Partridge and son. Ken. 75 to 80Vc of the original amounU and grandchildren, Fred, Edna and for the year 1936 and 1937. Each Shirley Partridge of Rock Mills also section will now roceive $480, instead Alex. Laughlin and Bob Clark and of $450 from this statutory levy. Ted Campbell were S/iday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams and Joey. Mrs. Dave McMullen and son, Jim of Lady Bank were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr.s. Ross Smith and at- tended the United church services here. Constable Elwood Purvis and wife of Meaford are on a fortnight's visit with the former's parents here. Mr. Herbert Haney of Toronto vis- ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney. Miss Donalda Sloan, from near Ay- ton, spent the week end with hei parents. Mr. T. H. Woods president of tht Beaver Fishing Club, Major Cham- bers, Col. Chisholm, Col. Simpson, Dr. Wright and S. T. Blackwood, all of Toronto, week ended with M«-. and Mrs. W. Kaittins. Morton of Mount Zion joined with the people here and a very enjoyable time was suent. During the evening j%8i before lunch, the bride and groom were asked to be seated in chairs at the front of the hall, while an ad- dress was read by Mr. Victor Camp bell and the presentation was made of a six piece breakfast set, which consisted of a cabinet buffet, table and four chairs. The groom in be- half of himself and his wife, thanked the people heartily for the lovely gift after which all sang, "For He's a Jolly good fellow." Dancing was re- .sunied after the supper hour and the party broke up in the wee sma' hours o' mornin'. We extend our best wishes to them, foi- happiness and prosperity in their home at Novar. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts and Ner- val and Mr. Billy Hanley. visited on Sunday with Mrs. Butcher and family of Midland. Mrs. Calvin Boyce has opened up a refreshment booth in the park for the summer month?. Miss I. Dinsmore spent the week end at her home near Thornbury. Mr. Harold Falconer spent the past week patjiting and paper hanging near Banks. Mrs. C. Martin attended the Pres- bvterian Ladies' Aid at the home of Mrs. Sam Croft on Tuesday afternoon of last week. The Rock Mills school girls jour- neyed over here on Monday evening and played a game of soft ball with the school girls here and the winners were the Rock Mills girls. Little Miss Joyce Genoe, eldest (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe, gave a birthday party on June 3rd, to a number of her girl friends. A very enjoyable time was spent after which a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Genoe. After lunch, Mr. Genoe took ail the' litUe girls in his cai to Rock Mills to see the ball game which was being played by Eugenia and Rock Mills girls, the Eugenia girls winning. We wish Joyce many more happy returns of her birthday. Miss Vera Mc.Mastei' and friend, Mr. Norman lonson of Toronto vis- ited with the foi'mer's sister. Mrs. C. Hanley und family. Mr. Billv Hanley accompanied Mr. Edgar Betts to Gait on Tuesday. Mr. W. Benson had the misfortune to lose their cow. The cow had not been feeling well for some time. Mr. R. Purvis also lost a cow, which ac cidently got its leg broken in some manner and had to be killed. Mrs. Parker of Maxwell visited hei daughter, -Mrs. Benson. Mrs. VV. E. Morgan and son Douglas motored out from Flesherton on Sun- day for tea at Mrs. A. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Park of Flesh- erton visited. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Park and family. Mr. John Magee spent a few days with friends in Omngc Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Magee and children, also Mr. and Mrs. Will Rat cliffe of Vandeleui- were i-ecent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe. Mrs. Wilson is visiting her daughter Mrs. Johnston and other relatives in Toronto. uMr. Thos. Fenwick has been busy this week burning a kiln of lime. Congratulations t« Mr. and Mrs. Glen MacDoruild (nee Miss Patty Mor- g'an) of Chatsworth, on the arrival of a little daughtes to cheer their home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Semple and babe, Mr. Ted Campbell, Mr. E. Faw- cett and Miss Mabel Fawcett spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto were week end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Purvis. Mrs. Timmins of Traveraton is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Willie Walker. Mrs. and Dr. Little of Flesh- erton were callers on Postmaster Park and wife. Miss Bernice fampbell and Miss J. Stanley Muir. at one time a res- ident of Ceylon, was electrocuted in Toronto last week. He was employ- ed in a laundry. The late Mr. Muir w'as born in Eg- remont township a.x\A as a boy at- tended Topcliffe School, near Dur- ham. Later he resided at Ceylon for a few years before going to To- ronto. He is survived by his wife and five children, all at home; one brother, Mervyn, Toronto and two sisters, Mrs. George Carter, Dundalk. and Mrs. Robert French. Weston. (ADDITIONAL CEYLON ITEMS) Mr. and Mrs. H. Nixon and son Alex, of Mono Road and Mr. Allen Nixon of Coleville, Sask. were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McLeod on Sunday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart on Sunday were: Irene Stewart, Helen Park, Misa Martha Heron, Mr. Jack Crichton, Toronto; Mr. Herbert and Gordon Dand, Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nixon and son Alex, Mono Road and Allan Nixon. Saskatchewan. Red Ryan's death is more imphatic proof that crime does not pay than his book on that theme. CHANGE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACT Public School trustee boards are asked to note a change in the Public Schools kct, amended at the recent session, to the effect that the town- MOTOR OIL? Your car uses oil, but do you buy real oil or just the cheapest grade offered ? Hot weather is the severest test ot fast moving metal parts and oil, good oil, is the one thing, and the only one, that stands between broken parts and you. Your car needs your consider- ation. Do not e.xpect service from your car if you do not service it with real oil. Truly, real oil costs more to buy, but in the end the best will be cheapest. 100% Pure Pennsylvania Oil acknow- ledged to be the finest oil in the world. Agent S. L. Stauffer FLESHERTON, - Ont. Mr. Stauffer will continue to sell British Lubol Oil, as well as Penn Oil, for those customers who desire it. Small Advts. I FOR SALEâ€" Heavy work horse.â€" Ed. I WORTC WANTED â€" Young man i wants work â€" familiar with truck or Apply Loucks, R. R. 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Seed Buckwheat, 60c bu.â€" Geo. Snoll, R. R. 1. Ceylon. LIME FOR SALE â€" Fresh lime for sale. â€" jT. Fenwick. Phone. Fever- sham. 5 r 3. wants work- farm work, good references.- at The Advance Office. FOR SALE â€" Scotch Shorthorn year- ling bull, "Village Girl" family.â€" H. I. Gcaham, R. R. 4, Markdale. FOR SALE â€" Young sow, due July 5th. â€" Harry Thornbury, Singhamp- ton, R. R. i. FOR SALE OR RENT Good house and lot in Flesherten with good barn and about two acret of land for sale or rent; drilled weD; will sell at low price for quick sale; also brooder house 12 xl4 feet an^ two electric incubators both 600 egf capacity.â€" Apply to Earl or Roy Best, R. R. 3, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" A few bags of seeil potatoes.â€" Jim E. Russell, Flesh- erton. R. R. 1. FOR SALE â€" 1929 Ford Roadster with rumble seat, motor ovei'hauled, $05 cash, .'^pply at this office. FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE â€" For baby chicks, one hundred chick oil bi'ooder stove.â€" Mrs. Chas. Moore, Proton Station, Ont. FOR SALE â€" One Good Mare; Mas- sy-Harris Mower; Renfrew Separ- ator and 2 Mellotte Separators. â€" Edgar Betts. POTATOES WA>/rED â€" present price $1.60 for bags, each or $1.75 trade for No. 1 potatoes. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. • FOR SALE OR RENT Property in Flesherton known o» the old livery stable for sale or rent â€"John Eckhardt, Priceville, R. R. 1. HOG FOR SERVICE Rviristered Berkshire hog, govem>> mem inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time $2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. FOR SALE â€" One team of year old purcheron colts, also a bull one year old.â€" Apply to A. F. Pedlar, Eugenia. HOC FOR s::kvice Young York.shir. log, n'Jrebred and government inspected; terms: cask 75c.: charged $1.00. ^WES. SMITH, Rock MilU. BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE â€" Corn $1.26 cwt.. Mixed chop $1.00 cwt., Massey Harris Mower $15.00.â€" A. C. M\iir, Ceylon, Phone 38 r 3. NOTICE â€" Any person or persons who have any of the town ladders, please return at\once to G. B.I Welton, Flesherton, DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.30 Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. FOR SAL Grey County Egg GraSing Station, also lots adjoining the Xsam*, will sacrifice for $350.00 caslvâ€" Thomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Tordpto. FARM FOR SALE OR RENlVâ€" 100 acres of land, clay loam, coVsider- able plowing done: good barri and house; lot 16 and 17, near Flesjier- ton Station. â€" Apply to Mrs. \R. Stewart, Flesherton. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which is a largt DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 89 DR. E. C. MURRAY L.D.S. Honour graduate uf Torono UbI> versity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office entrance at northwest sM* of residence, Tk>r«nto Street, FMh erton. Telephone. 20W. WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. All sales eoiducted on Business principles r 1 parties reauiring work done on the above lines will do well to call at the Advance Office or write Wm. Kait> ting. Eugenia, 'Phone 43â€" U Delsa Kaitting are spending some I f^a^n with cement stabling and garage, time at Fein Cottage beyond Orfllia. '' '^PP'.v *» W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Mr. Glen Fetch of Toponto is a j Pricevill" Prince Arthur Lodge No. 888, AJf. &A.M., meets in the Kratemnl HaO, Flesherton, the second Tneaday (â-  each month. W.M., Alex. CamerMM ^. Secretary, H. A. McCanley.

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