Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1936, p. 8

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; â- â- â- 'â- .''*. -â- â- â€¢Â»â€¢.•- Wednesday, June 24, 1936 •i* V"' â- â- *â- â€¢â€¢ ;v> ' • t THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ REMINISCENCE PARKERâ€" SERVICE The marria^ was solemnized on Saturday, Juitc 13, at 'Knox College Chapel, by Rev. Mr. Clifton, of Char- lena Service, dnuehter of the lato Charles Service, and of Mrs. W. C. Edwards, Sinfrhampton, to Mr. John Parker, of Maxwell. The bride wore a suit of brown crepe with lace blous- 1 '^'^ memory holds the picture firm, Though failing strength returns no more. When reminiscing o'er th« past, My heart is saddened to the core, When there within my visions grasp. Comes scenery I have loved of yore. Once more I stand upon the hills. And view the lake and rugged shore. ette, white hat and shoes, and carried a shower bouiluat of sweet peas. Following a short honeymoon in Ridgetown and Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Parker will take up residence at Sing- hampton. He who laughs last is sometimes only laughing to be qplite. . )e DP lit How ancient are those nook.s and hills Since out the mist this world began, We leave our foot prints in the sand. But fleeting are the days of man. â€" OANIEL NUHN If you want to see something swell, put a .iponge into water. â-  "â- ^ SPECIAL NOTICE 1^u can IMNV buy THE BEST BRANDS OF PREPARED HOUSE MINT lor » 75 ^0 per gallon Why take a chance on paint of doubtful quality when you can now obtain the undernotcd top quality brands of white lead paint at this popular figure? Insist upon one of these famous time-tested brands for all your exterior painting. Any one of them will assure you a job of outstanding beauty, long paint life and economy front first to last. There is a store in your vicinity that can supply you. Sherwin-Williams canada paint MARTIN-SENOUR ROCK MILLS Miss Mary Clark returned home on Friday from Toronto where she has spent the past few weeks. Master Fred Belts spent Friday night with Mr. D. E. Ritchie at Dur- ham. Muny friends here are sorry to hear of the illness of Miss Ada Atkinsoa, who is a iiatient in the Owen Sound hospital. We trust she will soon be restored to good health again. The .school Softball team went over to Vandeleur Monday evening and played a return game with the team there, resulting in favor of Vande leur. Mrs. Frank Leavell and daughter, Bernice of Flesherton visited on Thursday with Mrs. Dick Clark. Mrs. Elwood Partridge and Mr Alex. Laughlin accompanied the form er's brother to Toronto, where they .spent the week end with relatives. The school examinations are being written this week and school will close Friday for the Summer vacation. Mr. Ned Croft and son Glen and Mrs. Chas. Newell motored to Ham ilton and Bartonvillc on Sunday and visited friends there. Miss Doris Warling returned to her home in Bartonvillc with them after holiday ing the past month with relatives here. The public school picnic was held Saturday afternoon at the Park Eugenia, when there was a good at- tendance and everybody enjoyed themselves. The young people spent the afternoon playing soft, ball and foot ball. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Atkinson vis- ited recently in Owen Sound- A number from hero attended the street dance in Durham Friday night. kCM-« I iptoinctrist and EYE SPECIALIST R. M. McKay R. 0. of Kincardine at Wm. F. Potter's Jewellery Store FLESHERTON for consultation '/â- i- on Mod., July 6 Prom 10 o'clock a.m. and monthly thereafter. Com- plete Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please make your appointment. EUGENIA Come to the garden party at Eu- genia on Tueaday, July 7th, at the United Church, under the auspices of the Woman's Association. There Meaford the past week. There will be a union picnic in the Park here on Monday afternoon, June 29th, when khe 8th line Public school, the Eugenia public school, the Sunday school and the Y. P. S. will all join will be sports in the ball grounds; '" to have a happy time THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO..Ltd. CHARi BTMUU Markdalt, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OP MONEY I V Big June Shoe Sale Goes On , â- 'â-  - . • 'â-  â-  • .. \ OUR BIG JUNE SHOE SALE STILL GOES ON. NEW LINES ARE AdDED DAILY. COME TO HILL'S AND SAVE MONEY ON 4 ' YOUR SHOE PURCHASES. ' SPECIAL VALUES IN MEN'S WEAR MEN'S 2 PANT SUITS 25 only Men's Fine Worsted Suit.s in sizes 36 to 44. Th.-se vStiits will Rive sglendid weaiâ€" a j?ood ran^e of patterns from which to choose. June Special $14.9b MEN'S WORK PANTS AT A REAL SAVING 100 pairs Men's Work Pants in Cot- tonade and Cotton Tweeds. vSizes 34 to 42 June Special $L50 pr. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 10 d<J7.. Blue and Khal* Shirts in sizes '-W/i\ to 17â€" a medium weight vShirt. June Special .,«,^.....,, 59c ea. 20 doz. Men's Blue and Grey Work Shirts â€" a good weight. This will give plenty of wear. June Special .... 89c ea. 15 doz. Me^'s Work Shirts in extra heavy quality â€" a large made shirt. Real Value at $L00 per garment MEN'S FINE SHIRT SPECIAL 10 doz. only, Men's fine Shirts in all the new patterns. size W/is to 17. June Special $L45 ea. HARDWARE SPECIALS 2 plate Kk'Ctric Stuve for $2.75 Single Plate Toaster for 50c Double Plate Toaster for 98c 2 plate Stove Attachment for $3.95 2 Burner Oil Stove for $7.95 3 Burner Oil Stove for $9.95 Paragon Paint in all the wanted shades. per Quart 79c per Pint 40c GROCERY SPECIALS 1 large' jiackagc of Rinso 25c 1 Cake Lifebuoy Soap Ic 'â- '?v... â- V' -it 26c Sweet Mixed Pickles, large jar 25c Pearl White Naphtha Soap 5 for 19c Sweet Mixed Biscuits 2 lbs. for "250 vStove Polish 9c tin Large Bottle Vanilla for 15c Good size Prunes 3 lbs. for 25c Large Can Clarke's T'ork tSt Beans for 10c Canned Pumpkin 2 for 19c Kkovak Custard Powder per tin 19c Keliogg's Corn Flakes 3 for 23c 5 lbs Japan Rice for 25c WOOL! WOOL! Our prices for for wool this week are: Cash 17c Trade 1 ,... i/c supper in the chui'ch basement, com- mencing at 5.30 o'clocic; and a pro- gram in the church commencing at 8 o'clock, wiiich will consist of a play, "The Girl who forgot" by Rock Mills Young People. Admis.sion: Adults 25c, children under 12 years 15c. A cood time is anticipated. Come and bring your friends. There was a good attendance at church on Sunday, and as usual Rev. Mr. Bushell preached an excellent sermon, taking the theme of his ad- dress from Mathew, Chap. 12. The Y. P. S. met on Wednesday evenmg as usual v.ith the citizenship convenor presiding. Scripture pass- ages were read by Miss L. Duckett and Miss Georgie Smith. Mrs. Mar- tin took the worship period and led in prayer. The topic of discussion was "Christian Marriage" which was very iateresting and was taken by Mr. Ross Smith, the convenor. Boys as well as girls must be trained for marriage. For recreation a game of "Post Office" was played after which the meeting closed in the usual way. Mi.s,s .Marjorie Benson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Williard Benson, Prov- idence. Miss Audrey Jamieson of Toronto visited a few days with the Misses Fern and Uaz«l Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Martin McCrone and the latter's moth^, Mrs. Carter of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. .los. Williams. Mr. Clinton Magee and Mr. Glen Pedlar spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Irene Doupe and little brother of Saugeen .Junction visited a few days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney. Miss Gedrgina Smith and Mrs. C. Martin attended the Sunday school convention in Markdale on Thursday of last week and report a very good convention. Mrs. Martin was re- appointed Missionary Superintendent of the 0. R. E. C. Rev. Bu.shell hold.s the office of president for an- other vear. Mr. Geo. Arm-strong of Flesherton was given the office of vice-president. The Women's Association of the United chuixih here, on invitation, at- tended the Society meeting at Max- well, where the Wareham and Mt. Zion Ladies were also invited and had a most enjoyable time. There were over 50 ladies in attendance. A mixed program by the visiting soc- ieties was enjoyed in the church, after which all repaired to the par- sonage lawn, where the hostess, Mrs. Bushell and her assistants served a bountiful and appetizing lunch. The ladies desire to thank the Maxwell W. A. for their kind hospitality and pleasant time. Mis.s Irene L»inamore spent the vreek end at her home near Thombury. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gillespie of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson, Miss Dor- othy Jamieson returned to her home after completing her normal course. Master Andrew Armstrong of Long Branch is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Andrew came by bicycle all the way. Mr. and Mrs. George Gould and Muriel of Ravenna, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and child- ren of .Markdale visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and family. Mr. Ken Kaitting has been assist- ing Mr. H. Davidson with carpenter work at Duntroon the past couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams r«- ceived the news that their son Will of Toronto had Uken suddenly ill and was operated on for a very serious case of ulcers of the stomach. Mrs. Williams and son Joev .spent the week end in Toronto and visited her son at the hospital and found him doing as well as could be expected. W« wish Will a speedy recovery. Mr. Wood and five other members of the Beaver Fishing Club spent a few days at their Pishing Reserve in the valley. The Beaver Fishing Club are build- ing another club house near the pres- ent one. where Mr. Kaitting is man- ager. Building operations will com- mence in a few days. Mr T Lever of Flesherton spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs C Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duckett and family, al.so MV. Jos. Williams Jr. motored to Maxwell one day recently and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Levi I>uckett and family. Miss Lillian Easland of Rob Roy was a recent visitor with her aisiter, Mrs. Ben Shortt. Little Miss Hilda Crowe of Toronto is spending a couple of week.<( with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Will- iams. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee visited a few days In Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Ti-udgeon and other friends of Dun- dalk visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fawcett and family. Miss Donalda Sloan has been re-en- gaged to teach another term in the school near Ayton with an icrease in salary. Miss Ilene Khal and winsome little sisters Ruth and Reta of Clifford ac- companied Miss Donalda Sloan to her home here for the week end. They also attended the church service here Sunday morning. Miss Rowena Magee was home from Flesherton over the week end- Mrs. Watson, 8th line, spent a few days with friends at Orangeville. Out of the Entrance clasB of 7 pup* ils 4 have to write the examinations at Flesherton. These are Winnet» and Carmel Martin, Jean Tudor and Reggie Fawcett Evelyn Campbell Elward Campbell and Mabel Duckett passed and their year's work and do- not have to wright. Winneta and Car- mel Martin also passed on their year's work, but the inspector only allowed three to pass without examinations. Happy the project in which the hurrah-ing is not done by the many and the labor by the few. After all, why blame the sun when it acts precisely as you do â€" smilea only by fits and starts. STREET ' DANCE FLESHERTON Under Auspices of L.O.L. No. 2855 ;: on By FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1936 Music Supplied Two Good Orchestras : Jitney Dancing Small A:dvts. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*<~:~>'><K»<><~:~>:'<~>->«*<~>«>*«c^*<5»:'*<»««>«<><-c~>«><><«^ FOR SALE â€" Oats 34c bu.; Screen-] FOR SALE â€" Pair of lawn bowlea, $5.00. â€" Frank Mclntyre, Dundalk. ings 90c cwt.; Mixed chop $1.00 cwt. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. Phone 38 r 3. LIME FOR SALE â€" Fresh lime for sale. â€" fr. Fenwick. Phone, Fever- sham, 5 r 3. FOR SALE â€" Scotch Shorthorn year- ling bull, "Village Girl" family.â€" H. I. Graham, R. R. 4, Markdale. FOR SALE OR RENT Good house and lot in FlMhert«a with good bam and about two sens of land for sale or r«nt; drilled weO; will sell at low price for qnick aals; also brooder house 12 xl4 feet awl two electric Incubators both 600 egg capacity. â€" Apply to Earl or Roy Beit, R. R. 3, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" Young sow, due July 5th. â€" Harry Thombury, Singhamp- ton, R. R. 1. FOR SALE â€" 1929 Ford Roadster with rumble seat, motor overhauled, $95 cash. Apply at this office. FOR SALE â€" One Good Mare; Mas- sy-Harris Mower; Renfrew Separ- ator and 2 Mellotte Separators. â€" Edgar Betts. FOR SALE â€" One team of year old purcheron colts, also a bull one year old.â€" Apply to A. F. Pedlar, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Corn $1.25 cwt., Mixed chop $1.00 cwt., Massey Harris Mower $18.00.â€" A. C. M\iir, Ceylon, Phone 38 r 3. • NOTICE â€" Any person or persens who have any of the town ladders, please return at once to G. B. Welton, Flesherton. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will sacrifice for $260.00 cash. â€" ^Thomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto, PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which is a Isrgt bam with cement stabling and garage. Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Priceville. FOR SALE OR R?NT Property in Flesherton known the old livery stable for sale or rent â€"John Eckhardt, Priceville, R. R. t. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, goveto* ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if p«U within 2 months, over that time $2.00. â€"Laurie Pedlar. \-' HOC FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire nog, purebred government inspected; terms: caah 75c.; charged $1.00. â€"WES. SMITH. Rock Hills. BUSINESS GARDg DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.W Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 09 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including July 1st for washing walls and ceiling of the Portlaw public school. The low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. â€"Mrs. Florence Lyens, R. R. 2, Proton Station. DR. E. C. MURRAY L.D.S. Honour graduate of Torono Uat versity and Royal College of Surgeons of Ontario. Office entrance at northwsst of residence, IVinHito Strest, i erton. Telephone, 20W. WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. All islss conducted on Business principlss all parties j-eauiring w«rk done on tli« above lines wllj do well to call at ths Advance Office or write Wm. KaH- ting. Eugenia. Thone 4»â€" 11 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 6 o'cjpck P. M. of July 6. 1938, for the delivery of BO tons of Pocohontus Coal, in the Flesh- erton ".iigh slte^l' also for 50 cords j of wood, niapi^and beech, two foot Mr. and MVs. Alex. Cameron vhdted.long. Tendei?sfr>" wood may be on Toronto recently. J for a less number ofVor<ls. Mrs. PredPedlf "'-'♦^Wrieiids in W. J. BELLAMY, Secretary Prince Arthur Lodge No. SM, KT, AA.M., meet* in the Vratsmal Bal, Flesherton. the Meond TaeMhy li each month. W.B1. AJex. Oaimnat Secretary, H. A. MeOMlsr. i DR. T. H. SPENCE Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coir lege, Professional services reasonable. â€"Phone, Dundalk, 51 r 11. f V I: f i ♦ 4] i « - â- -^â-  I I, I- i- r i

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