Flesherton Advance, 9 Sep 1936, p. 5

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THE FtESHERTON AD\WlNCE Wednesday, vSe'ptember 9, 1936 â- %. â-  *,•>â- â-  'i' ' » * i^^ ^1^'^ ,%i -a LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS PRICEVILLE The g^reatest sympathy was felt in this neighborhood, at the tragic end- ing of a sweet young life, the child of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDermid, re- sulting from a scald some few days before. She was about nine days over two years of age and she looked BO angelic in her pure, waxlike fea- tures. The funeral held on Monday was largely attended by friends and neighbors from miles around. Rev. H. E Wright, spoke words of cheer to the parents, that might well be taken by those present also, finish- ing up with the touching verses of Longfellow "The air Is full of fare- wells, etc." Pall bearers were Eveline and Viola McDermid, cousins, and Florence and Mary McEachem. Flower girls were Frances Smith, Rosaline Mc'Kinnon, Anna May Mclntyre, Anna Mae Mc- Eachern. Many beautiful flowers testified to t<)§ sympathy felt for the father and mother, Among them were tokens from: J. S. McDermid and family and grandmother; Mr. and Mrs. Art. Jackson, Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bell and da«ghter, Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brett, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. D. Smellie, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, Bunessan, Mr. McDougall and family, Sacketts Corners and many others whose name could not be secured. Friends from a distance, in addition to those mentioned above were: Mess- rs. ^m., Herb and Walter Nicholls and their wives; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hincks, Di-omore, Mrs. Alex. Mc- Donald, son and wife, Dromore, Mr. and Mrs. McCormick, uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Risk and his mother, Kimberley, IT. H. McDonald and sister Katie, Edge Hill, old neighbors and many others. The funeral of the late Mrs. Burt was held on Wednesday last, the body arriving by Tuesday noon train and rested in the home of Mrs. Salter, till its removal to the Presbyterian church where the Rev. A. McDonald conducted a fine service, part of it being in the Gaelic language as re- quested by the deceased in her life- time. The flowers were beautiful as usual, and the pallbearers were Mal- colm, Donald and John McLean,, Colin A., Colin H., and Charles, all of the same name and eousins of the deceased. Relatives, friends, and neighbors turned out in large num- bers, to pay the last tribute of res- pect. Friends from a distance were: Mrs. Sangster of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitehorn and three daugh- ters of Detroit, Mrs. Bill Hill of Fergus, Mr. Charlie McLean, Mrs. Salters. Mrs. Courtz, Mrs. Mortimer, Miss Jean McLean and Mr. Murray McMillan, all of Toronto. CEYLON Week end and holiday visitors in the community were: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and Edna of Toronto with Mrs. W. White and Laura; Mr. and Mrs. R. Nixon and family of Wes- ton at Mrs. Ed. Dingwall's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Patterson and family and Mr. J Pattison, Toronto, with Mrs. M. Pattison and Mrs. Gordop Stuart; Mr, and Mrs. M. Raney and Jean, South- ampton, with Mrs . Macphail; Mrs. Coleman, Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Coleman and two children and Mr. R. Clarke, London, at the home of J. F. Collinson; Miss Susie M<£innon, Toronto, with Mrs. Jas. Oliver and Mr. Domald McKinnon; Mr. WUl Hemphill and Miss Jean, Toronto, also Mr. Ken Hemphill of Vancouver, B.C., at the home of Mr. S. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wharin of Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod and Margaret Ann, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod and Sheila of London visited last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall and children spent Friday at the Exhibi- tion. Misses Jean and Barbara Mar- shall retruned Saturday after an ex- tended visit in Toronto. Messrs. John Gibson. J. P. Stewart, Dan Stewart and Fred Marshall left Monday for Toronto. Mr. Joe Stubbles is holidaying in Toronto. Mrs. John Stewart is visiting her family in Toronto and Weston. Mr. Will Gibson has returned from a vacation spent in Toronto. Mrs. Harry David of Berkeley, ac- companied by Mr. Howard David, B. A., called on Mrs. F. D. Cairns on Thursday. Mrs. George Snell has returned from a week's visit in Toronto. Mrs. Archie McMuUen has returned home after an extended visit in Toronto. Mrs. Hunt has returned home after '^pending the summer months with Mr. Stanley Hunt in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. .John Stewart are vis- iting in Toronto. Mrs. Stewart is remaining for a couple of weeks. Miss Nellie Genoe was in Toronto over the week end and holiday. EUGENIA MAXWELL PROTON STATION The W.M.S. and Willing Helpers will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 16th at tl^^ home of Mrs. Hector McEachern, South Line. Lunch Committee â€" Mrs. Alie Mc- Lean, Mrs. Angus Hooper. Topic by Mrs. Archie McCuaig "What do we ask of education?" Paper by Miss Alma Hooper. Mr. Murray Nichol of Ottawa spent the week end at his parental home. Mr. and Mrs George McLellan and Miss Ruby Wilson of Niagara Falls spent the week ead with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hincks and daugh- ter, Marilyn, of Toi»nto spent the week end with fitiends here and at Durham and were accompanied home by Miijs Jean Hincks, who will spend a few days there. Mm. Ray McLean and children spent the week end in Shelburne. Misses Annie, Katie and Gladys and Alex. MclCinnoB and Mr. Dick Baxter of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Neil McKinnon. Mr. David Hincks, Mrs. Charles Tuolcer and children and Mrs. A. L. Hincfcs and Eric spent Thursday visit- ing friends in Elora and Arthur. Mrs. D. McNea, who spent a few days here, returned to Elora and in two weeks intends returning to North Dakota. Miss Margaret Nichol had her ton- sils removed in the Durham hospital on Tuesday. Mr. Jack Dobson and Miss Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mephani of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mepham and daughter, June, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hill and Leon of Mark- dale were recent guests with Mrs. McMeekin and Mrs. Bradey Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hubson, Jerry and "Chuck" and Mr. Knapp of Ham- ilton visited recently at the home of Sandy Stonehouse. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fairbairn of Palrbairn, Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Ed. Bradey of Markdale visited recently with Mrs. Irwin and Bert. The latter remained fer a few days. Mrs. Mepham and Mrs. McMeekin accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mepham to Windsor for a month's vacation. Mrs. Robt. McMeekin of Durham Some of our ex-student ministers, when on holidays, recently renewed acquaintances with the Proton Station folk and those upon whom they called were very pleased to see them. Mr. Rumball of Toronto, Mr. Petrie and little son of Weston and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Prosser of Lakeview were call- ers the past week, and not so long ago Rev. W. H. Pointer of Northport visited here, his last year charge. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Consley is steadily improving, after her recent critical illness. Her niece from Coilingwood, Mrs. Hindi*, who was helping with the nursing, has returned home, as also has her daugh- ter, Mrs. Wilson, of Toronto. Misses Gertrude and Ruby Lyons and sister, Mrs. Kirkwood, and little daughter have been holidaying at the parental home. The Proton folk are pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wauchope and little Phyllis home again. Lloyd has been suppling on the Markdale rail- way section for three months, but has been returned to his own work again. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Casson are spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John Carson here. The Proton Station choir, with some outside assistance, is practising for the anniversary services on Sept. 20th. Rev. McPherson of Mclntyre will be the speaker at U a.m., and Rev. Ser- vice of Flesherton at 7.30 p.m. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCanneH during the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McPherson , from near Dundalk,, Mr. and Mrs. i Harrison, Mrs. Ferris and daughter, Miss Grace Ferrie, of Caledonia, and Mrs. J. A. Pollock of Pekin, 111. spent a few days last week with Mrs. McMeekin and fainiJy. Miss Hilda Mckechnie spent a few days in Toronto at the Exhibition. Mr. Rowland McDonald of Thorn- bury and Mrs. Wm. Watters of De- troit were recent visitors at the home of Mr. John McKechnie. Mrs. Thos. Nichol returned home after spending a week visiting with friends in Coilingwood. Mr. Wm. McLeod of the South Line had the misfortune on Saturday, while unloading hay to be seriously in- jured. The rope caught on a piece of timber on the scaffold and when he pulled bhe stick fell, striking him on the head. He was uncon- scious for four hours and was badly cut on his head and hands. Dr. Sneath was soon on hand and dressed the wounds. His many friends wish for him a speedy recovery. The locomotive always gets right of way at crossings. the The Woman's Association will hold their regular meeting on Thursday, September lOtb, a week earlier than usual. The roll call is to be answer- ed by a verse containing the word "fruit." Miss Muriel Carruthers has gone to Toronto for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and Cecil motored to Pickering and Toronto and also attended the C.N.E. Miss Dorothy Jamieson, who ia teaching in Feversham public school, spent the week end and holiday at her parental home. We wish her every success in her profession. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Falconer of To- ronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconer on Sunday. Mrs. Will Benson visited for a few days recently with friends near Feversham. Miss Doris Magee spent a few days recently with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gorley. Messrs. Jim and Eddie Hargrave have returned home after a fort- night's vacation with the Park famil- ies here. Miss Rowena Magee has returned to Flesherton where she is again assist- ing in household duties at the home of Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. Mr. Thos. Crowe of Toronto was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. His lilttle daughter, Hilda, who has spent the past two weeks with her grandparents, returned home with him, accompanied by her grand- mother and cousin, Freddie Partridge, who will spend a week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Will Martin of Owen Sound and son spent Thursday afternoon with the former's brother, Charles. Miss Louise Falconer of Priceville visited a few days with her brother, Mr. Harold Falconer, and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Campbell and Billie of Toronto spent the week end at their summer cottage here. Mr. Norval Betts spent a week's vacation with her mother, Mrs. Dutcher, and sons, at Midland. His brother, Ivan, returned home with him for a week's holiday. Mr and Mrs Jack McCowell visited over the week end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family. Misses Christina and Lillian returned to Toronto with them. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .â- Vlex. Carruthers, Muriel and Mrs. C. Park were Mrs. Geo. Carruthers and sons, Russell and George, and the latter's wife of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Atkinson and iflrildrcn of Victoria Corners were .Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carruthers were. Mr. J. B. Carruthers and son, Rev. D. W. Car- ruthers from State College, Penn., and Messrs. Alex, and Ralph Walton of Sai^lt Ste. Marie, who also visited the Walton family. Mr. and Mrs. WiH Martin o£ Owen Sound and little grandson, Kenny Skinner, also Mr. and Mrs. Orville Martin and children "Mickey" and Sharlene of Pontiac. Mich., visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and family. Messrs. A. Matthews and B. Oornetl of Heepeler installed the new furnace in the United Church last week. The Woman's Association purchased the furnace from the Hall Company at Hespeler. Mrs. E. Rowbotham and daughter, Evelyn, and gentleman friend of To- ronto visited on Sunday and Monday with the former's parents, Mr. anik Mrs. John Williaipg. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Graham and Mr. Cecil Graham spent Friday in Toronto and attended the C.N.E. Mr. Walter Wiley of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park. Mis. Wiley and babes. Donna and Bruce, who have spent a fort- night with Mrs. Park and Gwennie, returned hoiwe with him on Monday. Mr. Chas. Park, who spent the week end at hi.i home here, returned on Monday to resume his woi'k at Niag- ara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Warburton of Toronto were ihe guests of Mrs. G. C. Graham over the holiday. Mr. John Magee spent the past week with Orange Valley friends. Mrs. Geo. Proctor and grand' daughter, Marjorie, of Kimberley spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Proctor and family. Mr. and Mi-s. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto spent the week end at the former's parental home. Mrs. L. Lyons of the Centre Line, accompanied by Mrs. Luckhurst of Toronto, were visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee. Mr. and Mrs. B. Magee visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Burnett, Priceville. Mrs. Peter Sherwood of Ceylon vis- ited for a few days the past week with Mrs. Joe. Williams and other friends. Mr. Jack Janiie.son of Alexandria Rev. M. F. Oldham of Tara visited with Maxwell friends last week. He was on his way to join his wife and mother at Lake Simcoe. Mr. James Clark of Coilingwood visited at the home of Mr. Geo, Ross and called on old friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold and son of Oshawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Poole over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cameron of Owen Sound, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestly Snr., and Mrs. Louis Kerton, spent the holiday with Weston and Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. Priestly Jr. attend- ed the Exhibition on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Eakins and daughter, Mary, of Millbrook, visited Mrs. Eakins' sister, Mrs. Geo. Ross, recently. Mr. Vern Tozer and sisters, the Misses Margaret and Florence, called on friends here on Labor Day. The W. I. will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ed. Seeley on Tuesday, September 15. The meeting is in honor of the grand- mothers, who are all especially invited to attend. Miss Myers of Markdale visited her friend, Mrs. L. .Adam, on Monday. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gould of Rav- enna were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle. Miss Bernice Har- bottle returned with them for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Ida Cameron and Miss Marion Rutherford of Toronto were recent visitors with Mrs. Thos. McCuUoch. School reopened with Mr. A. Idle of Clarksburg again in charge. We wish the teacher and pupils another suc- cessful year. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sheridan, who were married on Saturday. Mr. Les Haines, accompanied by Mi.ss Mabel Thompson and uncle, Mr. Hugh Smith, left on Thursday for Wisconsin, U.S.A., to spend a month with the latter's brother, Mr. James Smith, and wife. Mr. Wm. Thompson and sister. Miss Ursula, attended the Sheridan-Smith wedding at Duncan on Saturday. Mrs. Annie Seeley of Toronto is visiting with her nephew, Mr. Gordon MoMullen, and family. Mr. Tommio Ferguson of Kimberley was a recent visitor at the home of Ernie Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Welsh of U. S..\., spent the past two weeks with his father, brothers and sisters here. Miss Kate Jamieson of Toronto is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Dave Genoe. -'-': Fall r-^:: 1 1 Millinery Opening i I Mrs. W. H. MiUer will display FALL MILUNERY at her home Friday and Saturday September 11 and 12 AND FOLLOWING DAYS ; i»»»»»»»». H i.|i» »j .. > . | i»». | i H .. H .. H .. | .. > i | . » . > . H i». H i »H i* »| i- H i** »»» - H"i - VANDELEUR spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mi's. F. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson and Agnes of Toronto were week end and holiday visitors with Mrs. Wilson and other relatives. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Gay lord Kaitting re- turned home to Detroit after a week's visit with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting. His father returned home with him for a vacation. We are sure Mr. K. will enjoy his holi- day, as it will be a great change from the Beaver Valley where neighbors are few and far apart. Mrs. A. Singer, Mrs. A. May and Mrs McCullough of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Kaitting and family. Messrs. Singer and Walker, who were carpenters on the new club house, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. May retuinied home a few days later. The new club Ivouse in the Beaver Valley has been completed and is modern in every detail, being a fine piece of architecture, which speaks well for the contractor and super- vi.^or, Mr. Andrew May of Toronto, and his assistants. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Conn of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn of Fever- sham, spent an evening recently with the Kaitting family. Miss Fern Magee and brothers, Stjvnley and Gerald, motored to To- ronto on Friday and spent a day at the Exhibition. The boys returned home on Monday, but Pern remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong at Long Branch. Master Andrew Armstrong, who has been holidaying here, returned to his home with them. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clark and family of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hutchinson. Miss Viola Black, Miss Verna Gilk- inson, Master Harold Black and Church Peel have returned to their homes in Toronto after spending the summer with Mr and Mrs. Sam Fitz- simmons and family. Mr. Garnet Blair of Toronto was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn and Misses Georgina and Ruth of Flesher- ton and Hai-tley Blackburn and friend. Miss Ruby Choles of Port Credit were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Boland and family. Mr Lome Cattenden and lady friend of Sault Ste. Marie are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnston. Miss Doreen Boland spent a few days last week with Miss Georgina Blackburn at Flesherton. Messrj. Angus Bowles, John Bowles, Norman Williams, Sam Fitzsimmons aan Violet Fitzsimmons left on Friday of la.st week for a trip to New Lis- keard and other northern points. Mrs. Lundy Johnston spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. John Boland has taken a posi- tion with Mr. Harry Baker at Tavistock. Miss Lillian Buchanan entei-tained a number of her friends to a corn roast on Thursday evening of last week. Arrangements are being made for the annual Sunday School rally to be held in the church on Sunday, Sept. 30th. The attendance contest, which has been creating considerable inter- est, will be brought to a close on Rally Day. A social evening will be held a week or two later and the losing side is to give the program. At present the sides are fairly even. Temper- ance pledge cards were distributed in the Sunday School recently by the Temperance Supt., Mrs. D. McGee, and were largely signed. A United States paper says Mr. Roosevelt thinks nothing of work- ing eighteen hours a day. Lots of other people don't think much of the idea either. ♦ â-  ^ • ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦• I-I-I-I-H-H-H-H ' â-  > ♦â- !â-  » Tt"! Shingles Clears, per sq $3.45 2nd. Clears per sq. .. $2.95 Seconds per sq $2.25 Will deliver 15 square or more I more at above prices. T A. C. MUIR â€" Ceylon, t Phone ^S v .3 * r)])t()mi'trist and 2 EYE SPECIALIST ? i t I R. M. McKay^R. 0. of Kincardine at Wm. F. Potter's Jewellery Store FLESHERTON for consultation on Mon., Sept. 14 From 10 o'clock a.m. I I and monthly thereafter. Com- X plete Satisfaction Guaranteed. !• Please maka your appohitment. % *^^*t»^X**l'f*l^^l**l**l**^Hi*K'^l**l**l*^ â- :♦♦♦ ***^*<'"><»<~>*':">4~^«:~:~K"M«<«.:k~:"K"K~:'"><"K»<mk~>^ L ive a nd L earn! VETERAN "Look here," said the commercial traveller to the small town hotel keep- ei-, "don't you know that i-oller towels in hotels have been prohibited in this state for three years?-" "Sure," replied the hotel keeper, "but that towel was put up before the law was passed." President of Spain ships truck- loads of baggage out of Madrid as he fears rebels may take the place. If they do they will get little baionging t* the president. IT FAYS TO DELOUSE YOUR POULTRY WITH BLACK LEAF 40. See tke new lap brifch applicator which spreads Black Leaf 40 thinner and more' evenl^^, gives better results and saues niatterial. We are stocking Creolin the famous English disinfect- ant, suitable for disinfecting anywhere. SPECIALS Men's Blue Striped Work Pants $1.49 Boy's Cotton Whipcord Breeches $L49 Men's Hig-h Laced work boots $4.95 Fancy Biscuits 2 lbs. for 29c Bulk Pea Nut Butter 2 lbs. for 25c | Bulk Linseed Soap 2 lbs. for 25c J P. & G. Soap 5 for 19c Oxydol, I larg:e Packag'e and 3 of Calay Soapall for 28c 0. A. C. Laying Mash, a real buy per cwt $2.25 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS TERMS:â€" CASH i:Osprey& Arlemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON :: .j>

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