Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1936, p. 1

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!! VOL. 56; NO. 20. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1936 W. H. THURSTON & SON, Proprietor* Young Lad Eats Pills Sudden Death Results Tiagedy eiiteied the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm/. Harboltle of East Mountain, Sunday morning when their youngest child, Melbourne La Verne,, aged two years and five months, died suddenly after eatinsf several heart pills which he found in a bottle on the window. The little lad took a convulsion fifteen minutes after he was discovered to have taken the pills and a Thornbury doctor was called, who gave directions for treatment, but another convulsion a few moments later proved fatal to the little fellow. The pill bottle had been on the kitch- en cabinet and while dusting it had been laid on the window sill, from where the little chap took it-annoticed. After taking several pills which he chewed he did not like the taste and 8pit the remainder out, but it was not known what amount he had taken into his stomach. Fifteen minutes after he had taken the pills the first convulsion occurred, with the second following a few minutes later, when death ensued. The pills had been used by his sister. Bernice, who was suffering from a heart ailment and were not thought to be dangerous, but for so young a child one of the pills, the physician stated was almost sure to prove fatal. Much sympathy is expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Harbottle in the sorrow that has come into their home. Besides his sorrowing parents, de- ceased leaves to mourn three sisters and two brothers. Bernice 15, Leslie 13, Verna 11. Marie 9 and Elwood 5. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon when service- was held at the home by Rev. White of Heathcote United church, who also conducted the burial service at the family plot, in Flesherton cemetery. The pallbearers were: Eddie and Earl Maxwell. Leslie Harbottle and Harold Rawlings. More Donations As the Flesherton War Memorial Fund did not reach the objective set by the committee a new plan for a memorial will have to be made by the Committee which is now working on the project. Since the list was last published the following donations have been received: Previously reported $647 S3 S. Sutton 2 00 Flesherton Old Boy's and Girl's Assoc, Toronto Branch 25 00 $674 83 The fund is still open for donations and if you have not already contri- buted your aid will be appreciated by the committee. DIED At the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, on Tuesday, October 20th, 1936, Russell John Neilson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Neilson, aged 9 months, 10 days. The funeral will take place on Thursday, October 22nd, 1936. Service at the home of his parents at Proton Station at 2 p.m., interment in Flesherton Cemetery. Current Crop Report Poultry dealers in Dufferin County report it is quite difficult to get well- finished birds this year. Prices for dressed poultry have averaged about 19 cents per poijnd. Grey County reports that two or three honey pro- ducers in that district have shipped 42 tons of honey from Owen Sound to Great Britain recently. Mangels and turnips have had a remarkable 'growth during the past month and will yield a good average crop, ac- cording to a report from Perth. The ironeral condition of livestock has im- proved in North Simcoe during the past few weeks. Ensilage corn there is averaging 5.5 per cent to 60 per cent crop, with fair quality in most cases. Sugar beets are looking ex- ceptionally well in Lambton County. Grapes are going up in price in Lin- coln and are now $55 to $65 a ton, in place of $45 to $50. Potatoes there are $1.75 a bag, cauliflower 10 to 15 cents a head, cabbage 5 to 10 cents and late corn 20 cents per dozen. Large purchases of Western cattle, direct from Western Canada, and from sales in the district, are reported each veek in Middlesex. An Old Friend Falls In Memorial Park Slight Reduction In County Assessment A settlement was reachod Monday It Owen Sound in the appeal of seven A large' Cirey County municipalities against the side! the equalized assessment pa.sded by The wind storms of last week des- troyed an old historical landmark in Flesherton Memorial Park, beech tree which stood on of the hill was blown down, destroying j the County Council at the June ses- in its fall a booth and some of the sion. The municipalities concerned M. C. BECKETT DIES seating in the park. Could this old tree have sPoken before it crashed, it could have told some interesting tales of incidents occurring during the last si.xty years within the radius of its vision. The tree was a wonderful nut-bearer in its early days and the amount of pleasure it gave to the young people of the village can scarce- ly be computed. But the pleasure was not unadulterated, as Joey Clark, now editor of tile Toronto Star, could testify. On one occasion, when a boy, he discovered a rope hangring in the tree while he was picking beech- nuts, and giving it a yank a cowbell sent its peals out across the common to where Mr. Drimmie, the local schoolteacher, was working in his potato patch. The bell had been re- moved from Mr. Drimmie's cow a few days previously, so that it would not disturb villagers in the early morning. This w^as done by one of the Wright boys and hung in the tree. Unfortunately Joe was the lad who discovered .ti As soon as Mr. Drim- mie heard his cow bell he dropped his hoe. sprinted across the common and captured the future editor as he 1 bought, redhanded. In any event .Toe suffered the punishment that yhould have been meted out to another, The old beech tree will witness no more great gatherings, including ^ham battles and home-coming gath- erings as it has in the past. The now prostrate friend of youth will probably serve to keep some tran- sient warm this fall and winter. / FEVERSHAM are: Hanover, Neustadt, Keppel St. Vincent, Meaf ord, Markdale and Derby. -At the previous sitting of the spec- ial court, composed of Judge Owens of Walkerton, Judge Moiley of Owen Sound and Sheritf Bi'eese, a decision was i-eached whereby ail transactions of real estate character would be based on 1935 tigures. The chief witness on Monday was N. H. Purdue of Durham, Registrar for South Grey- His evidence showed there were dis- â- repaneies between the figures in the possession of the Special Committee of the County Council and the Regis- trar's office and the court suggested the parties concerned co-operate in an endeavor to reach a settlement. This advice was taken and the Special ''omniittee and the representatives ot' the eight municipaities were ii: session the greater part of the after- noon. It was later announced a settlement had been reached, award- ing, it is said, a 25 per cent, reduc- tion of the increase made to those municipalities at the June Session. Reeve H. .A- McCauley and Council- lor J. 0- Dargavel attended the Court and fought hard to have the assess- ment reduced still further. It is said that if the 19.S5 figures had been taken by the Court one or two of the municipalities in the dispute would have had their assessments raised still higher, but the sales in 1935 would have worked out statisfactor- ily for Flesherton. Death Of Infant Burt Field "Penned" Little Bert Edwin Cornfield, son of; f Or YaiUclDl'd jerVlCCS Mr. and Mis. Elbert Cornfield, Route ! . 5. Shelburne. passe<l away to be with \^ executive meeting of Flesh- the Lord on October 2, aged 2 months yi^iun Old Boys' and Girls' Assn.. was 5 days. He had been sick a short i|j.!,i tHaay evening, October 9, 1936 I time with whooping cough and other complications which developed into pneumonia. The funeral service was held in the h'>"ic, on October 4th. Rev. H. Shaw having charge of the service, assisted by Rev. H. B. Jackson, who preached a very comforting semion. pis text taken from Matt. 19, 13- 1 4. Mrs. Shaw sang a touching solo, "Looking This Way." Interment took ))lac'e ill Mount Zion Cemetery, .^rt- emesia. The pallbearei-s were cou- sins â€" Douglas Cornfield. Jimmie Bell, Norman Bell. Billie Hamilton. There were many beautiful flora! tri- butes. The flower-bearers were neighbor boys. Those from a distance ' such action as may be retiuired were: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cornfield | .At the close of the meeting a pres- and family. Murray. May and Viola entation was made to Burton E. Field Cornfeld. Mr. and Mis. W. H, Bell and of a beautiful Desk Fountain Pen set, BORN BALL â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1936. to .Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Ball, the gift of a son. William John (Jack- ie). BEST â€" In Western Hospital To- ronto, on Sunday. October 18. 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best, the gift of a daughter. Congratulations. SMITH â€" In .A.rtemesia on Friday, October 16th, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs! Ross Smith the gift of a son. Matthew C. Beckett, former license and hotel inspector for the Province of Ontario died at his home in Owen Sound on Thursday. The late Mr. Beckett was well known throughout the County of Grey and had carried out his duties of inspector in a very satisfactory manner. The funeral was held on Monday. Interment tak Mr. James Sled and son of Lums- den, Sask., have been visiting with friends here and at Prescott, Ont., and have returned home, Mrs. Joseph Heitman of Wa.shing- ingtoii, U, S, A., visited with her mother, Mrs, John McQuay here re- cently, Mr. George Hawton and son. James, of Weyburne, Sask., visited with friends here recently. .VIr. W. J. Brown who went West, a number of years ago is visiting his ai the home of Dr. F. W. Murray, 220 Carlton St.. Toronto, Ont, for the pur- i-o.-e of (ii.scussing what the activi- ties a;e to be for the coming winter. On motion of .Mr. John Latimer, secondeu by Mr. J. -A. LeOard, it waa decided to make a grant of $25 from the funds of the Toronto Branch to- wards the Memorial Fund in Flesh- erton. It was also decided to hold a Social evening at a date to be decided on later in King St. Methodist Church, and a Committee was appointed to go nto the matter as soon as possible and report back to the officers fot family, all of Toronto; Richard .Allen. Flesherton. â€" Shelburne Free Press and Economist. Beer Room To Close Mavkdale's only beverage room wiil be definitely closed on December 1st, according to notice sent out by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario on Friday. The people of Markdale in -September of 1935 voted for the abol. lion of the beer room. Hon. Justice riose granted the appeal against the decision of His Honor Judge Morley â- vhich had been made on a technical- ty. General satisfaction is apparent ^ver the notice of the closing of the »eer room. suitably engraved for the occasion, on behalf of the Flesherton and Toronto Branches, for services rendered to the .Association, which was very highly appreciated by the recipient. .A vote of thanks was also tendered to Dr. and Mrs. .Murray for their courtesy and kindness in providing a very enjoyable luncheon to the mem- bers in attendance. EUGENIA The Local Paper Fhe cementing tie of the commun- ity is the local paper. It is the ve- hicle by which the people are in- formed of progress made; gives the 25, both morning and evening. Rev. | news, thus making the district an en- Mr. Service of St. John's United | joyable place: it affords the Anniversary in the church services will be held here on Sunday, Oct. occupy the DANCE In Hammiir.s Hall SINGHAMPJON Wednesday, October 28, 1936 Mb: place in Greenwood Cemetery, j brothers and sisters, living near here, j He was a member of the Orange Or- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Long of Toronto, | der, whose Owen Sound members at- and Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Montgomery •â- ended the funeral in a body. l of Dundalk were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long over th< holiday. -Mrs. Josiah Crawford and little son of Whitby have been visiting with her Portlaw School nui.sio "Blue Marine Adn ^iil)plifd bv '* Orchestra 4th â€" Robert Nicholls. Sr. 3rd â€" Mary Fisher. Stanley Taylor. Mabel Blackburn. Jr. 3rd â€" Fred Shier, Jimmie Nich- olls, Robert Blakey. Sr. 2nd â€" Gladys Jamieson, Chester Plantt, Donald Sheardown, 'Victor White, Mariorie Jamieson. Jr. 2iid â€" Gordon Nicholls, Donald Meldrum, tvelyn .Shier. 1st â€" Doris Shier, D. .A. Fisher, .Alvin Sheard. Herbert Shier. Evelyn Fisher, Gwendolyn White, Winnie Shier and Harvie Jamieson equal, Mary Xicholls, â€",1. M. LITTLE, Teacher Mrs. William Mof- Man in Washington tried to find out e.xactly what a red herring is. We- re not sure of the family, but we know that there are many of them about at .lection times. MfP* HALLOWE'EN Specials Hallowe'en CancV, per lb 21c Hallowe'en Faces 15c â€" 5c â€" 3c' â€" Ic Bov's Windbreakers $1.75 Men's Work Shirts 85c and 98c New Fall Shades, Silk Hose 69c VARIETY STORE FLESHERTON ONTARIO parents. Mr. and fat near here. Mrs. Bladske and family of Preston spent Thanksgiving day with the fornier'.s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mof- fat here. .Mr. Chris. Thomson spent a few days with his brother, John and wife at Agincourt in Scarbofo township. Friends and neighbors to the num- ber of over fifty gathered at the home of Mr. Robert and Miss Ella .Alister on Fri<lay evening, October the 16th, to bid them good bye ami wish them many years yet of health and iiappin- ess in their chosen new home in Col- lingwood. During the evening an ad- dress and presentation were made to each of them jointly an electric uead- 'ng lamp and separately a purse of money to each of them, all good wish- < s going with them. It amuses me what some people in ;his world think is so funny. For instance «n old man was walking into the village one evening recently when he was offered a ride in a trailer be- hind a car, as there were three young •r.on in the cab. and well knowing it would be i-ough, still hadn't th" slight- ost idea (knowing the men well) that fliey would drive at such a rate as to cause the failer to skid on ooriieis as to nearly throw the old gentleman out. However, â- '•• t>i<">aged to keen his seat '"'''d Mrs, Geo though it would n"t have been so fun Air. Jl:.; t^ ry young men, if he had been thrown vis-tor with out and had been hurt. The anniversary services of the Presbyterian Church here, will be held Sunday, October 25th. Rev. S. Moore Gordon B. A., of rhat.«>worth will nreaoh at 11 00 a.m. and 2..'?0 p.m. It 's the wish of thp eonsregation thnt church, Flesherton will puljxit in the evening. On Wednesday evening. October 28. a fowl super will be held in the Un- ited Church under the auspices of the Board of Stewards. The program jwill consist of a play. -Up the Hill j to Paradise'" by Feversham Young People. I Mr. and Mrs. Al. Houden of To- ronto and niece. .Miss Helen Petc'n. (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fetch) of Mervyn, Sask-. were recent visitors with Mrs. Edgar Betts. BOR.N â€" To Mr. and -Mrs. Rost- Smith, on Friday. October IT, .-» daughter. Congratulations. Mr. Fred Walton, son .Alex, ana daughter Mrs. Murray Nelson of Sauli Ste Marie, Ont.. visited Mr. and Mrs. .\lex. Carruthers over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. Fawcett of Point au Baril and Mr. Tom Fawcett â- f Parry Sound, were recent visitors v.ith their brother, .Mr. James Faw- i eti , w fe and family. It is over 30 years since .Mr- .Alex. Fawcett visited his brother. â- Mr. Will I'-wiii and Mr. .Allright of Windsor accomiMinied by Mr. Wright I "win and daughter, Miss Mildred, Mr. merc.i- ants a medium of advertising reaching the people who will that ?hop with them; it informs the buying pub- lic of bargains close to home; it is the real community builder. Com- munity papers fill a distinct gan left by the city papers. Ml her and s. C. Spence of Toronto is visiting si.ster. Mrs. R. Best. SpringhiH. other friends. Horse Leaps Into Pathway Of Truck .\ horse belonging to N'orman .Moore was kilted by a truck near Melancthon Thursday morning, when it became frightened and jumped in the path of the truck. Moore, driving in a cart be- ing drawn by the horse, was unin- jured. The trucker, Clayton Betts, of Proton Station, was not. it is claim- ed, to blame in any way for the ac- cident as the horse reared directly in his path. The accident occurred on Highway 10. about a mile and a half north of Melancthon. .â- V story in the papers recently told of a boy near Peterborough who lost all his teeth because he did not eat his vegetables. Every wise mother will clip this out and tack it up on the kitchen cupboard. does not Germany Litvinoff insists Russia want war and Hitler says does not want it either, but insteaa of shaking hands they go right on shaking their fists in each other's face. PLAY AT MT. ZION .\ play "A Famil_\- i)!\tiirb- ance." by tlu' luidji-cni.-; Orri- inatic Club will he prfsenlcd at .\lt. Zion (Ml i"ri., (Vtohcr 30. Music hctwofii the acts. Lunch will W- scrx-ftl. .\il- niis,>;i(in: 25c and \5c. fg^ Fowl Supper - Concert under the auspices of St. Paul's Churcii will be heUi at SINGHAMPTON - on - WEDNESDAY. OCT. 28th, Supper serxi-,l in the Blue Mountain Inn from -5 to S p.m. Admission: .A.dults 40c; Chirareft 26<^ wit.i of Dundalk spent Sunday :in<I Mrs. Geo. Lawlcr. Mr. W- Ilolman and son Jimmie and â- â€¢li s Jean Carruthers of West Monk- I ton and Mrs- Peavce Carruthprs of Vancouver B. C, visited with their cousins. .VIr. and .Mrs. .\lex. Carruth- ers and daughter, Mrs. C. Park and husband. Master Roy Fawcett an<I little sis- er Donna of Owen Sound are spend- 'ng awhi]^, with tlu'ir grandparents, •Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett. « We are scrrv to report Mrs. Robt. â-  '-rvs not ve:-.v well at present. 'We !:ope she is soon better again. Miss Kvelyn Campbell is assisting in the household duties for Mrs. Purvis. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawlor of Ripley (intsrio were recent visitor.^ wijth Mr. ROY L. LANGFCRD, District Agent for: Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Writing I.ifc Insurance and Pension Plans. The British America Assurance Company of Toronto. Writing Fire. .Automobile, .-Vccidcnt, Sickness. Burglary, Plati CJIass. Guarantee-fidelity and Surity (.-Vdniinistration and all Coiivl Bonds'). Liability Insurance of all kinds, including Motor Truck Contents. A complete Insurance Service Phone (51 Flesherton ^,^iS>> ifl^dc <'*<s^ tssc Lawlor. 'â- â€¢.•vio -if T.-' his brother. Mr. Robt. Purvis. Mrs. Chas. Nolan and little son. ni'-lf ie of Toronto, visited on Saturday with her sister. Mrs. C^. Martin, hus- 'â- â€¢â€¢n^ o'^-l f«r>iHv. Consrintulations to Mrs. P. Magee who wap a winner of a beautiful s"»tt"r riip' i" a lucky draw contest "t. Dunbar's. Owen Sound, during the F-iiv tVie'v. Lots of m"<nle who ask for advice ^^- ""'I ^'^^- Warren Loughced of take itâ€" if it happens to agree with ' V-nti'-ouvov. B. C. arp spending n few what they had intended to do any-l^a'"'s wtih tho latter', nnolcs, Mes-or"!. wav. ''"â- ' a"d Alex. Carruthers •>!l former friend* will he ablo to be "resent to enioy the special occasion. THB FUNERAL CH.*PEL A dignified, persoiiiil (tincral scrTlce. AvallAblc In all parts of Toronto and ^utitirbs at prices to suit the Income of enrj fUBlIy. ., iPatei?. Sc idlabboffes IPurial Co. ^X'lKMERLY B.ATES BURIAL CO. Fred Maddocks - Richard Madilocks. iVIgr. KI4]44-34S< 111 AVENUI ROAB ONK BLOCK SOUTH OP DAVENPORT ROAO

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