Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1936, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, November 4, 1936 U:. LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS ROCK MILLS Hallowe'en passed off very quietly in this vicinity. Rev. E. S. Clifton of Feversham had charge of the service in the Bap- tist church here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell and family have returned home after a two weeks holiday with relatives in Michigan. Prayer meeting will be held this Friday night at the home of Mr. Loma Atkinson conducted by Rev. F. Dean of Feversham. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited over Sunday with friends at Dackies Comers. Messrs. Murray Fisher and Laurie Kussell spent a few days with friends at Oakville. Those who left from here this week on a hunting trip up north were, Wm. Phillips, Ned Croft and Cecil Mon- aghan, who will join the Dargavel company at Ardbeg. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts enter- tained a number of the neighbors to a Halowe'en party on Friday night when a good tirre was enjoyed by â- all present. FEVERSHAM (Last week's Items) Rev. E. S. Clifton of Feversham will preach in the Baptist Church here On Sunday, November 1st. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, preaching ser%nce at 3 o'clock. Brick layers from Durham have been busy here the past week building some new brick work around the boil- ers at the mill and will also build a new chimney on Mr. Foster's house while here. The hunters are preparing to leave on their annual hunting trip to the northern wilds. The lumber has been all trucked out of the mill yard to the factory at Durham. The trucking was com- pleted last week. ,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited the first of the week with relatives in Durham. Mrs. Susan Doupe of Saugeen Junc- tion is spending a few days with her brother. Mr William Hawkins, wile and family. Mr. Leo. Patton of London and Misses Winnona and Nathlie Patton of Toronto were visitors over the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts, 8th line, Osprey, were visitors the first of the week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts. Mr. Murray Hawton of Toronto University spent the week end at his home here. Murray hag been suc- cessful in getting a place on the inter- mediate track team of the University of Toronto at the annual track and field meet held at Hamilton on Fri- day last, Murray won third place in the Discus throw. This meet in- cluded the teams from four Univer- sities as follows: McMaster of Ham- ilton; Western of London; 0. A. C. of Guelph and Varsity of Toronto. The ti-ack honours went with consid- erable ease to Varsity it being the winner of the greatest number of points. -â- Vt a nveet held in Toronto recently. Murray won two bronze medals and a cup. Murray is the son of our neighbor, Mrs. Charles Hawton and an Osprey boy. Good luck, Murray, is the wish of a host of-your friends and success in your chosen profession. A good congregatino of people gathered in the Salvation .\rmy Hall here on Sunday morning last to list- en to Brigadier Xrsaki and Adjutant Garnet of Orillia who held sei-vices in the S. A. Hall here they are both interesting speakers and were listened to with great attention of the Army's work in the mineing country in the far places and talked especially of the benefits of the Christian life. A pleasing part of the service ws^ .he presentation by the Brigadier of three Lithographed Certificates and three Silver Stars by the .Adjutant to Mrs. E. C- Pedlar the army's present to the mother who had one or more children officers in the .\rmy work -Mr. and Mrs. Pedlar have three, Ad- jt. Willis Pedlar at Mount Dennis; Captain Bert Pedlar at Sault Ste. Marie and Captain Nelson Pedlar, a star and a certificate for every of- ficer in the family. .A. number from here attended thg funeral of the late Mrs. ,Iame.« Buck- ingham in Collingwood. Mr. Dundas spent Sunday at his home in Markdale, Mr. Dundas is teller in the Bank here. Mr. and Mrs. William Osborne and family of Dundalk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Torrenee Williams here. Mr. Ross Long of Toronto spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Long here. EUGENIA ROCK MILLS LADIES' AID The Ladies' .\id will meet at the home of Mrs. John Ottewell on Wed- nesday, November 11. (note change of date). Lunch Committee: Cake, Mi-s. Chas. Hanley and Mrs. Sam Kisher; Sandwiches. Mrs- Albert Blackburn. Mrs. Ned Croft- Specials Flannelette, 28 in. per yd. 15c 7 yds. for 98c Children's Sweaters 65c, 75c and 85c New Assortment of Buttons Fall Shades Golden Fleece Wool 10c per hall VARIETY STORE Fleshorton, Out. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell and family of Dixie also Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wilson of Barrhead visited on Sunday with the Richardson family Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woyce of Berk- «;ley, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woods and family of Markdale were Sunday vis- •tors with -Mrs. T. Lever. (Last week's Items) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson. Barrhead. Mrs- Emerson Wickens spent a tew days with her sister. Mrs. J Beecroft. Owen Sound. Mrs. fhos. Lever, and Gertrude ac- companied by Mrs. M. E- Jamiesfn, spent Sunday with the former's cou- sin. Mis.* E. Ritchie at Palmerston. Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Horton. Mr. B. Norsworthy of Toronto were week end visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Attn-rt Stew- art's. Mrs. U. A. McKee and Miss Shoul- diee w^re visitors at .A.- Stewart's on Saturday. Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence Stafford spent a few davs with friends at the liish Lake. FRENCH COMPOSITION FORM 2 â€" Stafford. Valeria 93: Patterson. Gl.idys 92: Monaghan, Ruby 90; Goldsborough. Robin 85: Mac Vicar, Anna 8.3; Hunt. Melville 82; Miller Marion SO; McCracken. Wesley 78; MoClean. Rhesa 72; Ken- nedy, James 70; Leaviell. Ben 70; Oliver Eric 69: Banks. Tom 67; Math- cwson. Irene 65; Marshall. Doris 63; PIcster. Carlotta 58: Magee. Doris 55; McArthur. Jack 45. HENDERSON'S Meat Market WEEK END SPECIALS Homemade Sausage Pork Ckops . Ireakfast Bacon Rib Boil Round Steak . Mincemeat Lard and Shortening PHONE 34 -:- . lb 15c . lb 20c . lb 25c . lb 10c . lb 18c 2 lbs 25c 2 lbs 25c FLESHERTON There was^ a good attendance at the fowl supper held in the United church on Wednesday evening of last week under the auspices of the Board of Stewards. Everyone did ample justice to the good supper in the base- ment, after which they listened to a pleasing progi-am in the church, which consisted of a 3-act play, "Up the Hill to Paradise" given by the Feversham Young People, each one acting his or her part well. Rev. Mr. Bushell was chairman. The pro- ceeds for the evening amounted to almost S90- The Y. P. S. did not hold a meeting last week on account of the Fowl Supp':!r. Mr. and Mrs. Art White and family of Collingwood were recent visitors with Mrs- White's brother, Mr. Jas. Ottewell, 8th line. Sorry to report Mr- Jim Madden quite ill- His brother, Mike of Chi- cago is visiting with him for a while- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and daughter of Walkerton were Sunday visitors with relatives in the village Miss Donalda Sloan was home over the week end from near .A.yton. We extend our sympathy to the Parson family. 8th line, to the Ben- tham family of Flesherton in their recent sad bereavements. Mrs. Par. son and dacghter, Mrs. McKenzie and husband spent a couple of days in loronto prior to the funeral of he» brother the late Mr. Will McLennai Mrs. T. Fenwick and son Willie vis- ited in Palermo on Sunday- Mrs. Fenwick remained with her daughter. Muriel, who is taking treatment there. Mr. Joe. Williams Jr. spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. Martin McCrone and father ot Toronto soent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mrs. Fogg, who has been visiting her brother Mr. Richard Park and family returned on Saturday to To- ronto. Mrs. Thos. Crowe and little daugn- ter of Toronto is visiting this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Jos. V> illiams and assisted them in moving to the Boyce residence in the village. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee and family in the loss of the former's father, whost death occurred on Sunday and fun- eral took place on Tues<lay of this week. We are pleased to report Mrs. R. Park able to be out again after having hurt her back a couple of weeks ago. (Intended for last week) -Mr. and .Mrs. Dave Parliament of Harrisburg. have moved into the vill- age and will take apartments in Mr. Jake Williams' residence. We e-xtend our sincere sympathy to Mrs. John Parson in the loss of her brother. Mr. Will Parson of Toronto, who died suddenly. -\pple picking for the Georgian Bay Fruit Growing Co.. at Tdornbury has been completed and Messrs. Will" Fen- wick. Harold Benson and Elwood Hall have returned to their homes here. Mr. Silas Haney of Paisley and two brothers, visited thiir brother, Mr. Kobt. Haney and wife over the week end. Mr. and .Mrs. Bert French of Elm- vale were we>k end visitors with Mr. and .Mrs. Will Gordon. 'I'he Y. P. S. held their meeting on Wednesday evening of last week with an attendance of 16. Scripture read- â- r.f; w:is read responsively. Rev. Mr. Bushel! presided and took the worship period. Mrs. Martin, Missionary convenor took the discussion period. ihe tojiic of which was. "Do you know the Church's Missionary Responsi- bilty?" l"he minule«; of the last meet- ing were read and adopted. For re- creation Mrs. Martin conducted a iruessing contest, "What was planted and what came up." The meeting clos- ed with. ""Day is Done." Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham and daughter. Dorothy of Clarksburg, also -^Ir. and Mrs. Will Jaiuieson and Grace of Pcrrtlaw visited friends in the vill- age on Sunday and attended anniver- sary services. -Miss Donalda Sloan was home ovor the w-eek end from her school near -â- Vyton an< assisted in the choir on Sunday. PRICEVILLE -Mr. and Mrs. John McElwain, Mr- George Patterson, Mrs. Ed. Patterson and Mrs. Sam Clayburn of Mono Mills were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson. Mr. F- McKinnon spent Friday at Mr. Alex. Carson's. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McKeown and family moved from the village to the South Line. Congratulations to Mr. Jack Mc- Innia and Miss Margaret Black wno were married on Wednesday, October 21st in Markdale. The young couple will live in Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacCuaig vis- ited Sunday at Mr- Henry Tucker's. Miss Sadie Carson of Toronto is ! holidaying at her home. A Hallowe'en Social was held on Friday afternoon in the school when a program and games were enjoyed, the children were treated to candy and peanuts. Mr. and Mrs. A. L- Hincks and fam- ily visited Sunday at Mr. Chas. Tucker's. Rev. Mr. Court of Holstein will oC- upy the pulpit Sunday. Nov. I5th, when he will give a missionary ad- dress. The Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. .\ldcorn on Nov. 5th. when Mr. Cooper of Markdale will be present. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed on Sunday in St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church. BIRTHS .VIKINSON â€" .-Vt Durham Hospital on October 26. to .Mr- and Mrs. Her- bert Atkinson (nee Mae McKecknie) a daughter. M.-.Mri.T.A\- _ In Dnvhrim Ho^Dital to -Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan, Price- : our line ville, a daughter on Tuesday. Oct. 27. j _\ thunder storm passed over here Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears for Taxes MUNICIP.A^LrTY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA PROVINCE OF ONTARIO BY VIRTUE OP A WARRANT issued by the Reeve nnder the seal of the Ck)rporation of the Township of Arteraesia to me directed, having date the 10th day of August, 1936, eonmandin^ me to levy upon and sell tht lands mentioned in the following liat for arrears of taxea and cost* diM thereon, I hereby give notice that anlesg such arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell by public auction the said lands, or as much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the said taxea and costs at the (Council Chamber, Flesherton, on the 7th day of December, 1936, at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon. ALEX. CAMERON. Eugenia, Ont, August 20th, 1936. Township Treaanren TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA Patented or Lot Concession Acres Unpatented Taxes Costs Total Pt. 151 2 N.E.T.S.R. 8 Patented 1 14.40 1 2.31 $16.81 Pt. 144 3 N.E.T.S.R. 76 Patented 47.48 3.04 50.5J S.E. Cor. 150 2 S.W.T.S.R. 12^i Patented 255.63 8.34 363.97 S.W. Cor. 150 2 S.W.T.S.R. 3 Patented 16.48 2.28 18.78 136 2 S.W.T.S.R. 50 Patented 91.75 4.16 95^1 12-13 1 S.D.R. 100 Patented 105.59 4.51 110.10 31 3 S.D.R. 80 Unpatented 31.42 2.64 34.06 2 6 SDR, 100 Patented 114.86 5.14 120.00 22 8 N.D.R. 50 Patented 42.15 2.91 45.00 PRICEVILLE Pt. 4 1 N.D.R. 3'4 Patented 31.37 2.64 34.01 Park 6 Patented 9L93 4.13 96.00 E. 'i 1 1 N.D.R. hi Patented 4.11 1.96 6.07 EUGENIA 27-30 Raglan St. S. 2 Patented 9.26 2.09 11.3S CENTRELINE Cudmore returned and Dave 'i from North 'oung have all Bay. They Hallcwe'en passed very ^luietly on say tiiere work UD are lots of men looki tfaei-e. ng for Badjeros Dramatic Club present- ed their play. ".\ R»mily Disturbance" NORMAN - In Dundalk to Mr. | this morning accompanied with heavy ! ^^ ^^^^ Zion" on^ Fridav night. The and Mrs. Neil Norman, a son. on Oct. I rain. It is warm now after the 25th, (nee Esther McLean). j frost and cold winds of la^t week. B.A.CHELOR â€" In Proton Township ; Thunder late in the season looks like to Mr. and -Mrs. John Bachelor, daughter on October 22nd. a i mild weather for awhile yet. play was well put on and thoroughly enjoyed by the large gathering pres- ent. The Pedlar orchestra gave good selections between acts. The W'. A. The Hallowe'en Social held Thurs- day evening in St. Columba Church â€"f--- • â€" = „,, | passed off successfully, more than ful message on Sunday on "ihe hiaer half being masked. Prizes were Brothec'' Church on the Maxw-ell circuit has ^^^.^^ ^^^^.^^ j^^^^jj ^^^ everyone ap- got back to the regular order again [ ^^^^.^^ ^^ ^^^,^ ^ ^^^^ ^.^^ after a month of anniversary mes- 1 ^j^^ j^^^^. p-^wcett of Duncan vis- sages. Rev. Bushell ?ave a wonder- , ^^^^ ^^.^^^^- ^^ ^^.^ j.^^ recently. apples. given for best make ups. Miss Jewel McArthur as a bride-gi-oom and Misg .A.nna McLean as the Old Dutch Mr. Joseph Linle has returned from Clarksburg where he was picking The reason some women don't marry is because they can't find a BOR^' to Mr- and Mrs. J. T. Irwin in Toronto on October 26. a daughter. Mr- Thos- Little of Walkerton visit- Cleanser, and many others were prize ' ''^ his cousin Mr- W. H. Little first winners, not being present we are not of the week. ,j , , •- posted. ' -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McClennan and 1 man who would make a good wife. The evem put on Friday evening I Ll^J'^ and Mrs. Richard McMullen at- , October 30. in the .-Agricultural Hall '^^"'IsJ ^^e funeral of Mr- Wm- Mc- , \\ ;th a commercial aii" service a- was poorly attended, though reported ! CI*^'inan in Toronto on Tuesday last, cross Canada it is going to be easier to be good. .\lf. Darby and his ^^ e wish to express our sympathy to ^ for the western premier to come down the friends at this time. i to Ottawa looking for loans. Mr. .-Vrt. Rutledge and the Misses troupe wei-e the entertainers- Tae concert put on some two weeks prev. iously by another company in the â- ^^*'^'« =*"*^ ^''"'^'â- ^â- '* '-**-^*.''^ '-"â- ""*''-' same hall met with the same recep. ^"^"^ visited on Sunday with Mr. and j cion. We are pleased to learn that our I .Mrs. Robt. Osborne. -Miss Hazel McMillan spent the two fine young people of this town I **^*^'^ '^"'' ^''"^^ ^^'^ ^''''"d Miss Ger- j Misses Catherine and Anna McVicar ' """''*^ Little. | Were two first prize winners at a soc. i ^''â- - •^^'^^ Haney had his sheep all Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements ;al held in connection with the Hi?h School in Flesherton on Fridav even- ing last. Ihis Friday evening the members of St. Columba United Church are to be treated to a free supper, to afford an opportunity of friendly intercourse and a plea.sant time with each other. .\t the conclusion of which an a.i- .ioumment will be made to the body of the church where a plav will he .iriven. "Up the Hill to Paradise Feversham V'Hing p.-ople. IlaHinvo'en is still very foolishly oK-ervod by our young reonle here. Not much can be said of their choice of raldinir out-h"uses. much li^ss of ' -he amount . breaking of windows and sjates. . such loi.s or badly worried by dogs recently. J: n McClennan also had three or four worried and Emerson Gallapher's flock w-3s chased. Mr. Oscar and .\ustin Hill. Mac Notice re Tax Sale The Notice is hereby given pursuant to byiR. S. O. li'iTt (Thap. 2;?8. Sec. 517, Sub-S.'c. ;J. :hat it is the intent-ion of thp Municipal Council ..f the Village of Floshertoi; to buy any lots 0!» parts of lots which do nt''t <eil for at least :i.Nes in arrears ^!rainst parts of jots at tke Tax iie coming of the Jubilee singers ! Sale to be held on Thiirsdav, Novem on Nov. iPth is beino- looked forward bor 1 2th. at L'. J'l to after that we will probably enjoy, lour: House. Owe a cessation of ent-rtainnionts. Great | •nteve-it is being shown in this event.. -F. H. ' clock p. W. HICKLING. TreasHier EAST MOUNTAIN MORTGAGE SALE Hallowe'en passed off very quietly on account of the rain. | The roads in th^s disrrict are very j UNDER .\.\L) BV VIRTUE of the poor owing to so much wet weatiuH-. , Powers of >ale contained in a certain Mr. A. B. Idle spent Sunday at | moi'tgage, which will be produced at Springhill School 5th â€" Examinations w-ithdrawn. 4th â€" Eileen Pattison 84. Lorene Johnson 80, Bruce Beard 70. Sr. 3rd â€" Edna Doupe 77. Grace Parker 76, Ruth Blackhurn 73. Eugene Goetz 67. Leone Johnson 54. Sr. 2nd â€" Eunice Allen 92, Bernice Johnson 80. Jr. 2nd â€" .A.llister Pattison 65, Shirley Hindle 60, Elgin Waller 57. 1st â€" Elmer Best 78. Eva Doupe 77. Jean Hindle 73. Gordon Waller 71. Pr. Kenneth Barber. Lavina Stevens. â€"I. BROWN. Teacher S. S. No. 6, Artemesia Sr. 4th â€" Virginia Wilson. Janet Cameron. Eileen Irvin, Donald Mac- Kinnon. Jr. 4th â€" Marvin Sturrock, Emer. son Beaton, Gordon Sturrock, Keith Cairns, Arthur Fisher. Willard Jones. '2nd â€" Annie Jones. 1st â€" Betty Tucker. Sr. Pr. _ "Winnifred Wright. Jr. Pr. â€" Jimmie Jones. â€" E. M. OUVER. Teacher. .Meaford Mi-s. Cri|>ps of .-Vcton. who has 1 spent the pJist two months with her daughter. Mrs. Mon-is \V>lsh. re- turned hon,.^ lajt week, little Mar.iorie and Diris Welsh accompanied their grandmother for a visit. Mt. and Mrs. T. McCuUock and family mov«d to their new home at Union. Mr. J. H. Thompson received word on .Monday that his brother, .\rthur. at Erin, had hail a stroke. Mr. Thompson left on Tuesday to go to his bedside. Mrs. Wm. Rae ami son Tom were in Toronto the first of the week. Mr. Gordon .VIcMulIen left on Tues; the time of sale, there wall be oll'ered for sale by GEORGE E. Ul NCAN Auctioneer. at PUBLIC AUCITON on VVednesday, the Eighteenth day of .November. Iii3t5, at the hour of Two O'clock in the afternoon at the farm of WILLIAM ROBERT .Vlc.A.LLIS- I'ER. near Singhanipton, Ontario, »he following property, namely: ALL .AND SINGULAR ihat certain parcel or tract of land and premisee. situate, lying and being in the Town- C.VRL E. .VTKINSON \\ lil sell by public auction on Lot is:. 1 N. E. T. & S. R- .\rtemeaia 4j .Vliles South o: Flesherton on No. 10 Highway THIRSDAY. NOVE.MBER 12. 1936 when the following will be offered for sale HORSES â€" Heavy Bay Mare 10 years old; Heavy Bay Mare 11 years old; Buckskin Mai"e '.' years old, sup- posed to be in foal; Heavy Bay Mare 5 years old. supposed in foal; Stand- ard Bred Bay Mare S years old, sup- posed to be :n foal to King .Vbdell; Sta;idard Bred Bay Mare 1 year old; Standard Bred Black Colt. CAliLE â€" Aberdeen Angus Cow, registered, i> years old; Aberdeen -An- gus Cow. registered- 4 years old; .Ab- , eideen .Vngus Bull, registered, 1 year at the ^,j,i; Aberdeen .â- Vngus Heifer, 1 year old: 2 Roan CoWs supposed to be in calf; :; Brin<ile Cows, supposed to be in cai:'; -5 White Face Cows, supposed to be in caif; i Red Cows supposed to_ i^e incai:': White Face HeifSiV^-j old. niiikiv.u'; Holstein Heifer 2 years old. I'ulking; 3 Steers. 2 years old; â- ; Hi' 'ers. 2 years old: 5 Yearling -â- ^•eeis; ;i Yearling Heifers; 3 Steer i.'a'.ves; 4 Heifer Calves. SHEEP. PIGS. ETC. â€" 22 Ficst Cla.ss Breeding Ewes; Oxford Down Kam; Sow and t' Pigs; Brood Sow Supposed in Pig: 5 Store Pigs, about 100 lbs.; U Store Pigs, about 60 lbs.; .XN^ut -1 Dozen Barred Rock Hens and Rooster: pair Geese; 6 Pekin Ducks: 2 CoUie Dog.-. l.MPLE.MEN'TS. ETC. â€" M.-H. Binder No- .5. Deering Mower, new; L>eerinir Hay Loader, new; F. & W. Hay Rake: Hay Rake: Hay Rack and Stock Rack combined; Tudhope-.\nd- erson Wagon \ size; Wagon Box Stock Rack: Steel Wheel Dump Cart; Gravel Box: 2 Steel Wagon Wheels; 2 sets Sloop Sleighs in good shape; set Singla Harness; M.-H. 13 disc ship of Osprey. in the County of Grey »nd being composed of lot number ' Fertilizer Drill: M.-H. 13 tooth Cult- day to go up north with the High ! tweaty-seven in the teith concession ivator; Spring Tooth Harrows: 3 sec- Falls Hunt Club Miss Mabel Thompson of Clarks- burg spent Sunday at her home. (Last week's Items) Threshing is all done in this locality and the grain is very scarce. ."Miss Mable Thompson has gone to Clarksburg to work in the evaporator. On Friday, while assisting Gordon McMuIIen in the swamp, Roy Fawcett of Kimberley met with a very painful i"^*^ purchase money to be paid down accident when he fell from a tree andl*'^ ^^^ *'"'« ^^ '*'* """^ **»p balance within thirty days. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS AND CONDITIONS OF S.ALE, apply to R. G. M. MeDougall. Esq.. East Block. Parliament Buildings. Toronto, Oatario. Solicitors to the Mortgagee. DATED at Toronto this Twenty- first day of October, 1936. of the said Township, and the wester, tion Iron Harrows; Disc Harrows 14 ly sixty acres of lot number twenty- | Disc: Cockshutt Tw'in Riding Plow; seven in the ninth concession qf the i Open Buggy in ^od shape; Fleury said Township. i ^^'"»-:!'' talking Plow No. 21 : Wilkin- ON the said farm there is said to i *"" Single W alking Plow. No. 9: Deer- . . . ,,. „. , .,, .» |iiis: Manure Spreader; Turnip Pulper; be erected a dwelling house with ,u,t- I wheelbarrow: Fanning Mill: Scal,.s able farm buildings. j o.ooo Ihs.; set of Heavy Bree^-hing The lands will be sold subject to a; Harness: 6 Horse Collars:" Pump Jack; reserve bid. j set Backhand Harness: set of Plow TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent of i Harness; 120 Egg Incubator with Brooder; Gasoline Engine IH H.P.; broke his arm. Mr. Art Idle spent the week end at his pai-ental home at Clarksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Erin were recent visitors with the former'^ brother. Mr. J. H. Thompson and fam- ily- .Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever. Mr. Wil- fred I.^'ver nt'd Mis.t Mahle .•Vdams of Flesherton were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. McMullen and familv Coal Oil Stove: Coal Oil Heater; 100 bu. Good Seed Barley: 1.000 bu. Good Seed Oats; Large Quantity Hay and Straw, if not previously sold: Interna- tional Cream Separator: Barrel Churn and Butter Bowl. SALE .\.T 12 O'CLOCK NOON No reserve as the owner is giving up farming. TERMS- Cash. â€" WM. KAITTING. Auctioneer Herb Corbett. Clerk. ^â- .

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