Wednesday, December 23, 1936 THE FLESllERTON ADVANCE FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong (nee Max- ieiie Davidson) and Babe of Barrie visitod wiih Mrs. Arnistrong'.s parents Mr. and Mr.'*. J. Davidson here last week. Mlss Betty CoUiuetto and brother, Allen, of Owen Sound, visited their grandparents here last week. A number of cars needed help to Ifct throuf?h the snow drifts on Mon- day morninR after the stomi. This village wa.s not snowed in but the country wa.s very nearly snowed out. The trucks wei-p trying to break a road throujrh on Monday for the haul- ing of logs t^o Kock Mills. Mr. George Sled will have a pile ol snow to shovel off the rink, but he will have it ready to skate in short order if it stop.s snowing soon and there is a dandy sheet of ice for the lovers of that sport. Messrs. E. Robinson and son have shipped another truck load of fowl for the Christmas market. They got through to Highway No. 10 on Mon- day. Local and Personal Coronation Day May 12 King George VI will be crowned May 12 next year in Coronation cere, monies originally planned for his brother, former King Kdward. Of- ficial announcement of the Corona- tion plans wag made .shortly before the new ruler was proclaimed King in public ceremonies. Peeresses at- teniling the crowning next year will wear coronets as the present mon- arch brings a queen to the throne with him. rv*I'U"'I"'H fifj^MCRRY/fMAlmfAr (K • < I Greetings . . The Holiday Season is at hand and with it the opening of one's heart with the wish and desire that all should feel haf^y at this Yuletide Season. Extending happiness brings happiness. We value your friendship highly and ask you to accept this wish, the old wish, but ever new and sincere â€" A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Management and Staff of the Markdale and Dundalk Creamery fhone <y^i I 'li(»iK' 06 t * Mr. Geo. Brackenbury again has a position on the Weber hiKhway snow plow as government representative. Master Evison Wilson is in Owen .Sound at present taking ti'eatment for ear trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bickerstaff and son, Grant, of Toronto, were week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. F. VV. Duncan. We would be pleased if our read- ers would use their telcjihonc and give us the names of their holiday visitors. Schools in town closed on Tuesday t'oi- the Chri.stmas vacation. Misses Pallett and -MlcClean left for their re- spective homes at Dixie and Minden and Mr. Howard Eubank for his home at Cayuga. Congratulations to Mrs. Catherine Wilcock who celebrated her eighty first birthday on Sunday in fairly good health. She and her brother, -Mr. Richard Bentham, are the only surviving members of her parental family. Carnation Lodge No. 545. L.O.B.A., Flesherton, packed a bale to be sent to the True Blue and Orange orphan- age at Richmond Hill. The bale consisted of l,"? dresses, number of pyjamas and bloomers, 2 boys' sweat- ers, girl's knitted cap, number of Christmas toys, handkerchiefs, 3 <iuilts and 24 quarts of fruit. U. S. S. No. 15, Proton .Sr. 4th â€" Clarence White, Vern Coi-bett*, Laurie Sims*, Marjorie Bates, Jacqueline Sims. Sr. 3rd â€" Helen Peavey*. Emily Blake*, Irene White, Fred Batchelor, •Jack Barker, Zella Lyons (abs.). Sr. 2nd â€" Edith Blake, Margaret Blake*, Marvelle White, Kenneth Bates. Jr. 2nd â€" Margaret Mills*, Hen- rietta Sims, Cecil Barker*, Velma Sewell*, Alan McKaye, Bert Badger- ow*. 1st â€" Everette Ix)ckhart, Marion Baker*, Marion Lyons. Sr. Pr. â€" Ruth Lyons*. Jr. Pr. â€" Helen Corbett*, Murray Shaw*, Murray Watson. ♦ denotes perfect attendance. â€" G. B, LITTLEJOHNS, Teacher THE STORE WITH 8ERVICB F. T. HILL&CO.Ltd. CHAin HTORBfl Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES VOU A LOT OF MONEY To Our Customers and Friends . . . . A Very Merry Christmas and may 1937 be a Prosperous and Happy New Year tttcvit Win» G\\r\*imas ii>iinn^ ROCK MILLS IT WAS Clirl.-^ eve unil .lane Harrison was preparitiK to close the I'.ook and Gift slii>p after a Idis.v day. The iloor opened iind an elderly nmii wearing spectacles and a white muffler entered hurriedly. Setting aside his gloves and cane, and hastily scanning the shelves, he said: "I liave but a few inornents to timke a selection; p»rhai)8 you could assist me. Something for an elderly lady." .lane was more than a bookseller; she was reader. Ami, too, she could qnlckly .sense the literary taste of an Indlvldnnl. Delving Into a case she hrimght forth .Mrs. (Jaskell's "Life of Charlotte Bronte"; also "Sonnets from the Portuguese" and "Out of Doors In the Holyliind." all In new holiday bind- ings. •'Here are some delightful gift hooks." she reinnrked. The gentleman raised a pair of sur- prised eyes and wonderliigly surveyed the girl, rather than the books. Draw- ing a wallet from his Inner coat he replied : "My dear young lady, your excellent choice has tempted me to take all t h ree." Handing Jane a card lie con- tlnueil. "please have them sent over to .\llss Adelaide Per- kins. Burton street, iiuiiiher 78." Thanking her he dashed out to his cab aiul was gone. "Seventy-elKht Burton street!" Kusped .lane, "and the delivery hoy jjoiie foi the iii^hl on his last roniui !" Locking the store and with Miss Ad- elaide Perkins' gift in the hollow of her arm, the tired girl started off on her errand. Jane and her widowed mother had lived in KdKehrook on a small Income. She attended Miss Kdmonds' School for (ilrls as n da.v 8tu<leiit and received a very thoroiinh education. In the eve- rdiigs Jane worked in ttie town library. Her mother passed away und Jane had Kone to the city. Tills was her first Christmas to be alone. At the Perkins address the Joor was opened by un elderly lady. "My good- ness, child! A package for me! Do step In." lint before she could close the door a boy called out: "Telegram for Perkins." "Yes, yes," she said, all bewildered. •Mercy me, where are my glasses!" and she fumbled around In her pocket. "I'll sign for you, if I may," said Jane. "Yes, please do â€" dear, dear, where are my glasses ! t)h, tu-re they are," anil .\lis.s Perkins" line patient hands trembled as she opened the envelope. "It is from my nieces, the Kosworth tjirls They are driving; down from llartland tomorrow afternoon and will he here for tea with me around live." •Your nieces the lUisworth girls!" Your correspondent wishcg the Ad- •/ance .staff and it.-; many readers a very Merry Christmas. .\rmstrong Bros, of Markdale have rented Mr. Ned Crofts gteam Engine '.0 u.-ie in their saw mill. Mr. Croft will take the engine to Markdale as ~oon as the roads are fit. We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs. John Heard and daughters in •heir sad bereavement. The heavy snow fall made some of the roads heavy for travelling and trucks were not able to make many trips with lof?? on Monday. Mr. Glen Croft has been assisting Mr. Albert Blackburn in the bush. tJaki^fSr' â€"HAVE YOll RENEWED? Sheriff's Sale of Lands County of Grey Under and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the County Court of the County of York and to me directed against the goods and chattels and lands and tenements of J. P. Charlesbois and \V. Parry, De- fendants trading under the fu'm name and style of Twm Fan Blower Comp- any at the suit of The Peerless En- gineering Company and assigned by the said Peerless Engineering Comp- pany to one John Deagie, I have seiz- ed and taken mto execution and will offer for sale by Public Auction at the Sheriff's Office, in the City of Owen Sound, on Saturday the Second day of January, A.D. 19.37 at 2 O'- clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemp- t;on of the said J. P. Charlesbois and W. Parry, in, to or out of the follow- ing lands and tenements, namely ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises known as the Summer House Kiononta situate lying and being in the third Concession of the Township ot Col- lingwood in the County of Grey Con. taining thirteen acres and fifty one one tiundreths ot an acre more or less being part of lot Number eleven in the said third concession and which may be more particularly described aa follows: Commencing at a point in the Southerly boundary of a Seven- teen acre strip being the Northerly seventeen acres of the East half of sJ|jd lot eleven where the same is in- tersected by the South Easterly boun- dary of the land formerly owned by the said Britton Bath Osier and being the South Easterly boundary ot the lands hereby conveyed bearing North twenty eight degrees fifteen minutes East and which point is distant ten chains and sixty two links more or less. Easterly measured along said Southerly boundary of the Seventeen acre Strip trom the centre ime of the said Third Concession; Thence South eighty degrees. West eighteen chains, eighteen links more or less to \ point in the production northerly of •^he fence lino between the House and Farm Gardens where a stake is plant- d; Thence South eleven degrees ! 'orty-five minutes East, nine chains I ifty Seven links along the continua- I ^'oh of the said fence line between the farm garden and the house garden, I und the said fence line, to a point in he northerly limit of tRe main road â- •assing along the front of the said I -arden; Thence along the Southerly 'ace of said fence North Seventy six i legrees fifteen minutes East, six ! haiiis fifty links and North Sixty ! four degrees thirty minutes East two •hains forty links to whore a gate I ro.-'ses the said main road, thence I 'outh twenty eight degrees east fol- I owing Westerly face of said gates exclaimed .lane; "not Kmllle and | twenty eight links, Thence South sixty Susan ! Wh.v, they were my best \ live degrees thirty minutes East, two friends at .Miss Kmnoiids' school," and thougbls of l';d«e brook d a s h e d through her minil T h e J II Ti e c o m mencemeiit Klch iird Boswortli, the tall b r o t h e r, up from I he city for the fextlvilies. "And don't for get, tomorrow at the," called Miss Perkins as Jane was ileparliiiK The next after noou .lane helped .Miss Perkins put the tlnlshliit! tiiiiches lo a table sel In bUie cbliiii of willow pattern. There was the sound of a motor, then merry voices in the hall. Kmllle. Susan, UUhard. lli\ile ("arndl. the elderly gen- tienuiii svho had sent the books, were jrri'etliiu Miss Perkins, "Why .lane llairlson!' Kasped the Iloswortb L'irls In one breath. 'I'lien followed such excited exelaina- tloiis; the lillss of renewed friendship. Willi a rustle of her silken skirts Miss Perkins led the wa.v to the dining room. Jane sat op|"'slte lilchard. She liked the streiiKih In his broad shoul- ders. hl.s well modulated voice and hl« clear honest eyes, Kniotions of newly awal.ciieil iiileiest ron.sed her sentl tiients. Uichard was beaming Hcro.«s the ta- ble at the young woman In the blue frock ; her (piaint charm, rippling laugbler. the Hinnce of her brown eyes ami the lifl of her pretty shoulders. As the hnp\).v gathering move<l Into the aittinj.' room .lane felt the warmth of a lar^e hand gripping; lier own slim one. I.ookinx u|), she smiled Into Itlch- ard's lirm and understanding face. Small Ads. FOR SALE â€" Girl's skates and boot outfit Mrs. F. Pinder, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Young pigs 8 weeks old. â€" Johnson Bros., R. R. 3 Flesherton. LOST _ Between Maxwell and Hope- ville, truck tarpaulin. Finder notify Geo. Long, Maxwell, reward. FOR SALE â€" A number of Barred Rock Pullets from blood tested stock. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone, Flesherton 21 r 3. FOR SALE â€" Heavy Colt 3 years old, broken to haiiiess, will sell or ex- change for cows or wood. â€" - John Beatty, Flesherton. WANTED â€" Pair of ladies skates,, size about 4Vi, tubes preferred. â€" For particulars apply at the Ad-- vance Office. HOUSE FOR RENT â€" Six roomed house with well and cistern, acre of ground with small barn, opposite High School. Immediate posses- sion â€" Apply Mrs. Geo. Johnson, Flesherton. STR.'VYED â€" From my premises on the 14th Con., Artemesia, yearling Hereford steer, slit in the left e^r, â€"Finder notify Herb Maxwell, Heathcote. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, will be kept for service. Terms $1.00. â€" Wes. Smith, Rock Mills. HOG FOR SERVICE A good young pure bred Yorkshire hog will be kept for service on Lot 14, Con. 5, Osprey. Terms $1.00.â€" Luther Mills, Maxwell. Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: ?1.00 if paid within fotir months. â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont, R. R. 3. hains twelve links more or less to a loint in the boundary between the ands formerly owned bv the said Hritton Bath Osier and the said Isaiah Neff and being the South nsterly boundary of the lands hereby onveyed; Thence North twenty eight legrees fifteen minutes East along â- :a;d boundary eleven chains sixty three links more or less to the place of beginning. Together with all .sewage pipes drains tanks and appurtenances of the Sewage system of the said Summer (louse and all waterworks pipes tanks engines and the appurtenances there- of and the right to maintain the same upon and across the lands heretofore conveyed by the partius of the fii'st i>art to LatVihert Wilson as above re- cited and be'ng composed of lot twelve and part of Lot eleven in the third concession of Township of Col- lingwood (save and except the line of water pipe supplying tho Farm House and Barns where the same crosses the lands heretofore conveyed to the said Wilson) together with all fish- ing rights and privileges of every kind, right of way and access to in- gress upon and egress from the lands heretofore conveyed to the said Wil- â- ^•n as above recited and including all c'ghts and privil°,ges reserved by thp "arties of tho first part in the said Deed to Wilson together with ail rights and easements under the here- inbefore in nart rec'ted DiM'ds bi-tweon 'he said Britton Bath Osier of the onp part pnd the said .Tohn Campbell of •he oth' !• pflrt and the said Britton Hath O'sler. of tho one nart and the =aid Isaiah Neff of the other part and being parts ot l,ots eleven and ten n the said th'rd concession, sub- feet Nevertheless to the right of inp-ress and eeresa for vehicles and foot passengers over the I direct o-. main road leading from the I frort cate to the Farmhouse across I'he lands above described and herehv fonveyed and to the use of water FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will •acrifice for $150.00 cash. â€" Thomas- Owler. 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which ia a iugt bam with cement stabling and pirage. Apply to W. J. Meads; K. R. S, PrieeviUe. POLES WANTED Telegraph poles wanted 26 feet and' Up in length, nothing less than 5 inch tops, must be straight and sound, de- livered at station; also sawed cedar ties. Call and get prices. â€" M. Wilson, Flesherton TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the snow plowing of sidewalks in the village of Flesherton will be received by the undersigned up to and including Monday, Decem- ber 28th, 1936. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€"J. O. DARGAVEL. Flesherton, Ontario. BUSINESS CARDS I'nde Carndl, with an approving i from the waterwork system for farm nod, stroked his beard like a prophet, [ nurposes as granted to the said Lam- 'prt Wilson his heirs^ executors, ad- ministrator, and assigns in the said in and redecled upon the words of the poet : Charms atriku th* atsht Dul merit wins the loul. "irt recited Peed from the narties of ' *> • *ivst part to the said Lambert Wilson. WM. BREFSr; Sheriff Conntv of Grev New York archaologists find 2,- OtM)-year-old fruit cake in Indian . « j . ,, „ ^,. . . .iShoriff'e Offc(i. Owen Sound, Just m time for Chnstmasl | SB«tetYih«r loth. lO.M. grave. September 10th, 1936. DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons l.SO to 4 Evenings 7 to &J9^ .-Sundays and Thursday afternoons t»F :ippointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE . DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old SUnd. Telephone 69 WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. All 8al«» 'onducted on Business principle* all parties requiring work done on the above lines will do well to call at the Advance Office or write Wm. Katt- ting. Eugenia, Thone 43 â€" 11 Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. A A.M., meets in the Fraternal H«U, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in each month. W.M., Alfred Down; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy, DR. T. H. SPENCE Veterinary Snrieon and Deatiat. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary OBI- lege, Professional services rvasonaMa. â€"Phone, Dandalk, 61 r 11. A'