I t break the soil. Wlpa off the covering glass when water collects on It from evaporation. This will prevent mois- ture from dripping. During the day prop u pone edge of the covering glass for ventilation. And keep seed box soil moist hut not wet or waterlosged. Good drainage will take euro of this. \ Blue Label 31' hjtf pound X LyOfti & Ce. (Canadfl) Lid, Toronio and MonUeal Yellow Label 28' U pound Teeth And The Diet Coronation Program A Priceless Aid To Broadcast Listeners Details Proceision Step by Step And Service in Weslmiiuter Abbey Word by Word Advance Orders Forecast An Enormous Sale Fighting Decay Is a Life Job, Pediatrician Indicates Drlnkwater â€" Description of the Cor- , pighting tooth decay is a life's jol), it appears from an address delivered recently by Dr. I Nowtou Ku;-relmas3 before tlie New York Academy of Me- Recent events in England have ne- cessitated costly changes in the Offi- cial Souvenir Programme of the Cor onatlon. Many now plates have had to be made, and portions of the text have had to be ro-written and re-set. Produced in the form of a jrochure the Prosramnie will be a masterpiece of the printer's art. in every way be- fitting the gramleur of the historic occasion It is desir-oied to commemor- ate. It cousisl.s of thirty-two pages ol toxt and i!lnstr;i:loii. with a cover bearing t'Je Royal Coat-of-Arms. print- ed in full colours and gold. .•\;.co;\:i:;!? to :i bnli'.-tiii jtist rec<.'iv- ed fi'o:>i St. .lame's Palac'o, London, the contents will iuc!i:do: Special photcr:.'aphs of tliL-ir Majesties King Cccrse VI and IJnoen Kiizabeth â€" l'"i-;l()sn:!)::a v'. Ilcr .Maj-'-ty QLCcn Wary, Tli! ir liiiyal Mi.'ihiiesses the P.-int-csa U::i::;ib;tli, the Princess Mar- Karot. and nth â- •â- ineu'.lieis of the Uoy- ul Kn'.iiijy â€" .\ ('cv.iiiatioii Ode by VJhen You Vl'ant to AskcSbe S?omcsch Fast John Masefield, Poet Laureate â€" the King's Majesty, the Significance of, the Coronation to the Empire, by John , onatlon Proceedings â€" a Pictorial Map of the Route of the Procession â€" an Introduction to the Service, by His Grace, the Lord Archbishop of Canter- bury â€" The Coronation Service in Westminster Abbey â€" an Explanation of the Coronation Cerei )nial. witli illustration, by Sir Gerald WoUastou, Garter Principal King of Arms â€" A Genealogical Table, showing the des- \^^^l[ development right" do«T, Vo our cent of the Crown. With the aid of this Prograramj. those listening to the Coronation broadcast from London will be able to follow the historic ceremony word for word, and with complete understand- ing of -what is taking place iu the heart-ccutre of the Empire, at each and every moment. Those wishing to secure a copy are tron.?ly advised to order same throu;;!i llieir bookseller or news agent with- out delay. The price is 5M cents, and delivery may be taken ou April 23rd. when tlio Programme goes on sale. Orders so placed now will liefinitc'v be filli'il. but once the presses start no further orders can be accepted be- yond the (-'w that can be taken care ot out of a very conservative over- run. Many public and private institu- tions, societies, clubs and h<;spitals have already ordered large supplies and one Wist .African colony will dis- tribute copies in its public schools. L:;st reports from England are that n:orj than half a million copies have already bL'iMi sold. By Craciors Permission of H's .Ma- jesty, the Programme is being is-sued by King George's Jubilee Trust. All profits from its sale will be donated to bettering the lot of the undcr-i)ri- â- >i'c.i;ed youtli of Groat Britain. One Guy â€" "Did you mark that plaeu where the fishing was so good?' Guy Two â€" '"yes, put an X on the sido of the boat.'' First Guy â€" "That's silly. What if we should get another boat?" Vou never can tell by the way a fellow says "Amen" in Church whe- ther he carries his Christianity with him the rest of the week. DIXIE Plug is fresh when you buy iilt is cellophane-wrapped wjth the easy-opening ribbon ^ for your convenience. People who go after nothing gener- dicine. And he measures life not just ' ally get what they go after, from the day ot birth but long before | Father â€" "Daughter, 1 hope you that. It physicians listen to him â€" ho will go to church this evening. The is a prominent children':; specialist j pastor's subject, ''An Hour With Fa- or pediatrician â€" they will think of , vorite Hymns, " should bo very inter- teeth from the whole period of pre- 1 esting." Daughter â€" "I should like very death. He is all for prevention cf de- : much to go, father, but I have an cay, and iXiia because it takes three ' cngat;cment with my own favorite years for the milk teeth and six years ' him tonight.' for the secondary teeth to show de- deficiency cay, wheras nutritional take only six months to do their very worst. Dr. Kugelniass begins by giving the right food to expectant mothers, he told the .\'ew York ai-ademicians. "The whole system cf the chihl's body must be supervised ra;d;ca!ly from birth to adolescence to develop the resistance that protects against ca- ries. Tooth decay is mo.st active dur- Mr. Tiltuose â€" ''No, 1 don't want to buy that horse. He looks as though he had a mean disposition." Negro AtteiidJint â€" ''You mustn't mind dat, boss. He jus' got dat way from runniu' in sulky races. PoliiiCiil Speaker â€" "What we need is a v.-orkiug majortty, and then â€" A Voice â€" 'setter reverse it, mis- ter. What we really need is a major- ity workin.t;." She Icokc'd nov/ I'm Dun. me u;) in E.-id.s I reel's; Boxes In Wijidow For First Seeds Try This .\mazi.'!<i Fast Way â€"The -Phillips" Way Milliotis Ars Adopting On every sido loil;'y people arc bcitii; iirjjcd to al/;ali:c Llieir stomach. Anil thus case symptoms of "acid iniligcs- lion," nausea and sLomacii up.sels. To gain tiukk alkalizalion, just <lo this: Take two teaspoons of PHIL- LIPS' MILK UF .MAG.M-:SL\ 30 niimilcs after catint;. l.)H â€" take two I'hillips' Alilk of iNlagncaia Tabids. Hclicf conu's almost at once â€" usually in a few minutes. Nausea, "fjas" â€" fullness after oaling and "acid in(Iii;csli(ui" j>ains leave. You fed like a new person. Try this way. Cict e'llbcr tlic liquid "Phillips" or the remarkable, luw Phillips" Milk of Magnesia Tabids. Karh one equals a teaspoon of the liquid. O.'ily 'Jjr » bo\ at all druy storey. Also IN TABIEI FORM: £acli tiny tablet is Iho oqaiv Gardener Prepares Smal! For E^arliest Sowing FlaU Thousands of seeding plants are vrown successfully each spring in the i'.naU boxes of soil placed in boxes in south or oast windows. They are a reliable aid to good garii<-nin.2 if pre- perly handled. The preparation of the seed bo:; is a simple task but one that needs care Road It or .Not â€" Sauerkraut made of turnips instead oi cabbage is be- ing the three snriui;ing-up periods of coming popular iu the Ozark commu- growlh â€" the first year of lite, hc-'nitiea. tween •! and 7. and between 111 and 13. 1 About 8 per cent of all children will more or less inhi rit good cr bad teeth ( or the tendency to have t'>em. Appar- 1 ently the ones with good -eeth lauy ' fake some chances for a time with ' the wrong food. But the oies with ; bad teeth have to put th<>'mselves fori life in the dentist's hands, and then! with no bright prospect of acquirin.!; mere than fillings and bridges. j In about '.t rci cent teeth cither uo-j cay or remain sound because the glands are functioning properly or im- properly. So Dr. Ku^elmass is for' watching glands and crrectiug their, activities if necessary. ' In about 10 per cer.t there is some; metabolic disturbance, tncaning that ' food is not being utili/ed in the ri;;ht way. Then it is the doctor's job to correct the touditious if he can. In about i>5 per cent the food i.'; all wrong. The remedy is obvious. i In about S per cint mouth hygiene | is uot what it should b(;. Perhaps the; teeth and g-.t-ms are not exerci.sedj enough, meaning that the focd is too, pappy. Or iierhaps the dentist shouM ' B*^'' "i'-' be consulted. At any rate, Dr. Kugol- inass holds that solid foods should be ..- J Along Canada's Mining Highway Jn Father â€" "I never smoked when I v.as your age. I hope you will be able | to say tliat to your sen wheu you do grow up.'' Son - '.Not with siicli a straight face as you Co. Dad.' Time is a mi.:;lity serious subject- SotEc say '•Ti.nie goes on I " â€" This is ' not so â€" Time stays; we go on ~( Kce'.) this uppermo.-t in your head ' â€" we so oil. I Airplane Pilot â€" ''You seem sad." Sweet Young Thing â€" Not exactly i ad. Onl;- seutiuieutal. Every time 1 1 far from earth I begin to feel terribly homesick.'' Introduced into the diet si.\ nionihs after birih just to make a baby chew. .Vftcr a year no more strained I'oods. It a man Is happy, he is successful. Activity everywhere â€" with the rapidly developing new Larder Lake Camp, located in Ontario, east of Kirkland Lake, and near the (Quebec Boundary still holduig the .spotlight. In addition to the active mining oper- ations â€" Omega, Martin Bird and Kerr .Addisonâ€" many new incorpora- tions are getting ready to commence mining. The Armistice and .McGarry properties to the West and the Wesley and Pelaugio to the east of Kerr Addison a:'e probably the most im po:taut. Diamond drilling at the Kerr Addison continues to enlarge an already large tonnage medium grade ore deposit. The recent advance in the sharer, from pennies to dollars in a short space of time is apparently well j"!tiried. genuine baeacsi I'lii.'iips' Miik ci 'r*"i*.« -, Mjtoe m >CANAD> Ph III IDC "^"-K OF â- *•*-â- "^ MAGNESIA GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules Fine lor \Ve;ik .â- \i:;i.i Kitiiieys and n!.id'.!cr Irridiiioii STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS t)mi lOcetit box ot those famous eapsules will p'.it healthy activity into your kidnoys and bladder â€" flush out harmful waste poisons and acid and prove to yon I'nat at hi.^t yon bave a graiul illuretie tuul Fiimulaut that will swiftly cause those troubles to ce.ise. I5ut be sure :tiid et GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oi! Capsiilos â€" safa and harmlessâ€" the original and genuine â€" right from Ha.arbm in Holland. Mil- lions have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect Itâ€" seme syiuiHoius besides visits to baihrooin at night arc backache, moist palms, puffy •yes and scanty p.i3;.;3ge that oft- times smarts and bu'.ns. ITCHING TORTUM tTOMCD In A MlnuHl ht qnkk ralM from tlie itoMnc of plmclM, bJctakiM MHOik itUat*'! fo..'!, rufata mi olbet uJs mipUoa^ ttfij Dr. buinli' euoUcd lutWptlo. lliiuld D. D, Du Prescription, iu putit oils tootii* thi kri^jS ifcln. Ctmr, grriuflofle and stAluIon â€" driM fcjti. Mu W«iii<Ktliit«UMltchlu(liuUiill;. A 36o tilalSoMbt tt _mii«<impfOveiltâ€" or money back, kuklotâ€" M The Real Trasredy Of Will ko'-ers Viscount Castlerosse. in London SunOay Express writes: â€" You can't tell â- what will happen any more than that parson at Pasaueiia il' â- i wrote that fatal letter which unin- tentionally sent Will Rogers to his tieath. You don't know about that'? and recount it to be reasonably i^ertain of brin.uiug the seedlings to planting size. First, is the question of drainage. The seed box, whether it is a cigar box. or a larger flat box. needs to have holes bored in the bottom about six inches apart in larger boxes and three inches apart in the cigar box. Over the bottom of the box spread broken flower pots, crockery or small pebbles, then courser soil and last ot all finely sifted .soil. l''or the fiuer seeds it is an excel- lent plan to cut burlap to fit the box and lay it over the coarse <Irainage and then place the soil upon it so that I WjU, I'll tell you, the box may be v.atered by setting it in a pan of water and there will be no danger ot washing the tiny seeds or secditn.gs. Firm the soil and sow the seed thinly in rows. This is bet- ter than sowing broadcast as it will be appreciated when it cunio.-: to the transplanting. This sowing is economy. Quantities of seed are wasted by too thick plant- ing. The tiny plcuts crowd each other and none of Iham h;i8 a fair chance when they come up thick as fur. This necessitates early transplanting be- fore (he seedlings are strong enough to be handled. Cover the seed boxes with a damp cloth or piece of paper until germina- tion starts and place a pane ot glass over the top. Removo the paper or eloih as soon as the first tiny sprouts Little Dorothy â€" •'There was a strange man called to see you today." Pather â€" "Did he have a bill?" Little Dorothy â€" .No. Daddy, ho just had a plain ordinary uose. If you could get religion Methodist, and experience like t like a a Baptist, and be positive of it like a Disciple: and he proud of it like an Kplscopalian. aud pay for it like a I'resbyterian. and propogato it like an .\dventist. and enjoy it like a Negi» â€" that would be some religion!" Some liftoen miles to the east of Larder, the Pancoeur and Arm Held properties report inqwrtant mme news. Krancoeur has again enlarged the known extent of its new ore de- posit and Arnttield has encountered Unportant new ore in its underground operaticms. Farther east reports in- dicate that Osisko Lake to the south of .\oranda is at long l.ast to be ag- gressively diamond drilled. In the West area near the Ontario- Manitoba boundary, ^aehigo Kiver is preparing for an active season, n is understood that the shares, selUaf at ?20. are to be split twenty for onai Smelter Gold drilling iu the GodV Lake area has offlcialiy reported a tem to twenty-live cent lluanciug deal, i Amuuc iMtidiug Companies the IBp terestlng piece of news is the report that Mining Corporation owns a veiT substantial interest iu Kerr .\ddison with a present indicated piofit 14 several millioQ dollars. The Sunshine Oil well to the soathp' west of Leihbridge in Soutbera .\lberia is close to completion witll gas i^ressure and oil showings indlcat» ing a successful well. This well will be important uot only to the Sua* shine Company but also to Nordon and Pacalta who have nearby acre- ages. The Plains Petroleum well east Ot Leihbridge is neariug completion. Th* driller states he hopes to reach th* desired hori:;on with ten days clean drilling. 'How's your garden get- t:oubIed with t^vo Friend â€" ling along?" Man â€" "It is kinds of pests." Friend â€" ''What are they?" Man â€" "The iiests that eat Pleasant Place with sadness, for it is one of the trag;edies of modern times. ; Man â€" "The iiests that eat the I Will Rogers, a man loved by all, plants and the pests that want to al-} prided himself that he never said ways know how my garden is getting anything, on the stage or off. that along." a child could not listen to, for Will , was one of the straightest and best I men who ever lived. ' Dentist â€" Now that didn't hurt, did Now, Eugene O'Xtill had written a play called ".K\\\ Wilderness," and Will was playing in it. A scene is tht^rein depicted of touching poignancy, but it deals with the subject of sex. An older it?" Junior â€" "You can't kid me. Us is in the advertising business. Jad Men can laugh at women's iutui- (ion if they want to. but let thom try PILES H equ:it i'lr i)lco<I)ng ur IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED Miller's tn'.ori)a> tuQiedy tias iiu prolruUlnK piles. jJalittjaL-tiMii UuaraiUoeil. Sufferers report wonUcrfut results. $1.00 per bottle, post paid, to any .iddrcsa In Cinada. F. MILLER Co.. 325 Main ai., Toronto, Ontario. man attempts to keep a young man to decide which is the front aud rear on the straight path of virtue, from of their wives' hats. in a fit ftT •«mper. he had ' For Coughs Due to Colds ^PIEN you feel worti out, when you are thin or stom- ach gives trouble, with gas, or "sour risings," try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. If you have a cough due to a cold or if you need to put on bulUiy fleali, this Is the tonic for you. "My appetite failed, I loat wel^t and «L-eii«lh, and my wnoh lyattm bo:a:ne ao irmk. Alio my digeatton was afitcted." *ald James Uowarth ot S East 25th St., Bamlllou, Ont. "I ttaned taking Dr. PItrce's (joldcn Medical Discovery and soon noticed a decided chince. I picked up In appetite and weight and was relieved of % >u(b duo to a cold" Sold by drug ' islets to ctnia, Uvoli) |t.00 uhI (1 . which fallen. The older man illustrates l»ip' arguments by txtL-nftt:* "ftwsm fcils own life. The next day Will received a let- ter from a parson expostulating that he had taken his 14-year-oId daughter to the theatre, but had felt obliged to remove her hurriedly from the building. The parson protested with all the vehemence of unthinking prejudice. -Apparently it had not struck this divine that Will was only putting into practical words the *cry prin- ciples which the reverend gentle- man gave utterance to from the pulpit of a Sunday. Xevertheless!, the fact that a clergyman should so express himself upset the simple, pure, decent- hearted Will Rogers beyond belief. He threw up the part then and ' there. Arguments were tried, e.xpo.stu- lations were attempted, but Will was not to be shaken. It was enough for him that a clergyman had seen fit to remova his daughter from the theatra be- cause of words whioh he, Will Rogers, had used. At that moment there was no fllin ready for Will Rogers to play in, , 10 this gallant cavalier decided to { go with Wiley Po9» on his las* fatal . '^-v darkest hour ifes long. is only 60 iniu- This from the Atchison, Kansas, Globe: "A preacher was talking to a little boy with a bruised e.ve when he said: "It's wicked to fight. Aud the little boy said: "You had ought to preach to your little boy, he's the guy that give mo this eye." WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'U Jump Out of Bed in tha Morning Rarin' to go The liver should pour out two pounds ol liquid blip into your oowsis daily, ft this bile la not flowing freely, your food dw-sii t digoet. It just decays In tho bowels. Gim bloiiis up your stoniacn. You got constjpatol. Harmful poisons KO in(.o the oody. anu you feci lour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowol mavi'niont doean't always get â- t the cause. You nerd something tb.At works op tho liver as well. It Ukoa those good, old Cnrier's Little Uvcr Pills to a»t w«se t>r3 DCumJ? e* bUo jJojfing froety and make you feel "up and up*'. Hnrmlet« and gentle, th^ make the bile flow freely. Thc.v do tliewurK ol calomel but have no calomel or mercury la Umb. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by * â€" g ! Stubbornly refuse anything else, iit. iMue No. 7 - '37 0-1 The Toronto Telegram writes: â€" The (luelph Reformatory was re- garded as a model institution and as a la.-;tinj; memorial to the late J. P. Downey and Hon. W. J. Hanna, whoso I'.umanitarian instincts were expressed in the construction and conduct of this reformative insti- tution. .As a rule, no penal institution i.s regarded as an as.«et to a munici- pality, but Guelph citizens were proud of the Ontario Reformatory, located on the outskirts of that city. Tho buildings ai'e scientifically con- structed, are larg-o, airy, well venti- lated and .sanitary. The grounds are not disfigured by forbidding stone walls. In fact, the landscape gardens carried out under the supervision of Mr. Neelands over a period of years liave transformed acres of swampy, unsightly farm land into a beautiful park, through which ."itreams of limpid water were diverted and small lakes created for ornamental purposes, wliich are so inviting that they arc freely used by children of the community for bathing purposes during the hot weather.. The institution is almost a self- contained town. It produces its own meat, its own milk, bakes its own bread and weaves at least part of the clothing used by the inmates. There was great variety of employ- ment, and unless conditions have deteriorated rapidly within the past year, the food is wholesome, nourisli- ing and abundant in quantity. The inmates were allowed a great deal of latitude. It is a matter of record tliat some of tha prisoners remained on after their time had expired because they had no jobs to go to and were more comfortable there than Uiey would have been anywhere else. It is significant that the guards were not even arm- ed, and yet this institution is the serene of a serious riot VValc-hes, first were made at .Nuremberg, Germany, at the begin*' ning of the sixteenth century. Classified Advertisitnf B.VBV CHICKS I i:i;noH.NS '.ic. B.MtRED Roeics. toe, '- While Ri'cKs 12c. From blooj testtd .-.[•-ck. OriJcr early. Guaranteed deltvexy*: .\pril prices Inwer. 10'-, down, nalanoe C.O.I' Box 1 C. Kent Hatcher>. Chathama, Ont. LNV.CSTOIvS .â- \- N OKKER TO KVFRY INVENT»JK. Ua% 1 waiilot) Invenlinns and full Informatioa 5ent (ree THK RAMSAY Compan> . World I'nrppt AttMnu'\s. 2:;: B.uik Sirtct, Oitaw% â- â- - - â- ^f "QUILT PATCHES" FIVE POUNDS $1.00 KAruFVL Materinls! Washfast : t'rinUl Broadcluthst Makes tive quilte: "Fr«tt Pattern." Rt'(und Kuarante«! Kt«>n itUUB Department WUs. Outremutit, Montreal, B I \\ CfARANTlilStl PfRB WOOL ;t.'.\R-\NTEEIH crey. white, mot'' HKELINU Y.VRN pure Canadian Wi«>i â€" llej 69c: colorej ynrn.-iâ€" i9c lb. plus po«-l tase. Bancroft Woollen Nttiis. ttencrort^l Onliirlo. ' The Quebec - Malartic Gold Area We have maintained a close personal contact with this area over some period of time, a member of this firm having made a per- sonal, and first-hand study of the field, visiting the various properties Individu- ally. The result of our study Is available to those inter- ested In Canadian mining enterprises. BMDGEHj : tOONtO SlOiH 60 King .>t. W. Toronto