Flesherton Advance, 10 Feb 1937, p. 5

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.* V-^:.. I^-.-^ THE FLESHERTON ADVAxNCE Wednesday, Februar>' 10, 1937 EUGENIA The Y. P- U. are preparing to hold a Valentine social in the basement of the church on Friday evening. A good time is anticipated. The regular weekly meeting of the Y. P. U. was held on Wednesday evening, February 3. Mrs. Martin presided and tools the devotional part; Miss Dinsmore acted as organist; Scripture passages were read by Miss Jean Tudor. The citizenship toplc^ "Planning a New Home," was taken by Mr. Ross Smith, who gave a very interesting discussion. Mrs. Martin read a selection about the home life of our present King and Queen, which revealed the Christian fellowship ana the Christian ideals in the royal home which would be fine examples to fol- low. Some fine musical numbers PRICEVILLE Keep in mind the Valentine social on Friday night, February 12th in St. .Andrew's church, when a debate will be given on the subject resolved that the radio is more benefitial to the farmer than the newspaper. .Affir- mative to be upheld by Robt. Steph- i.-n=on and Nellie McLean and the negative by Neilburt McKenzie and Margaret Mc.A.rthur. along with other musical numbers. Lunch will be served. The proceeds are to go to the managers. Mr. and Mrs. -Alfred Hincks and baby Marilyn, Misses Jean and Al- raeda Hincks, Toronto, spent the week end with friends here and at Durham. Mr. David Hincks accompanied them home on Sunday for a visit On Thursday night a progressive PROTON STATION Ted _ A Dog Ted is gone where the good dog- '. won -A delightful were rendered bv Miss Dinsmore on ! euchi-e party was held at the home the organ. Miss" Park on the violin, ! of Mr. and Mrs. Bradey Irwin, when Dorothy Falconer, Ruth Gi-aham and ' a splendid time was enjoyed. Mr. Jean Proctor on guitars and Marg- I lack McMeekin and Miss E. M. OUver aret McMillan on the ukelele. Some j were the winners and Mr. J. K. Mc- games were played after which the I Leod and Miss Isabel Cameron meeting closed with the Mizpah Ben- ediction. Mr. Edwin Punns and winsome little daughters, Slprley and June, also his friend, Mr..Wflliam Tipple of To- ronto visited oveir-the week end Mfith the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Mrs. C. Martin went to Flesherton is visiting the consolation prize, lunch was served to all. '.Miss Mary McKinnon friends in Holstein. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and family and Mr. Dave Hincks visited on Thursday with the Hincks fami- iies in Egremont. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arrowsraith ob- served the fiftieth anniversary; of their _ wedding on Tuesday of this week and giea go. He was just a mongrel i congratulations were received by this black collie known for miles as Mar- highly esteemed couple from theif . jorie Stevens' bo«lyguard. many friends. Mr. Albeit .Anowsmith -Marjorie is an only child who lived , of Niagara supported the groom of ahnotit two miles away from a public M years ago and was present for the school. She had a lonely road to day, while the bridesmaid, Mrs. Geo. travel, and there were no neighbor Lim'ond of Georgetown was not able children attending school to be com- to attend through illness. The couple pany for her. So when she was he- were married by the late Rev. Donald ginning, the intelligent little dog was McLeod. The bride was formerly taught to accompany her, and every Miss Margaret McKinnon of Price- day during her entire public school ville On the same day Mr. and life. Ted proudly trotted along beside Mrs Percy Hunt (nee Margaret Ar- her. He would spend the day at Mar- lowsmith) obsei-ved the 21st anniver- jorie's grandparents, who lived p- sary of theii- wedding with the latter's posite the school, but at four o'clock parents, Mr. and Mrs. George .Arrow, he wag at the school yard gate. We smith. Mr. and Mi-s. Hunt were mar- could write columns of incidents that ried in Durham by the late Rev. Whal- occurred during schooldays, of the el. The bridesmaid and groomsman dog's devotion for his little mistress. Miss Mj-rtle Hunt of Toronto how he showed dislike for any strang- aad Mr. Ernie Allen of Magee, Sask., er who was walking along the road, were unable to be present. The and very many timeg if the girl was ' Ad%-ance. along with a host of friends offered a ride he showed such disap- ^ ,vish these two well known couples proval that if she accepted, the driver j many more years in our midst. wouid have to give the dog a rii^, | Mrs. Jas. Fawcett of Eugenia is ^'l^" -^ rabbit or ground hog were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. Haz- , "^O' alluring to Ted for he dearly ♦♦♦II M >♦ I I I I I I I tl 1 1 I U >H unti l H ' H t I i H"» ' > H H H »» SUPERIOR STORES GROCERY SPECIALS THIS WEEK I + + + I; PE.\RL SO.\P 6 bars for ; ; BEE HIVE CORN' S\'RUP 2 lb. tin for ; I BULK PE-\NUT BUTTER 2 lb». for .. '' BULK SODAS 2 lb. for ard. i loved a chase, but not when on duty. Mis.s Sadie Eckertt and brother. An-p^'',â„¢^ ^*'- drews, of Top Cliff visitors with their sister Mrs. Harold Randall, Stone's Line. The friends of Mr. Benjamin Har-1 were week end •" Marjorie :s in High School now and ' Ted has passed on. He had grown .Mr. Murray Watson, Toronto, is vis on Saturday to attend the funeral of ; iting his brothei-s. Elmer and Wilfred â-  ^rave. West Backline, sympathize ! her cousin. Miss Mabel Clark of Clin- Watson. j with him in his unfortunate accident ^^^"'^ ^^^ ^ ton, who passed away suddenly on Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol. Mr. and j when Mr. Hargrave fell on the ice at Wednesday of last week. i Mrs. Colin McLean. Mrs. Dave Nichol ' his home and broke his hip on Monday. We are pleased to report Mr, John i and Mai-paret. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. old. he was partially deaf and blind, and his eyebrow.^ were white, but he had been faithful to his trust and parents many an an- xious hour. Good old Ted! >Ir. H. B. Jackson has sold his 23c 23c ..^ 25c 25c • [ RED ROSE TEA Vi Ub 27c 1 lb. for 53c PRAIRIE ROSE FLOUR per cwt. $3.45 I Fresh Lettuce, Celery, Radish, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Apples, Bananas. Spanish Onions, Ne'w Carrots. TRY OUR MEATS FOR QUALITY AND PRICE Special reduction in all Men's Overcoats. C. J. KENNEDY ♦ t * ♦ ♦ ♦ Phone 37 We Deliver ^ I 1 1 I I I I I M I I I 1 1 IT T ' ' â-  ^ ' ' '"''"â- â- "'"' â-  ' â-  * â- 'â- â-  « I It I I t » â-  *♦ I The Women's Institute have planned Parson recovering after having the ; Brown, Mr. Wm. .McLeod and Donal- ^ Valentine programme for Thursdav misfortune to accidentally fall a week da, Mr. and .Mrs. Bill McKechnie, Mrs. evening the 18th at Mi-s Fred Mar- 1 u •* ago or so and consderably injure him- ^ Dan Campbell, Mr. Dave and .Andrew j , hall's home when Mesdames J." Mc- 1 f^f ,^r'fXT''''l'Htv I- self. Mrs. Parson has also been laid' Hincks, attended the funeral of Missl â€" .•• « ,, ., . _ . . i radio from friends m the city. t -A. man has been arrested in England a "blaek shirt."' The tor wearing _ village properi:y to^Mr. I. B. ^^^^^ ! authorities appear to be getting rath- Mr. and Mrs. Consley and Miss | ^^ particular over there. .A Toronto minister preached a ser- mon on the subject "A Girl and a Cigarette." Twenty years ago that would have been * sensatiorjal topic. up with the prevailing epidemic and j Margaret McLean in Durham on Wed- we are glad to hear that she is almost I nesday. Interment was made in Mc- well again. j Neill's Cemetery. Priceville. We are glad to report Mr. Robt. j Miss Muriel Watson of Egremont Haney who has been quite ill the past 1 is visiting with Mrs. Wilfred Watson, couple of weeks has almost fully re- : The Institute meeting was held on newed his good health again. i Thui-sday at the home of Mrs. Elmer Mr. John Parson received the sad Watson, with a good attendance. Miss news of the death of his sister. Belle Weir gave a splendid paper on William. G. Mathewson and D. -Ad-! Mrs. Duncan McNicol of Toronto re- , Mrs. James Findlay (nee Miss Naomi ; Parsons ) whose death occurred at her ' home at Swift Current, Sask,, where ! she has resided for over 25 years. ' After a prolonged illness of several days at the home of her father. Chas. Lyons. CENTRE LINE few ' Mr. I Canadian books and authors; Miss .^nnie Shortreed gave a paper on New Year Resolutions: Miss Mary McEachem gave a splendid talk on cheer up. pleasant days are coming; months, she passed away on Jan. 30, ! Mrs. Wm. Moody gave a report of the at the age of 68 years. Besides her convention held in Toronto; Mrs. Wm. sorrowing husband she leaves in sad bereavement, a married daughter, who resides in the West, also two brothers, John of Eugenia and William H. of Owen Sound and one sister. Mrs. John J. Benson of Guernsey. Sask. We extend our sympathy to the Parson family. Mrs. Jos. Williams and son .los. vis- ited the Partridge family at Rock Mills On Sunday. .Aldcorn gave a demonstration on cake icing. It was decided to have a crokinole social. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. J. P. McMillan and Mrs. S. Boyce. The Holdfast U- F. W. 0. Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 10th. at the home of Mrs. J. .A. Nichol. when all the ladies are '•â- vited to attend. The W. M. S. and Willing Helpers ams will be the committee in charge. | ^^„^j ^ome after spending a The roll call will be answered with ! Suggestions for keeping healthy. Lunch Committee. Mesdames Math- ewson and Snell. The Ladies' .Aid held a successful quilting at Mrs. Marshall's last Wed- , ^-^ ^^e having another ice storm at nesday. j ^[je time of writing, making it very Mr. Herb Fisher, Toronto, was a ' hard to get around, week end guest at the home of Mrs. | The attendance at Mount Zion Roy Piper. ' church has been very good all winter. Miss Chris. McKinnon was home ! Rev. Bushell gave another wonder- from ner school over the week end. ' lui message yesterday. His talk be- Mrs. John Nichol and two sons, Har- ing about Jacob and Esau. He in- old and Gordon, spent Saturday in j tends to give a series of sermons for Owen Sound. j the ne.xt six Sundays, We hope ev- Mrs. Robt. Best returned to her ery one who can possibly come will be nome at Flesheiton after an extended out to hear these sermons. Mr. Will Fe'iwick and sister. Miss i will hold their February meeting on Edith motored to Palermo on Sat- ! Tuesday, February iGth. at the home urday to spend a few days with their , of Miss Nellie McLean. Lunch com.. visit with her daughter. Mrs, Geo. Udell. .Mr. and .Mrs. M. Raney and Jean, â- Southampton, spent the first of the •keek with Mrs. D. Macphail. Mrs. Robt. Taylor of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt and family the past week. Miss Hazel Osborne returned home from Maxwell last week, where she entertaine<l a ' a quilting on Mrs, McMeekin (Sr.K Mrs. H. R. Mc- Lean, Misses Margaret Mc.Arthur and Marv McEachern. ROCK MILLS LADIES' -VID mother and sister there Little Miss Elnora. spent a few days with her sister, Mrs, Russell Linton at Victoria Corners. The Misses Rowena, Lillian and Doris Magee were home fiom Flesh- erton over the week end. ' The Ladies' .Aid will hold their Mr. Ben Hanley has returned home I mteting on Wednesday. February '24, from St. Catherines where he has been (note change of date) at the home of working for some time. j Mrs, Walter Russell to quilt. Lunch Quite a number has been on the Committee: Cake. Mrs. B. Field. Mrs. sick list with the cold the past few Sam Fisher: sandwiches. Mrs. Harry Miss Dora Stewart was home from ! has spent the past two months. Swamp College for the week end. Mrs. .Aliie JRiir is on an extended visit in Toronto. Mrs. Fred Marshal! is visiting in Toronto. » Miss Irene Fisher I'oronto. I >£rs. Pred Plantt number of ladies at Thursday afternoon last. Mr. Edwin Little and Mr. Vance ; ' Jerrett are visiting friends near eft Sunday for Clarksburg at present. Mr. .John Osborne. Fred and .Arthur j weeks. Miss Olive Hughson of Singhamp- ton is visiting for a time with Mr. and Mrs. Kaitting and son Ken. Special Bargain EXCURSIONS ro Al L STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Patton. Mrs. -A. Blackburn. S. S. NO. n ARTB.MESI.A spent Sunday at Robt. Os- Mrs. Stephenson retu^-ned to Toron- Betts to Monday after visiting her sister, b'-rne's, ! Mrs, Noniian Hostrawser, [ Miss Georgena Blackburn. Fleshor- The man out in society who will ton, visited Miss Margaret CoUinson admit that he is fond of bean soup, over the week end. you can depend on entirely. ' Miss Delia Macphail returned to Toronto Monday after being a week "The fact remains.'' says Mr. Roe- tnid guest at the home of Mr. and ; buck, "that one dollar saved on a ******** >>4|. | I >>> t I I I I I H mi l I I >MI III t t>>^» t I Winter 4- House Cleaning i Brighten the Home When | the Men Are Not Busy UNION PAINT, in quarts only 49c NARVO ENAMEL, quarts $1.50 Pints 85c Half Pints , 50c FOUR HOUR ENAMEL, pints 50c Half Pints 25c Quarter Pints 15c For the Egg Production SUN RAY LAYING MASH $2.50 cwt. ♦ :: Going Dates: Daily Feb. 20 to March 6 Return Limit: 45 days. APPROXIM.VTELY One Cent per Mile Good in Coaches only Sleeping Car Privileges Passa.ne Tickets i>u sale, gootl in: â€" (a) tourist sleeping cars at approxim- ately l'4c per mile, plus regular berth fare. (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately i';o per mile, plus regular seat or berth fare. Sr. 4th â€" Mac Ratcliffe 67; Joyce McGee G4; Billie Johnston 03: Frank Wariing 62 (missed exam); Melville Buchanan 56. Sr. 3rd â€" Aleda Ratcliffe TH; Verda Car.goe 72: Freddie Boland 63. Jr. 3rd â€" Muriel McGee 77; Kay Ratcliffe 76; Dorothy Johnston 75; Frances Buchanan 67: Beth Wariing 56. Sr. 2nd â€" Ray Wariing 66; Helen Wyville 62. Jr. 2nd â€" Marie Johnston, R, J. Cnrgoe, Nelson Fitzsimmons. Sr, 1st â€" Ronald Brett. Bruce Shep- hard, Sr. Pt, _ Mary Dolan, Patsy Warl- j i"sr. Marion Summers, John Fitzsim- ; I bill is as gootl as a dollar saved on visited at her any other bill."' Is there no moral difference between a dollar saved on the baker's bill and a dollar saved on a liquor bill? i Mrs. Bradey Irwin. Miss Mary Mather home in Priceville tlfe latter part of the week. Mr. .Albert .Arrowsmith. Niagara Falls, is the guest of his brother. Mr. Geo. .Arrowsmith. Thursday evening last, Messrs. Rus- ♦^♦♦^♦♦5^J^5m.Jm.*»~»*»*JmJ»>J»**»^^ sell Purdy and J, D. Campbell were Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., ltd. I FLESHERTON *** * ******** *** * *** ! â-  < â-  I* 1 1 â- > â- Â» ^ â-  ^ ' ^ â-  ^ â-  ^ â- â-  l â- â-  ^ â-  ^ â-  H"K « t >>>>♦> (* * ** joint hosts at a progressive euchre oarty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brady Irwin. Miss Fmma Oliver and Mrs. Jack. McMeekin were the lucky winner, of the hi,eh awards while the consolation awards went to Miss Is- abel Cameron and Mr. John K. Mc- Leod. Refreshments were served at the close of a very plea.<!ant evenin.e KIMBERLEY PlBLIC SCHCHJL KEFORT Form II â€" Dorothy Fawcett, Pat !•' I.. ROUTESâ€" Tickets good going vUij Port -Arthur, Ont.. .Armstrong, Ont., | Chicago, 111., or Sault Ste. Marie,', returning via same route and line | only. Generous optional routings. "^ STOPOVERSâ€" Within limit of ticket, both going and returning â€" at Port ! â-  > Arthur, Ont., .Armstrong. Ont.. and west; also at Chicago, III.. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and west, in ac- cordance with States lines. I, > tariffs of United â-  > Full particulars from any agent Canadian Pacific mons. Jr. Pt. â€" Dorothy McGee. Elmer j VVeber, Ted Weber, Lottie Wickens, Careoe. Dorothy Hutchinson. j Annie Haynes (missed tests). â€"HAROLD J. THOMPSON, Teacher j Sr. IV â€" .Alma Wickens. Nellie : Haynes, Elvie Morwood. Mervyn El- I lis, Ivan Caniack, Lois Weber, Gor- â- >****♦+•>♦ I (Jou Chard unissed tests). I Jr. IV â€" Gloria Belfry, Harold , (traham. Donald Belfry, Kendall Chard. Lincoln Wilson, Donald Gra- i ham, Leota Gilbert, Mervyn Gilbert, I Garry Ellis, Re.g. Fawcett. . Sr. Ill _ Clare Dillon, Irene Wick- jens, Delbert Wickens, Vernon Faw- i cett, .Audrey Fawcett, I Jr. Ill â€" Hon.: Marjory Belfry, I Barbara .\llen Pass: Betty Graham, ! Jack Haynes, Gwendolyn Ellis, j Sr. II â€" Hon.: Stanley Hutchinson. Pass: Willard Ward. ! Jr. II â€" Hon.: Eleanor Ellis, Jackie Dillon. Leoiia Kirkpatrick and June Belfry, equal; Merle Smart. Pass Vernon Cornfield. Shirley McMuUon. Jr. I â€" lona Smart. Marie Hutch- inson, Glad.vs Haynes. Pi- â€" Bany W.illace. Willie Haj-ft- es. Blnne Pickles. Dorothy Haynes, PL-r^oi-t in suelli'tg: Morle ^mart. Take No Chances in the sale of your Livestock Ship to the Open Market and consign your shipments to the OLD RFILIABLE FIRM OF :; Dunn &Levack Ltd.:; Canada's Leadin.g Livestock Salesmen Established 1S93 Inion StiH-k Yards â€" Toronto ! I ? V t T ♦ t t New Season's Prints t t t ♦ ♦ A.. I X i For the benefit of many people â- who like to medte an early start on their spring sewing we are featuring a special early showing of new Spring Prints. Wabasso Prints â€" yard wide â€" in a wonderful range of new col- ^ ©rings smd new designs. Light, medium and dark shades â€" Sun ^ and tub fast. Three Splendid qualities: X 19c, 25c and 29c per yard OL R SPECIAL . . . Wabasso Broadcloth Yard wide, fine even weave, go od weight, popular shades â€" navy, powder, gobelin blue, peach, sand, brown, scarlet, rose, pink, C3rc- lamen, orchid, purple, maize, gold, orange, light and mid green, and white. Special Price I9c yard â-  s .****** * t *** * *** ** *** ** ** * * {^^ Yard wide unbleached cotton from ^ ^c yard ^^ i F. H W, HICKLING I 3> FLESHERTON, Ont. ^

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