Canada's Favourite Tea w^ ,,/^ ^ la n Mfv iy ti,ja TEA 807 .^ V DEATHON THE lAMOND BY CORTLAND FlTZSlMMONS %: ... .. . ..For Con years Pop Clark has tried vaini)' lu win the L'nited Lcacue pen- nant his New York Blues. Most of the hnseball writers predict an- other failure hut Perry Uurke ol the Star thinks ihey have a chance and through I'liny Murullo. who has a restaurant in the iiruadway district and is associated with bookmakers Don^t Risk Spoiled Bread! BAKE WITH ROYAL YEAST! Ifs always full-strmgth PHEW/$POILCD POU(?H/ I $H0UIP HAV£ U56P MVAl You f^et every cake of Royal Yeast in an air- tight lira p per . . . sealed against con tarn ill, it ion TO bake a loal that's sweet- flavored, rtne-textiired, ami truly appetizing, you nccci a good yeast . . . one that's full-strength and pure. Royal is always deiicndablc. F.ach cake is protected l)y an air- fight wrapper, to insuic absolute freshness, full lea\ening power, purity. It's the only dry yeast with this special protection. For 50 years, Royal lias hccn the stainl- ard. Actually 7 out of H Canadian house- wives today jircfer Royal when they bake with a dry yrasf. They know they can always depend on Royal for good results. Insure yourself against baking failure. Get a packai-'e of Royal nxla'-. Send for FREE booklet To ftvt uniform reAtilln In hn-uil hjklna. it is important to keep the span ne at an even temperature. 'Vhe "Royal Ve;i»i Bake Book" Uivi'H In- ftinictinna for Ihe care f>f douith. Send toil pon fur free copy of the hook, ftivlnft i.l 1 est I'd rrcipea for lemptlnft hreadH. Coffeo cukcH, buns und rollfl. BUY MADE- IN-CANADA GOODS SlnitdiU'iJ Brandt I.lJ. Fmter Ave. & Liberty St., Toronto, Ont. Pl«ase send mc ihv free Royal YesMI Pake BimL. Name. Addrew. Town ^Prov. Home Hints 5^< Si^ By LAURA KNIGHI and gamblers, he bets $li on them at 200 to 1. The opening game is a i pitchers' battle. Whitpur. the I'hila- | delphia star fwirler, is jealous of 1 Larry Doyle, the Blues' rookie short- stop, because ot Pop Clark's pretty | dauvbtcr Frances. He tries to in- timidate Lnr>°y with a bean ball and when he tbrnwi- a second one at l^ar- ry's head Doyle knacks him down with a right to (he chin. Larry is put out of the game. Later Whit- pcr hits a home run with a man on base but as Whitper is nearing the home plate, he drops dead, shot through the heart. The Blues win and it is generally believed that Whitper was killed to allow them (o win. Detective Kelly suspects Larry because he will not account foi his time ^ttrr leaving the diainond. •â- . grabhud one. bul I ain't had a eh. nco to look at !♦ Funny thing, you are right here where a thing hap- â- icn ' and yot you have to bry a papc • know what It is all about." Ho spread the pai)er and the press men naRped as they saw il was a copy or the Star, Terry's paper, with a big hcadinf,. reading: Second Murder at Blues Field "How did you know it was a tniu- der .MuUins deniandrd. ''Took a guess." "liucss, hell!" Reynolds sneered. 'What's the idea? ".N'i> idea," Terry replied and cran- ed his neck to read the aeeount in the napor. Dirkiii prize slugj-'ei and second baseman on the Chicago Itutchers, knocks out a home r n t death," was the .)peiiing sentence. Then the story w^-t on to describe the events lead- ing up to the .straii!;" nni and final fall of Dirkhi "Your imagirialion will get you in Jail oi;(; of day.^:," Doe lijers snoited. Ajlly appeared .ho doorway. 'I 1 ant one ot you ' hi^ began, and then spied Terry. "IliUo, Burke. C,nr,.e i.. hero a inlnti. , will you?" "Qan you heal Ihaf?' Craven eom- l)lain. 1 I'll rather liave that guy',, luck llia.'i ,1 to steal." "How diil he know so mii 'h aljout â- iiv il was done?' Reynolds sneered.! "Tell nU! thai. Ho w;is there with Ihe re:it of us. He . ouldn't know nil- 1 less he had !on:e iiisldo information."! "Did lie iiin down wilh the rest of! us'^' Mulliiis asked. I I.' walled for im- to go out lie-' tore he dill,' Hill Mover recalled. "The Kid is foxy." Craven said. "He waited until we left and then he call- ed his papM and n.ive them a lead. Easy Entertaining For the busy hoinennaker there,!? great satisfaction in the knowledge of a well-stocked rako tin and cookie box. For all those occasions when guc-ts drop in for tea, when sniail per.'Jons come home hungry from schf.o., and many other informal oe- easions, there must be a supply of small cakes and cookies. Of course, to have the;;c on hand rctiuires soine previous planning, hut tliey sh >ul(l be inexpensive, easy to inix and ba'i- cd by the dozens. They vanish over- night almost but tht;t I:) nolMii-, to worry about when you can turn out a large batch of them in half 'in hour. Chocolate flavored dainties are particularly popular. Crisp, crunchy chocolate cookie.s, chocolate ice box cookies â€" ready to slice and bake any time, and best oi all, Brownies, are excellent small cakes to keep on hand. Here are the recipes for theip, make up a batch of one or all and remain a calm and unfluster- ed hostess in any entertaining emergency. Chocolate Cookies - cups sifted flour 1V6 teaspoons baking powder % teasj-oon soda ',4 teaspoon salt 'Ai teaspoon cinnamon ',»j cup butter or other shortening 1 ',4 cups sugar 2 eggs, well beaten 3 s<(uares unsweetened chocolate, melted. Sift flour once, mea.sure, add hak- ing powder, soda, salt and cinna- mon, and sift three times. Cream butter, add sugar gradjally, cream- ing until light and fluffy. .Add eggs On Sale Friday, April 23r(l THE OFFICIAL SOUVENIR I'KUOIiAMMl: OF TllK CORONATION «./ 'jnicwus prrmlnil,,:, of llln Uaitstu filJ I'loyranihie Ij l.,,,.|r(i ^|/ Kii.,j 6'eoryc'j Julil- lee Tiunt. COi'IES M.^Y NOW BE UliSKRVKH: KKOM ALL, NFnVSAdliNTS AND BOOKSKLLEHS. pitici; i.-j c:anai}a â€" ,',o centb BE TALLER! inches Put You Miles Ahead Incienjp.l my .jwn liHijIU to 6' 3»i" A R"»a Xiiitcm Heier FaUa ^ Pull rici&iig 12c ttanp or Compldl* System »io, mnlleil "vsTeiy |>laln eover. M. ROSS, Height Specialist, SCARBOROUOH, ENGLAND Above an . . . buy on RE PUTATIO N H you wane stedt that will "come up" to /our Bxpecti t io n s bu/ Ryden' â€" the lecdt with a 70 yean' repu- Ullon. Sand for free copy of R/deri' greac new Coronation Year Sved Book. Ill pafct packed with unique novelties and old frlendf. Prac- tical advice. Coloured platei. SEEDS. he6ni0 »WrltT f.)r yiiur rnpy now to Dept. WI'l, V.O. Box 2151, Montreal. Orders for aitjs mujl bi: sciil direct to:â€" Hyder A 8.)n (1920) I.til., Seed SpeclRlliilH. St. Alban.i. Unelflnd. Issue No. 7 â€" '37 C-2 /on t be sor.'heatl.s. IIo just out- thought lis, that's .ill." 'It looks i 'id sounds phoney to me, ' Mullins said, and looked at Uei-nolds for !orroDoratiof. Insi^ii , I'op, UaAliiis, the Chicago manager, and the doctor were wailing when Kell.\ relurnod with Terry. Th re vva:i no sign of the body any- where. .Vo\>," Kelly tUir.ed to Terry, "I've iia'i several versions of Iho game and I want you lO give me the ilope as you recorded I*, up to the time Uirkin fell." Terry pulle out note;! and reid without inleiiuptlon 'intil ho hail lin- ished. "Thai agrees will, what Kawlins and I told you," Top said when Terry had iin'shed •'! know what g.'ics on ilur;ii :t game.' ''.\ll right. Top," Kelly said liiipali eiitly. "I wanted to check from every angle. Do you know what this nieans to me? I've got to get at the bot- tom of this one or lie through on the fore â- . liememlier Whitper?' Think of what means to lue! " Top relortvd "A'< all,' T»ax\ liiis broki! in. '•How do villi think I feel with my best man knocki (1 olT this \ay? I'll have to huild up a new team." The medical c.\amin,r came in llicii •â- '.Vhat killed him?" Kelly asked. "I d n't know, ho was poisoned." ii:i what "I ean't say There are no marks on the body. .is m nth't burned In iiy wa: , but from the condition o' his eyes and the convulsive state of the nuiKcles. it is clearly a poison < " "When can you let me know?" Kel- ly demanded. 'Tan't say. If ii'.s a common poi- son, wo will locate it quickly. If it is something rare and inuisual, we will have to experiment" ".Make it as snappy as you can. will you, Doc? ' K lly begged. "There l.s one slight puncture on the (leshy part of his right hand be- low his little linger. It may bo Im- portant and it may not. You might save yourself trouble latei if you lo- cated anything that he handled dur- ing the afternoon. Slay bo a false scent, but ii's worth considering. So long." ••What could he have been handling during the ot the game?" Kel- ly asked Itawlins. "I don't know. 'I'here wouldn't be anything much except bats and balls," Itawlins rt'plied. ''I want the bats and halls used in today's game put aside and locked up," Kelly ordered â€"To be continued â€" and chocolate; beat well. All flour, a small amount at a time, mixing well after each addition. Chill thor- oiighly. Roll 1-8 inch thick ou s i t- ly floured board. Cut with floured cooky cutter; sprinkle with sugar. Hake on ungrea.sed uaking sheet n moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 9 minutes. Makes 2H dozen .3-inch cookies. For special occasions and child- ren.s' parlic,, cookie., i an be cut in fancy shapes and decorated with granulated sugar, mixture of sugar and cinnamon, coloied sugar, niits, raisins, caraway seeds, colored can- dies or silver dragees. There is an infinite variety of dcco : • dress up these cookies to attend any party or festive occasion. Brown €â- •14 cup sifted cake flour ',2 teaspoon baking powder 1-3 cup butter or other shortening I 2 s<;i:ares unsweetened chocolate, melted 1 cup sL.gat i-SS''- ^ cil beaten Style Conscious House Frock for Busy Women l^8(o-B Cock-a-DOUBLE-doo There's DOUBLE pleasure Too- For every smoker Everywhere Who rolls his own with Chantecler/ ff I fdlGARETTE PAPERS NONE FINER MADE DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BO OKL ET Search no longer for th.-t com- fy, flattering, stay-at-home frock you've been needing to carry you througli your morning chores, for here's a "Heaven-sent" that solves your problem like that! This simple bit of smartness can be made in a flash, too. for a detailed ^ew chart which ac- companies lliis pattern shows you every step of its making. The bodice is regal in its simplicity, depending on a square yoke and nicely placed darts for its fash- ion distinction, while a self-fab- ric belt attends to a pinched-in waist. Why not make two ver- sions, one in a bright cotton, gingham or percale, and the other for dress-up purposes using satin, broadcloth, wool challis or crepe with the collar, cuffs and belt in contrast as shown on the smaller llgures. Harbara HcU fattern -No, I'JSG- D is available for sizes 32, 34, 3G, 3«, 40, 42 and 44. Size 34 re- <iuircs 4 Vb yards of 35-inch ma- terial plus 2-3 yard contrast. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and addreis plainly, giving number and site of pattern wanted. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred); wrap it carefully and address your order to Barbara Bell, Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street. West, Toronto. ',! c.:.i cho;<pe i • .imut meats 1 teaspoon vanilla Sift liour on e n.casi re, add bak- in;; powder and dash of salt, and sift again. Add butter to chocolate and mix well. Add sugar gradually to eijgs, beating thoroughly; then chocolate mixture and blend Add flour and mix well; then nuts and vanilla. Ba':c in rreased pan SxSxS I inches, in moderate oven (350 de- grees F. I 35 minutes, oi until done I Cut in s!|uarcs; remove from pan I and cool on cake rack. Makes 2 dozen bro'-'-nies. Chocolate Ice Box Cookies 4 cups sifted cake fiour 4 teaspoons bakinjj powder V- teaspoon salt lU cups softone ! butter l',*> cups sugar 2 ejc;.is. unbeaten 4 stiuares. unswecttned choco- late, melted 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups broken walnut meats Sift flour once, measure, add baking po ^ier and salt, and sift again, â- "o-nt.ine butter, sujar, eggs, chocolate. â- :.\:'\ vanilla, beating with spoon Mi'! ii'indel; add nuts. Add flour gi.'.i! i.illy, ii^ixing well after each addition. Divide d iugh into tw.j parts; ^â- hape in rolls, I'.i inches in diameter, rolling each in waxed paper. Chill until firm enough to slice. Cut in '-^-inch slices; bake on un.'frcascd bakin': sheet in moderate oven (35C d' recs F. ) 10 miifJle.^ Make 7 dozen cookies. To vary this recipe, substitute 2 cups premium shred coconi-t, for nut meals. And now Brownies the pet of all chocolate cooI:ies. Household Answeva Q. How can I soften glue that has dried in the bottle or can'; .A. Pour a little ^ negar over it and it will be restored Q. How can I sew snap fasteners on a garment, so that both sections of the fastener will meet in the ex- act position desired? k. Try kewing the l)all seition on first, then ccer tl'.e top of it with chalk. The sligtitest pressure will mark the e\.'-t .^pot where the soc!:et will be paced Q. How i-an 1 prevent odor on the ha.ids when hr.ndlii.^ fish? A. Heforc hantlliiig fish, dampen the hands i<nd t'ien rul) them thor- oughly v.-ith salt. When tinirlied hardlinft the fish, v.asb the hand.-< with soap and there will be no odor. Q. How can 1 clean an iron I. ;a has be ome coated with a film of tarch? A Great Book "How to Be- l" come a Hockey Star" by T. P. "Tommy" Gorman, manager and coach of the Montreal ".Maroons", profusely Illus- trated and containing many valuable tips on how to play the game. also AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES af GRCAT PLAYEitS (muun/cJ lor ftaniini) (JiYiiip Montreal '•Mo'xx»(ir'* Cirtiup "l.fs Caiiadu'iis" or iM;.'irit.'iidJ pif tiir.* o/; BaMy Nnrthmtt Paul tluvncs Davo Tn.ttiiT ilirty Uarry Kii.^** I'liiiro P»'tu lull.v Earl Kobinson t)av,. Kerr Bob (jnii'io Koy Wortfra (iiis -MrirluT ".^w" llailcy Itowif .Mort'lis Art I*itielir Juliuiiy (iimiion Frank ilmicIkT Wilf ('ml,. M:irty lliirko OotTRf .Maiitha Ali'X I evinaky .lack MKJill Carl \m» .Stow l:\aiiii Ito^iT .li'likins llyrbic fain Mush March • Your choice of the above • For a label from a tin of "CROWN BRAND" or "LILY WHITE' Corn Syrup.â€" Write on the back your name and addresa and the words "Hoc- key Book" or the name of the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). No cash is required. Mail the label tu the address below. EOWAROSBURO CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD The CAN.\D.\ STARCH COMPANY Llraltwl TORONTO T» Favorable Progress At Admiral Cadillac Development work at the Admiral , Cadillac property in the famous Ca- ilil'ac area of north-western (Juebeo continues to reveal satisfactory re- • suits. Attention is being directed par- ticularly to a very thorough examin- ation of jfhe_ strong, we!l-mineratized ' vein whifti- yas, encountered in the , south-v.-e%^fcCtion of the prrperty where t^^.«5)mpany's holdings con-' , tact the pR'St > Thompson l.'adillao ' property. This vein, which was dis- covered near a diorito body, has been traced frnni the Thompson Cadillac into tho Admiral Cadillac prcpcrty at a point two claims distant, or about . 1,200 yards, from the spectacular O'- Brien mine. Work is being concentrated on this ' showing and consists chiefly of test- .• ' . pitting to determine precisely its ex^- teat and value ot the ore. The disco*' â- very of this vein was made by Mi( .\rchie Bell, M. E.. description ol which was contained in his report ri^ •,'arding the property. In the report ol Mr. Colin A. Campbell. M.E., one of Canada's most eminent mining ^ngi-j iieers, he points out the existence Ot a belt of iron formation, which he states holds very interesting possibili- ties, also quartz stringers ajid vftins, which have been found in ubi. ndance throughout the property, A general examination of these showings ia be- ing made at the present time \,lth in- dications t&at • large number of them have potentialities for successful de- velopment. The present campaign baa been very carefully planned. In the first place, the property was selected in an area which holds promise of be- coming one of the most notable gold producing fields in Canada. Its close â- iroximity to the celebrated O'Brien .'.line on the south, distant only the width of two claims, and Ks contiguity It its south-west corner to the fainotM Thompson Cadillac were predisposing factors in its choice. A. Kun the iron over a sheet of very fine sandpaper and it will be perfectly smooth again. y. How can 1 prevent the silver- plated lids of the mustard and horse- radish jars from turning green on the inside'.' A.. Coat the inside of the lid with a thin layer ot paraffin and this will he prevented. SORE THROAT RELISIr Famous 1â€"2â€"3 Method Al Ihe lirst sign of .sore thro.'it due ft a cold, dissolve three "Aspirin" tab- ids in Jj glass of water. Gargle will this twice. 11 will act almost inslanll;^ to relieve the rawness and soreness oi your throat. .M the same time, lake two "Aspirin" tablets wilh a full glass of water. This acts to combat fever, cold aches and pains and the cold itself. Repeal the treatment iu 2 hours if nccessan,-. This modern way to treat a cold is approved by thousands of doctors. • ".Aspirin" tablets are made, in Canada by the Bayer Company. Lim- ited, of Windsor, Ontario. Demand and Get ASPIRIN TRAOK-MARK REO