) m Tea for every Taste SALAM TEA • .♦.♦.»>.». v>.»>*»»»»;..».».».»»;»>.».v.«;»>»X»'« 3 EATHON THE lAMOND 'r%r,' i BY CORTLAND FITZSIMMO NS^S-V t Synoptii of Preceding Inttatmentt: It hat been ten years tince Pop Clark hat won a United League pennant with hit New York Blues, and as the season opens the sports writers, with the exception of Terry Burke of the Star, give Ihcm little chance. He bett $10 on them at 200 to 1 at the rettaurant of Tony Murt'illo, a gambler, in the Broadway dittrict. In the hard fought open- ing game with Philadelphia, Whit- per, the visitors' ttar pitcher, diet from a rifle bullet through tlie hcArt at he is ncaring the home plate after smashing out a home- run. The Bluet win. There hat been ill-feeling between Larry Doyle the Blues' rookie shortstop, ex- Fordi^nm star, and Whitper because Clark's pretty daughter, Frances, had shown her preference for Larry. Detective Kelly suspects Doyle un- til he learns that Larry was talning v/ith Frances under the stands at the time the shot was fired. Terry writes a story about Frances clear- ing Whitpcr's rival of suspicion and Larry beats him up at Tony's. When the Blues are to open in Boston, four of the Boston stars are injur- ed. By clever work Terry learns th.'.t Sid Stream, notorious New York gunman, wrecked their taxi by firing a rifle bullet into a tire. Stream is found dead and Terry receives by mail the warning: "People who know too much die." Dtrkin, the Chicago itrr, diet from poitoning just after hitting a homer. Pietro, the Chicago bat boy, disappears, and it is suspected Dirkin was somehow poisoned white handling hit bat, which is missing. Terry suggests It n^ay have been thrown into the nearby hlarlem River. .KK-K*1*1K' "I l;n()V.. It's your job to uet news, the way baseball is mine. Can you spare a little time".'" "Have you lia'l .\our (linnei?" Terry asked. ".N'o, but I won't K') <I<i\vntown," Doyle hastened to add with a «'"'. "I've learned my les.son. How about • place on 125th Slicet?" 'i'licy Icl'l the buiklinn and walked toward the avenue. "Wlial's on your mind?" TiTiy B.sked. "Have you .Si'cn the evcnin;; papeis?" Doyle slojiped liiiili'r a Niinpii:; . "Here, road this" Doyle pulled an // YcrPL Hci/ue a QldlcL ASK YOUR DOCTOR THIS Ask Him Before Giving Your Child an Unknown Remedy I'raclirallv .\ns iloctor ynn ask will warn "J)nn'l i/iir i/niir cliilil unl<nomn reiimlirs williuul uskiiiq i/iiiir ilmior finf When il conies i>i the uidcly used rhildren's remedy â€" "milk of maft nesi.i, ' the slandani of the world is cslablislied. For over hall a ccniurv many dottors have said "I'l I II ,1 ,1 1'.S' Milk of M;if<nesia." .Safe for (.liildrcu. No oilier is "(|uite like it." Keep liiisin mind, and say "I'l HI.- LII'S' Mll.K OV MAG.\i;.SI.\' when you buy Novvalsoin tablet form. del llie form you |)rcfer. Hut see thai whai you fjel is labeleil "(iciiuine I'hilliiis' Milk of MaHneh,ia." ALSO IN tAELET FORM: Kant) tiny luljlct is tlio rnuiv- aient uf h l<>BaptMinful |onuinR f^tiillips' KltRiU'sia. MADC IM CANADA L k « I L L I P S' MAGNESIA extra out of his pocket. niJKKE OK TIIK STAR, HKI.D UNDKU SUSPICIO.N; IMPLI- CATED IN 2nd ULUKS DEATH The yuuiiK repuiler on the Star, who has been scoopinj? all the news on the recent base- ball tragedies is hein};: held un- der suspicion by the' police. IJurke scooped the town again today with the first story of tlio second murder at lilues Field. IJurke, althouj;li he was in the iircss box at the time of tile Iramiiy. v.a.s able to Ket information to his paper about the murder before il was known to the police. While younjc ISurke's part in the Hoston af- fair Was spectacular and on the side of law and order, the police want to know how it is jiossihle for him to have news, if not he- fore it happens, at least siimil- taneous-ly. It was Ueynolils' lirookiyn paper and Tory crumbled it in a raicc. "Why â€" " he e.xploiied, "llic dirty, low, rotten â€" " Doyle lauf.'he<l. I don't blame you, but now you <an undcr.tand how I felt. And there is nioie you didnt read. I'm in the i)apci' a;;ain with the rehash of the old story. They knew Kelly (pii'stioncd me and they made <iuite a point of my look- ing ovei' the bats. vVhat have the bats to do with it, .inyhow'.'" "The lUitchers have i. re;;ular bat boy, named I'ictio, a little hunch- back, a young lad, not more than sixteen or seventeen, who ha.s been with Ihcni for several years. You know how superstitious men on a team become'.' Well, I'ietro was their mascot, too." "Hut what has all tliis to do with the hats'.'" Doyle asked. "I'ietro came from t.'hirago with the team. When they ariived, he went up to Jeionie .Avenue to stay with his uncle, who has a fruit and vegetable store. Just befoie the game started today, Kawlins re- ceived a note form I'ii'tro saying lie was sick and stnding a substitute. Hawlin.s didn't have time to bother about the thing and just took the new boy on. Kelly tianks it is pos- sible that Dirkin was poi.soncd through the bats. That's why he c|uostioned you. 'Phey can't find I>irkin's favorite hat, and what is Worse, Pietro is not at his uncle's; he was not sick, and the substitute boy has vanished. It's too bad you went near the bats this afternoon." "I don't like it,' Doyle said. "I guess it's my finish on the Hlue.s." 'Why should it be?" "Why shouldn't il? I'oj) won't stand for me being under suspicion. We're both in the same boat," Doyle .said seriously. "You've got to watch your step just as I must watch mine. Kelly's uji a tree and he'll do anything to save his face. We'll be watched from now on and I think we ought to work together." "Doing what?" "(letting at the bottom of this thing. These deaths can't be call- <â- (! accidents any longer. Stream's death proved that. There's some- thing .sinister behind them. If it gets out that we arc suspected, what's to prevent our being framed?" "Why was Stream killed? If the.se people can keep the iiolice off the real scent, it all becomes that much easier for them. We couhl be framed easily." "Framed I" The word struck WAKE UP YOUK LIVER BILE- And YouMl Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go Tho liver Bhonlrl poar nut two rotindH of liquid bile into ynurbowelfl daily. If this bile Ik not nowinar freely, yourfood doesn't diirest. It just dccjtys in thu bowels. Gas blontA up your Btomsch. Youffct cnnitipated. Uamiful poisons tro into tho body, and you feel loar, sunk and the worUl looks punk. A mere bowol movement docsn'tnlways fret althccflusc. You need MomLthinn tlial worka on the liver as well. It tnUc3 ihoiie fir(K>d. old Oirtcr's Little Liver Pills to Ret thcKe two pounds of bite flowing freely and make you feci "up and up". UnmilebS and gentle, they make tho bile flow freely. They do the work 0f calomel but have no calomel ur mercury in them. Aflk for Carter's Little Liver Ptlls by same! Stubbornly refuse anything else, 'ib^ Issue No. 11 â€"'37 Câ€" 2 Drug May Decrease Maternal Mortality LONDO.N, â€" A new drug which may help to reduce maternal mor- tality was mentioned in tho I'.ritish House of Commons hy Sir Ernest Graham Little, member of the Lon- don University, during debate on the Maternity Services (Scotland) bill. The bill urges provision of great- er nursint; and medical services for Scottish women in their homes. "During the pa«-t twelve rponth^-," Sir' FOrnest told the House, " a new drug has been tried, and the re- markable result has ' followed that the maternal mortality rate has de- creased from 22 to 2 per cent," Sir fMiiest said that the new (hug, known as ".sulphonuniide," was disclc^ed to the I'athological Jjocicty of London only reccijtly. It was of simpler constitution than many of the earlier dru.^s rccomnicnded for the same purpose. Toxicity was very much less, and another advanlat;e was that it was best administered hy the mouth. There was no secret for- mula or patent, and the druR was at the disposal of tho mcdic-.'.l profes- sion, he said. A S;r.ock with a Delightful ^5;d-Fa£hFoned Touch 210-E) Tliv'ie '.vill a.vvays he thu-c v.lui look i.est in feroiniiie details such as sh.Avii on tctlay's smock in the full sleeves and cliarining llower- liol ii,.cket. Hias binding can be used to oulliiie collar and .sleeves and a;ive a neat briglit contrast. The cultiiig is utterly simple, no paiK'Is. as tho \\aist is slightly fit- ted !iv taking darts. So there's really nothing to the sewing, anil with a hit of attention to the other (iefuils, you can have a .-inocl; that is (piite <lifferenl from the usual run of them, and very, very flattering. liail-ara Hell I'attein .\o. 1210- 1! is ••.\ailahle for sizes II, l(i, IS, 20; .10 anil 42 Correspondiiig bust 11 ea.'-uremeiil 81', ;M, 3(>, ;!S, 10 );r(l .12. Size Hi CM) short length, ie(|uires .| y.S yards 35- inch fahiir' iilus .'D; yards bias pipin.r HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write vour name ami addrett plainly, giving number and size of pattern wanted. Kncloiie 20c in ilainoi or coin (coin prrferred) wrap it carefully, and address your order lo Barbara Bell, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont. terror to Terry's heart. Perhaps that explained why he had not been troubled since his wa.niiig after the Hostoii affair. What an easy way to gel rid of iiim; frame liini and he would be thrown in jail and out of the way. "How was Dirkin poisoned'.' Doyle's (|uestion cut into Terry's thoughts. "They doii'l know, hut since the bat is gone, they think it was done that way. The substitute bat boy knows the solution, but they won't find him." (To be Continued.) ITCHING TORTURE STOPPED /n A M/nut« / For quicit nlie/ frnni tti« tloblng of plmiilia, liloltbo, •eseroa, athlcte'fl foot, raaho and ottier iktn crujttiona, •pply Ur. DtnnlV ciiolliif, onliMpUo, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, lu jcnlle oils loolho the trriUted um. t'loiir, ircjiwl.'.'a Riiii (lalolcMâ€" dries fast. Slops the iiii>st iiilcnsi hiiig Instantly. A 3So trial bottle, at drug hlorM, provMi Itâ€" or luonry back. Auk for â€" 30 D.O.D. PAcicAx^otimt Home Hints Cy LAURA KNIGHI &IS/£Sr WAY 70 CURB A COLD ULTi!\1ATE ECONOMY AIniopt anyone can bake a cake. Ilc- clp;,.'! are prac'.kal'.y f.ol proot' and all you have to do i:i follow the dhec- tions Why ia it iIk n. that so many ca!ces are net li^ht. fluiTy and fine-tex- tured as they shou'd b". but just nicdiocro? Tlif-y are not .so bad that they can't l:« t ;;(eii |;:rli;;p;. but no- body wants to e:-.t ll;i:;i, I'nd lh"y go Hw'.o. and have to bo thrown out. On till! oilier hand, a taku which Is a man- ter|)icce. is eaten up entirely and you know that is :i sivin-.; lusload of a w.-iLit.;. Wi'll, the dii'i'.'rcac,' lic-iwecii a good and just jKissab'.t! caUo oficu lies in tho Hour used, lio many women over- look the fac: tiiat to bal.i; a cake you must have eaho thai" v.lik-h is lighter, liner, ami has a nio;e delicate c'llteii than jtist jrdinaiy flour. The best cake Hour may cf.it a liiilo more, but wlial a saving It is in the Ions runl .â- \ctual laboratory ir;;t;i have proverl that v.ith llii"' < :i:;e Hour you can cut ill li::ir th(,' aminiiit cf i-sgt and but- ter us;il. and s ill ;:cl a te:fwt cake, wlierea.'i wlili onlinary (lour and double the amoiir.t et c.^iss and but- ter, you sli'l have a ooor cake. Try It yourseir \vit!i I'.iis ono-ogr.; eako and a gcod brand of finely-uill- k'd cake Hour. Voii can't help but iiot:((> tlie dilTereat J In taste, texture and co:-,l. ON^-ECG CAiCE 2 cii,.s silted cak,' Ih.u:. 2 lea.iM;o:is bakiiis pnviier. ',1 teaspoon r.all. 1 ieas|,'oon vanilla. t l.ilili'spoons liiillci- ( r oihc- fU.iit- eiiin;,'. 1 < up sugar. 1 ei;.;, unbeaten. •7i iu|) milk. Sift Hour oiue, iiie.i.-iire, ailil bakiiif; I)o\vder and Kail, and sift logeiher three times. Cream bii;t< r ihoroughly. add Burar gradually, and creaui to- gether tvidl. Add e:,'K and heat very thoroiiKlily. ..\(|(1 Hoi r. a'ternately with milk, a email uniouiit at a time. bi^atiiiK afti'i- each addition until smooth. Add vanilla, rtiike in two grtaseil ,S liicli la.ver pans in moder- ate oven ( :!;,'> de:,'. K.I 2.j minutes. Spread fhoeolate Oiange Piosting be- twt-eil layirs and 011 top and sides of cake. CHOCOLATE ORANGE FROSTING 2 tablespoons njaled iiiaiiKe rind. 2 ( upa siftetl iimfei tioiiei s sugar. Dash of salt. o tahlesjioons orange juice taboutj. \ tablespoons butter. 1'- squares unsneetened cliocolate, melted. Cimibine ovaii^o liiul and liulter; (â- ream well. .\dil part of su.nar grad- ually 'ilending alter each addition. Add chocolate and salt and mix well. -'Vdd remaining sUKar, alternately with orange juice, until of right consist- ency to siu-ead. lieal Ihorounhly after each aihlitloii. TASTY FISH DISHES Salmon Patties I'laku 1 pound (an salmon, athi 1 e.gs sliKhtly beaten, 2 tablespoonn On Sale Friday, April 23rd THE OFFICIAL SOUVENIR t'KOOKAMMK Ul'' Tllfc; CORONATION Bm i/;uor.,us |/tr;/iu,ii./u n; //i.t .Wujejli) (fti.i Hiotframmo ts i.i.TtaU Ou Hinu Gcoi'tfe 8 Jubi- U's Trust. COftES MAY NOW BK ItKSyUVKl): KKOM ALL NEWSAGENTS A.Nl) BOOKSELLERS. t'UICE IN CANADA â€" .'lU CENTS REUNION o/^ BRITISH FAMILIES We are prepared to advance passage money [without in- terest or other charges) to British people desiring to bring out to Canada their wives, families, relatives or friends. Apply for parliculara lo rttarett Stecnzxhin agc/it ur tn BRITISH DOMINIONS EMIGRATION SOCIETY {t:atabliMlicdlaS2) 217 Bay Street Toronto (Head Officer Lonr!on, Ep.<^.) c;ea-.i, ',i te.a.spoon salt and a pinch of pepper. Mix and .shape in a small flat cakes. Di;) ill crumbs, then eps 'o which 2 tiMe.-spoons of water have bean ad- ded and then crumbs asain. Saute in hot fat until well browned on both siih s. I'laco each cake on a tlico of lict toast and servo with 2 cups of white stiuco to v.'hicli M cup of finely I '.it cc!. ry ha.i been added. Kedosree 2 cup.5 canned salmon, I table s:iion:i ;)-,!tter, 1 cap cookt d lice, salt and pepper, 2 hard cooked es.qs. I'reo tho lish from nkin and bone. .Melt butter l;i a saucepan, add the lisli and stir gently. Put in the rice the white of the iiard cooked okKS uud seaso'n to taste with salt ami p.-p- per. .Move gently over the Hrc uiiiil th :a()n;rlily hot, aud seivo on a Hal dhdi w'.tU ti;o yolks of the esfis, press- ed t!ironj;li sieve, over the top. Salmon Parties ('Imp lino 1 pound can salmon and 1 hard cooked e;;:; Stir 1 teaspoon moistened (lour in '/_. cup milk over shiw lire. When thickened, beat in salmon, cks, 1 tablespocu butter, salt and pepper. Cool. Make a rich pie crust and cut the turnovers with a saucer upsldedown. Wet edges with cold water. Put a poo:' tablespoon of salmon luixtiire on halt of crust, fold ovt r otlifr hall and press well to- gether. Cut small slits on lop brush with inilk and b.ike In a ipilck oven. Baked Salmon One lb. can of salmon nii:;e<l with '.J tup cracker crumbs, one < gi; iin- beatrii. Baked Noodles Ytikon Coinbino two tablespoons melted butter, one tablespoon Heui-. one tea- spoon salt and one cup milk, l^'ook. stirring constantly until thick. Add two cups llaked salmon. Kill well oil- id casserole willi alternate layers creamed .salmon and cooked noodles (2 cups I. Sprinkle each layer with buttered bread crumbs II cup). Bake In a modorato over (375 degrees K.) 2U-30 minutes. Fnr lorp throat, gargle witli a "Aspirin" ta'olets in ii glass of water. The modern 's-ay lo treat a cold is this: Two "Aspirin" lablcU; the inomcnl you feel ;i cold coming on. Repeat, if necessary, in two hours. If you have a sore throat with the cold, dis.solve 3 "Aspirin" tablets in Jj glass of water and gargle with this twice. The "Aspirin" yt , l.akc ia- tcrnally will act to combat lever, aches, pains and the cold itself. The gargle will provide almost instant relief from soreness aud rawness of your throat. Your doctor, we feel sure, will approve this modem way of treating o cold. • ".\spirin" tablets are made in Canada by the Bayer Company, Limitcd.of Wind- sor. Ontario Demand and Gst - ASPIRIN rflADE.MARH 1EG Ce'ebrity Stran.ux" how fame affects veople at least in some cases: Mr.s. .Murjdiyâ€" There's no living with William any more since be be- came famous. Mrs. N'eerby â€" 1 didn't know he had become famous â€" . How did it happen? Wis. Murphy â€" He had his pic- ture printed in the papir telHng how ho had been cured by liver pill.-* and now he won't do a lick of work. "A Case of Nerves" ALL women at some period of their lives need a .strciiKthcning tonic like Ur, Pierre's I-'avorite Prescrip- tion. The voiWK woman who suffers from m o n t b I y pains, the expect- ant mother who li;is n.iii>c.i and oilier diH.iKicc:ibtc liyinp- loin.-i. or the ini(l<lle-agL-d woman wtjo tx- pcricnct;* "heat lla>hcs" and ncrvott&oew, ."should tri tills "I'rrscriptioii ' Mrs. W. JIakii of Route 0, t'uboiiiK. Ont.. said: "I used Dt. Pierce's l'".ivoiitc I'lcscripltoik through tlie ctlangc ot life and felt so >.-eH. 1 stiil take it ocuibionally tu keep me well unit lil.ike nie hjie a g<X)d nlftht h test. X find it wonderful for a case of 'ucrvcs'." Buy now I New size, tablets 5U tls.. liquid $I.O(Jt "How do you keep ycirr outhouss cJaom?" "I use GILLETT'S LYE regularly ... it keeps things clean and sanitary '' Outside closets kept clean this easy way! 1^11 ERE 'S no risk of offen- - sive outhouse odors whea you use Gillett's Pure Flake Lye regularly. Just sprinkle half a tin over contents of closetâ€" once a week. There's no need to remove contentsâ€" Gillett's does it for you. Gillett's Lye in the liousehold saves hours of heavy work clears clogged drains, scours dirty pots and pans, quickly flushes away ugly toilet stains. Keep a tin handy. Never dissolve lye in hot ww j. The action of the lye itself heats the water. FREE BOOKLET The Gillett's Lye Booklet tells how to use this powerful cleanser for dozens of tasks. Send for a free copy to Standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. and Liberty St., Toronto, Ont.