Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1937, p. 4

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WediK'sday. A|)ril 28. 19.^7 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood Street, (•"lesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 oer year, when paid in advance $l.gO; in U. S. A. J2. per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON. Editor. P. I THURSTON, Associate Editor KDITORIAL NOTKS Flesherton village council some years ago provided a dumping ground fur iffuse, lh(> size of which is suf- ficient for a place of this size. The dump i.s out of sight of travellers on the highway and was an ideal site for such a purpose. However, some people are too lazy or have not suf- ficient interest in the appearance of that approach to town and dump their refuse on the roadside or at the .siide of the lane leading up the hill and an unsightly situation is the result. We hope some of our citizens who per- sist in such actions will have a change of heart and keep the approaches to our villages as clean as possible. * • • How would our village appear to motorists if there wag not a shade tree on our streets ? It would cer- tainly have a barren appearance, and would not be a fit place for man- kind to reside. There are many streets in town which are bare of shade trees and other areas where more could be planted to enhance the beauty of our village in the years to come. A start could be made on the highways entering the village and then the back street.s could receive their quota of trees iri future years. Our village council would be well ad- vised to takf this matter up at once and cummencf a <-ampaign for n more beautiful town. The expense need not be very groat as we are certain therf are many citizens who would collectively devote their time and en- ergy to leave a heritage of which fu- ture general ion.s would reap the ad- vantage. Let Us observe the Coron- ation of George VI by planting rows of tre<'s 0|i our main streets. :: Other Papers' â-  ;: - Opinions â-  ; WHY NO MAI'LE LEAVES? (The Haileyburian) TIhe sight of the new Canadian postage stamps the first of which reached Haileybury at the week end, is lather disappointing in om resipect, the maple leaf lias been omitted from tlu- design. Why this should be is a c.uestioM to which there does not ap- |)ear to be any definite answer. In other re.sijocls the stamps are of a very pleasing design, the picture of King George V'l is a y-ood one, al- though he is shown in civilian clothes instead of uniform, and there is no change in the color of the three-cent denomination, the most commonly us- ed one. There can be no complaints other than the one we have just men- tioned. For as long as the average Canadian citizen can remember, the maple leaf has been one of the coun- try's emblems and has appeared con- tinuously On the postage stamps. It is not, perhaps, a very important mat- ter, but there is considerable senti- ment wrapped up in this emblem and its omission from the new design is rather disappointing. Nothing can l)e done about it, we suppose, but we hope that when it is necessary to again change the postage stamps the maple leaf will be restored to its former place. KIMBERLEY Mr. Henry Ellis, Powassan. died on Sunday, April 25, 1937, at his resi- dence there. Mr. Ellis was a broth- er of Mes.srs. William and Albert Ellis of Kimberley; al.'w Miss Selena Ellis of TCimberley. He leaves to mourn his passing three sons and two daugh- ters; his wife and one son predeceased him. The funeral was held on Tues- day. Mft-s. George Proctor, who has been seriously ill at her home, is recover- ing. YOl GAIN HY (ONtJl'EST .Most students are inclined to shirk the studies which are hard for them. Tile average employee is pleased to lie assigned easy work, and annoyed if lie is shifted to a place where more is expected of him; yet it is the difficult studies that develop brain power, the difficult tasks which produce efficient workers. The truth can bo carri( '. further. â- \n easy, pleasant life is not the most ronducive tn development of eharacter. Progress and growth in almost any line are the result of meeting difficul- ties and overcoming them. You gain by connuest. LOVERS OF GOOD MUSIC Attention Do not miss hearing THE OWEN SOUND STRINGED ENSEMBLE Under the leadership of Harold McIIwain FLESHERTON UNITED CHURCH Wednes., April 28 To Commence at 8:15 p.m. Admi»8ion: â€" Adults 25c and children 15c. CEYLON Dr. G. H. and Mrs. Holmes Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mrs. Anna McMillan and Mr. Fred Chislett. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin and Miss Catherine Cairns were week end visitors with Mr. and M'rs. Geo. Cairns and Mr.s-. Wilcoek. Mr. Peter Sherwood had the hydro turned on last Thursday. Mrs. Geo. Snell went to Toronto on Monday owing to the serious condi- tion of her aunt. Mrs, Dougald Macphail is very ser- iously ill at the time of writing. Mrs. Raney of Southampton and Mrs. Bai- ley of Shrigley spent several days last week with their mother and Miss A, C. Macphail. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair were in Owen Sound on Saturday. Miss Irene Fisher of Toronto is spendiiijr a week with her parents, Mr. and Mi's. Geo. Fisher. Miss Dora Stewart, Swamp Collegi visited at her home here over the week end. Miss Mary Mather spent the Sun- day at her home in Priceville. Miss Margaret Smellie visited her grandmother in Priceville over the week end. PROTON STATION SALE 200 Pairs of high top shoes (Empress) formerly from 5 to 8 dollars, now sold for 75c to $1.00 Seven Strand 48 inches high woven wire fence. 4 point six barb wire. PAINTING TIME Paints Boiled Oil Raw Oil Separator Oil Terpentine GRASS SEEDS \iv(\ Clover, bu $17. Mammoth bu $18. Alsike Clover, bu $16. .\lfalfa Clover, bu. .. $16. Timothy, bu $4.75 All Ontario Gown. CAR LOAD OF FRESH CEMENT JUST ARRIVED F. G. RARSTEDT General Merchant Flesherton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and family of Berkeley, visited at the Dever Bros', home recently. Mr. and Mrs. James Burton, son and daughter, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Burton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. WyvUle. Mr. Ernest Lyons of Toronto, spent Sunday with his family here. The spring weather is not at all favourable for any work on the land here yet. The Proton Station side- road has been almost impassable dur- ing the past week. How Money Circulates The story is printed of how a wo- man has been "haunted"' by a penny, which has followi-d her several thou- sand miles on her travels. A Dus- seldorf newspaper sa.vs she first no- ticed the coin in her purse in lii25, because of the peculiar marking on it. She spent it in a shop and was sur- prised to be given it as part of her change in another shop a few days later. .She spent it again, but it wa.= retuined to her in a similar way. In fact, this sort of thing happened sev. eral times. Then she came to Canada, lakiny the penny with her. She spent it here, but it was returned to her again three years later â€" this time ir Kngland. Now she has decided to keer the coin as a souvenir. Thi.s little story simply illustrates how much merchandise even a small coin will l)uy. if it is kept in circulation. A year or so ago a Dollar Bill was mark- ed and circulated in .Aylmer and in seven days it bad passed thr-ough at least twenty known hands, thus pur- chasing at least $20 worth of merch- andise. The moral is: it pays to spend your money in your own home town. TOOK PATIENCE TO LAND BtDE TO CITY Patience is one virtue the hitch- hiker must possess if he is to get along in the world. A Toronto lad, returning from sp«'nding Raster hol- idays with relatives at Holland Cen- tre, found himself at the Dundalk liigh\\-ay corner at four o'clock on Monday. Rev. A. H. Ferry of Cor- bett.on gave him a lift to that place. He spent the re.st of the evening till ll..'{0, with his thuml) cocked back- wards, at the Corbetton comer. He was put up for the night at Lydall Campbell's at Corbetton, and was on the job at 8 o'clock the next morning with his thumb all set again. Not until U o'clock, when Rev. Ferry went to Toronto, did the lad get another lift. MORTAGE SALE of Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION on SATURDAY, the 1st day of MAY '37, at two o'clock in tb<a afternoon at THE MUNSHAW HOUSE, FLESH- EK<TON, ONiT., by GEO. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer, the following property, namely:- ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel Or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey and being composed of Lots Numbers 164 and 1G5 in the Second Concession South-west of the Toronto and Syd- enham Road, in the said Township, containing 106 acres more or less. On this property there is situated a solid brick nine roomed house; a frame banked barn with wooden foundation 40x60. There are 60 acres of this land under cultivation, lO acres second growth bush and 36 acres rough pa.iture land. There is a good Well on the property. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of the jjurchase money to be paid down at the time of sale. Balance within ;!0 days thereafter, when possession griven. I.i'.nds wilt be sold subject to a re- served hid. Further particulars and conditions made knhwn on the day of sale, or on application to K. G. MACKAY, Solicitor for the Mortgagee, Owen Sound, Ont. » » » ^â-  .«â-  Ind remember Onli| Qualiti| Riint can PROTECT Your Homel It pays to use a quality paint â€" and quality is guaranteed in writing when you buy Martin-Senour 100% Pure Paine No useless adulterants are used in the prepara- tion of this sterling product. The pure white lead and zinc oxide base gives you proteaioo that lasts, cover- age that saves you money â€" beauty that does not fade4 MULTI-USE ENAMEL Smooth flowingâ€" quick dryingâ€" high gloss enamel. Good for inside and outside. 26 glorious colors, plus the revolutionary "Crystal Gear" finish. IT PAYS TO USE HARTIN-3EN0UR \m PURE PAINT VARNISHES & ENAMEtS f . G. KARSTEDT General Merchant Flesherton, Ont % Defeat isn't bitter if you don't swall. tr concluded they used them only to ow it. j make money, and we cannot but won- A number of clubs have lost their, der il'he ever suspected they had any beer permits because the commission- other motive in view. Safety In Speed After May 24th motor cars on On- tario highways may be driven at a speed of 50 miles an hour and the driver will not be breaking the law. The ivcent amendment to the act in- creased the limit from 35 to 60. Reviewing the situation tiiat has existed under the old limit of 35 miles per hour it n^st be admitted that the act was a "sham;" that it was not enforceable. The majority (if (hivers paid little or no attention to the law and exceeded the limit which, in view of the invprovivnient in cars, was low. The Iwwl feature of the whole thing was that it made practically every driver a law break- er. .\ logical and properly observed peed limit should cut down reckless driving. Fifty miles an hour is fast <iTough for anyone to drive any place :md there should be little excuse for exceedint; it. At the same time, traffic officers have definite figures 1(1 adliei'e to and can rightfully argUe that the person who claims that fifty miles isn't fast enough, and exceeds it, should be placed jn the rwkless class. Speed can be safe at fifty and if I be new law is enforced to the letter there is every reason to believe that the changed law will make Ontario highways safer for all concerned. STYLK IN SALES FACTOR "Men may pay for thetn, but I'm pretty sure the wives, daughters and sweethearts are buying the motor carg of 1937," said a Pontiac executive re- cently. He pointed out that the motor car today is a style article, as is bound to be the case with any article which makes a broad general appeal to the fair sex. "The car of today," he con- tinued, "is virtually a household ar- ticle, because it is used equally by every adult memibttr of the family. And everyone knows that the women members of a family must be satis- fied before any household article is purchased. An authority informs us that in ancieivl Egypt and Babylonia, books were not valued so much for the new ideas they contained as for the old. time-worn lore they preserved. The authors is those dav» were, at lenst honest fhout it. Much nf so-called originalitv in current literature is merely rehash. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OlFER 'LTislre Sail , II a ni ( id Inlroductory Oiler ^^ '^^abmssi Certificate Goci for 10 Day, Only - April 28 to May 8 inclusive^ When properly filled in wid piMnH«l >« "^ local S«ll-Ul«ti« detlet thli wrtiftMW «Kilk» ^! â€" °' â€" -;Xdd«» " ~ „ â- ..r:,^â„¢.-. c^Tivin,. on 0- V^^ C 8.n.i.Lu.„. S.>.n.E„.n«.. [•.^fi.*-" ""â-  •»"-l Tm SHBmm-Vi/iaiMts Co. u*:l.Lycn.. ».» ..«. ;«c ^ CASH SWING -- 60c 30c 15c 10c , b,.!. V >y pu^hâ€"* Q o a a ^^^^ OtMraTMea MaoHtr \HERWINWiLUAMS BfCt/tAg |g â- Â»iillT ^Ci ^'^^ % emt lustre -V ^He*^^tVlD WASHABLE SATIN ENAMEf I f a*idMMN Attractive new rooms can be created over- night with Semi-Lustre, the amazing ney •cashaby* satin-enamel. Semi-Lustre give* you the soft, light-reflecting, non-glare surface ao much in vogu«, and makes redecorating â- â€¢ fatcioating as choosing a coatunw. The 13 lovely paat^ ahadss give you unUmited •oope for Isdividusd color scheme*. Think of the immense practical advantage of : I'- 'â- < ^. a washable finish! Unsightly finger marks and stains can be removed instanUy with soap and water-without iiyury to the deU- cat* satin finish. Semi-Lustre U easily applied, driea quickly, and â- â€¢ DBODORixBD. Try thia amasinii new RnUhâ€" the 10-d«y introductory off^ enable* you to do *o at a great saving in caahl â- 1 < -J. â-  â- â€¢ S7-* FOR 10 DAYS ONLY So that you may try out Semi-Luati*â€" in youf kitchen . . , your bathroom . . , on himitur* or woodwocfcr-w« are mak- ing thia sensational Introductory offer. Pill in your nam* and addreea on the above Cash Saving* Certificate. Tear It out and take it to your patnt store. It on tale at entittca you to any quantity of Seml- Luatte y«i want at the above speelaJ pneee. But only during the 10-day pwod from April 2< to May 8 inclusive^ After May 8 the regular prices on Senii< Lustre will prevail. W* suggest, there- fore, that you use your Caah Saving* Certtflcate at once. F. W. DUNCAN FLESHERTON, Ont. Telephone No. 54

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