Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1937, p. 8

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i^^Wediiesday, April 28, 1937 THE F1.ESI1ERTON ADVANCE Spring Time is Hardware Time HOUSECLEANING REQUIREMENTS IJrooms, Wax, \\'alli)ai)cr and Paint Cleaner, Scrub and Paint Brushes, Varnish, Paint, Enamel, Sandpaper, Oil and Turpentine. TOOLS, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES ;: SCREW DRIVERS. FENCE PLIERS, HAND SAWS, TOOL SETS, ANVIL and VISE, WRENCHEvS, Etc. : LOCKS, ROOFING, WIRE FENCE, STAPLES, ROPE, NAILS, GLASS. M.'VSSEY-ITARKIS IMPLEMENTS and REPAIRS Royal Purple Calf Meal and Poultry Specific A CAR OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED Frank W. Duncan I IlK STK ANGER WITHIN Ol'R GATES Vi'i'y soon now the northward flow of touriat.s will bt-Kin, and many stranKiM-s will be seen on our streets. They will be asking for information, (lirectioiis, and what not. Their ini- pri'ssions of the town and its people will be formed throujch casual contact with a few individuajs. Therefore, if we would have these visitors go away boosting Flosherton. it behooves evei-y citizen to assume some i)er.sonal responsibility in show- ing courtesy to the stranger, and ex- lending a friendly welcome. It costs nothing, and is good business for the community. Phone 54 FLESHERTON »♦»»»»»»♦»»< i|ii H »»». h .,| m |, i tn »,|,ii,|,».|..ii. | ..|i. n ,. t i.|.». t .. H .. | i. H .. l .. | .. t i. I .».;. Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements, Etc. ** Every man should keep a good size graveyard in which to bury the faults of his friends. Then there's the one abtjut the man who bought a business from five .Tews and sold it to seven Scotchmen, at a lirofit! .Silurian dynamite-throwers are re- ported to have interrupted Spanish rebels in their Monday's washing. That's the worst of war it does rath- er interfere with household routine. Don't Send Leek Flavored Cream Oadinf^ of print butter, which went into effect last fall, will not enable us to accc])t leek flavoured or off-grade cream. We, therefore, wish to announce that this grade of cream cannot be accepted from now on, to be manufactured into butter. The production of leek flavoured cream can be i)rc- vented by keeping the cows out of pastures where leeks grow. All cows do not cat leeks and leek flav- oured milk from individual cows should be kept sep- arate and not put through the separator. Markdale & Dundalk Creamery SYLVESTER HOLMES Lot .36-37, Third Line, Osprey Twp. (Hatherto.i) Will sell by Public Auction on MONDAY, MAY 3, 1937 at One p.m., the following HORSES â€" Dark Brown Mare ris- ing 14 years (in foal); Dark Brown Maic rising 4 years (these mares are well maU-hed); Bay Horse 14 years olil; Heavy Colt rising 2 years (brok- en); Heavy Colt rising 1 year. ' CATTLE â€" Grey Durham Cow, 10 I years old, due June '1th; Red Durham Cow, 7 years old, due June l.^th; Grey Durham Cow, ,3 years old, due June Gth; Red Durham Heifer rising â- â- i, due June 4th; Red Durham Cow, Due time of sale; Red Durham Cow 4 years old (fresh); Heifer rising 2 years; 2 Heifers 1 year old; s eer ris- ing 2 years; Heifer rising 1 year; Calf. SHEEP, SWINE & POULTRY â€" Brood Sow with 11 pigs, 6 weeks old time of sale; Brood Sow with pigs, ;{ weeks old time of sale; G Good bleeding Ewes; Pure-Bred Oxford Down Ram; 3G Barred Rock Bred- to-lay Pullets, year old; 2 pure-bred Rock Cockei-els, year old. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" Massey- Harris Binder, 7 ft. cut; Massey- Ilarris Mower; Horse Rake; Disc Harrow, Paris 2-Furrow Gang Plow; Massey-Harris (7 A) Walking Plow (new); Rubber t'red buggy. Cutter, Set Iron Harrows, Scuff ler, Frost & Wood lO-Hoe Seixl Drill; Deering CuU tivator. Wagon, Renfrew Cream Sep- arator No. 2; Gravel Box, Vega Cream Sepaialor GOO lbs. (used 6 weeks); Buckeye Brooder, 1000 chick size; Brooder House 10x12; 26-ft. Ladder; Large Mail Box; Hay Fork, 4 New Wooden Gates (14 ft.); Small Quan- tity of Lumber; Quantity white birch stove wood (IG inches); Set Heavy Breeching Harness (new); 4 Horse Collars; ;} Stoneboat Planks; Other articles too numerous to mention. GRAIN, Etc. â€" Small Quantity of Hay; Quantity of seed oats and barley. TERMS:â€" CASH TJIK FARM â€" Containing 100 acres will be offered for rent, if not rented before day of sale. GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. Plant trees this spring. Mrs. E. C. Murray of Toronto, is here this week. Miss Ella McKae lelt on Monday to take a ijosition in Toronto. Mr, Bert Uroderick spent the week end at his home at Bradford. Mrs. R. Clark has returned homo after spending the past three weeks in Toronto. Miss Clara Binnie was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Boyd over the week end. Mr. Harold Fawcett moved last week to the Johnston residence near the high school. Misses Kate McMillan and Dell Thurston of Toronto spent the week eiid at their parental homes. Figure This One Out â- 'I'll tell you how it is," said the sad- '.ooking young man as he finished his beer. "I met a young widow with a ^rown-up daughter, and 1 married that widow. "Then my father met our step- daughter and married her. Tlhat made my wife the mother-in-law of Iier father-in-law, and made my step- daughter my stepmother, and my father became my stepson. See? "Tlhen my stepmother, the daugh- ter of my wife, had a .son. That boy was of course, my brother, because he was my father's son, but he was also the son of my wife's daughter, and therefore, her grandson. That made me grandfather to my step- brother. Then my wife had a son.. "My mother-in-law, the sister of my son, was aLso his grandmother, be;'ause he is her mother's child. My father is the brother-in-law of my child, because his step-sister is his wife. I am the brother of my own son, who is also the child of my step- Mrs. Spenee has returned to her I mother. I am my mother's brother- home in Toronto after spending a!'"-'^^, my wife is her own child s aunt, my son is my father's nephew and I am my own grandfather, and I can't stand it!" FOR SALE â€" 3 good cows, 3 dozen hens and 2 separators, one small. â€" Walter Akitt, Flesherton. LOST â€" Fountain pen, recently, new Parker pen. â€" Finder please noti- fy Rev. G. R. Service, Flesherton. couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. Best. The L. O. B. A. will hold a cake sale in Down's show room on Satur- day, May 1st at 2.30 p.m. Will all members make a note of above sale. Mr. and -Mirs. Jas. O'Brien of Oak- ville .*pent the week end with Mrs. O'- Brien's lather, Mr. F. G. Karstedt, and Mrs. Karstedt. Mr. MiL'Arthur will be at Mrs. G. E. Henry's residence giving permanents on Tuesday, May 4th. Take advan- tage of his long years of experience. Conie shampooed. Rev. and Mrs. Keith McMillan, as- sociate Pastor of High Park United Church, Toronto, visited with Rev. and Mrs. Service last Friday and Satur- day. Mrs. A Gilchrist arrived home from ^'^J^ ^ALE - A few tons of good the Owen Sound hos^pital the first of timothy and alfalfa hay at $7. per the week. She underwent an opera- *»"• at the barn. -Terms, cash.-- tion for the removal of her leg and is ] R- •^- ^ '»"««'• P*'""" Flesherton 32 r 12. slowly improving. Mr. Winslow Kernahan is making ^^^ f.^LE - Scotch Shorthorn FOR SALE â€" Improved Banner Seed Oats for sale.â€" W^ T. Genoe, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Six young cows, two fresh and four to freshen soon. .Also six young calves Gordon Stuart, Ceylon, Ont f T ? ? T T t ? T t ? T T t ? y T T r t T t t T T t THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. Hiil & Co., Limited CHAIN STORES MARKDALE, Ont. OLR BUYING POWER '^^ ♦•^ HilFs Great Spring Sale Curtain and Cuitain Netts. Now is the time to save on your needs. CURTAININGS - Just New Arrivals The l)e>I in Imported Xetts, the hesi in l)atterns and jjiiced to .suit everyone's need.s, per yard 19 to 69c NEW IMPORTED CRETONNES 25c 'J'he hitest in i)atterns, e.xtra heavy weiji^lit cloth, all the best shade.s per yard 25c THE BIGGEST GROCERY SALE IN TOWN Salvage Sale of Groceries â€" Every Article Guaranteed on Money -Refunded Basis Effjjo Uakinji^ Powder tin 19c ♦i» Ayliner .\ppie Sauce tin 9c ♦!♦ Ayliner & Glcnwood Peaches tin 13c T T T Nestles & Carnation Milk (baby size) .... %. 4 tins 15c SAVES YOU A LOT V OF MONEY ♦!♦ * 4^ t T ? ? ? ? T T t ? T T t t t T T ? T ? ? T T T T T T ? T T NEW ADJUSTA TOP CURTAINS Tliis is the smartest eiirtain ])rocurahle, no need to bother ai)ont lieins l)er pair $1.19 to $1.75 BUY NOWâ€" HILL'S BIG SALE OF LINEN TOWELLING 25o yard New colored Towelling's in all the cor- onation sfrii)es, per yard 25c 10c TABLE Comprised of Pickles, Pears, Canned .\p- ples, Cherries, Plums, Pineapples, Heinz Large Soups, Pineapple Juice. All Out at 10c Each t Bon Ami, cake and powder 2 for 25c Clarke's Pork & Reans (small) 4 for 25c TABLE NO. 2 â€" 5o Here is where you will find many bar- If ^ains; look them over, 5c each X Y TABLE NO. 3 X y Hundreds of Regular lOo sellers out to <^ clear at 2 for 15c ♦!♦ T ? ♦I* alternations to his residence on Peter Street and expects to mcve thereto about May 12th for the summer months. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Inkstef on Wednesday, May 5 at 3 p.m. Roll call to be answered by an exchange of bulbs, plants or tlower seeds Visitors welcome. Inspector Pentland took Miss Ev- elyn Leavell, a high school pupil, to Toionto on Monday to have her eyes treated. Mrs, Leavell accompanied her. Mrs, R. M. Henderson of Moose Jaw, Sa.sk., in renewing her subscrip- tion to The Advance, says: "I look forward each week to receiving it, as it is like a letter from home." Dr. R. H, Henderson was in town the first of the week renewing old ac(iuaintances and is now in the Fev- ersham aiul Collingwood districts vis- iting relatives. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Badger- .w of the fourth line in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Mary Badgerow, the former's mother. A happy time was spent by the mother and her family. Rev. J. R. Wolstencroft ana family move this week to their new home I. ear Brantford. The family will bv much missed in I'Mosherton where they hiive been useful in all good com- nuiiiity activities. The well wishes of all go with them. Speckled trout fishing opens this e<imiiig .Saturday ana most of the local "Isaac Waltons" will be after tho big-fish prize offered by an Owen Sound firm. Local men have had the niajorit.v of wins in this/popular con- test. "Danny" Cameron of the 8th line, Artemesia, nuule the acquaintance of a buzz saw on Saturday last with the result that he x'try nearly parted company with a portion of one finger on his! right hand. A small portion of skin was loft and the Doctor is hoping to [jorsuade the finger to join up again. On Monday evening the L. O. B, A., No. 545, held a meeting which was an outstanding one in the history of the Order when Dundalk Lodge came up twenty-two strong, and put on the Scarlet Degree, At the close a bount- iful lunch was sierved to the visitors and their gentlemen escorts. A very pleasant evening was spent by all. The W. C. T, U., of which Mrs. J. P. Wolstencroft has been a valued of- ficer, met at her home last Thurs^lay evening and presented her with a pir- ex casserole and half a dozen custard cups, Mrs. H. Down gave the ad- dress and Mi.ss V. Nicholson and Mrs. n. Williams made the presentation. Mrs. Wolstencroft was completely taken by surprise but made a fitting reply. She will be greatly missed " ( she was a faithful member. Yearling bulls, ready for service, reds and roans. â€" Howard Graham, Markdale, R. R. 4. FOR S-'^LE â€" New Cream separator, cheap, good safe and tnree village lots at reasonable prices. â€" Mrs. John Heard, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Dahlias, Rock Plants and limite<l number of boxes of choice annuals, reasonable prices. â€" Mrs. H. A, McCauley, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" New House in Ceylon, with one-half acre lot, suitable for garden. Price $350. for quick sale. Terms: Cash. â€" A, C. Muir, Ceylon. Phone 38 r 3. FOR SALE â€" Large solid brick build- ing in Ceylon, suitable for store. Good bascTiiont and furnace. No reasonable offer refused. A, C- Muir, Ceylon, Phone ^8 r 3. FOR SALE â€" Goml General Purpose work horse, will take good fresh cow as part pay.â€" G. S. Grummett, R. R. No, 1, Flesherton, Phone Fev- ersham 11 r 13. FOR SALE â€" Sweet clover seed. No. 1 Government Standard, $7.0lt bu. No. 2, $6.00 bu. Alfalfa. No. i Gov., ernment Standard, $U5.,50 bu. No. 2, $15.00. Red clover, No. 1, $17.00 bu. No. 2. $15.,'>0 bu. All homo grown seed. Also seed grain, tim- othy, and mixed seeds at right prices. Phone 38 r 3. A, C. Muir, Ceylon. It is much to be regrette<l that the system of accomplishing the art of a trade by means of apprenticeship seems to have dropped from the pres- ent day rush of materialistic gain. One reads so much of unemployment ••ui<l the youth of our day not being ab- le to earn a living. Years ago r boy ( ntered a business firm as an appren- tice and for a pittance remained in that firm as an apprentice and for a pond many years; but he was learniag FOR SALE OR RENT 50 acres of land on the South Line, 2 miles south of Priceville, all work- able â€" . For further particulars apply to Archie Burnet, Priceville, Ont. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. D. MacINTYRE, Agent FLESHERTON Ont. Radio Repair Service ROSS WILSON. DURHAM, ONT. Guaranteed, expert work. Customers leave word with Bennett & Richards Will be in town on Wednesdays. :â€" SEED TIME-;: and then THE HARVEST YOUR BEST HARVEST > is assured when you ship your Livestock to iiDunn&LevackUd. LIMITED Canada'b Leading Livestock Salesmen I ; Union Stock Yardsâ€" TORONTO • ;| It Always Pays to Shiplf^J Us Small Ads. FOR RENT â€" House and Lot in the Village of Eugenia. â€" Apply to John W. Shei-wood, Flesherton E. R. 1. FOR SALE â€" Sampson tractor and plough for sale cheap. Apply to J. J. Thompson, Flesherton. CAR FOR SALE â€" 6 cylinder Buick, in good condition. Cheap. â€" Geo. Johnson, Rock Mills. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of baled tim- othy hay, also loose hay.â€" D- Mc- Tavish & Son, Flesherton. SHEEP CLIPPING â€" clippers, 2 for 25c.â€" Proton Station, R. R. With power . L. Wright, 1. FOR SALE Or RENT - at Eugenia. â€" Mrs. W. Flesherton. - H acre lot E. Morgan, WANTED â€" Cattle to pasture for the summer.â€" Clifford Allen, R. R, No. 3, Flesherton, WANTED â€" Good prices paid for horses or cows suitable for mink feed. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SER\aCE â€" Reg. Shorthorn Bull on lot 32, Con. 5. Artemesia. â€" Herb Betts, R. R. 3, Flesherton, FOR SALE â€" Two registered Aber- deen-.Angus bulls. Serviceable age. Terms given â€" Herb Corbett, Pro- ton Station. FOR SALE â€" Ontario oats 65c bush- el, Barley 85c bu.. Shorts $1.85 cwt.. No. 1 Government Standard Seed Oats 00c bushel.â€" Phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FAR.M FOR RENT â€" Madden estate property, 100 acres, lot 7, conces- sion 0, N. D. R., Osprey. Also about 21 tons of hay for sale. â€" Apply to C. F. Leatherland, Mark- dale. WANTED â€" Cattle for pasture on lots 171 and 172, water and good pasture also good fences. Cattle only â€" W. J. Caswell, Flesl^rton. FOR SALE â€" Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Sweet Clover and Timothy. All Ontario grown and Government tested. Phone 38 r 3. A. C. MUIR. Ceylon. FARM FOR RENT â€" 50 acres, H4 miles from Flesherton on the To- ronto highway, all plowing done. â€"Apply to Mrs. Robert Best, Pro- ton Station. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bi-ed Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 176771 Sire O. A. C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, will be kept for service. Terms $1.00.â€" Wes. Smith, Rock Mills. BO.VR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months.â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont., R, R, 3. PROPERTY FOR SALE The large building and stables on the main street of Flesherton, own- ed by the late Wm. Moore and occu- pied by Mr. Fawcett, the Flesherton bus man. For particulars apply to Mrs. Wm. Moore, Flesherton. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.30 Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE - DENTIST OFFICE â€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69. ROY LANGFORD DiSlrict Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDBNT & SICKNESS FIRE AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bonds Any Insurance Problem Telephone 61 FLESHERTON. Ont, Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.P. & A.F., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in each month. W.M., Alfred Down; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURtJEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services reasonable. â€" Phone, Dundalk 2.

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