Flesherton Advance, 5 May 1937, p. 1

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®l)je /kslj^rlixn %^mnu. VOL. 56; NO. 48. WKDXESD.W, MAY 5. 1937 \V. H. THURSTON & SON. Proprietora Mrs. Hogg Passes Mrs. Margaret J. Hogg, widow of J. R. Hogg, of Hogg, Lytle, Ltd., former grain merchants in Winnipeg, died recently at her residence, 137 Tache ave, Norwood Grove, Winnipeg. Daughter of the late Archibald and Mrs. Cairfls, Montquahanie estate, Scotland, .Mi's. fTogg was oorn in Flesherton, Ont., in 1858. Married there, she came west with her hus- band to Manor, Sask., where Mr. Hogg established a grain business. They resided there more than five years before coming to Winnipeg, where Mr. Hogg became â- western man- ager of the local branch of Hogg, Lytle, Ltd. He retired several years ago. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Hogg spent the winters in Vancouver, and latterly in California. Mr. Hogg died in December, 1934. Mrs. Hogg, interested in church work, was an ac- tive vvoiker in Norwood Presb>i;erian church and in it.'? Women's Mission- ary society, and also in the Red Cross society. , Surviving are one son, Robert V., Winnipeg; one sister. Mrs. Robert Ruthven, Thornbury, Ont.; two broth- ers. Henry Cairns, Eugenia, Ont., and Archibald Cairns, Manor, Sask. Funeral service was held in Nor- wood Presbyterian church, with bur- ial in Old Kildonan cemetery. Rev. Neil G. Smith, Norwood Presbyterian church, and Rev. T. E. Rowe, Vic- toria, officiated. Those In Arrears ! Richard Russell Dies The death occurred in Chicago on Sunday of Richard Watson Russell, husband of thy former .\lice Wilson. and son of J. G. Russell, optomet- rist, of this city. Mr. Russell was born irj Hamilton, and was the grand- son of the late Richard W. Russell and a nephew of .\gnes L. Russell. aI.<o of Hamilton. Resides his wife he leaves one son. Douglas in Toronto, and a daughter, .Jean in Chicago. Grey Presbytery Mel ilt is now a month since we made our first appeal for sub- I scribers in arrears to send in the I whole or part of their arrear- I ages, to enable us to meet our i obligations. A few obliged us I in our appeal, but there are I many more in arrears from ! whom we would like to hear. I If you are one of these kindly I send, in your renewal at once. j It is impossible to publish a I paper without cash and sub- I scriptions are one of our main i items of revenue. Let us hear I from you now. Plowing Match Dates The 26th annual International Plow- ing Match and Farm Machinery De- monstration will be held at Fergus next October 12, 13. 14 and 15, it was decided at a recent meeting of the Ontario Plowmen's Association, under whose auspices the meet is held each year. J. A. MacRae of Lochiel, Glengarry County, President, predicts that, with line weather, attendance figures may leach 120,000 visitors. Many new events are being planned for this year's match, and will be announced when the program com- mittees in charge or the various sec- tion.s have completed their tentative arrangements. Presented With Gifts Principal C. R. Wright Resigns From School Principal C. R. Wright of the Flesh- erton High School tendered his res- signation to the Board at the regular meeting on Monday night to take ef- fect at the end of the present school year in June. The Board regretted the loss of Mr. Wright as he has prov- ed to be an e.xcellent teacher and his work as principal has been outstand- ing during the four years he has been on the staff. General regret has been expressed at Mr. Wright's de- cision to resign, but he stated that his aim was to enter university this fall and specialize in French and Spanish. The best of harmony had prevailed between himself and the Board during his four years in Flesh- erton and they will always be hap- py ones in his memory. Following the acceptance of Mr. Wright's resignation, the Board of- fei'ed the position to .Mr. Howard Eu- bank, who accepted the appointment. Mr. Eubank has been the assistant in the school for the past five years and has given excellent service as teacher of science. He was also instructor for physical training in the school and coached the young people in their field sports and games. Miss Lam-a Pallett. mathematics teacher, and Miss Betty McClean, clas- sics teacher, were re-engaged by the Bnard at an advance in salary. The Board will now have to engage anoth- er teacher who will teach French and the other subject.s taken by Mr. Wright. Highway Paving New Hydro Line I To Aid Eugenia Paving the six mile stretch of Pro- i vincial Highway Xo. 10 nortii from | Berkeley will be eonmenced as soon | ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^, ^^ as conditions and weather are favour- } ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^.^^^^ ^.^,,.^.j. ^.^^j.'^^ ^^,^^^^_ ually will be employed on the new Trail Rangers' Corner Rev. G. R. Sei-vice, B. A. Scribe able, according- to Mr. F. R. Oliver, M.L.A. for South Grey. The contract for this road has been awarded to the King Paving Co., of Oakville, which company has laid all the pave- ment on Highway No. 10 in Grey County. The new section of road to be built will be of concrete. The early opening of spring' is making it possible to commence highway con- struction much sooner than usual. There is considerable grading to be done on this stretch as new road is being constructed to eliminate two sharp cuiTes. Thursday Half Holiday Starting on May 6th and continuing until further notice is given, the bus- iness places of Flesherton shall ob- serve the Thursday half holiday as usual and the stores shall be open on W^ednesday and Saturday nights while the half holiday is being held. power line which the Ontario Hydro Electric Commission is erecting be- tween the distributing stations at Waubaushene and Fergus-on-va!e. The line will carry 38.000 volts and is intended to provide additional pow- er for the Eugenia district and the southern part of the Georgian Bay .system. The load is creeping toward the capacity point in these points and in the event of a dry summer, the Eugenia plant might find itself un- able to meet demands. Eventually, the line will carry power from the Muskdi^h developments when these are I completed, but for the present it will j carry power from the Muskoka plants. The line is 10 miles in length and will i be completed by the end of June, in- I fonnants say. Tougher Than Ever : The following boys have qualified j tor their "Pathfinder Badge': Ben • Bellamv. Jim Thurston, Allan Chap- i pie. Deimai- .McClean, Stanley Mc- Clean, Eldon Fisher, Evison Wilson ' and Bob Banks. Several others have almost completed their tests. The 1 fc'«.>nving have qtxalified for their ••Group games" badge, which requires that the boy know at least 20 dif- ; ferent group games and demonstrates I his ability to teach them by putting I on 6: Jim Thurston, Delmar McClean, ! Allan Chappie, Eldon Fisher, Fred Conkey, Bob Bank.^ and Ben Bellamy. j Last Friday night the Trail Rang- j ers entertained the C. G. I. T. to a i social evening in the Sunday School I room of the United Church, games, I contests, singing and lunch comprised I an e^'^ning of wholesome fun. : Till next week, good climbing. Brothers Unite on Road When Autos Crash Won Second Prize Large Trout PRiCEVILLE supplied by the Wliyte orchestra, Messrs. Ed. Haw and Da,, MacCan- 1 nell On violins. Mts. Mary MacDonald The regular spring meeting of Gr.y ^"'^ ^Herh"ri';-he?t''"n H ^' '^'^"'''^' Presbytery met in the United Church. I •;^- Mtr.nn f k "u^'"' ^"'' â- mil, rn 1 ,,, ,i.u i I '"'s. MacCannel, when an address was Markdale on Tuesday, May 4th, to , ,.„„ , , ^ /, ,^';. "«""<='««"» â-  . If. •'•^ti bv Mrs. Herb Coi-bett and the conduct regular business. L..o,.-r.„^^; , i , ,. X, Several requests for a change in ?,'.'''" w?" Tu-'l^? ''^^ ^=''''\'5''- Pastoral relations were received and "^,^' „^''^ "^ l J'f^ "".'' u^"' .^^'' approved: the following men being i^,"'";°;»''^^<^- '".'^''-^ ""'' ^'hair. Mrs affected: Rev. Harvey Howey, Thorn- !^'«::V.1"J1!!1 u!.!.,!!!" fT'l'"'^ '^'*'l bury; Rev. C. C Centre; Rev. A. G. McPhei-son, Mc- Intyre; Rev. A. Bushell, Maxwell. Rev. G. W. Rose of the Annon charge and Rev. T. F. Heeney of Elm- wood asked for superanuation, and Rev. S. Morten of Meaford, Trinity asked to be left without a charge. The two churches in Meaford, Ers- kine and Trinity asked and secured On Tuesday night. April 20th, a| large crowd of friends and neighbors ! gathered at the home of Mr. and j Fishing opened with a bang in this Mrs. Angus MacCannell to spend a, ''strict on Saturday and over the week social evening with them before their 'end some fine catches were reported, departure for their new home near I r>i'. A. E. Little took the honors with Swinton Park. The evening was 'the largest fish caught locally when spent in dancing and good music was I he pulled out a fine trout that weighed Wellerman, Holland ' ^j *^"-'-'^'^"" '^""'^"^t of flowers and MacCannell with a steel fishing rod and basket, by Mrs. Mary Mac- Donald of Toronto. Mr. .MacCannell thanked all kindly for the lovely gifts, .A.11 joined and sang, "For they are .jolly good fellows". The chairman. Mr. Corbett called on postmaster Neil MacCannell who gave a short address. Duets were sung by Messrs. Gordon authority from'VeTby"tery"to"unite*'*"'' •'^'^^- MacCannell, R. Malone and I U. Ferrier; bagpipe selections were I given by Mr. Dan MacDonald, Toron- to; Mr. Corbett also gave a short ad- dress. Lunch was served to all and two pounds, seven ounces and measure ed 1(5 '2 inches in length. He won second prize with this beauty in the Slater contest at Owen Sound. May- be this fish was one of those placed in the lake through the etfoits of Dr. Little some time ago. Mr. Isaac Smith had a fine one entered in the competition, but was just a shade un- der weight to take a prize. The bridge on the 8th line has been crowd- ed by fishermen every evening in the hope that one of these beauties would decide to make a meal with the fat. juicy worms provided. All the large fish caught on ])ublic streams in this locality are from the Eugenia lake. T'inu' was, not so many years ago i that a town was considered in a very j j,,,,,, g jia,.low of Great Falls, , bad way if it could boast of only one M^|,t.,na ^^^ on hi? way home to , newspaper. Both Liberals and Con- -Valkerton. on a surprise visit to his Mr. Wadland of Toronto, preached i ^ervatives had to be reP^'^sented. I ^^,,^^1^^,. c\-a.ui\e but when motoring here again on Sunday and gave a ; Palmerston at several times in its ; ,^^^j. Clarksburg he "ran into him" splendid sermon on •'preparation" | histxiry had two newspapers, com- ' ,^,jj^ unexpectedly. Their oars col- and in his sermon remarked the ap-l "â- "•*"'* ''h'^ Obsen-er of that town. l^fi^^ ^pj „„ ^i,e visitor's name being portunities we are privileged with to i But to-day the two-newspaper .^^^.^^l .^^.jfh ^he declaration that he attend sciiool^ chiwch and Sunday | towns are few and far between. In school, compared to some places. I this part of the country Listowel.Dur- wliere the children and parents never i ham and Meaford are now the only towns with two newspapers, and it is a constant wonder to the printing fraternity how two papers are able to exist. This month saw two newspaper amalgamations. One in Kincardine and one in Goderich. Bruce coun- have a chance to hear the iGospel. He said that we don't appreciate? the grand opportunities we have to att.nd bunday school and Church. Sacrament of the Lord's Sujiper will be dispensed on Sunday. May i6th, in St. .Andrew's Church. was to be reported, the brothers re- cognized one another and all was joy and happiness. Thirty-seven years had intervened since they last met. It *ni!y was a surprise meeting, but ••a'.!'-: well that ends well.'' B O R N" Mr. ami .Mrs. Jack Carson, Vande- ! *>' ""w has no town in which two into one congregation to be known as Meaford United Church. The Union to take place in the near future, with Rev. F. A. Creghton as minister. Nothing was done as to change of, " P'^asant evening was enjoyed boundaries of the Flesherton, Price- ville and Markdale charges. .\!1 are to remain as now constituted. The new chairman elected for the ensuing year was Rev. E. W. Jewett of Division St., Owen Sound. GAS BILLS HIGH Akitt StiU Champion Harry Bomalik of Owen Sound issued a challenge to Mr. Walter -Akitt of Flesherton, Grey County checker champion, for a series of games and these were played in Owen Sound on Saturday afternoon last. Each play- er won two games and six were tied and Walter still retains the champion- ship of the County. There's a good deal of human nature in man. Tourists from the LTnited States last year purchased $2,000,000 worth of! gasoline in Ontario, according to De. puty Minister of Highways R. M. Smith. Mr. Smith estimated also that more than 2,600,000 United States cars entered the Province carrying at least 0.000.000 passengers. The volume of 1936 tourist traffic and the amount of money which it brought to the Province were argu- ments used by the Deputy Minister to support his contention that the highways of Ontario required the con- tinual attention of the Government if the tourist business from the United States was to be retained and increas- ed. County Orange Officers The annual meeting of the East Grey County Orange Lodge was held in Flesherton on Tuesday. May 4th and was largely attended with Ernest .Atcheson, C.M., in the chair. The following arc the officers for U);iT: C. Master, J. J. Janiieson No. 88" Dep. C. Master. Jno. Gott No. T.il Chap.. Stewart McMuUen No. 1085 R. Sec, Milton Irwin No. 797. Fin. Sec, Gordon Duncan \o. 797 Treas.. Gordon Pearson No. 7^7 1st Lecturer, Goo. Moody No. 797 Dep. Lect.. Russell Croft No. 797 'Jen. Shortt No. 1119. , .Marshall, H. Richardson No. 509 The election and installation was conducted by K. W. Bro. W. J. Miller. Pop. Grand Master, assisted by Bros. H. Corbett, Jas, McKenzie an<i Dr. A. E. Little, Past Co. Master, after which tddresses were given bv several vis- iting brethren. PVvv'f'i"P'ff'I'v'I"i"l â-ºâ™¦ ♦ â-  H i' l-l-M -' H - K '*'! ;i Wool Wanted We are in the market for buying all quantities of wool and 'will pay highest prices. We also 'will carry a complete line of 'woollen goods such as blankets, yams, auto rugs, sweater coats, and all kinds of woollen wear. Having purchased the old egg packing building, which will be fitted up for a warehouse and store. I will be in a position to welcome and attend to the wants of all my old friends. Special Next Week .\s Wednesday of next week, May 12th. the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth will be cele- brated and the day declared a public holiday. The .Advance, will be publish- ed on Tuesday afternoon. .A.11 corres- pondents and .idvertisers are request- ed to have their copy in this office on Monday. In next week's issue our columns will contain interesting pic- tures and articles on the great event that we ai'e sure will be interesting to our readers. leur, visited on Sunday at his father's. ^ Mr. and Mrs, George .McLellan. Niagara Falls, spent the week end at the home of Mr, Donald Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Colin .McLean spent Sunday in Toronto. Mrs. McLean re. mained with her daughter, Mrs, John McFarlane; who is ill. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recov- ery. Miss El<ia Frook, Walkerton, spent the week end at lier homo. Friends here are glad to know Mr. j Findlay MacCuaiy; is much improved. | after having pneumonia. Miss M. i .McLeo<i, R.N., was in attendance, and Miss .Marjorie Brown is assisting in the home. On .Monday night friends from Glenelg and Irish Lake gathered at the home of .Mr, and Mrs. J, I). Camp- bell and presented them with many useful gifts and a considerable a- mount of money. Then on Tues- day night. North Line and the 4th line niet again at their home, when a i most enjoyable time was spent in | music and dancing, .\t midnight the | young people were asked to come for- i ward, when an address was read b;. i Miss Elsie Fisher and the presentatioi of a lovely dinner set w^as niaile b\ Messrs, Bert Irwin and Geo. Fisher Both Mr. and Mrs. Campbell fitting- I ]y replied and thanked all for theii- kindness. .\11 joined and sang "For 1 they are jolly sond fellows." Luncn was sei^ved to all. This is five show- ers they have received. ' Mr. and Mrs, Henry TUcker anil | (laughter, visited Saturday with her ! brother, Findlay, in Bentinck. ' Mr, and Mrs. ,1. D, Campbell visited the first of the week with her father ;uid sister. Mr, Peter MacDonald. Balsam Valle.v. : Mr, and Mrs. .A. L. Hincks and i I'amily were recent visitors with her < parents near Swinton Park, : -Mis, Geo, Haw returned honv.' after spending the past two weeks WMth her i ii'.iijdUer, .Mrs. Jack .McMeekin. Rev. Wm. -Allen and son .Arnold of Toronto, well known radio artists, will I'o in St. .Andrew's Presbyterian hiirch. Priceville, on Monday, May , 10th, when he will deliver a lecture. | illustrated with slides. .Admission: { .'iO and 20 cents. ! newspapers are published: and Huron county is in the same category. Well- ington county has long been without a two-newspaper town. .A town loses little and gains much y having only one newspaper. The unfortunate nart of the situation is that the smaller places are gradually losing their papers altogether, and a village or town without a local paper lacks something of real importance t<> its pi'ogress. The country weekly'-, sources of revenue have increased lit- tle if any in the past 25 years, but the cost of everything used â€" paper, ink, machinery â€" has considerably ;id- cpriced along with the general cost of- living, making it increasingly dif- icult to carry on in the smaller cen- tres. W.ATSON â€" In .Anemesia on Mon- day, ATav .'^rtl. 1937. to Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Watson, a daughter. Sn •ome men go to a lot of trouble trying to hide their light under a bushel when a tin cup would suf- fice for the job. Summer is not so far off. T'v are already talking about Bioss"; week in the Niagara peninsula. The honeymoon is over when he gins to think of her a^ exiien-iive lead of dear Reduced Fares for the CORONATION Between all poinis in (. an:!d;i ani to certain destinations in the United Stales MOTHERS' DAY. SUNDAY MAY f» Order your cut flowers and flower- ing plants for Mother's Day from W, .A. Hawken. Phone IT. Flesherton. SpecialBargain EXCURSIONS TO -VLL STATIONS IN Western Canada Going Dates: Daily May 21 to 31, 1937 Return Limit: 45 days. APPROXIM.VTELY ONE CENT PER MILE tJood in Coaches only Sleeping Car Privileges I'assane Tickets also on sale, tfood in:- (a) tourist sleeping cars at approx- imately I'lC per mile plus reg- ular berth fare, (h) parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately I'jc per mile, plus regular seat or berth fare. Fare and Orvc-Quarttr For the round trip Tickets .good going any time Tuesday, May ]], until 2,00 p.m, Wednesday, .May 12, l',i:!7. Return Limit to leave destination not later than midnight Thurs- day, May 1:3. i<);57. ROUTESâ€" Tickets good going via Pm^t .Arthur, Ont,, .Armstrong. Out,, Chicago. Ill,, or Sault Ste. Marie, oiih'. Generous optional routings, returning via .<ame route and lino MIMMIM SPECIAL F-VRE â€" For t'ares and information ask Railwav Ticket ,Agent. 2')C any TOrOVERSâ€" within limit of ticket, ' oth going and returning â€" at Port Arthur, Ont., .Armstrong, Ont, and west: also at Chicago, 111., Saulf Str- .Marie, Mich,, and west in ac- cordance with tariffs of United S'tates lines. Canadian Pr.cific Full particulars from any agent Canadian Pacific The present price of wool is 27 cents per pound. Flesherton Woollen Mills JOHN NUHN, Prop. BOWLING MEETING Hhere will be a meeting of the Flesherton bowlers at Milligan's bar- ber shop on Monday. May 10. at 8 p.m, .All interested please attend. KIMBERLEY SPORTS DAY The Kimberley Women's Instittito in connection with their annunl sports da.v. June nth, wish entries for Ama- teur concert, children and adults. Judges will be present and special prizes will be given. Tliose wishing to make an entry nlease communicate with Miss Opnl W'eber or Miss Myrtle Fawcett. Entries must be in by May 20th. Mr. C, ,A. McLean and his wife journeyed to Toronto on Sundtiy. to see Mrs. John McFarlane. (nee .Anna Mary), whom we are sorry to hoar, is tvouMef' with inflammatory rheuma- t-sm, Mrs, McLean remained with her. Their son Innis. returned with them, returning to Toronto on Mon- day, The houses of the Misses James and Mr. Fred Runciman, are now installed with electric lighting, much to their comfort and convenience. The work was done by that master electrician, Mr, Chas. Saunders of Durham. Mrs. Andy Ford of Markdale vis- ited her old home here last week, preparatory to moving hi " belonging there this week. She likes it well up there. Love makes the world go round; hut so does a good swallow of tobacco juice I VMM tt •very family. The fact that a chap Mkes to get thirty-seven inches to the yard is no indication of how good he is at giving it. THE WVUmAL CHilPBL. 4 dlcnlfML MtMud funaral mtvIc*. ATaOsble la &!) Torotft* at Aibar^ at pricw to rah th« Income of eve 9atetf ^ illabbocks jIBurial Co. BDRIAIi CX}. Rkhard Maddocks, Mar. FOatOBLT BATSB Fr«d Ma4d««ha I 4t44-t4l< 1 S 4 AVBNim tiotm or OAVBNPORT ROAD

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