â- ^'.Vâ€" â- -^â- C'''" ;!? ..J !^-| -V ' THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE .- « .â€" ;â€" ^. Wednesday, May 5, 1937 CENIRE LINE Mrs. Gilbert Little, Mr. Lloyd and Miss Evelyn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi"s. Albert Reid of Inistioge. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler and Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of Feversham spfnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little. Miss Mabel Fawcett of Duncan spent a few days the past week with her grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Little. Wareham Young People closed their meetings for the summer on Friday nght, when a social evening was held and a good time was spent in games and contests. Lunch was served by the young ladies of the society. They are planning for a picnic to be held in June. Mr. Ernie Little visited with hi.s sister, Mrs. Fawcett of Duncan re- cently. We are having nice spring weather now^. Tiie land is drying rapidly and everyone is busy, although nothing has been done on the land here yet. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell, Lau- rie. Lulu and Bessie of Rock Mills, â- were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linton. Mr. Wm. Collins is spending a few days with Mr. W. H. Little and fam- ily- Mr. John Osborne of Shrigley, and sister, Miss Hazel, spent a short time at their home here on Sunday. Mt. Zion Sunday School will start next Sunday, May 9th, with Mr. Mer- 'ryn Little as superintendent and Mr. Robt. Sheardown as assistant, and Miss Mary Sheardown secri?tary- treasurer. Everyone come and help make the Sunday school better than ever this summer. Sunday next is Mother's Day and also Coronation Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Atkins of Shrig- ley spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Wilson. CEYLON TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson and chiJdren spent Sunday at W. Wilson's, Barrhead. MVs. Gordon McMullen and children of East Mountain visited recently with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Le*«r. Miss .â- \niiie Richardson of Toronto is spending a while with her brother, Mr. Robert Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stafford have moved to th*. house on the Wright farm on the West Back Line. "Sir. Wilfred Lever is spending a few days with friends near Brantford and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wickens spent Sunday with Mrs. E. Doupe at Saujrpeti. Mrs. Thos. Sled entertained the W. M. S. members of Flesherton one afternoon last week when thty quilt- ed one of their quilts. Mrs. Sam Stauffer entertained at tea in honor of the Wolsteticroft girls. Mrs. Chas. Bali presented Jean and Ruth with two pictures, while" Mrs. Steve Sutton gave an address. A few friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks to spend a few social hours with the Wolsten- croft girls before they left this com- munity. During the evening they were presented with a few gifts. Miss Bertha Ottewoll and friend of Proton was a visitor in our vicinity- last week. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill was a week end visitor at her parental home. Mr. Allan Love of Vandeleur spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. M. Love. Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery, Toronto, were visitors the latter part of the week at Mrs. George Arrow- Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt accompanied them after a two weeks' holiday in Toronto. Miss Mary Clark, Rock Mills, has returned home after spending the past Aeek with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Gibson. Miss Marion Muir, Ora Station, was a week end visitor with her parents, -Mr. and Mr?. Peter Muir. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and daughter, Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Bob I Brown, and daughter, Sandra, and Mr. I and Mrs.. Ted Valker and babe, all of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. White and daughter, Laura. Mrs. Frank Finker, Owen Sound, called on -Miss .-^nes Macphail, M.P., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Murd Raney and • laughter, Jean, Southampton, Mr, and .Mrs. Hugh Bailey and twin daugh- ters, Jean and L^ena, Shrigley, spent Sunday with Mrs. Dougal Macphail, who at time of writing, is somewhat mproved. Miss Florence Boyce, visited- her lister. Miss Louise, the latter part of the week. Mr. Mel. Hogarth made a business trip to Toronto last week. Mrs. George Snell has returned af- ter a week's visit in Toronto. iXhe initial work meeting of the lunior Institute wras held at the home of .Mts. P. Hunt on Saturday after- noon, with a fair attendance. The girls spent the afternoon drafting and making hat stands under Mrs. Hunt's directions and supervision. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver and fam- ily and Mr. Dave McDonald were in Toronto for the week end. Mr. Earl Walton, Dundalk, began tractor operations for some of the farmers on Monday. kX. present he is at Mr. ,K. S. Muir's. VICTORIA CORNERS EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton antl Peggy accompanied Mr. Jack Linton to Toronto for a few days last week. Mr. Sam McDonald of Toronto, a former teacher of S. S. No. 4, and his sistei-. of Eugenia, called on old friends. Mr. McDonald is expect- ing to go on the teachers' e.xchange to teach a year in Scotland. He says he is going over to see If its true that the Scotch are as tight as reported. Mr. Howard Stevens. Guelph. vis- ited at Wilfred Gallagher's. M)-. and ilrs. Dave Talbot and babe of Moorefield visited at Wm. Tal- bots over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Jean of .Ma.wvill. Mr. and Mrs. Ren. Acheson and children of Cheltenham visited at Wm. Acheson's. ' Jas. Bannon is spending a few days in Toronto. FEVERSHAM COMPENSATION The editor stood at the pearly gate. His face was worir and old: He meekly asked of the man of fate .Admission to the fold. "W'hat have you done'?'' Saint Peter asked : The editor wiped away a tear, "Oh, I ran a country newspaper On earth for many a year." The pate swung open sharply .-\s Saint Peter touched the bell, \ "Come in," he said, "and take a harp, \ You've had enough of hell." ! Greening lawns exercise. spell mower COMING Bob Wilson - Harry Binns With Their Chautauqua Company for a return Concert Engagement in the Town Hall, Flesherton Tuesday, May 18th Under the auspices of Ceylon I'nited Cluirch Adults: 35c -:- Children 25c Family tickets: $1.25 Rev. Mr. Bushell delivered a fine sermon on Sunday morning. Next Sunday will be "Parent's Day" as well as "Mother's Day" on account of the Coronation of our King and Queen on May 12th. Mr. Hugh Crozier of Orangeville visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Williams, John and Alwyn of Humber Bay. spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Magee and family. Mrs. Dave Genoe spent a couple of days in Toronto the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge and fam- ily of Rock Mills were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. Jas. Leppard is still very ser- iously ill. We wish him a speedy re- 1 covery. i Mrs. Lewis Meggitt and thi'ee little daughters and son from near Flesh- erton visited on Sunday with the Lep- pard family. Miss Rowena Magee is home from Flesherton for a while. Sorry to report Miss Lillian Magee on the sick list. Hope s'ne is soon well again. Mr. John Campbell has disposed of his old car and purchased a Ford V-8. We wish the family much pleasure with it. We are very sorry to report Mr. Richard Park quite ill with stomach trouble. We hope he is soon well. Glad to report little Roy Fawcett, who has been ill the past few weeks with a very sore knee, continually re- covering. It will be a little while yet before he will be as well as ever. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Shortt and child- ren visited on Sunday with the Essland family at Rob Roy. Mr. Carl Roff and friend of Buf- falo spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fawcett and enjoyed fishing in the Hydro Lake here. Miss L Dinsmore spent the week end at her pi.rental home near Thoni- bury, Mr. Reggie Fawcett spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hazzard, Stone's Line. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell and son Billie of Toronto, spent the week end at their summer home in the vil- lage. Sorry to report Mrs. J. Parson still ;U with a very sore foot, which w-as caused by scalding it a few weeks ago. We hope Mrs. Parson is soon well again. M'rs. M. Badgerow is with her at present. Mr. and Mrs. Orie Hie and daugh- ter .Myrtle and Mr, Fred Jones of Gait were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, James Fawcett and fam- ily. -Mr. and Mrs, Te<l Myles of Hcath- eote. Miss Millie McMullen and Miss Bradley, also Mrs. .\. Hammond and sons of Toronto, were week end vis- itors with Mrs. M. McMulleti. Miss Grace Saunders of .Meafurd visited on Sunday with the Latimer and Proctor families. The Y. P, S, nut on Wednesday \ evening of last week in the church ! hasen\tnt, Mrs, Chas. .Martin wiis , in charge of the nieetmg. The topic , of di.>cussion being "How"? What'.' ; The methods and missionary achiev- meiits," which was quite instructive. Scripture passages were read by Ha/.el Turner, Elvelyn Campbell and Winneta Martin; a duet by Hazel and Evelyn was enjoyed. Jean Tudor gave a reading entitled •'Building a new world." It was decided to have a , social evening on Coronation Day, Ma.v I2th and invite another society to put on the program, the home society to provide the lunch, .\ contest was conducted and the meet- ing closed b.v the Mizpah Benediction, I .Mrs. Geo. Gorley of Markdale spent | Sunday with Mi', and Mrs, Sloan and Donekla, I Rev, and Mrs. Wontzloff and fani- â- il.^â- and Miss Shouse of .\yton called on tke Sloan family Sunday, Messrs Ivan .Alexander and Ian Rutherford of Owen Sound were week end visitors with Ivan's parent.s, Mr. and Mrs. H. .Alexander here. Mr, and Mrs, Will. Colquette, Allan and Betty of Owen Sound were visit- ors with their parents, Colquettes and .•Alexanders, here over the week end. â- Messrs. Frank Ham and W, Pritch- ard, Toronto, were week end visitors in the village and spent some time ang- ling in the Beaven for the spe':kled beauties, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colquette of Toronto spent Sunday with friends in this village. Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owen Sound spent the week end with her sister, Mrs, Geo. Burk. Miss Helen Springgay has taken a position in a store in St. Catherines, Her many friends here wish her suc- ces. The Y, P, S. met at the home of Mrs, M. Xicholl on Wednesday, .\pril 28th. The meeting opened with the president. Mr, W, Burke in the chair, .\fter business, the program v.as tak- en by the missionary convenor, Mrs. .Vicholls. T'ne scripture lesson was given by Mrs, Eby. Mrs, E. Hawton gave the topic on Missions. Several good readings, also a song by a quar- tette of girls was much enjoyed. A good contest and a spelling match were the social part. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. While a gentleman from Colling- wood was fishing below the mill here on Sunday forenoon he came across a cattle beast apparently about two years old, which had seeminly fallen over the rocks west of the 15th side- road, where the rocks are almost a perpendicular wall about 75 feet high, though it may have waded and swam the river for about 40 rods. It be- longed to Mr, Will Davidson, Mr, and Mrs. Chris. Thomson of Flesherton were vifeitors with Mr, Chris. Thomson, their cousin, here on Sunday. Miss Leola Bristow and Miss Doris Smith of Rob Roy were visitors with their cousin, Miss Irma Smith here this week, Mrs. M. NichoU wag a visitor in I'o- ronto the first of the week and Miss Jean Ross was house keeper for her while she was away. ♦♦♦»t n » nn iii>»t>» n it nnTnnm i***«»*<»»> n «*» 1 <• SUPERIOR STORES GROCERY SPECIALS THIS WEEK ; ; Tomato Juice, large tins 10c ; ; Kellogg Corn Flakes, 3 for 23c \\ Clover Leaf Pink Salmon. taJls, 2 for 25c 2 pkgs. Minute Tapioca and Mixing Bowl 29c Matches, 3 large boxes for 23c Superior Baking Powder 23c A new and good variety of Men's work boots at lowest prices from $2.50 up. MEATS AND VEGETABLES, A GOOD SUPPLY OF BOTH, TRY OURS AND BE CONVINCED. C. J. KENNEDY Phone 37 We Deliver ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦â- l"H - I ' i t I l 'l "| i' | i' H"|Ml"t i- > ->' l - i"t - H ' H i'>* H '. | '^ t H ' I ' H I I 1 1 >i 1 1 I ♦ H ltt«*ttttl l l>t**|i * >*'>* > ** t >**t*** H *«ttt H III H t> NOW. YOL" TELL ON'E Yes. says the old timer, i Kn^w of a chap who had a dog so well txained that when he took down the riflfe the Jog knew^ they wci-e going deer hi^in- ing; when he took down the shot-.srun. he was going for rabbits. One daj; the owner got into his hunting clothes and to fool the dog took down the fish- ing polo. Tile dog disappeared, and after some seiirch't^g he was found back of ih,. barn d-.jging fishwornis. The things we <lo tomorrow help u.j to live through today. The first sigh of love is the last s'.gh of wisdom. Brighten Every Corner NARVO Enamel, all colore, at reduced prices From April 28th until May 8th UNION PAINT IN NICE RANGE OF COLORS I Quarts only 59c each HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL V4 Pints 15c V^ Pints 25c \ Pints 50c CLOVER. TIMOTHY AND RAPE. SEED ALL NO. 1 QUALITY AND PRICED RIGHT. I Osprey & Artemesia Co-operalive Co., Ltd. :: I FLESHERTON t T i ROCK MILLS ♦ t â- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦tl « M l >' »* 'i . I Festival of Music : Tues., Wed., Thurs., May 25, 26, 27, 1937 '}, Grey County Will Be Held at Owen Sound on ; Music Teachers! Choir Leaders! School Teachers! â€" You are invited to enter your students, choruses, quartettes, duets, swloista, choirs, orchestras, bands, etc. in the manv events contained in Syllabus â€" a copv of which will be mailed to you for the asking. Medals and Diplomas awanled to winnei-s. ENTRIES CLOSE MONDAY, MAY 10th - SEND '>[ YOUR ENTRIES IN NOW Judge G. W. Morley, President. Miss Isobel Cowie, ; ; Secretary The farmer? are very busy this week with seeding operations. The land is in splendid working condition now. .Mr. Levi Belts and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts and family were recent visitors with the former's sister, Mrs • John Robertson of Maxw^ell. Master Ted Croft spent the weeii end with his cousin Geoi'ge Osborne of Feversham. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent the week end with relative.^ in Dur- ham. Mr. Herb Betts and son. Fred, spent Friday in Thornbury. Miss Leila Clark of Markdale vis- ited over the week end at her home here. Miss Ettie Kadley visited recently with her mother, and also her jister. Mrs. .\. Partridge. Mr. and MVs. Chas. Newell spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ped- lar, Fugenia. 'INucks have been busy doing sime .gravelling on the County Road the past few days. M.VRRIKS MOTHKR-IN-L.\W TO PRINCE To GET TITLE FOR WIFE Vienna. â€" Vienna heard a report last week that former Prince Nicholas of Rtunania, read out of the Rumanian Royal family because he married a commoner, actually had his wife made a Princess hy haTing her mother marry a Pvince. Nicholas, it was vocallcd. introduced his wife as a Princess in the social circles to which the couple were admitted, hut King Carol who always fr<nvned upon the marriage, would not accept her as such. ♦ t T ? ? t I t t t ? t t t Attractive New Selections in Curtains and Curtain Nets TUSCAN NET CURTAINS Priced from $1.00 to $2.25 per pair RUFFLED CURTAINS All New patterns 50c to $1.50 pair CURTAIN NETS AND SCRIMS Special 12c to 49c yard SHADOW CLOTHES New Designs. 45 inch, 50c yard RAYON NET CURTAINS Lovely Patterns $L50 to $2.25 pair WIXDOW" SIl \DK.<. r.K.\SS crRPAIX R(M^S LINOLEUMS 4 \ ard,'^ w ido $3.50 yard CONGOLEUM ,i \ardis wide $1.95 yard FLOOR OILCLOTHS AM widths 49c sq. yard Congoleum Rug Absolutely FREE % \ 'i\0 Coiiiiolcuin l\u,y will in' siivcn ab.<olmi.'ly free \o tlie winner oi \.\u euui I nie.ssiii.ii" Contest. Xn entrance fee â€" .U'et ymir entr\ blank lo-day. cUises I p.m. .\la\- Sih. Winner declared at 4 n.ni, mi .Mav Sth. Con,c;ol- Conte.st SMART SPRING FOOTWEAR Ladies" Pumps. lUiekles, Oxfords and Ties. blue, biow n, b'ack and patent, in the latest styles fur the sjirini.:' sea.^on. prieed troni $1.98 to $4.50 Classy Ready-to-Wear SUITS .Xew pattern worste<ls and all-wool tw nuuUds for vounti'er men ... and coloring's in al! the ♦♦♦ •>ttls: '-ittiart $!0.9S to $21 a! values m MEX'S \\'ORK r,CX)TS Priced from $2.39 to $4.75 CLOTHING TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE X Xewest lasts in ^[enâ- s C.VLF OXFORDS t t I Wide selection of new cloths to choose from; fit antl satisfaction iinaranteed. Come in and leave your measure todav. Suit jirices from $21.50 to $35 r.ll.TMORF FKl.T ll.xrs. FORSYTH SHIRTS. WORK SHIRTS. SPRIXG LXDKRWK.VR. lU-.I/PS. IU<.\CKS. XKCKWlv\R. HOSIKRY. Priced from $2.19 to $4.95 t t t t i I F. H. W. HfCKLING FLESHERTON, /6nt.