Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1937, p. 8

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Wednesday, May 19, 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE UNUSUAL COINCIDENCE An unusual coincidence came to light last week in connection with the death of Harrison R. Fell, well-konwn Guelphite who passed away recently. The late Mr. Fell waa passionately fond of a dog which he had owned for about five years. Recently a friend was talking to him, and during the he was not feeling too well. Said Mr. Fell: "I feel that I am not going to live much longer," as he looked down at the dog curled at his feet, "and when I go I haVe a feeling that the dog will not be long behind me." Mr. Fell died on Monday. The dog died the following day. Opportunity doesn't knock around conversation, Mr. Fell, remarked that with the other knockers. Court of Revision VILL.VGE OF FLESHERTON IKotice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Flesherton will be held at the Town Hall On Tuesday, the first day of June, at 8 o'clock p.m. All appeals properly filed will be heard. Dated May 18, 1937. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Court of Revision TOWNSmi' OF ARTEMESIA Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision of the A.s.se.ssnicnt Roll of the Township of .\rtemesia will be held on Monday the 14th day of June, lO."}?, at ton o'clock a.m., at the Council Chambers. All appeals properly filed will be heard. Dated May 18, 1937. â€" W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk. EUGENIA Ljour friends. You'll be surprised at the number of people who really want you to have a telephone. Many of thcui don't even know you but they're in- terested nevertheless because of what your tele- phone means to ihcir service. Too few tAc- phones curtails service and the value of each individual instrument as well. The more tele- phones in service, the greater the value to each user. From the viewpoints of both service cost and service scope, every farmer is interested in seeing that every other farmer has a telephone. NEW LOW RATES for farm telephone service are now in effect ! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Douth and two children, also Mr. Ernie Zakarysck and lady friend. Miss Virginia Wil- cocks of Buffalo spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fawcett and family. Miss DonalHn .Sloan spent a few days at her parental home. We are plea.sed to report her father recover- ing from his illness. Messrs. George, Ernie and Clarence Williams and Mr. i.N'iewby of Toronto, visited over the week end with the former's parents, iMr. and Mr*. Jos. Williams. Pleased to report Miss Irene Martin well affain after her illness the past week. On Friday evening. May 14, the Y. P. U. met in the basement of the church. Miss Annieta Turner pres- ided. After the opening hymn and the Lord's Prayer, scripture passag^es were read by Jean Tudor, Mabel Duckett. Winnctta .Martin and Evelyn Campbell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The discussion period was taken by Mrs. C. Martin and was opened by suitable passages from Rev., Chap. 7 being read, each passage being followed by a stanza of "Take My Life and Let it be," being sung. The topic of discussion was "Whither? The Mod- em Task of Missions." Two patriotic sonRs, "Red, Wliite and Blue," "Rule Britannia" were sung. Miss Dinsmore accompanied on the organ; Mrs. (Mar- tin read a poem on "the high way and the low way." Miss Dinsmore read two selections, '"The Coronation Chair" and "Coronation Day". The basement was decorated in red, white and blue, with flags and pictures of the Royal family to commemorate Coronation day. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. The W. A. will hold their meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon. May 20. It will be "Grandmother's Day." The grand- mothers will provide the program and the r.on-?:randmothers the lunch. Everybody in the community are ask- ed to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Legard and son, Herb, of Pickering, also Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson and little son, Royden, of Rock Mills were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family. We extend our sympathy to the re- latives of the late Mr. James Lep- pard, whose death occurred on Tues- day morning, iMay 11. The deceased was in his 8.3rd year. Full obituary next week. Mr. and Mr.s. Jack Wilson and son, Ian, of Kimberley were Sunday vis- itors vvith Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jam- ieson and family. Some men do what their wives tell them to and some men are not mar- ried. TENDERS FOR COAL Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Petty were the quests of Mrs. W. Moore on Sunday. Dr. Leslie Ferris returned to To- ronto the first of the week. Mr. Vernon Stewart went to To- ronto on Monday. Miss Ruby Akitt spent the week end in Owen Sound. Mr. Robt. Ferris and family last week moved back to town and are occupying the W. J. Meads residence. Mrs. W. Boyd and Georgfe visited at Hamilton on Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright. Miss Myrtle Kennedy of Toronto is visiting her mother, Mr- Alex. Ken- nedy. It is our intention to publish The Advance cook book within the next few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Cornfield of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and ftft's. G. A. MrfTavish on Tuesday. Miss Florence Paul of Eugenia, spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham. Messrs. Burt and Jim Field of To- ronto were coronation holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Field. Mr. N. Leader and Mr. Leo. Patton of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.c. T. J. Fisher and with the latter's father, Mr. H. Patton. Mr, and Mtb. iMIurray Walker and three sons of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Walker's sister, Mrs. Alex. McKechnie. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Henderson and son were in Toronto over the week end. Mrs. Henderson remained for a week. Misses Louise Holden, Eleanor Rideout and Rose Eicknier and Mr. J. Hoiden, all of Toronto, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Tenders will be received for 55 tons if I'okahdnlus coal to be delivered at the High School, Flesherton. May 18, 1037. â€"W. J. BELLAMY, Sec Ml)-. Bruce Ashton of C"^ â- 'â- ""'â- â-  Mr. and Mrs. .Archie Mi Lean visitors with Rev. and '^^'•s F. ton at the Baptist parsonag-f Ash- *t* ™™ 1 F. L Hill & Co., Limited SERVICE >♦♦♦♦♦♦ ? T T T t t T t t T T ? ? CHAIN STORES MARKDALE, Ont. OIR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY A A iti iTi ill ift ill iTi iTi iti iti ill iTi iti i?i ill iTi iti ili ifi i Hill's Big May Sale LADIES' & CHILDREN'S HOSE, SOCKIES, Etc. LADIES' FULL FASHIONED HOSE 69c a pair .'\I! sliadcs ill line silk *j* Values up to $L25 apr 69c pr. *"* CHILDREN'S SOCKIES - 2 pair 25c .Ml sizes, all cdKhs in lol, out ti)r quick .sale. 2 pairs for 25c CELANESE HOSE â€" 35c a pair 'J'he New Shades in DeLestied Celancse X Mo.sc, a pair 35c ♦!♦ LADIES HOSE â€" 2 pair 25o ♦» Silk and Cotton, all sizes and all colors. ♦!♦ 2 pairs for 25c ** SPECIAL CLEARANCE LADIES' BRASSIERSâ€" 19 and 25c Values up to 69c in Lot Full Fashioned Hose, a pr. 59c The Smart New Summer Shades 59c pr. *j* t ? ? t t t T T t y t ? ? T T Childreti's Rayon Sockies a pr. 19c .MI the vSiinimer Shades in all sizes 19c pr. Children's Cotton Sockies â€" 15c a pr. All Shades â€" .Ml Sizes 15c pr. SPECIAL LADIES' SILK HOSE â€" A PAIR 15c T ? T ? T ? T t Semi-Annual meeting of .A.rtemesia District L. O. L- will meet in Fourth Line, 17.32 on Friday evening, May 21st at 8.00 o'clock p.m.. All Breth- ren are requested to be present. Di-. and M'rs. Roszell of Caledonia and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perigee of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart. Mrs. Stewart returned with them for a week's visit at Caledonia and Toronto. Rev. T. 0. Miller, Presbyterian minister has been confined to his homo in Markdale for the past week On account of his illness he was un- able to take any of his services ok Sunday, May KJth. Tho recent dry weather "ave gar- den operators a chance and many have planted their small see<ls and pota- toes. If warm weather comes the rain Sunday night will giv^ a great impetus to growth As it is ♦"• pastures have not .yet • '- ' their best. The annual Presbyterinl meeting of the United Church was held in Owen Sound yesterday, Tuesday. The fol- lowing attended from the Flesherton Auxiliary: Mrs. E. C. Murray, Mrs. W. A. Armstrong, Mrs. W. Inkster, Mrs F. G. Karstedt, Mrs. J. S. Mac- millan, Mrs. J. Cargoe, Mrs. A. Cam- eron. ; Spring Time is I Hardware Time HOUSECLEANING REQUIREMENTS ; ; Brooms, Wax, Wallpaper and Paint Cleaner, Scrub and ; ; ; ; Paint Brushes, Varnish, Paint, Enamel, Sandpaper, Oil ; ; ; ; and Turpentine. : ; TOOLS, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES :; SCREW DRIVERS, FENCE PLIERS, HAND :! : : SAWS, TOOL sets, anvil and VISE, : : WRENCHES, Etc. : LOCKS, ROOFING, WIRE FENCE, STAPLES, ROPE, NAILS, GLASS. :: MASSEY-HARRIS implements and REPAIRS Royal Purple Calf Meal and Poultry Specific A CAR OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED Frank W. Duncan :: Phone 54 FLESHERTON >♦♦â-  & ♦â-  >* Small Ads. FOR RENT â€" Garage suitable for tnick. â€" Mrs. W. Moore, Flesherton. FOR RENT â€" Good modern house, in Flesherton, all conveniences. â€" Apply Advance Office. FOR SALE â€" Number of young pigs, ready to go. â€" Harry Paton, Flesh- erton, R. R. No. 3. FOR SALE â€" 1 McCormick 6 foot Mower, 1 Wagon, 1 set of scales, all in good condition. â€" Apply to Thos. Henry, R. R. No. 3, Flesherton. RIVER TO RENT â€" Good speckled trout stream, lot 39' Con. 7, Art- emesia. â€" Apply to Lloyd Partridge, Flesherton, Ont. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Pasture lot for sale or rent, lot 134, 3 S. W. & S. R., Artemesia Apply to Jos. McKee, R. R. 3, Priceville. FOR SERVICE â€" Reg. Shorthorn Bull on lot 32, Con. 5, Artemesia.â€" Herb Betts, R. R. 3, Flesherton. FOR S.4.LE â€" About 20 acres of hardwood bush, 7 miles west of Dundalk â€" G^o. Duncan, Dundalk. FOR SALE â€" 20 tons mixed hay well saved, J7.50 a ton Apply to Percy Lougheed, Maxwell, Ontario. FOR SALE sale. â€" D. Markdale. â€" Two young cattle for J. Alcox, R. R. No. 2, C.^iTtTLE TO PA9TJURE â€" % mile from Flesherton. Plenty of grass and running water. â€" Gordon Stuart, Phone 38 r 4, Flesherton. WANTED â€" Cattle for pasture on lots 171 and 172, water and good pasture also good fences. Cattle only â€" W. J. Caswell, FlesHerton. FOR SALE â€" Used l3-disc seed drill, used single furrow riding plow, all in good condition. â€" Edgar Betts, Eugenia, phone, Feversham 9 r 33. FOR SALE â€" New House in Ceylon, with otie-half acre lot, suitable for garden. Price $350. for quick .sale. Terms: Cash. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, Phone 38 r 3. FEVERSHAM AJl shades â€" all sizes, Values up to 65c j ? T T ? J J J T ? J T T LADIES' HOSE â€" A PAIR 19c All the best Summer Shades â€" 19c a pr. Knee Length Silk Hose â€" 35d pr. The Smartest Shades GROCERY SPECIALS HILL'S GROCERY DEPARTMENT LEADS IN VALUES Desicated Cocoanut 15c a lb. Ripe Figs 3 lbs. for 25c Angler Salmon 2 for 19c Rice •• 4 lbs. for 25c «♦ Soap Chips 3 lbs. for 25c Fresh Dates 4 lbs. for 25c Soda Biscuits 2 lbs. for 25c lUack Tea •• 43c a lb. SPECIAL SALE KEYNOTE FLOUR and BUYASACK FLOUR a cwt. $3.49 X ? t t t ? T T T ? ? T T t T T T ♦♦♦ ^*4^*<H^X4^l<Hi^**X^l^^^ A number of nimrods were here fishing- on Wed., Coronation day, but we did not hear of any of them catching many fish. We are pleased to report that Mrs. John Robinson Sr. is feeling some better and though she is in her ninety fourth year, was able to enjoy a car ride last week. Mrs. Ed. Croft and Mrs. Walter Russel of Rock Mills were callers with Mrs. Croft's sister, Mts. Harold Os- borne on Thursday last. Mr. and iMls. John Bray and babe, and Mr. Stanle.v and Mis.s Grace Hor- ton, also Mrs. Harry Horton of Long Branch were visitors with the latter's parents on iviontray lasi. Mrs. R. uoiqueue nas retun.ii. home after a two weeks' visit with friends in Long Branch and Toronto. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church held a sale of baking and work in the Orange Hall here on Sat- urday, May 15th, which made a very suctjessfuj social evening. Lunch "â- ;>; "pi-ved as well. BORN _ On Tuesday, May 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Kerton, a daugh- ter. Mr. and iM^s. F. J. Wiley of Not- tawa were eallers here on Thursday of last week. The Misses Gekill of Heathcote spent the week end with their sister, Florence, here. They wheeled over from their home about 18 miles in a little over two hours. Miss Ann Robinson of the staff of the G. & M. Hospital, was a visitor at her home here over the week end. FOR SALE â€" Four good cows all to freshen soon, also four young cal- ves. â€" Gordon Stuart, Phone 38 r 4 Flesherton. LOST â€" On Saturday, May 8th, Spaniel Pup, white body, brown ears, in the vicinity of Eugenia Hydro Station.â€" Phone Flesherton 73 r 5- Liberal reward. FOR SALE â€" Ontario oats 66c bush- el. Barley 85c bu., Shorts $1.85 cwt., No. 1 Government Standard Seed Oats 90c bushel,â€" Phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Charlotte Abdell, Dam of Charlotte Bouy, Dam of King Abdell, in foal to Chileoot 2.04^,4. â€" Apply to James Best on No. 10 Highway, Proton Station. FOR SALE â€" Large solid brick build- ing in Ceylon, suitable for store. Good basement and furnace. No reasonable offer refused. A. C. Muir, Ceylon, Phone 38 r 3. ' PERENNIALS FOR .SALE â€" Peren- nials and Rock Plants suitable for Spring planting, also veigetables and annual plants for borders and win- dow boxes. Orders taken for roses, shrubs and evergreens Mrs. Earl McLcod, Ceylon, Ont. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire O. A. C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, will be kept for service. Terms fl.OO.â€" Wes, Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months â€" . Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. FOR SALE â€" Good frame, 7-room residence, two lots, hard water, large sun room; also frame resi- dence on Sydenham St., 5 rooms and sun room, soft water. â€" Jos. Field, Flesherton FOR SALE OR RENT 50 acres of land on the South Line, 2 miles south of Priceville, all work- able â€" For further particulars apply to Archie Burnet, Priceville, Ont. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. n. MacIMTYRE, Agent FLESHERTON Qnt. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.30 Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICE â€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69. Modern Youngster â€" What are pray- ers. Mother Dear? ^'""""â- â€" Prayers f'arlins:, are little messages to God. Youngster â€" Oh, and we send them at night to get tb^ .,•"--,--,.. rate? Take No Chances in the sale of your Livestock Ship to the consign Open Market and your shipments to the OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF :;Dunn&LevackLtd.:; LIMITED Canada'b Leading Livestock Salesmen Union Stock Yardsâ€" TORONTO It Always Pays to Ship To Us X ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OP CANADA ACCIDENT & SICKNESS FIRE AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bonds Any Insurance Problem Telephone 61 FLESHERTON, Ont. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. & A.F., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in each month. W.M., Alfred Down; I Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services reasonable. â€"Phone, Dundalk 2.

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