Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1937, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, June 23, 1937 »<â-  i?v' S. S. Convention CENIRELINE This community had two Sunday school conventions the past week, Osprey township convention bein? held at Wareham on Thursday after- noon and evening and Artemesia, Markdale and Flesherton convention was held at Mount Zion on Friday afternoon and evening. Although they were not very large gatherings, there were two splendid meetings. Rev. A. Bushell gave the address of ^velcome and Rev. H. S. Warren of Markdale replied to it. The reports of Superintendents of different branches of the work were given, also the roll call and secretary's report by Mr. H. I. Graham. Rev. T. O. Miller of Markdale gave a short address and Rev. J. N. H. Norton of Wiarton, provincial representative, conducted the round table conference. In the evening after the song service and devotional exercises the report of nominating committees and election of officers took place, then Rev. G. R. Service of Flesherton invited the R. E. Council to meet at St. John's Church, Flesherton next year. Rev. Service also gave a very fine address. rhe choir sang an appropriate hymn and ReT. J. N. H. Norton gave the closing address. The rain on Thursday was very welcome in this vicinity. Everything (s looking fine now and there are prospects of good crops. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morton spent last week end with friends in Toronto. The Mt. Zion W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Harry Fisher on June 8. There was a good meeting with 14 members present and 10 visitors. The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Little. The word for Devotional Roll to be Crea- tor. Mr. John and Victor Osborne sp«nt Sunday at their home here. Victor came home in time to go to the Young Peoples' picnic at Harrison Park. On Saturday, June 19, about 40 members of the Wareham Y. P. S. went t» Harrisos Park, Owen Sound for a picnic. They report a splendid outing. There was no clfcrOh service at Mt. Zion on Sunday owing to Rev. Bush- ell having a funeral at Eugenia. W« are sorry to say next Sunday will be Rev. Mr. Bushell's last Sunday with us. The new minister is to be Rer. Mr. Hlliett. Miss Hazel Osborne has returned home from Mr. W. Wilson's where she has spent the last three and half menthg. ^ The W. A. of Mt. Zion are having an ice cri^atn iocial at their etiurch on Thursday evening, June 24. Card of Thanks PRICEVILLE The June meeting of St. Columba W. M. S. and W. A. was held at the nome of Mrs. Wm. Meads, who was also responsible for an interesting program. Mrs. AUie Muir presided. A group of little girls, Betty Corbett, Reta Whyte and Marie and Emma Meads entertained with several reci- tations and prettily acted dialogues uf a missionary nature. Miss Sadie Oliver read a story of a Chinese school boy. Rev. H. E. Wright gave a short talk on "Flowers of the Field.'' Mrs. G. Whyte favoured with a violin .«olo. Mrs. J. C. Harrison presided for the W. A. and various matters pertaining to the forthcoming garden party on June 29th were under dis- cussion. Mrs. W. McBride will be in charge of a fancy-work bazaar. Supper will be from 6 to 8 followed by a humorous play, ".Adventures of Grandpa," presented by a Chatsworth aroup. The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Muir and the program will be in charge of Miss -Anna McLean and the Mission Band. The big day here will be on the 29th at the annual garden party in connection with St. Columba United. .A big time is sure to be had as the amusing "Adventures of Grandpa" will be recounted for the tenth time, a mark of its popularity, by the fam- ed Dramatic Club of Chatsworth. A fine orchestra of vioHns, piccalo, gui- tar and piano will discourse the sweet- est of music between acts. Our own fine club takes in Holstein to-night 2lst, Portlaw the 24th Fever- sham on the 30th, so there you "be", but never mind, h«ld the 29th for here. A decided acquisition to Priceville musically and otherwise, is the ad- vent of Mr. and Mrs. Fi'ed Runciman. He has further improved his lately acquired property by having a stone dyke erected along the front adjoin- ing the street. We are pleased to note that three frigidaires have recently been install- ed by Messrs McConkey, McBride and F. Karstedt of the General Electric type and a Norge. A fine institu- tion during hot weather. We have been threatened with dire calamity if we mention the purchase of an electric washing machine, by a neighboir. We know it was a teauty. Congratulations. We know it was not stolen, so why not mention it. Good luck. A start has been made in removing •le debris from the old McKtnnon Hall, thus improving the looks of the town, so often advocated in the prase thvoughout the Province. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shantz and baby, Lynne, came up on a visit to her par- ents here, H. B. McLean's. She is re«iaining for a few weeks, while he returned to Toconto Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lucas and soti, ac- ground and other improvementa were made. Mr. McBride, St., is on a visit to his son's family here at the sUtion. He is feeling hale and hearty. An EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee aod son Clinton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Angus Tuohy of Meaford and old trustworthy employee of the C. I Mrs. Florence Lyons, Centre Line, at- P. R., he can travel where, when, and tended the silver anniversary of Mr. how he likes, "none to molest or make him afraid." A pleasing conversation- alist and interesting citizen of Bala. The annual garden party of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be held on Monday, July 5th, when the Excelsior Male Quartette of Palm- erston will provide a good program of clean, humorous entertainment, var- iety and originality. Sports and games will also be a drawing card. Admission, 35c and 20c. served from 6 to 8. Miss Sadie Carson (R-N.), Toronto is spending two weeks at her parental and Mrs. Emerson Simmons of Dray- ton on June 12. We join in extending hearty congratulations to the "silver wedding couple. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hines of To- ronto were visitors for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods and child- ren of Markdale were i-ecent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Kred Graham of Supper I v^'aikeiton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell and other re- latives. Mis..3es Loreen and Vilda, who visited here the past week with "'^^^- i friends, returned home with their Mr. D. Davidson, Misses Beth and ' parents Jean Hindis and Merle Buckingham ^ y^-^^^ '^^^^ MacDonald who has been motored to Paris on Sunday morning i attending Toronto Normal School the and were accompanied back by Miss | pj,st yoar has returned home and vis- Almeda Hincks R.N., who spent a j ited with her friend, Miss Phyllis few days with a girl friend and she \ Graham St. Cathirinet Event Mrs. C. B. Wibon, St. Catherines, entertained a few friends at tea last Thursday in honor of her mother, Mrs. W. C. Hanley of Eugenia, who was celebrating her birthday. A unique feature of the occasion was that it was also the 4th birthday of Mrs. Hanley's great grandson, Jimmie Legge. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson, St. Cath- erines are receiving the congratula- tions of friends on the attainment of the 30th anniversai7 of their wedding on Saturday, June 26th. Broke Both Arms Mrs. R. J. Campbell, who, with her husband, are residing with their daughter, Mrs. J. £. Milne, had th* misfortune to have both her arms bro- ken when she fell down the stairs in the house. She was also badly shak- en up by the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Staples of New York visited the former's aunt, Mr«. M. Wilson, last week. 40th Anniversary St. Bred Stallion ChUcoot will spend a couple of weeks' holidays with her many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Frizzell (nee Miss Clara Latimer) and friends of Walters Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacCuaig vis- Falls visited friends in the village on ited on Sunday with Mr. Henry Tuck- j Sunday. ^^- j Mrs. Ken Large and children, Doug- The W. M. S. and Willing Helpers | laa and Barbara of Niagara Falls are meeting was held on Tuesday at the j visiting with their grandpa, Mr. Pete home of Mrs. Sandy Stonehouse, Munshaw. when 28 were present. Mrs. Suth- , ^r. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart and erland presided over the W. M. S. and ,iaughter. Betty. Mrs. C. Smillie and Canada's fastest trotter 2.04^4, s handsome chestnut 16 hands high, ; weight about 1350 lbs. He has won Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham of the '"""^ important races, including the suburbs celebrated the fortieth an- *1<'.U00 Charter Oak Stake and other niversary of their wedding day very i *5,000 stakes. Later retired fron' quietly on Tuesday. Mr. Bentham i '^'^e ^^u^- ^e was shown in the nn» at has been confined to his bed for al- ; ^'^'^'bitions all over Canada and was most a week, but at time of writing ""''''^'''"^'^d champion of the show ring shows some signs of improvement. I ^'"" f'^''* >'*-'^''-«' ''•^'ng champion, grand ' champion and sweepstakes winner in those years. Good judges pronounc- TOWN SOFTBALL LE-AGUE A six team softball league is being foi-nied in Flesherton and the first or- ganization meeting was held Monday (>vening. It is suggested that three teams from Flesherton will operate, ! of Corbetton. togther with teams from Springhill, | Terms â€" |12 payable February Ist, Ceylon and Rock Mills. A schedule 1938. Watch for posters. ed him the "Big Train" of perfect conformation. Chilcoot had a big season last year and by reports haa done well. For 1937 he will be at his own 5»table at lot 10, Con. 5, New Sun-ey, Melancthon, four miles east will likely be, drawn shortly. opened with hymn, followed by scrip- ture reading from 4th chapter of Acts, which was read responsively. Mrs. J. McMeekin and Miss May and family â€" M. JA.MIESON. Owner Mrs. Dave Adams and daughter, Mabel, all of Ceylon) visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley ♦♦» M * * * t » I H i'l » '» * ' > 't' > I * * ' t * ** ' l * *** ** **** ** **** **** * ** Stewart and Mrs. Nichol, gave read ings. It was decided to quilt two quilts on Wednesday, June 23rd in the Church for the bale, a number of donations were received for the bale. Mrs. J. McMeekin presided over the W. H. meeting. Mrs. D. L. McArthur and Mrs. Wm. Brown gave interesting readings. Arrange- ments were made for the garden party and various committees ap- pointed. A contest put on by Miss Violet Stonehouse was much enjoyed and the prizes were won by Mrs. Brady Irwin and Mrs. W. J. Hincks, after which lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants. The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Brown. LADY BANK The faniily of the late Hrs. Soto- mon Tw-nec de.sire to exiM-ess their apipiectetion for the acts of kind- ne.^s and sympathy extwided to them Wi the l»ei ot their beloved nwtUier. AUCTION S.\4.e of Household Goo«ls and Effects thi propurty «f Th« Late .AUSTIN SFMCKLBFORD together with his lat» residence on Collingwood, St, Pleshfrt*!. •n SATU«DAY. JUNE 26th. 1937 at 2 o'cUck p.m. House and lot subject to reserve bid. Wm. KAITTING, Auctioneer. C. C. MIDDLEBRO'. Executor. (Last week's Items) Mr. and Mrs. Shrigley and two children of Barrie, spent Sunday with .Vlr. and Jack Graham. Mrs. Arthur Holroyd of Colling- wood is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Poole at present. Mrs. Hol- royd spent a day with her brother, .\Ir. Ooo. Myers at Flesherton. I Mr. and Mrs, Percy Semple and little son, Eoyden, Jlr. and Mrs. J. companied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowes i (.Jiatfani and two «hildren spent Sun- and daughter, Marion. »f Markdale ,laT with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- were ako visitors over the week end. Millan at Singhampt«n. Mr. and Mr*. B. .A. McConnel and two c+iildren of Kimberley. also Mr. Wm. I Mr. and Mrs. Pirie, of London, at whose home Christinas was sptait by th« late Mr. John McDougall anil his t'lark McConnoll of tlaughtyr. prior to th* distressing ac- ! spent Sunday with Mr. an<i Mrs cWent which cost them their Vives [ Semple here. on the railway near Bundas. Mr. Pirie had a force of men on and had PATTON MacDONALD four posts of rouble stone w»rk er- : ected at the gateway and corners of .\ quiet wedding was solemnized at the cemetery where th«y were buried, | the pai-soaage of High Park United known as McKeehnie's, and otherwise \ fhurch, Toronto, on Saturday at four improved the appearance of the cem- etery. It will be remembered that last year Mr. McKenzie, a .'seven foot tall, fiae proportioned speciman of hamanity, had a new fence erected, levelled the ***t* * **************** * * * * * ** *** * 'i' tt *** *V **** **** * }^ 1^ 20 NEW MAJESTIC RADIOS ; 5 bars for SUPERIOR I STORES SPECIALS ARE CASH ONLY BLACK TEA, mil ffoocl 43c lb. ;; TOM.ATO R'lCK, laro-c .size 10c PEAS. CCm"<N and TC)M.\TC)ES, 1 each 3 for 29c [[ PORK AND r.EAXS, laro-e family size 10c BLUE ROSE FANCY RICE 4 lbs. for 25c :: SUPERIOR B.VKING POWDER, the better kind 22c FRESH, COOKED AND ^f)f?f?^0^^l ^B. CVRZD MEATS. ALL ELECTRICALLY RE- FRIGERATED and GOV- ERNMENT INSPECTED i 23c ; For Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, s^ us, we carry ; ; ; everything available. Berrie* by the case- Best ; : Prices. o'clock when Ina Donelda. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald, was united in marriage to William .\lvin, son of Mrs. and the late James Fatton. The mariiage was per- formed by Rev. Keith McMillan. The bride woj-e white organ<ly and carried a nosegay of pink rosebuds and blue forget-me-nots. She was attended by h»r sister, Mrs. Horni- blow, wearing yellow organdy and carrying blue cornflowers. Mr. A. Horniblow was best man. A tecep- tion followed the ceremony at the home of Mrs. .\. Horniblow for the iijimediate faaiilies and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Patton will reside at 809 Indian Road, Toronto. IN MEMORIAM SHIER â€" In loving memory of our dear husband and father who departed into the great beyond three years ago today, June 20, 1934. .\ precious one from us is gone, A face we loved so well, .\ place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. Oft and oft our hearts do wander, To a grave not far away. Where they laid our dear one. Just three years ago today. â€"Sadly missed by wife and son and Winnie. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon and Mr. and Mrs. Fitzpatrick of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Foerster and the latter's mother. Mre. McKinnon. We are sorry to re- port Mrs. McKinnon quite ill. We hope she is soon well again. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Singer and friends of Toronto, visited over the week end with Mr .and Mrs. Kaitting and family. Miss I. Dinsmore spent the week end at her home near Clarksburg. Mr. and Mrs. James Fawcett and Mr. and Mrs. Bates Fawcett visited a few days in Toronto and went to see the former's daughter, Mary (Mrs. Kerr) who was very seriously hurt in a car accident a week ago and at pres- ent is in Lindsay Hospital. W« hope there is some improvement in her condition soon. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto were week end visitors at the former's paoental home. Mr. W. Fenwick and sons and wives ot Owen Sound wei'C receirt visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Paa-liament, who are now residing on the SKh line. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and children of Ma.xwell visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Duckett. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook «f Bar- low Bay visited over the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. I'ciiu.c'k. Mrs. McKee of Fles+erton was a \ caller on -Mrs. C. Park one day re- Singhampton | ^.^„t,y I Miss .Muriel Carruthers has retura- 1 ed home from Toronto where she ha« I spent scve'Tal months. { Mrs Butler and son. Billy, of To- ] ronto were visitors with postmaster Park and wife and family. Wo are very sorry to report Mrs. Dave Genoe suffwing with a sors f«ot. having had the misfortune to scald it badl.v. We wish her a speedy re- covery. The Woman's Association m^t on Thurs. afternoon of last week in the church basement. After the devo- tional period and the roll call, business niattws were discussed. It was de- cided to answer the next roll call bf "something we pride in." We notice that the Maxwell friends have changed the date of their "straw- berr.v festival" until Monday evening, owing to their inability to secure a play for their pvogram on the date they had set. See particulars in this issue. Sorry to report Miss Kathleen Ped- lar ill the past week. We hope she is soon well again. The ladies of the north unit of the Woman's .Association held a copper contest recently. The losers in the contest had to provide a program and lunch for the winners, therefore a very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mrs. John Campbell one ev<>n- ing last week. The ladies of that locality are certainly great workers and know how to mix pleasure with their work so that it will not be so monotonous. IN MEMORIAM C. J. KENNEDY Z Phone 37 We Deliver ♦ I M M l 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 Mffl 1 11 1 1 M I 1 1 1 1 I >>> » SMITH â€" In loving memory of dear Burton, who passed away on Sat- urday, June 22nd, 1929. Some day, some time our eyes shall see The face we loved so well. Some day we'll clasp His lovingr hand, .\nd never say farewell. â€" Sadly missed by Mother, Father and Family. IN MEMORIAM ROBERTS â€" In loving memory of Velma Laurene Robsrts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roberts, who pasf-ted away on June 27, 1936. She was only a little white rosebud, .â- X. sweet little flower from birth, God took her home to heaven. Before she was soiled on earth. Sadly missed by Mamma and Daddy. Salt Special STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 14th RIGHT AT THE STORE :: Fine Salt, 100 lb. bags 50c Iodized Blocks, 35c ea. White Blocks, 30c ea. Now is the time to buy your years supply of salt M.ANY FLOWERS TOILET SOAP. 6 cakes for... 25c PEERLESS SOAP 5 cakes for 18c FINE OLD CHEESE 23c lb. EXIBLE-M SALMON' Vz lb. tins 6c ea. HVKLI.E W.VTKR, large bottle 5c ea. SXOWFT.AKE .\MMONIA 5c pkg. AL-SHINK FL(^^R WAX. 1 lb. tin 49c («Ki«t rHb it ©n and watch the result) I Osprey & Arteraesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON *** ** ***** ** * * * * ** * *** * h l - ^**^*^^ ' ! '** * * ** ' ! ' >* ' l" l » ' * * **** i^ SPECIAL lOFFBRINGi Men's Suits $14.95 t A sdection of 30 Men's Suits â€" 3 pieces â€" well tailor- '• * ed in the newest correct styles from all wool tweeds ;; and fine worsteds â€" in new patterns â€" fine checks, pin ! I stripes and fancy suitings in popular shades. Reliable linings â€" full range of sizes from 36 to 44. Regularly priced from $16.95 to $18.95 JUNE SPECIAL $14.95 A gruilty consicisnce never feels se- cure. STUDENTS' SUITS Special $10.95 All good patterns and smart styles â€" well tailored and lined. Coat, Vest and Long Trousers. Regular $15.00 values are indudtki. Sizes 33 to 37. i JUNE SPECIAL $10.95 ; ; F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. Ont. ***** * **'************************* ** *** * * * **********ir

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