Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1937, p. 8

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Wednesday, June 22), 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE V0» \) Alex. Heoning Died Placed YouDg Trout FEVERSHAM Mr. Alex. Henning, u well known resilient in the Meuford district for the past twenty years, passed away at his home on Collint;wood St. Meaford, lat<> Monday uvening in his 81st year. Mr. Henniny hud been in failing health for some lime and his passing, though a shock to the family, was not totally unexpected. Me was a form- er resident of Artemesia township on the farm on the west backline now owned by Mr. Lawson Whilchi-ad. Besides hi.s wifi', suivivini; are four daughters, Mrs. Charles Merrifield of Euphrasia Township; Mrs. Edpar tireen at home; Mrs. Norniiin Claik, 4th Un« St. Vincent, and Mis. Ralph Logan of Tlioriibury; two sons, R. J. Ilenninjf of St. Vincent and Seth Ilen- ning, .ird line, St.Vineent, and two aJBters, Mrs. Andrew Oriisby of Rock- lyn, and Mrs. Robert Ferris of Thorn- bury. Three sisters, Mrs. Wni. Irwin of Euphrasia; Mrs. Robert Nixori ot Thornbury, and Mrs. George Leopard of Proton, passed away some years ago, as did three brothers, James of Kuphrasia; John of Euphrasia, and Samuel of Proton. The funeral will be hold on Wed- nesday afternoon, at 2.30 p.m. form the residence. Interment will be made in Lakeview Cemetery, Meaford. The Department of Game and Fish- eries is active depositing speckled trout in this area under the direction of the Centre Grey Game ami ^'sh i'rotection Association and its Secre- tary, Dr. A. E. Little of Flesherlon. I'his week the streams of Euphrasia, Osprey and Holland are being stock« Ld. The quality of the young fish IS superior to thosf generally placed in our streams and the Association i.s being loyally supported by the Ue- liailiiunt and the general public. The officers for iy.'i7-;58 elected at a recent meeting in Eugenia are: F. R. Oliver, ..I.l'.I'., lion. I'res.; Wm. Hill, Mark- liale, I'les.; I'. Munshaw, Eugenia, Vjc.-I'r.'s.; Dr. Little, Flesherlon, .Sfcretaiy and Wni. Ileitmaii, Fever- sham, Jas. Kirkpatrick. KImbcrley. .A. K. KinK. Hiukaway and W. H. Ker- nahaii. Flosherton. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mullin (nee Miss Beatrice Hutchinson), who were married on Saturday la^t, and good wishes are extended to the young couple for a long and prosperous journey through life. Mr. and Mrs. A. Long and little son of Toronto, who have been visiting with Mrs. Long's sister, Mrs. D. Cam- eron and mother, Mrs. William Smith on the 10th line and Mr. Long's sis- ter, Mrs. Thos. lieatty and family of Siiighampton, also other friends were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Colquette here m Sunday last. Mrs. Springgay, Shirley and Doris, •ind Mr. Ru.ssel Ilawton were visitors with Mrs. Springgay's daughter. Miss Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. John Latimer of To- ronto were in town on Friday. Mrs. (Dr.) Little is spending the week in Owen Sound. Mrs. Kate Jamieson of Toronto vis- ited on Friday at the home of Mr. Alf. Harrison. Miss Margaret Collinson spent Sun- day with her friend. Miss Max-ion Mil- ler. W().\ TOIRN.VME.NT MAXWELL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL The Strawberry Festival of Max- well United Church will be held on June 28th. Supper from 6 to 8. p.m. Play, "Meddlesome Maid." by Laven- dar Young People. Admission 35 cts. Children 20c. Publicity is a great purifier because it sets in motion the forces of public opinion which controls the forces of nations. F'U shirtoii won the softball tourna- ment at Maxwell on Saturday after- noon by winning both their games played and receiving a bye. They (iifcated Badgeros 17 â€" 6 in the first lonnd. received a bye in the second and in the final game defeated the fast SinK:hampton aggregation 11 â€" 8. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Janet Sanderson of Dundas, Ontario, wishes to announce the en- gagement of her daughter, Mary Iso- bol, to Mr. Albert Buchanan, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Buchanan, Flesh- erlon, Ontario, the weilding to take place early in July. A scientist says moths can make sounds. They sure are the cause of decided sounds â€" .when their hand]* work is discovered. Great Lakes Circle Cruises Canadian Pacific Steel Steamer "Manitoba" Gross Tonnage 2016 â€" Length 303 Feet Port McNicoU or Owen Sound to Fort William and Return LEAVE MONDAV.S RETURN SATURDAYS DURING JULY and AUGUST from I'ml .M.cXii-olI ..rOucn Souiwl .... $40.00 fiom Tiir(pnt() $44.50 Westbounil via .\oith Channel â€" ^^astl)ound via Mackinac Plenty "f open water ciiij.sing on GeorKian Hay and the great Inland Fresh Water Oceans of Huron and Supeiior All outside room.s-a cruis»' purely and siniply-no tedious port layovers Reservation lists now open â€" Consult your Travel Accent or any Agent CANADIAN PACIFIC Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best and babe of Toronto, spent the week end at their parental homes here. Mrs. Ogle Cooper and daughter, Phyllis of Toronto called on friends Helen Springgay and other friends , in town on Saturday. at St. Catherines over Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wagg of To- M)-. and M -s. Dan Hogg and son, I ronto were recent visitors in town .'^anfonl, of (libialter and daughter Hannah, R. N., of Chicago were call- ers here on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church purpose holding a garden |)arty here in the near future. Mr. John W. Robinson has com- nK-nced to operate his sawmill here and is sawing pieces about eight in- ches scjuare by about four feet long of maple timber for which there i."? a good demand for bobbins for wool- len mills and shoe lasts for which he has largH orders; then he has about a million feet of timber to cut into lumber and more bushes to take out and truck here. He is giving em- ployment to at least a dozen men. Success J. W. Mr J. Edgar of Eagensville, near Ottawa, is miller in our mill here now. We had a million dollar rain over this part of the Province last week. The growth is wonderful for this time of the year. Mr. Mervin Davidson handed your scribe a stock of fall rye on Saturday last, which measured ,", feet, 8 inches. Mr. and Mrs. Ren Acheson and children of Cheltenham and Mr. and Mrs. .Acheson Si-, of Victoria Corners were visitors with Mrs. M. Nicholl her,. o„ .Sunday. Mrs. Ren Acheson and Mrs. Micholl are sisters. Rev. Mr. Macelroy preached a very interesting sernmn in the Presbyter- ian church on Sunday evening last. .Mr. Chris. Thomson is visiting with rt in his brother, John, near Agincou Scarhoro Township at present. Captain Bert Pi'<llar. who is in chaiy:e of the Salvation .\rmy Corp .It Sault Ste Marie is at his parental honu' on furlough and wilt conduct ;i meeting in the S A. Hall here on Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock, Cap- ':iin I'l'dlar is one of Osprey's sons | his pan-nts uid is a good speaker. Give him a art welcome liy fillint,' the Hall on Sunday veninu, June 27th. .Ml welcome. and at Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patten of To- ronto spent the week end at their par- ental homes in town. Reeve Howard McCauley is at- tending County Council in Owen Sound this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Patton of Oshawa spent the week end at the former's home in town. Mr. Bob. Can-others of the local General Motors staff, spent the week end at his home in London. The Rev. J. N. Norton of Wiarton was a caller at the Baptist parsonage last Friday. .Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry are spending a few days at the beach this week. Miss Roberta Leavell has returned to Toronto after spending a week with her parents in town. Mr. William E. Aikins and .Aileen .Aikins of Perth .Ambay, New Jersey visited last week with Mrs. Crossley. Mr. Geo. E. Banks, attended the convention of the Postmasters' As- sociation held in Niagara Falls last week. .Miss Elsie Graham of Kimberley spent the latter part of the week with Ml-, and Mrs. O. W. Phillips and son. .Mr. and Mrs. Wes. White and ilaughter of Severn Park visited last week with the former's father. Mr. Geo, White, Springhill. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean of Warren, Ohio, arc holidaying in this district and spent the week end with .Mr. aii.l Mrs. K. G. Belts. Mr. Jackson Stewart of Markdale spent the week end at the home of Mr. an<l Mrs. John Stew- Quality Hardware 1 1 : ; Lawn and Garden Tools, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Grass Shears, Lawn Mowers, Sprayers, Hose, Paris Green. Now i.s a }4-ood time to (\o tliat outside painting. ;; We have a full line of Faint, X'arnishes. Enamels, Etc. i'Hcrr WEATHER ELECTRIC TIME S.WERS. :: WASHERS, HOT PLATES, IRONS, TOASTERS. Snips, Pliers, Bits & Braces, Rules, Tapes, Etc. BuildinjTf and Remodelling? Hardware, Nails. Roofing, Shingles, Sidings. Cement. Lime and Plaster, Glass and other materials. '-'• WIRE FENCING, ROPE, SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOW SCREENS. Frank W. Duncan : Phone 54 FLESHERTON JUDGING COMPETITION Grey County Judging Competition for girls and boys will be held at Markdale on Friday, June 25th. All boys and grirls welcome. Judging starts at 9 a.m. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Pasture lot for sale or rent, lot 134, 3 S. W. & S. R., Artemesia Apply to Jos. McfKee, R. R. 3, Priceville. READ THE "SMALL ADVTS". Our prinfintr facilities enable us to irivf yon service on your orders. Phone us at 18w. ♦I* THE STORK WITH SFRVICK oiR lu Yi\(; Y POWER ♦*♦ CM.MN STORES f ,"" .".AV,,;,"" ' T* J^++*++**+++*++++**+++* T T F. T. Hill& Co., Limited :: CM.MN STORES MARKDALE, Ont. SAvi;.s Yor a lot OK MONEY f t t t Hiirs Big June Sale CONTINUES f I i LADIES' EXTRA VALUE WHITE FELT HATS C.iMiil \;trietv in Style and Sizes. ♦♦♦ Extra Epecial ....". $1.95 each T X A HILL SPECIAL IN COTTON A VOILES *J* \'(Tv fine cotton voiles, regular .S7'/j c yd. Y Special 29c yd. % % VARSITY STREAM LINE CAMERA Y An extra value eainera tliat takes a l-ls x Y m 'H- picture. Inne enlargements to Y 5x7 in. size. The only camera that car- Y ries a spare film. *"* Special, Camera .... 65c, Film ... 15c I ♦'♦ LADIES' SMART DRESS SPECIALS Y Printed Chiffon Dresses. % Special $4.95, $5.95, $8.95 «♦ Summer Dresses $2.45 and up J T HARDWARE SPECIALS ♦♦♦ Room lots of wallpaper, $1.25 to $1.75 lot 4t* Odd double rolls of \vallpai)er 8c a roll ? â- P 'V VF T 'r V It T V V 'V V *l' 'V 'V 'r T T 'P 'r lir r r t ? T ? T T T T T t T ? ? ? T T T ? T T t t f t ? ? ? ? Y T T t MEN'S and BOYS' SPECIALS IN POLO SHIRTS l)oys' silk and cotton sport polo .shirts. each 95c iSoy.s' silk ad cotton s]»ort polo shirts. each 65c and 75c YOU SAVE ON YOUR GROCERIES AT HILLS' 5 11). pail of clover honcv 45c Rice 4 lbs. for 25c lUack Tea 1 lb. for 43c Soda P>i.scuits 2 lbs. for 25c yXs.sorted Jams 1 bottle for 25c Cocoa 2 lbs. for 23c Can of pea.s, corn amd toniatt>es .... 1 of each for 29c 2 packages of Kellojii'^'s Pcj) 25c (tumbler free) FEED SPECIAL r..\RLEY AND OAT CllOT $1.75 cwt. HILLS' FLOUR SPECIAL KlAXoTi: AXl) r,L'Y-A-SAK FLOUR per cwt $3.29 .Mr. Bert Broderick of the Bank of Commerce staff is holidaying at his home at Bradford. .Mr. R. E. Gar- lick of the Dundalk branch is reliev- ing, Mrs. Norman Stoddart and two suns. Boljby and Jimmy are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Brown and other friends in Owen .'^ound. Mr. Eli A. Stauffer of Stouffville, spent the past week with his son, Mr. S. L. Stauffer. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stauffer and daughter of Toronto visited with Mr. ami Mrs. Stauffer over the week end. .Mr. and Mrs. VVni. I'atton (nee Don- ilcla .MacDonald) bride and groom of Satnrda.v, were week end visitors at their homes here. They were ac- companied by Kathli>cn MacDonald ami Mr. Tihauburn. - \ number of ladies from here at- iciKled the District Annual Covention of the W. I. at the church, New Eng- land on Tuesday last. Those who at- l<iuled were: Mrs. Dargavel, Mrs. Car- uoe, Mrs. llawken, Mrs. Brady and Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Next Sunday (D.V.) the Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Scott of Imlia, and Mr. H. \V. Bickerstaff of The Toronto Bap- tist Brotherhood will have charge of the services in the local Baptist Churches. Flesherton at 11 a.m. Rock Mills at 3.p.m. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all who can, to attend these services. Miss B. McClean, B. A., was the special speaker in the Flesherton and Kock Mills Baptist Churches last Sun- <lay. Miss iMcClean gave a very viv- id description of the work being done among the New Canadians by the Baptist Home Mission Board which was greatly appreciated by the cpn- gregations. .â- \mong those pi-esent at the services at St. John's United Church on Sun- day were: Mr. T. C. Blakeley and Keii- tu'th of llarriston, Mrs. Gerald Mor- jraii of Mooreficld, Mrs. Thorn of Bar- rio, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham of Markdnh", Mr. Ilaivcy Criffin and Mr. Macintosh ot Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wright and son of Port Cred- it, Miss .\nnie .Akins of Toronto, Mr. ond Mrs R. N. Cornfield and son, Ronnie, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Olcnn Peteh and daughter, Barbara, of Toronto, Miss Belle Loncks of Ot- tawa. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Inkster and Mrs. J, Jones of Toronto, Mrs. Mark Wilson of Durham, Mr. Casper Sproule of Toronto. Small Ads. GIRL WANTED â€" Light House- keeper. â€" Apply to F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Foung Yorkshire Sow with 10 pigs. â€" Fred Jamieson, Eu- genia, phone 5 r 24, Feversham. W.V.NTED â€" Housekeeper, good cook, state wages. â€" H. Wilson, Flesher- ton. VV .ANTED â€" Groundhogs, absolutely fresh. Large 10c, small 5c. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. WANTED â€" Cattle for pasture on lots 171 and 172. water and good pasture also good fences. Cattle only â€" W. J. Caswell Fleshlerton. FOR SALE â€" Charlotte Abdell, Dam of Charlotte Bouy, Dam of King Abdell, in foal to Chilcoot 2.04%.â€" .•^pply to James Best on No. 10 Highway, Proton Station. FOR SALE â€" Quantity spruce and balsam lumber, tamarac plank, first class shingles; Grain chopper 13 inch plate.â€" Mrs. G. C. Gra- ham, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" High grade cedar shingles,â€" Clears, $3.95 per sq., 2D. Clears, $:iM per sq., Seconds $2.70 per sq„ Ten square or more delivered at ahovg price. Terms: Cash. â€" A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. TENT FOR S.VLE â€" 7x7':. ft, white duck. L'sed three months. Cheap for quick sale. â€" Geo. Johnson, Rock Mills. i-'OR SALE â€" A few good used De Laval Cream Separators. Priced reasonably.â€" W. A. Hawken, Flesh- erton, Phone 17. FOR S.ALE â€" Bay horse, good farm j worker and fine driver. S4.'>.00. Also I good top buggy $25.00. Cash sale. t this week. â€" Rev. A. Bushell, Max- i well. 1 FOR S.ALP; â€" 4 good young cows, I all fresh, and one to freshen soon; I also 2 w(dl bred Jersey heifers, 2 i months old â€" Gordon Stuart, Cey- I Ion, phone 38 r 4. FOR SALE â€" Bran $1.70 cwt. Flax :i'2c lb., Corn $1.90 cwt., Ont Wheat $1.3.5 bu.. Fresh linie 35c per 70 lb. bag. Also western oats and barleyâ€" Phone 38 r 3, A C. MUIR, Ceylon. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, GNâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. C. Conqueror 315 â€" 167820, will be kept for service. Terms $1.00. â€" Wes. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months. â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont, R. R. 3. TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE â€" Good frame. 7-room residence, two lots, hanl water, large sun room; also frame resi- dence on Sydenham St., 5 rooms and sun room, soft water. â€" Jos. Field, Flesherton FOR SALE â€" Arrow Lock asphalt shingles, $3.il5 per square; Roll roofing, $1.40 per rool of 108 sq. feet. Sheathing paper, 56c per rool of 400 sq. feet. Terms: Cash. â€" A. C. MUIR. Ceylon. Tenders will be received up to and including Monday, July 5, 1937, for digging of about 40 cubic yards of earth for basement of school S. S. No. 5, Osprey. For further partic- ulars apply to Frank Shortt, Eugen- ia, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.30 Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICE â€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stend. Telephone 69. ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT & SICKNESS FIRE AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Honda Any Insurance Problem Telephone 61 FLESHERTON, Ont. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. n. MacINTYRE. Agent FLESHERTON Ont. , i*.|i. H i». | i.|i. | i» » . > ». | i»»».>»».>»». | i» * Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. "' Tal-A Nn rkrkn/>ac * ''^'^â- ' "^**'^ '" ^^^ F'aternal Hall, laKC llO vnanCeS t : Flesherton, the second Tuesday in j each month. VV.M., Alfred Down; , Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. in the sale of vour Livestock Ship to the Open Market and consign your shipments to the OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF Dunn & Levack Ltd. : LIMITED Canada's Leading Livestoek • • Salesmen Union Stock Yardsâ€" TORONTO It Always Pays to Ship To Us ', DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Pi'ofeseional services reasonable. â€" Phone, Dundalk 2. DR. G. A. LEDGERWOOD, V. S. Night and Day Call Professional Service Feversham, Phone 4 r 5, at residence of Ed. Nixon, Maxwell. •»l « Hr , -i ' ^ I,

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