Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1937, p. 8

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" . 1 :; fe,;'- WedjHsday, June 30, 1937 <"'â-  ^^-â-  -v;, .:,,;,. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â-  â- â- â™¦_ Canada A Leader In Telephone Usage This district was well repre- «nti'<i at Monlrial, June 25 and 26, when t(iIc>v>hoiie men and women hav- ing upwards to twisnly-one years' ser- vice in that industry attended the 14th annual convention of the Charles Flectford Sise Chapter, No. 26, of the Association of Ttlfphone I'ionecrs of _ petuatinjf the name of the late C". F. Sise Sr. who, fifty-seven years ajfo, successfully co-ordinated many of the telephone interests in this country and brought into being the Bell telephone organization that now nerves Ontario and Quebec, the Cha))- ! tralia, respectively. ter is the Easteni Canadian branch On the basis of telephone rievelop- <«|||f the North American movement a- ment throughout the whole popula- TOonK telephone workers of all ranks j t,on, flanada with 10.!);) telephones per and .sy.stems who have attained their years of majority in the business. Always well to the fore in telephone matters, Canada continues to lead the •world in its per cai)ita usage of tel- ephone service. Woild wide telephone statistics compiled as of January 1, 1936, and now made public, show that an annual â-  mverape of 210.8 telephone eonver- fiations were held in Canada for every man, woman and child in this country. The United States, with a comparable figure of 197.0, was in second place, Denmark, with 17.3.1) per capita calls, and Sweden with 152.2, followed. Canada's position amonif the coun- tries of the world in the matter tt tel- ephone development in the larger cen- tres continues to be impressive. With 187H telephones per 101) population in communities of 50,000 and more, this Dominion ranks sixth in the list. The •United States is fifth with a figure of I'J.'^. Sweden is the leader in this regard, followed by Switzerland, Nor- way, and Dnmark, in that order. In less peopled areas, Canada ranks ill fourth plae«', this world-wide .sur- vey reveals. Canada, it is shown, has 7.28 telephones in operation per 100 population in communities of less than 50,000 persons. Next to the kadeiship of the United States with !i>!7, there follows New Zealand with !i S4 and Sweden with 7.50. Fifth si.xth, and seventh positions are taken â-  y Denmark. Switzerland and Aus- CEYLON mil' hundred j)e()ple is second only to the United States with a comparable fijrure of I.S.fiO telephones. Den- mark is third with 10.64; New Zealand fourth with 10.50 and Sweden fifth with 10.28. Of telephones in .ser\'ice per 100 population among larjre cities of the world, Vancouver is fourth, Toronto eleventh and Montreal eigh- teenth in the list. These latest statistics make it clear that Canadians continue, as they have done over a lonp i>eriod, to place a very hiph value upon their telephone services. This fact is emphasized in their continuing to he the world's leaders in telephone usage. rx Great Lakes Circle Cruises Canadian Pacific Steel Steamer "Manitoba" Gross Tonnage 2616 â€" Length 303 Feet Port McNicoll or Owen Sound to Fort William and Return LEAVE MONDAYS RETURN SATURDAYS tmiii fr.iin DURING JULY and AUGUST I'url .Mc.X'icdll or ( Hvlii Snund ... Tonnit' I $40.00 $44.50 Westbound via .\orih Channel â€" Eastbound via Mackinac Plent\ of open water cruising on Georgian Ray and the great Inland Fresh Water Oceans of Huron and Superior All outside rooms-a cruis<' purely and simply-no tedious port layovers Resenation lists now open â€" Consult your Travel Agent or any Agent CANADIAN PACIFIC (Intended for last week) The nuiny friends of Mrs. U. Mac- phail will be pleased to learn that she has returned home greatly improved in health after her recent operation in Ottawa. Miss Lilla B. Hell, Miss .Macphad's private secretary, accom- panied them as far as Toronto and will arrive here shoi'tly for a visit. Miss Mildred Whittaker, Toronto, is visiting at her home. We extend our sincere sympathy to .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe in the loss of the latter's mother. Miss Mary Muir and Miss Peggy Kvans, Toronto, are spending a few days with Mr. and .Mis. A. S. Muir. Mr. and Mrs. White, Toronto, arc visitors with the laltei''s sister, Mrs. J, K. McLcod. Ml'. Snovvden McLeod, Toronto, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar Oliver vis- ited the latter's brother at the Gen- eral Hospital, 'Doronto on Sunday. Mrs. Crutchley, Mrs. Oliver's mother, is speniling a few days with Mr. and .Mrs. Oliver. Mr. Clarence Marshall, Toronto, was a visitor the first of the week at his home here. A number of the Eastern Star niem- beis in the vicinity of Ceylon attend- ed a dinner parly in Murkdale on Thursday evening itt the home of Mrs Rapp. Mrs. Richard Whittaker is home after visiting in Toronto and Angus. Ml-, and Mrs. Harry Huscun and family, Oshawa visited the fiist of the week at Mr. Peter Muir's. Mr. Mcintosh and IWr, Harvey Grif- fin, Toronto, visited .Mr. and Mrs. G. (bairns and Mrs. White over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack White, To- ronto was also a visitor with his mother. .Mrs. Thos. (iilchrist is occupying her home again in the village and her many friends extend a welcome to her. Doctor and Mrs. (;. H. Holmes, Owen Sound, visited her sister, Mrs. .^nna -McMillan, Sunday, Th<' Ladies' Aid will have their re- irular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Knox on Wednesda.v, June 30. Miss Mary Mather has returned after holidaying at Priceville. Mrs. Stinson. Topcliffe, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Randall. Miss Florence MacTnnis has been re-eng,lged iis teaehcr at Ceylon with an increase in snlarv. r THK STORE WITH SKUVICE I '"^'^ •'^'"ORKS +4.+4^.++++* MARKDALE, Ont F. T, Hill & Co., Limited Ol I{ HI YIN(; I'OWKR SAVKS VOl' A LOT OF MONFY t t t T t J T T T T t ? ? T T ♦ t ? T t T •I* *v â- !' '1' •!• 'I* 'I' •i' 'X* 'I* 'J* 'I' 'I' 'I' 'I' 'I* *»' "•' *' * v ? 1 ? T ? Opportunity Week AT HILL'S ON SALEâ€" High Quality Merchandise at Prices You Like to Pay Ladies' fine Quality Suedine Slips J, act' triiiiiiiffl. colors, jiink, Rose aii'l White. .Xdiiisiablc .Straps. Extra Special 48c ea. Ladies' Fine QuaJity Near-silk Slips Lace and l''.ij.j"()t trimmed, adjustable Strajis. .Summer Shades and Colors in lot. Extra Special ....•• 59c ea. High Class Slip in pure Silk Crepe and Satins. Priced at $1.19 and $1.39 ea. Voii iKiy ill the rcjjiilar way, much more for thi.s line. Ladies' Fine Quality Satin Slips, J-a^ot and i.a<c trimnu-d. .Ml .Sum- mer Shades. Extra Special 79c ea. LADIES' VERY HIGH CLASS PANTIES Trmtcd Suedine and Rayon Silk, l"'ancy 1 1 inuiud. Opportunity Week .... 44c ea. LADIES' FANCY PANTIES Travellers samples and other lines which >.i-\\ at nnich higher prices. Opportunity Week 39c ea. T T T T t T t y y t y y t Half Price Sale of Ladies' Lace Dress Material ;\ll the leadinjif shades, .-.uch as I'ink, ktise, Cireen. White Li^'hl iilue, Navy and Hlack. .54 inches wide. 2^4 yard length 49c ♦J* 2V2 yard length 55c .\ Wonderful Huv y y Ladies' Fine Quality Satin Slips Lace and Insertion also; Medallion trim. .\11 Colors including pale blue, a ^^ wonderful slip for the nHiuey. .Xdjust- ♦♦♦ able Straps. At 89o ea. i ? ? J y y y y Ladies' and Children's Rayon Panties and Bloomers Extra Special „ ^ 19c ea. .\11 sizes, some lace frimmefi. FARMERS, BUY YOUR BINDER TWINE NOW AND SAVE i'Vir the iie.xt two weeks you can buy l'',n»;lish, Irish or Mel^ium Hinder Twine, 'i'he same kind as we sidd la>t season, which ^a\e such excellent satisfaction Irish t y ? t Miss Milderd Sharp of Toronto was a caller in town on Monday. Mrs. Thoni returned to her home in Barrie today. Miss Margaret Holmes of Toronto Is visiting friends in town this week. Mrs. P. iV'haudeau spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Gilchrist. Mrs. Chas. Phillips of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Ti'empe. Miss Hattie McKae of Toronto is spending two weeks with her mother in town. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson of Oshawa was the guest of the parsonage during his stay in Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maddocks of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. 1 hos. TSiylor on Sunday. Miss Rene Cargoe and Mr. Harry Herbert of Tfcronio spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Cargoe. Miss Betty Murray, who is training as a nurse in the St. Thomas hospital, is holidaying in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Latimer of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Crawford of Saifiia spent the past week with the latter's sister, Mrs. Jos. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Keefer of Kansas City called on old friends in town last week and attended the tjnited Church garde,, parly. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown and fam- ily and Mr. Geo. Brown of Bond Head spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tliistlethwaite and son, Bernard, were in town over the week end. 'I'he latter are re- maining for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Margaret and David and Miss Comrie of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. Robertson. Mrs. Cooch and grand-daughter, Betty Anne Kniewasser of Ottawa are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rob- ertson. .Mr. and .Mr,-.. Jas. lon.son and daughter, (^lu-enie, of Scarboro Jet., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Chappie and Alan, accompanied by Jim and Earle Thurston spent the week ('nd at Mea- ford. .Mrs. H. Down returned home last week after spending siveral weeks with friends in Collingwood and Al- liston. The Wiinien's Institute will hold a I'ienic ill Memorial Park on Thursday, ,Iuly 8th at :! p.m. Visitors welcome. "A cheerful grin will let you in." Mr. and Mrs. H. Nixon and daugh- ter, .Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. John .N'ixon of Cali'don visited a day last week with the hitler's sister. Mrs. A. Gil- christ. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Phillips cel- ebrated their ;iOlh wedding anniver- sary on .Saturday last. Best wish- es are extended to this estimable couplt. for many more years togethc Mrs. Catherine Sjience of Toronto was so unfortunate as to fall and break her hi|) bone. At present she is in a hospital and while doing as well as could be expeeti-d hi^i' family arc anxious ai)out their mother. Mr. Joseph Oswald of Windsor, Ontario, and formerly of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Com- ii.erce, spent Ttiesday visiting his old fi iinds who Were pleased to see him once more. Mrs. D, Williams of Flesherton was elected as Vice-President of the Grey- Dufferin W. C. T. V. at the annual cniivention held at .Meaford last week. .Miss V. Nicholson of Flesherton is the superintendent of the Travellers Aid and Mrs. W. S. Inkster the Peace nd arbitration department. Mr. Clarence Fisher paid a flying visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lou. Fisher one day recently. Clarence has been engaged in the drug business at Gogama, Ont., but has disposed of the business there and moved to New Liskeard where he has opened a drug •(tore on a larger scale. On Wednesday of last week, the luipils of Springhill School presented Miss Inez Brown, their teacher for the past two years, with some lovely fare- well irifts. Little Miss Eunice Allen read an address signed on behalf of tlie pupils by Ruth Blackburn and herself. Quality t â- â- â€¢â- 'â- ''â- , Hardivarc ^ I ', Lawn and Garden Tools, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, I Grass Shears, Lawn Mowers, Sprayers, Hose, Paris Green. Now is a good lime to do that .outside paintingf. ^ W'e have a full line of I'aint, \ arnishes, Enamels, Etc. •nor wiv\tii1':r i-:lectrtc -tlme savers, :: w.xsHi'.RS, hot PE\Tr:s, irons, to.asters. Snips, Pliers, Bits & Braces, Rules, Tapes, Etc. ;: iJuildin^- and Kcmodellinsi- Hardware, Xails. Roofingf, ^. Shingles, Sidings. Cement. Lime and Plaster, Glass and other materials. ':: WIRE FENCING, ROPE, SCREEN DOORS AND ;; WINDOW SCREENS. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON ; : h k A DOG STORY J. P. Johnstones's collie in follow- ing the roller last week, mysteriously ilisappeared after they stopped the machine to toss a stone out of the pathway, and when the procession started up again, it yelped so fur- iously from its retreat that the horses could hardly be prevented from run- ning away. Between trying to stop the yelping canine and the runaway steeds, J. P. had a real man's job on his hands, and when the chargers fin- ally brought up in a corner of the field the riddle was solved and the rumpus stopped by the purp leaping out of the roller, where, like the mus- ical melody, it went "round and round." â€" Walkertnn Herald-Times. TENT FOR SALE â€" 7x7% ft., white duck. Used tJiree months. Cheap' for quick sale. â€" Geo. Johnson, Rock Mills. WANTTED â€" Cattle for pasture Ott lots 171 and 172, water and good pa.sture also good fences. Cattle only â€" W. J. Caswell, Fleshterton. FOR SALE â€" 29 Chevrolet sedan, good condition, small mileage, $250. â€" Mrs. Archie Mclnnes, Phone P«v- ershani, 1 r 14. FOR S.ALE â€" Quantity spruce and balsam lumber, tamarac plank, first class shingles; Grain chopper 13 inch plate. â€" Mrs. G. C. Gra- ham, Eugenia. Small Ads. GIRL WANTED â€" Light House- keeper. â€" Apply to F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton FOR SALE â€" High grade cedar shingles,â€" Clears, $3.95 per sq., 2D. Clears, $3.C0 per sq., Seconds S2.T0 per sq,. Ten square or more delivered at abovg price. Terms: Cash. â€" A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. WA.N'TFD â€" Groundhogs, absolutely fresh. Large Ulc. small 5c J. R. Sinclair,' Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" A few good used De Laval Cream Separators. Priced reasonably â€" W. A. Hawken, Flesh- erton, Phone 17. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred York.shire Hog, Orchard \'alley Wonder, CNâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A, C. Conqueror 315 â€" 1G7820, will be kept for service. Terms $1.00. â€" We». Smith. Rock Mills. •| FOR S.'VLE â€" Bay horse, good farm woiker and fine driver, $-15.00. Also good top buggy $2.'S.OO. Cash sale, this week â€" Rev. A. Bushell, Max- well. I'OK S.ALK â€" 4 good young cows, all fresh, and one to freshen soon; also 2 veil bred Jersey heifers, 2 months old.â€" Gordon Stuart, Cey- lon, phone 38 r 4. BOAK FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to and including Monday, July 5, 1937, for digging of about 40 cubic yards s\t I earth for basement of school S. S. I N'o. 5, Osprey. For further partlc- ulai-s apply to Frank Shortt, Eugen- ia, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Bran $1.70 cwt.. Flax 3'-jc lb., Corn $1.!U) cwt., Ont. Wheat $1.3.'-) bu., Fresh lime 35c per 70 lb. bag. .\lso western oats and barley. - Phone 38 r 3 A C. MUIR. Ce.vlon. BUSINESS CARDS KOR S.'\LE â€" Good frame. 7-room residence, two lots, hnrd water large .'Un room; also frame resi- dence on Sydenham St., 5 rooms and sun room, soft water.â€" Jos. Field, Flesherton FOR SALE â€" AiTOw Lock asphalt shingles, $3.<15 per square; Roll roofing, $1.40 per rool of 108 sq. feet. Sheathing paper, 56c per rool of 400 sq. feet. Terms: Cash.â€" A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" .Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.3« Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICE - Dr. Bryce's Old SUnd. Telephone 69., INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. F>. MacINTYRE, Agent FLESHERTON Ont. ****** * ****** ** *********** LADIES' CELASUEDE PANTIES 'i'ailored style. Hi^'-li Class make. Assorted trim Exra Special .... 39c ea. 550 ft. at 834c lb. ♦*♦ 600 ft. at 91/40 lb. ♦!♦ 650 ft. at 10V4»lb. ♦ Englishâ€" 550 ft. at 9V4O lb. •> 600 ft. at 934c lb. 'to 650 ft. at 10»4clb. f NOTE â€" These price.'A for the ne.\t two y weeks iinlv as the wholesale price ftii' this V* .season is much higher. ;: .^r M 'A BETT^ER PLAN Mrs. A. â€" "Shall I ask the new cook for references?" Mr. A. â€" "Get her to submit samp- les.' A Dungannon youth who stole four bags ,of grain from his mother and '< '< sold it to buy gasoline for his car, was granted suspended sentence and •r^ his driver's permit .suspended for two stole Grain From His Mother ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT & SICKNESS FIRE AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bomb Any Insurance Problem Telephone 61 FLESHERTON. Ont. OLD ; Dunn & Levack Ltd. ; Take No Chances in the sale of your Livestock Ship to thi consign Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. & A. P., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in each month, W.M.. Alfred Down; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. Open your to the RELIABLE Market an^l shipments FIRM OF f LIMITED 1 I Canada's Leading Livestock. Salesmen • ' I'nion Stock Yardsâ€" TORONTO â-  ' It Mwajs Pa.vs to Ship To Us a « *********1<i^******** * ****** DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services reaspnable. â€" Phone, Dundalk 2. DR. G. A. LEDGERWOOD, V. S. Night and Day Call Professional Servioe Feversham. Phono 4 r 5, nt residence of Ed. \ixOii, M.«w€ll. • t); 4 I' *. I: .â- ^- ^ WWPli \

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