Wednesday. July 14. 19.^7 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 oer year, when paid in advance ILgO; in U. S. A. $2. per year, when paid in advMice $2.00. ! W. H. THURSTON, Editor. F. T THURSTOiM, A.s.-iociate Editor KDITORIAL NOTKS The Toronto Star made a peculiar â- error on Saturday last in its report of the capture of two allowed crimin- jils at Scar')oro. Tliu i-rror consisted of publishinj,' a picture of the late Charles Phillips, who was a policeman on tho Toronto force for a number of years, but who died years ago. According to the Star Charley is still attached to the .Main Street .station. The picture used shows Charley to be the same good-natured soul that he was in life. But seriously, the Star should bring its album up-to-date by expunging the dead timber. CLN 1 RE LINE The weather has been very hot the past week, but we got a grand rain Sunday afternoon which may cool the air for awhile. The rain was very welcome. There was no Sunday School and a very small attendance at Mount Zion church on Sunday owing to the storm. Kev. Elliott in starting a series of sermons on the ten commandments. Mr. Edwin Little and friend. Miss Hoggard of Clarksburg spent Sunday with Edwin's home folk here. Dr. Robt. Morton, wife and family are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W A. Morton. Mrs. Wm. Taylor of Toronto is vsi- iiing with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor and her old neighbors in this vicinity. Mrs. Wm. Little spent the week end with her sister. Mrs. Jack Hockley, Markdale. She will also attend the 12th of July celebration while there. Miss Hazel Osborne has gone to assist with the house work at Mr. l)ave Atkins, Shrigley. The Mount Zion W. A. held their regular meeMng at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Little on Thursday. There wore 12 members and 10 visitors present. Afti-r .'dinging and the reading of the U'sson and prayer, the devotion- al roll wns cnlled and answered by a Hible vwse using the word Creator. 'I'll!' word for next meeting being Judge. The ladies acci'pted an in- vitatiim to moet with Kugeiiia ladies at their church on JiJy 22. y^ftor ftie progrnm was over, Uev. Flliott el'i-wWlhe umetrtig with prayer and a ooiinl half hour wax sp<'nt before lunch wns served. Next nieetintr will }.,. held at the home of .Mr$. C. I\ WeUlrum. Some from this digtrict are cele- brating in .Markdale Monday. We wish to congratulati' Mi.'fs I^- obel Hill on hor surce.« in pausing the EntratK-e P'xams. at P>verih»m, also Robby Nicholls of Portia w school, who p»'!<pd th« entrance with honors at Flpshertoi. BUCKINGHAM (Intended for Last Week) A number from here attended an- niversary services at Kob Roy on Sunday. Rev. Grafton a former pas- tor here was present and took part in the service. Rev. A. Cameron of Vancouver was the speaker and deliv- ered a very interesting and instructive â- Rev. Cameron was born at Rob Roy and went to public school there later his family lived on the farm on the 4th of CoUingwood now • iccui)ied by Mr. J. Fletcher. Mr. Cameron is on an extended visit with lelatives and his many friends were ideased to meet him again. Merle and Uoreen Davidson and friimil.'i motored to Callander for the week end. The regular .luly meeting of the ;Jomnniiiity Club was held one week earlier fo^r cc>nvenience at the home if Mrs. Brown on June .30th. After â- ievotional exercises and the >n hand was dealt with the ladies ^^^pent the afternoon knitting, sewing md crocheting. The twelve members uid visitors present enjoyed a dainty lunch served by the hostess. The next meeting is at the home of Mrs. 1). McMullen on Aug. 4th. Mrs. J, E. English and little son, •I. J., of Detroit visited with Mr. and j Mrs. A. Mullin. Miss Winnifred McMullen of To- ronto is holidaying with her mother, Mrs. D. McMullen. Messrs. Hughie, Will, Ernest and J. T. Davidson, with their sister, Mrs. F. Male went by motor on Friday to visit relatives in Glengary county. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Ryals of Toron- to accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Happy spent the 1st of July with Mr. and Mrs. Jame* Hudson. Mr. W. J. Mullin and daughter, .Marguerite, also Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson attended a re-union picnic of (he Blackburn famil.v, in the Memorial Park, Eugenia on July 1st. About I-IO sat down to dinner at 1..30. Rel- atives were present from Windsor, Detroit, Hamilton, Toronto, Mount Forest, Colling^vood, Stajmer and other points. Toronto, visited their brother and sis- ter, Neil and Lucy. Mr. and Mrs. George Carson and family of Manitoba visited with their aunt, Mrs. W. C. Hunley, and family, and renewed acquaintances in this locality, Mrs. Will. Gordon accompanied Mr. iind Mrs. Will. Campbell and son and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell to North- ern Ontario on a tour and visited with her daughter. Hilda (Mrs. Bert Mor- ton). Mr. Will Campbell has re- turned to Toronto after a fortnight holidays. His wife and son will stay at their summer home here. .Mrs. Alex. Carruthers spent a few days the past week in 'Boronto. Congratulations to Miss Margaret .McMillan, who was successful in pass- ing her examinations in music given by the Toronto Conservatory in Owen Sound ROCK MILLS ViC'lOKIA CORNERS EUGENIA VANDELEUR (Inlendi»<l /or Last Week) Hayiag is well under way and th» •I'op is heavy, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanait tfnd faniHy •f Terent* apeat a few days with the former'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo*. Buchanan. Mr. aad Mrs. Clark and faatily and Joy and Eil. Elcombe oi Toronto wmm week Bnd guests of Mr. and Mr». W. G. Hutchinion. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and family •f Detroit are visiting with Mr. and Mr*. E. Warlinj. Mr. .Shier and Mi«s Porter of Owen Sound wure callers on Mrs. H. I. Graham recently. A good report of the Sunday Schoid Convention at Mt. Zion was given at the Sunday School here on Sunday afternoon of last week by Jean Cargoe and Evelyn McGee two of the dele- Kates. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Graham enter- tained the Markdale Division of the Sons of TemperanCf and the Execu- tive of the Vandeleur Sunday School on Tuesday evening of last week, A number from the Ebenezer Sunday School was also present. Several interesting articles on temperance work were read by Rev. H. S. Warren and this was followed by a discussion .on the advisability of conducting a church vocntion school. A dainty luncheon of strawberries and cream, cake and sandwiches was served by the hoatcas. n^e quantity of wheat remaining on Canadian farms at March 31. 1037, «mounto<l to 4(5,031,000 bushels, or 20 per cent of the total 103(1 wheat crop of 229,218.000 bushels. At March 31, 1030, 17 per cent or 4fl,7R4.000 bushels remained from the 10,3fi crop of 281,- 03.5,000 hushels. There was a good attendance at church on Sunday. The L.O.L. at- tended in a body. Mr. P^lliott took i.s his text, "For he that is not a- ;;aiiist us is on our part." and preach- ed a fine sermrm to all present. We welcome Uev. Elliott and family to our midst, .Mr. Doug. Ellis and sons of To- ronto were recent visitors with Mi-. nnd Mrs. Stat>lev Campbei shkI fam- il.v. Mrs. Hammond of Toroato \wir a visitor with her mother. Mrs. McMil-, over the wi-ek ead. Miss .Millie ilcMuflen of Toronto is holidaying at hi-r hi«ne here. (ta Tuesday afternoon, June 2'J. t-lie .Sunday school and congregation of the United church and the teachers and pupils of the local schoel mvl Sth line sch«ol h<jld a jsint picnic in the park here. Theie wrre over a hund- red in attendanoe *nd a good time wa» spent in games, races, etc., supper wa« serve<l at the tables in the park. After the su[)(jej- hour, R«v. Mr. Bush- ell was a.tked to be seated while nn address was read by Mrs. C. M»rtin arid a presentation of a floor lamp, an album wid soma money was made by Mr. K. Smith arvi Mis* Marjor><> Park (HI behaJf of the Y. P. U. Ag most of the choir n>ttmb«rs are associated with tlia Y. p. »»«iety, tl*e remaining iiirmke*'* also denated towaiJd ih% gift. Mr. Bunhull. who was <|uit» taken by surprise, replied khankia^ all for their kindness and hoping that he wotild in«et all again in the futuiV and extending to all his bast wighes. irhttn all gang, "For he's a jolly good fuJlo'r," Mi»s Muriel Carrathers, oti behalf of th» choir wrote a ghort ad- dress to Mr. Bushell for his splendid hel|) toward them. Mr. Argyle Martin, who spent a couple of weeks at his i>arental home has returned agJiin to h%sh«rtoiv. His uncle, Mr, Harold Lever, has keen iiuite ill with bronchial trouble. Miss Kathleen Pedlar has returne<l home from Owen Sound Hospital and is recovering nicely from her ri'Cent operation for an abcoss. Miss .Muriel Carruthers had a suc- cessful opei-ation in Wellesly Hospi- tal, Toronto, last week. We wish her a speedy recovery. Rev. Mr. Elliott accompanie<l by the Misses A. Turner, E. Campbell, .Mr. Wes. Jamieson and Mrs. Martin of the Y. P. V. here and the Misses F. Morrison and I. Pallister of Max- well spent Wednesday afternoon and evening lit Presquo Isle .Summer Camp and had a very enjoyable time. The L.O.L. here attended the cele- bration at CoUingwood on Monday. Mrs. T, Crowe and little daughter, Hilda, have returned to Toronto after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .fos. Williams. The executors of the estate of the Inte Mrs, R. Turner had a very suc- cessful sale of household effects, ete. on Sntiirdny. Mr. Knitting was the nuctionoer, Mr, and Mrs. Sam MacDoimld of CADEâ€" SCALES .•\ quiet wedding was .solemnized on Saturday, July 3rd at 7..30 p.m. at Westmoreland United Church, West- moreland and Hallam St., Toronto, when Juliet, daughti'r of Mr. D. Scales and the late Mrs. Scales, To- ronto, was united in marriage to Wm. T. Cade, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. (Jade, Toronto. The bride wore a long white taf- feta dress with a long silk net veil caught by a hallo of seed pearls and carried a bouquet of pale pink roses and babies breath. Tlhe bride was assisted by Miss .Mary Cade, sister of the groom who was gowned in a long pale peach or- gandy and carried Talisman roses and babies breath. The groom was at- ended by Samuel Scales, brother of the bride. The groom's mother was dressed in black silk crepe, and wore a corsage bouquet of pink roses. After the ceremony a reception was held at 820 Manning Ave, the home of the groom's parents. The happy couple left immediately for their honeymoon, but were recalled at Niag- ara by the sudden illness of both the groom's father and mother, who are some better at present. The groom was popularly known as Bill Cade a few years ago around Proton and vicinUy when his fother was connected with Mr. Herman Beck- er and lat.'r Dever Bros', stores Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Stevens and fam- il.v, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. BiH Gamble ;^n(l tiwi.iy, Sudbury are holidaying in the neighbfirhood. Chas, Moore visited a few days at Tobermorv. If that trans-Arctic route to Rus- iii* ever becomes commercially poss- ible that niiglit be a convenient way of gitting rid of sonv "f our Reds. Mr. and Mrs. Melville McMaster of Toronto were visitors over the week end with Mrs. S. McMullen and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts. Master George Osborne of Fever- sham spent a few days with his cou- sin, Ted Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore and Family of Durham were visitors on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell and attended the celebration at Markdale. .Mr. Wm. Driffill spent the week end at his home at Hepworth, returning on .Monday. .Mr. and Mrs. John Newell and fam- ily of Durham called on friends here Sunday evening. Little Irene Porteous entertained six of her play mates to a birthday party on Friday afternoon when they spent a good time together. In the evening her mother served a dainty lunch and ice cream which they all enjoyed. We wish Irene many more happy birthdays. A large number from here attended the 12th celebration at Markdale and some went to CoUingwood. EAST MOUNTAIN (Intended for Last Week) We are getting wonderful haying weather and some of the farmers are getting pretty well done. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoa accomp- anied by Messrs Art Wickens and Bill Scorer, spent a day recently in Tforonto. Mr. Wm. Harbottle has purchased a car for the pleasure of his family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Idle have gone to Clarksburg for the summer. Mr. Thompson Allen was a recent visitor with his daughter, Mrs T, Mc- CuUough near Union. School closed on Tuesday last, all the pupils being successful in their exams. The annual picnic was held in the afternoon much to the pleasure of the children. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Lever, Mr. Wil- fred Lever and .Miss Macil Snell were recent visitors with Mr .and .Mrs. Gordon McMullen. Len Haines, accompanied by the Thompson family visited recently with friends at Erin. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Welsh of Dun- can were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Harry Rawlings, Mr, Swantz of Singhampton has started holding meetings at Mr. Com- fort Tiiompson's for the summer monlhs. 1881 Important Announcement 1937 of :: a Change of Ownership || of The Northern Business College OWEN SOUND After 56 Years For the past fifty-six years the writer has had the pleas- ure of conducting the Northern Business Collegeâ€" and on July 1st transfers the responsibilities to Mr. Chas. K. Johnston, the Prr.sident and Miss Marjorie H. Willson. the new Secretary-Treasurer, To the old students, and old friends and the public gen- erally, we say thank you ever so much, for your generous patronage. ~ The choice of my successors has been made with great care â€" I wished to have the college carried on in the same practical and thorough manner that has characterized it in the past. It is with complete confidence that I hand over the ownership and management to my successors. Their scho- lastic attainments, splendid record of leadership in commercial education in well known Canadian schools and excellence of character make it a plea.sure to transfer the management and makes me happy to see the institution in such good hands. I bespeak for them a welcome to our community and the splendid support you have given me through the many years I have had the privilege of serving you. C. A. Fleming The NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Limited :: Owen Sound, Ont. Chas. K. Johnston President C. A. Fleming Hon. President Marjorie H. Willson Secy.-Treas. t â- - : Y ♦♦t n f > >♦»»♦*»♦♦« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦f ♦* ♦ »♦♦*♦♦*♦♦♦ » 1 1 > ♦♦ With a hundred thousand Shriners in Detroit this wo«ld seem a good time for the C. I. O. board of strategy to .>4ake another hotel employees strfke July Specials FLY TOX 20c POT CLE-VXERS 5 for 15c B.VrHING CAPS 10c and 25c NOXEMA CRE-'VM, larse 15c Mens Lastic Top HOSE 35c llOL'SE DRESSICS 75c VARIETY STORE, Flesherton CHEVROLET'S SMART ATTRACTIVENESS GETS THE WOMEN'S VOTE! They like the way it saves money on gas, oil and upkeep, loo ! "TT 18 much nnarter, much more modern." "The most -â- â- beautiful and comfortable car we've ever owned â€" and so eaay for me to drive." Listen to the ladies, and such are the «omnients you'll hear about the new Chevrolet. One glance will tell you that Chevrolet is the best-looking; car in the lowest price field. One ride, and you'll realize where it gets itii reputation for giving finer performance â€" along with gas econom.y of 25 and more mile* to the gallon, according it) owner reports. With llnistcel Turret Top Body congtruction. Safely glass and perfected Hydraulic Brakes you enjoy nuitchleas safety. *Knee-Action and Fisher No- Draft Ventilation provide un- equalled comfort. No other lowest-priced car is so smart . . . And no other car in Chevrolet's field gives you all these desirable features. See and drive T/ip Only Complete Low- Priced Car today. • On AUiUr Du Luxe MoJeh < • • for economical transportation ♦♦- PRICED $ FROM 745 Mailer 2Paiicnger Bmintii Coupt JihvtrtJ <u faclory, Oibjwa. Cfovtrnmwnl hsxei. Uienit a'ui treighl aJJtIioNai. (Priiin luhject to tbange U'tlhokl notice.) MoHlhly payntenti to mil your punt on ibt Gnt*rd Molori Itutnlmmi Plait. :#* ^?^? -M:. 1^ C-297B D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON. ^ ONTARIO