Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1937, p. 8

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: \ Wednesday, July 21, 1937 â- â- â- :â- Â»<. -f^-^i^i THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE GREEN PASTURES (EIraira Signet) The newspaperman, or fpr that matter the majority of business men in tht> small town long for the metro- politan centres â€" where they can really show their ability, be a spectator of and participant in the big-time par- ade. The newspaperman, or again th« average business man in the metro- politan centre long for the pence and security of a small town â€" where they wouldn't have to spend a couple of hours a day getting to and from work; where they could have a garden, a yard, some trees, some leisure after their working hours. Where they could know folksâ€" where they could have neighbors again. Each longs for the greener pastures of the other. So it always has been and probably always will be so long as human nature is what it is. Yes, it's funny how far away fields look green until self-satisfied curiosity re- veals how good is one's own back yard â€" a true green pasture. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Don't be too hasty in diagnosing a man's sad look at a picnic as being the sign of a secret sorrow. First find out if there has been any delay in bringing forth the "eats." Mr. and Mrs. Burton Field and son of Toronto spent the week end with relatives around town. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Stephenson of Belmont spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Burnett, Mark- dale and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blair of Sask., were callers on Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart last week. ^Jrs. Ed. Butler and daughter, Miss Rcta Butler of Peterboro are visiting with their cousin, Mrs. Emerson Bel- lamy. Mr. and Mr.s. Wes, Plantt^ind Mrs. \V. Simmons visited relatives in To- ronto the past week. Little Miss Ruth McKee of Toronto returned with Ihem for a month's holiday. Mr. Earl Alexander, Miss Opal WcbcT, of Kimberley, Miss Jean Alex- ander, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stod- dard of P'lesherton, Mrs. Jas. F. Causher of Hagorstown, Maryland, visited at Callander on Sunday. Mr. Wes. Baechler of Dundalk is re- liuving Manager R. B. Heard, who h^o commenced his annual holidays this week. Mr. and Mrs. Heard expect to leave this wwk on a trip through Quebec and into the United States to New York. Local and Personal SETS A NEW HIGHâ€" IN QUALITY AND VALUE! DRIVE IN • Let us put ••R-l'»" on YOUR CAR TODAY • QUICK SERVICE No matter what you pay . . . you cannot {;et ^eater value than you get in a Good- year tire . . . and the "R-1" retains all the sturdy, long-wearing features that have made Goodyear tires famous. The wide . . . heavy tread on the "R-1" gives greater mileage . . . and yet this tire costs you less than any standard tire! Come in and see it today ... the "R-1" saves you money! D. McTAVISH & SON, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Mr. Jas. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson and son, Harold, of Hamilton visited in town the first of the week, the former calling on many, of his old friends. We were sorry to ''^ *"" learn that Mrs. Thompson died last week and was buried in Hamilton on Saturday. Mr. Bert Broderick spent the week end at his parental home at Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cooke are spend- ing a few days in Toronto. Mr. Robt. Carrothers spenfc the week end at his parental home at London. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Henderson spent the first of the week in Ttoronto. Mr. Vernon Stewart spent a couple of days in Toronto this week. Mr. Thomas Brady of Lions Head visited his wife in town over the week end. Mrs. W A. Armstrong is spending a couple of months with her daughter, Mrs. Hyland in Toronto. Miss Bessie Stewart is spending some time with her uncle Mr. H. Stew- art at Stratford. Mr. L. Morgan and Mr. D. Lamb of the McMaster Quartette are the j^uests of Mrs. Wyatt. Mr. Fred Stuart and son. Bob, of iracebridge, were in town on Satur- day. Miss Aleda Mitchell of Toronto spent the week end at her parental home here. .Mrs. John Arnett of Sprucedale is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flesherton ladies did remarkably well in their Softball games this year and finished the season with a win over the Shelbume girls Monday evening, taking two in a row. While they finished in fourth place they played good ball and next year will do better, no doubt. The battery of Dorothy Welton and Dorothy Patton will come along with more practice, as they are only about fourteen years of age. We wish them better success next year. Durham finished in first place in the League race, Markdale in second, Dundalk third, Flesherton in fourth and Shelburne in last place. This is the month in which the June grooms begin to tumble to the fact of who is really boss in the house. ♦♦ ^^♦♦^♦♦^♦♦^^♦♦^♦♦^♦♦^^ THE STORE WITH SERVICE ?- â-  T t T ? ? t ? X T t T t ? T 5: F. T. Hill & Co., Limited j; CHAIN STORES MARKDALE, Ont Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton of To- ronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Stewart OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY JULY A Month of Sales SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE WITH LOTS OF STYLE, PRICED WAY BELOW THE MARKET. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS OP PORTUNITY IF YOU WANT TO SAVE A LOT OF MONEY. LADIES' VOILE DRESSES ea. Jn tlif latent sl\ Ics uikI coliirs. Very Special $L29 ^^ Ladies' Crepe and Sueden Crepe Dresses V Jn a iiood assortment of coilois with very V attractive desijfns. ♦ Si*«icial $2.44 ea. Ladies' Crepe Knit Dresses t t T T T ? T ? V ? T T t ? t t Farmers ! Buy your binder twine now and X t t ? ? T t t «2» save I'Or tlu- next two wt-eks yt)ii can buv I'.nj^li.'^h. Irish and Hcl}»-ium Binder Twine tile same kind as we sokl kast season which j^ave such excellent satis factittn. («ood a.ssortnu'nt of .^izes in white, yt^l- low, bhie, pink and red Special $Lff9 ea. ^^ Ladies, this is your opportunity to get a J^^ summer ooat at half price and less Coats ill wliite, tan, bhfe and hkick anJ whipte checks. Extra Special 95c ea. T An Extra Special for Friday and Saturday lonly. Ladies' house dresses in a very jjood as- sortment of styles and sizes. Extra Special 35c ea. or 3 for $1 LADIES' WHITE SHOES In straps, pumps, oxfords and sandals ♦§» with spike, hip^^h Cuban and cu!)an heeN. i» A Hill's Special , $1.69 and $2.19 ^ Ladies', just the dress you need for these t* warm summer days »> vSuntan back dresses in >i;-ood colors and 1 Irish .=^0 ft. at 8Mc lb. 'm ft. at 9Mc 11). aSO ft. at lOMc lb. English 550 ft. at 9j4c lb. (iOO ft. at 9.j4c lb. 650 ft. ?i lO^c lb. Note - These prices for next two weeks only ajs the wholesale price this seaso» is much hig'her. BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT HILL'S AND SAVE liLACK PEPPER per lb 19c A NEW CERK.VL - ALl, WMK.AT .... t T T t % T ? y X t 2 pkgs. with mixing bowl free for X 25c t SODA BISCUITS 2 lbs. for 25c ♦ T r MAC.\RONf 4 lbs. for 25c COCOA 2 lbs. for 23c *f ORANGE JUICK 1 gal. for 50c % ♦!♦ Values up to $1.95 for 95c ea. GRAPH OLA 1 gal. for 95c ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ Mrs. Han-y Quigg of Harriston vis- ited with her mother, Mrs. W P. Crossley. Mr. B. F. Rice and Mr. C. C. Knapp of the McMaster Quartette are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Williams. Miss Eva Lawrence of Toronto spent the past week with her sister. Mrs. J. A. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Colboume of Goderich called on Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson one day last week. Mr. Geo. Goldsborough of Niagara spent the week end with his family in town. Mr. Alex. .Aberdeen of Wiarton has taken employment on the staff of D. McTavish and Son, General Motors garage here. Mrs. Jas. F. Causher of Hagers- town, Maryland, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Alexander and fam- ily. Miss Jean Wolstencroft of Ohswe- keii and Mr. -Arthur Orr of Tbronto were the guests of" Mr. and Mrs. J. Brackenbury over the weak end. Look for it. â€" The large program bill featuring all days of Mount For- est Old Boys. You'll be lonesome if j you stay at home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor spent { several days last week visiting at Sprucedale. Frank had great luck fishing for speckled trout. Mr. Royden MacDonald of Rat Hapids, Northern Ontario, has reti*rn- ed to his home there. Mrs. Mac- Uonald is remaining for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. Marriott and fam- ily attended the Craven reunion at Owen Sound on Sunday. Shirley and Ruth Marriott remained to spend a week at Holland Centre. s Plenty of rain during the past week ensures good crops for this district. Farmers are in the midst of haying and wheat cutting will be commenced shortly. Miss D. Thurston returned home oi Monday after spending a week at Apsley on the shore of Loon Lake; she was quite thrilled by catching four salmon trout. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Russell and daughter, Shirley, of Weybum, Sask , visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Black- burn and Miss Tena Henderson last week. Mr. Bfnd Mrs. Wes. BenWiam and daughter, Jean, of Fredonia, N. Y., spent several days last week with the former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R, Bentham, and other relative.'"!. Messrs J. E. Milne, A. Down, W. G. MsBride and H. A. McCauley are re- presenting Pnnce Arthur Lodge No. ,333, A. F. & A. M., at Grand Lodge being held at Ottawa this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chard of Maid- stone, Sask., arrived by motor last week to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Alex. McMullen. They will also vis- it at Waubaushene, Toronto and Buf- falo. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan tuid Mr. and Mrs. David Adams and son, Jim, spent a few days the ftrst of the week at Buffalo. Misses Ena and Frances -Adams returned home with them after spending a couple of weeks at Buffalo. > Mf *« f «» H lli m il MM II MI IIIIII MMH I H I»j Quality Hard^varc Lawn and Garden Tools, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Grass Shears, Lawn Mowers, Sprayers, Hose, Paris Green, Now is a {ifood time to do that outside painting^. We have a full hne of Paint, Varnishes, Enamels, Etc. HOT WEATHER ELECTRIC TIME SAVERS, WASHERS. HOT FL.XTES, IRONS, TOASTERS. Snips, Pliers, Bits & Braces, Rules, Tapes, Etc. Building'' and Remodelling- Hardware, Nails, Roofing, Shinfj-les, Sidings, Cement, Lime and Plaster, ^ Glass and other materials. ; :; ' : WIRE FENCING, ROPE, SCREEN DOORS AND ; WINDOW SCREENS. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON ♦♦♦â-  i ' H '»- H '*' i"t"H"i"H"i"i"H"i">"H " i *'' H" > "> *' H"'"> '^ VVV'lfV'if V OTERS LIST, 1937, FLESHERTON Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section Seven of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up in my office at Flesherton on the lOth day of July 1937, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality, at Municipal Elec- tions and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all Voters' to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last for ap- peal being the first day of August, 1937. Dated this 12tli day of July 1937. _W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk NOTICE A Court to hear appeal from the decision of the Court of Revisitn for the Township of Artemesia will be held at the Town Hall, Flesherton, On Saturday, July 17, at Nine O'clock a.m., by his Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Grey. July 12, 1937. â€"W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk FOR SALE â€" Young pigs, also good feed oats. â€" Earl Best, phone 32 r 15 Flesherton. WANTED â€" Cattle for pasture on lots 171 and 172, water and good pasture also good fences. Cattl* only W. J. Caswell, Fleshlerton. FOR SALE â€" Quantity spruce and balsam lumber, tamarac plank, first class shingles; Grain chopper 13 inch plate.â€" Mrs. G. C. Gra- ham, Eugenia. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received up to Augf- ust fourteen for the property known as the old Presbyertian Church at Maxwell. The building is solid frame with brick veneer . The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ad- dress tenders to any of the followini^ trustees at Maxwell: Elijah Buckingr- ham, Charles Long or Angus Morrison, Trustees. Small Ads. FOR SALE â€" Field of mixed hay.â€" D Muir, Ceylon. Phone 49 r 21. FOR SALE â€" Flat bottom, 12-foot boat, seats five, good condition, sell cheap. â€" S. J. Stauffer, Flesherton. CHERRIES FOR SALE _ Ready now. â€" E. A. Graham, Clarksburg. FOR SALE â€" Young Pigs; registered Jei'sey Cow, milking, and Shorthorn grade cow O. Turner, Eugenia. DRESS LOST _ In the vicinitv of Feversham, good dress in small box. â€"Mrs. Wilbert Poole, Maxwell. HOG FOR SERVICET Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, OrchaH Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, will be k^W for service. Terms fl.OO.â€" We*. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months.â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to and including Monday, July 5, 1937, for digging of about 40 cubic yards of earth for basement of school S. S. No. 5, Osprey. For further partic- ulars apply to Frank Shortt, Eugen- ia, Ont. - , BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE - currants. â€" ton, Mrs. J. - Red, white and black Phone 21 r 3, Flesher- F. CoUinson, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Potatoes 85c bag; Oats 65c bu._ Phone 38 r 3, A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. WANTED â€" Groundhogs, absolutely fresh. Large lOc, small 5c J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. LOST â€" Either in Flesherton or on road between there and John Camp- bell's OH Saturday night, purse con- taining |6 Finder inform Mrs. Jack Graham, Eugenia. Reward. DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.39 Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. FOR SALE â€" Best quanty Pennsyl- vania Anthracite Coal, stov« or chestnut, $12.25 per ton. Free de- livery within three miles. Terms, Cash â€" Phone 88 r 3, A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. MACHINERY FOR SALE _ 1, 2I H. P. Robt. Bell Steam Tractor; 1, 22 H. P. Sawyer and Magsey Steam Vractor, high pressure; 1, 10-20 T. HC «Bs Tractor; 1, 10-30 Ford- son Gas Tractor; 1, 28-45 Mtjorest Separator, 2 years, complete Feed- er, Blower, Gram Elevator, Belts; 1, 38-48 Hamburg Separator. â€" For further particulars see SMITH BROS.. Durham. DR. A. E. LITTLE DEKTIST OFFICE â€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69. ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA AOCIDBNT & SICKNESS FIRR AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Honda Any Insuranee Problem Telephone, MARKDALE, Ont. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 838, A.F. A A. P., meete in the Fraternal Hall, 1 Fleshertoe, the second Tuesday in i>acii moath. W.M., Alfred Down; I Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. D. MacINTYRE, Agent FLESHERTON Ont. DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services reasonable. â€"Phone, Dundalk 2. DR. G. A. lEDGERWOOD, V. S. Night and Day Call Professional Serrice Fevershani, Phone 4 r 5, at residence of Ed. Nixon, Maxwell. â- i: 1

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