Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1937, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, August 4, 1937, ^m PR1C£VILLE The M.enioi"ia' sei'vice passed off on Sunday very successfully. The boys' band o£ Owen Sound provided excel- lent music, as well as leading in the hymns sung. Mr. John McQuaker, Owen Sound was again on invitation, acting as efficient chairman; Mr. Pickering, student minister of St. An- drew's Presbyterian church read the scripture; Rev. H. E. Wright of St. Columba Unite<l, led in prayer; Miss Macphail, M.P., and Mr. F. Oliver, M.P.P., gave two fine addresses, touching on the point of the danger to democracy if all or any of the other isms should succeed; Lt. Col. F. Pras- er Hunter, the guest speaker of the day, referi-ed facetiously to his early days in the town and spoke of his ex- periences in both earlier and later days, a fine adilres.s and attentively listened to. Hymns sung were "O Canada," "O God our help," "0 God of love, O King of peace," and "Lead kindly light." Wreaths were placed by Tommy Chase of Dundalk and Hec- tor McDonald, Gleneljj, both veterans of the war. Peace and war-time medals, especially those of Col. Hunt- er, D. S. O., were in evidence. The old veterans, Mr. John Weber and yours truly also displayed their long service medals proudly. Next Sunday, August 8th, sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper will be ob- served in St. Columba United at 11 a.in. A special rally is asked fur, of all interested in a Sunday night service for young people, at 7.30 p.m., Aug. 8. Kev. H. £, Wright was called to Kxeter on 'ihursday last to tbe fun- eral of the late Mrs. Wright's grand- mother, wno passed away at the age of iJa years. Owing to the backing out of the Durham band at the last minute for" our Memorial Service, after a lot of unsuccessful telephoning, recource was had to a trip to Owen Sound to secure the Owen Sound Boys' Band, Rrhich eventually proved satisfactory. WTiile there, we in company with Rev. H. E. Wright, whe treated us to our fiMt sight of the reaowned Harnson Park, which broaght to our mind the »olo of earlier days, "On the winding path by the brook side, tbeie we gath- ered sweet flowers, beautiful flowers, while the rippling waters were flow- ing and the sweet music oi birds floats on the air." In this case in the last Ime, the strident tones of the calliope is conmection with the merry-go-round, greeted oh» ears. It certainly is a kower of beauty, with primeval forest on one side, (tidied up of course), and •n tke c*her more modem aboriculture and korticultural work was pleasingly in evidenee. We were pleased to meet with Rev. Mr. C»urt an Saturday in tke capacity of bHl-stiaker, for his re-opening after redecorating of the church at Holstsin. Messrs. Joe Black, Don. Aldcom, MarMn McLetd, John McFarljme. Doueall McColl, we were pleased to meet from Toronto and doubtless many others escaped our notice. There were aver 60 cars visible. A settliajf up meetfng for the year, of all interested in the Memorial ser- vice will b« held on August 11th at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. ton to spend a couple of weeks at camp. Miss Jean McLean returned to To- ronto Monday after spending'the past week at her home. She spent two weeks at Fort Erie, Muskoka, and Fergus visiting friends. Mis. McNeil and family (nee Katie MijTaggart) of Toronto, are holiday- ing here. Mr. John Cooke of Callander is visiting his wife and family at Mr. Dave Nichols. -Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seigner, Walk- erton, entertained the members of the MacCuaig family to a picnic at their liome first of the week. Miss Marjory Brown spent last week with Miss Flroence Clark, Dro- more. .Miss Flora McFarlane am', drotner, lack, and Mr. Innis McLean, Toronto, spent the week end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson, Stuart and Bemice, visited on Sunday with friends at Swinton Park. Mr. Caleb Marshall, Toronto, spent the week end at Mr. H. R. McLean's. Mrs. T. Nichol spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. E. Bennett, Durham. Gerald, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker, dtrayed from his home late Sat- urday afternoon. He and his dog were back in the field with his father and hired man and suddenly disap- peared. The father thought he had gone to the house and when the men went into supper, no boy was to be seen anywhere, so a search party was soon on hand and a large crowd of people hunted aU> night in fields, bush and everywhere. Mr. Hector Mc"Eachem found him early Sunday morning with his dog in the bush and appeared none the worse of being out all night. It was a very cool damp night and Mr. and Mrs. "Tucker are very grateful to all who turned out and helped find their precious possession. MAXWELL BOftN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. George Morrison on July 30th, 1937, a daugh- ter. Mrs. John Humphrey of Weston is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Priestly Sr. and other friends here. Miss Belle Yearly of Toronto ia vis- iting relatives here. We are sorry to report Mrs. Walter .Seeley quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Melany of Toronto have spent the past week at the cot- tage in Heron's Hollow. EUGENIA FEVERSHAM Rev. Mr. Elliott is taking the com- mandments as the subject of his ser- mons. Next Sunday he will speak about the fifth commandment. Mr. Bill Fenwick and frieiid of Hanover visited recently at his par- ental home, 8th line. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson visited jver the week end with friends here. Little Miss Agnes, who has been hol- idaying here returned home with them, accompanied by her cou.sin. Miss .Margaret McMillan, who will holiday in the city. Mr. Geo. Williams and son Harold and Mr. and Mrs. Pool^ey of Toronto, visited over the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Williams and other friends. Mr. Ellwood Hall of Freeman vis- ited recently at the home of Mr. T. Fenwick, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Carruthers and children have i-eturned to their home in Sault Ste. Marie on Saturday, after spending the past week at the form- er's parental home. Mr. Norman Manchip and Miss Dor- is Williams are holidaying with the latter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. U)s. Williams. Miss Fei'n Magee and Miss Audrey ' tourist cabins. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦444*< M I'»»**»*«««*t« *»»♦ * *«»•*« t>> M !<♦>♦♦♦»> Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eby and daugh- ter, Marie, of Toronto have been vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby for a time. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bewell of To- ronto are holidaying with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bewell on the town line north of j here. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fadden of To- ronto have returned home after spend- ' ing a holiday at Mr. Eli Robinson's, j Mrs. Fadden's parental home. With regret I have read from time to time of the passing of some of Plesherjon's native sons and school ^ mates of mine, about the year 1876 and 7 when I lived in the above vil- lage and attended school in the win- ter months. School mates who have I passed on that I know of such as Rob. Trimble. Dave Wright Andy Sharp, Jack Davis, Thomas Clayton and Jack Richards, J. T. Clark and many others that I have not heard of for sometime. There was a larire room full in the i old school building at that time and I Monsieur Drimmie was the teacher. I The Robinson family had a trip I through the Bruce Pennisula and stop- ped at Tobermery in one of the ; ; Our new sole sewing machine guarantees you a first class neat and lasting job. Jamieson of Toronto are visiting at the former's parental home. Mr. John Fenwick of Toronto is visiting with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Haney of Pais- ley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Will- iams, also with Mr. and Mrs. T. Fen- wick. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs. Hollinger of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. Fred Jam- ieson. Mrs. Gillespie remained for a week's holidays. Mr. Rob. Wallace of Toronto was a visitor at the Fenwick home. Mr. Frank LeGard of Glenside, Sask., arrived last week with 18 fine horses and will hold a sale at the farm of his uncle, Mr. Thos. Fenwick, 8th line, in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar of Owen Sound visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fenwick on Sunday. Mr, Joseph Wright of Maxwell plowed and disced a thirteen acre field for Em Hawton here last week, having gone through the two oper- ations in thirteen hours. The field was sod and was very dry and hard. He used a MeCnrmick Deerine trnct- or and outfit and made record time. Mr. a«d Mrs. Kenneth Carson and babe. Mrs. Sam Carson and Mrs. Viek •f Toronto, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson and fam- ily. Miflseg .lean Hincks and Merle Buck- ingham left last Wednesday for Bol- ROCK MILLS LADJBS* AID The Ladies' Aid held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Earl Croft on Wednesday, July 21»t with seven members and ten visitors present. A social afternoon was spent. The meeting opened by singing "0h, Beu- lah Land." The 3rd chapter of Acts was read followed with prayer by Rev. Ashton and the roll call. Col- lection amounted to |2.10. After the business was discussed the meeting closed by singing, "Gui* me of Thou Great Jehovah. The next maeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Al- bert Blackburn on Augtst 18th. Lunch com.: Cake, Mrs. B. Field, Mrs. Wallace Fisher; Sandwiches, Mrs. John Boyce, Mrs. A. Blackburn. Without law there would be chaos and without enforofement there is no use having law. TWINE Irish Blue Bell Honest Twine, full yardage, ample j strength. The Twine that gives you full value and then some 600 ft. twin in 5s or 8s $9.25 cwt 1 I 650 ft. twin in 5$ or 8s $10.25 cwt. '.', WORN ROPES ARE DANGEROUS ; We have guaranteed Manila Rope, all standard sizes ! ', and the cost is not too great. GIVE THE LIVE STOCK A CHANCE Pearson's Fly Spray, one application repels insects for '. 12 to 24 hours. Pride $1.00 pek- gallon. ; Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. j FLESHERTON Toronto visited her mother, Mrs. M. McMullen over the week end. Miss Smith of Toronto spent a^ fortnight with her sister, Mrs. Will Campbell. Mr. Hedley Lehman of Toronto is holidaying with his grandfather, Mr. Jake Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto are visiting with the former's parents. We congrat- ulate their two winsome daughters, .Shirley and .June on receiving a priae for tap dan«ing at the amateur eon- cert Monday evening in Flesherton. Mr. Will Walker has had his res- idence bricked aecently amd it presents a fine appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar and Mr. Jos. LcGard of Tferonto visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Magee and family. Mr. Jake Lundy and sister of Niag- ara Falls are visitors at the Mun- shaw House. Mrs, W. 1,-arge tf Niagara is also a visitor with her father, Mr. P. Mun- shaw. Quite a number from here attended the Flesherton Old Boys' and Girls' reunion on Monday. Messrs, Jim and Eddie Hargrave of Toronto were visitors with the Park families over the week. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright and Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. .Armstrong of Long Branch spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee and Irva and the latter's son, An- drew, who is visiting here. Mr .and Mrs. Ed. Graham of Clarks- burg visited relatives in the village en Sunday and attended the church sGi-vice here. Mr. Westlake ot Toronto was a re- cent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee. (Intended for Last Week) On Monday night the well-wishers of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coulthard gathered at their home and gave them a serenade and on Wednesday and presented them with a beautiful set of dishes and a motor car rug, wish- mg them bwn voyage through life. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fadden of Toronto are visiting at the latter's parental home here. Miss M. E. Heron of Toronto is vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. Colquette -It present. Commandant James Poole and Mrs. Poole of Toronto are visiting with Shoe Repair i Satisfaction: at Low Cost:; Old Shoes made to look like new Bring them in and let us show you how it can be done. We stock Shoe Polishes, Black, Dark Brown and ; Middle Brown, "IT"' White Shoe Polish, will not rub off. Suede Shoe Brushes, Ladies' Black, Brown, Blue and White Silk Laces. O. W. Phillips & Son HARNESS AND SHOE REPAIRING ♦♦I K >♦ ♦ mil >♦♦♦♦»♦ » ♦< 1 1 n I » > n 1 1 1 > * >♦♦♦** > >♦» dale, were recent visitors with Mr. J, I. Graham and May. Mrs. ThuAlethwaite and son of Mr. J. I. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Graham visited recently with friends in Clarksburg. PROTON STATION Mr. Clayton Betts is erecting a sub- stantial new garage in which to house ^ , , u .1. »* T u T> 1 '.his two trucks. „ „ ^ . ., u. .il^^ ^""""^ ' • "^ " ' Berry picking is the order of th« Mrs. Hammond and daughters of |inear here. j^^^ '^.^^^^ Jp^^„ ^^ ^e an abund- ance of all small fruit this year. Mrs. Whiteoak is having the old hotel stable takan down and we un- derstand will have a gaiage to store cars erected in its place. Mr. J. W. Robinson has his sawmill going full steam ahead. He has a couple of large trucks trucking logs in the daytime and has been deli<vering orders at night, giving wrk to three men driving, two in the daytime and the other at night. Mrs. Thomas Forsythe and three children visited with Mrs. Forsythe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eby, here. Mr, Herb Eby and brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas Forsythe, were on a bus- iness trip to London last weak. Mrs. McKinnon, Mrs. Roberts and Miss McKinnon of Mclntyre were cal- lers here last Wednesday. Ml', and Mrs. Foi-g. Semers of To- ronto are vsiting with the former's brother and family and renewing ao- (^uaintances here. Their many friends were pleased to see them again. "^^ Mr, and Mrs. Don. Ferguson of Rochester visited with their cousin, Mrs. M. Nicholls, here last week. .Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Weldrick of Ravenna spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs, Chas, Weldrick. Visitors with Mrs. M. Nicholls on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. McGrath ' of Burlington, Mr. ami Mrs, OHfield | «f Dundalk and Mr, and Mrs. Glen ' Mm. Wilson and her daughter, Miss Muriel Wilso*, who have been holidaying at Mr. Consley's for the past two weeks, returned to Toronto on Saturday. Miss Edith Consley accompanied th«m heme for a visit in the qity. Miss Bertha Hemphill has taken a position in Dundalx. Mr. and Mrs, Nichols, .lack and Hek)n Nichols of St. Thomas, spent the holiday at Mr. R. G. .^cheson's. Mrs. Nichols remained for a tiime to visit friends. The Nichols ^mily are returning from a motor trip as far as tjuehe* city. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bates visited friends of Georgetown, bringing home with them their daughter, Marjorle, and leaving their son, Kenneth, for a holiday visit there. Mrs. Kirkwood and little daughter aid Miss Gertrude Lyons of Toronto, were visitors at the parental home here, - Mrs. Gibbs of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. McKaye, taking home with her. her little son. Edward, who has spent several weeks at Proton Stat- ion, Harold Waring oi Detroit is the iruest of -Allan McKaye. Mrs, Williamson, Toronto, and Mrs. Stevenson, Fairbanks, are guests of Mrs, Russell Irwin. ADVERTISING One step won't take you very fir. You've got to keep on walking; One word won't tell folks who yott are. You've got to keep on talking; One inch won't make you very tall. You've got to keep on growing; One little ad won't do it all. You've got to keep them goin^:. In Italy volcanic gasses are to be Kinsformed int« electrical energy. The West called to the previous gen- eration : the North is calling the yonth of today! AUCTION SALE 18 Horses on VANDELEUR MORE "f»WLERS." Period costumes are dresses all cov- ered with dots. Skakespeace livei at Windsor with his merry wives. He wrote trage- dies, comedies and errors. Tlie people of India are divided into casts and outcasts. Nonvay's Capital is called Chris- tianity, '^ Lipton is the Capital of Ceylon. Tennyson wrote a most beautiful poem called "In Memorandum." CRUISE TO CHRISTIAN ISLAND AND MIDLAND A one-day cruise to Christian Is- land and Midland has been arranged Montgomery of Dundalk. Service will be held in the Salvation ! Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and their vis- Mmy Hall on Sun., August 8 at 7.30. ^ itors spent Snndav in Owen Sound cond\icted by Comman<lant J. Poole and Mrs. Poole and .A.d.iutant and Mrs. ; â€" Willis Pedlar, ,^^^ ^j^ ^„,j ^.^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ "T«ny'' will be at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition to delight the young- sters. The oldsters, too, will he pn- tort;. ,!(';! hy :ho lu-i'o of th« movies, (Intended for Last week) ^^ho "has quit the silver screen for Mr. and .Mrs. Howai-d Graham, Mrs. th« circus, and will bring his own Clive Uolan and Mary, enjoyed a three-ring show and "Wild West" to cruise on the "Keewatin"' to Midland Toronto for the "Bx " recently. While there they V'isited j the Martyrs' Shrine. Miss Lawson, R,N., of Wodehouse, I ^^^^^'^â€" ^^â€" '"''^'^â€" â€" â„¢â€" "^ visited recently with .Mr, and Mrs. Dolan and Mr. and Mrs, Will. John- son. Miss Viola Faweett, R.N,, of Kini- berley spent a few da.vs with her sis- ter, Mrs. W, .1. F, Hutchinson. Misses Sylvia aixl Helen Stewart of Shrigley visited with Mr, and Mrs. H. I. Graham for a few days. Miss Marion Boland of Mimico is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Boland. Congratulation apre extended to Mr. .â- \lbert Buchanan of Toronto, who was married recently. Miss Minnie Graham of Listowel, who is spending the summer months F. E. LEGARD of Glenside, Sask. Will sell by public auction the Farm of Thos. Fenwick Lot 39. Con. 9. .Vrtemesia Known as Cameroti's side road. iMt milus east of Eugenia WED., AUCyST n, 1937 When the foilowing will be offered: "Chub", Grey Mare. 13 years, sup- posed to be in foal; ''Queen", Bay Mare. 12 years, supposed to b« in foal; "Bill", trey Gelding, 8 years^ ''Barney". Grey Gelding, 7 years; "Pete". Brown Gelding rising 4 years; "Babe". Arabian Mare, 8 ye«rs; "Sandy", Red Roan Gelding^ 4 years; "Jip"k Dark Bay Mare, 11 years; •Flora". Blask Mare, 7 years; "Min'% .Mare, 2 years; "Mike". Brown Gelding, 2 years; "Prince", Bay Gelding, 3 years; "Nell", Iron Grey Mare, 2 years; "Maud". Black Filly, 2 years; "Nigger"", Black Gelding, 2 years; "Baldy". Sorrel Gelding, 2 yeais; â- Major", Bay Gelding. 2 years. .â- Ml Work H«rses From 1250 to laOo lbs. I The above Colts are all bred from heavy stock. They are farm raised ; horses and all halter broken. These are a choice lot of horses jand Mr, Kaitting recommends them i highly. They can be inspected any fimp prior to the sale, Ttkero are no Broncos in this bunch of Horses. Sale to Commence at L.SO p.m.. TERMS: C.\SH Wm. KAirrTNG. Auctioneer by Owen Sound Sun-Times for Tues- I at her home in the Valley, has as day, August 10th, on the C, P. R. her guest, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Steamship "Keewatin". The cruise Knight and family of Toronto, also will take a new scenic route into j Miss Laidlaw of Hamilton. Miss Christian Tsl.iTid TTarhour, Return Lee of Listowel spent a few d.TVs with fare $2, Children $1. Tickets should her friejid. Miss Grnhnm also be scoured c.irly from the Sun-Times, \fi', and Mrs, Frank Blair of Sask, Owen Sound. Mr and Mrs, W, R, Burnett of M.nrk- I Specials KXEE LENGTH HOSE, reg. 79c '.... 69c KXEE LEXGTH R.WO:^ ! 39c .â- \XGELSKI\ SLIPS 59c ZIXC J.\R RINGS per doz 23c RUBBER RTXG^ So PRESERVING KETTLE •• 7dc SUMMER C.AXDY. per lb l-9c VARIETY STORE, Flesherton I

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