Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1937, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â-  -' I ' â-  Wednesday, August 18, 1937 PRICEVILLE Mias Helen McVicar, an old time favorite of this burg, paid a visit to old friends here, while on a visit from Toronto. She was accompanied by a chum, Miss Helen McGarry, also from the city. The United Church picnicers, who were kindly conveyed in Mr. Ray Mc- Lean's truck, found a suitable day at last, in which to hold the event, after a couple of weeping days that caused postponement. The water was some- what chilly but several braved the depths. Games and stunts of an amusing character were indulged in and a fine supper was served before leaving the sylvan beauties of Kee- land's Glen for home. Rev. Mr. McAuslan of Kimberley preached to a fine congregation Sun- day morning and again at 7.30 p.m. Rev. H. E. Wright preached at Epping and Kimberley for the day. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Charlie Braiden (Victoria McMillan) is making good progress towards re- covery. Best wishes from all go to her. -^ .T Hr. and Mrs. Chas. McDougall and son, Lyle, of Holstein visited her par- ents here on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McConkey were in Guelph over the week end. Their son, Ross, returned with them after a week's visit there with relatives. - VICTORIA CORNERS Misses Elizabeth and Cathtjrine Campbell returned on Friday to Mon- treal, after spending a month with their brother, Mr. Dan Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson (nee Mary Carson) and two sons, Donald and Kenneth, of Cornwall returned on Fri- day, after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Car- son, and other relatives. Mrs. Harry Pedlar and two sons, Dick and Harvey, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Knox and Garnet of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks visit- ing their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Peel and son, \\ ' Robert, of Drayton were visitors last •week at he homes of Messrs. Allie McLean and Wm. Mather. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hincks and Mr. and Mrs. George Hincks of Egremont spent Tuesday with the Hincks fafnilies. Miss Marjorie Brown of Bunessan spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Tucker and family. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in St. Andrews chmrch on Sunday, August 22nd, when Rev. Wm. Mackintosh of Ditidalk will oc- cupy the pulpit. Miss Merlie Buckingham of Max- well and Miss Marjorie Fiaser of To- ronto were the guests of Miss Jean Hincks on Friday and Saturday. Mr. John L. McKinnon of Saskatoon, who is on the staff of the Saskatoon Technical Collegiate, is visiting his brother, Mr. Archie McKinnon, South Line. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Paplow and son, Ed- win, and Mrs. Heantges of Buffalo visited at the home of Chas. Moore. Miss Beth Stinson visited a few days at Berkeley with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Atkinson. Oil Wednesday evening a number of friends and neighbors gathered at the nome of Chas Moore to spend a pleas- ant evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Arnold (nee Margaret Moore). The evening was spent in games and â- iancing and before lunch was served, the following address was read and presentation made: | Dear Walt and Margaret:- We, your friends, have gathered on this happy occasion to extend to you our congrat- ulations in view of your recent mar- riage. You, Margaret, have been brought up amongst us. Many of us are your former school mates, and though your work has taken you far from our neighborhood these last few years, we all took a kindly interest in vour successful progress as a nurse, and wer^ always glad to see you on your visits home. * ' - To you, Walt, who is a stranger to most of us, we wish to e.xpress our pleasure at this opportunity of becom- ing acquainted with you; and although Margaret and you will make your hom<f in a different country, we are «-lad that it is not so far away but that you both will be making frequent trips here, and we feel assured that the same mutual pleasure we have felt in the past will be felt in the future. As a token of our good wishes, we ask you to accept this cabinet of sil- ver and trust that, as you use the silverware, you will think of your old friends in this community, who sin- cerely wish for you both a long and prosperous maiTied life. Sgned on behalf of the community, Ernie Stinson Russel Linton John Talbot CENTRELINE ,The weather continues, very dry. We had some rain on Thursday, but not enough to go very deep. R«v. Elliott is still speaking on the Commandments every Sunday. He gave a fine address Sunday on the Sixth Commandment and next Sunday it will be on the Seventh. Mrs. Florence Lyons is very ill in Orangeville hospital. Her many friends here wish a speedy recovery. Mr. Thos. Black and family and .Mrs. Bailey of Orangeville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linton. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sheardown of Churchill and Miss Worden of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haney. Mr. Edwin Little of Clarksburg came home on Friday night a.id took Mr. Wm. Little and Stanley for a trip to Atwood on Saturday to visit the poultry farm of Dr. ElwooJ Roe. They were greatly impressed with the construction of the poultry house.=i and the general management of the farm in every way, also the farc-.ng coun- try from Mt. Forest to Atwo ){1. They report wonderful crops dow.T thfre. Mr. Jack Linton is spending a few weeks at Otterville. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie SempL- and two children and Miss Mable Fawcett of Duncan spent Sunday with Mrs Mar- araret Little and Mrs' McBroom. PROTON STATION We are sorry to report that Mrs. Sherson Sr. is ill at present. Miss Ruby Lyons and friend, Mrs. Moore, and her little daughter, who have been holidaying at the home of the former's lather, Mr. C. Lyons, have returned to Toronto. Miss Edith Consley, who has been visiting in Toronto, has returned home- Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McLean of To- ronto are visiting Proton Station friends. Messrs. Lome and Elmer Hemphill, Misses Lillian and Dorothy Hemphill of Toronto and Miss Mary Bridge of Palmerston were week end guests wi'h i their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Hemphill. Messrs. Clayton Betts, Wes Dever and Stanley are at Sundridge buying cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Mitchell, witn their son and wife of Moorsville. Ind., are visiting at the home of the for- mer's sister, Mrs. H. B. Jackson. Mr. Herschell Jackson is. at time of writing, in Markdale hospital having | his tonsils removed. " "*""" i Miss Leila Jackson, who has been ' nursing in Markdale hospital, is home ' at present. Mr. Jack Irish of Toronto visited his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. McKaye and children and Mr. and .Mrs. Xeil McCannell vis- I .ted the Midland .Shrink ri«centlv. I SAUGEEN JUNCTION Miss Helen Badgerow has returned to Toronto after an extended visit with her father, Mr. Bert Badgerow. -Miss Elva Batchelor of Owen Sound visited last week at the parental home. Mrs.' Dalton Corbett and children visited or>e day last week with her daughter, Mrs. Eldon Blackburn. Mrs. Ila Cooper and chikken, also Miss Elva Batchelor visited their (Last week's Items) Rain is badly needed around here, as for nearly a week showers have been going around us and all we get are a few sprinkles. The sincere sympathy of this com- munity is extended to Mrs. Harry Fisher, Mr. Neil Mclntyre and other relatives of Mrs. J. A. Thompson, who >»llll««»>> m itl»»»«»* t >I M >I MH >**»»***4 MH I M »< SUPERIOR STORES SPECIALS ARE CASH ONLY OXYDOL, large size FEVERS Ham Mr. and Mrs. George Ottewell and son, .Aloert, were visitors at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell, Flesherton, recently. Mrs. Lucy McDonald oi Brantford spent a couple of weeks visiting her passed away last Tuesday, after only ! sister, Mrs. Bert Hockley, and family a week's illness. It is doubly sad | "^^ 'â- ^e townline recently, coming so soon after .Mr. Thompson's I death in March last. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Gaudin of To- ronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little. Mr. Edwin Little spent the week â- nd at his home here. Mr. Ernie Little has gone to Wood- stock in the hope of securing work. Miss Hazel Osborne has r;.''urn?d home from Shrigley, where she spent the past month. 23c 43c 25c 23c 25c Real Good BLACK TEA, per lb Large SUPER SUDS & 3 bars ToUet Soap Premium SALMON, large size SODA BISCUITS, fresh 2 lbs. Dalton's French Dip COFFEE \ ground while you wait per lb 39c FOR PRESERVING Certo Zinc Rinp:^ Rubber Rin.gs Parowax Spices X'inegars, all fresh stock All Meats are Government Inspected C. J. KENNEDY Phone 37 We Deliver »*'>**>' H ' * »*' > - H"t">> ' H ' l .. ^ . i .l t .l ^ .. ^ â-  ^ â- â-  ^ â- â-  I â- â-  ^ . ^ â- . ^ .â-  ^ â- â-  ^ â- â-  ^ . i .. i ..|i.|i. | . t \ \ i i .. n .. » . > rORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brackenbury and Mrs. Fred Brackenbury of Flesherton spent Sunday with the latter's sister, i .Mrs. Jos. Barber, here. I Mr. and Mrs. D. Williams of Flesh- ' erton were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. i Turrence Williams. j -Miss M. E. Heron of Toronto has ' returned home after a visit with her '• sister, Mrs. Colquette. j Mr. J. J. Edgar, miller in the Osprey Farmers' mill hert, has gone to his home at Egansville. near Ottawa, for a visit. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barber of Flesh- Ship Your Livestock to DUNN & LEVACK LIMITED \ Canada's Leading Liveskxrk Salesmen ESTABLISHED isys UN'IO.X STOCK YARDS â€" TOROXTO ' I erton spent Suiday with the former's Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and child- I mother. .Mrs. Jos. Barber. i ren of Markdale spent Sunday at the | .Mr. M. -McDermid of Toronto, who Nichol spent a few days tost week with her daughter, Mrs. E Bennett, at Durham. Misses Ena, Rebecca and Gretta Nichol of London are holidaving with the >fichol families here Miss Beth Hincks returned home from London University on .Saturday. Miss Marjorie Meuser of Sound is visiting her Archie McCuaig. Mr. Harry Pedlar and Miss Sadie Carson Reg.N., of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Alex. Carson Mrs. Mepham of Hamilton is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. McMeekin. Gerdon and Harold Nchol were holi- sister. Owen Mrs. grandmother at Hillsbuig last week, i . • , Mr. John and Miss Maggie Dow i '''â- '"^*^. °* *f '"*• '^^ ^'^^''•''â- - Miss Doris 's visiting in this locality, was a caller were recent visitors at Mr. Sam Mc- ' ''^"i^"^'^'' *"o'' » holiday. I in the village on Mondaj-. He was .Vlurdo's, Swamn CoIIpo-o i -^^•â- =*- ^ "'^d Brown is in Toronto at ' Swamp College. day visitors last week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Mclntyre lit Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean and son, with Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith, spent the first of the wsek at Wasaga Beach and visited friends in Collingwood. Mrs. J. K. McLeod was hostess to the U.F.W.O. club on Wednesday afternoon, when there was a good at- tendance. Miss Agnes Maepkail, M. P.. was the guest speaker. Miss .Mildred Whittaker gave a splendid reading "It takes a girl to do it everj- time." A contest created much fun and the prize was won by Mrs. Neil Cameron, and Mrs. T- D. McLeod and Mildred Whittaker tied for second prize, which was divided between them. A bountiful lunch was served to all. The next meeting mill be held at the home of Mrs. Neil Cameron. Miss Betty Tucker is spending a week with relatives at Bunessan. remained for a holiday j ifc-s. Fred Brown is I present, having undergone an opera- I tion in a hospital there. Her mother, Mrs. M. Lever, aa'ompanied her. I Mrs. Jos. Doville of Rochester, N. v., is visiting her brother, Mr. Robert I Richardson, and family. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill was a week end visitor with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Russei Wilson of De- troit and Mr. Howard Wilson of Clarksburg were the guests of their sister. .Mrs. Harold Richardson, and family. We a»e glad to know that the sick on this line are all much improved. .Mr. and Mrs. John Radford and two daughters of Kirkland Lake and Mr. and Mrs. John Binkle and daughter, Helen, of Kitchener visited the Rich- ardson families last week. LADY BANK ♦•iii m iiiii» » »» fmi »»4,t» m ,,ii^^,,,,i,i^,^^,,^,^^^ I EVERYTHING FOR THE PICKLES JARS, JAR RINGS, JAR RUBBERS, SUGAR VINEGAR, SPICES Pries like the following: ; WHOLE MIXED PICKLING SPICE, lb 20c ; PURE BLACK PEPPER, lb 20c. : Woodscrof t Building Paper suitable for any brick or frame builling; may be used inside or outside. Reg. size rolls 400 square feet. Price for RoU 50c. Highest prices, cash or trade, for Eggs : Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. I : FLESHERTON tll HM Stll»»»«*»*<i»». H i». l i t * | »»<i»»»»»»»»»»»»»»*»**** » Mr. Basil McConnell of Kimberley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Seniple. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham and two children, Buth and Clifford, spent the week end with the former's sister, husband and family, Mr. and Mrs. Shrigley, at Barrie. They report crops looking good all the way, from Feversham to Barrie, via Sta.vner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMillan and little daughter, Marie and Mrs. Jessie McMillan of Singhampton, also Mr. Peter McMillan of Cornwall, spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple. Mr. McMillan is in his 82nd year and is in real good health. Mr. McMillan, formerly of Collingwood, was a sturdy blacksmith for over 50 vears. Voters' List, 1937 .MLMCIPALITY OF ARTEMESIA Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at my office in Flesherton on the 7th day of August, 1937, the list of aH persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. .\nd I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions eorrected ac- cording to law, the last day for ap- peals being the 28th day of -August, 1937. Dated August 11, 1037. â€" W. J. BELLAMIY, Clerk of Arkemasia. W. Myers, with his brother-in-law. Mr. >f Flesherton. Mrs. \. Smith of Mclntyre is visit- ing with her son. John, and family here. -Miss Florence Gakille spent the week end at her home near Heathcote VANDELEUR Master R. J. Cargoe, little son of .Mr, and .Mrs. Jim Cargoe, had the misfortune to have his kg broken one day last week. Much sympathy is leJt for the little fellow. Donald Johnston, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnston, has been very ill during the past week. He was first stricken with pneumonia, and later infantile paralysis developed. It appears, however, to have been caught in time and he is somewhat improved at time of writing. Mr, and Mrs. .Alex. Carson of Price- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlar and Miss Dorothy Carson of Toronto were i-eeent gueets of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warling. Miss Verda Cargoe is visiting in Flesherton with r»latives. ROCK MILLS Mi.ss Emily Whitmor* returned to her home in Durham on Saturday, ifter holidaying with her cousin*, Florence and Marjorie Newell. Mf. Ern Gledhill of Feversham was a recent visitor with friendi here. We are glad to report Mr. Frank Betts improving and able to be up a little each day. -Miss Ruth Wolstencroft of Osh- wekoii visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts. A number from here took in the Derr>- Day celebration at Shelburne on Thursday. The grain is nearly all cut and in stook in this vicinity. Mrs. Lewis Pedlar has returned home, after being employed the past few weeks nursing a patient near Markdale. Misses Edith and Mabel Betts visit- ed recently with friends at Stayner and Collingwood and also spent a day at Wasaga Beach. Mr. Boh Clark is employed with Mr. E. Seeley at Mavwell at present. Live Stock Report The cattle markt?* opened slow on Monday, and prices were generally iower on all classes. Western ship- in«nts again composed the major part of the run, and the quality of these offerings were only of medium class, ind slow of sale. Stockers and feed- ir» were in limited demand. The jompletion *f the present agreement i,)etween Canada and United States, i permitting Canadian cattle to enter ; :ir $'j.5() to $10; fair to good fS to |9; common to medium $5.50 to %1. The hog market was lower, owing to heavy supplies and lower reports from .\merican markets. Monday's market closed weak at $11 for truck deliveries. E.VST BACK LINE .Mr. and Mrs. Dick Phillips and daughter of L^etroit were week end callers with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark. Mr. Laurie and Miss .A.lice Thomp- that coantry under lower prices, be- i *"" visited Sunday at their parental cause of the immediate increase in the | ""^""^ here, rate. Unless American markets ad- vance their prices, it is unlikely that any recovery will be made on the local market. Some hope is expressed that the agreement would be extended, but nothing definite can be promised in this rsspect at present. Choice heavy steers conHinued in iTood demand at from |y to $9.50. but jther grades wer^ lower, ranging from $6.50 to $8.50 according to (jual- ity. W\ butcher cattle were quarter to a half lower, choice from $6.75 to $7; fair to good $5.75 to $6.50; com- mon to medium $4 to $5.25. Baby beeves featured the cattle market, celling at a top of 11 cents, with the bulk of the sales of good to choice from $9 to $10.50 Selected stockers sold at $4.7.") to $5.25. and feeders of heavier weights $5.75 to $<5; other stockers of medium to good quality sold at $4 to $4.50; •ommon to medium $.1 to $;?.75. Choice fat cows ranged from $4.75 to $5; common to mediun* $;? to %%M: cannei-s and cutters $2.25 t» $2.7.5. Choice bulls $4 to $4.50, bolognas $3 to $,'?.50. Choice lambs sold at $9 and bucks .â- Â«t $8. Best light sheep $3 to $4. Choice calves were in strong demand .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holley, Dean and Delbert of Holland Centre were Sim- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ktl. Loucks. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Russel and son, Earle. of Rock Mills visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell. »EAD THE "SMALL AD\TS". NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE M.-lfrrER of the Estate of THO.MAS CLAYTON, late of the Village of Flesherton in the County of Grey, Retired Merchant, de- ceased. .â- Vll those having claims against the above namfd deceased must send full particulars therof to the und'Orsigned solicitor for the executors before the Third day, of Septemb«r. 1937. After that date the estate will be dtstribut- ed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to claim.<« of which notice shall at that time have been received. â€" C. C MIDDLEBRO' Solicitor for the Executors City Hall, Owan Sound 'Tour father didn't tell fibs when he was your ago, John." "When did he start, Mummie?" Apartment owner (a stout gentle- man) â€" "This, sir. is one of the finest kitchenette apartments in towm." Prospective tenant. â€" "Well, come out a minute and let mo inside.'" Specials K.\EE LENGTH HOSE. reg. 79c 69c KNEE LENGTH R.WON 39c ANGELSKIN SLIPS 59c ZINC JAR RINGS per doz. 23c RUBBER RINGS 5« PRESERVING KETTLE •. 79c J^UMMERC.\NDY. perlb. 19c VARIETY STORE, Flesherton

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