Flesherton Advance, 1 Sep 1937, p. 6

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Wdnesflay, Scptcnil)or 1, 1037 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE eff'^^y ^^OJJS'* YEARS TO PAY under the HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN /^^'^s G«t the finest roofing money can buy on eaMy payments, iipread over three yettra.Titel^P and Hib Roll roofings are durable, handHome in appearance, fireproof: even lightning proof il erected according to the lightning Rnd Act. Buy (rooa a company that haa servtMi you honestb' for years - wHoim proaucts set »h« pace â€" Eastern Stef! Products Limited TITE-LAP and RIB- ROLL ROOFING Both Tite-Laj) and Rib- Roll are eaHily put on over your old roof. They save you money by cut- ting upkeep costs, pro- teiting your crops and livestock. He sure to get thi- genuin.; E.S.P. pro- duct Send rid^ and rafter mL-atiurvnieDts for free coHt estimate. ^loJiatth mil A drive-screw nail, davelop- mant of the Presto* bed- Hed Nail. Takes ten times ai muoh force to draw it ottt of a sheathing board as a stan- dard barbed roo6DK naiL JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT Write for Ut*?rHturo on th# famoub Jamesway Poultry Rquipment. Complete line of inoibatore, brooder atovea, poultry bouse e<juipmont of all kinds. Specialists in ventilation and housing for Â¥h« Preston Fertilator attached te your seed drill enablea you to sow fertilizer with your fall wheat. Edstem Steel Products 705 OutloH Se«tl PtfESIOH, CfUARIO Jlillifi'tt Factorit) (iM a< ' ' MONTREAL and TORONTO EUGENIA Neither Church or Sunday school service:) were held on Sunday, owing to infantile paralysis in nearby com- muiiitie.s. We extend our sympathy to tho.se ill with tjie (h^caded disease and we sinceri'ly hope that then will be no more cases, Mr. Wesley Jatnieson spent the past •week in Toronto. Miss Madi'liiu- Lascelles of Toronto spent the past week with the Janiivson family, rcturnintr home Sunday with her patents who spent ihf wuel< end hel-e. Miss Muriel Carruthers i.-> visiting k«r .-ijslfr, Mrii. ('has. Fark. Mr. Harry .Maiidur and Mi'. Dan Fawci«»t of Taionto spe»t the weak end with Mr. ;ind Mrs. .las. Fawcett. Tliv former's wif«. and children, who have been visiting here, reliirneil hump wi'*i hitii. Mra. S. ?prunt of Toronto w- visil- i«t' with h<r fi ifn«l, Mrs. .JcMseph Mr. and .Mrs. Kdwin Purvis and Je\cr of Toronto ••pent tlic week wild at the homf of Mr. and Mvs. Robi>rt Purvis. Mi>» .>iirie rutiirne<l h'linc vrilJi them. Hiss Maitrnrul .M^.Millnn lias ictuiii- «m1 hnrnc fri«ii Toinnto nflur- !«|)<'ii(liri>; a inoiitli wUh Iflii . j'.iiil .Mrs. \ R. .Iiihii-on .'inJ .AiriK's at a suHimi-r liunii. in llic north. Mr. ^Hld Mis K'^m K ijiiiiii-i liy, Mai - >.'iiiTt ;if..i V..m<. :il-c, .Mr. ;ind .Mi . Plilil at). I d;iUL'li'<'r. H'llv. <if W'ati*-- town. .N' v., and Mr. arul Mr«. .Albert Sliiaii of Cbaihain w.'ii' visitur* tho pa^l u<<k .at lb.' Sliiali hoiHi' Ml. Will .Mac.Me.-r of llatumond, Inili.niia. who is visiliiit.'' with Mr. Gi-o. Mitchell at I'"lcsh«'r1oii. caDi'd on tbr former's friend of foriiirr days, Mr. T{i('haid Park, who was very pleased to sec him. Ricc^it vi.iit(irs uilh Mr and Mr- Jas. Dttiwell were: Mr<^. .Mex. Koslei of Fevershani and fi-ionrl. Mrs. ,Ias. McDoiiL'aH "f .Mlon, Mr. and .Mrs Thoi. Parker and sons and irraiid- OHiicbier. Miss Annie Flynii, also Mr. Bert Maw »f Swim on Park and Mr. and Mrs. Will Fadden and family of Feversham. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKerhnie and children nf Priceville, Mr. and Mrs Itadditi of f'ldlinirwood tmd Mrs. Goldsmith of SinBhampton were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Famicson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walton an<l Mr. and Mrs. Meriilt of Saiilt Ste. .Marie were calliMS at the homes of Mr. .\. Carnithers. Mr. H, Walton and Mr. C. Park. Mr. .rack .liinileson nf .Mexandria anil .lack I.ancelles of Toronto are spendintr the week a* the .laniieson hoinf. Mr. .-Xndy AnnsfronK retiiriM'd to his home at F-onp Rranch. the past two weeks with relatives here, returned home with him. Our villaffe had a visitor last week in the person of Mr. W. G. Little of Toronto, who was renewing his early recollection.s orf this district. Mr. Little attended school here and has only been back in our locality once or twice in nearly 70 years. When iht? Little family leh to ko to Owen Sound, Mr, Little's grandfather oper- ated a saw mill which was after- wards operated by Mr. Frank Carr. Thr family has planned to hold a re- union in the Euirenia Park this fall, and We hope *he pfein* will come into eflfect and that they will have a very enjoyable time in their "old home town," Mis.s BJanche Williams is holiday- ing with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Short, 10th line. Mrs. F.ssland of Rob Roy is spend- ing a week with her daughter, Mrs. B. Short. We are very sorry to hear that Mr. Elwood Partridge of Hock Mills was accidentally injured while working with the logs at Rock Mills. We wish him a si)eedy recovery. Mis.s Elsie Solomon of Meaford is visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. E Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. Kahl and family, also Miss Kelsey of Clifford were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Sloan and Miss Donalda. Recent visitors with the Park fam- ilies were:- Mr. Lome Goodfellow and brother of Nobleton, Mr. Homer Tuck t>f Toronto, J. C. McLachlan of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLachland, Johnnie and Marie of Priceville, Mr. and Mrs. Blair of Niagara and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Howp of Toronto, Mi.i^s Betty Proctor of Toronto is visiting this week with her cousins, Jean and Arthur Proctor, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Cook and daugh- ter. Belle, of Mount Albert visited at the Sloan home. Mr. Frank LeGard has returned to his home in Glenside, Rask. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mander and little sons of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett. Mrs. Mander and children remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Ephriam Doupe and grandson, Edgar, of Saugeen Jct.„ Mis»3 Dorie Duckett of Ceylon and Mr. and Mrs. McArthur and datiphfer of Ravenna were recent visitors with Mr. Joseph Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams and Joey, Mrs. Robt. Haney and daugh- ter. Mrs. Chas. Doupe, visited with friends in Paisley on Sunday. Mr. Chas. Park is working with the lI.E.P.C. near London. EAST MOUNTAIN (Intended for Last Week) The cutting of the harvest is almost finished, but it seems a problem to get it dry and in the barns, Mr. and Mrs. T. McCuUoch and family of Union were recent visitors with the latter's father, Mr. T. Allen. Masters Teddy and Allen McCuUoch returned home with them after spend- ing a couple of weeks with their grandfather. Mr. and Mrs, Dave Genoe and Miss During the last ten years, Maclean's Magazine says, the population of Can- ada increased by eighteen per cent, but the cost of government increased by fartjr-ftve p«r cent in the same time. TO ALL STATIO.NS IN WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS Going: SEPT. 18 to OCT. 2 Return Limit - 46 DAYS Dorothy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKechnie at Priceville, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Welsh of the U.S,A. are visiting relatives here. Mr. flarold Johnson spent the week end at his home in Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Thompson and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T, Ferguson at Kimberley. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen were: Mr. and Mrs. A. p^awcett and Vernon of Kimberley and Miss Ruth Wolstencroft of Ohs- weken. Mrs. Merle Weber and daughter, Shirley, Misses Ora and Alma Wick- ens of Kimberley were recent visitors with Miss Dorothy Genoe. Regrets Cancellation Hanover, Aug. 27, 1937 Dear Boys and Girls:- In common with you I regret very much that it has been found necessary to cancel the excursion to Toronto and to the Exhibition, especially as we have all spent so much time in preparing for the event. It seemed, however, th« best thing to do, and I think you will agree with that that it is better to abandon the whole enterprise rather than to have any one of you contact this dangerous disease. Very kind regards, â€"GEO. E. PENTLAND ApproxSnately ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches only Sleeping Car Privilege* Passage Tickets also on sale, good in> (a). .tourist sleeping caw at approxim< ...ately V/\c per mile, plus regular berth fare, (b).. parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately I'/jC par mile plus regubir seat or berth fare. ROUTES â€" Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., Chicago, 111,, or Sault Ste, Marit, returning via same route and line only. Generous optional routings. STOPOVERSâ€" within limit of ticket, both going and returning â€" at Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., and w«st; also at Chicago, 111., Sault Ste Marie, Mich., and west in accord- ance with tariffs of U. S. lines. Full particulars from aiiy agent Canadian Pacific »»♦♦« I i »»» * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ < 1 1 1 t t*» * * « t m il*; Quality HardM^are I Lawn and Garden Tools, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, < Grass Shears, Lawn Mowers, Sprayers, Hose, Paris Green. Now is a g-Qod time to do that outside painting. We have a full line of Paint, Varnishes, Enamels, Etc. ; ; ;:hot weather ELEcrRic time savers. : WASHERS, HOT PLATES, IRONS, TOASTERS. Snips, Pliers, Bits & Braces, Rules, Tapes, Etc ; ; Building and Remodelling- Hardware, Nails, Roofing-, Shingles, Sidings, Cement, Lime and Plaster, Glass and other materials. : WIRE FENCING, ROPE, SCREEN DOORS AND ; ; WINDOW SCREENS. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON Ontario's Man ot ction --carry f m,^ WMIiBUtRNJliRlMIER (Intended for Last Week) Mtis. Ii<!Roy luul daughter. Miss Batty, of .N'otlHwa spont a few days with tfiu formtir's brother, Mr. Thus. Mctfer, nmd wife. Mr. and Mrn. (''has. Hanlev aiul family visited with .Mr. aivd Mrs. Thns. â- Stewart and faniiiy, Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Carruthers of Toronto spent a few days with Mr and Mrs. Alex. Cariuthrts aixl Miss Muriel, and also Mrs. ('has. Park. Mr. and Mrn. Phil Johnson of Ciiilt «ppnt the past week witii Mr. and Mrs. Wilfre<l Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Mannie Mass of Brnnt- ford visited the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pinkerton, and their little daughter. Jeanette, who has been hol- idaying with her grandnarents. Mr. Hiui Mrn. Russell Linton and Paggy of Victoria Corners vi^ited on Sunday ;it the home of Mr. Rcrt Mn- gee. Mrss Lillian Magee. who spent B few days with the Lint«)ii family, returned to her home with thi-m. Mr a»wl Mrs. H. Daniel" and littl? daughter.". Norma and F'leanor. of Wcstnn vi.sited with Mr. and Mrs. A. rnrriitheis and familv. Mr and Mrs. Thn. Vi'ltr-h of rifliksbiif? "Pent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Mr. .Alnn Camevon of Toronto "oolit Sunf'nv with ]\tr. nnd Mi-«. Rerl Mngee Ml.- Camepon, who spent !V?J7^:v OVA'i MAN ONTARIO speaks for the great mass of our citizeiLs when he says, "Thank you, Mitch". Only too well he remembers the sorry plight into which bad government hud brought this great province three years ago. Spendthrift politicians were dragging us deeper and deeper into debt. Their millionaire friends were being allowed to fleece the public treasury. Every department of the public services was honeycombed with an army of hangers-on. 1 1 was then the people turned to Hepburn in the hope he could and would carry out the promises he made. Perhaps skeptics may have attributed .some of his promises to youthful enthusiasm â€" but Hepburn kept his word â€" he's Ontario's Man of Action. Today Honourable Mitchell F. Hepburn submits the most successful record any Oatario Prime Minister ever presented before the bar of public opinion. Hepburn Earns the Gratitude of the Electorate HF has earned the thanks of practically every man, woman and child in the province. Wealthy beneficiaries of estates which had been allowed to mulct the province to the tune of 22 million dollars will not thank him for recovering that huge sum â€" but nearly everybody else will. Timber profiteers rue the day on which Hepburn came to Queen's Park â€" but the people of the North rejoice when they see large new industries springing up and old ones reviving. They join Old Man Ontario in his enthusiasm for the ending of unemployment in the timber area and for turning George Henry's deficits into surpluses. "Big Business" may not be singing Hepburn's praises â€" but the cornnion people appreciate the fact that he saved them millions in interest rates. Hepburn Saves Hydro IF the Qiiebec power barons had a vote in Ontario, it would certainly not go to Hepburn â€" but Ontario knows that the Ciovernmtni's FHdro policy not only saved this great enterprise from luin, but tliai it has already saved over four million dollars to Hydro users, and the fiew contracts will eventually effect total savings to the province of over six million dollars a year. Profiteers from the liquor toll gate that Hepburn promised to abolish will not be on his side â€" but the people approve his prohibition of the sale of liquor in restaurants which the Henry Government would have permitted. He-pburn Proves to be The Tax- Payer's Friend THAT "Thank you, Mitch" covers a wide range of public services, all administered with an efficiency and economy hitherto unknown. It says: "Thanks" for the lessening of municipal burdens â€" that mill on the tax rate, the increase in tov/nship road subsidies, the assump- tion and increase of Mothers' Allowances and the assumption of Old Age Pensions. "Thanks" for the abolition of the amusement tax. "Thanks" for preventing the exploitation of labour by riotous aliens. "Thanks" for the advanced labour legislation, such as â€" industrial standard codes, extending minimum wage laws to men, and setting up a tribunal to ensure a square deal to em- ployees and employers. This new Industry and Labour Board has already justified its creation by effecting settlements in several disputes of long standing. "Thanks" for the modernizing and extension of our high- ways, and for promoting tourist trade on a greater scale than ever before. "Thanks" for the improvement in the preventive measures for the health of the people, and for the better care of the sick â€" physical and mental. ""Thanks" for the progress of education in Ontario, and for assuming the costs of examination fees. "Thanks" for the advancement of every Department within the jurisdiction of a Pro- vincial Governmeat. Symbol of a grateful people. Old Man Ontario speaks for the great mass of our citizens when he says, "Carry On, Hepburn". Those Who Are Entitled To Vote Every British subject, 2 1 years of age, and resident in t)ntario since October 6, 19.^6, is entitled to vote at the forthcoming elec- tion â€" but the name must be on the voters' list. A vote for the Liberal cindidatc on October 6ih is the practical way the Ont.irio elector can join in the mandate. "CARR>' ON. HlPin KN". <^NTARIO LIBERAL ASSOCIATION

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