Flesherton Advance, 13 Oct 1937, p. 8

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W'cdiifsday, Oclubcr 13. V)i7 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ \\ > \ Pricevilie Store News BLANKETS AND YARNS Xnu i> ilic linn- to Iniy yinir W Onlli-ii and l'"laniK'l - ette Jilaiikc'ts. \\\- have beautirs at attractive ])rici'S. A tiill sfk'Ctii)ii of Colors in Monarcli l)o\c- Knitt- injT Yarns, v^^cotcli l*"iiiticrin}^ aniL Wheeling Yarns. Let us supply you. PRICEVILLE Men's Black Rubber Boots Si.l'J Special Men's 6 Eyelet Black Rubbers Special SI. 70 Boys' 5 Eyelet Black Rubbers Special $1.59 All Kinds of Over Rubbers and Overshoes Chinaware and Crockery Xcver have we had such a splendid assortment of ^\i{ ciiina, ^"lassware an«i hdiHcliold dislies. Come ill and see our lovely dis ])lay. Fred G. Karstedt Pricevilie ♦♦♦»< « < ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ^ ♦♦♦ ^^♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ • ^ â- â™¦â™¦â™¦ ♦♦ ^t Fall Days Arc Here Again . . AND YOU WILL NEED- STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, DAMPERS, STOVE BOARDS, RANGES and HEATERS * HUNTING NEEDS SiuR-Ic and I )nuhle P.arrel Shot Ciuns. W'inclieter, Sav- ; ag^e and Iveniinj^ton 12. calibre Killes; also Brownint;' ; slide-action 22 Rifles. Shot Cun Shells and 22 .Aniniunition ; Roof Coating, Roofing, Building Paper, Cement, Axes, Saws, Hammers, Auger Bits. Flashlights & Batteries Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON \ The recent I'lcction was quito sat- isfactory to us, to Mr. OliviT, M.L.A., I trust, and to thi' great majority. We could have got nloni? better per- haps with n lessened majority in th'. Province, l)ut, you can trust Hepl)urn anyway. The people .-ioeni to think so. Well done Hanover and Rj^re- niont the old banner town.ship.s. Vi.sitor.s over thanksfrivinK weif Miss Anna M<:Lean of town, Miss Jean Mc Arthur of the Glen both from a busine.ss collejre in Toronto an(i in the pink of health and lovolines.t. .Miss Kslher Mclnnis was also a lovclv visitor at hei' parental home. Mr. and Mis. Malcolm Mclnnis, Mr. and Mrs. Allie Mclnnf-. iirini'ipa' fif a school in manual traininfr, now. ill 'i'oronto, were welcome visitors tu're. On the 17tli, next Sunday, at St. f'liluinba church the Rev. H. E. Wright will speak upon the introduc- tion of relision into Scothiiid. by pal run Saint Columba, and on the Pun day following the Rev. W. P. Newman, Elmwood, will occupy Ih. lulpit of St. Columba. A fine job has been made of the re- taining wall of the chuich by Mr. Thos. Harrison .Jr. The l)oe on Fri- lay tidyintr up, makes thinffs look I 'circum.speck" and bright. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Parker !••â- â€¢' daughter and Miss McKinnon, both ladies are sisters of Mrs. Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Shackleton and baby were visitors on Saturday at the Mis- ses .lames. FORUNNER OF WINTER rORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson and family spent Sunday at W. Wil- .son's, Barrhead. Mr'. Kufus Wickens of Kimberley is visiting with .\Ii-. and Mrs. Emerson Wicken.s. Mr. Frank Cairns spent the week end with his friend, Mr. Harold Lever. Mr. and Mrs. W. .Jackson and son, Thomas, of New Toronto were holi- day visitors with Mrs. Jackson's uncle, Mr. Rolit. Richardson and family. Miss Valeria Stafford of Owen Sound si)ent the week end in this vic- inity. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill spent the holiday at her parental home. No man is so ignorant that he doesn't know what he would do it he were in your place. y THE STORE t WITH SERVICE F. T. Hill & Co., Limited |: ^'♦♦♦♦♦â-  H- l -H-H-H-H -t- V - l-H - CHAIN STORES MARKDALE, Ont. 01 R BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY t LA A A ifc iti A A y TV T V V IT W f T OCTOBER SALE Bargains for Every Alert Shopper v> t ? ? t J J J ? T I WOMEN'S & MISSES' COATS Small Xew W inler L'oals, .s.ilin lined and iiiterlinetl to the waist in t\veed> .'ind plain cloths. \ ahie> yoii will |)ay as hi^h as .^22. ^0 for. Your Choice at $15.95 LADIES' DRESSES In Silk Crei)t-, in plain and lancv cidors. Sizes 14 to 42 in the loi. \ ahies np to $4.95. Clearing at . . $2.45 per garment LADIES' FELT HATS .All tile new .seasons style's in lelts and Jt^ vtdvets. ^t^ Specially Priced from $L69 to $3.9') ♦!♦ CHILDREN'S BOTANY WOOL HOSE ♦i* at 25c Ji^ Nearly all shades in thi.s line. Sizc<< Jt^ 4/^ to 7'/,. UcRtilar value .^5c and yk. J>^ Special per pr 25c 4 WOMEN'S WINTER WEIGHT ♦ HOSE V ♦♦♦ 25 do/.cti fine (|iiahty hose in all the .,♦♦ ^ood shades in Wool and Cotton Mix- A tiires. Extra Value at 25c pr, t CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR ♦*♦ A ^^oix] assorttiUMit of Vests and Driiw- ♦> ers for f^irls. Sizes 24 to 32. ♦*♦ Excellent value at 39c a garment Y MEN'S & BOYS' PULLOVERS ♦> A larj:rc ran.i,^' from which to choose in «♦ both \vo(d and woid and cotton niixtnre. ♦f* Specially priced from $1.25 to $4.95 MEN'S HEAVY FALL AND WINTER WORK SHIRTS In l)iu'>kin, also plaids, extr.'i luuuy cloths. [\eal v.'due.s in this >>houin.i;. Prict?d from 95c to $L25 MEN'S PURE WOOL UNDERWEAR 20 do/. Dodd's Knit I'ure Wool Under wear. Sizes 3(i to 44 in shirts and ,V^ to 42 in drawcr.s. A real buy at $1.29 per garment MEN'S FLEECE LINED UNDER- WEAR llcasv wei,L;hl, mottled finish. Special per f?amtent 75c GROCERY SPECIALS HILL'S TCP VALUES IN FOOD \'( ). 4 IM-:.\S 2 tins for 19c CWNl/.I) WIIITJ-: CORN 2 for 19c CANNIU) 'rOMA'r(:)KS2/. size 2 at 19c HULK CnCO.\ 2 lbs. for 25c P.LACK COOKINCi I'lGS 3 lb». for 25c WHEAT FLAKES 5 lb. pkg. for ... 25c cRossr: & I5UACKW I':m;s canni'-d SOUPS 4 tins for 25c TOMATO jriCl- 20 ..z. size 2 for .... 19c PKARK NAPTIIA S< )AP 5 for 19c PORK i^C- lU'.AXS 2 big tins for ... • 19c Jl-AVKL SlIORTl-.XIN'C 1 lb. block 13c JFAVEL SUORTKNINC. 4 lb. block 50c PRIMl- ROAST HKF.l', no. bones. 17c tb t r T t: T t t t ? T t t ? t ? ? T T t ? ? ? T ? ? ? t ? T ? t ? ? ♦ t t T t t Ur. and Mr.s. Leslie Kei-ris of To- ronto holidayed in town. Mr. Stewart McTavish of Oshawu spent the week end with his parents here. Ivlr. and Mrs. Bill Patton of Toronto spent the week end at their parental iionies. Mrs. Blackhurn is visitinK this week with her sisters in Toronto and t)c tro-it. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Smith of To- ronto holidayed With llie formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mr. Geo. Jamieson of Timmins spent a few days recently with his mother, .Mr.s. M. .lamieson. Mrs. G. E- Henry visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fewster al Gran- ion last week. MiKs Audrey McCracken of fo- ronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston and Dell spent the week end and Thank«- KivinjiC pay with Mr. and Mrs. N. U. Uurrant, near Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crossley and two children of Toronto spent Thanks- i^iving at their parental homes in town. Mrs. liu.s.sell Park arrived home on Saturday much improved from hei recent operation in Owen Sound ho.s- pital. Misses Kate Macmillan. Laura Boyd and Dell Thurston have taken up their duties in their respectivi- schools in Toronto. Mr. John McClean of Watrous. Sask., arrived on Saturday to visit his son, Mr. Chas. McClean of town. He was accompanied hy his daughter. Mrs. Jas. Brown. Mis.s Georjfina McDonald, dau^htei- of Mr. and Mrs. John .McDonahi, un- derwent a very serious o|)eralion in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, and at present is proKressinn favorably. Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Stewart, Miss Irene Stewart, Toronto an<l Mr. Jack- son Stewart of Markdale spent Thanks^'iving at the home of Mr. an,i Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. Burton K. Field and son, Bruce. Mr. Jas. Field, Mr. Eu>rene, Field, Mrs. J. Field and Mi.ss .â- Mb^'rta LaRu-.. of Toronto were the Kue.sts of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Field over the week end .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ccmiani of W,l! and, with their little daujrhtcr, Mary, and Mrs. Harvey Brown of Winoiia are spendinp some da.vs visit irii: th. Taylor funili.'s and other iViend.s in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fnkster am! Kenneth of War.'haiM. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, Mr. Murray Iiikster, Mr. J. P. Arnott and Mr. Art Tutton of I^Mronto were holiday truest* of .Mr. I .'od Mi« VVni. Inkstor. j Mr. tiohert Myrick of Tillsonburtf j was a callei- at the advance office on- <lHy last week. He wa« acconrv-nii.l j hy Mrs. .]. P. Stephens of Gr -at FnM^ Montana, formerly Miss .Airr-->< I t. '> I dan.i'ht"!- ..f tiie hi :â-  Thorn •.• • •â-  [••'â-  F!e>--h 'tor, Mis. Stephens was :\ I nntiv;. of "^le-hc- ton and formerly liv- (â- d with her hushjuid in Colliiisrwoi) 1 A forerunner of winter arrived on 1/hursday eveniiiK of last week and Friday morning the (ground was well covered with the first fall of snow. T'his Wednesday morning the ground was again covered with snow, but in both ca.^es had disappeared before the mornioK was very far advanced. A LOTION SALK REGiarKU Friday, October L'lth, Estate, of OIlie Smith, Farm Stock and Imple- ments, Melancthon. Auction sale of furniture in Dun- dalk, the estate of the late Alex. Mc- Kee on Saturday, October 10. Farm Stock, Implements, near Bad- jeros on Monday, October 18th. Tues. October 19th, farm stock, Implements, John Proctor, Lot 22, Con. 4, Melancthon, 12 o'clock sharp. Wednesday. October 20, Everette Graham, near Kimberley. Thursday, October 21, W. J. McFad- den, near Durham. Friday, October 22nd, Wm. Ham- ilton, Grand Valley. Saturday, October 2,3, Colt sale in Dundalk. Colt given away to man who pays highest price for colt; 2nd colt given away to man who buys most in number; 3rd prize to the man who comes the longest distance and buy.s colt. Tuesday. October 26th, near Dur- ham. J. A. Browne. Small Ads. FOR SALE _ 70 Barred Rock pullets, laying. â€" Mrs. Jas. Allen, R. R. No. $ FOR SALE â€" Large Quebec Heater, practically new. â€" Mrs. (Dr.) Little, PhoiM; 20J, Flesherton. FOR SALE _ Real good Leicester ram lamb Jas. Russell R. R. 1, Flesherton. y WANTED â€" Good prices paid for horses or cows, suitable for mink feed. â€" Jas. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Leicester ram lamb; 2 cows to freshen soon. â€" Fred Rus- sell. Some men don't know the first thing about hard times until the wife loses her job. FOR S.-VLE â€" 2 Geese and purebred gander _ Mrs. Robt. Mc.Master, Flesherton „ HOUSE TO RENT _ 7 room brick residence jn Flesherton, newly dec- orated â€" Apply to Leslie Chard, phone 42 r 2, Flesherton. FOR S.\LE â€" A few young purebred .Aberdeen-Angus bulls, eligible for registration. _ Herbert Corbett, Proton Station. Auction Sale FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, Etc By direction of the Publie Trustee of Ontario, the Undersigned will offe. for sale by Public Auction the folloi- â- nt Stock and Implenvnts belonging to Everette Graham, near Kimberley, now ,.n the Heath Estate farm .'>â-  Wednesd'y, October 20 â- It i.;jo o'clock the fololwing property, namely: STOCK â€" 2 Horses, Colt, Milch Cow, Calf. Yearling, Sow, 7 Pigs, 7 Sheep. IMi'LKMEKr.S - Binder, Walking Plough, Wn-on. Rack, Harrow, Seed Krill, Set Discs. Buggy, Cutter, .C-' Double Harness, Set Single Harness «uffl i\ lu'-nip Sowir. Power Clip- le;-. Al.so a quant -ty of hay and grain. 1 p:rms; cash 7'.v I'uither particulars apply to: 'leo. â- â- . !)imca:i, Dundalk. Ont.. or The Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall. Toronto 2, Ont. TELEPHONE TALKS IN THE WATSON FAMILY GRAIN WA.\TED â€" We are paying highest market prices for oats, bar- ley, wheat and peas; no charge for trucking within 5 miles. Phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE _ Large safe, |1,050, sell for $150 cash; show cases, desk, pol- ishing machine and many other art- icles. Enquire at Hickling's store. â€" W. J. W. Armstrong, executor of W. A. Armstrong estate. WANTED â€" Any amount of cattle or horses for fox meat. My re- frigeration system enables me to keep any amount. Good price* paid delivered. â€" H. E. Karstedt^ Pricevilie. FOR SALE _ Triple heating stove. Will exchange for stock or fowl; will rent .50 acre farm, lot .36, con. 9, Artemesia. good buildings, posses- sion immediately. For particulars apply to Mrs. Thos. Fenwick, East Linton. Ont. FOR SALE _ Hen pen lOO x 20, with electric lights, concrete floor, cis- tern. 2 colony houses, and approx- imately.- 5 acres of land, in village of Flesherton. Make offer. Marjorie .Armstrong, 423 Bercsford Avenue, Toronto, Ont. FAMILEX â€" Who has not heard of this name or tried one or more of these 200 family necessities? 750 employee-dealers earn their living respectably in this independent bus- iness. To nil qualified parties we grant protection for a reserved ter- ritory of 800 families. Canadian products, and guaranteed. At- tractive containers, low prices. If you are canvassing at present, bet- ter your condition. If you are a hard-wniker and serious, make the money your ambition prompts. We will help you! Catalogue and de- tails Free. The Familex Products Company, 570 St. Clement Street, Montreal. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire O. A. C Conqueror 315â€"167820, will be kept for service. Terms Jl.OO.â€" Wes. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months.â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont.. R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS "This is just like being home!" ^m5**5>«J>^J^^<^JhJ**JmJmJm5m*»****J>^ Bill WaUon occasioiially gets fed up on that out-of-town job. ITork is oppressive. Hia paU are dull. Meab are tasteless. The outlook, generally, is bilious. Good, oId< fashioned homesickness, that's what it really is â€" and Bill has a sovereign remedy, once he has diagnosed the case: a long distance call home. And it costs so little, too, that he has decided to fore* stall attacks by a regular schedule of %veekly calls. lUir.i ideas are right in line with the rest of tA« family. Tha Watsons hav« coma to appreciate fully the comforts, conveniences and knv cost of Lotift Distance. Do You rea/iM h<sw little it cost* to telephone? DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" -Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.3» Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. Prince .â- \rthur Lodge No. .S33, A.P. & A. P.. meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in each month. W.M., .Alfred Down; Secretary. C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. D. MacINTYRE, Agent FLESHERTON Ont [:; ow Night Rates begin every evening (even, and apply au. day Sunday! ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA AOCIDRNT & SICKNESS PIRff AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bond* Any Insurance Problem Telephone, MARKDALE, Ont DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services reasonaWsi, â€" Phone, Duiidanc 8. DR. G. A. LEDGERWOOD, V. S. Night and Day Call Professional Service Feversham, Phone 4 r 5, at resideno* of Ed. Nixon, Maxwell. ,< u h ,

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