1 J' ij-- ^ P*- AC r" â€" - .. Classified Advertising | AGENTS WANTED AGENTS BELL MEN'S NECKTIES. 140 PER Cent pruflt. We carry largest auortment. I<owest pricea. Orders filled by return mall. Vo aubstltutes. Samples free. Ontario Neck- wear Company, 357 Eastern Ave., Toronto. SALESMAN WANTED BY "THE OLD RE- liable Fontnlll Nurseries" (Established lou >ears). Send for Centennial Catalogue and Special Lines. Start now, exclusive terri- tory In town or ccjuntry; liberal terms; free .putflt. Stone and Wellington, Toronto 2 SELL 80B1E3 GUARANTEED LINGERIE, hosiery. Manufariurers. Stores. Estab- lished 25 years. Christmas seller. Experi- ence unnece^tsary. Get details. Sobles, 110 *F«mham, Qus. BKP.HKSENTATrVE WANTED FOR Hos- iery manufacturer for this district. Only ,enerBeUc man cn'â- .^lde^«l. Write full par- ticulars to Mr. Elliott, 74 Queen West, To- ronto. AMASINO PR0PIT3. AGENTS, ROUTE MEN 4 selling stores, homes. Hundreds of big money makers. Clothing, dry goods, toilet preparattons, household specialties, drug • sundries. Free catalogue. Write RaIco, V^liolesale, Box 1404, Montreal. •* . AGENTS TD SELL MEN'S NECKTIES FOR *CIirl5tmaa. Good profits. Write for samples and price Ifst. Murgatrold Agencies, Tonge Bt, Arcade, Toronto. - AVIATION COL'RSBS IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, NA- •vigatioD. aertjplane and engine mechanics, licensed Instructors. Leavens Brothers' Air Services. Limited. Barker Airpirt. Toronto. s â€" BARN ROOFINGâ€" FENCE POSTS OUR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES SAVE YOU •fnoney on Supertite galvanized roofing. Ey^^erfor S^eel Fence Posts and steel gran- wry lining. Superior Products Limited, Sar- ri.-\. Ont ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Dooming houses for rent, contents for sale, reasonable; rooms all occupied; good paying guests. Ottken. 17 Isabella, T'-rntn, CARPFT.«S Re-WOVEN INTO RUGS OLD CARPETS WOVEN INTO REVER8- , ihie Rugs. Write for price list. Baker »'Te-\ntng Co. , Toronto 4. ' CATTLE ELM PARK ABEKDEEN ANGUS â€" START breeding beef cattle now. They are scarce all over the Continent. Aberdeen Angus have ppKluced Grand Champion Carcass of Beef at Chicago International every year since 1900 Bulls and Females of breeding age for sale reasonable lames Bowman. Elm Park. Guelph. Ontarl" OUAL-PURPOSB SHORTHORN BULLS. ONE t> twelve months. Twelve to fourteen out of ^ fifteen nearest dams In their pedigrees av- erage over eleven thousand pounds milk per year Prices »55 00 to J80.00 Fnieraly Ac- * credited Bnystde Farm. -Owen Sound. DOGS .S.MNT BERNARD PUPPIES. RARE BEAU- ties. reasonably priced, safe delivery In- sured. Paramount Kennels. North Hatley, Que ELECTRIC WELDER THE TRINDL ELLCTRIC WELDERâ€" WON- • derful new Invention. Operates from 6-volt ^battery. Welds â€" Solders â€" Brazes. $3.95 de- 'llvered. K H- Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED. PRINTED. 1 FREE â- enlargement 25c Re-prints 10 for 25c. Phito-Craft. 1S3>4 King St. E.. Tornto. CEKO PRICES. E-X.^^ERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 2.'ic. Trevanna Stud- • is. 93 Niagara Street, St Catharines, Ont. PORTRAIT IN FOLDERâ€" FREE •WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- • oped and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snap- 8hv.t Sen-ice. lfl« KlnR St. West. Dept. Y, Toronto. •CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR FAVOUR- ite negatives, 3 for 25c; 75c a dozen; com- > plete wUh envelopes. Enlargements 5x7 in easle frame. 39c; 2 for 75c. Roll films developed and printed, 25c; reprints 3c each. ' Free enlargement with every 25c order. I'ritjhtlinK. 29 Richmond St. E,. Toronto. RLU.L3 UKVELOHED AND EIGHT PRiNTS wiin free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B. , Oulrcmont. Que. FURNITURE LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. The wonderful bargains m our Furniture Trade-in Dept. have made this the most popu- lar tn Toronto. Space will not permit us to list mure than a few of our speclaU. if you do n 't see what >« u want advertised, write and let us know your needs. Every piece of lurnlture is F'jiltarily treated and completely reUnlahed to look like new. All orders care- fully packed ready for immediate shipment on receipt of money order. d»">Q rtrt Beautiful 5-Plcce bedroom suite ^0%f,\J\j [j, t\v<7-t.tne walnut, dresser and vanity with large swing mirrors, full size bed. sagless spring and new all-felt, roll edge mittress; new condition. d»/?Q no ^'^'^^'^ walnut bedroom suite â€" â-¼ ^^•*'" large dreB.<:er, triple mirror vanity. ch*r.r-.be, full size bed. sagleas spring and brand new all-felt mattress. Completely re- finlshed like new. Cost over $200.00. A real bargain. $4.0 no ^*^'^*''" 9-piece walnut finish din- *t*F.UU ng room suite. Buffet, china cab- inet, extension table and 6 leather seat chairs. Completely refinished. A real smart suite. $1 i^ 0*5 Dining room suite, 8 pieces, large - J'^O buffet, extension table and six Btn^n ; leather-seat chairs; guaranteed clean rnd in gt>od condition. ^24 no Chesterfield outfit, 8 pieces, In- *»'*'"•'-*" eluding 3-pleoe chc.storfteld suite uijhoi aerel in a good hard wearing bmwn rej. •. wUh reversible Marshall cushions; end t"if>)e. bridge lamp and shade, metal smoking stand and silk chesterfield cushion. A real M!ts'.;\:u!lng value. Ol O C/\ Lar^e 3-plecc chesterfield suite, up- ^1%I»0\M hnislerwi In brtiwn repp with flg- urfii reversib''7 Marshall spring curihlons. A reil go<id lo<NUinK and comfortable suUe. Hurry t r ihi.s offer. d*Q QC Bed outfit, full size steel bed. sag- %P'J»%fO Ijjsj, soring and now rull edge all fo't mattress. Larce assortment of kitchen cabinets, sewing machines, gas (it'>ves. library tables, wardrobes, beds, springs, m-ittro^ses. o<ld dressers, chiffoniers, studio couches, etc., at amazingly I.^w prices. Trade-In Dept. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. 478 Yonge St., Toronto GRAPHOLOGY YOUR HANDWRITING REVEALS MUCH. 25c full reading; two questions answered. O. Mayo, Graphologist, 2M Bleecker Street. Toronto. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS UADAMG HUDSON SCHOOL. HAIRDRESS- Ing and Beauty Culture. Write for pamph- let. 707 Vonge Street, Ti-rvnto. ANDREWS' ACADEMY OK HAIRDRESSING, Qoverament llcenfled. We train yuu f. r Board Examination. Special winter rales. Write for prcspeclus, 911 Bloor St. Wert, Toronto. HONEY DELICIOUS AMBER HCNEY. CONTAINS NO buckwheat, 8-10'a, $4,20. 11. D. Mclntyre, Bridgep'jrt, Ont. MEDICAL PREVENTION 13 BETTER THAN OPERA- tton. Beasley's Bittcra (all-herb tonic) prevents ulcers or ulcerations of the stom- ach If you are suffering from internal trouble. Write for the testlmontala we have from living people. Mrs. T. Van Camp. manufacturer, 107 Langley Ave., Toronto, ARE YOU SICK? NATURE HAS A REMEDY FOR ALL COM- mon ailments. No drugs, pills, capsules, or liquids â€" ONLY NATURAL REMEDYâ€" Free Booklet, •â- Nature'3 Way to lleoltli" â€" No obligation. Indian Herbal Remedy Corn- pan; , 2090W Dundas St. West. Toronto. y YOU CAN BE ENTIRELY FREE FROM ASTHMA HAY FEVER AND BRONCHITIS. REVOLU- tlonary dlacovery ot European physician has worked wonders. It quickly removes all traces of respiratory troubles however stub- bom they appear to be. Write for free In- formation. R.M.B. Laboratories of Canada, Ltd., Dept. 1-629, Vancouver Block, Van- couver, B.C. MEDICINE WHY SUFFER? ONLY 35c WILL CONVINCE you that Mazar Varicose Salve will give permanent relief from ulcers, running sores, new cr old wounds. Money-back ipjarantee. Mazar Mfg.. 331 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LEARN TO PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRU- ment at home â€" shorten those long winter evenings. Hawaiian or Spanish Guitar; Vio- lin; Mandolin; Piano Acoordlon, etc.; com- plete with course of home study lessons, sold on very easy terms. Send at once for par- ticulars. V.'haley. Royce and Company, Lim- ited. 237 Yonge Street. Toronto, or your loc- al Music Dealer. MISCELLANEOUS LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typrewritlng by mall. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospec- tus. Dept. C, Canada Business College, Hamilton. Ontario. 18 LBS. VERY GOOD BROKEN LEAF TO- bacco t2. 7 lbs. II. G. Dubois, 262^ Rldeau, Ottawa. FIVE DRESSED DOLLS. 30c. TWO CHOICE Dresser Dolls. 50c. Large Bed Spreading Doll, SI.OO. Boxedâ€" nostpatd. RoLert Bar- vie. 238 King East. Toronto. MEN WANTED WANTED â€" AMBITIOUS MEN. 18 YEARS '^r over, to leanj detective work. Big pay. rewards. Interesting home-study course. Free Information. Write to Morris L. Jullen, Box 25. Station T. . Montreal. PATENT ATTORNEY _^ ROY L. KNOX. REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings; Registrations; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Company. Reclsteped Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa. Can. PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Pres- ton. Ont. PO/.'ER (BRAND) TONIC, ESPECIALLY recommended for men. Retains Vim and Vigor. 50 piils $2.00. MRS. LE-ROYS FEMALE PILLS. FOR PAIN- ful and delayed menstruation. 30 Pills J4.00. DIRECTIONS ON BOTTLES. MAIL ORDERS postpaid, plain wrapping. Hygenic Labora- tories, 460 Richmond St. W.. Toronto. City Agents. Sky's Ph.armacy. JUnc. 3332. PIGEONS MAGPIES. HELMETS, HOMERS. NUNS. Fantails. High class pigeons priced reason- ably. Write Perry Anderson, Kincardine, Ontario. POULTRY NEW HAMPSHlRES AND RHODE ISLAND Reds. Best qunllty cockerels J3.00. Rhode Island Red hens 90c. M. Fisher. Enterprise Ontario. SHIP TO EDWARD WILSON REG'D TOP MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRESSED Poultry and Eggs. Ed. Wilson, Reg'd. . 44 Bonsecnurs Mkt.. Montreal. POULTRY MEDICINE ROUP. COLDS, SCRATCHES. SORES. ETC.. quickly relieved with Briggs Electric Oil. Many home v/es. Two sizes â€" 79c (3 os. ) 2.'5c (2 01. K .Makers of Briggs Black Oil, Kennedy's Founder and Hoof Ointment. De- pendable over 88 years. Sold by druggists. For FREE infnrraatlin write G. C. Briggs A Son-1. Torontii. PROPERTIES WANTED GOOD PRICES PAID FOR OLD BUILDINGS anywhere for wrecking. Greenwood House Wreckers, 440 Greenwood, Toronto. QUILTING PATTERNS FREE! â€" 70 QUILTING PATTERNS! GIANT washfast remnants! "Makes five quilts" Cottons! Prints! Silks! Eiderdowns! â€" tl.OO "Collect." Sample bundle â€" 25c. Refund Guarantee! Maritime Textiles, 8049 De- gaspe, Montreal. RADIOS RADIOS RECONDITIONED, BATTERY AND Electric, $8.00 up. Write for free Price List. P-ilace Radio Sh'P. 721 Pape. Toronto. SONGS TWO NEW POLIOS FOR CHRISTMAS â€" "Shirley Temple's Favorite Songs, from her newest plctiireB. includrng "Good Night My Love." "When I'm With You," and seven others complete with w.-rds, music and many pictures of this famous star. "Carols for Christmas" containing thirty famous Christmas songs together with a condens- ed version of Charles Pickens' "Christmas Carol." and recitation with music '"Twas The Night Before CTiristmas." Price 50 cents each. Dominion Mut^lc Supply. Hermant Buildlnn. Ti'n nto. STAMPS AND COINS CANADA, «6 DIFFERENT $1 00; 6U REVEN- ues &0c. C'Tonatlon; 52 Dominions $8.25, 135 Colonies $G.75. Canadian Catalogue 200 Illustrations 2.'ic. Free Price List ."^OO sets. Vincent. 294 St, Catherine West, Montreal. WANTED WANTKD â€" CHUISTMA3 TREES. BALSAM. Sprticc. Scotch Pine. State price. W. Easton, Route a. Brantfonl, Ontario. The old way was to use the strong right arm; the now way is to use the brain. AT 83 SHE DEFIES RHE UMAT ISM After Su£Ferin2 Acute Pain For Years Rheumatism first attacked this old lady In 1S31, and sradually spread from her arms to other purls ot her body. Theu she started to talce Krus- chen Salts, and now she sends the following letter In her own handwrit- ing:â€" "I have suffered from rheumatism since -1931. At first, I felt acute pain in botli arms. I could not sleep for pain. It grew worse, and gradually it crept down to tho tips of my fingers. Next it reached my Itnees and ankles, which ija'_'9 me Quite helpless for a long period. A friend recommended me to take Kruschen Salts. I find they do me more good than axiy other me- dicine, liniment or ointment I ever used. This is my own writing, though I am in my 84th year." â€" (Mrs.) H. The pains and stiffness of rheuma- tism are often caused by deposits" of needle-pointed uric acid crystals in the muscles and joints. Kruschen Salts stimulate your liver and kidneys to healthy, regular action, and assist them to get rid ot the excess uric acid which is frequently the cause ot your sufTering. Stuff and Nonsense Bat no matter what your peculiar- ity may be, avoid absent-mindedness. Pathfinder tells this one: â€" Elsie â€" What made you quarrel with Norman ? Helen â€" The meanie, he proposed to me again last night. Elsieâ€" But certainly that was nothing to get angry at. Helen â€" Oh, yet it was. I had ac- cepted him the night before. Jay â€" Are you acquainted with your fashionable new neignbor? Kay â€" Only in a way. Her cat boards at my house. A man told a friend that he was running for -an undertaker, as his wife was seriously ill. Friend â€" But it's not an undertaker you want; it's a doctor. Scotsman â€" Na, na, I canna afford to deal with middlemen. Old fash'oned music, as we get it. is the kind that's supposed to carry some kind of a tune a!ong with it. We wonder if that isn't the main reason it's still pretty much inclined to be popular. We shall do something in life if we try to live up to the expectation of those who have confidence in us. Now we are told that excessive laughter can cause heart trouble. So many of us will have to stop laugh- ing at our own jokes. A young boy, undergoing an ex- amination for position came across the questi«n: ''What is the distance of the earth from the sun? " He wrote answer as follows: "I am un- able to state accurately, but I don't believe the sun is near enough to in- terfere with a proper performance of my duties if I get this clerkship." He got it- Guide â€" That is the statue of the famous Indian chieftain. Black Hnwi. Girlâ€" H-m-m â€" he had a son, Tom- my, didn't he ? Don't put much confidence in in- side information. It's usually noth- ing but silly hooey. One of the best resolutions you can make is never to do anything which you would despise or think meanly of in another. Never do any- thing that you would be afraid or ashamed of if it were your last hour on earth. Then the world will call you blessed. A certain man whose business is more service than sales, has hung a large mirror on the wall by his tele- phone. His reason he explains as follows: Sometimes he gets so busy he doesn't take time to shave or clean up for days. When his phone rings, and he goes to answer it, chances are he'll see himself in tho mirror, real- ize bow bad he look.^ and what others see when they look at him. and pro- ceeds to dean up. Now there's a real lesson for us all. It may be we not only need a mirror to reflect our physical selves to us, but other parts of our being may look soiled or neglected too. How about the dis- position? Are our habits getting dingy? What would a spiritual or moral mirror reveal to us about our- selves ? Hard of Hearing? If you can hear a voice but not th« words, try ih« famoua Leonard Ear Oil. Rub it bacic of the ears to relieve partial d^afnes;}, noises in head , earacho. LEONARD EAR OIL to Read "Care of the Heanno in every packag*. $1.2S al vour druogisl's. Canadian Ci.<!ribulors: i LAURENTIAN AQENCIES. MONTREAL SPEAKING OFBIGBEN- ^^THE FLAVOUR IS BETTER AND THE PLUG LASTS longer/ BIG BEN THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacco Car Driver's Ear Quicker Than Eye In Answering Safety Warning, Indiana University Discovers The ear of an automobile driver la quicker than his eye In responding to a safety warning. An auto horn, or a policeman's whistle, puts the driver's foot on the brake taster than the sight ot a red light. These findings in safe driving were announced at Indiana University. They were the first tests to compare a driver's reaction time to sound and sight. They were made by Dr. Frank R. Elliott and Prof; C. M. Louttit. of the psychology department. 700 Were Tested Seven hundred drivers were tested. Each one sat In the driver's seat, with one foot pressing the accelerator half way to the floor. The time required to lift this toot on the brake and press the pedal all the way down was taken. The signal to put on the brake was either a red light directly in front, or an automobile horn. The signals were given with the car standing stlU. All groups, whether men or women, young or oH, responded more quickly to the horn than to the light. Men Fatter Than Women The average advantage of the ear over the eye was one-hundredth of a second. The fastest braking time for the red light was three-tenths of a second; rhe quickest for the horn a little more than two-fifths of a second Men wer" a little taster than women in responding to either light or horn. Braking time decreased moderately with the age of the subject. Persons with the higher mental ratings were quicker than any other class. Ancient Aztec Language Key New Mexico University Linguists Study Facsimiles of 16th Cen - tury Work in Hope of Finding It Three books which may bear the same relation to the ancient Aztec language that the Rosetta Stone does to Egyptian picture writing have been acquired by the University of New Mexico. The three volumes are facsimile re- productions of Fray Sahagun's 16th century "History of the Things ot Mexico," written in Aztec picture with parallel columns of Aztec text written In Latin letters. One volume of Illustrations was done by native artists. Only two ot the original manu- scripts of this Aztec version of Sa- hagun's history are known to exist. The university copy was photograph- ed from one in Madriil, and the other is in a library in Florence. Hope to Reconstruct It The three-volume facsimile repro- duction is Very rare. It was made in Spain in litOli and dedicated to Pro- tiro Diaz, former president and die- tato» ot Mexico. University sclinlars plan to publish an English translation from llie Ax- tec and Spanish originals. Try something NEW for your RHEUMATISM The old sasans: "Times change and we with Time" applies to your Rhcuniatic paina in a wmy. What grandma found eifcctive oiittht be quite useless to you. There is now available in Canada a rheu- matic remedy that has had an outstanding record ot success in Britain, where its popu- larity baa becu rapid and welj descried. There"! only one way to account for it. Fynnon Sal' ia Iho modem expression of the old "spa" treatment that was so good lor ihoae who could aiTord it. Kynnon Salt combines iSodium, Potassium, Lithium in its composition. One glass of Fynnon iNilt is as beneficial as three glasses of mineral Spa Water. Being so rich in the very Inuredients that arc known to drive Rheumatic pains out of the system, it is making firm friends with tortured Rheumatic sufferers everywhere. You can turn con- lidently to Fynnon Salt. Take the daily dose for a week as a duty. After that, you II lake it as a pleasure â€" as an insurance ai;.iiTiat any leturn of the pains that havo Iwrricd you for too long. Get » large 75c package o( Fyooon Salt from your druggist. M you have any dilticulty Retting supplies, write: Lamcntiaa Aacociet, bt. Oabiici Street, tAoaUt*!. » From the parallel translation ot Az- tec picture writing, the sounds ot their spoken words and the meaning of the words in Spanish, the university lin- guists hope to reconstruct the ancient Aztec language. Jap "Kidnapper" Steals Photos A New Variation of Blackmailers Reported Where Photographs Disappear In Japan, every school ha.1 its pho- tographs of the Emperor and of the Royal Family, and each school m.ister la supposed to guard them at th^ nak of his own lite. A young unemployed man decided to extort money from the master ot a village school by kidnapping the pho- tographs and holding them t:p foi a ransom. Held For Ransom "I beg to inform you," he wrot^ to the schoolmaster, "that I .live in ray possession the Imperial photographs ot your school. 1 suppose you earn 1.200 yen (about $tiOO) a year, so I am expecting you to be good enough to bury two-thirds of this sum at the spot indicated on the plan enclosed. When you have done this, the photographs will be returned to you.'' Hastening to the school, the master found that the photographs had van- ished, so he buried 100 yen. all the ready money he could rasie. This money was later removed, but the photographs were not returned, and the master then went to the police. Money for Marriage A swarm ot detectives arrived. Ev- ery house in the region was searched and the blackmailer â€" and the kid- napped pictures â€" were found. The kidnapper said he thought it was a good idea for raising money for his marriage. Ho has changed his mind since! Microfilm Preserves Historic Records New System For Libraries and Newspaper Files Is Explained Instead of keeping weighty, bulk files of their old papers, newspaper offices may soon take a photographic record that can be stored a-.vay in little space, using apparatus which was on display at the National Book Fair in Toronto. Known as microphotography, the process was described by Cl'.airman Hugh Eayrs as the fair opened un- der auspices of the .Association of Canadian Bookmen. He said Toronto Public Library has a photographic record on tiny 35M film of 197 books of historic interest and susjTested further use of tl»e apparatus. Facsimile Of Every Book Within four years Toronto Library will have a facsimile of every book printed in English up to I.'j.'jO. while Toronto s own great collection of Canadiana will be made ava iaMc to libraries the world over. Eayrs pre- dicted the process would revolution- ize reference libniry operation. Tiny photograph'o record.s might be made of newspapers, page by page, tho film stored away in small, ticketed boxes. While newsprint breaks down within 7.5 years, micro- film might be preserved at least ,500 years- Projection machines readily reproduce th" pages and editors won't have to worry about their files being clipped ITCH . . . STOPPED IN A MINUTE . . . Art you tormcQtnl witti the itching toriuret of ccs«ma, rashes, aililct* 9 foot, erupttotm. or other â- kio affllctiooa? For quick tad happy relief. use cooling, tQtiaeptic. liijuid D. D. D, P ritoflptlon. Iti gcntlt oil* toothe the trrU Ut«d tkin. Clear. grea»ele«s and luinieatâ€" drt«« fftM. Stopf the mott intente itchint bffUntlv. A 35c crial bottle, tt (tnig ftoret, Korei Itâ€" ^ moac7 btdc 10 Issue No. 47â€" '37 D-l Television Tests Are Successful Pictures Aboard Liner Clear and Sound Described as Being Uerfect Successful reception of television of television broadcasts by .* liner at sea was reported at Xew York by Captain A. T. Brown of the Cunyrd White Star liner Brttannic. Captain Brown said the expe'.iment* believed the first of their kind ever attempted, were performed on Oct. 29th. :!Olh and 31st, after the ship sailed from London. The experiments were conducted bj Corporation, who set up their rccelT- engineers ot the British Broadcasting ing equipment In a vacant obin. The captain said the Britannic, until It left the English Channel was never more than 30 miles off shore. Screen 10 by 12 "They broadcast special proK'"ain« from Alexandra Palace, !n London, and the reception on the shiT seem- ed excellent. The pictures were reproduce:! on a screen about 10 to 12 inches. It waa as distinct as If they had been send- ing it from the next cabin." To start a freight locomotive and bring it to running speed, a half ton of coal is required. TIRED or NERVOUS? Is bile doing its work? Your Uver Is lazy, that s why y.ju teel wo r<itten hall the time. Yuiir system la not KettlDK en.MiRh bile. Your head aches, yoor bacii ac'.ies. Your too<i doesn't digest prop- erly. It staBTiates and dec-ys for lack of bile. Bile is a dlgestant and au anUseptlc. Your liver should produce IS to 36 fluid ounces of bile every 24 h-jurs. Tanul Tablets will make v-.-ur Uver do lt4 work. Based upon a smail proportion of Cal- omel blended witfi certain ether useful medi- cinal Ingredients. Tan^l Tablets act Dn-mptly and directly up'.>n the Mver. stlmiilaiing tAa flow of bile. They are easy to lakii and pro- vide a safe, easy way of uslnp caUme!. prob- ably the most effective Uver stimMrint known. They are not harsh But they are efficient. Your druggist hoa tiiem. 5oc. ;a) ALWAYS TIRED? REPAIR RACCED NERVES That deadly woarincss that (i. igs you d')wn all day is probably a sure sign of nt- rve-.«tarvation. Sirt-nguieu your nenea with PUOSFEKI.NE. This great tonin soothes ruggtd nen-es. help* you sleep soundly and cat well, and gives yoil confidenre and vitality. Kt druggisla. SOc, $1 00 and 11 50 6* i ME RVE TONIC ^ jHarisft TONIC (SOLLTION OP BirHOSPH.ATES OF LIME) DIRECT FROM THE MONASTERY to youi Will ouild you up rapiJIy. Used suc- cessfully (oi over 150 years â€" for nervous debility â€" diseases of ttie brain â€" anaemia â€" diseases of ffto bones. Especially good lor growing children and the aged. GOLD MEDALS WOM AT WORLDS' EXPOSITIONS Of HYGIENP PRICE $1.00 At All Crug Stores X Stomach Upsets? IF ymi are troubled with indigestion, ;.is, sour stomach, lioartbiirii. if you ars weak ami lack appe> lite, try Dr. Pierce't Golden Medical Dig- CO very now It stim- ulates the appetite^ improves the action ot the stomachL m.ikcs the food digest bolter. Read what Mrs. Doris Bcrrie of l.» Rebecca St.. Eai% ILwiilton. Out, said: ".Mlcr an illness I felt very weak. Bad no appetite and suffered from indigestioa After eating I would get .so bloated and frequently had heartburn. I u.<cd L)l Pierce's Golden Medical Dl». coverv and it was wonderful. It improved my appetite and helped to drive away tha Moniath dlwom/ort. It seemed to bntld m* right mik" New iiK, tab*. SOc Liquid fl.OCl