Flesherton Advance, 8 Dec 1937, p. 1

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^kBi^tvim %h^anu. VOL.. 57; No. 28 WKDXESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1937 VV. H THURSTON & SON, Proprietor* FLESHERTON CURLING CLUB CEYLON SCHOOL CONCERT A meeting of the shareholders will A public scnool concert will be held be held at the curlinK rink Thursday, ' in Ceylon school on Friday, Dec. 17, Dec. 9th, at 8 p.m. A full attendance | commencing at 8 p.m. Admission 10 is desired. and 15 cents. It*s so muck ea5iet to shop by TELEPHONE On wet days and snovfy days, on days when there is 8o much house- work to be done, on days when you aren't feeling up to scratch yourself or when one of the youngsters is ailing, it's great to be able to shop by tele- phone. And on fine days too, and when everj-thing else is going right, it saves you an endless amount of tiresome traipsing around. Make the telephone vour market basket. REDUCED FARES BETWEEN ALL POINTS IN CANADA Christmas and New Year's FARE AND A QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY: Good goinc December 23 up to 2.00 P.M. December 2fi. Return limit to leave destination not later than mid- night Monday, December 27. 1937. NEW Y'E.A.R'S HOLIDAY': Good groinjr December 30 up to 2.00 p.m. Januar>- 2. Return limit to leave destination not later than midnig-ht Monday January 3, 1938. FARE AND A THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good jToinfr Tuesday, Dec. 21, to Sunday, Jan. 2, inclusive; good to return leaving destination not later than midnight Friday. Jan. 7, li'SS PREPAY A RAILWAY TICKET An L'nusual Christmas or New Y'ear's Gift MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE: 25c Tickets and complete information from any agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC ^TttTT W V " V 4 "4 i • • 1 " \' lk.fa,^,|-,T-,f, Jf,,fii,ffh -»- »--â- - -»- -»- -â- - -â-  rW"i""4"VVW"4""4'"l'W"r'l Talking Pictures a Advance Film Service Presents Wings of Adventure" A story packed witli Thrills, Laugfhs and Romance Comedies, Cartoons, Musical Shorts, etc. Town Hall, FLESH <-RTON Thursday, Dec. 9 Under auspices of L.O.L. No. 2855 . Actual Sound Pictures of England's CORONATION of H. M. King George VI & H. M. Queen Elizabeth Till-: rA(Uv\.\T OK THE CKXTl'RV THE HINDENBURG DISASTER !I Most Dramatic News Shot Ever Made. See it. Scenes of Actual Explosion and Fire SEE SHANGHAI BOMBED ;i .Admission: Adults 25c. Children 15c. S.15 p.m. Artemesia Voters Discard ! Henry Walton Passes Turkey Supptr In Statute Labor System .The old members of Artemcsia Township were returned to office in the municipal election.s held Monday. These were Messrs. Ernest Stinson, N'. Hostrawser and Robt. Purvis. They were opposed by George Cairns and I. B. Whittaker in one of the most pe- culiar elections yet held. When the results first came out Mr. Hostrawser was reported defeated with Mr. Cairns- taking his place. Later it was Mr. Purvis who had lost out by three votes, and it was not until Tuesday morning when the Returning Otficer, VV. J. Bellamy, received the returns from the eight poles that Mr. Purvis V STINSOX. E. .\ 37 HOSTRAWSER. N 43 PURVIS. ROBT. D 26 Cairns, Geo. H 19 â- Whittaker, I. B 6 P 83 4.5 l.H 8 5 was "in"' by a substantial majority. The error in reporting Mr. Cairns .-lected was throug-h an error in giving his vote at Proton Station as 82 in place of eight which he received. The ratepayers of the township decided to do away with statute labor as a meth- od of road mai.itenance and again take on the government assisted system. This was carried by a vote of 406 to 310. In hi.« own poll Mr. Stinson re- ceived 83 votes out of a possible *i5 and Mr. Pui-vis received 115 at Eu- eenia, a most satisfactory result for them and shows how they stand in their own sections. Pri. C Por. E O.V. 32 46 43 4« â- <« 81 .3.5 16 30 18 4f5 39 27 64 S4 16 46 8 U.i .51 1 7 12 39 40 T.-.tal - 364 _ 324 _ 321 - 2r,'.> - l«l We were pleased to know that Mr. Adam Smith of Eugenia was able to be out and cast his vote once again. Mr. Smith is 95 years of age. the old- est voter to cast his ballot and stated that only for his infirmities he would have been delighted to have been out campaigning for Mr. Purvis. REPEAL OF STATUTE LABOR Yes No Orange Valley 28 47 Flesherton 36 23 Proton 71 15 ^ "eylon 83 35 Priceville 86 ,35 Portlaw 20 32 Vandeleur 30 19 Eugenia 52 104 406 310 The results of other elections held in Grey County on Monday are; MARKDALE Reeve; A. Rusk. Council; Dr. R. L. Carefoot, J. R. Dillon, X. Richards, Dr. L. E. Turner. BEXTINCK Deputy-Reeve: A. Hopkins. Coun- cil: Wm. Campbell, Herbert Livings- ton, Irwin Brown. EUPHRASIA Council: ,1. M. Miller. H. E. Parker. L. S. Pottage. R. E. Pres.s. GLEXELG Reeve: J. A. McGirr. Council: Geo. Whitmore, Joseph Crutchley, Herb. Timmins, John 0*Xeill. KEPPEL Deputy-Reeve : Earl Radbourae. Council: Geo. Graham .-Vnthony Huhn. Torrence Preston. SULLrVAX Reeve: Edward .A, Carson. Deputy- Reeve: D. G. Liefso. Council: Joseph .-\gnew. Geo. Anderson. Lome Crane. H. A. McCauley Warden Candidate The selection of a warden for Grey j County is still a month away, but al- ready several candidates have their hats in the field and are campaigning among the members of the County Council. Reeve Howard McCauTey of Fiesherton is in the running as is Reeve Austin Ball of Hanover, and Reeve David .A.llan of Shallow Lake. The urban centres are entitled to have their representative sit in the War- den's chair in 1938. and the choice will likely fall to one of these three. Reeve McCauley has been in the Coun- ty Council for the past six years and has given exceptionally good service on the committees with which he has served. He has a splendid knowledge of the needs of the County and to us would give a good account of himself if elected warden. Reeve Ball has had four years experience at Cnunty Coun- cil and if elected would be Warden ex- actly fifty years after his father, the late R. J. Ball, Federal member for South Grey for several years. The contest, no doubt, will be clo.«e but we would recommend that Reeve McCaul- ey be elected, as it has been quite a number of years since Fiesherton has been honored with a Warden. L>eath came suddenly on Wednes- iay mornmg of last week to Mr. Henry Ward Walton at his home in .\rtemesia township. While he had not been enjoying goo<i health for some time, he was stricken with a heart attack. The late Mr. Walton was born in Michigan TO years ago and had re- sided in the Township of Artemesia for the past 53 years, except for 11 years spent in the West and Xorthem Ontario. He is survived by two sis- ters and two brothers. Miss Lucy Walton and Mrs. Robert Wrigh: (Annie), who resided with him. Fred F. Walton of Sault Ste. Marie. Ont.. who was present at the funeral, and Hugh A. Walto'i of Port Hammond. I British Columbia. The funei-al was held on Friday. ] Dee. 3rd. and was largely attended by i friends and neighbors. Interment was I made in Markdale Cemetery. Ser- I vices at the house and grave were con- I ducted by Rev. McAuslan. Kimberley. The pallbearers were near neigh- jbors: Messrs. Rutledge Staiford, Ben Carruthers Dave Genoe, Albert Ellis. Fred Wickens and Wm. Haines. Friends from a distance were: Mr. 'and Mrs. Geo. Smith and Mrs. John j Richardson of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. |W. H. Wright. Mrs. J. Galbraith and I Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith. Clarksburg. Lois Wood HcTie Miss LoiK Wood, daughter of Mis. C. R. Wood of Fiesherton, returned [home on Wednesday of last week, ac- companied by her motht';- wn<' haii been in Toronto reeoiving in: '.- actions on the care of a patient suffering from infantile paralysi-i. Lois has spent the past four month.s ir the Hospital For Sick Children and the Ontario Orthopaedic HospitiU suffering from infantile paralysis. Doth her arms and legs were completely paralyze<i. but under treatment subscribed by the Toronto modical authorities Lois is i now able to move her arms , nd one lea" and is making rapid piogn s tn- ; wards comple"e recovery. A Toronto Hotel A meeting ol the Toronto Branch of the Fiesherton Old Boys' and Girls' Association was held at the otfice of Mr. Burton E. Field, secretary of the organization on Friday evening last, and it was dv.cided to hold a banquet at the Victoria Hotel, Toronto, on Friday. Jan. 14th, I'JiJa. Ail members in good standing as of Jan. 7, 1937, will receive a complimentary ticket, and will be charged $1.00 for addition- al members of his family or friends whom he brings with him. We are having a turkey dijiner, which costs JI.OO per plate, so that we stand to lose on this venture, but hope to re- vive considerable interest and secure a number of new members. Each non -member who attends will pay $1 per person, but will automatically be- come a member of the Association as a result, and it is hoped to make him or her a permanent member this way. Mr. Field sUtes that aiTangementa have been made with the C.P.R. to show four films entitled "Canadian Mountain Majesty," '• Happy Hunting Grounds.'' "Voyageur Trails," (Fish- ing on the French River) and "Ski Tima in the Rockies." after which a half hour will be devoted to a discus- sion of Association affairs, and furth- er time alloted to a general get- together of the members. Some fur- ther details have to be worked out yet. but further word of these â- will be given later. Mr. Field informs us that many of the Fiesherton residents in Toronto have changed their addresses and not notified him. hence they are unable to receive invitations to the social gath- erings and the activities of the Assoc- iation. He would be pleased to have changes of addresses sent to him. Twins Joined Church Centre Grey League .\ meeting of the Centre Grey I Hockey League was neld in Markdale Monday evening. When the schedule for the season's play was drawn up. The group is comprised of five teams; Chatsworth, Markdale, Fiesherton, Dundalk and Shelburne. Durham has dropped out of the competition this year. Grand Valley had a represent- ative present, who was eager to enter a team, but i* was thought that the I distance was too great and they were urged to organize a group and the groups play off for the championship. Following is the schedule: Chatsworth at M.irkdale Dec. 29 Fiesherton ,<it Shelburne .... Dec. 29 Dundalk at Chatsworth Ian. 4 Markdale at Fiesherton ,Ian. 4 Shelburne at Dundalk Jan. 7 Dundalk at Markdale Jan. 10 Chatsworth at Fiesherton .. Jan. ll Markdale at Shelburne Jan. 14 Fiesherton at Dundalk Jan. 14 Shelburne at Chatsworth ... Jan. li* Fle.sherton at Markdale Jan. 17 Shelburne at Fiesherton Jan. 21 Chat.sworth at Shelbu'-ne . . Jan. 2" Dundalk at Fiesherton Jan. 2.'> Markdale at Dundalk Jan. 2S Fiesherton at Chatsworth .... .Tan. 28 Chat.sworth at Dundalk Ian. 31 She'bume at Markdale Jan. 31 Shelburne at Mavkd.ile J'in. 3l Mnrkd.ile nt Chritsworth Fob. i Dundalk at Shelburne Feb. S HEAVY SXOW STORM Heavv storm? this week have piled ''now in r-reat drifts along the roads Tnd this Wednesday morning about n foot and a half of snow has fallen and Pnm-'^H drifts Ti-ave! on the highways 's difficult although the roads are â- â- â€¢rvon. Edward Fisher Died Suddenly Tuesday Edward Fisher, well-known resident of Fiesherton, died suddenly at his noiiie here early Tuesday morning. Mr. Fisher arose as usual in the morn- ing and had lighted the fire when he took a weak spell and fell unconscious. He died shortly afterwards. Last Ju- ly Mr. Fisher underwent an operation, and had not been in good health sinci- He was 51 years of age. .\ son of the late Mr. and .Mrs. Sam- el Fisher, he was born at Eugenia and married Miss Eva Radley of Rock .Mills, who survives. For mar.y years they lived in Toront.i where Mr. Fish- er was a member of the Toronto Fire Department. Twelve years ago they •eturned to Rock Mills where they liv- ed for three years on a farm and then came to Fiesherton nine years ago He had been a driver for an oil comp- any jfince then and was well known ind highly re.spected by everyone. He was a member of Prince .\rthur Lodge .A. F and A. M. .Xo. 33;{ and also ot St. John's United Chui-ch. Surviving are two sons and twi. laughters. Harold of New Liskeard. Eldon at home. Margaret Mrs Lloyd Genoe of Fiesherton. and Velnia. .Mrs. Harold Best of Toronto. There are also five brothers and three sisters. Jack. Charles. I.,jiurie, and Herb in To- ronto, William in Winnipeg. Mrs Murray Walker of Toronto. Miss Myr- tle Fisher of Toronto, and Mrs. .Alex McEachnie of Fiesherton. Tho funeral will take place Thurs ilay, December 9th, at 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon from St. John' '"nit- ed Church under Masonic auspices, 'nterment in Fiesherton cemeterv. Curling Club Officers The annual meetinir of the Fiesher- ton Curling Club was held on Thurs- day evening last. -A. review was made of the splendid year just ended, and pi-ospects are said to be better this year. .J. O. Dargavel was again elect- ed president of the Club, a position he has held since the club was formed and the rink erected. R. W Piper was elected vice-president and F. H. W Hickling was again elected seoretary- rreasurer. a position he has also held smce the Club was organized. I: vv.\s decided to become a member of rh. On'^ario CuHing .Associ,?t;on in order ro enter rinks in th" District F.msnie! :\nd "-he Ontario Bonspiel. .\ meeting of thi' shareholders of the rink wiT be held this week and also one f:^- oro-aniTing for the winter's playine will be held next week, when skips wil' bo appointed and rinks picked. Mr. Harold McCutcheon has rented the skating rink from Walter .Akitt and commenced ice making on Friday last. He expects to have ice for skating by the end of this week if the cold weather holds. A unique event took place in St. John's United Church at the Sunday- morning sei-vice. when two set« of twins were among the fifteen wh© " "v taken into membership in the ohveh. These were Eileen and Loreen l'>h:^on. daughters of Mr and Mrs. V. ni. Johnson, and Oscar and .Austin J.''Kee sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. McKee Th s is the first time such an event has x-curred in the history of the churc"' tuid is worthv of mention. Ra ritf\ V^ â- ti io ^service One time the dove of peace has an I interesting problem is when the man j has made up his r'-nd to stay in and the woman has made up her face to go out. Tubes Tested Free' ] on Saturday ^^ ' at W. A. HAWKEN'S STORE bv F. H. WEAVER Ciraduate ot Radio College of Canada All makes of Radio? Repaired i> Volt Sets Changed to 2 Volt •Phone 17 FLESHERTON or Inquire at Hawken's HAMCO so/d by F. W. DUX( AN. Fiesherton A. C. McDONELL^_ Dundalk GEO. HOOD. Dundalk n-'j^^-H-M' i > . ! â-  â-  > l ^ i | i . r . { â-  . ^ â-  ^ » â-  ^ â-  { . i^ < â-  . ^ , \ i . { . . ; â-  . i . . ! â-  i it i» .fiti » Funeral Chapei DIGNIFIED and SYMPATHETIC PERSONAL SERVICE Whethei YOU PAY LKSS THAN SIOO.OO ' For r .rnolete Funeral | or More XO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR CH.\PEL BATES k MADDOCKS 12 4 Avenue Torvd, TOPONTO Night or Day Phone: KInpsdale 13 4 4-3456

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