%: U f I Classified Advertising | AGENTS WANTED FURNITURE BAI.::SMAN VVANTKD BV 'THE OLD RE- llal<l« Pi>Dtlii:l Nursenes" (Established lUO je..rs). Send f^r Cenlennl^il C^lah.yue ;i:iil Special L.iaeu. Start nuw, exclusive turri- tory lo t./wn or country; liberal terms: :rfee uutat. St ne and Welliat;tMn, Ton.nto 2- REHRESfNTATIVE WANTED FOR H(;S- lery manufacturer fur (his district. Only energetic man considered. Write full par- ticular* to Ur Ellliitt. 72 Queen West. Tu- r'-nto. AdKNTS TO SELL MENS NECKTIES FOR Clinstmaa. (Jood profits. Write f-^r samples an<l price list. Mursatrnld Agencies, Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. SELL GLYCO HA.\DCLEA.\ER AGENTS WANTED l.N ALL COMMUNITIES t J demonstrate and sell Glyco, the perfect b.ind cleaner Glyco overrumes ct-'mpetitiin, sure repeat sales stimmer and winter. Ex- clusive territory. Glyco Cnmpany nf Canada. St. N'iclKilad Building, Mnnlreal. CAUH, WATCHES, BLANKETS, SETS OF Silverware, Toiletware and many otlier use- ful :rticlcs given to our af^enta. Send for free ritaloKue. Royal Mall Order Co.. 88 Sherboume Street. Toronto. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL BABY CHICKS in your district for one of Canada's largest Chiclt Uatcb'.-ies. Apply Box 10. Suite 421. 73 Adelaide West. Toronto. ARMY STORES The Anny Store Christmas Specials MOTOR RUGS. J1.75: AR.\IY GRAY BLANK- ets. lars* size. 12-95 pair; Men's Hea\'y Mackinaw Breeclw*. pants S2.98: lOOc'o Pure Wool Combinations. $2.50: Drawers, Blurts, (1.25 eacb; Heavy FIsece-LJiied Com- binations, 11.39; Drawers. Shirts. 65c each; Heavy Wool Socks, 4 ib. weight. 35c. 3 pr. Sl.OO; Haavy Doeskin Shirts, zipper ityle, $1.73; Heavy Blanket Wlndbreakers, zipper style. J2-98; Heavy Wool Sweater Coats, black, blue trim. *2,2S: Heavy Horse-hide Pullover Mitts. 88c; Heavy Horse-hide Wool Lined Mitts, 8Se: One-Finger Horse-hide Gauntlets, Uncd, «Sc; Heavy Police or Dress Braces, boxed, 48c; 100c„ Pure Wool Mitts, 45c; Men's Leather Caps, fur lined, 9Bc: Fur Uned Wool Caps. 95c: AU Wool Ski Pacts, Ladies' Slacks. J2,98: EngUah Broad- cloth Shirts, blue, grey and brown, 95c: KngUsh Silk •nes, 3Sc, 3 for $1.00; Sheep- skin lined Moccasins, $1.65: Heavy Horse- hide Driving Gauntlets, lined, J1.45; Car- hart Overalls, guaranteed, $1.95; Lumber- men's Driving Caps, SI. 25: Heavy Felt In- soles, pair, 5c; Ski Jackets, Ladies', all col- ors, $3.75; Children's Snow Suits, 2 to 8 years. Helmet to match, $2.75 - 7 to 10 years, $2.98: 15" Men's Leather Top Rub- bers. $3.75 - 12". $2.98: Men's AU Felt Kubber Bottom Rubbers. T", S2.98; Men's All Pelt Boots, $2.25: Men's 8-Eyelet Rubber Boots, $1.75; Two-Buckle Overshoes, $1.98 - Pour Buckle, $2.98: Men's and Ladles' Bkl Boots, $3.00; Men's and Ladies' Boots and ,'?katea (Tubes) $3,50 omplete - Boys', $3.0« complete - Youths, $2.75 ojmplete: English Heavy Wool Breeches. $2.00 up: English Bedford Curd Breeches. $2.50 up; English Riding Boots. $12.95. Orders over $5.00 prepaid. THE ARMY STORES 838 Queen Street East - Toronto BARN ROOFINGâ€" FENCE POSTS OUR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES SAVE YOU money on Bupertlte galvanized rooOnf. Superior Steel Fence Posts and steel gran- ary lining. Superior Products Limited, 8ar- nia, Ont. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES I'SED MAGAZINESâ€" DETECTIVE, ADVBN- ture, Western. Sport. Love. 3.) for $1.00. Collect, flarbord Stamp Store. Toronto 4. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOMEN â€" START A DRESS AND LIN- gerle business of your own. A shop, or from your own home. Excellent profit. Increasing bu-iiness. Prices to meet competitlun. and garments superior In quality. Small Invest- ment starts you off. Write. Canadian Dress Company, 7A Camden Street. Toronto. WOMEN â€" START A DRESS AND LIN- gerie business of your own, A shop, or from your own home. Excellent proBt. Increasing business. Prices to meet competition, and garments superior in Quality. Small Invest- ment starts you off. Write Camden Dress Company. 7A Camden Street, T-.ironto, DOGS INGUSH FOXHOUNDS, l\i ".EARS. EITH- er sex. $30.00. Inchultng pedigree; walkers, either sex, $15.00 (started), pups three monihs. SS.OO: dark silk mink, $25.00. Bugle Kennels and Fur Farm. Lombardy. Ont. ELECTRIC WELDER THE TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDERâ€" WON- derful new Invention. Operates from 8-volt battery. Weldsâ€" Suldersâ€"Braies. $3.95 de- livered R. 11. Anderson, Lindsay. Ont. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED. PRl.NTED. I FREE enlargement 25c. He-prints 10 for 'ibc. l'h..t.i-Craft. 183'/i King St. E., Tor.mto. ZERO PRICES, E.XPHmT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevaona Stud- ios, »3 Niagara Street. St. Catharines. Ont. FREE I -TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMB.-^TS lone colored) with roll developed. eiKht gli^s.^y, fade-pror>f prints, 28c: highest qual- ity Machray hiims. Winnipeg. FILMS UEVKLOPED WITH Sl.XTt.EN GLOS- sy prints (two of each> 25c. Free enlarge- ment. Eight Photographic c;reetinK Can'.s. 25c. Speedy, satisfaction Kuaranleed. Su- perior Service. Machray. Winnipeg. 1'HK:.STMAS CARllS FROM YOUR FAVOUR- ite negatives, 3 for 25c; 75c a dt'..e!i: com- plete with envelopes. Enlargements 5x7 in caste frame. 39c; 2 for 75c. Roll tllms developed and , rinted. 25c; reprints 3c e:ich. Free onlargemciu with every 2,'ic onler. Bri);ht!lni;, 29 Klchmond St. E., Toronto. ROLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT PKINI'S With free enlargement. 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Phi'to Service, Dept. B., Outrcraont, Que. SPECIAL OKFKU' THREE, 5 \ 7 GLUSSV enlargements. 3rK'. Send your best ne>;:itlve8. Everett Wees*. K 'Ute 3. SariilH. FOR SALE SPECTACLE Kl'.A.MES. $l.,'iO. PRKSCRIP- lions Ullei; Spei-i:il low prices. By niiill Sc;-.:icrcr Optical. I.%H Vonge, T •ronl.., FOR SALE GOVEKNOKS I'OR AUTOMO- bilo engines for latui use. H. W Crosby. 25 Cly.li! St . lUnillton, Out. PUKK HRED TOl'l.tVoSE, KMUDK.N. AFRl can <";ee8e, Pckin, White Runner Oiicks. Ex- hibUlon Stoi'h. i::iClosc ;:I:inip. llAroM Biasing. NciiKladt. Ontario, FOR SALEâ€" LAVENDULA VERA - TRUE Knglioh laveadcr flowers, for .sachets. One Dollar a pounil. dellvereil Canadian Puclflc Biiit. tlardens. Duuc.in. VHncouver Island. FOR S.VLKâ€" GREEN'S RECITATION BOOK, 35c. DIt'oguc Book, 35c Tanning Bo<ik, 35c. Green's Concert Co., Kenllworth, On- tan. HAIRORESSING SCHOOLS Af'DRKWS' ACADEMY OF H MRDRESSIMl, Government llcen.sed. We Iraln you lor Board kUamination. Free pn>spectus, 9(11 Bl.>.r West, Toronto. WAHAM.!; HUnS'JN school, llAIRORKii.H. Ing and Beautt Culture. Write (or pamph- let. 707 Yonc* Street, Tcroato. LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. The w.,nderrul i.:irK:tin8 in <.ur Furniture Trade-in Dept. have made this the most popu- lar in Toronto. Space will not permit us >o list more than a lew oi .iur wpccials. if you do not see what you want advertised, write n.'id let u.^ know yuur needs. Every piece of Uirnilure Is sanitaniy treated and complet'^'y refinished to look like new. All orders caic fully packed for Immeiliate shipment on re- ceipt of money order. dkOQ f\(\ Beautiful 5-Plece bedroom suite ^09.Vlvl ,a tW()-tone wilnui. Jresser and vanity wilb large swing mirrors, full size bed. sagless sprio;; and new alt-felt, nil edge mattress; new condition. d»CQ on *^"^'^*^'* walnut bedpiom suite â€" vOi/.UU iari;e dresser, triple mirror vanity. chiltr<ibe. full size bed. sapless spring and branr! new ail-felt mattress. Completely re- finished like new. Cost over $2:10.00. A real bargain. ^S4Q HA U'jdem 9-piece walnut finish dln- ^rt7.UU log room suite. Buffet, china cab- inet, e:i'-ension table and 8 leather seat chairs. C. n-.pleti'ly refinished. A real smart suite. d^l^QC Dining room suite. 8 pieces, large H» â- '•"••'*' buffet, extension table and six strong leather-seat chairs; guaranteed clean and In good condition. $9^ nn Chesterfield outfit. 8 pieces, In- #«*t.UU eluding 3-piece chesterfield suite upholstered In a good hard wearing brown repp, with reversible Marshall cushions; end table, bridge lamp and shade, metal smoking stand and silk chesterfield cushion, A real outstanding value. d^-to CA Large 3-plece chesterfield suite, ^lO.OU upholstered In brown repp with fig- ured reversible Marshall spring ctishlons. A real good looking and comfortable suite. Horry for this offer. «>Q OS Bed outfit, full size steel bed, sag- ^9.*70 less spring and new mil edge all felt mattress. Large assortment of kitchen cabinets, sewing machines, gas staves, library tables, wardrobes, beds, springs, mattresses, odd dresB-'rs, chlf fi.nierF, studio couches, etc., at amazingly low prices. Trade-in Dept. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. 478 Yonge St., Toronto HAIR GOODS W1G8. TOUPEIES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest qual- ity Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cata- lofnie, Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst street, Toronto. HONEY DEL CIOUS AMBER HONEY, CONTAINS NO buckwheat, S-lO's, $4.20. H. D. Mclntyre, Bridgeport. Ont. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER? ONLY 35c WILL CONVINCE you that Mazar Varicose Salve will give permanent relief from ulcers, running sores. new or old wounds. Money-back guarantee. Mazar Mfg,. 331 Flora Avenue. Wlonlpes. ARE YOU SICK? NATURE HAS A REMEDY FOR ALL COM- moo ailments. No drtigs, pills, capsules, or liquids â€" ONLY NATtTRAL REMEDYâ€" Free Booklet, "Nature's Way to Health" â€" No obligation. Indian Herbal Remedy Com- pany, J090W Dundas St. West. Tomtto. YOU CAN Br ENTIRELY FREE FROM ASTHMA HAY FEVER A.'^D BRONCHITIS. REVObD- tlonary discovery of European physIc*An baa worked wonders. It quickly remuvee M traces of respiratory troubles however stob- bora they appear to be. Write for free hi- formatioD. R.M.B, Laboratories at Canada, Ltd,, Detj;. 1-829. Vancouver Block. Van- couver, B.C. WHY SUFFER? WHE.N YOU CAN GET IMMEDIATE RELIEF from Head Colds. Catarrh a.'id Deafness, by using "NAMELESS" Cold Remedy, Trial will convince. By mall 50c. A product of The Purity Chemical Co., Exeter, Ontario. GARLIC PEARLES SOLUBLE CAPSULES PURE ESSJE.'^TLAL OIL of fresh garUc, No disagreeable odor nor after-taste. For arthritis, prostate gland, ca- tarrh and other obstinate disorders. They are an Internal disinfectant regulating the entire digestive system and are an excellent safeguard against common colds. $3 per 100 (enough for five weeitsi. R. Adam, P.O. Box 374, Vancouver, B.C. DR. LEFEVRE'S GENUINE DEHYDRATED Garlic and Spinach Powder in capsules. Na- ture's germ killer and antiseptic, odorless, tasteless, blood builder, strengthener; antl- catarrhiLl: for men. womi^n and children. 60c and $2. Prepaid. Address Frisco Imp<irtlng Co., Ltd., 141 Sevmour St., Vancouver, MISCELLANEOUS LEARN SHORTHAND. ACCOUNTANCY. Typrewrlting by mall. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospec- tus. Dept. C, Canada Business College, Hamilton, Ontario. BIBLE READERSâ€" THE TRUTH OF ETER- nal Life Information free. Write. G. Luard, Clover Bar, Alberta. 20 YARDS! "QUILT REMNANTS " â€" $1.00. Washfast. Cottons! Prints! Broadcloths! Silks! Free! "70 Quilt Patterns." "Collect." Refund guaraniee. Maritime Textiles. 8049 Degaspe. Department Wits. Montreal. MEN WANTED WANTED _ AMBITIOUS MEN. 18 YEARS or over, to learn detective work. Big pay. Rewards, Interesting home-study course. Free Information. Write to Mori-ls L. Jullen. Box 25. station T-, Montrtal. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX. RE ISTEJIED AtTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents: Drawings: RegistratioDs: Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS •\N OFFER TO KVI'HY INVE.NTOR. LIST of Inventions and lull lnforin;it! "ti '»ont free. The Ramsay Company. ReeWterod Patent Altirneys, 273 Bank St.. Ottawa. Cc'.n. PERSONAL AKE 'lOU KL'Pri'KKl>'' UEI.lf.F. ro.M I'-OltT. positive support wilh our ad\a:iiM',l uieihi-d. No t'la.':tlc or un.Ui'^ti'iips "r .'*l»-ei Write, Smith ManufnotiiHui! Co.. Pen Jl'.l Pres- ton, Ont PERSONALITY CHART SENT FREE K\Y;»1.\R, CANADA S FOilKMOSl' ADVIS- er on iiunian pr'b^ejis will send a <'(:arih-Ivr and Persona ily (.'hart tree to ntiyooc who writes him. Thi.s niniixpig free oiler i^ made merely to a.ivertlso Mason's 49 Cold Remedy and Is avallHi>!r lot a iimltett titne wily Write todtiy cnciusing a seit-ad<iressed. stamped envelope and \-'Ur lorl'i-dale Ad- drt».s â€" Riyin. r. rare of :-lason Ki^meillee. l.i:ni:ed, M MoC;Uil «tr»'t*t. 'f. r,'nl '. Ca- nada. PIGEONS MAGPIES. HELMETS, 110M'.:KS. .SUNS. Fantails. High cla.ts pigeons prict-d reason ably. Write I'erry \ndersoij. Kincardine, Ontario. POULTRY SHIP TO El>V. \K|) WILSON REti'D TOP MAKKET l'KKl:S PAID FOR DRESSED I'oultiy and Eggs Kii Wilson, Rcgd.. 41 Bonsecours Mkt.. .Montreal. PUREBRED BOUKBON REI> !r!:KE>S. bred from prize ui irinK n.ch "V ilticil- n am-cstor.^ Large, healthy, vi*;- iviis birds. • toma $t,1j, hens $3.20, Stanley Bantea>l. DouglM, Ont, Company Protects ^Aspirin* Trademark Judgirent Obtained Acainst Par- ties Marketing the Product Under Other Names OTTA\V.\. â€" The Bayei' Company Limitetl having brought actions to re- sliaiii infringements of its registered trade mark ".Vspiriu' the Exchequer Court of Canada has given judgment against its five defendants. In each (;a,se the Exchequer Court perpetually restrains the defendants Ivan Lam- bert, Joseph N'ozick, Standard Bottlers and Packers Ltd.. B. Neuman and Joe Beckman from using the tradi^ mark ".\spirin ' on preparations put out by themselves and awards the Bayer Company costs and damages. The defendants were marketing the infringing product under various names including Pioneer Sales Co., Western Sales Co., Western Distribut- ing Co., Advance Specialty Co. and Acme Specialty Company. The tab- lets labelled "Aspirin" were not of Bayer manufacture and were packed in small envelopes, each containing three or four tablets, and mounted on cards. It is the intention of The Bayer Company Limited to take every legal method to uphold its trade mark. "Aspirin'' is the trade mark of The Bayer Company, Limited, Windsor, Ontario. The bus was crowded. People were going home for the holidays- The lights had gone out in the bus and the tall man asked the young lady who crowded on at the last stop if he could help her find a strap. Young Lady â€" I've already found one. Tall Manâ€" Then, would you mind letting go of my necktie? This one from the Wall Street Journal strikes us as being funny: An Irishman had been thrown over a fence by an enraged bull. He had just recovered when he noticed the bull pawing the ground and furiously .tossing his head. â- •If it wasn't for your bowing and scraping," said Mike, "I'd think you threw me over on purpose.' Often think the most praiseworthy human quality is the power of self restraint. . . . Takes much will power to overcome habit or desire of any kind. . . . "He that overcom- eth," says Revelations," shall not be hurt in the second death." • • . "Overcome evil with good," admon- ished St. Paul, . . Not bad for Christmas thinking, what? The train with three drunks aboard slowed down for the stop at Wem- bley. Said the Firstâ€" Is thi,sh Wembley? Second â€" No, it's Thursday. Thirdâ€" So'm I- "Always laugh when you can; it is cheap medicine. Merriment is a phil- osophy not well understood. It is the sunny side of existence." â€" Lord Byron , Begin your Christmas giving now! POULTRY MEDICINE ROUP. COLDS. SCRATCHES. BORES. ETC, quickly relieved with Briggs Electric Oil, Many home uses. Two sizes â€" 79c (8 os, ) 35c {2 OS, I. Makers of Briggs Black Oil, Kennedy's Founder and Hoof Ointment. De- pendable over 88 years. 8<ild by druggists. For FREE Information write O. C. Briggs A Sons. Toronto QUILTING PATTERNS FREE! â€" 70 QLILTINC. PATTER.NS: OlANT washfa-st . mnantsl "Makes flvu quilts" I'ottonii'M'intsI silks! Eiderdowns: â€" $1.U0 "Collect." Sample bundle â€" 25c Refund Guarantee! Maritime Textiles, 8049 De- gfispe. Montreal. RADIOS 1938 CUSTO.Vigi'AHTY RADIOS SENSATIONAL .SEW 193S .MERCURY Cl'S- tom-<Juality Phonola Rajio.'i. delivered dir- ect rrvtra our laboratories. El};hteen models, automatic tuning. Battery and Vibrator. New lo'v prices. Send for free onttloKue. Mercury Radio Company. 970C College St., Toronto. STAMPS Q- ,y>,^ STAMP .^CCU.^U•I,AT10^•S â€" '0,1"'"-' Juhllccs. Co;- nations. Airmail. E.lwania. Colonials. Keve;ju«.'!, Pli'l •rial.'. In- c'uding Commemor:iiives. Simples 1.000. atty ce»ts. James Sh.iRipton. Wadena, Sas- U.*tchewan. STAMPS FOR HIGH-CLASS COLLECTORS "•:t;;NK nov\ sjcotia st.vvp.'', superb r>ini. three dlifercnl, .<1.U0, cCitali^ues •^2X>) Bltger b;uB.-.i-i, six dittii'or-l, S:i.95 iCat-ioKUCB fO.S.'il. Limited supply. Rush oi-deri. .\ppr tvals ."Kaui.st rt rcrci'.ces. New- l-^iT . n-l:; I' it. V:ol rlj. I'.C. TAXIDERMY MU'irillAL eyes A.NH skulls - TAXI- demil.'.t and lurrlers supplirn tas used lu iir itwn worki^hops) Send for free cala- liirue. Oliver Spanner and Co.. L'.d.. JS Kim SI reel. Tor.ni.. TANNING I'l-X I'Kl.TS TAN.NEP \N1> M VI'E l.NTO t'l'ins. Animal sKin- i toncil .itul iv.tde Into Moor tUKs. Doer luid M.hij.e Heads tnounteil. Ily CNi>eri r-'nvrleni i.o-l Taxidermists. Salie- ^icil n KU iniptooil prices re.asomli'e tlitver i' Mitner I'o 1 ' 1 "2^ Elm SI . Ton>ntv.. TOBACCO \K BttRLKV i\ir;: POUNHS St.ld, ; iirtve.i !â- u'id> s.l.i>(» P'- o p-'inds Virginia i.iMf t'l Mipi't- T- baot;.., ^a.o..'. Postpaid with flavoring. Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Lea- mtnitoD, Ontario, ''Tm telling THE WORLD 'I'^/i?? IT«SAHJiT/'^ ^ '^^ " BI& BEM THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacco A smile or a kindly deed is one of the cheapest yet dearest things you can give- Patient â€" Am I g-g-g-oing to d- d-d-die, d-doctor? Doctor â€" My dear Mr, Smith, that's the last thing you'll do! Junior (your town) â€" Take off your hat, please- Big Sister's Boy Friend â€" Sure thing, but why? t Junior (Your town) â€" I wanna see if it's so; sister said you're cracked in the head. Here's a tip that'll save you oodles of time in the next two weeks: Buy all the stamps you'll need for Christ- mas greeting cards right now and you won't have to spend hours in the post-office line a little later on. You May Have Noticed That â€" The race nearly always goes to the swift, The solace to him who frets; It's the babe who yells that gets the milk, And it's he who grabs that gets- Harold had taken his girl to lunch and she had spoken to a very nice- looking man at the next table, Harold â€" Is that man a friend of yours ? Girlâ€" Yes. Harold â€" Wei!, why don't you ask him to join us? Girl (cooing) â€" Oh, Harold, this is so sudden! Harold â€" What's so sudden? Girl â€" â- Why Why he's our minister! More fish that swim down deep, where there Is little daylight, are red, tut the pale light at that depth makes them looli sray. iHarigt TONIC (SOLUTION OF BIPHOSPHATES OF UME) DIRECT FROM THE MONASTERY TO youi Wilt build you up lapidly. Used luc- cesWully for over 150 years â€" for nervous debility â€" diseases of fhe brain â€" anaemia â€" diseases of the bones. Especially good for growing children and ihe aged. GOLD MEDALS WON A I WORLDS' EXPOSniONS OF HYWENI PftlCE SI .00 At All D.-ug Stores ^tchinil "^r TORTURE fn A Minutt For iiuick relief (rem the licLin* of eaems, blotoiol, piiiiplcs, mthlrte's foot, tcaloi, rubes sod otlier skin •rupUooa apply Dr Pennis' pure, cooiim. intiseiv tic liquid 0. D. 0. PRESCRIIT'ION. Its gemle oils •oothe the irritated skin. Ulesr, tm^\vB> ami stain- Ibb Uf:es fMl. Stoi^ liic iiioft iiilcn:* itchtim in- iUiillv. A 3iv- iriil k-iUf, s; ili Jg stone, prove* ftâ€" «Bioiie> bMk. .\e;UO. O.D.PnESCRIPTtON. M TIRED or NERVOUS? Is bile doing its work? Vnir liver Is lazy, Ui.ifs why y. u (eel so r-iien halt Hi* l>;"e. ^"'•'"â- ' 'y'""' '^ "'^' ger.m,- en.ush W'e V. ui he«d aches, yur binR aclies. Yuur fo.Kl .l.esn't .llsent prop- erlv it 8t..tgnatcs .nnd deca.-.i tor lacli o( lilii- Bile IS a illcesiant and an antiseptic. V"ur liver -HlKU'd i>i-.'<lu.;e IS lu 36 fluid ^,iiiices "I bile every 'it hMiirs. 'I'r-ii. 1 T.ililets will inaUc y.,iir Hver do Its v\. rl: Bated iii<.u a siiiill propunlon of Cal- •luel bIc'jdcJ Willi ccrl!i:n ithcr u.«efiil modl- cliiHl logredieni*. Taml 'I'ublen act promptly and directly ii|H-n t"e 'l.er, slimulatliig Ui9 tv.w of bile. They ; : • e- sy to lake and tro- \Ule a safe, e,isv \. K-m^ calomel, prob- ably the tnoji effev .er sllimilant known, â- fhev ar* i.. t liar? i it lUey are efriilcnt. V li'r drOf,-g-.'t hui 1- '.. .^'>r. «a) TRENCH S REMEDIES i.;v l,lliia!llg TO.N'i:' T.VBLKTS. STOM- i '"'XBI-KTS t- i-e love stontach troub- VKE.NCH'3 r.UMlOiiV. Free Booklet , :t ,•..,-.;. Wri'.e t t'.V.\. TRENCH'S REMEDIES. LTD. i;.; \, ;; i. ... .1 'ii sr I'ORo.x I'l.' Iscue No. 50â€" '37 câ€" I ) SCOUTING Here There E very where A brother to every athei Scout, without regcra lo rac or creed Lieutenant - Governor J. C. Bowen of Alberta honoured the '22nd Edmon- ton Boy Scout Group by offii'ially opening -'.s new headcjuarters, in the absence of Mayor Clarke and a !ar?o grathering of prominent citizens and Scout leader? • • • Again proving that Boy Scout acti- vities need not interfere with school work, Troop Leader .Arthur Schaw- low, of the 4<)th Toronto (Humewood School) Troop, and a student at Vaughan Road Collegiate, won two of the year's scholarships, the Edward Blake Scholarship in Physics aiul Chemistry and the Moses Henry Aik- en Scholarship in Science and Mathe- matics. He was honoured at 'he col- legiate's commencement e x e rcisi'S with the role of valeiiictorian of the 1907 class. • • • A L'8-foot whaler was presented to the Sea Scouts ot Vancouver by the Vancouver Liona' Club. The craft, which will accommodate 16 boys, is the second of a fleet of four which the Club plans to provide the Britisli Columbia Sea Scouts. The first was presented las', spring. « • • Boy Scouts of distant points at- tending the yeai s International Scout Jamboree in Holland included 8 from Venezuela, 9 from Siam. 12 from Ja- pan, 2.5 from China. 5 from Iran. 30 from Mexico and 30 from Iceland • • • Unlike many adult hunters and prospectors from time to time lost in the North country, when Scout Louis Vollans, 15, accompanied by four younger boys, including one of five found he had lost his bearings in the heavy bush near Wanless, north of Flin Flon, during a Satur- day afternoon hunting expedition with a small rifle, he did not Iom' his head . When darkness shortly came (Ml with a chilling wind, he bivouacked lor the night, kindled a fire fo» warmth and comfort, and grilled th« partridge they had shot. The part* ridge be divided with care, giving the breast meat to the youngest boy. Then, in preparation for daylight, ha took direction from the North Star and set a stick pointing in the direc- tion that should bring them out on the railroad. Early in the mominif they set off, and finally came out om the rails four miles from home- Meanwhile the alarmed searchers who had failed to find tiem the pre- vious afternoon and evenin.at, were on the point of summoning aid from Flin Flon. A lookout on top of the station water tank reported distant figur«B on the track. A section man sped away on a gas-car to investigate, and the lost quintet were soon safe back at home. But for Scout Vollans' coolness and head work the lads might have been! lost for several days, if nothing more serious had resulted. The partridge' was the only food eaten since leav- ' ing home, and th^y had been with- out water. The stout little five year old, w'.ien asked 'if he had not been terribly tired, replied. "Well, I wae getting tired, but I could have gone ' two more miles." 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