Flesherton Advance, 8 Dec 1937, p. 8

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Wcdnesda}', December 8, V)y/ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE A Tip From SANTA t t t t t T T T t t t i t t t t t BE PREPARED FOR Christmas Many Suitable and Serviceable Gifts Eleatrical Goods Washing Machines Hot Plates Toasters Heaters I rons Large Selection of Lamps Sporting Goods â€" Skate Outfits Skiis Toboggans Sleighs Hockey Sticks Guns and Rifles Flashlights Batteries AI.ADDIN AND COLEMAN LAM PS AND LANTERNS Stoves, Ranges and Heaters â€" We can supply a large range of Stoves; prices to suit everyone; give us a call before you buy. t t T T T T t ? ? t t t ? T t t y t DISPLAY OF OTHER CHRISTMAS GOODS, CHINAWARE, TOYS, Etc. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON t t V PRICEVILLE We feci pleasure in congiatulaliiii; our iriend, Mr. S. M. Patter.son, on attaining, by acclamation, the po.sition ol' Reeve of Jigremont. Mr. W. II. Hunter resigned for otiier duties. Tile funeral of the late Robert .Shorlreed, who passed away on Wed- nesday of la.st week, was held Friday last, when service was conducted in St. Columba United Church. A large concourse of friends and neighbor.s Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cuiran and two children of Orangeville were callers in town on Monday. Mrs. George Blackburn and Georg- attended to pay tribute of respect to'l-ina visited Mr. Hartley Blackburn at his memory. Pallbearers were near neighbors. Mr. Roy Langford of Maikdaie sang feelingly "Good Night and Good Morning." Rev. H. E. Wright conducted the services at the church and cemetery. The Sunday School entertainment date, announced early for the 2Srd, has been changed so as not to conflict with other events to the 17th in St. Columba church. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was duly and fittingly observed yesterday in St. Columba United Church, to a fairly good membership. A meeting was held in McVicar's !iall Saturday night to gain ideas a.e '^ 'I'litting the antiquated system of â- statute labor. Some of the fathers and would-be fathers were present. We have been surpri.sed that this â- ^ iwnship is so far behind in this re- spect, with government help available ;ind equality to all. Mrs. F. J. Thurston and two child- ren, Bruce and Barry, were in Toronto the first of the week. t â„¢-â„¢- I F. T. Hill & Co., Limited ' CHAIN STORES OUR BUYING POWER <i* 4*"â€" â€" â€" â€" t MARKDALE, Ont. J- â- â- â-  â- â-  â- â-  a. .m. : m. m. .m. .m. .•. .*- •â-  â-  »- f f f f , A ^ ♦ t T t ? T t t T Your Opportunity to Save on Winter Merchandise t LADIES' WINTER COATS at$lL95, $14.95 & $22.50 A lar}4c purchase of Ladies' Coats from one of our best manufacturers enables u.s \i> (juote tliese i)rices: t t T T T T ? T T MEN'S COTTONADE WORK PANT S X at $1'44 per pair A {.j-ood stout work pant, in stripe col tonade ; well made; all sizes M to -U Special at, per pair $1.44 Lot 1 â€" 2U Ci)ats, fur-trim, all-\v(nil cloths in different shades. Ivxtsa Value $11.95 T T ? t T T t Lot 2 â€" 25 (Jiily, Cloth Coals in all the new materials; values in this lot up to ii;l9.75; sizes from 14 to 30. K.\tra Value at „ $14.95 Lot 3 â€" 25 onlv, Ladies' Inir Trimmed Coats, made to sell from $27.50 to $>55.0(); Xothinj? finer on the market. lixtra Value at $22.50 Special Sale of BOYS' FLEECE LINED AND PURE WOOL UNDERWEAR 3.PLY FACTORY YARN at 89c lb. 500 lbs. I\ire-vvool h'actory \'arn in 3 ply on!}- ; suitable for mitts and sox; ^ood assortment of colors. Special, lb 89c PURE WOOL WORSTED HOSE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS AT 29c 'Phis is a j^ood heavy Worsted Hose in all sizes 6 4^)c pair. E.'' T T ♦ t T T ? T t t t to 10; made to sell at 39c and y Extra Special, pair 29c V sizes Sale price per 43c ^ 25 doz. in the Itjt ; all j^ 32; a ji^ood heavy quality. X garment T Y ♦J» MEN'S PURE-WOOL UNDERWEAR V at $1.25 per garment A Men's heavy ribbed pure-wool under- A wear ; a real {jood wearinjjr ^•arnient ; sizes ♦♦♦ 34 to 44. TURKISH BATH TOWELS AT MANUFACTURERS' COST ,\ larjje assortment to choose from' size 17 to 36; pink artd blue borders. Special at per pair 35c 24 by 40, solid colors, also iialtcms; ex tra heavy weif^i'ht. Special, pair .. 98c & $1 24 bv 45, heavy embos.sed patterns; dif- ferent coloriu^-s. Special pair $1.25 I t T t t T T T ♦;♦ t t Extra Value, per gfart. .. $1.25 RUBBERS AT A BIG SAVING FACTORY COTTON SPECIAL 36 in. wide, real pood weight. t T Special Y Ladies' Plain Overs, pair 59c Ladies' Rubber Goloshes, pair $1.19 Misses' Rubber Goloshes, pair $1.25 Child's Rubber Goloshes, pair $1.19 Ladies' Velvet Goloshes, pair $2.69 ,., Men's Plain Ovens, pair 75c â-ºJ* Boys' Plain Overs, pair 65c S9c c ....$1.89 $1.59 ♦> Mi.sses Plain Overs, pair 59 Y Child's Plain Overs, pair 45 Y ? ♦?♦ ♦♦♦ Youths' 6-cye1et Monitor at $1.49 Men's 6-evelet Monitor at .. Men's 6-eyelct Monitor at .. per yard 14c GROCERY SPECIALS Buy your Fruits for Xmas Now New Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 23c Lar),''e X^aU'ncia Raisins 2 lbs. 25c New Currants 2 lbs. 27c Glace Cherries per lb. 39c New Mixed Peel, lemon, citron and orans:c lb. 25c New Prunes at 15c lb; 10c lb. & 3 Ib.s. 25c Bulk Cocoa 2 lbs. 25c Choice Rice 4 lbs. 25c Tcinq: Snjjar 2 lbs. 1 5c Block vShortening' 4 lbs. 50c Robin Hood Flour Contest : Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T V The W.M.S. and Willing Helpers of •St. Andrew's Church will hold their annual meeting on Tuesday Dec. 14, at the home of Mrs. Wni. Aldcorn. Topic by Mrs. T. Nichol. Roll Call- Exchange of Christmas gifts. Lunch com.. Misses Mary McEachern, Mar- garet McArthur Mrs. Hector McLean, Mrs. Jack McMeekin. A good attend- ance is requested for the election of officers. .About .50 of the Pricevilleites held a surprise party at the Home of Mr. Alex. McEachern, 229 Garden Ave., Toronto, on November 24th. The re- tiring president was presented with an accompanying address of apprecia- tion by Mr. J. Bowie. Mr. McEachern expressed his thanks to the gathering. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Pres., Alex. Dobson; 1st Vice, Innis McLean; 2nd Vice, Mrs. .Albert Whitlan; Sec.-Treas • .fean McEachern; Rec. Sec, Thelma Dobson. .At the close of the business session old fashioned dancing was en- joyed and refreshments brought a nieasant evening to a close. Mr. Colin McLean and son, .Allie. were in Guelph at a wedding and at- tended the winter fair. Mrs. Art Mcintosh and daughter of liigersoll spent a few day.; last week it the home of M-. aiul Mrs. .Allie .McLean. .A social evening was held in St. j .Andrew's Church on Friday evening under the auspices of the Willing Hi'lpers' Society. Mr. .John Nicho' -Si', presided and an attentive cudi-nee iiste led â- â€¢) a good proivrnni. Mess;-.;. Colin Wc[.,oan with th" violin. Fr ! iUintiinan, iiiccolo, accompanied by Mrs. Uunciman at the piano, furnished •K'Vci-al selector.; and received loud â- pplau-^- Humoro"s readings were given by Berniee Carson Mrs. D. > anipbell, .Mis ,Iohn Nichol Sr., and .Mrs. Wm. Brown, while Elizabeth r.rown gave a eou|)le of piano selec- tions. Hetty and Dorothy Watson sang a duet in costume and Betty and -Shirley Hincks sang a motion song. .A four-act play "Puss in Boots" was presented by 12 senior pupils, under the leadership of Mrs. Wilfred Wat- son. Mrs. Dan Campbell and Mrs. A. L. Hincks reiulered a duet in costume, and Mertbr.s. and Dave Nichol gave two well rendered duets, accompanied at the piano by Miss Margaret Nichol. The National .Anthem brought the evening to a close, after which re- I'reshincnts were served in the base- ment. While lunch was being pre- pared by the ladies selections were given by Mr. Allan Cameron and (irant Muir on the bagpipes, which was thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Knox and babe and Mr. Stuart Carson of Toronto spent the week end here. Messrs. .\lex. and Innis McLean and Allan Mclnnis of Toronto spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell cele- brated their silver wedding anniver- sary on Saturday last. Mrs. Bob Fettis of Owen Sound spent last week end with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Hincks. Mrs. T. Nichol returned home on Saturday after spending a week with friends at Collingwood, and a week with her daughter at Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McArthur and babe and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and two sons were in Owen Sound Saturday and saw Santa Claus, it being the day !>f his pre-Christmas visit. Mr. Mnchan of Knox College, To- '•onto occupied the pulpit in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday and gave in pxcellent sermon. His subject was "The Sin-ns of the Time." Those who were not present nv<iflpd hearing nn "vc^llAnt cprmon. Tfo is a young "'-'^tchmnn in h\t flrit venv nt rolIflt»«« Port Credit. Tlie Rock Mills Sunday School will hold their Christmas entertainment on Monday night, December 20th. .Mr. and Mrs. O. Clipperton and iMary of Toronto spent tne week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mit- chell. Messrs. Clifford and Lloyd Allen, Earl Johnson and Everett Blackburn accompanied the Wareham Short Course class to the Guelph Winter Fair on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Art MacDonald and daughter Jean and Mr. Norman Scar- row of Acton, also Mr. and Mrs. N. Becker of Durham visited with Mrs. Morgan and Douglas on Sunday. Mrs. E. p. Murray, at present re- siding in Toronto, has been appointed to the Toronto Conference Branch Executive of the W.M.S. of the United Church of Canada. The bazaar and supper held last Saturday by the W. A. of the United Church was quite successful though the weather was very disagreeable. Over S71.00 was received. The crush- ed paper decorations gave the .school room a pretty appearance. Small Ads. WANTED _ Good prices paid for horses or cows, suitable for mink feed. â€" Jas. Sinclair, Ceylon. SHEEP STRAYED _ From my pre- mise.s on Friday, Nov. 19th, a ewe and ram. Finder please notify Em- erson Wright, R. R. 1, Maxwell. FOR SALE â€" Whole corn f 1.45 cwt.; corn and oat chop $1.30 per cwt., sacks included. â€" phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. CAME ASTRAY â€" About last of September, to my premises, one cattle beast. Owner prove proper- ty and pay expenses. â€" Thos. Phillips, Maxwell p8 WANTED _ Any amount of cattle or horses for fox meat. My re- frigeration system enables me to keep any amount. Good price* paid delivered. â€" H. E. Karstedt, Priceville. United Church Notes Last Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed and fif- teen united with the church. Seven of these joined the church for the first time on profession of faith, the others transferred from other churches. It was encouraging, also, to note that seven of the fifteen were young men The Sunday School, under the leadership of Mr. Wm. Miller, is back to regular strength again. Sunday there were 106 present. Next Sunday niornmg the Sunday School will join the congregation in our annual White iCiift Service. The .'Sunday School will present a Christ- mas White Gift Pageant, which will ;)r"paio the way perfectly for the presentation of the gifts in the man- ;or. The whole congregation is in- vit-d t> join with the children in bringing gifts for the needy. 'i 'is ye 1/ our church has been allo- •atfd tw.i .settlements out from Kap- -iskasjng, one the O'Brien, six miles south, and Harty Bit, about 16 miles south-west. There are 12 Protestant families in all with some forty child- ren. Our gifts will be the only Christmas cheer, which these families will receive. Some may be asking "what should we bring." To that query we would Liy, t";-- t;)r th children, candy and nuts, canned fruit (in tins), Christ- mas cakes or puddings, mitts, stock- ings, handkerchiefs, towels, wash cloths toilet soap, mending kits, work socks for men, and anything else which would make an otherwise rath- er drab and meagre Christmas a bit cheery. Gifts of cash will also b" iK'ceptable, as there will no doubt be a few things to buy so that there will be something for every child's stock- ing Christmas eve. It will also take n few dollars to .ship the box north. Just place your money donations in a white envelope and put them in the manger with the other gifts. HOUSE TO RENrr â€" 7 room brick residence jn Flesherton, newly dec- orated. â€" Apply to Leslie Chard, phone 42 r 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE _ A pile of wood in the pole, suitable for furnace or large stove ;also Hardwood tops, mostly maple, to be sold by the cord; A number of pigs five weeks old. Apply to Tho»i. L. Hughes, Markdale R. R. 1. Phone 132r4 Markdale. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Hog for ser- vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186251, sire and dam qualified in advanced registry â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Sta- tion. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wmider, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. C. Conqueror 315 â€" 167820, will be kept for service. Terms $1.00. â€" We«. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months. â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont, R. R. 3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MALCOLM LEITCH of the Village of Flesh- erton, laborer, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims or accounts against the above named deceased, ai'e required to send full particulars thereof to the undersigned solicitor to the executor on or before the Twenty-fourth day of December. 1937, after which date the estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall at that time have been received. â€" C. C. MIDDLEBRO' Barrister, etc. Owen Sound, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.80 Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. Kimberley Public School /♦<♦♦♦M'^^<^^♦<^^♦<'<*♦^♦^ P^AD THE "SMALL ADVTS". (senior room) Grade 10 â€" Winnis Graham. Grade <) â€" Elvie Morwood Mervyn Ellis, Lois Weber, Nellie Haynes, Ivan Camack_ Gordon Chard,(absent for tests). Grade 8 â€" Gloria Belfry, Junior Allen, Harold Graham, Donald Belfry, Leota Gilbert, Garry Ellis Kendal Chard, Mervyn Gilbert, Lincoln Wil- son. Grade 7 â€" Clare Dillon, Irene W ck- ens, Audrey Fawceti Dalbert Wickt s. Grade 6 â€" Barbara Allen, Bt !y Graham, Vernon Fawcett. â€" G. Jenkins Teacher. (Junior Room) Giade 5 â€" Marjory Belfry, Stanley Hutchinson, Gwendolyn Ellis, LloyJ Cherry, Jack Haynes''. Grade 4 â€" Eleanor Ellis, June Bel- fry, Jack Dillon, Vernon Cornfield Leona Kirkpatrick*, Merle Smart*, Grade 3 â€" Elwood Cherry, Shirley McMulIen. Marie Hutchinson Gladys Hnvnes, Tona Smarf*, Grade 2 â€" Plane Pickles, Barry Wallace, Willie Hayn»>s. Grade 1 â€" Joan Ellis Gerald Kirk- patrick, Keith Ellis, Jean Wallace Pnrothv Hnvnes, Thelma Cornfield, Gordon Haynes. ♦ indicates not ranked. â€" Jean Carruthers, Teacher. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 338, A.P. & A.F., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in each month. W. M., Dr. J. E. Milnej Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. D. MacINTYRE, Agent FLESHERTON Qnt. ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT & SICKNESS FIRR AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bond* Any Insurance Problem Telephone, MARKDALE, Ont. DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services reasonabl*. â€"-Phone, Dundalk 2. DR. G. A. LEDGERWOOD, V. S. Night and Day Call Profe.ssional Service Peversham. Phone 4 r 5, at residenc* of Ed. Nixon, Maxw*!!. Quebes reports a bear weighing near 800 pounds attacking a lumber worker. That iiuist be the heavyweight champ ion of the Bruin family. A fund is being raised to perpetuate the name of Rudyanl Kipling. We would hnve thought his literary work has already done that.

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