Flesherton Advance, 5 Jan 1938, p. 5

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1 'V * •1 • â-  • • I * • â-  « V t » rt • i- « j:j ><i t » ; li St : - \ V THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, Janua ROCK MILLS (Last week's Items) A Happy New Year to all. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mra. Andrew Fawcett, Kimberley. Mr. an<l Mrs. McDowell and Garth and Mr. Jack Foster of Toronto, and Miss Sadie Foster of Owen Soui.d, were Christmas guests with Mr. J. A. Foster, Dorothy and Stewart. Miss Ruby Robertson of Toronto spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. «nd Mrs. John Robertson. Mr. Thos. Betts, Edith and Mabel, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs. Levi Duckett and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. Binnington of Maxwell. Mrs. R. McMullen has gone to speno a month with her daughter Mrs. A. Fawcett, at Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brodie of Max- well spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mra. B. Field. Mrs. S. McMullen and Elsie spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts and family. A large number from here attended the presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Norval Betts, which was held in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, on Thursday night and all report a splendid time. Master Bobbie Betts has returned home, after visiting the past week with his aunt, Mrs. A. Fawcett, of Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts and fam- ily and Mrs. Badgerow spent Christ- mas with friends in Walkerton. EUGENIA SPRINGHILL Miss Annie Akins left on Friday for her school at Coldwater, accompaniea by Miss Dorothy Little of Barrie, who spent the vacation with her at the former's parental home. Mr. Jim Harrison spent the past week end in Barrie, accompanied by Mr. David Graham. Mr. Herbert Akins returned to To- ronto on Monday, after spending the holidays with his parents. Miss Jean Beard of Toronto spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Beard. Mr. Graham Beard returned to his school at No. 2, Proton, and Mis<> Bessie Beard to Berkeley, after holi- daying with their parents. Mrs. W. J. Moore returned to Springhill after spending Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Clark, of Markdale. TORONTO LINE NORTH (Intended for Last Week) A Happy and Prosperous New ! Year to editor, staif and readers. Mr. Jas. Stafford and son, Charles, of Portlaw spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stafford and family. The Richardson families enjoyed Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wil- son, Barrhead. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill visited over the holiday at her parental home. Mr. Fred Mathewson visited hi.s daughter in Owen Sound Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and family of Eugenia spent Christmas at the borne of Mrs. T. Lever. Mr. Prank Townley of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mathewson of Cey- lon were holiday visitors at Mr, Fred Mathewson's. The neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Alcox one evening last week, where they spent a social hour and presented them with a gift, prior to their departure for Markdale. Plenty of snow in this vicinity to give a real Christmas spirit and hear the sleigh bells ring. Miss Ilene Sloan of Chatham spent the Christmas holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan. Miss Louise Falconer of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Falconer. Miss Dorothy Jamieson and her grandmother, Mrs. Wilson, spent a few days in Toronto the past week. Mrs. Chas. Martin, Argyle and Marge spent a couple of days the past week with Mrs. T. Lever, Flesherton. Mr. W. H. O'Brien of the 8th line received the sad news of the death of his brother, Mr. James O'Brien of Regina, Sask., last week. We extend our sympathy to the sorrowing bro- ther and relatives. Mr. Chas. Park has returned to Kincardine after spending the Christ- mas holidays with his wife and little daughter. Mr. Arthur Lawkr is assisting Mr. Hammer at Heathcote wiring houses for electricity Miss Irene Martin returned to her school at Orange Valley, Miss Irene Dinsmore returned from Thombury to her school here. Miss Dorothy Jamie- son returned to Feversham and Miss Christina Magee to Brewster's Lake. Miss Fern Magee returned to her position in Toronto. Mr. Ben Hanley has returned to Toronto after spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley. Miss Delsa Kaitting is home for a few days at present. Mrs. George Proctor and grand- daughter. Miss Marjory Proctor, of Kimberley visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor and family. Mrs. W. C. Hanley and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt at Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith spent a few days with the Blah and Pinkerton families at Brantford. Mr. Argyle Martin returned to To- ronto on Tuesday morning Jx> resume his studies. The annual congregational meeting of the United Church will be held on Monday afternoon, Jan. 10th. Lunch will be served. We hope for a good attendance. PROTON STATION LADY BANK A Happy New Year to all â€" late, but hot too late. The old year went out in a very angry mood, piling the snow high and deep. Many cars were stalled in the storm. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eagle and babe of Gibraltar spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham and two children spent New Year's evening with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dobson, town- line, Collingwood. Miss Edna Beatrice Maxwell spent a day with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle. East Mountain. .Miss Bemice Harbottle returned with them for a short visit. Many from this section attended the school concert at the Red School on Tuesday evening, Dec. 28th, and en- joyed the pleasure of seeing a well- conducted program given by the pu- pils. Mr. Idle, teacher, deserves much credit for his training and treats. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle of East Mountain spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple. Mrs. Dave Roberts is improving at her home here after taking treatments at Markdale hospital for her wi-ist, which she injured last fall. Mr. Robert Young of Collingwooo .'ipent New Year's with his two daugh- ters and husbands, Mrs. Ernie Semple and Mrs. Kenneth Wickers, townline. [ At present fawnn commodity prices > W ROOFING ; COSTS LESS TODAY ^ than in I9SS Increases in the price of steel have Decea^itated a slight increai^e in the coat of metal roofing, but it actually costs you less, relatively, to buy Rib- RoU or Tite-Lap rooSng today tlum it did in 1933. Look at these figures. Here is what it cost you in commodities to buy Ittb-RuU or TiteLac roofing in 1933 a* compared to today. Cost of 100 sq. ft. Roofing ^:^S 1933 1937 Batt . . . IS Iba. mUMi. WhMt . .&8(ba. 6.6 bo. Oata ... U ba. 9.875 bo. Bariaor. . . ILt bu. &S bu. BseoaHesa 9elba. SSlba. So. don't pot off gattln« a new roof to piotect your crops and Uveatock. Gat ona of Canada's two beat rootna vahias. Rib-Roll an4 Tlt«-L«p Rooflns â€" Baay to put on right over your old roof: They «a»e money by cnttlng upkeep cost. Ho sure to get the genuine E. S J*, product and have no regrets. There are many unsuccessful imitators 1 Send ridge and rafter SIdssnd nieasurements for free cost •ltdlspt PBtimate. Writ* na ftor detaila or sae yoor banker. He will welcome you. um stattte led-hed nails. Lead on the head positively seals the nail-hole. A drive screw nail that holds like a bulldog. JAMKSWAY POULTRY CqUIPMENT No matter bow large or small your dock, there is Jameaway equipment of every type to aut your needs exactly. Specialists in incubators, ven- tilation and poultry bousing. Write for literature. Ttia PrastOM Fartllator attached to yotir seed drill enables you to sow fertilizer with your fall wheat Eastern $iee\ Products The annual school meeting took place in the school house on Wednes- day last with a good attendance. Mr. Bert Badgerow was the retiring trus- tee and declined re-election. Mr. Jack Neilson was elected by acclama- tion and the board of trustees for the coming year is Messrs.Sims, Batche- lor, an<^ Neilson. Mr. A. Baker was re-engaged as caretaker. Mr. Jack Neilson had a successful auction sale last Thursday and has taken a position in Dever Bros, store. Many visitors had difficulty in reaching their destinations on New Year's Eve. 1937 died hard as though she regretted the unusually pleasant weather she gave us. She finished up with one of the worst blizzards we have had for years. Mrs. L. E. NichoUs of St. Thomas visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ach- eson. Other visitors were Miss Lill- ian Hemphill of Toronto, and Misses Marjorie Stevens and Joyce Patterson. Miss V. Gordon visited her friend Miss Gertrude Irish. Every public organization dealing with public funds should present an audited statement at the end of the year. CEYLON Miss Mary Mather and Miss Doro- thy Snell are in Owen Sound taking a short course on "Catering to Tour- ists," being held by the Department of Agriculture. Misses Catherine and Bessie Cairns and Miss Isobel McDonald returned to Toronto on Wednesday after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston and family of Oshawa spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir. Miss Mildred Whittaker has re- turned to Toronto, after visiting at her home here. Misses Irene and Elsie Fisher re- turned Monday to Toronto, after speeding the Christmas and New Year vacations at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Kew of Wingham and Mr. Bill Kew of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Whittaker. Miss Fern Leslie returned to To- ronto the first of the week, after holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Snowden McLeod spent Christmas at the latter's home at Caledon. Misses Harrow of Owen Sound were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Beaton. Mr. Grant Muir returned on Monday from Toronto, where he visited for the past week. Miss Mildred Risk has returned from Kimberley. Mrs. Randall visited at her home at Topcliffe recently. Miss Irene Stewart returned to To- ronto the first of the week, after spending New Years at her home. Miss Vema Kennedy has returned home from Wiarton. Miss Agnes Macphail spent Sunday in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hales and son. Jack, of Brighton spent Christmas with Mrs. Hale's father. Mr. Jas. L. McMullen. Michigan has 11,000,000 bushels mt.T' potatoes than she lequires for home consumption. We imagine that when better apolo- gies are made it will be the Japanese who will make them. Fsctofi*! slto •! MONTREAL and TORONTO Former President Hoover likes the word "recession" better than "depres- sion" or "slump." However, a depres- sion by aoy other term tastes just as sour. ROCK M" ' ' Grade 8 â€" teous, Harold ». Phyllis Partridg. Grade 7 â€" kinson. Grade • Betts, Vfc er, Evelyn Grade 5' Shiers, Jac. Harold Betts, i Grade 3 â€" M Betts, Billy Srai* Grade 2 - Betts, Viva r Marion Crof Croft, Harve. Grade 1 â€" Betts, Don Smith, » en Sadler (absent) Teacher- ENGAG Brigadier and M* don wish to announce of their daughter, T Nelson Pedlar, son E. C. Pedlar of Sin' marriage to take ,. at the Salvation -Arr. gan .\ve., Torr t t t t T T T t t t t t t t t T T t t ? ? ? ? t t t ? T ? t t t ? ? t t t t t t t t t t T T t t t t T X t t ? T r^^r H'^><*<*<'^><*<*<*<^X<^X^^^ GRAND Flesherton Arena TO GOMMENCE AT 8 P.M. Good Prizes for the Foil owin^ Even ts MISS CAxNADA BEST HARD-TIME COSTUME Races BEST FAIRY BEST ORIGINAL (Couple) POTATO RACE BEST CLOWN RELAY RACE BEST NATIONAL GIRLS' RACE (Open to all) BEST ADVERTISING FANCY DRESS BOYS' RACE (Iptu 15 years) BEST FAT MAN & WOMAN (Couple) l^^rN'S RE Judging to commence at 8.15 p.m. SPECIAL FE.UURt Moccasin Dance DANCING AFTER SKATING FOR ONE HOUR MUSIC PROVIDED OVER LOUD SPEAKERS (Round and Square Dancing) Look for the Mystery Man General Skating after to Music ' Admission: 25c and 15c Refreshment Booth GOD SAVE THE KING X z t t t t ? T ♦;♦ t ? T ♦ t t ? ? ? T t T T X t T X T X X X X T T T X X X X ♦♦♦♦♦.â-ºâ™¦â™¦-m.Jm>***J^*<mJ^****»^^^

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