Flesherton Advance, 19 Jan 1938, p. 7

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f, ir- rly • r- of Its a ig â- - •r a it P I Classified Adverttsins I ARTICLES FOR SALE FtR FARMrNG • I- CUT YOUR OWN HAIR LITTI.B OIANT P0<;KET BARBER. THK autrr-atic ^alr•cuUe^. for men and boys. Really does ml and trim the hair, and dies ;t well. Send for circular. 6. J. Jacksnn. 897 BloT V."e.Ht, TuMiitd, Canadian ilis- trlhut.r. TRICKS, JOKES. PUZZLES AND MAGIC Nuvelttes. Send 2S cento for catalogue, de- ducted from first order of }1 or more. $1. S.T. $.'i assortments. Crown Supply Companj, 12A Quei-n East. Toronto. XUSICAl, INSTKUMENTa, CORNETS AND trumpets, twenty dollars. Clarinets. Boelim Fystem, Itltrty-elght dollars; trombones, twenty fluilant. V'Ir.Ilns. five dollars: KuKars six doli.'irs; Conn alto s.ixiiphone, thirty dol- larp; Terms. Barrnw. 2llfi Victoria, Toronto. mF.F.n (iRADKH (KLINE) WEIGHS EACH Kernel, prix^f best. Used Klines brtng price new ^Farm Sales). Kline Manufacturing Co.. IsUnpton. Ontarif). AVIATION COURSES IN FLIOHT INSTRUCTION. NAyi- Kation. ainilane and euKlne mechanics, home study courses. Leavens Bros. Air Sen'lces. Llrr.lt'd. BarkPr Airport, Toronto. BOOKS '•THE WORLD BOOK." EMPIRE EDITION, an ail British Encyclopedia, highly endorsed, Efflcienl salesmen required. Attractive In- troductory price. Low monthly payments. Generous commissions. The Qtiarrte Comp- any. 57 Bloor West, Toronto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOMENâ€" START A DRESS AND LINGERIE business of your own. A shop, or from your own home. Excellent profit. Increasing busi- ness. Prices to meet competition, and gar- ' mcnts superior In quality. Small Investment , startH yi,u off. Write Camden Dress Comp- any. 7.\ Camden Street. T'-.ronto, DOGS ,4 GREAT DANK PUPPIES FROM CllAMPION- * ship strain, twenty-five dollars and up. Wil- lia.m Snazel. Sracebrldge, Ontario, FEATHERS WANTED .FEATHERS BOUGHT. GOOSE AND DUCK. HlKhest prices paid. The Canadian Feather and Mattress Co., Ltd., 41 Spruce St., Tor- . onto. FILMS AND PRINTS " ROLLS DEVELOPED. PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement a.'ic. Re-prlnts 10 for 25c. Ph. to-Craft. I8,1H King St. E.. Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargament 25c. Trevonna Stud- ios, V3 Niagara Street. Bt. Catharines, Ont. PREE!â€" TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE.\IENT8 (one colored) wlUi roll developed, eight gfossy. fUde-pronf prints, 2Sc; highest qual- ity. Machray Films, Winnipeg. PRINT YOUR OWN NEGATIVES AT HOME on tiny surface, cloth or paper, without sktll or darkroom. Leu than cent each: Miracle Foto Kit complete with Instructions for 180 prints, tl. J. C. Williams. Richmond East Toronto. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 25c order. Roll film developed and 8 prints, 3Sc, RepHnts 3c aach. Brlghtllng Studio, 39 Richmond St., E., Toronto. FURNITURE FREEI 2,000 Pieces Furniture FREE! IN LYONS' 1938 CATALOGUE OF NEW AND Re-conditioned Furniture. Write now for this tn». Illustrated catalogue to give you an Idea of Lyons* remarkable furniture values. LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. NEW AND HE-CONDITIONED BARGAINS ^jlyt C(\ 5-Pl(ct Bedroom Suits In two- 9'1'l.Ull tone walnut llnlsh. Dresser, Chif- fonier, full size panel bed, sag'ts* spring and brand new all-felt mattress. Completely rc- flnlshed. •oo en !i-Place solid oalt DInlug Room ^^O.OU 8uit,. Large buffet, extension ta- ble anil (I leather upholstered chairs; like new. $29 /-w\ Beautiful a piece Chestertlcld Suite. Full size Chesterlleld and- 2 roomy chairs to mutch, upholstered In a good quality French Jacquard with reversible Marshall spring cushions. Thoroughly cleaned and re- conditioned. ^oo fkfk Large 3-drawcr dresser with mlr- ^^•J.UU r„r. In walnut finish, steel bed in walnut dnish, saglces spring and brand â- â€¢w ndl edge felt mattress. Completely re- Unlshed. *i e f\f\ Six-piece Enamel Breakfast Suite. ^lO.UU Buffet, drop-leaf table and four Windsor chairs. Perfect condition. *i I Sf\ Oak Kitchen Cabinet. Top has ^11. 9U sliding door front with flour and sugar containers, large cupboard space In base with bread box and three drawers la flnc con- dition. •C 7<? JBumer Qaa Stove with oven. â€" ^D. / O Guaranteed. iiAQ Ofl """"1 "*" 3 plcue chesterfield ^^V.vnj ,„ne^ upholstered in fine quality fepp cover, rust shade. Marshall reversible spring cushions; full webb constructlo.i. f\n Brand new Chesterlleld Bed Suite. '"" Chesterlleld bed has large ward- robe. 2 big chairs to match. Covered In bard wearing repp material (rust shade), A real bargain. »A tin ,,_ Dressers In all Snlsbes with ^^.%jU up large mirrors and 3 drawers. »/; Cn .._ Chiffoniers In oak and walnut . en Drop-head Singer Sewing Machines $69 Ouoraoteed good condition. Brand n«w all-felt Mattrenes with $67 r OPBiN EVENINGS 478 Yonge St., Toronto dniKt,'i:-t has them. .'lOc. I A4»H4> •* hmiMn probltmi. *tll \fni • ClwrMttt •fid PcrMnalrif Chart lMt«Mf«M*ik« «*r>rtt hiitt Thti •tnai>n« m$ *Hh t mf4» «tr*if to Qd*crrii« MASOWt 49 <01D MMIDV ••4ilt*«4tM«f«( •tMntaddintonlir Wnta â- Â»Mtt u »6. tfai»p«4 R«ym*r/ Mason RiMtoiii LiMino H UtCAta ST . T0S0N10, CANADA MINK RAISINGâ€" SAMPLE COPY MAGAZINE 10c, book catalog free. Fur Trade Journal, Box 31. Toronto. Ontario. HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPEES. TRANSFORMATIONS. Braids. Carls, and all types of finest qual- ity Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cata- logue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 828 Bathurat St.. Toront.j. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING, Government il"ensed. We train you fttr Board Exiiminatlon, Free prospectus, 9B1 Bloor We.st, Turont'i. MEDICAL 6000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY FOR ( R. and 3. ) Powder, herbal remedy â€" rheu- matism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1.50: one month, $3; two months, $."5. Druggists, or J. C. Mclntyre, Edmonton, AIhert,i. MISCELLANEOUS LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typewriting by mall. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospec- tus. Dept. C, Canada Business College, Hamilton. Ont. NOVELTIES $10 9^.*fO heavy roll edge, well tufted â€" to cntonne covers. All stzee. $2.50 up *"*" ^'^^ *" •'"• *|^QC* Brand new Chiffonier In tclected â-¼ *"•»'«' hirch with walnut finish â€" !!♦• drawers â€" Colonial design. m QK ^'''^ Chesterfield Chairs witb Mar- â-¼ *•»'•' shall reversible cushions. ti(\ Beautiful 6-pIece walnut Bediocm • OU Suite. Large dresser, vanity, cWf- tonler. full size bed, sagless spring and brud rail- felt mattress. Completely rs-condl- ed. Like new. ACQ nft Nlne-pl(K;e walnut finish Dining ^OV.\m n„„n, Suite. Buffet, china sob- tliet. square c.Ttenslon table and 6 leather up- bolstered chairs. Completely reflnlshed. StlGOESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have a large assortment of chairs, oof- !•• tables, end tables, lamps, sewing cabin- Ms, cedar chests, radios, rugs, bedroom and dining-room furniture, etc.. at the most rea- â- Doable prices In Toronto. All our furniture to thoroughly cleaned and r«-condltloned In OUT own factory and carefully packed for Im Elate shipment on receipt of money order. big new 1938 Illustrated catalogue Is now ,y. Be sure to write for one. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers (a) PORTRAIT IN FOLDERâ€" FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- oped and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snap- shot Service, 166 Klni; St. West, Dept. Y., Toronto. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR.VBY. Information rc^'unllng invention Patents; Drawings; RCKistrali'mo; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY I.NVENTOR. LIST of Inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorne ys, 273 Bank St.. Ottawa. Can. PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co.. Dept 219, Pres- ton. Ont. POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIP- MENT POULTRY EQUIPMENT. HIGH QUALITY at low cost. Made in Canada for Canadians. Write for our new catalogue. Model Incuba- tors Ltd.. 198 River St,, Toronto., OUR CHICKS GROW FASTER. BIOQBR, make better pullets, layers. Healthy, Aardy, bloodtested. Free chick feeders with ssrly orders. 1938 prices now ready. Cornwall Chick Hatchery, Cornwall, Ont. WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR 1938 CHICKB Free? Enter the Tweddle Chick Contest. 1,800 free chicks, prizes to everyone. Sand for contest form. Tweddle Chick Hatchery Limited. Fergus. Ontario. QUILT REMNANTS FrVK POUNDS!â€" QUILT REMNANTSâ€" «1.00 Free! â€" 110 Patterns, Designs. Wasbfost Cottons, Prints, Broadcloths, Silks. Collsct Samplesâ€" 29c. Refund Guarontes! Mari- time Textiles. Department WIL8. 8048 Degaspe. Montreal. SALESMEN WANTED TAILORING SALESMEN MAKE BIO MONBY selling our Mada-To-Measure Clothing. Free sample outfits. Morton Clothes. 1108 81. Lawrence Blvd.. Montreal. STAMPS AND COINS WE BUY AND SELL OLD STAMPS. TOBON- to Stamp Company, 58 King Street West. Toronto. Where Apples Get Their Rosy Cheeks Chemical Substance Called 3-Gal- actosidylcyanidin is Said to B« Nature's Rouge ; Effect on Com- plexions Studied. According to cUenilcal tests carried out by the United States Department of Agriculture, It Is not rouge that puts the hlush on the cheeks of apples, but a chemical substance that sports the awe-inspiring title of S-galactosl- dylcyanldln. If an apple merely has 3- galaotosldylquercetln It is usually yellow In appearance, but 8-galacto- sldylcyanldin Is the stuff that makes one of those nice red skins you ioTe to crunch. The tests have shown that this substance Is present in yellow app)es of the Orlmes Golden variety, but It Ifl not Idontlcal with or respons- ible for the yellow color of the skin. In red apples the unseen coloring mat- ter is acted upon chemically and changed to red idaeln, which Is a sim- pler name for 3-enlact().'<idyk'yanldin. They have not yet Identified the con- ditions that caugp tills ch.-iiige from yellow to red. Color Is Important Color in apples is iinpDitaiit tci grow- ers and to consiimerK. For I lie grow- er there Is the praclkul advantage that wfll-colored apples aip not nearly so subject to injury by storage scald as are apjiles in which llie color Is imperfectly developed. Biiyei's have a decided preference for well-colored ap- ples, whefh(3r they are yellow or reil, MAKE YOUR LIVER Produce its bile Your Uver ha.i a big Job to do. M;ike It do what It Is Kupposcd to. Us Job Is to produce 18 to 36 fluid ounces ot bile every day and send it through the .system. 11 It Jails down on Us Job you suffer. AND HOW! The most effective stimulant for the liver known to melical science is falomel. which i" small doses Is of the highest use In conges- tive conditions, especially those due to over- eating, over indulgence in alcohol, lack ot ex erclse. etc. Tanol Tehlels ronlain a certain proportion of cnlomel. blended with ca.sc ua and other medicines. They are mllrt nnd h.tr -i less. But your liver uudeistands and takes ilie hint. For sale at all diiigglale. SOc. (B) Tria/ Boffh of KRUSCHEN !• GET YOVmS HOW I Ask your druggist for a 76o Kjnisen«n Giant Package. It con- tains H regular bottle und a trial I size botUe. Um the triul alze 6r«t and if not satisfied return Pthe regular bottlt) unopened. Your money will be cheerfully I refunded. [ and are willing to pay higher prices for them. There la good reason behind the preference. For the consumer, good color is a practical and easy guide to selection of good ripe fruit. The chemical changes that are es- sential to the formation of good color are the changes that are also required to bring fruit tn maturity and to de- velop flavor, aroma, and pulatabllity. This research does not compare the merits of yellow apples and red ap- ples. It does bear out the popular ' Idea that to be good, red varieties ought to be red and yellow varieties yellow. HAVE heARD Somewhere she lies across a bed. Her frail form shakes with sobs. Through weary months she searched for work â€" but there weren't any jobs. Her empty arms prove life is cruel. Though young, she's lost all dreams. She's not to blame â€" for circumstance tossed her Into Its schemes. A thing that promised her deep jojt brought horror, unbelievable. They've torn her baby from her arms â€" a crime that's inconceivable! Whileâ€" through mere lack of money- scenes like this are authorized, Bach day throughout our land â€" how can we think we're civilized? â€" Lyla Myers Two parsons were having lunch at a farm. The farmer's wife cooked a couple of otaiokens, â- a3rlDg that tlie family could dine on the renuilus after the visitors had gone, but the hungry ministers ate them all. Later the farmer was conducting bis visitors about the place when a rooster began a lusty crowing: One of the Ministers â€" "Seems mighty proud of himself." Farmer (growling) â€" "No wonder. He bag two sons in the ministry.'' CORRECT THIS SBNTBNOB: â€" 'John lets me charge everything 1 wish," said the carefree wife, "10 I never buy anything unless I n«ed It." Professor of English â€" "Corrsot tUls sentence: 'GHrls Is naturally bettar looking than boys'." PupUâ€" "Girls Is artlflclally better looking than boys." BEAD IT OR NOT- eyebrows. -A horia ha* oo A man with a big wart on his chin dropped into a doctor's offlcs to have it removed. When he failed to rettim for additional treatments, ths doctor phoned him to ask how the wart wa« getting along. "Just flne," replied tb« patient. "My face is gone, but the wart is still there," Nellâ€" "I bear that you and BUner are engaged. I don't euppois he told you that he was sngaged to me Ia«t year?" Bellâ€" 'Well, dear, he did say some- thing about there being thlngi in tds past be was ashamed of, but he didn't go into details." The mother-in-law joke 1« over- done. Dver notice that whan there is sickness In the family, the lint person sent for li the wife's mother T Along Canada's Mining Highway From const to coast ilie aKgr<'Sfivv! expansion goes on â€" brinrnng rpstilts that indicate another new rccoid of prodilctioii for 1U38. The Province of Quebee is tlu> wew. of great activily. East Malartic Gold Mines, now developing uudprgi-mind, shows definitely 't "big mlu«" outlook. Adjoining on the east, the Rand Mal- artic properly reports good diamond drilling rt^sults. On the I.acoma pin- perty in Taverni.i- lowuslilp oncppliou- al results are report(Hi from fIr.'M new work underground. The i;:i3l Laconia people are plaiii!ing diamond drilling. In the west .section of llii' Proviiic<\ Powell and BcattiH show lit.iltliy de- velopmenl. In the Larder Lake dibt; iit of Ont- ario, great aclivity is apparent. At the Barber Lnrdcr property mining liUint Is hnlng installed preparatory lu uiidt-r- grouud development of the fxlensive orebodies indicated by itiamoiid dril- Mng. KernlMul iii pru)>ai iiig for shaft sinking, Keir Addison cimtiiuies de- velopment oil a largo scale. Martin Bird is shaping up well, with Impuit- nnt now ore devulopuienls in the west section. Kirkland Lake Gold, Fanimir and Buffalo Aukeiitn icccive nuicli favour- able commciii ill the older mining dis- tricts. Albany Hivcr ami I'dii arc loniuiiii!; iij) impoilaiitly in ihc I'alricia dislricl. Alberta ri'porla much good iiiiws, in- dicating tliitt Province as a piitentiai big source of oil supply for the Hritisli Empire. On the west coast of Vaucou- ver Island a new camp is causing some excitement. Bralorne and Ymir Yankee Girl report tavourablo devolopments. Money Spent Was Boon to Industry $61,000,000 Soent By the C. N. R. During 1937 From Almost Ten Thousemd Canadian Firms. A golfer was driving: off about a foot in front of the teeing mark. The clttb secretary happened to come along: Club Secretary (Indignantly) â€" "Here! You can't do that. You're dls- Quallfied!" Golf Player "What for?" Club Secretar.vâ€" "You're driving off ill front of the mark!" Golf Player ftersely) â€" -"Away with yoii! I'm playing my third stroke." The niill.s of the gods liiriiid slow. And that's also the way the old head works when you'ri' IryiiiK lo think up a snappy retort to somebody's wise- crack. Bunkers Herbal Pills f or P I L E S Medioal aiitlii.:liU-.-^ qiillc j;.''iiM.i.i> ntrec that ITCHINi;, BI.KRPINa OH PRomUDlNlS P11.K8 are ciiustri by an iiiliiinjml i iiditli li uf I ho luwer liowol and cinlRds'i,! lirtr. Thl» HKHBAI. me<lii:lnp linji »|MI mftile ltoB> Purchases made by the Canadian National Railways during 1!):?7 amounl Ing to over el.xty-iwo million dollar" from approximately ten thousand Can- adian firms assisted very materially In bringing various branches of Cana- dian Industry back to normal condi- tions, R. C. Vaughan, Vice-President In ch.irge of purchases, stores and steamships, stated In an interview at Montreal last week In which he re- viewed the year's activities of his de- partment. "We expended considerably more tor the purchase of material and sup- plies In 1937 than In 1936." Mr. Vaughan said. "That was necpssitatcd by the Incveased business bundled. which required the running of more paesenser and freight trains to meet the needs of increased traffic. Con- geguently. more fuel was burned and a larger quantity of train and othev HUOPlles were imed." "Our shops were also operated to gTo«ter capacity during the year, which was necessary to meet the equipment requirements of the rail- way, and, therefore, mure material was required for that purpose." Fifty First-Class Coaches "Our total purchases of material in Canada in 1937 approximated $62.- SOtl.OOO. Of that amount approximate- ly $18,140,000 went for new equip- ment, and $11,216,000 for Canadian fuel used on our locomotives and In oiir holler bouses, stations, coaches, etc. Approximately 315,700,000 feet of forest products were bought In Can- ada by the Canadian National Rail- ways In 1937, which consisted of ma- terials for construction and repairs to equipment, buildings, etc. Ot that quantity 225,700,000 feet are repre- sented by track ties." During the year the following new equipment was delivered to the Na- tional System by car builders In Can- ada, Mr. Vaughan announced. Fifty first class coaches; 10 mail and ex- press cnrs; 2,865 box cars; 49 flat cars; 15 ballast oars; SO and cars; 800 gondola cars; and 176 freight re- , frlgorators. In addition, 126 freight re- frigerators were built In 0. N. R, shops. Alr-Condltlonlng to the Fare 'During the year we had a heavy aur-eondlttonlng programme In connec- tion with our paeeeuger cars, and 126 oars were air- conditioned," Mr> Vaughan added. "In 1137 there was a substantial in- orease In the prioa of some Unee of material, but we are hopeful that there will be recee«lons In price dur- ing the year." "The expenditure by the Canadian National Railways of such large sums ot money in Canada has meant many million man hours of work for oiu' Canadian cttizeus and has done much to assist various braiiobee of Cana- dian Industry back to normal condi- tions. Passenger Traffic Is Up 15 Per Cent. C. N. Pailways Vice-President Re- ports Volume cf F:e!r;{'-t For Year 1"37 Also Tops 1936 Fig- ures. MONTREAL, Jan. 11.â€" Tli.' volume of freight and passenger traffic car ried over lines of the Canadian N:i- tionai Railways during the past year shows a conpiilerable Improvement over that of I'.lliii. Allatair Fraser. Vice-Preslilont In charge ot Traffic, stated in a review i.asned here last week. ''The ypiir 1!):17 was one of steady progiPBS In the volume of freight traffic handled, as well as changes and improvements effected in our ser- vice to the public." said Mr. Fraser. "While there was a heavy falling off in grain ahipmenis, resulting from the very light crop In parts of Western Canada, this was more than offset by the Improv(>ment in general business, resulting in an increase in freight tonnage handled of approximately ten per cent, over that of 193H. Progrees In Mining Development ''Mining developments in North- western Ontario and Quebec have shown remarkable progi-egg during the past year. The opening of that por- Hon of (he Canadian National Rail- ways' new Senueterre-Rouyu line from Senneterre to Val d'Or on November 29 provided much-needed rail faolli- ties to the numerous mines located in that area." Increased 16 Per Cent. Mr. Fraser muted that passenger traffic on Canadian National lines had shown an increase ot fifteen per cent, during the year. "Increase in train travel generally resulted from the up- ward trend in spending power that was noticeable during the greater part of the year," he said. "Frequent low fare excursions between Canadian cit- ies and towns, and to points across the International border, brought hun- dreds of thousands of people to the railway for short coach trips. Good progress was made In the alr-condi- tloniug of our passenger equipment. We have had air-conditioned standard and tourist sleeping cars, dining cars, compartment, observation ai;J library oars, parlor cars, buffet club coaches and lounge-buffet cars in service tor some time. By the purchase of fifty alr-condltiouc^d flrst-class coaches of the latest design during the past year, we hove attained the objective of hav- ing all principal mstn-llna trains fully alt-oondltfoned." VILLAQE EVENINQ exirnct <i( HKRB8 ONLV fni- over Tn'^mia, to treat, the INTER.NAL C.M'SK of PILES, pricu ^2.00 b.v mall, plainly wrappcil. Hcn/I P. O. <jr Kxprein Order. Yciir MONKY BACK it net rr- llevml. Biinlicr'a Herbal Mecll^l!ie», T'ronlo », Ont , Can. Issue No. •38 .V-(J We all feel this way at times: Physicianâ€" "Are you 111? Let me see your tongue, please." Patientâ€" "It's no use, doctor. No tongue can tell you how bad I feel." Y^ 11 \.^0 .V Pierce's Medical HOW'S YOUR STOMACH? 'DU lo.se viiai nerve force if yon allow your stoniacli to dis- tress you.^ Dr. Golden Discov- ery is a depend- able Ionic which will increase the appetite, eliminate w.-. If fvum the iitlcstincs, stiniulntc the tli- K<'*^ti<»ii. .iiiil vnu thercbv Rain strength, Mi«. N.-lIu- Winrnarrfcn, "167 Main St. AV., Hamilton. (Int.. said: "Dr. I'li roc's (ioUlen Muliiai l)isc,'\(*iy was \cr> Imitficial to ine. It lielpa ilie digestive s.vitiiii, relieves K.-is on tile stomach ami att<l iinliRcfttioii. \Vlicn one liiis no aitpelitc ami ieel» tired ami upset ilir Uisco^'ery' ia viry lidiifiil. ' Hnv now oi .vonr iMfr-by drug^itt. \ew '.ize talilrt^ .10 eeiil». ImiuhI ♦I.OO, Larue size, tjbkiii or llqniil %\.f?. Twilight, and the tide returning Back to ihe arms of the a2ure aea: Sunssi, and the first star burning Deep ill the depths of Immensity. Nightfall, and the last of gloamiug Mngering along Ihe old lake shore; Erening bell, and a late herd homing. And a woniMii framed in a cottage door. COAST-TO-COAST "SMOKE-UP" Wise roll-youi-owners will tell you Ogden's is Ihe fegture o\ the smoke- enjoymenf piogramme. They know that finer (lavour and cooler, smoother "''o'<'ng ate ossuied â€" every timeâ€" wi'n Ogden's Fine Cot and 'Vogue" or Chanlecler" papers. "1 O 'h--*' * ° '''?g«' 1 5c. pockage len 5, now! r- OGDEN FINE CUT rill' iviKilivii M|iiii;i iii-l)i l.ii' throws uH Ijy the sun in the loi riiation oi the solar system began diawing th4 outer particles, or planctisiinals, \H them. 'I'luis the fartli g.^w alter M first tvns formed. The flr.st I'.i years aro llie iioiHiest A MISTAKE TO WAIT WHEN "ACID INDIGESTiOr STARTS CARRY YOUR ALK^ILIZER WITH YOU ALWAYS Th* fastest way to "alkalite" is to carry you r alkaliztr with you. That's wliat Uiousands do now that gen- uine Phillips' comes in tiny, pepper- mint flavored tablets â€" in a tiat tin for pocket or purse. Then you .ire alwaya ready. Use it this way. Take 2 Plullips' tablets â€" equal hi "alkalizing" ctlcct to 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid Phillips' ftora the bottle. At once you feel "gas," nausea, "over-crowding" from hyper-acidity begin to ease. "Add headaches," "acid brealii," over-acid stomach are correct' d at the source. Thi?? is the quick way to ease your own distressâ€" iuoid offense to others. TOWN BY TOWN VILLAGE BY VILLAGE MORE ONTARIO HOMES SAY BLUE Let *BLUE bo your guide to better heolinq efficiency opd greater eco- nomy. Kemembci, youtfuinace is de- signed to burn onlmncile and 'blue cool' It the world's finest anthracite. Order a trial ton. Six sixes . : : a six* fo lult every (iwiace. ilk your n*arM| lus ooal' dealer ret •^i ti»» copy ot HKA'nNO.qri . 'bin* 00*1' o/o UT 1 St. Ttmoto. S71AII •*blue coal'^ listen to "THE SHAOOW'-Evary W«4I., CFRB, 9 M 0.90 ».«•

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