Flesherton Advance, 2 Mar 1938, p. 3

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LESSON X. SERVING WITH WHAT WE HAVE Mark 6:1-13. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.â€" Winter, A.D. 29. Piaee. â€" The events of the first half of our lesson occurred in the City of Nazareth, where Jesus lived until he began his public ministry. fhe tiTelve disciples were sent out Into Oalil^e probably from the city •f Capernaum. 1. And he went out from thence. That is. he went out from Capema- om, where so much of his work was carried on. And he cometh into hia own country; and his disciples fol- low him. The Lord was regarded by the Galileans as a Nazarene; his birth at Bethlehem was forgotten, and the village where his family liv- ed (v.-li and where he had passed his youth (Luke 4:16) mi.!?ht well be ealle-i his country. 2. .And when the sabbath was come, lie beiran to teach in the syna- gogro. And many hearing him were astonished. It is to their credit that they v.-ere listening, which is more than every one does who goes to ' church. .Savin?, Whence hath this man tlicse things? and. What is the .â- teisdoni that is given unto this man, and v hat mean such mighty works wrought by his hands? "A change had come over Jesus, for which they ' could not account; the workman had become the rabbi and the worker of ' iniraclos. Of his wisdom they had evidence in his discourse; But whence and what was it? The Village Carpenter ". Is not this the carpenter? The village carpenter in our Lord's time held the position of the modern vil- lage blacksmith. Here is one of the few places where the veil is remov- ed from his early life. He was brought up to the trade of a village carpenter. He worked with Joseph in l)uilding and repairing boats for the lake, in making furniture for the synagogue, ar.d, according to an ear- ly testimony, in shaping plows and yokes for oxen. The son of Mary, and brother of James, and Joses, and Judas, and Si- mon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended in him. The last people to recognize a prophet are always his kindred and his countrymen. "Far-away lbird« have fine feathers." Men resent it as a kind of slight on themselves that the other, who was one of them but yesterday, should be so far above them to-day. The ciders of Nazareth bad seen Jesus grow up, and to them He would be "the carpenter's son" still. It is easy to blame them; but it is better to learn the warning in their words, and to take care that we are not blind to some true messenger of God just because we have been blessed with close companionship with him. 4. And Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house. "How true it is that home ana one's home town are the hardest places in which to witness I The Nazarenes did not Bee how a carpenter could be a pro- phet." But why not? It is not one's surroundings which determine his character, but one's self. No Mighty Work 5. .And he could there do no mighty woik, save that he laid his hands up- ©n a few sick folk, and healed them. Jesus required faith for the perform- ance of his miiades, and that was wanting here; nay, there was a posi- tive di.sbolief, no mere doubt. Here the genuine unbelief of the nation reached its climax. (). .And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages teaching. That which amazed our Lord was the ut- ter unrea.-^onablcness of those peo- ple. The one thing that was keep- ing them from receiving Christ as a prophet come from God was that they had decided in their own minds that the man who on(>« was a carpenter in the niid'st of them, could not, somehow, be also a groat teacher, and a worker of miracles. 7. .And he calleth unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two. Though Jesus has been rejected at Nazareth, and only a few there wore saved by his minis- try, yet he is not at all discouraged; he sends out his disciples on slnular work, knowing there is no other hope for men Imt his go.spel. 'I'he twelve apostles ha d b e e ii previously brought together as a l)aM(l of dis- ciples. More and more they wci'e devoting .ill of their time to service â- under the Master's direction. In these mission journeys of the newly chosen apostles we see how well it suited the objects in view that they should go in pairs. .A man by him- self has many danglers. The pres- ence of his colleague would recall him to his true position and ramind him that he was not about his owfi work but his Master's. And he gave them authority over the unclean Aâ€" C spirits. To manifest a great power great enough to cast out demons would be one of the greatest evid- ences of the uniqueness of their min- istry and the pre-eminence of the lyord in whose name they were speak- ing. 8. And he charged them that they should take nothing for their Jour- .ley, save a staff only; no bread, no wallet, no money in their purse. 'J. But to go shod with sandals; and, said he, put not on two coats. All these directions are not meant to inflift hardship on the disciples, but to relieve them of all worry re- garding their bodily needs. How To Be A rnett 10. And he said unto them. Where- soever ye enter into a house, there abide till ye depart thence. The house was not to be chosen at hap- hazard, but by a careful selection. Having made their choice, they were to be content with the fare it offered, and not to change their lodging un- necessarily. Jesus took for granted that there would always be found at every place at least one good man with a warm heart, who would wel- come the messengers of the Kingdom to his house and table, for the pure love of God and of the truth. 11. And whatsoever place shall not receive you, and they hear you not, as ye go forth thence, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony unto them. The act en- joined is a symbolic one meaning that they did not even let the dust of the places where these people lived ad- here to them, i.e., that they renounc- ed all intercourse with them. 12. .And they went out, and preach- ed that men should repent. This is the message that had come from the lips of John the Baptist (Mark 1:4). and had been proclaimed by Chi'st himself (Mark 1:15). Repentance is not only recognizing one'* sins and being t'uly sorry for them, but :ictu- ally turning from them. 13. And they cast out many de- mons, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them. The uppli'-ation of oil was for psy- chologica' purposes, an aid in induc- ing faith i.T the patients. Thi sick persons to whom the oil was sup- plied by the apostles, though others had applied oil to them repeatedly, were made to perceive that now the heralds of Jesus were taking them in hand, these men who, like their Master, had healed so many. Artificial "Fits" Combat Insanity Induced by Camphor, They Prove a Startlingly Effective Treatment Two treatments for the mental ill- ness cal ed schizophrenia, one by la- ducing epileptiform fits through dn^us of a laiiipiior preparation, the other by producing a coma with insulin, were described in the last issue of the British Me.iical Journal, Lancet. Editorially, Lancet refers to the treatments as "dramatic" and "start- ling." Birthday Celebration Dramatic Result* Colonel J. E. Dhinjibhoy. medical superintendent of the Ranchi Indian Mental Hospital, describing the cam- phor method, said it is bajed on the theory of Dr. LaJislaus von Meduna that there is a biological antagonism between schizophrenia and epilepsy. Dr. Dhinjibhoy reported treating 12 cases by the two methods. Three were healed, four v. ere improved and five were left unchanged. The in- sul.n treatment produced varymg states up to deep coma. Dr. H, Puliar Strec;.er, comment- ing on tlie cases, said a combination of the two methods should be at- tempted wherever suitable. He re- commended their aJternative use in refractory cases. Schizophrenia is a type of psych- osis ciiaracterized by loss of contact with the environment, and by disin- tegratio.i of the personality. It in- cludes dementia praecox and some re- lated forms of insanity. Mal-Kah Marcjueez, a Burmese girl, rides an elephant around Marble Arch, in London, England, on her birthday. The girl performs this ceremony every year as a token cf good luek. Not many among the crowds who watch the cheetah speeding in the wake of a stuffed rabbit at about filly-five miles an hour realize ihat this animal was trained for sport as long ago as 865 B.C., by the Kings of Persia, and that centuries later, at the zenith of Mogul domination of Hindustan, Emperors used to keep hundreds of cheetahs, just as hunts- men in the Old Country keep packs of hounds. The sport spread to France where the Kings used cheetahs for hunting deer as in India, and in the reign of George III a fe-x v.-ere brought to England. The Duke of Cumberland tried them for stag-hunting in Wind- sor Forest; but they were i:ot an un- qualified success, for they refused to attack stags at bay. IS THIS YOUR BIRTHDAY? By A. R. WEIR What the Stars Foretell for Those Born on March 4, 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10 and 11 If you were born on any day list- ed above, Pisces is your zodiac sign â€" two fish is the symbol of this zo- diac period. Those bora under Pis- ces have strong, changeable emoti- ons. They are restless and often moody. They can do a number of things well and have to* cultivate con- centration or they would tiit from one occupation to another. If you were born under this sign you are now entering a favorable period â€" the years 1939 and 1946 will be specially favorable for you. Guard against being despondent and gloomy â€" the world is what yoa make it. Jumping Joe Savoidi Live« Up to His Name Following the example set by his nickname, "Jumping Joe" Savoidi files through the air in an effort to dump his opponent, Charles Kigoult, sometimes called the Strong Man of France, during their bout in Paris. Jumping Jo* won, after an hour's struggle. They Plan to Make Money For the Cause ... I ii;ne.<e onlei laii'.eis an short!;: t â-  • !.-.?. funds for the Chinese war cause. Again we Introauce a new program to Canadian Ustenera â€" this one en- titled Barbara Brant, heard over CFRB Mondays and Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. Miss Brant conducts a fif- teen minute gossip period In which all those things dear to a woman's heart are discussed â€" food, clothes, public events and ao on. Listeners are asked to write In letters, five of which are drawn. To the senders of these five, a large tin of Hershey's chocolate syrup is sent and to all correspond- ents a recipe book is mailed. Miss Brant is about five foot six. fairly dark complexion, and has a splendid voice. • « • • When Dogs Do Bark A dog's bark may be worse than his bite â€" but it can also he a big fac- tor iu the success of a radio program. For instance: In the Sunday evening broadcast of "Heroic Dogs." heard over CBL at 7:30 p.m., the barking of a dog fleurea largely on every broad- cast. A couple of weeks ago after the program was off the air. the phone rang. A voice said 'We have a little bet on in our home as to whether it was a real dog on your program to- night." As a reply the man In the studio lnought the "bark" to the phone where the "dog" obliged by barking â€" and we Imagine that the man at the other end of the line is still puzzled as to how the bet should be settled. For his information the bark was faked by Stan Francis â€" who not so long a?o fooled yours truly with a lion's roar when the script called for a trip through a zoo. • • • • Rumors hold that In the very near future out-of-towners will have an op- portunity of appearing on the Dr. Jackson show, "Alrbreaks," heard over CFRB. Fr'.(l:iy3 at S;30 p.m. We repeat that all who appear on 'his program are paid a regular profession- al fee, and If they are selected win- ners, they again iippear and get paid â€" In other wonis it's worth your while to appear on this show. Write for an audition to Dr. .Tackson. CFRB, To- ronto. Around The Dial RADIO KEAOUNERS OF THE WEEK By FRANK DENNIS What Price Swing? We were speaking to Dick McDo» gall, CKCL Announcer, who Is alaa reporter (or "Downbeat", the moi^ clans' magazine. Dick tella us that the recent concert glren by Benny Goodman in Buffalo revealed to many localities what a tough Job playing la a world-famous band is. The truinpe^ ers in the Goodman organization aB had split lips from blowing their horns, and blood trickled down many a shirt front. « • • • Here's one for the records. Evea Paul Win, NBC's spelling master waa stumped on this inquiry. The letter received at NBC's Radio City studloa read: 'My daughter, Betty Ann, aged six, asked me the other day why the man on the radio spelled New York In different ways. First It Is WEAW, New York, then WJZ, N«w York." « • • • "Do You Feel a Knocking?" "Do You M^^an It" . . . "And How" . . . "Nice work if you can get it" . . . these are a few phrases that have re- cently caught the public's fancy. Here's a new ono concocted by comeifc ian Henry Burble en a recent Cheei^ up America broadcast over N.B.Oi when he questioned the sanity of oth- er members of the Burbtg Laffln^ Stock Company. It's â€" ''Do you feel a knocking on the back of your head?" « « • • "There are very few products," saya James Stewart, the noted Heating Ex- pert, 'the aim of whose producers ta to sell the consumer, not as much aa possible, but as little. But one of these is 'blue coal'." Mr. Stewart, whose talks about heating are a very popu- lar fe.Ttures of "The Shadow" pro- grams over CFRB, Wednesday even- ings, went on to explain t:hat. by means of the 'blue coal' system ot freo advice by trained service men, thousands of householders had been shown how, through minor changes in their system of handling drafts and fueling their f naces. they could save several tons or coal every winter. Thla free service Is available to anybody, on reipiest to any 'blue coal' doalef in your Tlclnlty. News And Information For The Busy Farmer (Furnished by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture.) Principally through heavy e.^ports of dressed poultry to the United King- dom and large shipments of live poul- try, chiofly from Outarlo, to nearby United Stares niarkots. the poultry market iu 19;;7 showed a distinct im- provonieut over VK6. Total milk production la Canada has shown a steady increase for the past nine years. During the five-year per- iod IflSi-ltj, milk production incre.ased from approximately 15.900,000,000 lbs. in 1932 to 16.700.1100,1100 lbs in 193t;, and a further advance of appro.ximate- ly 200 million ll)s. is indicated tor 1!»37. PLANT-FOOO CONTENTS IN FERTILIZERS The Ptrtilizers .\rt requires din'iu- its guarantees by vendors of thf> pkuu food content of iheir fertiliztrs. that is, nitrog' u, phosphoric acid and pot- ash. In aJdition, these plant food sub- stances must be in an available t'oitn for plant use. There are many kinds of fertilizers on the market today, all of which are dependable, if us u ac- cording to kind and plant food con- tent on the one hand, and soil and crop rfQuiremeuts on the other. Every buyti- of f.n-tilizers should study these factors c.nefully because the proinT application of them tneans so much iu obtaining best results. The recommendations of the Provin- cial Fertilizer Councils are a safe guide in this respect and may be ob- tained from the Department ot Asri- cn"l!:re for the provinces. CANADIAN EGGS TO BRITAIN Fresh, Canadian, v. itu.'r-proi'uced eggs will soon be making their debut on the b:e::kfast tables of the people in Cireat tlritain. The first shipiii at of such eggs left Montreal on January 5. and lo!;!:ied fifty corrugated paper bo.xes. each hex ctvitaining 15 one-doz- en individue.i cartons, the eg.us being Grade .\ large. Never before have the eggs been exported from Caii:ida in one-dozen eartcns. On January 11 a carload ot fresh egns packed in stan- dard 30dozeu cases left .Montreal and was loaded in the S.S. Bea Vfi-brne at St John N.U., on January 12 for Kit;.;- land. This shipment was coll'c'ed from 1.') farmers cooperative egq and poultry associations In Quebec and in Kasleru Ontario: also fn'ni snmo wliokHiilers. It is expected simil..i- shipments will follow from other dif feront points in Ontario. \V. A. Brown, Chief. Poultry Ser- vices. Dominion Department of Agri- culture, who was associated widi the shipments states that the British mar- ket will not get any fresher eggs from any European country than the eggs in the two recent shipments. There is. he says, aa opportunity In the British market for Canadian win- ter produced eggs. and. if such ship- ments can be mado profitably, the Canadian producer .vill benefit. SOIL-TESTING IS IMPORTANT Agricultural leaders of Canada have become increasingly worried In recent years over soil depletion and while the conditions in Ontario are not nearly as grave as in some parts of the Can- adian West, it is common knowledge Ihat many C^ntario farms have been mined until there is but little fertility remaining. The Ontario Department of -Vriculiure is fully alive to the dan- ger wiMi the result that the Depart- ment, through the O.A.C., is undertak- ing an enlarged program ot research and demonstration work tor 193S In soil fertility. In discussing the situation. Dr. G. L Christie. President ot the O.A.C.. of Guelph. points out that many Ontario soils have been farmed more than 1(M> years. Some have beeii wisely handled and have become increasingly produc- tive. But on the other hand, many have been thoroughlv mined; soils have become poor, hard to work, and give low yielding crops. "Un other farms, while good proc- tiee has been followed, fertility has heeonie unbalanced." says Dr. Chris- lie. ''One or more elements have been reciiieed in available quantities. It may be phosphate, potash, or nitrogen. In many casv-s it has been found to be boron, manganese or magnesium. It is tlirouKh recoguitiou of these problems that O.A.C. has undertaken an exten- sive research rroftrain." Pa.-ture studies carried out by Ot- t.i'.va ;:r.d O.A.C. Chemistry Dept. have brought in Western and Ea4>,.ern Ont- ;:r;o. Following up ll-ese surveys, the fi?l<is are fertilized r.nd cattle and iheep are li-jd to eh c!; the results. These a.iiuials are b;^i;ii; ted balanced rations this winter with special atten- tion to miner.'l needs. Those e.xperl- niMils avj under way at Ailsa Craig, liolyreod and oilier points. As p::rt ot this work iu the field, a t-ycci-il experiment is tcing carried om in Oxford County with a group of ;;:". tarme;-.-;. The Agricultural Ueprcs- cutalive. Ro^. C. ejn. in co-oporatlon wi:li the U.itaHo l,iv3stock Branch aii.l O.A.C. h«:i supplied minerals for ihe t.;tl!(' and has made an accurate test of all rttllk pro lucod and supplied lo ciieese factories. Results indicato lar,';pr reairus ot 'liilk. and tho eondi- tiiii ot i;-.o animals has been Improve ed generally.

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