Flesherton Advance, 13 Apr 1938, p. 7

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DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO Classified Advertising AHTiCLE^ FOn SAL.E: â- ING£R DRUPHBAD SOWING ILA.CH- Inaa â€" RecoDdltloned, guaranteed nice oew, tli.aO; new WiUiama Drop- heads, %9. Shipping and creaiinii, t'i. •ztra. Butherlands. 358 Gerrard East, Toronto. boNT KEBURB THAT ENGINE. USE Ovrhaul patented mineral plating, re- stores compression, stops piston slap, smoking and oil pumping. Works while driving. Saves 50 p.c. of oil. Savea i,as. 500,000 satisfied users. Highest British recommendations. Costs $3.75. Money-buck guarantee. Free information. Ovrhaul Distribu- tors, Box 63. Kitchener, Ontdrlo. FANNING MILL (KUNE)â€" FARMERS say real wonder seed grader, Kline Manufacturing, Islington, Ont. liAIIY CHICKS â-  Mil I.I 1(1 A.\i> I'lM l.'I'U) ^:u(<â- â- 'Ml•:^'^ rOR BETTER CHICKS. BETTER liveablllty, larger eggs, better pro- duction, buy Pletsch's Government Approved Chicks at lowest prices In years. L,eghorns, Rocks, Minorcas, Sexed Chicks, Pullets. Write today, Pletsch Hatchery Stratford. Route 6, Ontario. BABY CHICKS, WHITE LEGHORNS. from large blood-tested stoclt, good layers of large eggs, all eggs set weight 2 01. or over. Safe delivery guaranteed. Price is low. Maple Leaf Poultry Farm, Beamsville, Ontario. WHOLESALE PRICES â€" OUR RED Seal Baby Chicks, the progeny of Registered and PediKreed flocks, as- sures the public of the highest qual- ity of chicks obtainable. Prices $7.50 to JIO.OO per 180. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Britannia Heighls. Ont. I tHE ODDS ARE IN YOCR FAVOR Mrhen you purchase Tweddle Chicks. Breeding counts in any live stock and Tweddle Chicks are noted all over Canada for their egg iayinsj ability. Send for free Chicalogue and read wh:it Tweddle customers say about Tweddle ("hicks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Hox 10, Fergus, Ontario. KUKNITlilfc: LYONS' ANNUAL SPRING CLEARANCE SALE Reconditioned Furniture We must have fluor space regardless of cost. This is your opportunity to buy high class reconditioned furniture at a fraction of the actual value. Here are some of our amazing bargains picked at rundom from our enormous stock: â€" $49 Qfl l^c-auUful thiee- piece Mohair »p^^.V/\l Suite, pillow arms. Marshall reversible cushions, thoroughly denned. djOQ CA Large three piece repp Suite. â-¼^"•""Marsh.ill reversible cushi>''ns. full wehh construction. thoroughly cleaned. d'lOQe l-irye three-ploce Suite In ^lO.sriJ English Tapestry, pillow arms and .Marshall spring cushions. .\ real buy. t^Q fWi Smart 3-piece Chesterfield ^POU.XJV p^jj Suite in a good quality repp material (brown shade), with large wardrobe box. in splendid condi- tion. •q QE Three Piece Suite in English â-¼*'••'*' tapestry covering. Reversible Marsh.ill spring cushions, thoroughly- cleaned. *OQ fvn SU^dern Bedroom Suite: Chif- â-¼â€¢"'•'""'onier. vanity with Venetian mirror, full size becl and sagless spring, completely reflnished. «7Q rU\ Large Suite in rich walnut ^09.U\I fliiiji,. dresser, chiffrobe, triple mirror, vanity, full size bed and saKles.a spring. Completely reflnished. dMQ fv(\ Beautiful three-piece Suite In ^^U.\J\l two-tone walnut finish, dress- er with swing mirror, chiffonier, full size bed complete â- with sagless spring. ThorouBhIy reconditioned. e: O.P. SIRED CHICKS. BLOOD-TEST- •d breeders. Established 25 years. Leghorns Sc, Rocks 9e White, Black Ginul.- '.I.-. N\. better stock. Why pay higher prices. Schafer Sanitary Hatchery. Kitchener, Ontario. EXPRESS AGENTS TELL VS BRAY Chicks are among the liveliest and strongest chicks received at their stations. You want "liveliest and strongest" chicks under your brood- ers. Write for catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North. Hamil- ton, Ontario. W. T.'s BRAY i;.\HKEl) ROCK Chicks averaged IH pounds at 6H wrecks. Bray chicks will grow fust for you too. Order yours now and cash in on next Fall's profits. Write for catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. r! S.'s 403 BRAY ROCK PULUETS laid at 4 months. Laid 201 eggs daily at 6 months and 302 at 7 months. Try these early and heavy laying Bray pullets. Send for catalogue. Bray Hatchery. 130 John St. North. Hamilton. Ontario. Cl.OTHlNC; FOK S.ll.E rRBE HATS. SHOES. SHIRTS, TIES, etc., with clothing purchase. Write tor free illustrated catalogue of clothing bargains. Dept. N. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 502 Tonge Street. Toronto. URVKLOI'ING AND i'UIKTIXG BOLLS MEVELOPED. PKl.NTED, 1 free enlargement 25c. Re-prlnts 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft. 1S3H King E.. Toronto. ZERO PRICES. EXPERT WORK. ROLl, with free enlargement 25c. Travanna Studios. 93 Niagnrn Street. St. Cath- arhies. Ont. rREE!â€" TWO BEAUTIKL'L E.VLARGE- ments (one colored) with roll de- veloped, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 2Sc; highest duality Machray Films. Wlnnipets. ROij^ peveijOped am> eight Prints with free enlargement. 25c. Reprints So each. Commercial Photo Service, i'cpt. 1< Outrcmont. Que. TREE enlargement WITH EVERY I5c order. Roll film developed and 8 prints, 25c. Reprints 3c o:uh. Bright- ling Studio. 2 Richmond St. E.. To- ronlo. i-on «>\i.K UANliKl. SEEP â€" GIANT WHITE Feeiliiig, grade one. 1 lb. 3."c: 3 lbs. $1.00; 5 Ihs. $1.60 prepaid. 1 lb. 2Sc. S5 lbs. « !0c, SO lbs. or more O 17c hsre. Sample free. We specialiae In. and grow only one viriety Menno Saudcr. C.-owor. KIinir:i, (iiitirii'. IIAIKURKSXING «iCHO0I.S ANOP.XnVS' ACADEMY OF HAIR- dressiiig. Spring classes forming on April 3rd. Free literature. S61 Bloor WMt. Toronto. HW!fn?W^- ACAbF.MV ?>K HAIR- dressing. Qovernment licensed. We train you for Board Extmlnallon. Free prospectus, »81 Bloor West, To- IIAIH «OliD» riGS, Tt.)UPRS, TRANSFORMATIONS. Braids, Curls, and all types of Rnest «mllty Hair Ocodf. Writ* for lllus- 1 cataiocu*. Toronto Human Supply. COm Hi Bathur»t. T.iron- KlrSu »0| en Solid Oak Dining-room Suite •p<.l.«JU â€"Buffet., extension table and six leather .«eat chairs; new c-nditlon. dMC rjn Nine Piece Dining-room Suite ^^H.XJV i„ 5j,,|j ^.^^ buffet, exten- sion t.Tblp. china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. Completely reflnished. <ce fkfl Doautlful 3-piece Oak Suite. ^WJ.W iiuffot. extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. Com- pletely reflnished. SIIQOn English Oak Suite, sample, ^1A9.UU ninj pieces: buffet, (cred- renzu type), refectory table, closed front china cabinet .ind 6 leather up- holstered chairs. Kitchen Cabinets. $ll.O0; Bre.tkfast Suites, Cv pioci'S. $i:i.nOi Siiiser Sewing Machines. 9i:i.M; Oas Stoves. >4.W-~: Dlnlng-rooni Kttension Tables, Se^lO; Refrigerators. M.on. Etc. Write for our free illustrated cat.-i- logue of new and re-conditioned furni- ture and hundreds of valuable gifts free with purchases. All merchandise thoroughly cleaned and re-conditioned and sold under a definite money back guarantee of satisfaction. LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto H.^TCHIXG EGCS NEW HAMl'SHIRES AND RHODE is- land Reds. Heavy layers, exhibition winners. Fifteen eggs, $1.00; Fifty, $3.00. .\1. Fisher. Enterprise, Ontario. ALL VARIETIES OF HEN. DITK. Uantiim. tSuinea Eggs. $1.50 setting. Turkey or (loose eggs, SOc each. Or- der from advert istinciit. Ivan Moore. Athens. Ontario. MAXTBESSES FOR SALE MATTUESs^ESâ€" spring BARGAINSâ€"^ New Felt Mattresses, $3.50; New Spring Mattresses. $8.50. From factory to user. Veteran Bedding 8S3 Queen St. West. Toronto. UEESLEVS HITTERS (HERBAL TON- IC). Removes the cause of stomach troubles by building up and purify- ing the blood. Mr. Thomas McGill, of Ul Earlscourt Ave., Toronto, suffer- ed with stomach ulcer for seven years, had lost forty pounds, has re- gained his normal weight, and enjoys his food, eats whatever he desires. Your blood will heal your body if It Is In good condition. Send for testi- monials. I'rice $1,511 and $3.00 Includ- ing Kidnry Powders. $3 00 size lasts five weeks. Postpaid. Manufactur- ers. .Mrs. T. VanCiimp ,ii Sons. 107 l-angley .Vve.. Toronto. Ont., Dept. 3. HErATIil..V l{ELIEVi:s ST<.)MACH, liver, kidney and bladder trobules. Symptom-.!: Pains in right side, under shouldci blades and across hips, in- digestion, gas. conslip.ition. colic. Formula ot German doctor. Price $5. Mrs. Ccvi. •>; Alnia^ Pox inTSX. Sas- katooti. Sas k. MKDU II. 50OO E|i.\K>NTON' CITIZE.N.S TE.>iTU-'V tor (It. and .<.) I'oHdtv. herbal reme- dy â€" rhouniuiisnj, lu'hritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, fl.Sii; one month $3; two months, |j. DrugBl.-<tff. or J. C. Mclntyro. Herbal- ist. Edmonton. Alberta. Agents: l.y- man.'i, Moiitii.i! MAI.K lOMI'I.OVMEM' «»ri'OllTlMT\ BECOME AN AVIATION OR MARINE Radio Operator. Emplo.vment pros- pects are the brightest for years. Our training prepares you for the Dept. of Transport examination. A high fercentage of our graduates pass heir examinations. STUJ. MORE IMPORTANT â€" THEV SECLKE KMPt-OYMKNT Attractive work Is offered In aviation. the forestry department!! and other land services â€" marine radio also calls for men. For complete inform. ilion write, (ivlng age. education, nationality, and â- phone number to, l>ept. CRO, ^ RAi>io ooiaj:oK of Canada KM HAT ST.. TORONTO. ONT. HAVE Philosophy Most things are made (or various uses, .\nd this Incluiies our poor excuses. Here's one to deal nitb the man who tells f:8h stories: He had long outstayed his welcome. At last the host said. Host â€" 'Tell me, how long was the tish sou cai:ght the other day?" Guest â€" (holding his hands wide apart) â€" "Oh. so long I" Host â€" "Well, 80 long, if }-ou real- ly must be going." Passenger â€" "Oh, Captain, what would happen if this ship hit an ice- berg?" Captain â€" "Madam, the iceberg would go on its way just as if nothing had happened." Passenger â€" "Oh. thank you. Cap- tain! I feel so relieved!" Ho â€" "Honey, would you love me just as mucli if I told you that I was broke?" She â€" "You aren't, are you?" He â€" "No." She â€" "Of course 1 would, darling." READ IT OR NOT! Thp average depth of the ocean be- low sea level is 1J.540 feet. A young woman organist wanted to malse a good impressioi! en the visiting clergyman. The organ was pumped by the venerable s.-exion, who occasionally gave up the job, or else failed to work vigorously enough, very much to the chagrin of the fair organ- ist. On this very special occasion she wrote a note intended for the sexton's eyes, only, in whicli she said: "Ob- lige me this morning by blowing away till I give you the signal to stop. Miss Allen." Imagine her discomfort to see the sexton take It up the aisle and hand itl to the Tisitlng clergryman for whom he thought it was Intended! Recruit Instructor (to a squad of PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of Inventions and full Informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company. Registered Patent Attorneys. i:73 Bank St.. Ottawa. Can. PERSOX.IL BE POPULAR: LEARN HOW. GET what you want by making people like you. Personal charm will give you more acquaintances, friendships, fun. Valuable social and business contacts. Individual, confidential co- operation in easy lessons by mail. Send 25 cents for Introductory trea- tise and membership. (Prompt re- fund If dissatisfied.) Canadian Charm Club, 6S1 Broadview Ave., Toronto. ARE YOU RUPTURED." UEUEF, comfort, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or un- der-straps or steel. Write Sniiih Manufacturinc: Co., Dent. 219. Pres- ton. Ont. KI.IK H.\IK RE.MOVEK. P.VTENTt: Pending. Klik is a tried and true remedy. Safe to use and sure in ac- tion. Klik contains no harmful In- gredients, le.ives a clean, soft skin; is guaranteed to do the work or your money back. Klik. $1 per packapo. postpaid â€" $1. anywhere in Canada. A. Adams. Fort Ljingley. B.C. Refer- ences Roy.il Bank. IF YOl" W.VNT AN AFFECTION ATK. romantic sweetheart with money, write: Mary Lee, 445-0. Rolla, Mis- souri. QUIT TOKACCO. S.XIKK. ETC. EAS- lly. Inexpensive home remedy. Guar- anteed. Testimonials. .Advise free Pox 1. Winnipeg. MARRY â€" WOVLD YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers' daughters and widows with property Particular.". 10c. Confidential. Cana- dian Corresp.indencc Club. Box ITS. CalKury. Altn. T.\II,OKRn SlITS von «iAI.E FREE. FANTS VALUED .\T $4.00. â€" The Ore;)test R.irgain Offer in Can- ada. We will ship absolutely free a pair of Pants with every Suit order bargain priced at $13.?5. a resul.ir $19. no value. Tailored from all wool botany worsteds, in Steel Grey. PUie or Brown: fancy designs. Advance Spring Patterns. Single breasted mod- els, slies stocked 36 to 46. Limited offer. C.O.D. orders. Prompt refunds guaranteed. Please give chfst, waist and leg measurements, also colour wanted. Include this ad. and 45 cents for postage. Craw fords Clothes. Pox :i!'5. Montreal. ISRl) (• \KS Foil S \1.E aW. .money; drive with safety and pleasure, in one of our carefully reconditioned oars. Fully guaranteed under Ford Company plan. 65"^ buy froni us nc.Tln. M.anr Motors. Limit- ed. '. sed Car lA>t. SIO St. Clair Ave West, Toronto. WANTED WANTED â€" F.VR.MEKS AND AGENTS to sell chick.>< In your own locality for a hatchery that sells good chick" at a reasonable price. Liberal com- mission paid. For full dev:iils write Raden Electric Chick Hatchery. Limited. F-ox No. 53. Raden. Ont. PHOTOGRAI-IIV SENDYOUR FILMS TO THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Higher srado prin latest developing process. THl!< Itrado prints guaranteed* hy jping pr MONTHS Sl'EcrAI, OFFERâ€" Anv (ill* roll developed . Every print enlarged ; or if you prefer, 16 prinld. .^11 for 25r. Free Film and Camer* Coupon. FIEtWITN tVIXT OIDM â- I m i f liela •ONSOUBATII PHOTO lEIVME 1SS CalkariiM ». HAMH.TON, ONT. TEN WAYS TO LOSE MONEY Twenty years' experience looking over investment portfolios shows us that 90% of Invest- ment losses occur the following way: â€" lit. Attempting to catch the short swings of the market 2nd. Actisg on "TIPS" from strange salesmen. 3rcL Market gambling on "Short" positions. 4th. Trying to pick one or two "Low priced wincers." Sth. Maintaining a precarious margin position. 6lh. Over concentrating in one security or industry. 7th. Buying at the top regardless of market position. Sth. Investigating AFTER investing. 9th. Disregard for business cycles whkh control markets. lOtk. Not keeping a balanced account at any time. Avoiding these pitfalls is the service we render. We believe that every investor is entitled to the fullest information available. 'THE MARKET OBSERVER", the complete investment counsel service, aids you by the elimination of these hazards to build a sound investment port- folio which will yield a good inccme, and good capital increase. Fill out the coupon below and start the wise way to invest. The Market Observer, 33 Baby Point Rd., DATE. â€" . Toronto, Gentlemen:â€" Please prepare for me your market coupsel service "THE M.A.RKET OBSERVER" for period specified. I agree to treat all your bulletins, reports, opinions and advices as confidential, understanding that while they are based on Information believed by you to be reliable, you do not guarantee their accuracy or assume any liability. I agree to use the information at my own risk, Ple.ise service me for one month. J5.00 Regular, Please service me for 3 months. JIO.OO Special Offer. SIGNED ADDRESS WL. new boots at the Naval Training Sta- tion) â€" "HaU;" But one of them marched on. Recruit Instructor â€" "See here, Jones, what did you do before joining the navy 7" Jones â€" "I was a teamster, sir." Recruit Instructor (next time he gave the command) â€" "Squad halt, Jones •whoa!" To the man who has been forced to swim rivers, creeks look small. Friend â€" 'T started in life without a penny in my pocket." Bright â€" "And I started in life with- out a pocket." The press room philosopher who is full of years and puns, asked us the other day why a man usually makes the most racket when he is well oil- ed. Officer (to midshipman in ranks) â€" '•Sound off." Plebe â€" "Midshipman MacTavish, fourth class, sir." Officer â€" 'Why are you late tor for- mation?" Plebe â€" "I squeezed out too much toothp.iste and had a hard time get- ting It back into the tube, sir," When your neighbour goes wrong, you want the home newspaper to tell all. When you go wrong, it occurs to you that the people are not concern- ed about your private affairs, and that your trouble has no news value. â€" Atchison Globe. Love may be blind, but the average mother-inlaw Is an eye opener. A Five-Ton Pain Ever broken a tooth and e.xperi- enced the agony of an exposed nerve? Or â€" milder, but bad enough â€" jumped under the probe of n, den- tist as he "excavated" a tooth before putting in a filling? Consider, then, the case of "Boy," Munich Zoo elephant, who weighed more than five tons ^nj was claimed to be the biggest e'.ephant in Eu- rope. In a fit of temper he charged a tree and broke oflf his tusks. The nerves were exposed, and his suffer- ings drove him frantic. They had to shoot him. Dr. Heck, director of the Zoo, did the job with a rifle. But he wasn't taking any chances. In casi the first shot failed and trouble followed, a machine-gun was in readiness. "Boy" was 2G ft. long from trunk to tail, stood 10 ft. 6 im high at the shoulders, and had a girth measure- ment of 17H ft RAVMAR, Cmil. • F« ^ MASON'S St COiO RIMlOy 1 • Mi O ia •>. . TOaCWl O . CAtMUk iMue No. 16â€" *3S Dogs For Rent Chicago Bureau Hires Them Out For Every Purpote A dog-less person longing to walk a canine thoroughbred along the boulevards these spring days need not buy one. In Chicago it Is possible to rent a dog by the day, week, or month. Many people do, in fact, reports Mrs. Michael Von Motzek who, with her husband, runs the odd dog livery. It started when commercial photo- graphers began to use dog models for their pictures. The Von Motzeks decided to supply the demand. To their usual notice about their kennels In the classified telephone directory they, added the line "dog models rented," and noted that Mr. Von Motzek had trained 50 alredales for Orphan Annie of the radio. That was enough. Requests began to arrive. The business developed along un- suspected lines. A woman, lonely dur- ing her husband's absence from the city, hired a dog for company. An- other family engaged a watchdog to keep an eye on their baby. Small Ones Most Popular Another business man rented a Ger- man shepherd dog for a party. He wanted to show his friends how well he could handle animals, he said. He returned it the next day. "What breeds are In the greatest demand?' Mrs. Von Motzed was a^kcd. ''It all depends upon the pmposa for which a person wants a dog," she said. "Russian wolfhounds are popu- lar for fashion shows, dobermans for the out-of-doors, and Great Danes ar« popular, too. Generally speaking, peo- ple that have small apartments -i^-ant Uttle dogs, while those with big houses prefer large ones." Missed by 1,500 Miles! Two champion Australian axemen entered for the wood-chopping events at the annual agricultural show at Maryborough, Victoria, but failed to appear. They went to Maryborough, Queensland â€" 1,500 miles away â€" by mistake. Series of Oh's New baby born to the Flynn fam- ily in Indiana has been named Oak- ley. His elder brothers are Oral, Odie, Othie, Ovie, Orval. Otis, Oscar, Oliver and Omer. Mother's name is Ollie. 2-Egg Power A hen which regularly lays two eggs a day is owned by Mlie. Kaka- sovitch, who liveR in a small Yugo- slavian village. GARDENING Aâ€" C LAWNS For best results grass seed must be sown in the cool weather. This means, according to the experts, that all the lawns or repair work must be made well before the first of June. \t this time there is usually plenty of moist- ure and nights are cool. Success lies in the selection of the highest H-pe of seed. There are all kinds cf quali- ties offered, but the best blends tor permanent results prove least expen- sive. In Canada there are laws govern- ing grass seed but these have been de- signed only to protect the inexperienc- ed from getting a lot of weed seeds instead of grass. With new lawns, the spade work should be done as early as possible. The main thing is to get the ?roun;l level. After digging or plowing, the ground should be allowed lo settle fur a few days at least, and thju levoUed again. If there is time. It is advisable to repeat this process sever.il times. The top soil should then he raked fine and on a wludU-ss day the grass sown at a liberal rale, once across and then once lengthwise. This double sowius Insures an even distribution. In cov- ering, the gardener is advised to rake one way only and then fiim the soil with a heavy roller or poumler. The first culling of the grass Is made when about three inches high and It should be done with a very sharp mower. Frequent tolling when the ground is soft, regular mowings, and an annual application cf good lawn tertlUier Is advisable PERENNIALS Even with a very small garden, there Is a big advantage in having a few perennial flowers. With these there is something to build the rest of the garden around and there Is less likely to be long blank periods when there Is no bloom available. About a Uoicu diffvient kinds will rnivto a fair foundation. Here Is a fair selection: Delphinium Hardy Chrysanthemum Phlox Irl» Hollyhocks Oriental Poppies Lillies Dianlhus Trollius Peonies Yucca Columbine SEED CATALOGUES Seed catalogues put out by tll« large firms contain much more than a mere mention of the many flowers and vegetables available In Canad.i. They specify important points such as time of planting, resistance or lack of re- sistance to frost, height, cotor, season of blooming, whether scented, and also the suitability of the (lower for cut- ting purposes. All of these points should be taken into consideration In planning a real garden, as only with such knowledge cpn a comprehensive and practical scheme be worked out. f SCIATICA ySMh tb« pAtnfuI p«rt well < with warm «itvt; tb«a nib Ib pUniy of Min«rd'« ind you'll fMl b«HOTl KING OF HUr

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