Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1938, p. 8

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Wednesday, April 27. 1938 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ •i n iii Mmm i M iii uiinju i n ii n i M ii M ii u ftt n CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP MAKE YOUR WALLS AND CEILINGS COLORFUL AND BEAUTIFUL Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes are long- tested for inside or outside use. RICHMOND PAINT and Enamel â€" A popubr line at a low price, none better at this price quart 7Sc SUNSET ENAMEL â€" In a good choice of colors, for Floors, Woodwork, Walls, Furniture, Etc. PROTECT YiOVR FLOORS, INSIDE OR OUT, WITH OUR PORCH & FLOOR FINISHES Interesting Collection (Orangoville Banner) Mr. Robert Walker, Glencroas re- cently showed The Banner an inter- esting collection of old coins. The collection included a 3 cent copper coin dated 1920, a six peoce coin of the Victorian era, u six pence coin dated 1820, a 2Q cent piece minted in 1858, a four country coin dated 1878 and a half crown dated 1907. Of .special interest was a 5 cent United States paper bill dated July 17, 1862, which '.'.V. Walker purchased in a To- ronto curio shop in 1920. Mr. Walker also owns a Stradivarius violin, made in 1C21, for which he recently refused an offer of $600. Brushes for Tinting, Var- nishing, Painting, etc. A good brush makes a much better job. Come in and we wUl try ; ; and help you in selection ; ; of the many house clean- ; ing aids. Broonu, Floor Mops, Aluminum and Gold Paint, Steel ; Wool, Muresco, Crack Filler, Sand Paper, Floor Wax, ; ; Polishes, Paint and Paper Cleaner, Oil, Turpentine Royal Purple GARDEN SEEDS 10c pkg. for 5c : Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON, Ont. STAND BY THE OPEN Competitive Market WHERE YOUR INTERESTS ARE FULLY PROTECTED SHIP YOUR LIVESTOCK TO DUNN & LEVACK Ltd. Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Union Stock Yards, Toronto Established 1893 t t t T T t t JUST ARRIVED 4 I ♦|* A shipment of Ladies' New Spring Goa s in all the | X newest shades and smart new styles. These coats *^ !♦ are selling at extremely low prices. Ladies! Look your best in a new Spring Suit. Tliese Suits have just arrived, in all the best quality cloths and up-to-the-minute styles. Selling at prices that will surprise you. BLOUSE SPECIAL ' Larg^e assortment of Ladies' Blouses in the latest Spring styles. Selling at 95c PRINTED SHEER DRESSES All sizes. Special at $5.95 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We have a new collection, featuring dozens of becoming styles for young matrons and older women, at prices much below the regular. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Men ! Dress up in one of our New Spring Top Coats, in brown and grey (weed effects. Sellinj? at the low price of $9.75 Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, in all the new patterns. Sellinj:^ at $14.95 Collej^e Suits for Young Men sizes 34-38. Selling at $14.95 These suits are in brown and iiTev and excellent quality cloth. refal wear. Will g-ive GENTS' FURNISHINGS SPECIAL Men's Fine Pants in fine worsted quality, a good assortment from which to choose. Regular $3.95 to 4.50. On Sale at $3.39 Boys' Cotton Tweed Pants, sizes 28 to 32. Special $1.15 Men's Cotton Tweed Pants, all sizes. On Sale at $1.44 Boys* Polo Shirts, assortment of col- ors. vSellingr at 69c WORK SHIRT SPECIALS We have a full line of Work Shirts for men and boys. Selling at prices that excel all others. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Special Display of Curtain Materials in Nets, Scrims and Marquisettes. Sell- infi: at extremely low prices. You can't afford to miss the wonderful bargains. Frilled Curtains â€" Extra value 45c Hose Special â€" Supersilk Crepe Hose in all the new shades. Seling at .. $1.00 Frilled Curtains â€" Of the better " quality. Selling at 75c to 98o Supersilk Chiffon Hose in the latest shades, per pair 79c Cotton Broadcloth Slips on sale 22c Angel Skin Slips. Special at 59c New Seer Sucker in pink and white, colors suitable for all kinds of summer wear. Reduced to, per yard 21c TABLE LINEN SPECIAL This linen is 72 inches wide' of real good quality. Clearing at, yard ....79c Towelling â€" Terry Towelling reduc- ed to, per yard 9c Linen Hand Towelling, extna qual- it^s per yard 25c Towelling â€" Tea Towelling in plain and check patterns. On Sale at .... 19c Celanese Gowns â€" vSpccial at .... $1.56 BOOT & SHOE DEPARTMENT Our stock is complete in every line of Shoes. Come in and be convinced that we can siave you from 10 to 20' 7r off in every shoe you buy. Boys and Girls. Spring is here and oiir stock of Scampers, Compacs and Running vShoes are all on sale at the lowest possible prices. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT t t T t t r t t t t Local and Personal t t t t t T T t t T T T t t T T t ? Our Paint Sale still continues â€" Gallon tins $1.95; Quart tins 55c and J. Pint tins 30c. *^ Wallpaper â€" Visit our Wallpaper Department and see the beautiful new patterns from which to choose. GROCERY SPECIALS Cleaned Dates 4 lbs. for 25c Black Tea Special 49c lb. Supreme Shortening 2 lbs. for 25c Prunes 3 lbs. for 25c Snap Powder 2 tins for 23c 5 Cakes Pearl Wliite, 1 ot cleaner .. 25c Babe or Classic Cleanser ^5c tin Matches 3 for 23c C. & B. Orange Marmalade jar 25c 3 Cans Tomatoes 25c Del M'aiz Corn .„ tin 10c Oranges doz. 15c, 20c, 25c Dutch Sets 3 lbs. for 25c Multipliers lb. 5c Fancy Mixed Biscuits .... 2 tt>s. for 35c All kinds of garden seeds on hand. Mrs. Ed. Fisher hag returned aftei apendins: a week in Toronto. Masters Bill and Walter McBride spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. Fred Russell attended the O.E.A. convention at Toronto la-- week. Master Jim Thurston spent a few days in Owen Sound last week with his aunt, Mrs. Angus Mclnnis. Misses Kate Macmillan, Dell Thurs- ton and Laura Boyd have returned tr> their school duties in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best and babe, and Mcxsrs. Jack Duncan and Laurie Fisher of Toronto spent the week end in town. Mrs. E. N. Cooper and two children of Toronto are visiting a couple of weeks with her brother, Mr. Chas. McLean. Mr. W. G. McBride and family have returned to Priceville after residing in Plesherton for the past seven months. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. White and daughter of Severn Park spent the week end with the former's father, Mr. Geo. White. Mrs. Geo. Goldsborongh and two children, Robin and Diana, of Well- and, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Mrs. R. D. Ii-v/in of Proton Station and Mrs. A. Williams of Toronto vis- ited Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. John McDonald. Miss Annie Neilson of Agincourt returned to Toronto Sunday after spending two months with her sister, Mrs. John McDonald. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Cargoe Wednes- day, May 4th, at 3 p.m. Roll call will be answered by spelling your name backwards. Visitors welcoma Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. -Field and son, Bruce, and Mr. Herb Poulter of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Field and other relatives ov- er the week end. Mr. Wilfred McMaster and sister, Verdun, of Brantford spent a couple of days in town last week. Miss Verdun remained to spend a few days with her friend, Miss Ethel Dargavel. Messrs. L. McCracken, W. Turney, A. E. Bellamy, H. A. McCauley and Alex. McLean attended a reunion dinner of the 147th Battalion Asson iation at the Prince George hotel, To- ronto, Saturday evening. The following teachers returned to the local high school after the Easter holidays, Misses Betty McLean and Laura Pallett from Lynden and Dixie, and Messrs. Howard Eubank and Ern- ie Button from Cayuga and Caledon- ia. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston re- tumed on Saturday after a week's visit with their daughter, Mrs. N. H. Durrant at Mitchell. Miss Dell Thurston returned with them and re- mained in town over the week end. The Toronto branch of the Flesher- ton Old Boys' and Girls' Association will present a first class concert in Flesherton on Saturday night, May 23rd. Pull details of the program will be given in an early issue. Provincial police stopped a car on tho highway one evening recently with the belief that it was carrying "wet" goods, but were not successful in finding anything to mako a con- viction. The authorities are on the watch and are determined to stamp out "bootlegging"' in this district. CATTLE CALVES HOGS SHEEP Toronto has one of the ^ttat liTe stock markets in Canadft, ezeell- ent accommodatiun, free miming water every day in the yeur. Market scaleu which are tested every market morning and inspected once each month. Conaiffn your atock to as and ItSTe it sold on tho Open Market, where buyers asseanble from ontaide cities, town* and villages, wholesale butchers and buyers from the numerous packing plants in this city, also buyers for the U.S.A. ami Great Britain. Market Prices Have Advanced Export^Trade Increases For many years we have been doing the largest live stoclc eom- mission business in Canada and have a staff of experieaecd salesmen for any and all classes of stock you may have tp offer. Our cheques payable at par in any chartered bank in Ontario. For 'urther particulars write, wire or phone Lyndhnrst 1143-1144 The United Farmer* Co-Operative Co., Limited LIVE STOCK COMMISSION DEPT. Union Stock Yards West Toronto Toronto man claims his stove has been stolen, fire and all. The police. no doubt, are hot on the trail by thi». time. Small Ad. Golumn FOR SALE â€" Gladiolus bulbs, 2c each. Your chaice of bulbs, also manure for gardens in town. Ap- ply at this office. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Quantity of good seed barley.â€" Russel White, R.R. 3 Pro- ton Station. FOR SALE â€" 1930 Chevrolet coach in good condition. â€" A. L. Hincks, Phone 22rl2 FOR SALE â€" White blossom sweet clover $4.50 per bushel. Sample at Advance office. â€" John O'Neil, Priceville R.R. 2 20c2 WANTED â€" Four men to cut posts, etc., in swamp. 4 cents each for posts. Apply at once to Charles Goddard, Eugenia, phone 5 r 32 FOR SALE â€" Inboard motorboat, flat bottom, 14 feet long, in good running condition. â€" Everett Parker, phone 32r2, Flesherton. Bred-to-lay Barred Rocks from, good layers: May 9 cents, June 8 cts. A limited number not on order; pleas» order at once. â€" MRS. EDGAR PATTERSON, R. R. 2, PricevQle, phone 22 r 41. FOR SALE â€" Good heavy horse^ also some small pigs. â€" Jas. Hopps^ R.R. 3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Pure bred Scotch Shorthorn bulls, ready for service. Also Dooley seed potatoes. â€" H. I. Graham, Vandeleur. FOR SALE â€" Small sword peas for seed.-J. W. Lever, Flesherton.27pa l''OR SALE _ Young Yorkshire pigs, also young Jersey cow to freshen n .Uay.â€" Jas. Ha|;iasonv.-J{.K. 3 Pro- FOR SALE â€" New house in Ceylon, with one-half aore of land suitable for garden. Price f350.OO cash, phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon 9 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of Irish Cob- bler potatoes 50c per bag, also some young pigs ready to wean about May 16.â€" Harry Paton, R.R. 3 Flesherton. 27p2 FOR SALE - ?1.50 cwt., 3ic pound, barley. .Terms cash. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. - Wheat and oats chop, oats, 65c bushel, flax. Also seed oats and Phone 38r3, FOR S.ALE â€" Brick house and large lot opposite high school; 6 rooms, cellar, cistern, woodshed and electric lights; hen house all in good repair. John Parker, Proton R. R. No. 3, Phone Flesherton 32 r 2. 30 ton Station 20pa FOR SALE _ Red clover, $16. per bushel; Mammoth, $18. per bushel; Alsike, $19. per bushel; all govern- ment grrade No. i Ontario growtt seeds. Also alfalfa, white and yel- low blossom sweet clover, timothy and mixed seeds. Terms Caslu A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE _ High grade Quebee cedar shingles, clears, $3.75 per sq. 2D clears, $3.30 per sq., seconds,. $2.56 per sq. Orders for 10 square- or more delivered free. Terms cash Phone 38r3. A. C. Muir, Ceylpn. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Hog for aeiw vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186261, sire and dam qualified in advanced registry â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Sta- tion. FOR SALE â€" Bargain prices: buggry new Peter Hamilton cultivator, Fleury shares also other lines, cream separator; lots for sale or rent. â€" Mrs. John Heard, Flesher- ton. 27p3 FOR SALE â€" Bred-to-lay Barred Rock chicks from good layevs. May 9c, June 8c. A limited number not on order. Please order at once. â€" Mrs. Edgar Patterson, R.R. 2 Price- ville. Phone 22r41. 13c3 ROOFING Brantford asphalt roofing. New Brunswick wood shingles, Metallic steel roofing, Waterloo thi-eshing ma- chine Cockshutt farm implementa, lightning rods. J. O'NEIL and SONS Priceville, R.R. 2. Ph^ne Durham 607r4. 20c4 F. T. HILL & CO., LTD. ♦♦♦♦^ Farm For Sile by Tender Sealed tendlers will be received by the undersigned until 6 o'clock p.m., Saturday, April 30th, for the purdiase pf Lot 5, Concession 3, south of the Durham Road, Township of ArtemaS' ia. This farm contains eighty acres more or less, fifty acres of which is under cultivation the balance in pas- ture with some timber. Good build- ings, well, and is said to be in good Btate of cultivation. The farm will be sold to the highest bidder on ^e following terms, 20% of the purchase price to be paid on the acceptance of the tender and the balance in 80 days when a deed will be given by the Township of Artemesia. For further particulars apply to John A. Davis Reeve, or Alex. Cameron Treasurer of Artemesia Township. All tenders to be sent to Alex. Cam eron, Eugenia, Ontario. PASTURE _ Cattle wanted for pas- ture on lots 171-171, 2 S.W., Art- emesia, well watered. All cattle must remain four months and set- tled for before taken away; 50c per head for yearlings, 75c for 2- year-olds. â€" Wm. Hales, Proton Station. 27p4 HOG FOR SERVICE Pure* bred Yorkshire Hog, 0rchai4 Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire O. A. C Conqueror 315â€"167820, vrill be kep* for service. Terms $1.00.â€" We^ Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire ^â- )eLT for sen. vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within feat months â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE â€" Extra heavy oats $30 per ton, good feed Barley $30 per ton. No. 1 Alfalfa Clover $20 per bu.. No. 1 Red Clover $16 per bu.. No. 1 Mammoth Red Clover $18 per bu.. No. 2 Red Clover $15 per bu., No. 1 Thnothy $3 per bu.. No. 3 Timothy No. 1 purity $2.50 per bu. â€" F. T. Hill & Co., Markdale PASTURE _ Pasture for cattle on lots 171-72, No. 10, Highway, never- failing water supply; 50 cents per month for yearling, 76 cts. for two- year-olds, all cattle most remain for 4 months. Comfortable house on th" same lot for k«nt, good garden and small fruit erton. m DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham at Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to Alt Sundays and Thursday aftemooaa ty appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 338, AJP, & A.F., meets in the Fraternal Wa\ Flesherton, the second Friday ia each month. W. M., Dr. J. E. Miln«( Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low r ate for fi A. D). MacIMTTRE, Aswt FLESRBBTON HOI >h rOU SALE In Eugenia, 6 room brick house with woodshed, goed well, stable also lots. Splendid Rite for fisherman's or tourist's home. Priced right for quick sale to wind up an estate. Ap- ply to Mrs. W. T. Genoe, Ceylon; or Mr. Oliver Turner, Eugenia, Knen- tors af the aatate. 19e ROY LANGFORD Dlfltriet Agwit Ito MVTUAL LIFB OF OAN ABA * SICKNESS wna J^.OHLS BUItOLAKT ..luMCiHl LiaMHty ChMnurt«« 9t^t Any Inauranee Probtom Ttleplwne. MABXDALI^ OhIL DR. T. H. SPENCE â-¼BTKRWAHT SVKOBON Oradvata of Ontario VatorlMurr OM* hf, ProfMaional serrleas rvMHMthH â€" noB*. DoaMk a.

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