Flesherton Advance, 8 Jun 1938, p. 5

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THE PLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday. June 8th, 1938 ; |>»i nm *iii nn >»*iiii M i> » > nn <i» f» »> nm >> i I Bleached and Unbleached i SHEETINGS ^ I There have just come to hand a few pieces of sheet- ^ ' injTs in 84 and 94 in. widths. You will find our prices ^ ' much more reasonable than those in larger centres. Pillow Cases J I PILLOW CASES â€" 42 inch â€" in colored borders ^ 1 beautiful quality, at, per pair , 95c ^ ; Ui^cached Cotton in ends â€" 1 yiard to 10 yards. At 3 special prices. FLOUR SPECIALS PURITY FLOUR, 98 lbs $3.75 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR, 98 lbs $3.75 BUY-A-SAC FLOUR, 98 lbs $3.30 FINE SALE, 300 pound lots $L50 F.G. KARSTEDT, PriceviUe PRICEVILLE l>ltll» M I HHH tl lll l l l H I HIH ii»>t«»*i*»i**>i> H *» CEYLON Mrs. Harry Piper is holidaying in <)shawa. Miss Agrnes MacphaU arrived home from Ottawa on Friday feeling some- , :what improved in health after her operation. Mr. and Mrs. M. Reany and Jean of Southampton and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey of Dundalk spent Sunday with her. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stuart and family have moved to Flesherton and are occupying the Cairns house. Mr. Thos. Stewart returned from Toronto oh Friday. | ' Mr. and Mrs. George Evans and Peggy were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Muir. Mrs. Archie Sinclair and Miss Margaret of Dundalk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sinclair. Mr. Will Meads returned home on Monday after spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. E. Button of Flesherton took charge of the service Sunday in the absence of Rev. G. R. Service. The Young Men's choir of Flesherton, as- sisted by Mrs. Hunt at the organ, was responsible for the splendid music. Ceylon Public School pupils took part in the Grey County music fest- ival held at Owen Sound Friday. Those taking part were Ena and Fran- ces Adams, Dorothy Plester, Marg- aret Smellie, Edna Marshall, Nancy McWiUiam, Hilla and Helen Duck- i&ct, Marion Collinson, Jos McWil- liam, George \and Gordon Stewart and Wallace Shaw. Considering the number of entries in each number, Ceylon pupils made a creditable athowiingi. Miss Mclnnis, Mrs. Col- linson and Mr. Roy Piper accomp- anied the children. The Women's InstituK meets at the home of Mrs. J. F. Collinson on Thursday evening, June Oth, at 8 p.m.; sandwiches, Mrs. McWiUiam and Mrs. Smellie. We extend our sympathy to the relatives of the late Mr. Alex Mc- Mullen who passed away suddenly at his home near Flesherton on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. McMuUen had spent the afternoon with his sister, Mrs. M. Teeter, here and upon re- turning home had gone to the bam to do hu evening work. He was found in the yard by Mn. McMuIlen but life was extinct. ROCK MILLS Our warmest con^ratulationa go out to our dear young friend. Miss laobell JCarstedt, juat entering her teens, in taking honors at the music festival in Owen Sound last week. She was just three points behind the winner. We hope her better success in the future. It is indeed pleasant to visit old haunts and old. friends and to be as- sured by them we are looking well despite the fact a picture of the "wild man from Borneo" was printed in the local paper last week. Still we are truly grateful to the Sun-Times and AdTaace for their desire to do us honor. One of our citziens came ftear' hav- ing a dip in the chilly waters of the dam. Had it not been for a sub- stantial post at the end of the bridge he woald have landed in the wat^. Saeramoit of the Lord's Supper was held at St Colnmba Church on Sunday last to a teie congregation. We congratulate our old S.S. No. 13 Egremont on securing 78 points; No. 9, 77; No. 12. 76; and No. 3, Hol- stein, 75 at the recent music festival in Owen Sound. Dr..Russel Cameron, wife and babe have been holidaying the past month with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cameron. Dr. Cameron will open an office at Wasaga Beach for the sum- mer months after which he will go to Peterborough where he has bought a practice and take possession in Sep- tember. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts, Helen and Harold visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams and family of Eu- genia. Mr. Thos. Gilliland of Eugenia spent Phdday with his niece, Mrs. C. NeweD. Mr. Thos. Johnston Sr. of Kemble, 'Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hurlbut, Allan and Doris of Balmy Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnston of Jackson visited over Sunday with the former's daughter, Mrs. Joyce Porteous and family. Mr. Alex Stewart of Detroit and Mr. Chas. Stewart of Buffalo visited on Monday at the home of their cous- in, Mr. Chas. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newell and family at- tended a re-union of the Newell and I Stewart families held in Durham at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos 'Whitmore when a large gather- ing w^s present. Relatives "were present from Port Arthur, Detroit, Buffalo, Durham and Flesherton. Mrs. Dick Clark has returned home after nursing Mrs. Albert Blackburn the past week. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Alex McMullen and family in their sad bereavement by the sud- den passing of their husband and father. Mr. J. P. Sewell visited on Mon- day with his daughter, Mrs. Jas. Al- len. Rock Mills Ladies' Aid will quilt at the home of Mrs. 'Walter Russell un Wednesday, June 15th. Lunch committee; cake, Mrs. Sam Fisher, sandwiches, Mrs. Chas. Hanley and salads, Mrs. Alex English and Mrs. Ned Croft. Women's hats may look awful fun- ny this year, but it's some small con- solation to know they'll look twice as funny when we look back at them ten years hence. > • : Protection . . ENGLISH BARBED WIRE ; Well galvanized, 4-point barbs, spaced 4 inches apart, put up in 80 rod qKX>ls and priced at H>4»UU per spool ; Field and Garden Seeds â- M.',-* )vrMn« Seed Com, Rape S«e<i h^iuigel and Turnip Seed I < Master Feeds FOR POULTRY AND HOGS I Osprey & Arlemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ont ii nnn i M i m ii MM iii umm i n i m i n iii Mr. James Smellie of Port Arthur is visiting the home of Mr. David Nichol and other relatives in the dist- , „ rict. It is his first visit in nine years, i ^^^""1" ^bâ„¢*^^*- ^P^nt a day In Anniversary services will be held VANDELEUR The Woman's Association of Vand- eleur Church held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Andrew Barbin with the president. Miss Lillian Bu- chanan in the chair. A splendid pa- per given by Mrs. Dave McGee on "God's care of the birds'' was much appreciated. The roll call was an- swered by giving a favourite bird. Considerable business was discussed including arrangements for a straw- berry festival to be held in the church on June 24th. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clarke and daughters, Heather and Janice, of To- ronto, Rev. and Mrs. Hoblin and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Williamson of Mountsbury were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hutchinaao. Mrs. Dolan supplied in Wodehouse school for a few days recently. Mr. Leme Fawcett of Wodehouse visited his sister, Mrs. Gordon Wy- ville rec«itly. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. R. Service of Flesherton and Rev. and Mrs. Brahm of Oiarlton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. A Bailey and child- ren of Dearbome, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith of Meaford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hmer Warling. Messrs Frank Davis and Riissel ' ••• n iii»t nin »>st>> uML*»u i»i mn » mn iiiii>ese on Sunday in St. Andrew's Church on July 3rd and the garden party will be held the following Monday. Miss Beth Hincks spent the week end in Toronto and was accompanied home on Sunday by her sister, Jean, who will spend her summer vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Colin McLean spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. McMUlan, Holstein. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Calder of Hol- stein visited Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDonald vis- ited Sunday with friends in Egre- mont. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker and family visited Sunday at Mr. P. Har- rison's and Mrs. Neil McLeod's, of Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith at Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Art Richardson and family visited the first of the week at Mr. Alex Carson's. FEVERSHAM Congratulations to Mr. Wm. Mof- fat who on May 23 celebrated his 82nd birthday and who is still enjoy- ing good health. He resides on the Moffat homestead about three miles east of here. He was married to Miss Margaret Park many years ago and who still survives. Mr. Winslow Kernahan of Flesher- ton was in town recently with his mother, Mrs. J. A. Kernahan. We understand Winslow is residing in Flesherton for the sununer. Miss Carrie Kernahan R.N. of the nursing staff of the Gravenhurst San- itarium spent the week end at her home. The Softball game here Thursday evening between Dunedin and Fever- sham resisted in a win for the form- er, the score being 11-10. Mr. and Mrs. Alex falters and the former's mother of Toronto were vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thom- son last week. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Colquette were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dawes and daughter, Mary, and Mrs. A. Hanson of Burford and Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart of Flesh- erton. Mrs. Ferris of Shelburne and Mrs. Jos. Wright of Maxwell s^nt Sunday with their parents, Mr. said Mrs. E. Hawton. Mrs. John Smalley of CoUingwood spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Jos. Barber here. The revival services in the Gospel Workers* Church are continuing this week. Good congregations have at- tended the meetings and deep inter- est is manifested. The two young evangelists are good speakers and ex- cellent singers. Miss Annie Heathcote is visiting friends in Nottawa and Heathcote this week. A rather peculiar accident happened in Mr. Robinson's mill on Monday while sawing. The saw cut right through a horseshoe which had be- come imbedded in the wood. The shoe had been entirely grown over as there was no indications as to how the shoe got into the tree. Of course the saw was damaged considerably. Owen Sound last week. Mr. H. I. Graham attended the Shorthorn Breeders' sale at Chats- worth on Thursday. Several families from here attend- ed the miscellaneous shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Smith of Wodehouse which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hutch- inson. The teacher and pupils of Vande- leur school and quite a number of parents and friends attended the Music Festival in Owen Sound on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Buchanjan and family and Miss Tillie Buchanan of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan. Messrs. Jack Gilbert and Ed Warl- ing of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warling. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and babe visited at Massie with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Hutchinson and Miss Pauline spent Sunday with Mrs. Fawcett at Kimberley. Mrs. John Lawson, Miss Jean and Mr. Norman Lawson of Harkaway spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. CHve Dolan. Misses Kathleen Whitney and Ei- leen Somers of Markdale spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Bowles. In the absence of the pastor. Rev. H. S. Warren, Miss Alice Armstrong of Flesherton delivered a very able address on Sunday afternoon and Miss Marion Miller of Flesherton rendered a solo. There was a good congregation present. Mrs. Russel Fawcett and twins and Mr. Ted Fawcett of Wodehouse and Miss Devona Cutting of Markdale were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wyville. Fat Fascists are warned by an Italian paper to keep in the rear ranks when pictures are being taken. Ehridently Mussolini does not agree with Julius Caesar's wish to have round him men "that are fat, sleek men and such as sleep at night." CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP MAKE YOUR WALLS AND CEILINGS COLORFUL AND BEAUTIFUL Sberwin-Willianu Paints and Varnishes are long- tested for inside mr outside use. RICHMOND PAINT and Enamel â€" A popular line at ; a low prioe, none better at this price quart 75c ; SUNSET ENAMEL â€" In a good choice of colors, for ; Floors, Woodwork, Walls, Furniture, Etc PROTECT YOUR FLOORS, INSIDE OR OUT, : WITH OUR PORCH & FLOOR FINISHES ; ; Bnishes for Tinting, Var- Come in and we will try ; ; nishing. Painting, etc A and hdp you in sdection ; ; good brush makes a much of the many house dean- ; better job. ing akls. Brooms, Floor Mops, Aluminum and Gfrfd Paint, Steel ' ' Wool, Muresco, Crack Fillw, Sand Paper, Floor Wax, â-  ' Polishes, Paint and Paper Qeaner, Oil, Turpentine Royal Purple GARDEN SEEDS 10c pkg. for 5c i Frank W. Duncan ILA.RDWARE FLESHERTON, Ont ......* •'""TTTlltH l l l l ll l i m EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Blaschke and son, Ronald, and little niece of Preston visited at Mrs. Blaschke's parental home on the 8th line on the 24th returning the same day. Next Sunday morning at eleven o'- clock Mr. Elliott will take as the sub- ject of his sermon " Dark Days.'' At the YJ.U. meeting this Wed- nesday evening the missionary con- venor has engaged Rev. Cutler of Maple Grove to show lantern slides as the main part of his prog^ramme. The pictures to be shown are of Jacob and Rachel, Isaac and Rebekah and of Daniel with a brief explanation to each. A silver collection will be tak- . Come, youll enjoy the evening. On Wednesday evening, last week, the Y.P.U. held their regular meeting with the Christian Fellowship con- venor in charge. Miss Dinsmore tooK as her topic "Fragrant Life." Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Alwyn of Humber Bay visited over i.he week end with Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith and Jean. Mrs. Thos. Sled of Flesherton spent a day with Mrs. Will Magee, 8th line. Mr. Percy Smith of Flesherton was home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sled of Fever- ham were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duckett. Mr. Alex Carruthers has retuni^d home from Owen Sound hospital and is convalescing at his home. Mrs. Timmins of Traverston is vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. Will Walk- er. Our community is very sorry to hear of the illness of ye editor, Mr. W. H. Thurston, and extends to him the best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery. We are pleased to report Miss Florence Paul and Mrs. Robt. Smith recovering from their ilnlesses. We extend our deep sjrmpathy to Mr. and Mrs. John Parker and familv in their sad bereavement by the un- timely death of their dear son and brother, BilL We were orry to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Alex McMullen and ex- tend our sympathy to the sorrowing relatives. VICTORIA CORNERS Bom â€" At Royal Oaks, Michigan, on May 3lst, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ludlow, a son, James Robert Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stinson enter- tained the members of the council and also Mrs. Warling and son to dinner on Thursday. Miss Ruth Cosby of Dundalk is visiting her friend. Miss Beth Stin- son. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Killins and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Cosby of Smithville visited at Chas. Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stinson at- tended the eightieth birthday party of the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Bo- land, of Corbetton. Mr. and Mrs. James Lockhart and Argyle and Mrs. Bert Rowden of Goderich were renewing old acquaint- ances over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stinson and Anne and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lee of Priceville. READ THE "SMALL ADVTS" THE ANNUAL CELEBRATION will be held at KIMBERLEY Thursday, June 9tb under the auspices of the Kimberley Women's Institute The program for the day consists of Sports in the afternoon, followed in the evening by supper, concert and dance. COME ONE! COME ALL! n >»s»>S M » f »♦♦ » »»> ♦•i xmm ss f t f #»»<»♦#» f tt ftn t m i nM iiiiii M i nn MIGHT BE THAT From a schoolboy's fssif: "A a*:iB;- colon ii? a pt'riod s t irj; on t»p oi a comma. Some ihUtk that the first time a semicolon was used was when some man did not know whether to use a comma or a period, so he used both of them together."' .\n optomist is a chap who think? a "No Fishing" sign means the pres- ence of lota of fish. Our June Bargain Sale continues until SATURDAY, JUNE 11th TAKE ADVANTAGE OF LARGE IIST OF BARGAINS OFFERED R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. Ont

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