Wednesday, June 29, 1938 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ROCK MILLS Garden Party will be held at the BAPTIST CHURCH under tlic auspices of the Ladies' Aid ON - A^' i Tuesday, July 5th I Variety Concert Co. of Owen Sound ij \'iolinist â€" Miss Kleaiiitr Davidson Pianist â€" Mrs. Win. R. Colquctte Clarinet â€" Mr. Clias, Blackstone Soprano â€" Mrs. ClifTord Waug-h Reader â€" Miss Qucenie Kaittinj>: Entertainer â€" Mr. Wni. R. Cokjuette ; will provide an e.xcellent profjrani of sinjjin}^-, nuisie, Readintjs. Comic Duets, etc. SUPPER vSERVED EROM 6 TO 8 P.M. Admission: 35c and 15c MAKE YOUR LIVESTOCK PAY DUNN &LEVACK Ltd. Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Union Stock Yards, Toronto YOU'LL BE AHEAD IF YOU SHIP TO US FAITHFUL SERVICE SINCE 1893 'A f.'ll-jw says that walking is a li)st art in this country. But how do pcoplo bet from where they park to whiic they're going. Komo boasts about the heroic ex- ploits of Italian aviators in Spain. But what will the Recordinfj Angel write ? They have invented a new cigar- I'tte wrapping that does not need paper and the next thing will likely be a filling with no tobacco. The British amateur golfers have captured the Walker Cup in their sev- enteenth attempt. Perseverence has its reward even on the golf links. Live Stock Report (By Dunn & Levuk, Toronto) The cattle market opened »low uu Monday under a liberal supply, which consisted of practically all cattle off pasture. There wan u wide range in prices, depending largely in finish and (|uality of the animals, besides u var- ied class of buyers depending largely upon their requirements. A few top weighty steers brought 7.75 with the bulk oi' the good to ch()l<-. ..> from 7.25 to 7.50; fair to good fnmi B.50 to 7.(10. In the butch- ei' scctimi prices wore fully from a <iuuricr to a half lower, good to choice Bti-ers and heifers brought from COO I.. r,0; fair to good from 5.50 to COO; common to medium 4.50 to 6.26. Baby beeves were in good demand, choice from 7.50 to 8.00, of med- ium quality 5.50 to C50 Selected rttockers brought from 4.50 to 4.75 and feeders from 5.00 to 5.26. Com- mon cows were lower in price while good choice cows held about steady at from 4.60 to 4.75 with a few at slightly higher prices; fair to good, .'^.75 to 4.25; common to medium 2.75 to .'5.25; canners arul cutters 2.25 to 2.05. The bull trade was slow, ex- cepting for a few choice export bulls which sold at from 4.35 to 4.65; good heavy bolognas 4.00 to 4.25; light kind from 3-50 to 3.75. Choice spring lambs held steady at 10.50 with cull lambs selling from 7.50 to 9.00. The sheep trade was slow, choice light butcher sheep 3.00. Calves held steady, choice from 7.26 to 7.50; fair to good from 0.00 to 7.00; common to mediu»i 5.00 to 6.00; grass calves 4.00 to 4.25. The hog market showed consider- able strength and salesmen were suc- cessful in raising the price to 10.50 for truck deliveries. The general prospect for hogs looks favorable. A wisp of Nelson's hair sold for $55 in England recently. But a touch of Nelson'.-i spirit would be priceless just now. A Victoria woman has won her third sweepstake prize. That is the danger of that kind of thing â€" it gets to be a habit. Our Ladies' Ready-lo-Wear Department 13 featuring a Special Display of t t t t ? T T t t T T T t T t t T T t t T t T T t t LADIES' White Coats in Waffle, Flannel, etc. from $1.19 up * ♦♦♦' ^^M^a^^^^iM* Local aDd Personal ^^0^^*^^^>^^^^t^t0^0»0^'^0^^t^fmm* Rev. U. R. and Mrs. Service left on Monday for their summer vacation. Mr. ami Mrs. C. N. Kichaidaon were in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Brady is visiting Lion's Head and Cabot's Head. ut Mr. and Mrs. Glen MacDonald of Chatsworth visited on Sunday with Mrs. W. E. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hanley of Port Credit were callers on Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kernahan on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hopkins of Cl?esley were callers in town over the week end. Master Auldus Curran of Barrie is spending a few days with his friend, Jim Thurston. Mrs. Robt. Clark has returned to her home after spending the past week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chard and two daughters of Toronto spent the week end with his mother, and sister, Mrs. Alex. McMullen. Mrs. J. H. Rennick has returaed to her home at Orangeville after spend- ing the week with her mother, Mr.s. Kobt. Alexander. Mrs. James Watson and son, Gan-y, of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wil- son. The entrance examinations are being finished today by quite a num- ber of candidates. They commenced writing on Monday morning. The semi-annual meeting of Arte- mesia District L.O.L. will be held on .Monday evening, July 4th, at 8.30 p.m. in the Orange Valley Hall. All brethren are requested to be present. Mr. W. I. Henry had the misfortune to injure his ankle when he fell from a scaffold while working at the fire hall. Ho is able to move around but not at a fast rate of speed. Mrs F, H. W. Hickling returned home on Monday from Toronto where she underwent an operation. We are pleased to know that she is much im- proved in health. We are pleased to report that the editor is able to be out of bed and on Tuesday took a short walk out- side. He hopes to be around again as usual in a short time. Mr. Bert Broderick of the staff of <8>[the local branch of the Canadian Bank A^ I jf Commerce is holidaying at his J^^ I home at Bradford. Mr. Dave M. Crozier of Dundalk is the teller dur- Six Children Baptized The rite of baptism was admin- istered to six little children at the morning service in St. John's United Church, Rev. G. R. Service perform- ing the ceremony. Those who receiv- ed baptism were: John Ivan McDerm- id, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc- Dermid; James Clare Sharp, son of >.!.•. and Mrs. Lome Sharp; Robert .Archibald Mclntyre, sou of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mclntyre; Anne Eloise and Clarice Marion, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stuart; and Gerald- ine Catherine Best, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best. PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR TRANSFERRED TO BRAMPTON W. Frank Smith of Collingwood, inspector of public schools for Sim- coe 'West, Dufferin in part and Grey in part for the past three and a half years, will be transfeiTcd to Bramp- ton by the Ontario Department of Education. His duties will com- mence there on September 1st. Mr. Smith expresses himself as having enjoyed his term in the in- spectorate and thanks the teachers, pupils and school boards for their co- operation and hopes the inspector who fills his place will receive the same co-operation. BADGEROS SOFTBALL LEAGUE League standing June 27th. W L T PU, le 2 16 4 10 4 1 9 6 « 6 1 8 9 » Dunedin 8 Mclntyre 8 Singhampton 6 Redickville 4 Feversham 8 Maxwell 1 Badgeros Games Played Last Week Dunedin 10, Mclntyre 7 Redickville 16, Badgeros 8 Singhampton 11, Maxwell 9 Feversham 21, Singhampton 19 Dunedin 23, Badgeros 8 Mclntyreie, Redickville 12 Dunedin 8, Redickville 5 1 extra inn. Mclntyre 16, Singhampton 6 Collecting a radio license 'rom a tourist only in Ontario for a short time is not a ^resture that helps de- velop the tourist industry. Stores Open Thursday As Dominion Day falls on Friday this year the stores in Flesherton will remain open Thursday afternoon and close at 6 p.m. for the convenience of shoppers to lay in supplies for the holiday. The wonder is that some enter- prising barber has not yet announced that he is running a hair-conditioned shop. Farm For Sale by Tender ' Tenders will be received by the undersigned for purchase of Lot No, 11, Con. 3 S.D.R., 80 acres two acres woodland in the Township of Arte- mesia up to twelve o'clock noon of July 16, 1938. Terms: 10 per cent on day of ac- ceptance of tender and the balance in 60 days thereafter. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Sarah Mill, R.R. 2 Collingwood. W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE â€" Aberdeen Angus bull, 11 months old. â€" John W. Eckhardt, Priceville R. R. No. 1. 29p2 FOR SALE â€" 100-acre fann, good farm, good buildings. For pa.-r'"- ulars apply to Frank Chard, Kim- berley. 15c3 FOR SALE _ Yorkshire sow with 12 pigs two weeks old, also Durham cow due to freshen soon. â€" Clinton Magee, Maxwell, phone, Feversham nr42. 29c2 SPECIAL Ladies' Summer Dresses, j^reatly re- duced. This will be the greatest money- saviniLj dress sale of the season, as these Dresses are selling- much below the re- gfular prire. Prices rant^inji;- from , $L00, $1.48, $1.98, $2.39, $2.95 New Shipment of Sheers â€" Just ar- rived. Selling- at $4.95 and $5.95 Ladies' Dadk Hat Sale A larj^e assortment of styles from which to choose. Prices' rang-e from 50o, 98c and $1.69 General Dry Goods Department Brocaded Rayon Regfular 35c line. On Sale, yd. .. 19c Cotton and Rayon Dress Goods Repfular 50c value. Clearing-, yd. 29c Hose Ladies' Cotton Hose. for Ladies' Shirt Waists Special at $1.00 Silk Cordalay Reduced to, per yard ._. 79c Ladies' Celanese Hose Greatly reduced. Pair .... 25c and 35c Boots and Shoes Special 2 pairs 25o Z Ladies' New White Shoes. Just ar- ^^ rived, a shipment Ladies' New White A Shoes, in all the latest styles. Selling- at <!» prices rang-ing: from, pair $1.49 to $2.35 5* A larffe ranpe of Men's and Boys' f Campacs in all the newest styles. Sell- V '"^ much less than you can buy theni V elsewhere. Misses New White Shoes in fancy T straps. Selling- at, pair .. $1.69 to $1.95 t ? ? ? ? T t ? t t t T t ? T T t T t t t t t Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett and two children and Mrs. Fawcett's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stoddart, of Markdale aio this week on a motor trip to Cochrane, Northern Ontario. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong was taken ill recently and last week was taken to thi- homo of her daughter, Mrs. H. M. Hyliind, in Toronto. We hope that Mrs. Armstrong makes a rapid re- covery. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stoddart were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brownlee of Collingwood, and Miss Rene McNally and Mr. Ted Stoddart of Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith of Mea- for<l, Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fetch of Owen Sound, Mr. C. E. McTavish and son, Stewart, and Mr. S. E. McTav- ish of Oshawa were Sunday visitors with Mr. Dan McTavish and other relatives. FOR SALE â€" One large reversible honey extractor, good as new, one wax nielter with stove, one smoker, one sw.nrm catcher, never used, 40 boxes, one hundred queen bee ex- cluders, for quick sale $75. Apply at this office. 29c2 FOR RENT â€" 6-ronm nouse, hard and soft water, electric lights, gar- age and two lots. Opposite park. â€" Geo. Johnson R.R. 1 Flesherton, phone 75r4. WANTED â€" Groundhogs, must be fresh, 10c for large ones. â€" Jas. Sinclair, Ceylon. 22Jn. NOTICE â€" Paper hanging and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estim- ates free. â€" Ross Mitchell, Dundalk. Phone 77. Sept.l4p FOR SALE _ Two water storage tanks 4x6 feet, two-inch B.C. fir, well hooped, in Al condition; also rowboat with oars, in good shape. â€" S. W. Sloan, Eugenia. STRAYED â€" From lot 39, con. 6, Artemesia, on or about May 30th, a two-year-old heifer black with some white on face, and one year- ling.â€" Stanley Patton R.R. No. 1, Maxwell. 15p3 FOR SALE _ Rugs, stock of late importer, includes Wiltons, Broad- lopms and Orientals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ship mail orders promptly. Write for price list. Traders and Importers, 54 Wellington St. W., Toronto.Myll Men's Work Boot Special. This is a strong:, sturdy gfraio leather boot with Panco sole. Our price $2.19 ♦*♦ Hose â€" Service weight and chiffon in all ^t^ new shades, at 79c ^^ GROCERY SPECIALS Extra Special, Lucknow Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. for 55c FIGS :.. 3 lbs. for 25c GRAPE NUT FLAKES '. pkg. 10c CUTE SALMON 2 tins for 25c ASSORTED SOUPS, in celery, chick- en, asparagfus and tomato 4 tins 25c FANCY BISCUITS 2 lbs. for 29c SODA BISCUITS 2 Ihs. for 2Sc ORANGE PEKOE TEA 49c PEANUT BUTTER 4 lb. pail 50c TURNIP SEED per lb. 25c SHORTENING 2 lbs. for 2Sc Naturalists gathered at Oakville over the week end to study wild life. Somehow wc do not think we would go to Oakville if we were looking for wild life. Russia has passed a law forbidd- ing the shooting of polar bears for sport. Oh well, we will have to do our hunting closer to home after this. Polk who arc looking for some equiment for the shack at the back akes arc reminded that the furniture in Chorley Park is being sold by auc- tion. In at least two respects the human FOR SALE â€" Brick house and large lot opposite high school; 6 rooms, cellar, cistern, woodshed and electric lights; hen house all in good repair. John Parker, Proton R. R. No. 3, Phone Flesherton 32 r 2. 30 FOR SALE _ High grade Quebec cedar fhingle.i(, clears $3.75 per square, 2D clears. $3.30 per square, seconds, ?2.55 per square. Roll roofing, $1.40 per' roll, sheathing paper, 45c per roll, tarred 80c per roll. Terms cash. Phone 38r3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Hog for ser. vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186251, sire and dam qualified in advanced registry â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Sta- ion. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. C. Conqueror 816â€"167820, will be k«W for. service. Terms $1.00.â€" Wait Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for aeiw vice; terms: |1.00 if paid within fo«» months.â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherto*. Ont., R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE â€" The eomplete house- hold furniture of the Thos. Clayton home: 3 bedroom suites, 2 chests of drawers, 3 oak tables, sideboard, dining chairs and table, kitchen range, chairs, leather couch, 3 rock- ing chairs, lawn mower, garden tools and Taylor safe.â€" Wni. Clay- ton, Flesherton 22pl DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.80 te 4 Evenings 7 to 8.M Sundays and Thursday aftemoone by appointment only. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to July 2nd at lO.OO a.m., for the U.P.O. weigh scales at Proton, mind is like the radio. You have to S*« ""'''' ^^^^ ^"""'^ *'*'"'"'' 100 CASES OF EGGS WANTED THIS WEEK A lar^e, 25c duz. ; A medium 2^c doz; Grade C, 19c doz. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. got the right wave length before you tunc in with either, and they are both bears for static. A Califomian frog broke the world record with a leap of fifteen feet ton inches. A good many pedestrians are alive today because they have l»*>en able to do better than that to include purchase of build ing housing seales. Lowest ^r any tender not necessarily accepted Prince Arthur Lodge No. 38S, AJ. & A.P., meets in the Fraternal Hal^ Flesherton, the second Friday ia each month. W. M., Dr. J. E. Milne; Secretary. C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low r at» for farmers A. D. MacINTTRB, Agent FLESfiERTON The bill to widen the causes for divorce in Canada passed the Senate by only four votes. We imagine it will have a very difficult time in the lower house. ROY LANGFORD DUtriet Agent for _, _ , MUTUAL LIFE OP CANADA ^- "• Little, Proton Station, R.R. 2. 1 ACCIDENT & SICKNESS, ' PHW AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY .•motelpal Liability Guraatee Btm^ Any Ibsar^N' Problem TelepluHw, UARKDAUB, AGENTS If you are ambitious, active and interested in establishing your oxm profitable business with sale of over 2flO guaranteed household products, ACT NOW! Safe and solid plan for alert person-. Quick sales â€" steady cash. No obligation in sending for full details of offer, FAMILEX CO.. 670 St Clement St, Montreal. DR,T . H. S^jyCK â-¼BTKRmART f^KBtnjf' Graduate of Oatario Veteriaary Oel* lege, Profeaatoaa] unlc e a naMMiki. ^PbeiM, IHndldk 1 I â- V-' It i> 1) I f /I 'w I %