Flesherton Advance, 20 Jul 1938, p. 4

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A\V(lnesday, July 20, 1938 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE :< r* t « EAST MOUN TAIN Mr. and Mrs. A. Idle of Clarksburg visited on this line on Monday. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'C McMuUen and family were Miss Jlrene Fawcett of Kimberley, Mr. R. Snnith and Mr. C. Hopper of the Sth line and Miss Enid Hopper of To- ronto. Miss Ethel Rawlin|;8 is assisting Mrs. T. Glenn at Egypt, i Mrs. Amelia Smith was a recent •Visitor at the home of J. H. Thomp- 'son. Mr. Thompson Allen visited his â- <aaughter, Mrs. T. McCullough, at Union recently. Mr. Joe Rawiings of L'nion spent tho week end with his parents, Mr. and Mi's. Harry Kawlings. Little Miss Eleanor McMullen .spent a few days with her cousin. Miss Marjorie Prackenbury, of Flesh- erton. Miss Kate ^amieson of Toronto wag a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. Dave Genoe. New provincial regulations which require police to impound cars of all motorists convicted of drunken driv- ing came into effect recently. Cars •••â- !! !)t impoui-.dcd for a period of three months automatically upon con- viction. During that period the con- ri%ted person will be required to pay the police storage charges for the FEVERSHAM JULY Bedding Sale EXTRA SPECIAL Marshall, Simmons, Waysagless Spring Filled Mattresses, at Greatly Reduced Prices Extra Special quality mattresses within the range of the most limited income. Constructed with a full re- tempered (240 springs) ; styled in an attractive Damask ticking roll cdjics and ventilated, ivvth con- djl O 'TC venient handles for turning-. July Sale «pifci.l «/ Other Si)rinj>- Filled Mattresses from $13.75 and up ' FREE â€" .\ mattress cover given with any spring- fdled mattress purchased from July 20 to July 30. 1938 Felt Mattresses $5.95, $7.95, 9.95 Springs $4.95, $6.95, $9.95,up SPECIAL â€" Couch Mattresses Assorted attractive coverings, Saturday July 23, only $6.49 Call at our .stores; everything included in our July Sale at special prices. Bell & Bennett Bennett & Richards Durham, phone 41 \Ve Deliver Flesherton, phone 78 Mr. and Mrs. Francis and daughter, Ruth, are on their holidays. Mr. Francis is manager of the local Bank of Toronto. Mr. J. Crawford of jWhitby is here fit present doing a paint job on his buildings. Mrs. Crawford returned to her home after a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mof- -fat. Mr. Jack Patterson, teller m the bank, has returned after two week's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fadden of Toronto were recent visitors with Mrs. Fad- den's father, Mr. E. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walters of To- ronto were visitors with Mr. Chris Thomson last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Perigo and Mr. Thos. Perigo of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander. Miss Bessie Potts of Badgeros vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. W. Heit- man, last week, Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Dundalk spent Sunday with Mrs. Nichol. Mr. and Mrs. W. Colquette, Betty, Allan and Miss Seivert of Owen Sound spent Sunday at the Colquette and Alexander homes. Mr. 'W. Osborne attended the fun- eral of his brother, Samuel, who liv- od at the Batteau. Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Horton and /Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Berry of Long Branch spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colquette. Mrs. 'W. G. Dand who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette, returned with them. Mrs. Powley of Markdale visited with her aunt, Mrs. McQuay, last week. ROCK MILLS Prayer meeting will be held at the hofme of Mr. John Magee, Eugenia, on Friday evening, July 22, conduct- ed by Rev. F. Dean of Feversham. Everybody welcome. Miss Henrietta Sims of Proton Station Tiolidayed for a week with Miss Dolores Betts. Mr. and Mrs. Merron Croft of Mc- Intyre visited with his mother here. Mr. Ted Campbell and Misses Ev- elyn Campbell and Louise and Josie Falconer of Eugenia were recent vis- itors with the former's aunt, Mrs. Laurie Betts. Mrs. Sam Phillips visited recently with relatives in Owen Sound. Some of the farmers in this dis- trict have finished haying and will be cutting their fall wheat in a few days. A large number of relatives and friends from here attended the fun- eral on Thursday afternoon of the late Carl Atkinson at Berkeley. The â- funeral was one of the largest seen for some time. The deceased was bom and brought up here and attend- ed Rock Mills school. He was well known and highly respected and his sudden passing came as a great shock Ito his many friends. He leaves to mourn his wife and thre« children, one sister and one brother to whom we extend our sincere sympathy. PROTON STATION .^^♦^ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pollock and son, Jim, of Holstein visited at Postmast- er McCannell'g. 'Jim Pollock, a boy of thirteen years, is the inventor of a caterpillar tractor which he had with him and was exhibfting it at Mr. McCannell's home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McPher- son and Mr?. Sifton and two sons of Dundalk visited at the Mc Cannell home. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McPherson and little daughter, who have been visit- ing their respective parents here and rat Dum aik for the oast ^eeK, left on Monday morning to motor to their home at Pekin, ill. Mrs. McPherson's brother, Arthur McCannell, accomp- anied them. During the week Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, accompanied by Mr. ana Mrs. McCannell, enjoyed a ^motor trip to Niagara Falls and a boat trip to Midland. Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Jackson were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Burrows, and Mr. and Mrs- Edward Alexander of Kokomo, Indi- ana, the latter being Mrs. Jackson's sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. Syke and Bon, David, and Miss Katherine Barker. Miss Annabelle Jackson spent a few days at Toronto. Miss Evelyn Acheson of Chelten- ham is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. Gordon Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Robinson and children of Toronto were guests of Mrs. Robinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irish. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corbett of Toronto visited with Mrs. Corbett Sr. Ruth, Grace and James Glazier of Georgetown are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hemp: hill. Mrs. Vause is visiting her grand- daughter, Mrs. Frank Trudgeon, of Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodgins of Owen Sound were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lyons. Mr. Clark Wyville, who is sailing between Chicago and Hamilton, paid a short visit to his home here while his boat was in Hamilton harbor. Mrs. Crawford of Allenford spent last week with her brothers, the Dev- ers. Sorry to teport Mr. Thos. Uever ill in bed. Mr. and Mrs. Elzer Park, Betty and Isobel and Mrs. Park's father, Mr. Burton, and daughter. Opal, of To- ronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Park. Mrs. Eddy is visiting with Mrs. Conaley. ^^> When everybody speaks well of a politician, you may take it that he is a back number. Maybe, but isn't it only too true that the only time everybody speaks well of any man ] is after he is dead. MAXWELL Mr. Earl Fenwick of Saskatchewan <Arho has been visiting friends here has returned to her home. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. E. Hawton on Juy 16 â- with a fair attendance of members and visitors. Plans were made to dispose of a fancy quilt on which tickets have been sold. It was also decided to have a concert and dance on August 9. A good program was enoyed after the business period con- sisting of readings, songs and instru- mentals. Mr. Mervyn Wright has moved to his fanm on the 10th line. Mr. Wm. Kerton has secured the position of lineman for the Municipal Telephone System. Mr. Harry Field of Fort William visited â- with friends the past week. Don't wait I If you naad n«w tlr«» . . . driv* in and •M our low pric«s today. You can't boat Goodyear Speed- way tires for low-pricad valuo. They're Goodjrear built and Goodyear guaranteed . . . with safety, comfort and long wear built-in I Get your new tires now . . . our service is k quick . . . and efficient 1 D. McTAVISH & SON, FLESHERTON, ONT. Kimberley Entrance Results Junior Stuart Allen, Donald A. Bel- fry, Kendal L. Chard, Blanche Corn- field, Clare E. Dillon, William Garry Ellis, Mervyn A. Gilbert, Harold B. Graham (H), Jean Lucy Hackett (H), Lincoln M. Wilson. Passed on year's work: Gloria Belfry, Leona Dobson, Nor- een H. Thompson, Lois Weber. All students passing on term's work are automatically credited with Honour standing. Card of Thanks We wish to thank all our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, gifts, flowers and letters received, also for the nice treat sent by the Rock Mills Ladies' Aid during my recent illness. 9ts. Albert Blackbtim. Card of Thanks Mrs. Neil Cameron and family wish to thank all their neighbors and friends for their many acts of kind- ness, expressions of sympathy and floral tributes in their recent ber- eavement. <rhe business man who trusts to Uisk has the same chance for success that a dock-tailed horse has to switch fliss from his nos*. The wife of a nrize fighter ha^ heen named a candidate in a Toronto ^(•autv contest ami now we have ahnndonod anv idea of applying for a job as juAgii. %I% >k • T%T% >k FREE t t T T t T T t 4 To Every New Subscriber These Cook Books were compiled from Recipes by The Advance readers to form a 54 page book. Get your copy now by subscribing for THE ADVANCE ♦♦♦ ♦ »»»»♦##♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»♦♦♦♦##♦#♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦#♦♦♦» CIVIC HOLIDAY FLESHERTON I Monday, Aug. 1 1 1 I « â-  > :: I hereby declare Monday, Aug- 1st as Civic Holiday for t le Village of Flesherton H. A. McCauley, Reeve of Flesherton â- : MIDSUMMER Clearance Sale Ladies' "Jean Gordon" Dresses, regular $1.00 to $1.25. Super value at 79c Ladies' House Dresses, res'. 79c to 89c. Out at 69c Knee Length Crepe Hose, all of the popular summer shades. SelHngf at 37c For the Children Quintuplelt Shoes at 85c Capo White Shoe Cleaner, reg. 25c. Special 17c Come in and see our line of popularly priced Gift Chinaware, Pictures, Silverware, etc. E. J. FISHER I ^^ KENNEDY'S ^V,^ for Fresher Groceries 2 Kellogg's PEP. cream pitcher free 25c MATCHES 3 Urge boxes 23c Superior BAKING POWDER the better kind 23c SOAP FLAKES, red large 3 lbs. 23c Real Good TEA, reg. 55c, out at 49c CHERRY WEEK â€" Buy now whUe the quality is the best. FOR THR POTATO RUGS WE CAN TREAT THEM. TO(^ WITH A 25 lb. .SACK OF "2 IN 1" BUG KILLER FOR 75c FuM line of Men's Work and Dress BooU and Shoes C. J. KENNEDY PHONE 37 WE DEWVKK r

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