Flesherton Advance, 27 Jul 1938, p. 5

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THE FLESHERl'ON JdT/^MCE Wednesday, July 27^ 1938. i • - *-» 1 1 r * •#••••»♦•< III III >»<>i n « n i n < mf ti f >i>i>ii*i»^» Best Wishes We extend best wishes to the Veterans and Old Boys and Girls at their Reunion on Ciyic Holiday F. G. KARSTEDT, PriceviUe • •»»I HI I***» *H |i»|i HH tl* H* ******»***»*»tll*>>i H ' » i : OLD Boys' & criRLS' reunion 147TH BATTALION REUNION :: I CIVIC HOLIDAY I FLESHERTON MON., AUG. 1 12.30 a.m.â€" MOVING PICTURES IN TOWN HALL. MEMORIAL UNVEILING IN MEMORIAL PARK AT 4.45 A.M. ALL VETERANS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Assembly Point: High School Grounds 4-00 a.m. Ceremony performed with guards mounted. Following the unveiling the Veterans will march past the saluting base on the town square. Capt. Rev. Sidney Lambert, O.B.E., in Charge LARGEST PARADE OF VETERANS IN HISTOR;Yi OF GREY BREAKFAST AT 7 A.M. â€" Addresses to be given by Col. George A. Drew, Lieut.-Col. G. F. McFarland, Capt. Rev. Sidney Lambert, O.B.E., and others. I • 147th Battalion Church Parade and March Past Will be held in the Park at 9.30 a.m. The colors of the 147th Grey- Overseas Battalion will be trooped on the Square. ' ' AOUATIC SPORTS l^'^th Battalion Banquet at 3 p.m. at Fond at 10.30 a.m., featured by ornamental swimming and diving exhibitions by Mermaid and High Park Clubs, Toronto. AFTERNOON SPORTS 1.00 p.m. â€" Parade to Ball Park. LADIES' SOFTBALL Robert Simpson Co. team from Toronto will oppose Wawanekas of Owen Sound BASEBALL Owen Sound Senior Bruce League team vs Meaford Senior Simcoe League team Admission: 36c and 25c, children under 10 free Sports in Memorial Park for the children at 6 p.m. AMATEUR CONCERT IN SKATING RINK AT t P.M. 6 Classes grouped according to age â€" 3 prizes in each claw; no entry fee. Entries may be made at the concert hall up t« 8 pjB. on the evening. Applause to be considered in awarding prizes. Admission to Concert: 35e STREET DANCE Music by Mildmay Orchestra Dancing will be held at the Tennis Court commencing at 12.30 a.m. Monday, to 4.00 a.m., and Monday night from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Dancing Sat., July 30, 9 to 12 p.m. HABRISTON BAND TO SUPPLY MUSIC FOR ENTIRE PROGRAM I f ttl» f •#• I W *#»»t** W **«»*»*«» f f •IIIII M It f »«i M »«iii 11 11 m ill i» » »i 11 m i«t«i >»•••<! iii U B i BINDER TWINE IRISH BLUE BELL BINDER TWINE 600 feet and 650 feet â€" 8's and S's : HAY FORK ROPE and ROPES OF ALL SIZES '• ♦ \r TRADE PRICES. * ForicSf Fork Handles, ShoveU CHASE POTATO BUGS ; SUDDEN DEATH ARSENIC OF LEAD ARSENIC OF LIME â€" 20 ib. and 10 lb. Ugt PARIS GREEN CLIMAX Good supply of Salt in bags and Modes. I Qsprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Lid. | FLESHERTON, Ont. ♦ •>>l>l*»»t M lt» M III HfM I»»ttl M »«»»»»» t »I Mf t PRICEVILLE Keep in mind the ' Sunday School picnic of St. Andrew's Church on Fri- day of this week, July 20. Mr. 'Wilfred Parslow of New York is holidaying with friends here. Misses Catherine and Elizabeth Campbell af Montreal are on a vaca- tion to the home of their brother, Mr. Dan Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caron and son, Mrs. Gilbert, Vandeleur, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carson and babe and Mr. and Mrs. Vick and babe all of To- "onto were visitors last *eek with Mr. and Mrs. Aleac. Carson. Mrs. Craig of Toronto is visiting, her mother, Mrs. Kate MacDonald. • Miss Marjorie *rown of Toronto spent the week end at her home. Miss Marjorie Meuser of Owen Sound is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. MacCuaig. Miss Jean McLean returned to To- ronto after spending two weeks' hol- idays with her father, Mr. Hector McLean. Many friends were glad to meet Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnis and fam- ily of Brighton at church Sunday morning. They were guests at the homes of Mr. C. A. McLean and Mrs. McMeekin. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Colin McLean was hostess to the W.M.S. and W.H. Society when a lar^o crowd of ladies was present. Mrs. Suther- land presided over both meetings. Mrs. Taylor of Markdale addressed the meeting and gave a splendid talk on missions. The meeting closed with prayer. The August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Lunch was then served by the hostess and her assistant?. Misses Olive and Margaret Weir of Cleveland called on their cousins here one day last week. Mrs. J. C. McLean, Shelbum, spent Sunday with Mrs. E Ritchie. Mrs. Thos. Shortreed of Gait is a guest at the home of Mrs. Robert Shortreed and family. * Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. Wm. Mather, who this week suffered a very painful accident through scald- iny. We wish her a speedy recovery. Two good services were held at St. Columba church this Sunday, led by Mr. Langford. who w^as assisted in duets by a friend, Mr. Jack Brown, of Owen Sound. The evening service was largely musical, the trumpet being used for some of the hymns. They will be with us again next Sunday. The Womes's Institute will meet on August 10th at the home of Mrs. Wm. Moodj'. The Hopeville branch will be our guests and provide the program. St. Columba W.M.S. and W.A. held their July meeting at the home of Mrs. A. Muir. Mrs. Ritchie presided and led iln the devotional exercises. Miss L. Mather gave a report rf the bale sent ecently. The study peri«d, the work of our mission steamers on the Pacific aoast, was taken by Mrs. W. McBride. Mrs. H. B. McLean rendered a solo "One Sweet Solemn Thought." Mrs. A. Muir reviewed the temperance situation and spoke on the menace to our young people, whose patronage is seemingly needed by the brewers. Mrs. Garfield Whyte, vice- president, ably filled the chair for the W.A. meeting and much business was discussed. A social half hour was enjoyed over the tea cups. The Aug- ust meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Malcolm Mclnnis. The annual picnic of St. Columba Sunday School and Y.P.S. is being this Wednesday," July 27th, at "Key Lands." VICTOR IA CO RNERS The W. A. held a very successful meeting at the home of Mrs. Patt«r son Sr. About 85 were present. Mr. and Mrs. Lovat, son and daugb ter, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Toronto, visited the latter's eousin, Mrs. Walter Nicol. Mrs. Hamilton had spent the w««k previous there. Mrs. Archie McTaggart of Mono Road is visiting hpr sisters, Mrs. Wil- fred Gallagher and Mrs. J. Batchelor. Mr. Edward Duncan and Mrs. Joe Copeland accompanied Mr. and Mrn. George D"'"can to Stouffville, where they attended the marriage of their nephew, Eldon Gooding, to Miss Laura Cherry in Gormley church. Who says Inistioge church isn't sweet? By the number of bees at- tending the service on Sunday it might almost be considered a land flowing with milk and honey. It ap- pears that a swarm of them is hiving between the church walls. Miss Mable Binnie and Jim Bannon of Toronto visited at Milton Bannon's, also Mrs. Reta Regan of Toronto. Her daughter, Maisie, who has been holi- daying for a month, returned home with her mother. Mr. and^ Mrs. Woods and family vis- ited the latter's uncle, Mr. John Henry Richardson. We extend our sympathy to the dis- tricts where the army worm is de- stroying the crops. We ask the people to please keep the worms there when they already have them, as they can gain nothing by sharing them with us, although we would like to share some good thing with them. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomson and Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie of Butfalo, N.Y., were visitors with Mr. and Mrs B. Porteous recently. Miss May Linley of Owen Sound is visiting relatives here. Mr. John Humphrey of Weston vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Priestley last week. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Tozer of To- ronto called on friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. McKean and daugh ters, Marion and Ruth, of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mrs. G. Ross. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morrison on Sunday were: Miss Perry and Mr. Jamieson of Toronto, Mr. and &.«».. VANDELEUR The Sunday School picnic was held in Collingwood Park with over fifty teachers and scholars present and was much enjoyed by all. Mrs. F. H. Ready has returned to her home in St. Mary's after having spent several weeks with friends here. Miss Frances Buchanan ac- companied her home and will holiday at St. Mary's. Mr. Garnet Blair of Toronto was a Sunday caller at the home of Mr. nail Mrs. H. I. Graham and M'.s.s May Graham. Mr. Harold Thompson, KCcompanied by a party of teen-age boys Mac Kad- cliffe. Frank Warling, Billie Johnston, Freddie Boland and R. J. Cargoe. is enjoying a motor trip through North- ern Ontario. • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bo'pnd and family spent a d^y with Mr and Mrs. Dick Sewelt. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowle..< visited with the lalter's m«ther. Mrs. Bert Summers, who is a patient in the G. and M. Rospital. Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Kelso, Dorothv and Velma and Miss Pauline Hutchinson spent Sunday a* BelfountsM'. The Girls' Club ha.-s been '>«sy pre- p«H«g their plav "WantH a Wifi>" and will present it nt th° In^titut? Onr/len Party on Thursdnv eveninff. .TuJt 2S, in Vandeleur Commupity Park. Summer Time Table EFFECTIVE Saturday, June, 25th Leave FLESHERTON To Toronto c 11.50 a.m. b 7.25 p.m. To Owen Sound c 5.50 p-m. d 7.45 p.m. b â€" Sun. and Hoi.; c â€" Sat only; d â€" Pri. only. Tickets and information at Gray Cotck Lines I O. H. Bowers, DPh. FEVERSHAM 3r4 I Drug Sundries, Film, Toilet Articles Patent Medicines, Cigarettes, Candy BUG LIME, ARSENATE OF LEAD. ARSENATE OF LIME, PARIS GREEN : : FOR A GOOD TONIC USE BEEF. IRON & WINE TRY OUR HOG TONIC .\ND DE-WORMER ; ; Your own private formulas carefully compounded* If we do not have what j'ou want we will get it for as soon as possible. WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE For Health and Energy ; DELIGHT-O ICE CREAM. Take a brick home. '•****••****** ** * * * ** > H I HI >II> **** * ** * * ** 1 1 1 1 1 I I | i » Mrs. Perry and daughter, Margaret, of Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morrison of Shelburne, Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Collingwood and Mr. and Mrs. Everett and daughter, Marjorie, of Collingwood. While trying to light a fire in the stove Sunday evening little Mildred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duck- ett, received severe bums on her hands and chest. A TI.ME FOR CAUTION '•My friend,'' remarked the physic- ian, "you are suffering from a chron- ic complaint.'' "I know it. Doc, but please lower your voice," cautioned the patient, "she's in the next room." The weather man can hardly be called consistent ♦ *l l i 8 I m i 1 1 J I Hu »4i. H '| I tt« * * ' U I I l«»i|| | I I I I I I H ii» SUMMER SUPPLIES SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS SCREEN WIRE CLOTH DOOR SPRINGS, CATCHES and PULLS RAKES HOES FORKS SHOVELS SP-\DES SCY'THES and SNATHS :1 ELECTRIC WASHERS HOT PLATES TOASTERS IRONS Lawn Mowers Lawn Hose Flower Pots Hangring Baskets CEMENT LIWE PLASTER LOCKS HINGES TOOLS ; MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEWENTS - REPAIRS Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON, Ont. M »«t»» nm it»» nnmmf »»«»«»»i> # I f ♦»♦♦♦♦«♦ III iiii HM i nn tii n i M# >ti m a»»»»« » »» mi titit»«»* w »<t nm ««»f till » f »» ii Ladies' Lingerie and Foundation Garments Important Items for Summer Wear at Interesting Prices i ' "Nu-Back" Corsets, several popular sizes â- .. $3.95 ; "Softies" alll elastic girdles .... $1, $1.50 Corselettes white lastex with lace brassiers $1.50 Gmies, three different styles 1.50 Summer Girdles, lig-ht weight .... $1.00 Brasswrs 25c, 39c, 50c Gothic Brassiers 75c, 85c Rayon Taffeta Slips, white and tea rose 69o, $1.00 Broadcloth Slips 39c, 50c Satin and Velvasuede Slips, white and tea rose $L0O Rayon Panties, lace trimmed 25c Brevities, white and tea rose 29c Mesh Panties, plain or lace trim .... 39c Velvasuede Bloomers, white and tea rose ,. 59c Holeproof Hosiery for Satisfaction Service Weighu 49c 75c and $1.00 Crepe 49c, 69c and $1.00 Chiffon Weight 75oand $1.00 Knee High Chiffon 59c and 75c All sizes in the newest popular oolors. New popular styles in Ladies* Wool Bathing Suits F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. Ont. . > >>*** >**> >»>»>»«»>>â- ... >>*»*>> «>>...,.....i..>|^>>»^ fjf.^.^ f ft t rttt rnttiiti iiii n

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