Flesherton Advance, 2 Nov 1938, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1938. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦••♦♦«» ff l» H I» H * H * H *** I RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICES I Men's black Rubber Boots, black sole, pair $1.75 Men's black Rubber Boots, grey sole, pair $1.89 Men's black 6-eyelet Rubbers, black sole, pair .. $1*59 Men's Black 6-eyelet Rubbers, red sole, pair .... $1.79 Men's 12 inch tan leather top Rubbers, heavy red bottoms, per pair $3.25 Men's IS inch top, red bottom $3.65 Boys' 10 inch tan leather tops, black with red soles per pair $2.25 Boys' 6-eyelet Rubbers, black 11.49 Youths' 6-«yelet Rubbers, black $1.29 PLOWING SUPPLIES We are attempting to stock all makes of plow shares, and sole plates and will get repair parts for any make of plows. F. G. KARST£DT,Priceville >****** tutu I***** * * * I' I > ^^^l^^ | i^ H i^^^ H i♦♦.^l ^ l ^ . ^ l | i. ^ l ^ â- â-  | .â-  ^ ♦. n . ^ â- ^.^i^>^ ROCK MILLS Hallowe'en passed off quietly in this vicinity with only a few pranks being played by the young folk. The H.E.P.C. are erecting a new line up the fourth concession. Mr. Frank Chard from the West is visiting his brothers, Messrs. Les. and Art Chard. Miss Evelyn Campbell of Eugenia spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Laurie Betts. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. New- ell on Sunday were Misses Olive and Irene Newell, Glenna Strong and Em- ily Whitmore and Mr. Arthur Newell of Durham and Mr. Clements Patter- son of Vamey. Mrs. M. Badgerow is nursing at the home of Mrs. J. Holley, Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lever of Flesherton rpent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts. Messrs. Eddie White and Glen Croft spent a few days visiting friends in Hamilton. Misses Annie, Isobel and Rita Laughlin of Feversham visited Sun- day with their brother, Alex., who returned with them for a few days visit. MAXWELL FOWL SUPPER St. Mary's Church, Maxwell, will hold a fowl supper on Friday, No- ember llth, in the United Church Hall. Supper s/erved from 6.00 to 8.00 p.m., followed by a concert in the Orange Hall. Mclntyre Dra- matic Club will present their humor- our three-act play "Jimmie Be Care- ful." Rev. M. F. Oldham of Clarks- burg, a former pastor, will be pres- ent. Admission: 40c and 20c. The total number of wage-earners in Canada in June, 1938, is estimated at 2,725,000. A man who gives in when he is wrong is wise. A man who gives in when he is right is married. Lumb er AND Wood Wholesale and Retail Ties, Dimension Timber, Wood and Slabs ELM PLANK FOR STABLE FLOORLXG ELM, MAPLE, BEECH and BIRCH LUMBER 1 in., 2 in., 3 in. and 4 in. TONGUES, STONEBOATS, Etc. HEMLOCK, SPRUCE and BALSAM 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 and 1 in. and 2 in. STOVE -WOOD. SLABS and BODY WOOD in 12 in., 14 in.. 16 in. and 4 foot len^hs Dimension Timbers cut on request. Prices are reasonable at the yard or delivered John W. Robinson Phone 14 FEVERSHAM, Ont. PRiCEVlLLE New Fall Shirts, plaid & plain colors .... $1, $1.10 $1.25, Fleece Lined Uiiderwear, per garment 85c WooUen Underwear, Gold Label, per garment .... $1.35 Red Label, per garment .... 31.95 Work Socks, per pair 19c to 50c Woric Gloves, Mitts and Pidlovers 20c to $1.00 Peilman's All-wool Sweaters, 36 to 42 $1.59 Boys* and Men's Breeks, Uanket doth, whipcord and tweeds, priced from $1.65 to $3.75 GROCERIES Ui^itted Dates .. 3 lbs. 19c Meloourt Bakinff Powder ^ _ , _ ... „ ._ 16 9Z. sixl .... 25c P-Nut Butter 4 lb. pail 45c Maraschuios, bulk ..tt». 43c Mm* Meat bulk 2 lbs. 25c 3 Com FUkU with bowl . Seeded Raisins 2 pkts. 25c 25o ; A good supply of Cai^ied Goods as reasonable prices. Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ont. Keep in mind the fowl supper on Thursday, November 10, in St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Knox and Gar- net and Mr. Donald Carson, all of Toronto, spent the week end at their parental home. BORN â€" In Western Hospital, To- ronto, on Fi-iday, October 28, to Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane (nee Anna Mary McLean) formerly of Priceville, a son. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McLean spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seigner and daughter, Earline, of Walkerton visit- ed Sunday at the home of Mr. Henry Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown and Eliza- beth of Bunesaan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee and son, Russel, and Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Hay of Swinton Park were vis- itors the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hincks. Mr. Neilburt McKenzie visited with friends in Toronto recently. Mrs. D. A. Mclntyre spent a few days visiting her mothei-, Mrs. T. Nichol, who accompanied her home for a visit. Miss Elizabeth Brown leaves on Thursday to spend the winter in To- ronto. Miss Laura McArthur has gone to Toronto for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred W'ilson of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. W'ard Har- rison, Mrs. Gilchrist, Mrs. W. Johnson and Eileen were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hncks and fam- ily attended the celebration of her father's 72nd birthday, Mr. A. Mc- Cannell of Swinton Park. Thirty members of the family were present. Mr. and Mrs. Colin McMillan, Hol- stein, Air. Gilvray McLean and friends of Kitchener, Miss -Jean McLean and friend of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill of Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. Clem- ents and daughter, Lois, Miss Marie McLachlan of North Bay, Mr. Neil Mcljean of Toronto and Mr. Cbas. McLean of Detroit were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. McLean. We were sorry to hear of the death of Alexander Firth who was a mili- tai-y chum about forty-five years ago. The funeral was held on October 28. Miss Anna McLean and friend, Miss Sylvia Parkin, of Toronto visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McLean. Miss Pviscilla Mclnnis and Miss Oliver of Ceylon attended the church services here on Sunday. We were pleased to meet Mr. G. .\rrowsmith of Ceylon at the services Sunday. Rev. A. R. Muir took the services at New England on Sunday, his place here was taken by Rev. McAuslan of Kimberley. CEYLON Mr. J. G. CoUinson of Toronto vis- ited Sunday with his brother, J. F. Collinson, and family. Miss Mary Muir and friend, Miss McDonald, of Toronto spent Sunday wth the former's brother, Mr. A. S. Muir. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Jos. McKee on Wednesday afternoon for their October meeting when the programme was in charge of Rev. Service. The roll call wa.s anwered with a donation which Mr. Service later auctioned off and which added three dollars to the treasury. Mr. T. S. Cooper will address the Women's Institute meeting at the home of Mrs. Hogarth on Thursday, November 10th. The roll call will be answered with a supper dish. Lunch committee, Mrs. Knox and Mrs. Snell. Mrs. J. D. McLeod has returned home from an extended visit in the United States. Ruth Marilyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. W'hittaker, received the Baptismal rites in St. John's United Church, Flesherton, on Sunday last. Mrs. Beatty has returned to Van- deleur after visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Whittaker. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hill spent Sun- day with Mrs. I. Irwin. A good attendance marked the Bi- ble Study meeting at Mr. Geo. Caims' on Wednesday evening when Rev. G. R. Service had charge. At the close of the meeting discussions of various interests took place. It was decided to call a meting of the young people of the church on Wednesday evening, November 2nd, when it is hoped that something definite will be outlined for the winter. The masquerade party held in the Community Hall on Friday night was one ofthe most enjoyable of the sea- son. A good crowd was present and all joined in the fun with spooky faces and hilarious costumes that kept all guessing as to the identity. Lunch was served at midnight to the un- masked crowd. EUGENLA On Sunday Rev. Mr. Elliott deliv- ered a fine message on Temperance taking as his text '"Wine is a mockei-, strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceiveth thereby is not wise." Mr. Victor Campbell was home from OakviUe for a few days. The members of the W. A. held a quilting in the church basement on Tuesday afternoon of last week when an enjoyable time was spent. Mrs. Glen MacDonald motored from Chatsworth one day recently and took her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, and her aunts, Mrs. W. Gra- ham and Miss Georgina Smith up to her home for the day. Her mother, Mrs. Morgan, and Douglas were also present. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mac- Donald also entertained the same company to tea on Sunday evening. We are glad that Mr. and Mrs. Smith are able to enjoy their outings in the evening of their life and may the future hold many more good things for them. The United Church choir held a Hallowe'en social in the church Mon- day evening. Many couples were in costume and prizes went to Mr. B. Davidson and Mrs. Frank Shortt as bride and groom, and best comic cos- tume to Mrs. C. Martin and Argyle. Miss Dinsmore and Miss Carruthers led in community singing. Lunch was served at the close and Rev. Elliott pronounced the Mizpah bene- diction. Proceeds amounted to $5.00. We are pleased to report Mrs. J. Williams much improved in health. Her daughter, Mrs. T. Crowe, and Hilda of Toronto are with her at present. Mrs. W. Butter and Willie of To- ronto accompanied by Mrs. R. Park visited friends in Shallow Lake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Genoe visited Mr. and Mrs. Jo«. Porteoua Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carruthers, Ben and Muriel and Mr. John Campbell visited friends at Beeton on Sunday. Miss Irene Martin from near Is- lington spent the week end with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. Mr. and Mrs. Will William? and Mr. nrn' Mrs. Geo. Williams of To- (Intend^d for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Mrs. W. Wiicock and Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Hai-vey Griffin and Miss Catherine Cairns. Mrs. J. B. Cummins and Mrs. Sher- wood, Oshawa, are visiting Mrs. H. Piper and other friends. Miss Margaret Collinson of Owen Sound spent the latter part of the week at her home here. Mrs. Hyslop 'of Eugenia visited her brother, Mr. Geo. McKenzie, Sunday. Miss Millie Cook of Toronto left the first of the week to visit Orange Valley friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wyville of Proton Station visited the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. A. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and Edna of Toronto visited with the former's mother over the week end. Miss Mildred Risk has returned from visiting friends in Kimberley. Miss Mable Adams attended the Fall Project "Cotton Accessories for the Club Girl's Bedroom" held at Markdale Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair were cal- lers on friends here on Sunday. Mr. Alex. Marshall of Bolton is holidaying at his home here. Mr. A. S. Muir was in Toronto on business the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Peggy week ended with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Muir and while here enjoyed a motor trip to Kincardine, South- ampton and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Winters and son and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith of To- ronto visited Mrs. John Gibson the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry- Marshman of Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre of Mcln- tyi-e, Mr. and Mrs. !D. Mc.\rthur, "The Glen", and Mrs. T. Nichol of Priceville were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol on Sunday. Visitors over the week end at "Ced- arview Farm" were Miss Marie Fen- wick and Mr. and Mrs. Goddard, Mar- ion and Marlene of Eugenia; Mr. and Mrs. Dobson and Marilyn of Fever- sham and Misses Haston and Blanche Genoe of Owen Sound. Miss Nellie Genoe visited in To- ronto last week and attended the Tomlinson-Arnott nuptials Saturday. O. H. Bowers, d ph. 'Phone 24 FEVERSHAM, OnL ; The new 1939 PHILCO RADK) just out. Wonderful tone and performance. A. and B. BATTERIES SCHOOL SUPPLIES % STOCK TONICS and MINERAL Conquer That Cold i Super D Cod Liver Oil, Tasteless extract Cod Liver Oil ' > Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Green Cough Syrup ; ; Super D Perles (Concentrate Cod Liver Oil) FILM TOILET ARTICLES CIGARETTES ; ; TOBACCO PRINTING and DEVELOPING DELIGHT-0 ICE CREAM Take a Brick home. 'â-  '< 'l "> ***' H i' | i«*i|i**' H"H <*. H"H .*. H"H"> i. » . H"H"t . H"l"H"l"H"l"| i' l"H"I"H"l i- | i f** * vi - M -**' H!i-l* **' ^i, - M-t ' H '' M»lt ' lilA ' * * * * * ' ^**** t ' t I I I I **4* FALL and WINTER Hardware Supplies .For The Home Complete line of HEATING SUPPLIES, CIRCULATING HEATERS, QUEBECS, WOOD HEATERS, BOX STOVES EMPIRE and PRINCESS PAT RANGES Added New Features Much More Attractive. Stove Pipes, Elbows, Dampers, Ash Shovels, Stove Boards and Lifters Several bargains in Used Stoves and Heaters. HUNTING SUPPLIES, SHOT GUNS, RIFLES AMMUNITION, GUN OIL, Etc. For Fall Repairs Roofing, Nails, Glass, Putty, Hinges, Plastic Cement. AL-\DDIN LAMPS and COLEMAN L-ANTERNS . Call suid see our complete stock Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON, Ont. ♦««»iiii» n I i m t ♦♦♦â-  [ â-  ♦ ♦♦.>i H ii | i. t . | i.> n i | .. t . n .. i . ^ n < ♦â-  n .i | , ; 1 1 ! â- â-  " â-  MAXWELL The Y.P.U. meeting: Friday evening took the form of a Hallowe'en social under the leadership of Miss Kath- leen Morrison when a most enjoyable time was spent. Miss Lois Mclllurry won the prize for the best costume. Games and contests were enjoyed and lunch was served at the close. Miss Violet Duckett is visitng in Toronto. Miss Mabel Ross has left for To- ronto where she has secured a po- sition. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Sornberger and family have taken up residence in Maxwell. Messrs. Elmer and Reggie Nichols are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross. Essential Elements The three "essential" elements of fertility are nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. These elements have re- ceived this name not because they are more essential to the growth of crops than the other nine or ten el- ements entering into the comp- osition of plant tissues, but because they are the three elements which must be constantly returned to the soil if its productiveness is to be maintained under ordinary systems of farming. A man in Montreal was fined $100 for illegally practising as a lawyer. And we noticed only a few weeks ago i that three lawyers had been banned 'for illegal practices. FOWL SUPPER AND PLAY The annual fowl supper of pt. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Price- ville, will be held on Thursday. No- vember lOth. Supper will be seni'ed from 6 to 8 p.m. Bethel Dramatic Club will present their splendid 3- act play 'Wild CTnger." Admission: adults. 40c; children 20c. 2 ronto spent the week end with th^ir mother. Mrs. G. Proctor and Miss Marj- orie of Kimberley were visitors with j the Pioctor family here. % Our Ten Day % I Economy Sale % Commences x I Wednesday, November 2 | Y \ ^ New low prices on mer- ^ f chandise that you need \ t RIGHT NOW F. H. W. Hickling t General Merchant -:• FLESHERTON, Ont. |

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