''The Leashed Guns of Circle L by Perry Westbrook Synoptit Slim LoyaU it paroled from prison after »crving 18 monthi foi • crime he did not commit. He relurnt to hit Circle L ranch to find bit father dead and tinitter forcei at work, trying to make him violate hit parole to that he can again be ra'Iroaded to priton. The Brockwellt and their gang are plotting to gain potteition of Circle L ranch and the property of Mona Hall, a neighbor and life- long rriend of Slim Loyale. Slim ditcovert that Sheriff Starbuck hat joined the plot againtt him. With the help of Da- kota Blue and hit cowboyt, Slim Loyale defiet the land-grabbert to do their wortt. CHAPTER VIII A Deep Bond He had never seriously diag- lioj»d his feelings toward Mona. He had never thouRht of her in terms of love. In fact, the issue of loving and being loved by any- one had never consciously entered his life. He knew that there had been a deep, elemental bond between his father and himself. But he had been content merely to be back in the sunshine of his father's pres- ence and to enjoy and value it with a fervency he could not, or would not analyze. As for Mona, she quieted him, made him feel that the world was complete and good. And he had been content with that. Now, with his father gone, there was a deep, aching void in SHm, and he was almost feverishly an- xious to reach the warmth of Mona's patient, understanding smile. He wanted to be near her, to look at her and to treasure her For Fashion-Alert Matrons By ANNE ADAMS PATTKHX 11)31 â- Slimming lines, versatility and youthfuiness are only three of the chic fr'aturi's that make Anne Adams new Pattern 11(31 really material with 2 yards of luffling. is anotlicr attraction- â€" for this be- coming frock is wonderfully easy to cut and fit! Whether in a nov- elty .satin or printed silk, it is a dress to don right now and wear on every occasion all Fall. Just look at the choice of dainty neck- lines â€" one with a tie-end collar. And you can have three different types of oh-so-comforlable sleeves. Comfort reigns supronie, too. In the bodice fulness and the invert- ed p' !it"«f the skirt, while the shoulders "fit" to a nicety with those flattering little yokes! Pattern 4t)31 is available in women's sizes 34, 3C, 38, 40, 42, 44, 40 and 4K. Size 3G takes 4 7-8 yards 3!) inch fabric. Send twenty cents (20e) in coins (stamps cannot bo accept- ed) for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly size, name, address and style number. Send your order to Anne Adams, Room 425, 73 We.st Ade- laide St., Toronto. Issue 46â€" '38 wholesome, constructive friend- ship. The miles wore away swiftly and soon the beckoning lights of the Dot H Dot winked at him through the night. Slim's pul.su (juickened. Gee, but it was good to be free of the depressing stone walls and the scorching curse of barred colls and windows; to be free lo ride through the night again under the stars. And it was good to know that warm welcome, gentle smiles and kindly word.* were awaiting him beyond those cheery lights. To See Mona Suddenly his mood chilled. What was that Dakota had said? Leo Brockwcll had been visiting Mona considerably. Perhaps he was there now. Somehow Slim could not reconcile himself to the be- lief that Mona really cared for Leo Brockwell's company. Aside from her punchers and her old Mexican housekeeper, Mona lived alone. Doubtless, knowing her as he did. Slim felt that Mona would suffer young Brockwell's presence in silence and affability, even tliough she might secretly despise him. Well, Slim decided savagely, he'd certainly find out if Mona was more or less distressed by Brock- well's attentions. And if so, he'd soon remove the offending pres- ence from the picture. Sure enough, when Slim drew up at the ranch house, he found a saddled horse standing at the hitching-rail which ran between the two big sycamores that grew before the veranda. He rolled' and lit a cigarette using the light of the flaring match to scan the shoulder of the strange horse. The brand was a Half Diamond B. Yes Leo Brockwell was on hand. For a moment Slim hesitated. He doubted his ability to face Leo Brockwell without trouble start- ing. Well he knew the sneer which could lie in young Brockwell's voice and attitude. He knew, too, despite his efforts of self-control, that if Leo turned those sneers loose he would not be able to restrain himself. The thought came that perhaps he had better ride' quietly away and visit Mona some other time. Then he recalled that she had es- pecially asked him over that night and he had promi.sed. So he straightened his shoulders, set his jaw and went up to the door, knocking firmly. It was Mona herself who op- ened the door. And when the warmth of her welcoming smile fell upon Slim, he was glad he had not weakened and ridden away. He caught her outstretched hands and squeezed them. "Like old time, huh, Mona?" he drawled softly. Another Visitor Mona nodded quickly and link- ed her arm in his. "This makes me very happy, Slim," she told him. "I really missed you dread- fully. Now listen to me; Leo. Brockwell is in the living room. He and Abe Fornachon are talking over a cattle deal. I'm consider- ing soiling off a lot of my stock, and Loo and his father are going to buy them. "I know you don't like Leo, but for my sake, try to get along with him. I don't see why he had to come around tonight, when you and I have so much to talk over; but here he is, and we've got to make the best of it. Promise?" Slim nodded. "If there's an ar- gument, it'll be him who starts it, not mo." In the living room, Leo Brock- well and Abe Fornachon, Mona's foreman, were seated at the centre table arguing mildly over some tally shoots. Evidently Mona had said nothing to young Brockwell about Slim coming to visit her. At .Mght of Slim, Leo came to his feet rather quickly, a half-formed snarl twisting his dark features, .still swollen and bruised from the weight of Dakota Blue's fist. Mona spoke (luickly. "Don't mind us. You two go on talking- business. Slim and I just want to sit in the corner and have a quiet visit." Abe Fornachon stood up and held out his hand. "Hollo, Slim," he stated. "Glad to see yuh back." Slim shook the proffered hand. "Glad to be back, Abe. How's tricks?" Fornachon grunted. "Oh, just fair." The foreman v.as a big. KOHOL HAIR DVB 1410 Slaslcr Moatreal, l*.<t. In the Krent niniBKle for life, everythlns clcponds on tho HUB yod npponr lo be; but don't bn rlinoourn^pd. KO.M()L, wUh Ua IS nntural nhndca, K I V e « back to hair Ita Inst ynuth. Sold at nil d r u K ntorea and liBniity parlor!". gaunt fellow, with rock-hard fea> tures and deep, shadowy, unread- able eyes. He sat down and bent over his figures again. Young Brockwell did likewise, but the dull red of anger stained the sal- low Rwarthims-. of his face. Mona flushed at th.'s apparent rudeness on Leo's part. "Ah, surely you've not forgotten Slim, buve you, Leo?" she said. "Aren't you going to say hello to him?" "I gave him my greetin' in town today," growled Leo. Slim, his face cold, laughed shortly. "An' Dakota Blue gave yuh my answer, Brockwell. We're quits." Brockwell's face grew even more congested, but he did not answer. Slim led Mona over to a far corner and drew up chairs. "Sit down," he drawled softly. "I just want to look at yuh for an hour steady." Mona's eyes glowed and she laughed gently. "Silly. Tell me everything." Taunted Leo Brockwell's ears were evi- dently keen, for he turned in his chair. "That's right, Loyale," he sneered. "Tell her everythin.' Tell her how it feels to be a convict with a number on yore back. Tell her how it feels to walk lock-step in a line of other crooks. Tell herâ€"" â- A red haze seemed to gather in front of Slim's eyes. He whipped to his feet and glided across the room. Mona, her face gone white, caught at his arm, but he pulled away from her. Beside Leo Brock- well's chair Slim halted, rocking slightly on his toes. "Yuh dirty, cowardly whelp!" he rasped hoarsely. (To be Continued) Of Interest to Women . Readers . PREPARING FOR WINTER ILLS Sick-Room Diets Should Include Custards We don't like to be pessimistic â€" but we do like to be prepared. Win- ter seems to bring with It an in- crease in illness and various phy- sical disorders which make double trouble for the housewife. Besides all the nursing that has to be done, there are special diets that have to be prepared. Meals which would be eaten with gusto at any other time, make an Invalid shudder with disgust. A patient's appetite is a delicate one and food suitable to the occasion is one of the best roads to recovery. Pamper a pa- tient's appetite but try to include, subtly of course, all the nourishing foods which they need to build up health. Eggs and milk come high in this category and there is no better way of insinuating them into a diet than in desserts. These cus- tard recipes will find iTplace in al- most any sick-room diet. COCONUT CUP CUSTARD 3 eggs, or 6 egg yolks, slightly beaten 6 tablespoons sugar Vi, teaspoon salt 3 cups milk, scalded % cups coconu*. premium shred 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg CHILDREN'S COUGHS (due to colds) Don't let chest colds or croupy coughs go untreated. Rub Children's Mild Strength Musterole No. 2 on child's throat and chest at once. This milder form of regular Musterole penetrates, warms and stimulates local circula- tion. Floods the bronchial tuix>s with its soothing, relieving vapors. Mus- terole brings relief because it's a "counter- irritant"â€" NOT just a salve. Recommende<l by many doc- tors and nurses. Made in Canada, in three strengths: Regular Strength, Children's (mild), and Extra Strong. All druggists, 40^ each, j CHILDREN'S MILU ^/ DICK TRACY FANS! JOIN THE DICK TRACY SICRET SERVICE PATROL It's Easy I It's Fun! Every boy and girl can join Dick Tracy in his war against crime â€" be in on ail club secrets â€" get grand free gifts ! GET YOUR NEW 1939 OFFICIAL PATROL BADGE â€"Get new 1939 Official Badge, your Secret Code Book with new 1939 codes and your Patrol Pledge. If you are a member now be sure to mark yout coupon "Member" and get your special Honor Member's "Second Year" Badge witn the service Chevron. ^ WIN YOUR OFFICER'S BADGES ! TheSecretCode Book Tells How In Canada all the grand free gifts Dick Tracy offers on his radio program â€" are obtainable with box tops from delicious Quaker Corn Flakes 1 Try Quaker Corn Flakes with the belter flavour^you'll love them I Crisper â€" tastier â€" especially irradiated with A^itamin "D", they're better to eat and better for you ! Ask Mother to order Quaker Corn Flakes today. Quaker Com Flakes MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! DICK TRACY, Box 100, Petettoroujh, Oot. I want to ioio the Dick Tracy Secret Service Patrol D Please icnd me the new oibcial all metal Dick Tracy badge, the oew tented 1939 Dick Tracy Secret Code Book, and o6Scial Patrol Please. I enclose 2 Quaker Corn Flakea, Quaker Puffed Wheat or Puffed -Rice box tops D I am not now a member Q Or 1 am a member and want my 2nd year badce O '^"'"» ^^â€"â€"^â€"^^â€" Street City P rnrt I ^ivM^^ .^.^^.^ aaHMB^ «B^^^ ^^mmi^» aa^^^^ ^^hvmmJ Combine eggs, sugar, salt, nut- meg, and coconut. Add milk gradu- ally, stirring vigorously. Pour into custard cups, place in pan of hot water, and bake in slow oven (325* P.) 35 to 40 minutes, or until knife Inserted comes out clean. Chill. Serves 6. GOLDEN RIVER CUSTARD 4 eggs or 8 egg yolks, slightly beaten % cup sugar Vi teaspoon salt 4 cups milk, scalded % cup maple-flavoured syrup Combine eggs, sugar, and s^lt. Add miK; gradually, stirring vig- orously. Place 1 tablespoon syrup in bottom of each well-greased cus- tard cup. Fill cups carefully with milk and egg mixture, pouring slow- ly against a spoon held over syrup to avoid its mixing with syrup. Place custard cups in pan of hot water and bake in slow oven (350° F.) 35 to 40 minutes, or until knife inserted comes out clean. Custard should hold its shape, while syrup spreads over and around it. Serves 8. Women's Paradise The island of Zanzibar, off the coast of Africa, must be a para- dise for women, because the ofiB- cial report reveals that men not only fock the cradle, but also do all the housework â€" even the week- ly family wash. India expects its business to start toward prosperity this year. Let Your Good Cooking Earn You Money $10 in Prizes For the Best CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR'S DINNER MENU Mrs. 11. M. Ailken, staff dieti- tian and radio commentator for the Canada Starch Co., Ltd., will act as Contest Judge. Prizes : Ist, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2 A Special Prize will be given for the best recipe for an individual dish. Mail your entry now to: Contest Etlitor, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto For a Rne Muaical Treat be sure and Listen Each Sunday Afternoon to THE LIPTON MELODY HOUR CBL Toronto CBM Montreal EVERY SUNDAY 4.30 P.M. Featuring John Biddle Olga Berezowska "Your Lipton Melody Sinfer" Brilliant Young Soprano and The Lipton Ensemble Preienled by Tho*. J. Lipton Limited, Packers oi UPTON'S FULL.FLAVOUnED TEA The Mode In Hats Hats trimmed with fur, whether brimmed or not, subscribe to the very supple, squashy effects. Light colored velvet is frequently intro- duced in the crown which Is low and banded with mink or kolinsky. Height in fez types and brims that are high at the side are im- portant silhouette trends. Red silk pompons trim a Suzy model that is narrow-sided, and Marie Alphon- sine again features the casual hat with the lifted side. Berets also subscribe to this line and fez-types indicate a side-swept effect. Feathers are a high spot in mil- linery fashions this fall, and when smart women gather at important social events, they indicate their acceptance of this fashion. Lobster red ostrich plumes also wreath a black velvet Watteau type Quickly Relieves the Pain of BURNS, SCALDS CHAFINe In Bums and Scalds every second counts. So keep a tube of Mentholatum always within reach . . . ready for every emergency. The moment a bum or scald occurs, apply Mentholatum to the affected part and relief will quickly follow. This healing balm sootlies the tortured tissues . . . cools and draws out the sting and burn . . . promotes quick, healthful healing. Mentholatum is used by millions of people the world over for the relief of chafing and chapped skin . . . head and chest colds and catarrh . . . neuralgia, headache, and scores of other uses. Non-irritating â€" it is harmless to the most sensitive sliin and relief is guaranteed or money back. Get a 30o tube or jar today. a6 and numerous peacock colored birds of varying sizes are poised on a "bird's nest" toque of grray felt, and seven small birds of various red tones bordering on the cardin- al are disposed on a Lorenzo brown felt tcque. AU-teather turbans are also featured. Colored veils sometimes form cascade effects falling from the back of forward-tilting hats. Scarfs are used to achieve drama, as in the case of a black Persian lamb shako carrying a purple veil that is draped under the chin and car- ried up on the right side to be fas- tened. Switzerland had fewer tourists during the summer than in 1937. THE AWFUL PRICE YOU PAY FOR BEING [NERVOUS Quivering serves can make you old and baggard looking, cranky and hard to livQ vitfa â€" can keep you awake nights and rob you of good health, good tunes and jobs. What you should try is a particularly f;ood woman's tonic â€" and could you ask or anything whose benefits are better proved than that world-famous Lydia E, Pinkham*a Vegetable Compound? Let Its wholesome herbs and roots ho!p Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tono up your system, give more energy and make life worth living again. More than a million women have re- ported benefit â€" why not let Pinkham's Compound help YOU, too, to go "smil- ing thru" trying times like it has other grateful women for the past 3 genera* tiona? IT MUST BE GOOD! K*ju»t like summer aihome. daddy] coldest =»°P;.J'"Todoy'5l>esl h«L boigoinâ€" ««" y" .^ %ii^^ Mk your <<«•'•' •<"•- the ne* Two gi.»» ";°"^ MAMiTON ivMooua con ovno. iwim HAMItfON. CANADA YOUR LOCAL DEALER'S NAME APPEARS ELSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE HAMCO NOW THE LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS :i â- ♦