Toronto's Giant Castle, Casa Loma, Took Three Years To Build Ac Sione huifis ol the vast baronial home "Casa Lo:iia," buiit bv Sir Heinv r'il.:.-.i, -land okl Canadian, nje ahove Toronto at the crest of a hill. It took three years to build and cost nearly 81,500,000. Meeting •Witt financial reverses, Sir Henry had to part with the castle in 1923. WOMAN AGED WITH SaATlCA Now Praises Kruschen When sciatica attacked this woman six years ago, she couldn't â- wve v.ithout great pain. Treat- Bent after treatment failed to Mp her. She tried Kruschen and got quick relief. "Six years ago, I suffered ter- ribly from sciatica,' she writes. *1 tried everything, but to no •vail. Then I took Kruschen Salts. Tfce first few doses gave quick re- B«f. At the end of a few vveeks my •datica had gone. N'ow \ always Wjrin the day with a' pinch of Kmschen in a glass of water. I Hre a strenuous life, being widow- ed four years ago, and having a •on to keep. I run a boarding- kouse, rise at 6 a.m., and retire at 11 p.m. I am 52, but everyone Miys I look 32â€" thanks to Krus- ehen Salts."â€" (Mrs.) F.E.R. The severe pain which is char- acteristic of sciatica is often due to needle-pointed uric acid crystals in the sheath of the great sciatic nerve. Two of the ingredient salts Ja Kruschen dissolve uric acid crystals. Other salts in Kruschen help Nature to expel these dissolv- •d crystals through the natural channels. Gardening VINES There Is a mistaken notion that •llneing Tines will harm masohry. J» England where houses and the •hnrches have been so covered for ••ntnrleg gnch an opinion Is rldic- «l«d. On stone or brick or stucco walla, they will do no damage and tteir foliage keeps out oppressive heat In Summer because the wall Is always in the shade. SWEET PEAS Sweet Peas must be planted very •arly. This plant develops its ex- tensive root growth and upper vine structure when the weather is cool. If It does not get its feet well down Into the soil, then, when the days tnrn hot, It Is liable to wither and eease furnishing Its dally quota of color and fragrance. Planting directions are simple knt Important. Successful garden- •rs advise a trench, dug at least a loot deep, tilled within two Inches •t the top with rich soil, ml.\ed up with well rotted manure or old teaves. Seed Is planted just as early is the spring as possible, about an Inch or two deep. Rains will wash store soil Into the trench, filling it •p gradually and thus adding furth- er to root growth. When the upper plant starts to ••velop It wilt be necessary to sup- ply some climbing support In the lorm of brush, sfrings or chicken Wire. VEGETABLES Tbe smaller the amount of space •Tallable for vegetables, tbe more tetenslve should be the production. For Tery small vegetables like tottuce and radish, the rows 12 Ins. •part win be sutTicient. Beets, Mans, carrots, peas and spinach meed at least 15 Inches between, while potatoes, corn and staked to- sutoes must have a couple of feet •r thirty Inches. Space may be sav- ed with the latter type it something tnlck maturing such as lettuce, and spinach ars planted in between. The bigger ihiags will not need the tall room at first and by the time they do, the early crops will be out •f tbe way. Tt~^C' vegetable* are those that •re grown quickly, therefore the experts force theirs along with a chemical fertilizer, cultivation and. If possible, water. Ail civil aviation acUvltles In Rumania have been placed under control of the Minls'ry of Air and Marine. Mj&'^^i^Mnai/^, WITH THE BOY SCOUTS There are 460,234 Boy Scouts in Great Britain v.nd Ireland at the close of 1938. The census showed 58,891 Scouts within the London area. The successful raising of a fund ot 250,000 pounds toward endow- ment of Imperial Headquarters of the Boy Scouts Association was announced by the President of the General Council, H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught, at the annual meet- ing In January. It may not be generally known that the collapse last winter of the famous Honeymoon Bridge over the Niagara river produced a free library for the village ot Que^en- ston. When the great ice jam oc- curred, and attracted throngs ot visitors. Rover Scouts ot the her- oric community pitched a tent at the scene, borrowed a stove, and sold "hot dogs." In a tew hours they netted a 'dy sum of $125. And with this fund they turned their ''den" into a library, with shelves, 'ables and standard library record equipment; and at its formal open- ing displayed a selection ot some 700 volumes. Books were secured from various sources, chiefly as do- nations. Rover Scouts In uniform act as librarians at stated hours. Young European refugees finding asylum in English homes are being Invited to join local Boy Scout troops, or special troops In refugee camps. The Southeast Lancashire County Council Is sending Scouts to personally invite each refugee >-«uth arriving in that area to be- come a member of the nearest Scout unit. That no one ever "muddled through" anything to success, not- withstanding the old British tradi- tion, was a declaration ot His Ex- cellency the Governor General, the Lord Tweedsmuir, Chief Scout for Canada, addressing the annual ban- quet ot 1,200 junior Scout leaders and guests at Montreal. "I do not bolieve it," stated Ills Excellency. "Nobody ever muddled through anything. In the Great War we muddled at the start, and stuck fast in the mud. We won in the end because we had learned to use our brains better than our op- ponents. Today's problems will ne- ver be solved by unstable, clever people with quick brains and noth- ing else. But neither will they be solved by honest stupidity. Charac- ter is a most important thing in life, but it must be illumined and directed by Intelligence." Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Would it be proper, as an In- troduction, to say: "'Mr. Marshall, this Is Miss Wilson"? 2. Should the wedding rehearsal be held several days prior to the wedding? 3. When calling to see a friend who Is 111, and one Is nst permitted to see him, Is it all right to write a, short message on one's card? 4. What should one say, when talking with an acquaintance, and the latter makes some statement with which one heartily disagrees? B. Isn't It the privilege ot a guest to stay out of some game at a par- ty when be thinks the game is too childish and silly? 6. Is It permlssable to use one's handkerchief at the table? Answers: 1. Reverse the names. The man should be presented to the woman. Say: -Miss Wilson, this it Hr. Marshall." 2. No; It Is customary to have the rehearsal the day or evening preceding the wedding. 3. Yes. 4. Merely say: ''No. I do not ag- ree with you. I think, etc." How- ever, one should do this pleasantly and avoid provoking an argument, 6. No. It a guest cannot enter with zest Into all the games, be ihould not go to the party; nor will he be yery popular. I. Yes, it necessary, but it should be used at Inconspicuously as is possible. Kirkland Lake Baby Capital Gold is not the most valuable product being produced in Kirk- land Lake, Reeve R. J. Carter, of that municipality said last week. "Of far more lasting benefit," he said, "is its production of young Canadians. Highest In Dominion "We have, I believe, the highest birth rate in the Dominion â€" 38 per thousand â€" and one of the low- est death rates â€" 9 per thousand," he said. With a population of 23,000 Kirkland Lake has twice as> many live births a year as Niagara Falls, of the same population, and more than either Brantford with its 30,- 000 population, or Kingston with 25,000, Mr. Carter said. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusivc Canadian Kational Rail- ways System for the week end- ing February 28, 1939, were $3,- 647,823, as compared with $3,- 622,202, for the corresponding period of 1938, •' decrease of i74,879. REUNION of BRITISH FAMILIES Wa ara prepared to advanca passage money (without in- teregt or other charge*) to British people desiring to bring out to Canada their wives, families, relativas or friends. /4^^)y for parUenlmrt ta nurrstt Steamthip af«n( or to BRITISH DOMINIONS EMIGRATION SOCIETY tl7 Bay Street Toronto >t1e«tl Office: London, Eng.) Wasteful Practice Improvement in seed quality ia tc no avail in agriculture if some producers refc^n tl||fj*u that the land is an "inexhausiibie reservoir of plant food," W. T. (J. Wienor, of Ottawa, secretary treasurer of tha Canadian Seed Growers' As- sociation, s^iid in an address bv- fore the Ontario Crop lmprov«. ment .As.sociaiiuu. "If we continue to grow we<.'Js by the millions of cunii annually, what hope is there of bettering agricultutal condition* by uso of good st'cd aloue?" He described present production piactices as "est;remely wasteful." Natives of South Africa are be- ias made aviation-couscioua by giv- ius them free dishts. â- % A post office inspector, on his annual round, called at the little post office ot Mudvllle, which was run behind a few barrels and sacks In a grocer's shop. Tho slipshod way it was manag- ed surprised him. "Look here," he said angrily to the shopkeeper-postmaster, "You're going to hear about this when I send In my report!" The shopkeeper disappeared be- hind the barrels, and a little while later emerged with a small box which contained some stamps and coppers and two small exercise books. lie turned them toward the inspector. "Here," he said, ''take your old post office and get out!" "But, my good man," said Mrs. Smith, dubiously, to the tramp at her door, "your story lias such a hollow ring." "Yes, ma'am. That's the natural result of speaking with an empty stomach." Some people were visiting 'a couple, and happened to mention their dog, a big mongrel. "He's just like one ot the fam- ily," said the pup's proud mistress. "Which one?" asked her hostess. Kitty: "It's five years aince I last saw you. You look lots older." Kate: "Really, my dear? I don't think 1 would have recog- nized you either If it hadn't been for the coat." You can't stump film folks. They'd hired a Red Indian tribe to give the right background to a Wild West picture, and wanted a pow-wow scene, with the braves speaking their native tongue. But none of them knew it. They could only speak English. "All right," said the film man, "speak English." Then, after the pow- wow, they reversed the sound- track â€" and now It sounds like real Redskin talk. Anyway, picture-goers will take It as "read." Mother (to daughter): "Why don't you yawn when he stays too long? He'll take the hint and go." Daughter: "I did, and he told me what beautiful teeth I had." Issue No. 11â€" '39 Low Priced Shores ofhr large profit possibi/jfies wih ride of little money. Fortunes have been made following depression per- iods by purchasers with ability to recognize bar- gains, and courage to buy in times of mass fear. ARJONâ€" Adjoini Kett Addison. Net w«rkins. rKUOiGIO â€" Adiefau ClwstcrTUIc. Nat workins. BARBER LAROER â€" tTnd«r actiTC dcTdopinent, Midwsjr bttwcen K«rr Addison end Omess. ILARTIN BIRI>â€" ActiTtIr dcvrlopinc •ro. located in southern Larder Lak«. JOLIKTTBâ€" Thousand scr« property adjolninff Noranda and extendins â- srthward toward Waits Amulet. Work undrr arranrement. QUEBEC VIKINGâ€" -Larss propeHr lo west o( Noranda. Diamond drUllat. KOtlTN REWARD â€" Ovns favonf ably dcreloplna propttty In Mont- kroT towBsMp, Qacbee. LAR'ADD â€" I.arat«d bclwcsn Barbor I.arder and Chcmlnti ia Larder I^ke nislrlct. Inactive property. KEWROYâ€" Owns three prapertica. sne In Opeepeesway, Ontario, and two In Qncbec. AHIts d*Tolop> laent season planned. TOVARICHâ€" Inartlre property west •t Omesa, L,arder Lake. OKP1T â€" l.arse property thlrteea miles southwest of Holllnser. Under development by Pi«n«ar Mines. CKOWSHORR â€" rraperty ndjoina Albany River. Inacttre. LAOOMA â€" Owns two larvs prop- •rties In Qurber. Insctlre, BAST LACOMAâ€" Owns two lares properties In Quebec Diamond •Mllins property adjoining Cana- dUn Halartlc. rvrwor nvtictfVvs M ffs^uMff Go FIRTH too BAY ST., TORONTO '* WORTH COMING DOWN FOR.'" Talk tbout « stand, cool smokci You can't beat fragrant Dixie Plug â€" and you cut each pIpeFul ff<»K wKen you want it. DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO H ow BY ANNE ASHLEY Q, How can I use sheets are too worn to be used as bed cover- ing? A. They can bo made into pillow slips. Take the width of one out of each corner. There will be a seam on each side which makes tho hem, and it will take only a few minutes to finish on the sewing machine. Q. How can I give* a brilliant shine to cut glass? A. A little bluing added to the soapsuds In which cut glass is to be washed will produce a sparkling effect. Q. How can I take away any dis- agreeable odors in the house? A. By sprinkling ground cinna- mon on top of the range. It will leave a pleasant aroma. Q. How can I soften the hair? A. After washing the hair, try adding a half cup of vinegar to the rinsing water. It will soften the hair and give it a pretty sheen. ircH Q. How can I remove an ink sta^ from a carpet? A. Wet the stain with sweet milk, then sprinkle on salt. Let It remain for two or three hours, and follow by washing with clear wat- ei-. For Eczema - - Skin Troubles Make up_ your mind todiy that you are goins to give your skin a real chance to get well. Go to any pood cr^.g store and Ret an original bottle of Moone'e Emerald Oil â€" it lasts many days because is is biuhlv con- centrated. The very applicilinn will ^ive yon relief â€" tlie itcliinK of Kcztrna is inilanlly stoppedâ€" eruptions dry up and soale off in a very few days. The same is trne'of Itch- ing Toes and Feet, Barber's Itch, Salt Rbcuro and other skin trotibles. Remember that Moone's En:rrald Oil is a clean, powerful, _ penetrating Antiseptic Oil that does not srain or leave a K;rcasy residue. Complete satisfaction or money back. Local Representative • An established concern has an opening for a sober, reliable man, age 33 to 50, who is well and favorably known in this com- munity. Reply, girJng age and e.\jierience to Box 780, 310 Concourse Bldg., Toronto. Classified Advertising AGfclXTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY district to sell a product used In every home. This Is a money maker. Box 81, Toronto Post Office. BIG SPARE-TIME PROFITS. REP- resenting leading Canadian, Am- erican, British pubilcation?. Dept. A., Fidelity Circulution. Box 100, Toronto. BABY CUICKS JAS. RUSSELL, CHARING CROSS, Ont., bought 161 Bray New Hamp- shire Chicks last season. Cock- erels dressed Hi to IH pounds each at 9 weeks and 3M to S% pounds each at IB weeks. Bray • Cockerels are first class meat pro- ducers. Order your Bray Chicks now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street I^r^h, Hamilton. Ontario. OUT OF lfr4-BRAY NEW HAMP- ^ *ought last Spring, Bell,-' '.CharinB Cross, shirc chio^ bought last Spring, Ilea HUBSeJl,-' '.Cliaring Cross, Ont., lost only 2?. By the first of James at « months, 82 pullets were up to 70% production. Heavy Fall production spells extra pro- flt.s. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North. Hamilton, Ontario. UADE.N- WEEKLY STARTED CHICI^ Specials. We offer the follow, ing for Immediate delivery only. Standard Leghorn Pullets. 2 weeks.. $21.95. 3 weeks, $25.!>5; New Hamp.shlre Reds two weeks, -Mixed J12.50, I'ullcts $19.95. Cock- erels $10.75. Three weeks $4.00 inoie. litidpii Blectrio Chick Hatchery, LimitiHl, ll.ulcn, On- tario. COULD A. SMALL MANUFACTURER make and sell a ear as good as Ford at Ford prices? Of course not. Our large production com- bined with our policy ot only sell- ing direct by mall, not through agents, enables us to sell our l!t39 chicks at the lowest prices ever quoted. Grade A Heavy Breeds $11,011. Pullets $18.00, Cockerels $8.00. I.«ghorns $lfl.,'in. Pullets $22.00, Cockerels $3.00. Extra Profit. Special Mating grade Start- ed Chicks slightly higher. Free Catalogue. Twcddle Chick Hutch- crits. Limited. Fergus. On tario. â- • i>«)<;s FOX. DEER AN1> COO."^ HOINDS from one to seven years old. guar- .inteed, also Bird dogs end pure Scotch Collies. Write John S. WllBor, Mcrrickvllle, Ont. KDUOATIONAL CANADIAN CORHKSI'OJJDKXr.B C01iI,EGB MATRICUl-ATION. SHORTHAND, and bookkeeping. SB years' exper- ience. You still have time to write two or three papers In June. Gfl7 Kent nidg., Toronto. iwKMs run tiALK id COD 1,'iO-ACItB FARM, IJOOp brick house, big bank barn, silo. Apply Gideon Schneider. Moore- tleld, Ont. niuH oiiAiiK Mcr.M OATS AKD CLOVERS NO. 1 ALASKA, BANNER, VICTORY O.A.C. Oats at .65 bus. Erban and Vanguard at $1.00 bus. Register- ed No 1 anmm Alfalfa at .32 lb. (sealed bogs); No. 1 Grimm Al- falfa at .31 lb. No. 1 Red Clover at .15 lb. No. 1 AlslkB at .13 Ih. .\'o. 1 W.B iiweet at .05 lb. Tim. othy .06 lb. f.o.b. Chatham, base free; Cash with order. Ktnt Apd Essex Seed Orowsra, P.O. Box 103, Chatham, Ontario. GiiA.nAi>uo:\E re:cords GRAMAPHONE RECORDSâ€" 10 FOR 1 dollar, larg-e selection. J. Whltt- houae, 251 Victoria, Toronto. UAIR b!UUllS WIGS, TOUPES, THANSFOKMA- tlons, Swltcties, Curls, and all type* ot finest quality Hair Goods. Writ* for Illustrated catalogue. Confiden- tial terms arranged. Toronto Hum- an Hair Suooly Co. 528 Ljuthurbl, Toronto. UIGU UL,<M)U l'HK«>!SIJUI]: Hl'iH BLOOD PUESSUHEâ€" WIUTB ;'.)r tree booklet and full punlcu- lT.r3 regarding our uin.-iiingly eiic- cessful hyblood treatracnt. I'edl- greed Prodticls. Su3K>;- iMHi Hask. MKUICAL, StPl'I.IKS DO.N'T SUFFER FROM SORE OR Tired Feet. Try the new Andy's Salve & Liniment, I^nrge Ointment only $1.00 â€" 50o boitic. Liniment FREE â€" First order only. Yotir money back if not .â- ^:it i»-ritd. I'lcuse write to Andy's Salvo & Liniment Manufacturing, 101 Alexander St., Toronto. OIIN AMI''.M'A(.>< RARE ANU UNUSUAL i>l(.N AMEiN- tals, trees, shrubs and perennial flowers. Hardy frulla tor colder districts. Plants ex^eitly packed, arrival In good condition guaran- teed. Express prepaid. Send for illustrcitcd catalogue describing over 50(1 varieties. The Manitoba Hardy I'laiit Nurse y. Uropmore, Manitoba. fA I i:\ia AN OFFEH in lOVUItY i.W UNTuR. List of luveiillons and full Infor- mation sent free. The "(nmnay Com- pany, HeBi!<it?»d t'H'i 1.1 Aiiorneys. 273 IIsmN .~l.. Kiluiva. ibH. PHunKiHAI-HV FREE E.V1.ARI!1:MKNT WITH BV- ery roll dim developed and 8 high gloss prints 25o. I'.eprints »ani« price. 8 enlarged prints i<ic. HrlB htllng Studio, Toronto. t'ERSU.^AL, QUIT TOBACCO SNL">'F, EASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy. Tes- timonials. Guaranteed. Advlc» tree. Bartletis, Uox 1. Winnipeg. KAUIU OI'll NEW UAnU) SALE.S SHEET' is now ready for d'stributioD. Write for copy. Please specify whether dealer, amatvur, service- man or set owner. Uadio Trade Supply Co.. Ltd., t»? \onge St.. Toronto. nilSK.S l-'OH tot l( •.AIIItE.N NEW ROSES for your garden frotn England. Send for free catalogue. ies, Uox mi. Hidgeviie. Ont SPOHTlMi «iOOUS FISHERMEN: WRITE FOR Ut R New Fishing Tackle catalogn*. out about April 1st- E. MANIA 171 Craig W., Montrthl Quebec. TASMVC F.XfEKT TANNING OF K1DE.S K l..ace & Ilobes. Ai tc. Free U«t and t Sons, Merrittoti. Ontal Harness 1. DiEU, Ktc T6*ne * S. b-OR aWf.