Flesherton Advance, 29 Mar 1939, p. 2

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c BOOB KETTLE WITH OLDOUrrCHES Once Used Them Because Of RheumatUm He was not wrong, cither â€" this man who concluded that he would not need his crutches atfain. Writ- ing of his experiences, he says: â€" "For five years I suffered ter- ribly from rheumatic pains, and I bcffan to think my case hopeless. I also had a bad stomach, and I rarely had a meal without my food repeating on mc. One dav an old friend told mc to try Kruschen Salts. So I bouKht a bottle and tave it a trial. "After some time I was able to enjoy a Rood meal and to walk more freely. One morning I got np and lit the fire, and my mother thoufcht I was crazy, because I â- awed my old crutches up and boiled the kettle for coffee with them. That was six years ago, and I am now back at my old job as a chef."â€" H.A.B. Do you realise what causes a food deal of rheumatism? Nothing ut sharp-edged uric acid crystals which form as the result of slug- fish eliminating organs. Kruschen Salts can always be counted upon to clear those painful crystals from the system. What Science * Is Doing * CAUSE OF EPILEPSY Scientists are close to the threshold of learning the exact causes of the dread malady, epi- lepsy, the disease once ascribed to visitations of the devil. By use of an electro-enccphalograph mach- ine it has been discovered that epilepsy is marked by abornmal- ities in the "electric" rhythm of the brain cells. The machine also has enables investigators to predict convul- sions "sometimes a day ahead, and thus make peparation pos- sible." REMOVE SUICIDE IMPULSES A new operation for correcting extreme mental upsets which cause many suicides is described by Dr. J. G. Lycrly of Jackson- ville, Fla. Dr. Lyerly explained that he makes two holes in the skull, just above and in front of the ears. Then by gradually cutting through the brain covering he reaches the nerve libre of the brain running from the pre-frontal lobes which direct activity of the rest of the brain by electral nerve impulses. Many and sometimes most of these flbies are cut, thus interrupting the electoral circuits. Then the brain covering is sewed together, the bone plugs are replaced in the skull and the scalp stitched over. MEASURE LIGHT VELOCITY A Harvard scientist has rigged a speedometer to measure velocity in the neighborhood of 186,000 miles a second. It's the latest ap- paratus for "the first completely automatic measurement'' of the velocity of light. PNEUMONIA CURE FOUND Sulfapryidine, a new drug dis- covered in Great Britain last spring, has been used successful- ly to fight pneumonia. The dread killer is now declared by the medi- cal profession to be "licked". All patients respond rapidly to the drug irrespective of the type of pneumonia present, a rcpox-t says. Compacts shaped like a tele- phone dial are a craze in Paris, the places for letters and num- bers having men's initials or tele- phone numbers. Canada's Maple Sugar Industry Is Booming This Spring I>ast aulunin s sioim which did such tremendous d.imagp to niaplo trees in the castorn United States means good fortune for our Caua'iiiin maple sugar industry. Here wo seo pipe lines used at modern maple sugar fac- tones, LKhT, to bring the maple sap from the tree to the boilinR house. In these mo<lern sanitary factories maple sap is now boiled and poured into moulds, KIGHT, to form bricks of sugar which break casilv, do not attain rock-hard quality, and do not mottle. The tu-^a r c.in also be ground into icing sugar which wi'll 'â- tay in loose granules. HAVE A su3pl(;lou8looklng man ap- proached the front door of the sub- urban bouse. '•Are the people of the house In?" he asked. "No, they're all away," the maid replied. "Have you renewed your dog license?" bo went on. "We don't keep a dog." "I see," he continued. "Arc jour electric ll(?hti In order?" "We only burn gas here." •"Then," he salU. taking a step forward, "I've come to tune y.iiir piano." Harold â€" "Where are all those old mugs I used to see In your shop?" Barber â€" "They have taken to ihavlng themselves, sir." "Oh, Dr. Klllcm." "Yes, Dr. FIxctn." "I wish you'd elve me something. I've got an awful attack of indiges- tion." "Well, you're a doctor. Why don't you treat yourself?'' ".Vot me. I charge too much:" "You'll excuse mo," said tbo kilted native of Aberdeen, "but werojou Hit! goiilleman who fetch- ed my laddie out of the river yes- terday?" Replied the embarrassed rescuer â€" ''As a matter of fact, I'm the niau. Itut let's say nothing about It." ''Say nothing about If, iuflpfd! Uao, Where's his cap?" "I Just saw a girl with a glass eye.'' "How do you know? Did aha tell you?" "No, Stupid, It came out In the conversation." Canadian National Railwray Revenues The groins revenues of the all- inclu<iive Canadian National Hail- ways Kygtcm for the wrck ending March 14, I'.t.l!*, were $3,19D,84'.» at compared with $3,20.'V,4r>ri for the corresponding period of 193S, a decrease of $5,<il7. Issue No. laâ€" '39 New Terminal Is Protested Sir Edward Beatty Objects To Spending Of $12,000,000 On Montreal Project For C.N.R. When A Union Term- inal Could Be Built. In a letter to the Ut. Honourable W. L. Mackenzie Kins, Prime Min- ister, dated January 5 and recent- ly tabled in tho house. Sir Kdward Ueatt.v, chairman and president, Canadian Paclflt: Ilailway, poiiiteil out that, when tho Montreal term- inal scheme was uuvoilcd to tho government and to tho public in 1927, it was based on t' a concep- tion of a uuicri ir-rralnal to provide passeuger facilities for all railways seiving tlie City of Montreal. Joint Tcrmir. Less Expensive â- 'I have read in tho newspapers the announcement of tho ; lana of the t;anadian -National Hallways," said Sir Kdwald, ''wiih regard to a .Monlnal passenger tcrminHl, and a.H representing tUo 92,000 share- holders of the t.'anadlan rRclllc Italiway and as a citizen of ftan- ada, I taiio tbo lilicrty of imposing on you an expirssion of my views." "It Is stated now that iho diroc- tora of llie I'.madian K:;ti<)nal havo authorized the spending of $12,- (100,000 on a terminal at Dorclios; â-  Street, but if ilic oriKlnnI plan is to bo* carried to linality further la.-go sums ot moiioy will Iium; to 1)1' provided in future." Investigation Needed ''In the light of the above, and b.iving Id mind o'lauged conditions, I Ibinli it not pri'suniiituous to sug- gnst thai befoi'rt allowing the t?aiia- iliait .National Hallways to tuku tills further step towards the comple- tion of their scheme," concluded Sir Kdward, "Iho government ml^ht consider It proi)er to order an lii- vcstlgfltlon of the situation by a body ot independent onglneors. That body should bo asked to ad- vise the government it the pass- enger lerminnl requirements ot tho ('anadlan NHllonal In Montreal could be moro economlcaiiy met liy an extension ot the present Canadian Pacific terminal than by the construct lou of a new and in- ilependenl one at great co»i to the I'anttdlan tmpayer." Gardening START GRASS EARLY Grass makes its most rapid growth in cool weather. On this account, lawn work of a new or repair nature should be carried out just as soon, as the soil ij: fit to work. After digging the ground should be allowed to settle for a few days at least and then levelled again. It is advisable to repent this process several times. The top soil should then be raked fine and the grass sown at a liberal rate, once across and once lengthwise. This double sowing insures an even distribu- tion. Seed is sown on a day when there is no wind. For permanent lawn.'i of deep green color and fine texture, good <iuality package seed is advi.sable. In covering, the gardener is ad- vised to rake one way only and komc/ieltcomi. tfi/lonU. tlien firm the soil with a heavy roller or pounder. REMOVE WEEDS Unless the g^round has been thoroughly cultivated and then allowed to lie idle the year before there is bound to be a good deal of weed seed in the soil. Some of this will germinate after the lawn Ls sown. Such weeds should be re- moved constantly, especially in the earlier stages. Afterwards a good lawn fertil- izer every year will push the grass along sufficiently to choke out most of these offenders. The first cutting of the grass is made when about three inches high and should be done with a very sharp mower. Frequent rolling when the ground is soft and regular mowing are ad- vised. WHEN SOIL IS READY It is useless, in fact decidedly bad business, to work soil too early. If stirred up when wet it is liable to cake into hard lumps, that will be hard to break down later on. If when walking over the garden, one's boots become muddy then the time is not yet. Soil fit for cultivation should crumble when squeezed gently in the hand, not compact into a ball. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. â€" What is the principal thing for a hostess to consider when se- lecting guests for a week-end par- ty? 2. â€" Should one ever sip coffee, tea, or water at the table while food is in the mouth? 3. â€" Isn't it ill bred for a per- son to walk along the sidewalk eating candy or fruit? 4. â€" When attending a dinner, would a guest be rude if she switelied the place cards so that she would be seated next to the person."; she desired? 5. â€" Isn't it all right to talk to one's companion while a motion picture is in progTcss? (!. â€" How should the visiting card of a doctor and his wife :ead? Answers 1. Tho iirincipal thing is to con- sider the congeniality of each guesr. One guest who is not kin- dred in the tastes and interests ot the others can easily spoil the whole party. 2. N'o ; the food should be swallowed before taking the liquid. 3. It is not exactly ill-bred, nor is it good taste. 4. Yes. She would be very rude to do such a thing, and the hostess would be justified in never ex- tending another invitation to her. LIFE is full of : grand surprises 19. _ ^ Imagine a rtiil portable J typewriter weighing 9 lbs . . . • witli back spacerâ€" Swinging J Shiftâ€" 8-1 characters, and many J other helpful features for ! only $QQ''0 All pti«« lubi.ci • f â-  JRONA I •ephifr It's, the = v NEW :^ { I. r SMITH A CORONA TVrEWRITlRS J I Vf ('in»tU l.til . Xi I'lont vt. K.. Toroiiiv ^ I Sfntt ffft bi>oklrt dncfibinc thtt "Coroiu t t Z«ph>r" »t'te benrmg fu lOUiS about. t s.-^-' - : • AJJT9H •^..«.-..,„.„ «,.„..^^. J I City '''"'•_... % GREATEST TOBACCO BARGAIN IN CANADA ^SV C00iis|, â- mi>.i'v,k, •â- M'.'" â- -• ^' ^â-  P m »ll«llti». Ill fs'll <"!• KM'ibr the <trl> 3lt>4 niti, <.>>r. (irtnltM ind ttainlMrâ€" H« ISM. Slot* Ibr Ki^r i>t«tlM IMMl* kouilf. A »H |ti*l hoiilr. >l dn« mmm. 6. No. It is extremely rude and ill-bred to do so, as it is sure to disturb other persons nearby who are listening to tjje. play. 6. Tr. and Mrs. William Young. Because the nearest white man's law is 30 blizzard-swept miles away at .Nenana, natives of the interior Alaska Indian village of Minto, have petitioned Uncle Sam to make every man his own policeman. The main purpose, they say, is to curb intoxication. Ralph J. Rivers, district attor- ney at Fairbanks, told the Indians the law stated any citizen could make an arrest under certain con- ditions. The Indians said they were go- ing to try it. »W6MT7WK''E)nr^«N0Jt HowDoYoufcd? Tired? Irritable? .N'o ambi- tion? l»ok at your watch â€" note ih* time. The same ttm'j tomorrow, compare how you feel then with the way you do right now! In the meantime, stop at your drug »tor« and. tonight, drliik a cup 0! Oarfleld Tea. TonlKbt â€" "Clean ITp Inside" â€" Feel Different Tomorrow: I.ose that let-down feeling. Let Car- field Te<i ••lean away undigested wastes â€" Intestinal "left-over»." Acts gentl.v. promptly, ihorouKbly. Drink like Oi- dlnury tea. lUc â€" 25c. I Write for Free 8am- _^,___J pie of (jarllem HeaiU niVtlliB If ache Powder â€" alsu â- '"^â- â- ' W Oarfleld Tea, used for con.stlpation, acid Indigestion, and to "keep cl'i'nii inside." Write: GarAeld Tea Co., Dcpt. 61, 1 Close Avenue, To. ronto 3, Canada. ARTICLES FOR SALE FLAGS, BUNTING. PI^I.V AND Waterproof Truck Covers and Tents. Price.? and samples on re- quest. John Lecklc Ltd., Toronto. HAWAIIAN GUITAIt WITH ALL flttlng-a and Ten Free Lessons, regular JIO.OO value â€" only J5.45 delivered. Limited number only. Order now. R, S. Williams Com- pany, 431 King St. West, Toronto. AGEXTS WANTED AGENTS WANTKD IN EVERY district to sell a product used in every home. This is a money maker. Box 81, Toronto Post Offlce. BIO SPARE-TIME PROFITS, BEP- resentlng leading Canadian, Am- erican, British publications. Dept. A., Fidelity Circulation, Box 100, Toronto. ASTH.MA, UnONCHITIS IF SUFFERING FROJl ASTHMA or chronic bronchitis send 10c to- day tor trial of ASTONE TAB- LET.S, the remarkable British Remedy which is giving Instant relief to raa.ny thou.sand.'?. Litera- ture fiee. Astone Product.", 73 A Adelaide West, Toronto. Sold by Druggifia at 50c and $1.00. II.IUY CUICIvS SAVE THE AGENT'.S COMMISSION'. Buy your chicks direct. Twcddio raaintuir.s no agents or branches. I>arge production ut Fergus has greatly reduced Tweddle selling price. Compare prices, compare quality. Grade A Heavy Breeds jn.Ol', Pullets J18.00, Cockerels J6.00. Leghorns IJ10.50, Pullets J22.00, Cockerels JS.OU. E.xtra Profit Grade Heavy Breed {U'.45, Pullets »1».90, Co.^kerela $7.0U. Leghorns «H.96. I'ullets $24.90, Cockerels $4.0U. Fne Comhin.-ition Catalogu.', CalcMdnr .iiid roultry Guide, liompt delivery. Twedulo Chli'Ic llaicheries, Limited, Fer- gu.^, Ontario. BADE.V WEEKLY BAKG.4INS â€" The.v will go like hot cakes eo don't delay in ordering; Qrst come first served. Cockerels two weeks old New Hampshlro Reda .08c, Barred Koiks .09c. Three week old New Ilampshiro Reds .lie. Barred Rovks .12c. Big Egg Qual- ity \c more. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. DAILY Sl'EClAUS â€" A LIMITED nunibci- ot Bray started Leghorn pullet 1 hicks will be available for immediato shlpnicnt this week. Order today. IJruy Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Out. DON'T FORGET THE St^MMER hotel and tourist trade. Broilers and light roasters will be in de- mand, liray Leghorn cockerels are ideal â€" ospeolally when rapon- Ized. Write for full particular.^ today, liiay Ilat.-liiry. 130 John Strii t Noitli, Hamilton. Ontario. i'ilKN'l'Kitl'IKI.U iiah<;aixs rilUKK'-riECK USED CHESTER, field S\iite, repp covering, Ilrst- clnsH condition, IK>.6U. Three- piece u.sid Engli.^h Velour Ches- terfield Suite, completely recondi- tioned, J24.5II. Three-piece used cliestiifltld suite, best English mohair. In rich brown shade, re- built throughout, »39.II0. Money-back Guarantee Freight paid to your station Royal Cheslertleld AlanufaeturerB 66 Richmond Street E., Toronto II.IIII.IAS FOK y.ll.K EXHinrnoN dahlias, eighv for dollar. Bonnie Brae, King- Mi- da.', Kathleen .Norrls, J. Cownl, Jersey Beauty, Jersey Mammoth, Jeun Tiimber, Uolden Sonne. Syd- ney .Mode. Vankleek Hill. Ont. KII.^I.S DEVELOi'KIt ROLL F11.AIS UEVEIA)rED WITH two rrints of each and FREE ENL.A1!<;E.MENT coupon 23c. OFFSET CiJMMKRCIAL I'lIOTO- GRATHY 2 UrsSEI.L ST.. TOR- ONTO. UAIII UUUUM \VIG.S. TDUPES, TRANSFOItMA- tlon.t. Switches, Ctirls, and ail types ot finest gualliy Ualr Goods. Write for Illustrated catalogue. Confiden- tial terms arranged. Toronto Hum- an Hair SuDPly Co. 82S liuthursl. Toronto iii:i.i> \v.*>'ri;i> .MAi.i: BECO.\Ii; A DETECTIVE. MEN o\er IS wanted everywhere, De- tecilvi-3 earn good wagis. Re. ward!". Work hornet or travel. Conespondenco training rouise. Write for free Infoi ni.ttlon to lto\ :.->. Station T, M.>ntreal. uiuii «iii.\i)n sr:Ki> «i.\'i'<> AXU CLOVMMH NO. 1 ALASKA. r.ANNEK. \ ICTORY. (<.A.C, Oat.-< at .65 bus. Erban and \ anKuard at Jl.UO bus. Register- ed No t Giimm Alfalfa at .3:1 lb. (sealed bags); No. 1 Grimm Al- falfa at .31 lb. No. 1 Red Clover at .15 llv No. 1 Alslke at .1.1 lb. No. I W.n .Sweet at .Oi lb. rim. othy .I'C lb. f.o.b. Chatham, bass free: Cash with order. Kent and Essei; Seed Growers. P.O. Box 103. rhnth-ini OntHrlo. HOT mow TUAVSKKHS BIG PACKAGE (^h' HOT IRON Transfer*, sight sheets, over two hur.dred designs; (ils<> valuabln Instruction stit-h chart; mall JS ernts In .-ash. .N'eedleoraft Q<ill*. t)S C'olI«s« AtreM. Torcnlo, HOGS FUR SALE FOR SALE â€" FOUR TEAR 0L1> Yorkshire Sire. Best Market Pen Royal Winter Fair and other Boar Winners; iTearling boar sire. Grandslre, and two nearest Gran- dams in Advanced Registry. Four months boars and sows. Shade- land Farms, Eden, Ont. MAAGEL SEED FOR SALE MANGEL SEED â€" GIA-\T WHITB Feeding; grade one. lb. aOc â€" 4 lbs. ♦ 1.00; 20 lbs. J4.00. (Anti-war con- fession of faith 25c). Prepaid. -â- Vsk quantity or trade price. Menno Sauder. Grower. Elmira. Ont. MEUICAL St'Pl'H ES DO.VT SUFFER FROM SORE OR Tired Feet. Try the new Andy's Salve *: Liniment, Large Ointment only Jl.OO â€" 50o bottle. Liniment J.^REE â€" First order onlj-. your money back if not satistitd. Pleaaa write to .\ndy's Salve ,!i Liniment Manufacturing. 101 Aie:i£LUer St.. Toronto. \0 FILM KEQllHED SEND US YOUR SNAPSHuTS OU old photos. We specialize in mak- ing enlargements direct from any. print. 5" X 7" enlargements col- oured JOc; S" X 10" euiargement coloured Too. Stamps accepted. Tru Foto Studios Limited, New Birks Building, Montre al. 'I'ArEN'rs AN OFFER lo EVEKV I .W KNTt^K. List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Com- pany, Registered. Patent Attorneys. 27:i Bank St.. Uttanra. C^n. I'.VrCHKS Foil S VLE QUILTING PATCH U.S. WOOLLEN piece.", colours, good .deletion, S lbs. $1.25, silks 3 lbs. j;..0. post- paid. Dominion Dress. CCl Mark- ham, Toronto. PIIOTOGHAI'HY FREE F\I..A.RGEMENT WITH Ev- ery r. il niia developed hiu1 8 higli gloss prints 23c. Reprints sam* pric. 8 enlarged prints 25<;. Brigl-.tling .Studio, 29a Itichmomi St. Last, Toronto. FREE FILM A.ND CAMERA COU- pon with every order. Our latest process guarantees higher gradft prints and one day service. Your lUra developed fine grain. Every print enlarged double-size, or If you prefer, 8 regular size with wide-panelled borders. All for 2oc. Rcprlnt3 large or regular size 3c each. Consoli^iHtod Photo .Service. 145 Catharine St., Hamll' ton, Ontario. l"KRfHRRO>S THE MEMBERS OF THE ESSBX; County Percheron Club offer atat* lions ready for service; brood mares and a number ot promislntf stud and Ally foals at attractlv* prices. For descriptive lists and prices, write Ralph McLean, Sec, Harrow, Ont. FOR S.\LEâ€" TWO OU'l-STANDlNG rising .three year old dark grty. grandsons of Laet Hll^et 16249, weight 195s lbs. A good premium prospajt. Tll;;olaet weight 1850 lbs. LoV down and thick; good underpinning. ,-Norni: :. Adkin, North .Maiden, Ont. PERSONAL M.\RRVâ€" HUNDREDS TO CHOOSB . from. Many with mf.T.'..«. Farm- ers' daughters. Widows with Property. Particulars H'c. Con. fldential. Box U'8. C. Igary. Al- berta. QUIT TUBAClX). SNUFF. EASILK, Inexpensively. Home rirjedy. Tea- tlmouials. Guarautccd. Advlc* free. Bartlett's, Bo.\ 1, Winnipeg. DON'T SUFFER WITH Ci'NSTIPA- tlon, Stomach or Kidi.cy trouble. Nature's I.,axatlve Tea will great- ly benefit you. Postcard brings free samplo and full particulars. Tee-vac Sales. 221 Gijirsborough Rd., Toronto. WHY BE lA>NKr.\' l.KT ME AR- ranpo a romauco for >ou. Ladles and gentlemen all itgcs, some with business, homo.*', money. Cecil Collins. Sll-P, Vancouver, Wash. Free informnticr.; scaled envelope. vKi;i)s FOK ^ *ri:. HO.ME GltOWN SEEDS. \LL Gov- ernment Krudcs. Alfaif.i. red clo- ver, alsike, timothy, sweet clover. Ask for s.'implrts and prices dellv- crtd to you. The >.'«l.-dcni« Mill- ing Co. Ltd., Caledoni;i, Ont. WRITE I't)lJ t)UR PRICE LIST OM all kinds of gra!<H :.'id clover seeds. IliKhe.st quahry nrd lowest Varices. We supply biii;<i itRd pre- pa.v. Brown Uioa.. A'iionu. Oii- tariii. M'KCI *l, THI'.AlWI.Nr }:•.•» I IK WAR It FOR A.\â- ^ ORS (III i°aIU>us wlii.-U ciiniiot 1 •â-  removed l>y l.io.Ml's Special Tn: inient, uii> drr our i^upervislun. 1' t»'tnls re- turn. Send 55c for i.ump1ot« tieatment, regular TC;'. Ijoyd's-IV 1211 St. Cl.il r Wot , Toronto. VANXIXG EXPERT TANNING OF HUES POa H.irness Lace A Robes. All* DEER. Ki-. Fre« list ard tan Tow'T>e tit. Sorts. Merrit'on. <*ntarT<^ 'l'OIIAC( O 4 POIND SAMPLK I'ACKAGK lil'IU ley Zimmer, i«rior l»«f. tlovcilnj and ircipes. (>r S-pound simp)* pack.iKe Virgin).* Burlty. Zimnier and prior Icif; I snnu'les innnu- faetuiad, $1.(>0 pos'r-'i'd Kuthvea Tob«<rco Kxv-tiHnfr, JRtithvtn, Onv ii \ •- > % O V n a •i >' - -\

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