Flesherton Advance, 17 May 1939, p. 5

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THE FtESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 17, 1939 t . ^ CEYLON The Women's Iiutitttte meetiac hM -been changed from ThoniUy to Wed- «nsda7 night of thii week at the home of Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. It is th« annu- al meeting and electing of officers. Misses Jean Marshall and Laura ^KThite of Toronto spent Sunday at the former's home. Mr; and Mrs. Harvey Griffin and Hisses Catharine and Bessie Cairns >of Toronto and Weston spent Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns «nd Mrs. Wilcock. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. CoDinson and family visited in Owen Sound Sunday. Miss Irene Stewart of Toronto vis- ited over the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. L. Talbot of the east backline, Artemesia, visited with Btr. tind Mrs. Geo. Udell. Mrs. Lather Torry returned to Lauriston Sunday after spending the past week with her mother, Mrs. H. Piper. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper motored to Toronto on Sunday and were accom- panied home by Mr. Sherman Piper, who has completed his first year in medicine at Toronto University. Mrs. Knox has returned home after visiting Swinton Park relatives. Mr. Lloyd Archibald of Owen Sound spent Mothrs' Day with Mrs. Cecil Archibald and Mrs. McWhinney. Dr. Milne took Mr. and Mrs. Kellar to Owen Sound hospital last Monday. Mrs. E. C. Murray of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. FEVERSHAM A large gathering of people aaaemb- led at Mazwall United Cboreh on Sunday to pay their last rejects to the late Mr. Robert Alistar, who pass- ed away at the hospital in Colling- wood on Friday last at the age of 88 years. Mr. Alister was a highly re- spected resident of Osprey nearly all his life, residing about half a mile from this village until he moved to Colingwood about three years ago. Mr. Billy Burk of the stoff of the Bank of Toronto, Thombury, was a week end visitor at his home here. Mr. and BIrs. Eby visited with friends in Owen Sound on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham and Mr. Norman Hindle and Mr. and Mrs. M. Hindle of Banks were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor on Sunday. Mrs. D. Bell and son and daughter of CoUing^wood spent Sunday with Mrs. A. J. Conron. BORNâ€" On Sunday, May 14, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pedar, the gift of a daughter. Mrs. Donaldson is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. G. Eby. Splendid rains have come lately, making everything look green and the trees are coming out in leaf. EUGENIA LADY BANK We are pleased to say that Mrs. Jack Graham is improving in health. Miss Alesen Douglas of near Fever- sham is with Mrs. J. Graham at present. Messrs. Tom McKenzie and Percy Sanderson are doing some smart spring farm work with their new Massey-Harris tractors. BORN â€" On Saturday, May 13th, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Semple, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Semple and little son, Royden, spent Sunday with Mr. Basil McConnell at Kimberley. Mrs. Steve Sutton of Flesherton spent the week end at her parental home here. MAKE YOUR LIVESTOCK PAY ship to Dunn & Levack Limited Canada's Leading Livestocic Salesmen Union Stock Yards, TORONTO YOU"LL BE AHEAD IF YOU SHIP TO US FAITHFUL SERVICE SINCE 1893 ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tucker and son Allen, and Mr. and "Mrs. Arthur Orr, all of Toronto, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts. Mrs. M. Badgerow spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. F. Graham, at Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Melville McMaater of Toronto spent Mothers' Day with rel- atives here. Mrs. Chas. Newell, accompanied by Mrs. Laurie Betts, spent Friday in Toronto. Mrs. Robt. McMullen is spending a fortnight with her son, Gordon, and family of East Mountain. Misses Olive and Irene Newell and Mr. Aljoe of Durham and Mr. C. Pat- terson of Vamey visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Betts and babe of Proton visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts. ORANGE VALLEY Miss Evelyn Brown of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown. Mr. Robt. Smith and son, Billie, who are working in Toronto, were up over the week end visiting his wife and family. Mr. John Gibson, who has been living alone, moved to Durham last week to reside with Mr. Jack Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. John Eagles spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eagles at Springhill. that "dole" shall not be on the first doleful note in the projected death knell of Democracy. Spring Wear for Men SUITS TO MEASURE "Clothes of Quality" suits are made and tailored to your individual measure. Fit and satisfaction guar- anteed Come and see the new spring samples. PRICES $22.50 $25.00 $30.00 READY TO WEAR SUITS New styles and patterns, single and double breasted. Well made â€" well lined â€" smartlv cut and tailored. SPECIALLY PRICED $12.95 and $14.95 BOYS' NEW SPRING SUITS A new purchase â€" smart styles and colors. Sizes 30 to 33 only. SPECIALLY PRICED $995 Fine Shirts New colors and patterns $1.00, $1.50, $1.95 Biltmore Felt HaU Fur. felts, new colors and new spring shapes. $2.95 and $3.50 Spring Cap* New patterns for men and boys 7Sc and $L00 &nart Pullovers and Sweaters An entirely new range for spring of the latest desigrns and colors. Priced $LS0 to $3-95 New Spring Neckwear Snappv spring patterns 50c, 75c and $1.00 Work Boots Specially selected for comfort and good service Priced $2.15 to $4.95 Smart Spring Hosiery Cashmere, lisle and silk and wool 25c, SOc, 75c Mmi's Smart Shoes New styles in black and brown Priced $2.25 to $4.95 F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. Mr. John Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker and son of Cataract and Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee Stewart and family of StreetsviUe were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker. Miss Lililan Magee of Toronto vis- ited the week end at her honxe. Mias Irene Martin and lady friend of Islintrton spent the week end witii Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. The BCisses Mary and Isabelle Me- Kee and friend of Toronto visited over the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee. Miss Irene Dinsmore spent tha week end at her home at Thombury. Miss Gladys Williams of Toronto spent the week end with friends here. Mrs. Alex. McDonald and daughter Isobel, of Weston spent the week end with her uncle, Mr. Henry Cairns, and brother, John, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Latimer and Miss Millicent McMtiHen of Toronto spent Saturday with Mr. L. Latimer. Mr. Gordon faris of Barrie was a vistor with Mr. L. Latimer Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Lawlor received the sad news of the death of her friend, Mrs. Andrew Argue of Winnipeg, who passed away on May 3rd. The late Mrs. Argue was in her 64th year and was formerly Miss Eva Phillips, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Phillips of the 12th line. Her father operated a mill many years ago on the 12th line. Se is siurvived by two sisters, Ada and Mary (both married) besides her sorrowing husband and family. We extend our sympathy o the bereaved family. Mrs. C. W. Saunders of Walters Falls and Mrs. Ruthven of Clarks- burg are spending a few days at the Latimer home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee visited in Toronto the first of the week. Mrs. McMullen has returned to her home in the village after spMiding the winter in Tomto. Her daughters, Mrs. Hammond of Toronto and Mrs. Bert Graham and Ruth of Flesherton visited a few days with her. Mrs. Ted Myles and little Patricia of Heathcote also spent a few days with her grrandmother. VICTORIA CORNERS Miss Winnifred Talbot waa home from Toronto for Mothara' Day. Mrs. Ruaael Linton is visiting her parenu at East Linton for a Urn daya. Mr. Jas. Bannon of Toronto paid a flying viait to his home on Mothers' Day. Mr. and Mrs. MeL Hawes and daughter, Mary, of Bright visited at the home of Albert Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKechnie. Ruth and Ivan, of Durham and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell of Orange Val- ley visited their sister, Mrs. Charlea Best. Mr. and Mrs. Knox of Swinton Park visited at the home of Mr. Wm. Sackett. Mr. and Mrs. Otter and family of Toronto, who were to have moved to ^e Stevens farm, are not coming, but Mr. Dave Blakey and family of the 3rd line, Osprey, are now on that farm. We welcome Mr. Blakey. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Knott of Shelbume visited at the home of Mr. Milton Bannon. The Dundalk and Inistioge Y.P.S. were entertained at Flesherton by the Flesherton Y.P.S. last Monday evening. Hardware and Spring NEEDS Lawn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Flower PoU and Hanginc Baskets, Plant Food ami Royal Purple Garden Seeds EASY ELECTRIC WASHERS Take the work out of washday â€" Fast Triple-Cup Action â€" Heavy Force- lain Tubâ€" OiUess Motor â€" DeLuze Automatic Wringer Beatty Copper Tub Hand Washers, Tubs, Washboards, Etc. A complete stock of S W.P. quality Paints and Varn- ishes, Wax Polishes, Paint Brushes, and Mops, all to help with the spring cleaning MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS & REPAIRS Cement Plaster, Lime, Roofing and Building Supplies FREE COMMUXITY CHEST COUPONS Frank W. Duncan PRICEVILLE The banquet held on Friday even- ing in St. Columba church passed off with great eclat, after a bountiful supper given by the losing side. Rev. A. R. Muir, toast master, introduced the first, to the King, in some fine commendatory references to His Maj- esty and his lovable consort, and was fervently and musically rendered by the audience. A toast to the Y.P.S. was called for and Miss Anna Cormie, teacher here, spoke of its beneficial qualities, and responded to by Miss Marion Muir. Miss Roberta Harrison proposed the toast to the winners, which was replied to by Mr. Stewart Muir, their delivery testifying to the benefits derived from the social acti- vities of the Y.P.S. The toast to the many visitors, by John Ritchie, was responded to by Mr. Grant Muir, who also gave a couple of bagpipe selec- tions, the last one being the "Road to the Isles." Mr. E. Hutton of Flesh- erton high school staff, spoke to the toast. Mr. Armstrong of Meaford, one time of Flesehrton "^ang the "Road to Mandalay."' Misses Aileen and Isabelle Karstedt gave a piano duet, and Jane Karstedt contributed a solo on the piano. Some of the old time ditties were sung and everybody had a good time. Mrs. A. R. Muir contrbuted a reading, dramatically, in fine elocutionary form. Mr. Wm. McBiide Jr. held the lucky ticket, the prize a Union Jack. W"e were favored with a rather too short ^isit on Saturday from our grand nephew and his wife and son, Billy: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wright of Port Credit. Mothers' Day was fittingly observ- ed on Sunday. The Sunday school children took part. Miss Isabelle Kar- stedt reading, as set forth in the sup- plement Will and Walter McBride, Ross and Jack McConkey and Tommy Mather acting the drama as set forth. CENTRE LINE During the past week we have had some very hard frosts and cold winds. The dry weather is making gnrowth very slow. A nice warm shower and warm weather is greatly needed. Sunday visitors at the home of W. H. Little were: Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and two children and Miss Elva RusselL We are glad to report Mrs. Fred Plantt recovering nicely from her re- cent serious illness. Mr. Gordon Harg^ave and Victor Osborne spent Sunday with Victor's parents here. HARDWARE 'PHONE S4 Mr. Fred Plantt and Bemice, Mrs. Jas. Linton, Mrs. Florence Lyons and Mrs. Robt. Osborne attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Leonard Latimer at Eugenia on Sunday. We extend sincere sympathy to Mr. Latimer and daughter and other relatives in their hour of sorrow. We also extend our sincere sympa- thy to Mrs. Wilson and family in their bereavement by the passing of Mr. Wilson, whose funeral is taking: place today. The rain is coming down hard at time of writing, but is cold. Mt. Zion young people gave their play at the hall Friday night aad they certainly deserve credit for their first attempt at staging a play, which was well given. Each one did hia or her part well. Service was not held at Mt. Zion church on Sunday, as our min<»t f had two funerals that day. READ THE "SMAJLL ADVTB*- Tip-toeing back along the corridor it was a great relief that that otfaer door did not open and let out a fall blast of hate, just as this worshipper was leaving another little shrine. IN SALES THROUGHOUT CANADA â- !.... -iiX - Beca%KSit's FIRST in PERFORMANCEl It's faster on the get- away . . . it's stronger on hills . . . it's a much better all-round performer than other cars in its field . . . and it saves you money every day on gas, oil and upkeep. A number from here attended the pageant in Flesherton church Sunday night and enjoyed it very much. Mrs. Evans of Owen Sound is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. .\. McCuaig. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlar and sons and Mrs. Pedlar Snr. Toronto, visited on Sunday with friends here and attended church. Many friends were pleased to see Mrs. Carson at church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. A. McCuaig were recent visitors at the home of Henry Tucker. Miss .\lmeda Hincks and friend of Toronto spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean of To- ronto were week end visitors with their parents. Mothers' Day waa fittingly observ- ed on Sunday and a good congregation was present. Because it's FIRST in VALUE! Dollar for dollar, it gives you more for your money than any other car in its price range. That's why the new Chevrolet is the biggest- selling 1939 model automobile in Canada! Because it's FIRST in FEATURES! Steering Column Gear-Shift with "Vacuum Assist" • Chevrolet's Famous 85-Horsepower Valve-in- Head Six • New Aero-Stream Styling, New Bodies by Fisher • Perfected Quadro-Action Hydraulic Brakes • New "Observation Car" Visibility • Advanced Knee-Action Riding System with Shoclcproof Dual Cross Steering (On Mast9r Dm Luxe /Moc/e/s) • Tiptoe-Motic Clutch • Safety Glass. LOW Monfnfy Puynv#fifj on fn# G#n#fw Mofon lvistwn>#nf Man* G-i4ti CHEVROLET The only low-prked cor cowibininfl "Ail THAT'S BEST AT 10 WIST COST I'* D. McTAVISH A SONS, FLESHERTON, Ont H. GRUMMETT, DUNDALK, Ont. (Amoc Dealer) BUY FROM A BUSINESS LEADER ... YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER

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