Flesherton Advance, 31 May 1939, p. 5

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4. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 31, 1939 .- '., ' > •• ^» • •♦ k »^ > * • 1 4 < * » « .* . .. *^ ^. â- * i ' ( :â-º : ; * f • • > » ' i t » I ORANGE VALLEY Mr T Starkey and Miss Delores, Misses Kay and Barbara Fargo, and Messrs. Frank and Dixon Townley of Toronto spent the week end with the Utter'* mother. Mrs. F. Mathewson, and Mr Mathewson. Mr and Mrs. W. J- McFadden and Miss Gladys spent Sunday with Mrs. McFadden's parents at Zion and at- tended the evening service in Zion «hurch. , , . ^u Our sympathies are extended to the relatives of the late John Gibson, who passed away at the home of his Sephew, Mr. John Gibson Durham. The funeral took place Monday after- noon with service being held in the Gospel Workers' church. Markdale. interment being made !n the Mark- dale cemetery;, ^nder Iftie Orange Order, of which Mr. Gibson was a faithful member for seventy years. Mr Fred Brown has purchased the Morwood farm on which he has been living for the past few years. Mr and Mrs. W. J. Hazen and sons, Freddie and Ronald, and Master Neil King of Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mathewson. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hill spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. Leonard Alcox spent the week end in Toronto. Mr James Barron and Miss Mabel Saunders of Toronto spent Sunday at the Alcox home. Mr land Mi-s. AleX. Miller and family spent Sunday with his brother, Mr John Miller, of Rosedale. Messrs. Harold Richardson. A. t. Little, Alex. Miller, J. E. Bowles G. W Littlejohns and Clarence Alcox motored to Durham Monday to take part as pallbearers and in behalf oi the Orange burial of their late brother. John Gibson. (Intended for Last Week) •Fneir Majesties, the King and Queen, seem to be of special attrac- tion this past week with their visit to Toronto, and large "lumbers from our Dominion and the United States participated in the Roya\, ^^^^''"f " The special train with its twelve coaches was very showy as it came Into the station. Next was the ap- pearance of King George followed im- mediately by Queen Elizabeth on the â- North Toronto station platform, in their beauty and pleasing attiT^. ^"^ the magnificent display of b«n<?"g and decorations about them. As they travelled about the citv to the •most prominent places, escorted by off.ifals, Mounties and a guard of honor, it was the most magnificent sight that was «ver witnessed in Canada. Our King is very pleasing and looks capable of the high honor which has been given him. Long may he ^ei^. His noble wife. Queen Elizabeth, has all the high qualities and beauty that she could be endowed with. In con- <!lusion it was a rare treat to those who saw them and a regret to those who were unable to go. Among those who went to Toronto to see Their Majesties were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill, Mr. and Mrs Aaron PRICEVILLE KIMBERLEY Sacrament of the Lord's Sapper will be held in St. Andrew's church un June 4th. The Y.P.S. of Durham is presenting theiu. paly in St. Andrew's church on June 'Jtb. This Friday afternoon, June 2, a lilac tea will be held at the home of .Mrs. Archie McCuaig. under the aus- pices of the W, T. Society. All ludiea are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seigner and (laughter of Walkerton and Mr. and .\Ir.s. J. A. McCuaig of Durham were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Henry Tucker. Miss Jean Hincks of Lisle spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane and babe of Toronto visited Sunday with triond.s here. Mr. Muchan of Feversham and Mr. Taylor exchanged pulpits on Sunday. .Mr". Muchan has been here twice pre- vious and everyone enjoyed hearing him again. He also gave a solo. Mr. and Mi-s. Alex Knox and Gar- net. Mrs. H. Pedlar and sons of Toronto were week end visitors with their parents. Miss Bernice Carson returned home with them for a week's visit. Mrs Alex. Carson is spending a week 'with her daughter. Mrs. A. Richardson, Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carson and son, Jimmie and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Car- son visited on Sunday with friends at Paisley. Mr and Mrs. Chas. McDougall and son Lyle. of Holstein and Mr. and Mrs Alex. Darrack of Harriston were visitors at the home of the ladies- father, Mr. W. W. Ramage, on Sunday afternoon. _ „ r. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in St. Columba church on June llth. The pre-com- munion service will be held June a, when Rev. G. R. Service of Flesherton will conduct the meeting. It is hoped a good representation of the members will be present at this service. Rev. A. R. Muir and Mrs. Muir are in Toronto this week, where the for- mer is attending Conference. The garden party of St. Columba is proposed to be held on or about June 22nd. , „ • '^^•^ r^^n^^^I^rlv'a mSr^">"n haV7thei;7oots and""gardens planted, turned from nearly a months vis.-^n ^ ^ p^^,^^ ^^ g.^^_ Ksl^d^'^^^racf ^^^^^^^^^^ callers on this line one of the Queen and the calm ^^'^^"•ty '^"^i^^urTe Betts is able to be back of the King. I (.g jjjg ^^0^^ ^t the mill after being Elmer Tumbull leit t^^g weeK to ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ,^^^ assist his brother Joseph who has, iap^^^^ Bad^erow of Port Hur- r"T'ir*?.lp^«f Or^anSle i ""• Mich., arrived here on Friday and Mr. J. Mc lnnes at Orangevi lle. ^ ^^.^^^ ^^^ ^.^ brother and sisters in "I , _ _ _ i this localitv, returning home Sunday. MAXWELL I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham of Walkerton spent Sunday with Mr. and A number of the girls have formed Mrs. Laurie Betts and faniily. a C GIT group with Mrs. Joe Wright We are pleased to renort Mrs. Sam as leader and Mrs. Emerson WVight Phillips improving after her lengthy illness and we trust, that she will con- tinue to gain strength more ranidly. The Board of Trustees of S. S. No. 17, Artemesia. held their annual bus- iness meeting Monday evening. The rains and warm weather have made the Valley a beauty spot these days. Prospects are that there will be a record crop of all kinds of fruit this year. Were you to see the King and Queen? There were about 25 from this community, all of whom had a good view, especially the school pupils. It was 5.30 a.m. when they arrived home. Those who went by train all were happy but hungrry. Mr. and Mrs. D. L Weber and Mr. Fred Wickens are spending a week with relatives in Warren, Ohio. BORN â€" On Thursday, May 25th, to Mr and Mrs. Art Idle, a son. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Jas. Lawrence were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, a friend and Miss Verda of Oshawa and Mrs. Laurie Lawrence and Ronald of Larder Lake; with Mr. and Mrs. D. Weber were: Mr. and Mrs. Art Wardman of Toronto; with H. R. Stafford were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Millward. We are glad to report that Mr. Cecil Mundle is improving after his recent operation. The W. I. is putting forth all efforts to make their annual cimmunity day on June 9th a success. Thombury people are giving a play for the even- ing concert. We understand the usual "health clinic will be held in the school with Dr. Findley of Meaford in charge. Messrs. Wm. Haines and Norman Burritt have treated themselves to " new cars. The good roads department has planted pine trees on the road exten- sion recently purchassed from Mr. La- verne Morwood and Mr. N. E. Burritt. The four rods are now being fenced under the supervision of Mr. Wm. Gordon. There are seven rows of trees, spaced six feet apart. Mr. Cecil Kitchen of Timmins vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grieve over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heitman have moved to Red Wing. Mr. Chas. Wickens is visiting with friends here. ROC K M ILLS Farmers in this vicinity are all throug'h seeding and most of them PROTON STATION as assistant. Rev. S. Elliott is in Toronto attend- ing Conference. Mr. Geo. Ross is also in attendance as lay delegate. rars. vjuruuii iii", "•â- â- â- â€¢"â- â- " -~-~A, -nr I Sei-vice will not be held in the Unit- Teeter. Raymond ^cFadden, Geo. vv. y^^ church on Suhday. Littlejohns and son, Clifford. Mr Wm. Sprung of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFadden and familv. Mr Leonard Alcox, Mrs. Clarence Alcox and son, Leslie, motored to To- ronto to spend a few days with friends. , ,,.^ , „ , Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mitchell and daughter, Vera, and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hogg and family were visitors with Mr and Mrs. Geo. Littlejohns. Messrs Rose and Clark of Schom- berg spent the holiday with the Alcox family. . ^ ,. ^ Miss Irene Martm of Islington was a caller on our line recently, visiting a number of old frieids. Mr. John Eagles spent a few days with his son, Frank, of Springhill, assisting with the seeding. IN MEMORIAM McMULLEN â€" In loving memory of my dear father, Alex. McMullen, who pasesd away June 5th, 1938. Never an hour but I'm learning How precious you were and true. And how much of God went jnto making The heart of a father like you. â€" Ever remembered by his daugh- ter Elizabeth. iC * / Mr. and Mrs. Allan Priestley have returned to Weston after spending some time with relatives here. Miss Merle Buckingham of Toronto University is home for her holidays. Mrs. Howard Fenwick is visiting her father, Mr. John Wilkinson, of Portlaw. Being a husband is like any other jobâ€" it makes it a lot easier if you learn to like your boss. Stand By THE OPEN COMPETITIVE MARK- KET WHERE YOUR INTERESTS ARE FULLY PROTECTED Ship Your Cattle. Calves, Sheep and Hogs to DuQD & Levack Limited Canada's Leading LivestoA SaleameB Union Stock Yards. TORONTO Established 1893 â€" Write to us for Dependable Information. USE A Small Advt in The Advance They bring sure and satisfactory results Try one now! FEVERSHAM Major and Mrs. Cowin and daugh- ter, who are on furlough from South .•Xfrirn. will hold meetinffs in the S. A. Hall here momins" and evening on Sunday, June 4th. Major Co\vin was stationed here some years ago as an officer in the Salvation Army. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Brown on the 12th line. Miss Helen Whiteoak of Colling- wood spent, the week end with Miss Marion Eby. Miss Erma Smith of Collingwond hospital nursing' staff spent her holi- davs at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery of Dundalk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Jas. Long. Mr Herb Eby underwent an opera- tion for the removal of his tonsils on Saturday and is progressing favorably. EUGENIA Service will not be held here on Sunday owing to the absence of the nastor" Rev. Elliott, who is attending Conference in Toronto. Mr. John Large of Niagara Falls is spending a time with his grand- father at the Eugenia House. The executive of the Y.P.U. held a meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous on Friday evening. Plans were made for a banquet some time in June at which time the society will close for the summer months. Mr. Chas. Park was home over the week end. A number of the Y.P.U. members attended the rally at Flesherton on Monday evening and report a very interesting and pleasant time. The Fenwick family of East- T.inton xnsited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Will- iams and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. LeGard. Congratulations to Mr. Harold Turner, who was married to Miss Eve- Ivn Carrnthera of Toronto on Thurs- dav of la.st week. We extend our sympathv to Mrs. Wallace Graham and relatives, who have been bereft by the d^ath of her brother, Mr. Herman Smith, of Cupar Sa.sk. Mrs. Poerster is visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Tamieson on Sunday. Mr. Frank Cairns of Weston visited at the Cairns' home. Miss Melrose CamnbeU visited on Sunday with Miss Delsa Knttting. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shortt and child- ren visited the Essland family at Rob Roy on Sunday. Mr. and -Mrs. Neil McCaant'U and Arthur, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MacPherson, motored to Coll- ingwood on Sunday. Mrs. I. B. White is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Vause and Mias Ruby of Dundalk spent Saturday in the village. Lloyd Wauchope has our sincere sympathy these days. He is suffering with a broken bone in his back, the result of a fall while washing cattle pens at Dundalk station. He now has to lie flat in his back. Mr. Norman Retidick has gone to work in North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kirkwood and daughter of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. Chas. Lyons. Mrs. Wm. Halliday, who has been helping care for her sick mother at Riverview during the past week, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bradley, Miss Ina Bradley and Ernie vi-sited at the Dever home. Mr. Art Watson of Toronto spent the week end in Proton. His father, Mr. Jos. Watson, who has been visit- ing in Toronto, returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Clai'k Wyv'ille were Sunday visitors with his parents here. Mr. Elzer Park was in Toronto for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCannell Jr. visited recently with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Talbot, of I Wareham. We congratulate Harvey Archibald on having been awarded his interim first class certificate on his year's work at Toronto Normal School. Good work, Harvey. Our student minister, Miss .\. .Arm- strong, spent Sunday at her home in Meaford. She is now the proud poss- essor of a fine new bicycle on which she makes her weekly pastoral calls. Mrs. Thos. Wauchope of Badjeros, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wauchope and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Moore of Flesh- erton were recent visitors at the home of Lloyd Wauchope. CENTRE LINE Wonderful growth now; showery and warm. Mosquitoes are back with us again. Mr. Stanley Little and John Os- borne, Mrs, Wm. Little and Gertrude visited with friends in the Valley near Clarksburg on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Collins is spending a few days with W. H. Little and family. Quite a number have finished seed- ing and others will finish in a day or so. Quite a number of children and others went to Toronto on Monday of last week to see our King and Queen. Mrs. Margaret Little has returned from Toronto to her home here for the summer months. Church service will not be held at Mt. Zion on Sunday, as the minister will be away at Conference. Sunday School will be held as susual. Our pastor. Rev, Stanley Elliott. informed his congregation that he was leaving the circuit in June. We are sorry to see Mr. Elliott leave, but hope that he will receive a much better pastoral appointment The Mt. Zion W. A. met at the home of Mrs. .Tas. Hopps on May 16 and a splendid meeting was held with 12 members and five visitors present. It was decided to hold an ice cream social on June 22. providing they can secure a play for that night. The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Florence Lyons on June 13. Hardware and Spring NEEDS Lawn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Hoes» Flower Pots and Hanging Baskets, Plant Food and Royal Purple Garden Seeds EASY ELECTRIC WASHERS Take the work out of washday â€" Fast Triple-Cup Action â€" Heavy Porce- lain Tub â€" Oilless Motor â€" DeLuxe Automatic Wringer Beatty Copper Tub Hand Washers, Tubs, Washboards, Etc. A complete stock of S W.P. quality Paints and Varn- ishes, Wax Polishes, Paint Brushes, and Mops, all to help with the spring' cleaninsr MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS & REPAIRS Cement Plaster, Lime, Roofing and Building Supplies FREE COMMUNITY CHEST COUPONS Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE 'PHONE 54 One ladv i« Kitchener has writton the c'tv eonricil urgine that a tax he placed on cats, and somehow â- we have a snspiaion the ladv does not own one TSro vonner men from T^veod foncVit AV^r o <*irl nnd one of t^nni 's '« ^hn ♦losn'til aT>d o'-'hor in 'n'V Vol- }\i\y. ino- seen the ciH it yi imnrwsible to offer nny opin?<yn. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lever, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Long, Bobby and Bernice were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen. Miss Ethel Rawlings has returned home after assisting Mrs. T. Glenn of Egj-pt for the past couple of weeks. Mr. Joe Raw^ing returned to To- ronto after spending a short time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rawling. CEYLON Mr. Percy Hunt and son, Stanley, and Mr. Chas. Blum of Toronto spent the first of the week at the home of Geo. Arrowsmith. Dr. G. H. and Mrs. Holmes of Owen Sound spent Sundav with Mrs. Anna McMillan and Mr. Fred Chislett. Mr and Mrs. Ross McMullen and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wj'ville of To- ronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Archie McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pattison and the former's father, are visiting with Mrs. M. Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair were visitors the first of the week at the home of their son, J. R. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stewart of Detroit returned home on Monday after spending the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Miss Agnes Macphail. M.P., has again opened her home and had as Week end guests Mrs. Hugh Bailey of Dundalk and Mr. and Mrs. Merd. Reany and Jean of Palmerston. Mr. Harvey Archibald has returned home, having completed his course at Toronto Normal School. AUCTION SALE FAR.M STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc JOHN WILLIAMS \vill sell by public auction EUGENIA THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1939 the follo|^ing, namely: HORSES â€" Gooa 4 year old black Mare; 12 year old Bay Mare. CATTLEâ€" Red Cow in calf; Red Cow 7 years old, milking; Red Cow, 5 years old, in calf; Heifer rising 4, in calf; 2 Heifers rising 3, one in calf. IMPLEMENTS, Etc.â€" Set of Sloop Sleighs; Cream Separator; Set 2,000 pound Scales; 35 Sap Buckets and Sap Pan; Set of Team Harness, new; Quantity of Houseshold Furniture; and numerous other articles. TERMS â€" Cash. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF OSPBEY VANDELEUR Mr. Kelso, Misses Dorothy and Velma Kelso and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Richardson and babe were in Toronto to view the Royal visitors on their Canadian tour. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Williamson and babe visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hutchinson. Mrs. Elcombe is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hutchinson. Miss Tillie Buchanan is visiting in Owen Sound. Miss Florence Davis left last week to visit her sister, Mrs. Jas. Cochrane, in Colborne. Miss Evelyn Montgomery of Flesh- erton was a recent visitor with her aunt, Mrs. R. Sewell. Mr. Hugo Fitzpatrick s»pent ^the past week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Wyville. . Mrs. J. R. Stewart, Misses Susie and Sylvia of Dundalk and Reta Stewart, Rcg.N. of Gravenhurst were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was administered by the pastor. Rev. S. E. .\nnis. at the cloi^c of the soi-vice Sunday afternoon. .-V com- mittee was appointed to make ar- rangements for the fortieth annual Sundav School convention for Arte- mesia,' Markdale and Flesherton, to be held here Wednesday afternoon and evening, June 21st. Mrs J J. McGee is visiting with Mr. aiid Mrs. Will Radcliffe. Miss Kathleen Radcliffe is improv- ing, having been quite ill since an attack of the measles. Mrs. Lambkin of Port Elgin. Miss Marion Boland of Mimico and Mr. W. Dennis and sons, Norman and Edward, of Mimico were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Boland and family. Miss Doreen Boland, accompanied by Mr. Norman Dennis, visited an evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Swanton, near Flesherton. EAST MOUNTAIN â-  _ â€"I School opened again on Monday with all the children present, after being elosed the pa.st week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur Idle on the arrival of a son at Mrs. Nuhn's Uursing Home, Flesh- erton. on May 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Tee<l and son. Kenneth, of Erypt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Comfort Thompson and family. EIGHTH LINE, OSPREY This is a beautiful time of the year. .Although the syrup making was a failure we have a good crop of dandelions and prospects are for a bountiful harvest. The fields are green again, so cheer up, Mr. Farmer. Potato planting and house cleaning are the orders of the day. Mr. gnd Mrs. Geo. Saigeon are the proud parents of a fine baby boy, born on May I6th. "~" - â€" Miss Ethel Fenwick of the G. and M. hospital staff, Collingwood, visited with her uncle, Hugh Fenwick, recently. A young deer was seen on the farm of W. G. Moffatt a few days ago, but was frightened away by the dog. Visitors over the holiday at the home of Wm. Moffatt were: Mr. and Mrs. Blaschke and son, Ronald, and daughter, Eleanor, and niece. Joan Crawford, all from Preston. Notice is hereby given that the ^rsft sittings of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Township of Osprey for 1939, will ke held oa Satuixiay. the 10th day of June, 1939. at the hour of ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon to hear and dispose of ap- peals properly made to the Court. Dated May 24th, 1939. . _C. N. LONG, Clerk-Treasurer. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESLA. Notice is hereby given that the first sittingrs of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Artemesia for 1939, will be held On Monday the 12th day of June, 1939, at the hour of ten (10) o'clock in tha forenoon to hear and dispose of ap- peals properly made to the Court. Dated May 24th. 1939. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Qerfc SPECIAL SUMMER DRESS DISPLAY Wednesday, June 7 AFTERNOON & EVENING Sheers, Tub Silks, Printed Washable Linens, Crepes, Plain and Printed colors; all ssizes. Priced from $2.98 to $10.95 CLEARANCE SALE OF SPRING SUITS Spiecially priced from $7.95 to $17.95 NEW STYLES IN SUMMER COATS LADIES' SUMMER HATS $1.98, $2.50 and $2.98 Display and :^aie by VVray^s Lades' Wear, Owen Sound" F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont.

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