Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1939, p. 6

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This Ship Will Take The King and Queen Home The "impress of Britain," handsome C.P.R. f tcamship, is calling for liiiip George and Quten Klizabeth oi Halifax, June 15, to cany them back borne to Enelttnd. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA l.EE ]. â€" Isn't patience a virtue that •veryone ihoukl do his best to ac- quire, in order lo get the most out of life? 2. â€" If a woman's stationery is engraved, Mrs. Arthur Davis, and she signs a letter Ethel Davis, is it necessary for her to write (Mrs. Arthur) in parentheses? 3. â€" What would be a good toast to give at a birthday party? 4. â€" When people persist in talking at the theatre, is it pcrmis- •ible to ask them to stop? 5. â€" Is there any difference Be- tween the ways cnc should eat â- oup and bouillon? C. â€" What kind of gifts does the tenth wedding anniversary call ftr? Antweri 1. â€" Yes. "He who has most pa- tience best enjoys the world," says an old proverb. 2. â€" No. 3. â€" "May you live to be a hundred â€" and, after that, make up your own mind." 4. â€" Yes, but do so as quietly and pleasantly as pos- â- iblf. If they resent the request or ignore it, speak to the usher. Only the most rude and ill-bred people arc guilty of thi.=. .5. â€" Y'cs; â-  perS'On cats soup, but drinks anything in bouillon or consomme enps. C. â€" This is the tin annivcr- Bary. Farm Forum I » < e > > » I- Conducted by Profetor Henry G. Bell of the Ontario Agricultur- al College, Guclph, with the co- operation of the >ta({ of the O.A.C. Q. â€" I have not been sowing any conunercial fertilizer with fnrain and whiie I am getting crops the equal of any of my friends who do, I feel that could I obtain a fertilizer that would stiffen straw it would be of advantage. While grain docs not lodge badly, I think a small amount of fertil- izer of the nature to stiffen straw would improve sample and per- haps the yield. I recognize the fact that 125 lbs. per acre of the visual feililizer would stiffen the straw as desired but would not in- crease yield sufficiently to offset the eost. Twenty-five lb."!, per acre of the proper ingredient should, I think, do the trick. I would like your opinion and as to best avail- able information re this matter. â€" W.M.H., Wellington County. A. â€" The elements that have to do with strength of straw appear to be Calcium and Potash, hence it is that we find a judicious amount of Pho.=phated Potash Fertilizer usually results in giving a strong- er straw with an earlier and more •ven crop than where no fertiliz- er had b«cn applied. The Super- phosphate contains a considerable SHE WAS A VICTIM OF HEADACHES Krufchen G^t at the Cause "Tnis woman's headaches were of the gripping kind that reduce the sufferer to something like iielplessnes.<:. She tried Tablets. She tried pills. All without avail. Only Kruschen could help her. "I used lo get very bad head- aches," she writes. "No tablets or pills of any kind could relieve them. One morning, casually, I tried Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water. F continued taking it, hot f have not had one of those awful headaches since. Kruschen suits me Letter than anything else. I find it very good."â€" (Mrs.) L. A.W. Headaches can nearly always he traced to tluggifhncss of the kid- neys, liver and intestines, and to the unsuspected retention in the system of stagnating waste ma- terial which poison* the blood. The numerous halts in Kruschen stim- ulate the internal organs to heal- thy, regular action so that no clogging waste is allowed to col- leet. Your inside is kc^)t clean and serene. And that is just how Kruschen Sails brings quick and lastinir relief from headaches. amount of Calcium Sulphate fiom which the plant is able to get Cal- cium. Naturally we could make sug- gestions more to the point if we had a sample of your soil, but I presume that you practise a good crop rotation and apparently use considerable manure. 1 would suggest that* you ti-y 200 lbs. per acre of 0-lG-C. This would cost you appro.\imatcly ?3.00 per acre. Applied at the rate I have men- tioned, it should give you -an in- crease of appro.Nimately 15 to 20 bus. per acre of oats or barley; about 6 bus. per acre of wheat. lesser quantities of course, will j give you results. Q. â€" Could you give me any in- formation in regard to sowing salt <>n land. 1 am deuling in salt this spring and quite a few farmers bought salt to put on land. Others are inquiring about it. I have had no experience with it what- ever. If you can tell me how to .low and what it is supposed to do, 1 would h;ivc something to show. â€" A.B., Oxford County. A. â€" In answer lo yours of the 19th, I would say that we do not advise the use of .Salt as an ap- pHcalion to the soil. Salt does not supply any plant food whatso- cvti-. -All it does is to liberate a certain amount of Potash, hence the continuous use of Salt simply means llio impoverishment of soil. Scmu farmer.s have used it on mangels with some results, but there is no logical reason for its use, and we do not advise it. What Science ^ IS Doing ^ Ceremony With Bread, Cheese Started in the days of the- reign of Queen Victoiia, the traditional bread and chcc.^:e ceremony on the .Six Nations Kcservation was ob- served Jlay 21. Seven hundred loaves of bread and 700 lbs. of cheese were pur- chased for the occasion and the residents of the reservation were served from long tables in the Community Hall of Ohsweken. Each received a slice of bread and a liberal helping of cheese. HALTS NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS It has been discovered that my- opia, or progressive near-sighted- ness, which has indicted blindness or thick-lensed glasses on thous- ands, may be checked by the use of adrenalin. The treatment is simple. It in- volves only the use of adrenalin eye drops over a period of months, ar.d it may be done a: home. INSANITY NOT INHERITED New proof that insanity is not inheritable was announced last week before the American Psych;- ntric .Association. An intensive study of 330 in- itiates of state asylums and of their parents, brothers and sisters, and other relatives has failed complete- ly to show that the diseases fo^ lowed any pattern of inheritance such as the patterns which hold true for physical characteristic's. TO SAVE LAND FERTILITY The Koyal Society of Canada, was told last week at Montreal, th'.t a large-seeded, drought-resis- tant plant will be produced short- ly fir Western Canada, designed to a}d in maintaining fertility in •dangerous dust areas. Scouts of Two Nations Unite In Celebration Taking part in celebrations to commemorate the King's birthday, Canadian Boy Scouts axe shown crossing the International Bridge at Alexandria, N.Y., to plant a George Washington black walnut tree and a Canadian maple tree on American soil. A large group of American Scouts did the same on Canadian soil. o Have You Heaid Having lost her husband, an old lady gave instructions for the wording on the tombstone, the ending to be "Rest in Peace." In the meantime, her late hus- band's will disclosed the fact that she bad been treated rather bad- ly. She immediately hurried to the mason and told him to omit the words "Rest In Peace." "I'm sorry," he replied, "but they have already been carved." "Very well," rejoined the old lady. "Just add, 'Until we meet sgajn'." A pet lamb bcloncinf to the daughter of a local farmer in- vaded flower bedi and ruined dozens of tulipt. At a warn- ing the animal was taken in- to the vegetable garden and shown the mint. The quack was selling a tonic which he declared would make men live to a great age. "Ijook at me," he declared. "Hale and hearty, and I'm over 300 years old." '"Ts he really that old?" asked a listener cf the youthful assist- ant. "I can't say," replied the assist- ant. "I've only worked for him 100 years." chief First Cannibal â€" The has hay fever. Second Cannibal â€" Serves bim right. We warned Isim not to eat that grass widow. Customer: "That chicken I bought yesterday had no wish- bone." Butcher (smoothly): "It was a happy and contented chicken, madam, and bad nothing to with for." There was a daschihund, one lo long He hadn't any notion How long it took lo notify His tail of his aaiolten; And so it hapened, while his eyes Were tilling with woe and sadness His little tail went wagging on Because of previous gladness. Black Is Supreme Again For Autumn Browns Next in Importance "Rembrandt" Greys For Evening PAHIS â€" The midseason showings Indicate that black Is again su- preme for tall. The browns are next In importance; they are large- ly In the reddish range', running from very dark tones to rosy fawns. Auburns and tawny shades are continued. Beige looks season- able when trimmed with beaver. Greys are featured. AUx's new "Rembrandt" greys are stunning for evening. This designer's dark bottle, myrtle or moss greens are also interesting. Numerous Aut- umn-leaf, grape and plum tones are presented. Pinks for Summer Pinks are Introduced by many houses for summer afternoons and fall evenings. Chanel, Balenclaga, and other designers endorse Main- bocher's vivid yellowish aviary- pink gamut as a welcome change to the overworked syclamen tones. Lelongs salmon, peach and banana tones fall Into the same color trend. Many bright reds are shown; they avoid the purplish cast. BLUEBELl. BINDER TWINE â€" ATâ€" Manufacturer's Prices Finest Quality 600 and 650 foot grade. Large or Small Balls. Special Prices on Pure Manilla Rope and Wire Cable See your Club Secretary, Co-op- erative Manager, »r write The UNITED FARMERS' co-operative: co., Limited Cor. Duke and Geoi^e Sts. TORONTO, ONTARIO Two-year-old Dyokitza Kastrat- ovitch of Vinitzka, Montenegro, is believed to be the world's young- est smoker, his father, a chain smoker, having taught him to puif at a cigarette when the baby was only 18 months old. Another method of removing hot dish marks from polished tables is to make a paste of salt and oil and coat the m.irks thick- ly with this. Leave on an hour or so, and after polishing in the usual way it will be found that all the stains have disappeared. ( excuse me - \but it's a [grand, tasty \ CHEW/ A^ .ij .-^^?^i«: rnVnffWiwMmnTr neKMwMuMui BIG BEN 7;^^ PERFECT Chewing Tobacco A breeding program to produce this perennial plant through com- bining favorable characteristics of wheats and wheat grasses is being carried out by the Dominion experimental farms and the Nati- onal Research Council. Four-Day Tour Of U. S. Packed Every Minute of Royal Visit - Across the Border Is Taken Up Not a spare minute is left for Britain's King and Queen on the detailed program of their visit to the United States. And the minutes have been so carefully allotted that, to meet their engagements, the King and Queen will have to keep exactly to schedule from the time they cros the border at 10.35 p.m., E.D. T. June 7, until they leave Hyde Park, N.Y., at midnight, June 11, to return to Canada. The King and Queen arrive In Washington at noon Thursday, June 8 and into a' stay of two days and one night there will compress: . Sojourn In Washington The greeting at Union Station by President and Mrs. Roosevelt and an official reception commit- tee; a luncheon at the White House; sightseeing in Washington; a g.irdcn party at the British Em- bassy; a stare dinner at the White House, followed by a reception and musicale; a reception at the Bri- tish Embassy for members ot the British colony; a visit to the Capi- tol; a visit to the Washington Navy Yard; a trip to Mt. Vi^rnon aboard the Presidential yacht Po- tomac to lay a wreath at Wash- ington's tom'j; a visit to the Civ- ilian Conservation Corps Camp at Fort Hunt, Va.; laying a wreath on the tomb ot the Unknown Sol- dier, Arlington, Va.; tea at the White House; and dinner at the British Embassy for the President and Mrs. Roosevelt. To President's Home From here they will go by train to Red Bank, N.J., then by auto- mobile to Ft. Hancock, Sandy Hook, where they will embark on a destroyer and proceed with na- val escort up the bay to the Bat- tery, New York dry. Governor Lehman and Mayor LaGuardia will welcome them. Afterwards they will d r 1 7 e through New York City to the World's Fair where they will have luncheon and visit the Canadian, Irish and British Pavilions. Later in the afternoon they are to visit Columbia University and then drive to Hyde Park, arriving at 7.15 p.m. They will spend the Eight aad the next day, Sunday, at Hyde Park and leave at midnight by train for Canada, crossing the t or- der during the night. Seal Of Power If the Crown were to leave Great Bijitain this year it would be for the first time in history. But the Great Seal must stay behind, as without it the machinery of government would, ai least theor- etically, be unable to function. In the days when kings couldn't read or write it was indeed indis- pensable. But gradually, as the keepers of the Great Seal became too powerful, and the experiments of the Privy Seal and the Sign Manual also put too much pover into the hands of a single servant of the Crown, the office became split up so that row thtrt ajre sev- eral Secretaries of State. Germany's suppiy c' free lal;or is r;'actically exhausted. RIGHT ^«'S ^SRY WMU7J How Do You Feel? Tired? Ir.'-U.-ible? No ambi- < tion? L«ok at your wnti!: â€"note the time. The sumo lime tomorrow, comp.ire how you feel then with the way you do right now: In the meantitme, stop at your cruB store and, tonight, drink a cup of (iar^ield Tea. Tonight â€" "Clean t:p Insliie" â€" Feel Different Tomorrow! Lose that fet-down feeling. I-iCt Gar- field Tea clean away uiulife'csted wastes â€" intestinal "left-ovtrs,". Acts gently, promptly, thoroughly. Drii^k lik^ or- dinary tta. lOe. â€" 25c. Write tor Free Sam. pie of Cdifield Head- ache Powd»>r â€" alsc Garfield Tea , -jsed for oon!iti|iatlon, acid indigrestion. ana t« keep clejiii inside." Write: Oar-ield Tea Co.. Dept. 61, 1 Cloie Avenue To. lonto 3, Canada. Al TO ACCK.SSOniKS USED TAU A.\D TItiCK TARTS. Huy with confidence. A square deal nhvHys. Yo\ir mail order eiv- »u prompt ' Individual attention. Ifaed part.s for nil make?. S.ttisfai-- tlon (,'uaruntecd or money refund- ed. Osier Avenue Autu Parts, S5 Osier Ave., Toronto. Classified , Advertising, MEDIC AT, II A II V t'lItC'KS CI<teK>i K«>R SALi-l 4 WEEK.S Ol^D 1'LI.r.aiTS 30c â€" I.ari.'o Type White l.,cgrhorns. Hock Leghorn cross Ureeds und Harred Hocks. Pay old chicks 8c also. 2 weeks old chicks und cockerels. â€" L-ikcview I'oultry Farm. Wcin Bros.. Exeter. (Jnt. HADF.N CHICKS KOK SALE SAVE MONEV O.V VOUK JUNE chicks, Effective .Tune 8th. Bar- red llocka. New Hampshire Hedt", White Rorks. Hybrids J8.D5, 30 'i, I'ullets I12.S5; Cockerels JS.Od; T.eBhorn.1 ♦8.4.1; Pullets $17. AB. Big Ebk Quality hatched from 25 to 30 ounce etsef. Heavy Itreed.i llfl. 25. Pullets 116.45. Cockerels $9.00, LeKhornB »9.<5. Pullets J19.90. Prompt delivery. â€" Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Uadei). Ontario. TWKDDI.K CHICKS KOII SAI.K GOVKKNMENT APPROVED Chicks from blood tested breed- er! at the right price. Prompt de- livery. We hatch «5.000 per week, (irnde A Heavy Breeds $10.45; 90% PuUet.B $16.75; Cockerels 18. (lO; I.*gborn», $9.SS; Pullets $20.75: Extra I'roflt (Jrade the kind that weigh two pounds per hundred more when hatched. Heavy Hreeds $11.95. Pullets $18.90, Cockerels $9.00. I^etrhorns $11.48. Pullets $»3. 45. Special Mntlnsr slightly blith- er. Free Calendar and Poultry KUldc.â€" Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Kergus, Ontario. URAV CHICKS l-'OH 8AI.K PTAV CH1CK.S ARRIVE AIJ^ AI.- Ije and healthy at Trinity Hay, North Shore. Quebec, in mid-win- ter. In hot weather you need hardv, vigroroHs chlcki too. Order Bray rhlcka today. Bray Hatch- ery, no John Street North. Unm- llfon, Ontario. THE KARI.1EH VOtU PtJIJ..KT.S lay the more money you staiid to rankr. NOWâ€" >(>u need the fast (Crowth for wrhich Briiy i'hl<-ks are famous. t»rd(r your thlolts toOny from Prny Hitcherj. ISO John Street Nurth, Itatiillton, OntT-jo. nl'SINESS OPPORTI'NITY START rOUR OWN BUSINESS. Every dollar sale brings you jsev- enty-five cents profit. Write Ec- onomy Dlstrlbutlnpr Company, Cur- tis Avenue. Leamington, Ontario. FILMS DEVE LOPED FREE E.NI^^RGEMENT WITH Ev- ery roll film developed and eight high gloss prints 25c. 8 enlarged prints 26c. Reprints same prices. BrlghtUnp Studio. 2SA Richmond St. ERbt, Toronto. i:ntkrtainkhs garden parties, concerts, Dances. Assured success. Try Can- ada's must Musical Eamous Fam- ily Versatile Juvenile Radio Art- ists. Write Thompson Trio. Lla- toxve l. FEMALE HELP WANTED SPARE TIME INCOME IS OKFERED TO RESHONSIBLB woman with good local contacts. Leading magazine publisher seeks neighborhood eubacrlptlon work- er. Experience unnecessary, com- missions liberal, eenerous botrna. es. State age. Give references. Box 30. Room 421. 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto. UAIH utiuiia VVI08. rOUPE.S. rUAN.SKORMA- tlons. Switches, i.'urls. and all types of finest quBMly Hair Hood* Write for llliislrated cslslogu*. Confiden- tial terms arranged Toronto Huro- HAY KEVER, ROtiK FEVKU .''Ur'- ferers. Money Back HemPdv. $1 "0. Canada Herb Co., "V huisor. On. tario. . _ NEW TIUKS F OR tlALK RESIDENT.S OP ON lAFaO BJT Tires oHi the Budptt Han. I..0W weekly payments. For particulars write Entrap Tire '"onipany â€" •« Royce Avenue, Toroiiio. an Hair SiipDiv Co. Toronto. K28 BathursL MACHINERT ».\NDY CREA.SE CONTAINER AND <'iiii \,t^iici. <>uaranteeil. Clean one minute loli. Write <1. E. A. .Malchow. Stsvcly. Alberta. IsMie No. 23 â€" '39 23 FILMS DEVELOPED FILMS DEVELOPED. TWO PRINTS of each and FREE 'ENL.ARCB^ MENT coupon 25c. â€" Offset Photo- graphy Dep. "A". 2 Russell St., Toronto. PEUMONAL MARRVâ€" HUNnnEn.S Tl) CH()(X-<B from. • Many with means. Karn;- ers' daughlers. Widows with Property. Part leu iers K.'c. Con. ndeiitlat. Boi 128 Cfigary. Al- berta. QUIT TODACCO. S.NUFF. CA.^ILT, Inexpensively. Home remedv. Tes- tlmoulsls. <;uar8i>Lecd. Advlc* free. Rartleife. Hox 1. \Viiii,t|>eg. SRWIXU MACHIKJKM « SI PPI.IE9 FOR SEWI.N'O MAClllNE.S. I;S- pal^^^. supplies â€" all timli.s. i,»w or trade-Ill, reciiirdmont'd niinlj- liies III stock â€" Wi'ie \ ';ilt.;rt & .Son. :t5il Yoi iBe S;.. P.)roiiu STAMI'.«i NKWFUCNULAND STV.VMS. 4U d.f- fereiit «0r. ('utalo^iie viiuie J.: ;o; I'rire li.its furni.ihtd. Kil. Schaai- mcll, Dotwood. Nen'otiiiilaiid. WIIV GO GREYf TIIO.SE CP.EY STREAKS IN VOl.R hair are dead agtiii.j; you. In- doubtedly the finest remedy 'or grey hair is Morpnn'^ Pum^'le. This Is not a Wye. hut soieiillfi..i|. ly prepared treatniert which 1 e- vitalires the hair. 1; oiiitce ; ! Ufl: large four ounce $1 5c. posies* prepaid. Order fromâ€" K. A. Tuil'^H tCnnadisn Ageiil) «1! llloor at West. Toronto. M»rt« an. I .soUi la Kna:!.inil for r,0 yc:!*.. American cosn»c!ic«i tray Iroiluced into l..l»hii»n'a be 10-

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