Flesherton Advance, 2 Aug 1939, p. 8

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Wedesday, AuRfust 2, 1939 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE X. Stand By THE OPEN COMPETITIVE MARK- KET WHERE YOUR INTERESTS ARE FULLY PROTECrTEU to Ship Your Cattle. raiv«8, Sheep and Hogs DuQD & Levack Limited Canada's Leadingr LiveatocK Salesmen Union Stock Tarda. TORONTO Entabllshed 1«93 â€" Write to as for Dependable Information. 'iMIteta MAXWELL Mrs. Ericson of Toronto visited rel- atives hera the past week. Miss Thelnia Morrison visited with friends iii Shelburne last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopkins of Mt-aford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Winters «n Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, A. Brwn of Vic- toria visited with Mr. Grummett on Sunday. Mrs. Ren Acheson of Cheltenham is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross. Miss Marion McKean of Toronto is .ipending the holidays with the Ross family. Mr, and Mrs. John Fenwick and I^uri'nce spent Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Sherman Ottewell. The friends of Miss Shirley Buck- ini/rharn will be pleased to know that she is recovuring nicely after her appendicitis operation. BUG Destroy Potatoes! :; <> :: WHY LET THEM? USE SUDDEN DEATH BUG KILLER PARIS GREEN, ARSENIC OF LEAD or KALCIKILL LOOK OVER YOUR BARN ROPE WE HAVE GOOD SHIPYARD MANILLA * ; THE VERY BEST; also other Sizes at Ri^ht Prices. | Our Binder Twine Prices are Extremely Low Please Enquire FORK TINES, FORK HANDLES and FORKS ROPE PULLEYS 0. & A. Co-aperathe Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ontario Mr. Fred Breen of the Imperial Bank staff at Englehart is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. The stream-lined bathtub has ar- rived. All we need now is a cake of soup with hydraulic brakes. 5c to $1.00 Store Ic SALE Floral Talcums Ketrular 25c size 2 for 26c FREE Attractive Fruit Bowl with purchase of 6 cakes assorted soaps ALL FOR 25c Quintuplet Shoes Approved by Dr. A. R. Dafoe Priced at, per pair 79c FREE 20c tube Colgate's Dental Cream with purchase of One GIANT size tubes at regular price BOTH FOR 35c Tumblers Fancy Grape Pattern SPECIAL 5c EACH Dresses Jean Gordon Tub-Past Prints attractive patterns All Sizes 98c All Nu Fly Spray large 16 oz. tin 20c Preserving Supplies Zinc Rings. Rubber Rings, Parowax, Memba-Seals, Fruit Jar Fillers E. J. FISHER FLESHERTON, Ontario Local aod Personal SINGHAMPTON WON THE BADJEROS LEAGUE TITLE I HILL'S I Big Mid-Summer Sale CONTINUES Take Advantage of This Great Sale and Stock Up t t t T T T ? I X LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES ^ Our entire stock of Ladies' House ^ Dresses all j^^reatly reduced Stock up «â-º now in these ^aily colored wash frocks. New styles and patterns of guaranteed washable print. Buy now while we still have a complete ran^^e of sizes. Spec- *f ially i)riced at 44c, 69c, 84c and 94c Ladies' Broadcloth HOUSE COATS Ladies' Broadcloth House Coats in S:ay floral patterns. Special $1,79 LADIES' BETTER DRESSES Clearance of Ladies' Better Dresses picked from many of our higher priced ^ lines. For best selections see this j^roui) X early. Specially priced $1.00 MID-SUMMER LINGERIE SALE Practically every line in our linj^eric dej)artnicnt reduced for this j^'-ala event. Some of these linjrerie specials include: Broadcloth vSlips 22c l?etter-made liroaddoth Slips .... 35c .Anjjfelskin Slii)s, assorted colors 54c Ladies' Lace trimmed Satin Slips .. 79c Ladies' Creix' vSlips, fancy trim 95c Satin Stripe Slips at $1.00 An inspection is really necessary to realize the barg-ains in this department. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF GAY PRINTED VOILES REDUCED TO ONE PRICE Colorful, K^y, this printed cotton voile offers a most attractive assortment of modern floral designs. The weave is fine and the quality one which will ai)- pcal to discriminating \v(mien. Be sure to have some payly colored and pat- terned dresses in your summer ward- robe Reg', to 69c per yard. Special per yard 25c HILL'S GIGANTIC SALE OF TROUSERS OF LOI^ WEAR- ING FABRICS AND ALL ARE I PRICED FOR VALUE ^ Included are Worsteds, Moleskins, V Tweeds, Dixon Tweeds, Glen Checks, ♦f etc. See our special counter for values, V A few of the specials include Men's J^ Summer Trousers of cotton twist ma- J^ terial, sanforized to prefent undue X shrinkajj^e. Special, pair $1.45 \ Men's Black rivet, overall pants. ♦!♦ Special, pair $1.00 ♦!♦ Men's durable smooth finished mole- <» skin trou.sers. Special, pair $1.39 Also many other lines with zipper pockets, hiKh waist bands, and a j^rand ^ selection of hard-wearing^ materials. Y Whatever your type, whatever your build, we can fit you, at the price you want to pay. For more Mid-Summer Sale Specials see our windows. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porteous were in Owen Sound on Tue&day. Master Royden Johnston returned home after three weeks in Toronto. Miss Edna McCallum of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Sparks. Mid-week service tonight (Wednes- day) in the Baptist church at 8 p.m. A welcome for all. Mrs. Mark WiUon is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ross Thibaudeau, at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty and child- ren spent Sunday with friends at Melancthon. Mrs. H. D. Hiltz has returned to her home in' Toronto, after spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. Alice Thompson, and other relatives. Misses L. and Evelyn Eadie, Betty Punfield and Shirley Stear of Toronto were guests of Miss Dell Thurston last week. Rev. G. R. and Mrs. Service were in town Tuesday, on their way to Hamilton after holidaying the past month. Mrs. W. H. Thurston and Dell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Griffin at their cottage at Bobcaygeon over the week end. Owing to the Memorial Park ser- vice next Sunday afternoon there will be no service or Sunday School at Rock Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Harry LeGard and children of London spent a few days last week with relatives in this district. Messrs. Burton Field, J. A. LeGard, Dr. F. W. Murray and son .Bill, of Toronto were in town over the week end completing final arrangements for the Civic Holiday program. Mr. Elwood Moore of Hamilton was home over the week end and Monday evening moved his family and house- hold effects to their new home. Mr. G»rdon Wauchope accompanied them, returning on Tuesday. Mr. Harold Black of Kitchener has taken over the position of Provincial Constable in this district with Flesh- erton his headquarters. P. C. Cooke reported to divisional headquarters at Kitchener on Tuesday. Considerable improvements have been made at the public school when the board had Gyproc wool laid above the ceilings in all the rooms and halls. It is figured that the expenditure will result in conserving fuel. Visitors with Mrs. W. Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt, 4th line, Artemesia. over the week end were: Mr. Sam Blackburn, Miss Ethel Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Watson, all of Creemore, and Dr. and Mrs. E. Kister of St. Catharines. Mr. C. R. Chappie has received his certificate as high school assistant, having tried his examinations in To- ronto a few weeks ago. Mr.Chapple is principal of Flesherton public school. Mr. H. L. Eubank, until re- cently principal of Fleshetron high school, has al«o been awarded his specialist certificate in Science. Singhampton defeated Feversham on Friday evening in the final game of the Badjeros Softball League and are League champions. Feversham made a driving finish down the stretch and made the decision close. WATCH REPAIRING PRICES REASONABLE E. I. HoUey Located above Bank of Commerce TORONTO St PLESHBKTOIf GOODYEAB'S NEW TREAD TO INCREASE TOUR TIRE MILEAGE . . . D. McTAVISH & SONS TcUphone 9W FLESHERTON, ONT. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE â€" Good trailer. â€" Alcox Bros., R. R. 5, Markdale. FOR SALE â€" Choice new potatoes.â€" Allie Muir, Ceylon, phone 49 r 14. FOR SALE â€" Bicycle in good condi^ tion. Apply at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" Tame Raspberries. â€" Peter Muir, Ceylon. CAME ASTRAYâ€" Hound, to my pre- mises.â€" T. J. Fisher, Flesherton. 6 WANTED â€" Groundhogs, ten cents each.-^. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Roll top oflfice desk in first olass condition. Enquire at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" 4-tube Rogers Radio, table model, in good shape, will ssell cheap â€" N. Stoddart, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Fresh lime, also quaiK tity of soft wood lumber and first class shingles. â€" Earl Fenwick, Eu- genia. Phone Feversham 23 r43. j^ TENDERS WANTED t X t I GROCERY SPECIALS Fancy I5iscuits. Chocolates, Jams and Marshmallows 2 Ihs. 29c Dates 4 lbs. 25c McCormick's Salted Sodas .. 2 Ihs. 19c Gold Medal Coffee 39c lb. Jella Milk (Canada's Nouri.shinj? Des- sert 2 pkB:s. 19c Cold Medal Tea (with free tumbler) per lb 65c Concentrated Oranjre Juice Syrup, per pallon 50c Castile .Soap, lonpbar. repf. 10c .. bar 5c We carry a complete line of coils, fly *r spray, tanjjlefoot sheets. Wilson's poi- *1 .son pads, etc. at lowest prices anywhere t • c*; V VANDELEUR I X X F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. X (Intended for Last Week) The W. I. held their July meeting at the home of Mrs. Dane McGee on Thursday afternoon of last week, with a good attendance and a good pro- gram. Miss Agnes Macphail gave an address. The trustees have .had a new well drilled at the school, M. Bellerby of Owen Sound having the contract. Miss Dorothy Parker of Toronto, Misses Leola and Muriel Graham of Markdale, Mrs. Stewart and Sylvia Stewart of Duiidalk were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Graham. Miss Frances Buchanan is visiting friends at St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McCallum and Mis.s Myrtle Fawcctt of Thornbury, Mr. i»n(i Mrs. Clarke McCallum of New York were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Hutchinson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hutton. Miss M. K. Graham of Listowel ia holidayinK nt her home in th« valley. Mr. and Mrs. Kelso and family vis- ited friends at Collingwood recently. FOR SALE â€" Three Jersey cows, one due in August, others milking well. -7Irs. J. Gibson,' Ceylon, phone 40rl3 FOR SALEâ€" Purebred Hereford Bull, 2 years old; also General Purpose Gelding, 5 years old. â€" Allie Mc- Lean, Priceville, phone 49 r 3. Tenders wll be received by the tru»» tees of S. S. No. 9, Ospr.y, up to 7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 7th, for paint- ing the school. Particulars may be had from any of the following trustees Andy Pallister, Ray Pedlar, Chas. H. Heron, Maxwell, Ont. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, BOAR FOR SERVICB FOR SALE>â€" Grade year-old Hereford bull, Yorkshire pigs 6 weeks old, Tamworth pigs 6 weeks old, young calves every week end. â€" Gordon Stuart, phone 61w, Flesherton. Pure bred Ywkshire Hog, Oiehmr# Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 176771 Sire OJt Conqueror 316â€"167820, wiU be en' I'or service. Terms |L00. â€" Vfm, S^'itiu }'>ck Mills. CIVIC HOLIDAY Week End Train Service Owen Sound - Flesherton Toronto August 7 Leave Owen Sound 6.15 p.m. Leave Flesherton 7.17 p.m. Arrive West Toronto 10..'?0 p.m. Arrive Parkdale 10.37 p.m. Araivo Toronto Union 10.^ p.m. making all stops. Note: Regular train due out of Owi-n Sound H.M p.m., Flesherton 4.29 p.M. is r.ANCKLLF.n on this date. For train seheilule drtails consult local ngonts CANADIAN PACIFIC LOST â€" Spare tire, metal cover andV8 hub cap, between Flesherton and Markdale; finder please notify the Baptist parsonage, Flesherton, phone 57. Thank you. "OFF SEASON" Chicks often prove profitable investmentâ€" if right qual- ity. Pullets reach high production as regular supplies fall otl. Cock- erels hit market when fresh-killed broilers and roasters scarce. Limit- ed number famous Bray chicks available through Augrust. â€" John McWilliam, O. & A. Co-operative, Flesherton, Ont. MEN! HERE IS GOOD PAYING WORK with a large manufacturing concern of 200 daily nece.<«sities used in every home. Sure and quick re- peaters. No experience needed. Good pay every day if active, and perm- anent business certain if prsevering. Investigate our Plan at once without obligation. CATALOGUE FREE. F.\MILEX CO., 670 St. Clement St., Montreal, Que. BO(V.< fOR 'iEovlCE Purebred 'y»>'kamr« Bow for vice; terms: |l.UO -i paid wichi< torn months. â€" Laurie ''edis' fle-nertoi^ Ont R.R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St Office Hoars â€" Afternoons, 1.30 to 4. Evenings, 7 to S.SA. Sundays and Thursday afternoons bK appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 833, A.F. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hal^ Flesherton, the second Friday in OMk month. W.M., W. G. McBride; Sw> rotary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for fannera A. D. MacINTYRE. Ageat DORNOCH. OnUrto TENDERS FOR COAL I will receive tenders for 60 tons of "Pocahontas" coal, mine run, up to August 15th, 19.W, to be delivered in the bins at the High School. FIoshortsB, not later than Sept. 1st, 1939. The lowest or amy tender aot n«'Oess«rily accepted. July 28th, 19.^9. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Sect ROY LANGFORD District A^nt for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT and SICKNESS, FIRH AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY Municipal Liability Gaaranteo Tuir Any Insnraneo Problom Telephone 12X. MARKDALB, Oirt. i â- 

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